'ijjiJnr secretary w. \ accepts an v to vj m spewl during home p ; - mm week Celebration Will Take Place TJbwc Sometime Next Month 1 Dote to be Fixed Later. Serf. F. M. Simmon* Will Introduce the "Great Commoner." . Secretary of Bute William Jennings Bryan Is to make sa address la tb* town of New Bern. N. C.. st the Horns Coming celebration, which ' Is to tabs place some time daring to* uoath of May. The celebration will be'eoadaotod tor a period of foar days., while Mr. Bryan has so. copied the lnTttotlon to rislt New Bern, be ha* not ae yet iotlled the eomatMae who extended 4b him toe I larltatioa, the srstS data ha can com*. When the date le given out ' the Home Coming celebration wilt be held to rait the convenience of t the secretary- The celebration will take piece at the fair grounds and fositkl of the finest horse racing yet palled off in Hew Bern, la addition to this there will be aeroplane flights, raore by aeroplane and automobile each day. flr# works every night and many other amusements. Transportation to the fair grounds -will be only five cents each way. 8pe cial trains will be run from Golds, boro. Wilson, Washington. Oflsntal, .Beaufort, 8now Hilt Rlehlande and JukMSTfll*. Senator F. M. Simmons will lntrodruee the "Great Commoner" as he ^ Is proed to be called, to the tremendous audience, which will nadoubt, edly hear him. This will be the first - address Mr. Bryan has ever delivered in the ftaetern portion of Nortt Carolina. The rallroade will eell tickets at redooed rates for the occasion. University Bureau Has Issued V (Br B. B. Winter..) Chapel HUI, N. C., April U recognition of tlm nine of n handbook on tko eabject of pnblte diaeeeatoo and debate recently leaned . br the Bureau of Extension of tbo UalreraUr of North Carolina, tbo United BUteo Bureau of Education hse Id an abbreviated aad modified form mimeographed copies of the original bulletin end lent It broad, earn orar the oountry. The national bureau of education Introduced the bulletin In thla manner: " Civic edu. cation through diacueelon. Unlrerelr ty of North Carolina atlmulatee In. toreet In Local Problema." The opening paragraph of the letter cent educator* everywhere by the Bureau of Education read*: "The arouelug of ? Statewide oleic consciousness and dele Interest among young and old by menus of dlicueslon of live Question* of local ooncera In the ochoolhouaa and at the country crossroads, la the undertaking of the University of North Carolina. The Vol. t*??lly stand* an the doctrine of Wendell Phillips that "agitation la education. Agitation la marshalling the conadeaca of the nation to mold Us laws." The purpose of the Unlted -States Bureeu of Education In furnishing educators of the entire country with bulletins of thla nature 5K la suggestive of ways that public educators can Improve their method* of lnitfaetteg the multitudes. Thus P In sending broadcast over America this handbook of the University of North Carolina on the topic of pub. He discussion and debate of approval to thla valuable educational pamphlet. "Alaska Our Northwestern Em. plre." was the subject of an tllustra. ted lecture by Dr. Joseph A. Holmes, director of ths United states Bu. yens of Mines, before the student* of the University of North Carolina, Monday night. Dr. Holmes, who U a native of North Carolina, and a former member of ths Btate University faculty. Invited his andlenc* to a Held replete wife entertainment and educational value. Ths apeak er presented Information of Aleak* sad lt? resource* from drat-hand eol i.i V , , r *' ' ' J. BRYAN I INVITATION ISIT NEW BERN - . * ? . % HEAVY FROST OR FREEZING WEATHER- : The weather tttsjt promising : : anything but agreeable weather : for tonight. Of late he has come : : pretty close to hitting the "nail : : on the head." For tonight hie : I : opinion Is that there will be a : : heavy-frost or freeilng tempera. : ture. However, he gives the : : pleasing Information that it will : : be slightly warmer Friday. iisslii i nisi in One of the most Important thlnga In the" production of an opfera. is the _aceomDanlam?nf On_lt_donon.Io access or thp singer and the committee was very fortunate in enlist, ing the services of Mlsa Emily Harris for the production of the difficult opera, the Mikado. Mlsa Harris has the talent, the temperament and Intuition of a born accompanist, helping the singer and then joying the air at one place and elaborating at another In such a ? way as to make a perfect support. Mlsa Harris enters In the spirit of the muaic and her dingers glide over the keys almost instinctively and the music of the Mikado and the "Thre Little Maids from School" and the strongly dramatic music of "Katlsha" receive a rendition that is well nigh perfection. VISITORS TODAY. Messrs. Or eelj Brinn, of Swan Quarter, and H. R. Way, of Bellhaven, are among the