V VoL ? : BEAUTIFUL EA HEARDIN T CHURCHES SpoclaU Sermons In All t Story of the RLaen Kin The Day Was of Sui Sweet Scented Flowers Tha brightness and glorr o( i nthtr Easter oar broke over Wai in St on restaur aa It did over waiting .world, and la tha churct of the eltr the Ooepel of the Beat redloa was heard onoe again by Urge number and exultant pre was offered to the Moet High In 1 midst of aweet_aceoted bowers a learning lights. The day was ttnglr observed, as usual, la Wai lngton. with special and elabon musical programs In nearir alt t city Churches. All the respect! pastors delivered sermons suits! to the gUd day. The festival of the Resurrect! hu bHl observed practically fn the Terr foundations of Chrietianl Thie la evident from the early d patee conoemisf it-_not ea to who as to the particular time when t festival should he oheerred. 1 as Slum Christians wished to ce brate the feast on the third day ter the Jewish Passover, on whatei day of the week this f?Vh The we era Christians coat ended that f feast of the" Resurrection ougt't -ways to be observed on a Sand this deeWoa' Easter Day is alwi tied by the Council of Nleta. A. 1SS, which decreed that every wh the treat Feast of-Easter should oboerved upon one and the same d bad that Sunday. In accordance w this decision Easter Day is alw ^ tbe first Sunday after the fall m< which happens upon or next ai tbe twenty-first' da J of March. > ths full moon happens upon a 8 * * dny7??er Bay is'the Sunday all By this rale Easter will always i beta sen the twenty-second day March, the earliest date, and twenty-fifth day of April, the Ia< dots on which It can possibly fall 8C Peter's Church. *The Easter observance at 8t. tar's Episcopal church was mar! by otiteaonles of nnnsual inter The service was a most delight one and Rev. Nathaniel Harding assistant, Rsv. C. D. Melon?, * greeted by a large number of lehloners. The subject of the tor waa: "He la Risen" from wl a moat thoughtful and Inspiring mon was the outcome. The m was of special character. The cl was a Urge one anfr under the dl Hon of Mr. Edmund Harding, dared selections that were Inapt and enjoyable. The soloists v lCIss Ruth Butler, Miss Sallle row, Miss Bess Couoley, Miss K Bragaw and Mrs. Stephen C. gaw. The oornetlsts, Messrs. S ?9 Jones and Patrick Foreman, ad ^ much to the success of the occai In the afternoon at 4 o'clock childfen of the 8unday school their annual cele&atlon, obser the day in an appropriate man Theoollection at this service amo ? ed to $208, being the largest taken. Mr. Frank Bryan dellv \*r the address, his subject being "Resurrection." It was thougl and much enjoyed by the large gAgatlon. As usual on Baster there was no evening servico. First .Presbyterian Church. \ At this church yesterday tnor a beautiful magical program been prepared and rendered by excellent choir. Four deltgl Baster anthems were charm! rendered: "Morn's Roseate H' r "Christ the Lord U Risen Tp< "When the Sabbath was Past," rlous Easter Morning." Those ent pronounce the effort of the ar One of par excellence. The m tor. Rev. H. B. Searlght, apoko the subject, "Loyalty to the Chi and it Is needless to state thi sustained his wen-known reput as a speaker and thinker. Th tire eerrlee was one of lnapir from beginning to the end., At the pastor continued his serl sermons on the Representative 1 en of the Bible, his subject b "Rath. Her Decision sad Devo> First Methodist Church, the special Easter music, be Caatiu. "The Conquering M wag rendered by the choir of t votoee, with Miss Mae Ayers i \ gaaist, Easter Sundaj^nlght I \ fASHI ? *S'\_ i|: iSTER MUSIC ~~ HE DIFFERENT I ON YESTERDAY ? . he Pieces ol Worship and the g Heard by Large Numbers, passing Interest. A Hay ot i m- presence of a packed liouso. Tliase ih- present pronounce tho music as a among the best heard in Washington tea in years. The subject of the pastor, tr- Rev. E. M. Snipes was: "Ufa a Through .Death," and was listened lae to attentively and apprcclatlngly. he After the sermon the. choir rendered ad the cantata. The soloist were: Mrs. Bt- D. M. Carter. Miss Ada Rhodes, H. ih- H. Fletche, John A. Arthur, B. ste W. Taylor, R. 8. Wright and Carl he P. Duke. The entire occasion was Ive charming and delightful. At the Die morning hour the sub ject of the pas. tor was: "The Resurrection of the on Body and Life Eternal." At this am service Mfs. D. M. Carter sang most ty, delightfully "The Resurrection lis- Morn." th- First Baptist Cfavrch. >ut The music by the orchestra aided Ae by thp choir, was one of the fea'he tures and the eloo.uent sermon by ile- the pastor. Rev. R. L. Gay on "The' af- Emnty Brave." made the day at this per church a feast of good things. At: ?t- night the pastor delivered an educate tlonal sermon, being the second of al- the series to be delivered by the rosy. spective pastors of the city during tys the month of April. I)- Christian Church, ere Large congregations were present be at the Christian church at both scrvay, ices and as usual the pastor. Rev. R. 1th V. Hope, delighted 14s bearers with ays discourses in keeping with hts repu>on tmtlon. The subject of the morning !ter was: "The Divinity of Christ as Seen If In the Resurrection." At night his un- topic was: "Why Men Do Not .Go terl R Church." fail ?' W. ML COOPER KEFOPTED ths TO BE MUCH BETTEIt IB NEWS FROM BEDSIDE. The friends of Mr. W. M. Cooper, Pe~ who a few days ago was operated upon at the Washington Hospital for appendicitis, will be glad to know tfuI that Che Is getting along nicely and an<* that his condition today is much betere ter. Unloss something unforeseen ***' happens ho will be able to return lic School will take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nigh to. April 6, 7 and 8. Dr. WiUioh Hart Dexter. of t&e United States .Department of Agriculture. Washington. D. C., will deliver the annual addrcBs to the meibbePs of the graduating class which will be tho largest In the school's history. On Sunday evening, May 3. in the auditorium of the school fcouldtng the Jf baccalaureate sermon will be dellv. ercd. Although the preacher for this occasion has been invited for this occasion his acceptance has not been learned. .All the churches of the ct$pp-witt -close on that .night and the choii^for the hour will be com- 01 posed of all the church choirs of the 1X1 city. * 11 The program in part for the com- 04 menccmcnt exercises'follows: Sunday evening. May 3, Baccalau. a roate sermon. Wednesday, May 6, 8 p. m.. An- A nual debate for the "C. O. Morris t( Debater's Medal." n Thursday, >fay 7, 8 p. m. Class Friday, May 8, 8 p. m , Graduating f oxerclees and commencement. Address, by Dr. William Hart Dex- L tor, Washington, D. C. .. ""I'iiflren Lore Washington Park. ieSSE US HERE . - IWlffiTEl Anotber attraction of merit Is ' billed for tha New Theater during the entire week excepting tomorrow 1 night when tho "Mikado" will be 5 presented by home talent for the beneQt of the Daughters of the Co'nfoderacy. The "Lanvale Girls," com. f slating of eleven people, seven worn. 1 en and* four men. will present* to-* ? 3 night, "Fun Itf a Drug 8tore." It i Is funny and laughable from start to J finish and thoso contemplating be