welcome vtsL i tora to Washington today. i of Extension 'ahiable Handbook | lection, he having spent four months I nf tfttl In data for the report lately made pub. lie by Secretary of Interior Lane. Alaska In area is ten times the else of North Carolina. The United* State's purchased the country for seven million dollars, and since acquiring It has spent thirty million for Improve, ments. The Illustrated views presented by Dr. Holmes told entertainingly of the undeveloped resources of I ho country so rtrh in coal beds, fisheries, furs and the uncultivated wealth In the agricultural regions of the valleys of the Yukon. The sidelight views of Alaska Indicated that the country bounds in unusual customs, manners of livelihood of Its people, etc. Thgre are three modes of travel?horseback, dogback and sometimes man serves as a beast of burden. The director of bureau of mines encountered a snow of threr feet In depth during the month of August, while on his exploring expedition. . Rabbits, sheep and goats Infest the country in snperabund. ance. The New York Evening Post In a column and a half article, written by 8. R. Withers, reviews the novel undertaking of the Universty of North Carolina students to uplift the sanitary and educational standard of the ^egro settlements of Chapel Hill and outlying districts. Particular reference Is made to the operation of a night school by the University Y. M. G. A. whereby the negro boys of the community deprived of an educational opportunity during the day, can learn to read and write by applying themselves a few hours each night during the week. Ten University students engage in the school room work regularly, teaching the negro boys six subjects? reading, writibg, spelling, rammar, 1 history and arithmetic. Sixteen ne gro boys, ranging in age from It to ; 10, attend the eehool reguularly five 1 nights eaeh week. . ! J. C. Lewis, of New Bern, N. C.? . to tn the tity, ?< i . Hifldren Love Waahtafton Park. - . ' ippiUMU! [N<. r . &, WEATHER: Fatr toolgjit w WASHINGTON. N. ~ DARING ISmlSI EnqYish Cavalry Pt Great S i The armies of Europe have aL e ways devoted- a great deal of prac- t tlce to horsemanship and some of a the feats which the cavalry perform n seem almost incredible. It is noth- v tag extraordinary to see a whole c column rff horsemen approach an al- I most perpendicular precipice, twenty i feet high, and "take it," ono after T another. The feat is accomplished t with some thrilling , scrambling 1 slides and you confidentially expect t THE Hll mmco. SMS PACE The Eureka Lumber Company Is setting the pace for other property J owners in Washington to follow in i the way of cleaning up things. The ' company is now fully prepared to i ooey me wisnes or tne city colons and the Woman's Civic League. They have taken the lead in reno. vating * their premises, and everything in and around the mill plant on West Main street looko as neat as a pin. It would pay all citizens to vlelt this section of Washington and see personally how nicely the trick has been accomplished. Wash- . lngton'a Cldan-up.Woek begins on Monday, April 27, and 4t behooves \ every property owner to get busy at once and begin cleaning up and depositing trash, garbage; etc., in barrels or boxes ready for the city drays when they come. Don't wait for the time to actually arrive before beginning this goo institution. In years and no doubt d they will be heard here by a large number. Thefr cause Is a worthy n ipo, and they should receive a gen. j, sroua patronage. * How Kaffir* Woik. What "working like a ulggcr"?that is, a npgro In South Africa?really neaas has been explained by one who lias seen this wonder. He says that the phrase Is one of the silliest and most Inexact ever coined. "A gang of KafQrs," be said, "were at work. They Q wero loading'rails on a track, and they lid It as though they were burying [ their dead. At the head of the gang ^ walked a sort of chief chanting the t most lugubrious dirge ever heartl. At j a crawling pace be led bis men to the ( rails. Then came a long pause This t was to suable tbe singing bead man to finish the first.wall. When tbe Kaffirs got tired of waiting they bent down and picked up the rail, their j movements keeping time with tbe fu- ( noral march. When .at latf the rail } was hoisted on tbe men's shoulders the singer changed tbe measure to a chant j of triumph. As h matter of fact, two ( dock laborers could easily have done all the work that was done by theso eight negroes."?Indianapolis News. Helplessness. , The greatest moment In our career Is when we awaken to the shining troth that our life, to make or mar, la wholly in our bonds; that neither dark deatlny nor. grim fate nor the stars nor the decrees of tbe gods nor the machinations of men or derlla ran cheat us of that greatness of soul and serenity of mind which are tho crown of real success. The most terrible note In tbe despair of the despairing Is tfte sound of helplessness. To feel that the universe is a hugs machine to grind us at last to dust, that the odds of existence are against ns sod that we are borne down by the tramp of Irresistible forces this la the salt taste of fnllure. But when a man baa discovered that be himself la master and that no outside force can touch his Inner triumph that discovery la as of a new world, the America of spirit, the opening rlsta of Ilmltles* opportunity.?Br. Frank Crtfoe In TVomanVWorld. ? ' ? >AILy >. Slightly warmer Friday. APRIL 9, 1914. FEW THBATCR HIIKIi RIMES COOD 'hanpacy Girls" Captivates the Patrons. One of Best Shows to Exhibit Here kor the Price. The presentation of the "Pharmar Girls" by the American Girl Com-I iny at the Now Theater last night j Lirled the -audlenoe by storm. If ijrthlng, thq performace last night aa a decided improvement over the iltial one,' in which every one pree. aft enjoyed a good old-fashioned ugh. Hy Heath as the "8111y Kid" spt those present In good humor all te time while Raymond Lewis, the lack fact artist?gave the audience 11 that was conflng to them. Miss arle Edwards, assisted by the enre company, made the flnafe, such ? to please and capltivate. The merlcan Girl* Company certainly Ives fall return for the price of ad. laalon. In addition to the flrstaae performance last night the anagement presented a class of moon pictures that were entertaining ad educative. The New Theater lis week should be a mecca for iter supper pieuuru iwners. iHr. E. L BROOKS D1 TODAY Bernard . Brooks, a prominent ttorney of Nashvllel, N. C., passed way in a sanatorium at Rocky [ount, N. C., this morning at 8 'dock. Tbo deoeaqpd was a brothr of E. L. Brooks, of this city. Mr. irooks had been suffering from an cute attack of brlght's disease for tie past two weeks. He was a real, ent of Nashville, and for the past an or more years was one of that own's prominent members of the sr. He was SB years of age and* saves a widow and two brothers, Dr. iatrd Brooks, of Durham, and E. L. Irooks, of this city, and one sister, (rs. Dozier of Nashville, to mourn heir loss. The deceased married diss Birdie Taylor, daughter of iolonel W. C. Taylor, of Whltakers, I. C. He as well known In Washugton and the news of his death Is eplored by his friends here. Mr. E. L. Brooks left this afterioon via the Atlantic Coast Line for ake place tomorrow. Helping Hit Temper. The sua was blinding, clouds of dust vero blowing everywhere, and Jones ras most decidedly off bis game. It eally "pot the lid on it" when, Just is bo was struggling to piny his hall tut of a quarry, a benevolent old lady Hissed by with a companion. She lalted in evident surprise and pointed rlth her umbrella at the earnest golfer. "Dear me, my lovo." she remarked n audible tones, "what a very respectibly dressed man that Is hreakiug itones!"?Argonaut. He Admired Her Judgment. 8he? Oh, Fred, dear, you are so noDle, so generous, so handsome, so chivalrous, bo much the superior of every man I meet, I can't help loving you. Now, what can you see in plain little me to admire? He?Oh. I don't know, 3ear, but ^ou certainly have very good Judgment.?London Tit-Bits. She Knew. The teacher bad given the class o talk on household pests. "What, now, is the greatest foe the housewife bai?" be asked. Up went one little hnnd. "All right. Mary, what is it?" "A husband," came the quick reply.? Philadelphia Ledger. Away From Home. "He is one of those near vegetarians." "What la a near vegetarian?" "He never eats meat except when Jh Is invited out"?Pittsburgh Tress. Feree of Habit. "Why did she want to set her has band's will aside?" , "Merely because It was bar bus band's nhd she had got In the habit ol setting lt-aslde."-Hooston Teat'. Or- ..... We must'not take the faults of oui youth into our old age. for old agi brings with It Its own defects.?Goethe . ?' NEW HOI 1 IS ESSENTIAL MMM Growth of City Makes Another Ji Hotel Imperative. Visitors Can Not be Accommodated. Wellington needs another hotel. This (act Is evident almost dally fo* , ihn reason that,the l.cirse Is crowd- p ft*. wt;li gu?cis, somu of whom hav?lo seek the best place they can to ^ spend the night.' The assertion has , otcn made that no town In North j Carolina the slse of Washington con. j. tents itself with only one hotel. , There is surely room (or another g and some movement should Le mad a , to build another. While the Louise r does the best It can with its limited c number of rooms, the (act still re- p mains, It can not accommodate more (| than It can?hence the Imperative n neceeslty of another. e Washington is being cut out every year In having representative bodies to meet here due to one fact?Inade- t quate hotel* accommodations. The I time has come when this defect I should be remedied. BelnK on the main line of the Norfolk Southern, with Norfolk and Raleigh in close proximity, the city bolng practically midway between the two cities, makes it absolutely essential that better hotel accommodations be provided. I# Washington la to a.a? n A A velop as it should?something tangi. ble so far as hotel facilities must be thought about and acted upon. "Your w town, is one of the most delightful c points I make In North Crftolina, but v I want to tell you, you are lacking in A ono thing?another hotel." Thus * spoke a traveling man to a representative of this paper today. Let's U get busy and have another hotel, so P ail cqraing to Washington can have P no trouble in securing at least Bleep, t log quarters. e mWT I 1 ID I FfERl Mayor Kugler held court at the City Hall this morning at 10 o'clock and as usual several violators of the law were present to gnawer for their stewardship. The following cases were disposed of by His Worship: Griff Clark, colored, was before t the court charged with having too t much "barley corn" aboard yeator- ( day. He was found guilty and lined ( $3 and cost. t Jack Staton, Ephralm Lanier. Clar t once Harris, William Moore, Dink j Smith, George Biggs, Tom Carney, , were indicted for gambling. The defendants were bound over to the i Recorder for final jurisdiction. % Potted on Slang. A Chicago bqy who In In the eighth (fade at school waa spcaWug at the breakfast table the other morning about the stupidity of another boy. "Geo," he sold, "hln bean's solid Ivory! I can hntul him bull by the yard and he never gets hep that he'* beiu' conned at all." Professional Banter. Pnrsou A.?It's hard to get peoph , Into the church. Dr. B.-ftnt It's en* ler to d?> that than It is to get then ' into heaven. I'nrson A.?1True. We ministers can only point the way to heaven'. When It conies to getting |mh> pie there we are obliged to fall back on . the doctors.?Washington Herald. Relief In Mutio. "Did you en|oy yourself at the mual esir "Very much. A musical Is n greni relief after 11 series of card partis You don't have to take part in couver Billons or remember what the trnmi Is."?Boston Record. * 1 . Anglo-Saxon Poise. First Sport (looking at magnlflceni Hew of the Alpsi-Not bad. that. See. shd Sport-Yes. It's all right, bot yon needn't rare abont It like a bally poet -Loudon I'uncb. P : "No Questions Asked." Advertising In Eugland for lost r property and adding "Noquestions will be asked," Is illegal, the penalty be? log ?00. WILL HP. iku AbAlN SATURDAY , ?. E. Clark Co'? Store Which Has Been Closed Since January to Resume Business. After being closed since January 9 the store of JAmes E. Clark Com- .1 any will ro-open Its doors next aturday morning at 9 o'clock. The uslness will be run by James E. lark as successor to the firm of ames E. Clark Company, with Mr. Mils Roper as manager temporarily, t Is the purpose of the Arm to sell oods at greatly reduced prices a* j lie present stook must be closed out cgArdless of price. This firm has Iways enjoyed a large and lucrative atronage from the citizens In Wash- x tigton and Beaufort county. An. 1 ounccment of their opening appear* lsewhere In today's paper. IS DRAWING M CROWD Notwithstanding the Inclement reataer last nlaht th?r? rowd attending the Krauae Carnlal Company on Em*. _iin street. ill present seemed to be delighted rlth the different attractions. The Oberltta" attraction gave Its JnU Jjl lal performance last evening and roved to be one receiving high raise today. Those attending say hat it is Just simply great. The utlre carnival Is clean and meritolous. The carnival Is exhibiting ore under the auspices of the Volinteer Hose Company. Performnces start at 7:30. A great show i billed for tonight. MP 1 BE CLOSED mm ! All the banks of the city will not j >e open Monday next on account of he Halifax Declaration of Indepenlence which has been made by the 2eneral Assemly of North Carolina j i legal holiday. All tho patrons of he respective banks should bear this n mind and govern themselves accordingly. 5 iiir i ninninn to bllltllltU IU Mill Adrian Dudley, the 12-year.old ; son of the late A. J. Dudley waa carried to the "Stonewall Jackaon" reformatory at Conoord, N. C., thla morning by SrerifT George E. Ricks. The boy was sentenced to this Institution by~Recorder W. B. Windley thla week. His demeanor haa been such that this course was ab. solutely necessary. NBA VIA COMPLETION. The residence being constructed' j by Mr. E. Hoyt Moore on West Main street is nearlng completion. When finished It will be an ornament to Washington. It's Restful la Washington Park. HAS RITUH1VMD. Mrs. S. A. Tucker returned kens A last evening from Rooky Mount, where she went to visit Mrs. B. A. Brooks in a sanitarium there and tre news of whose death readied here, this morning. ' v ''H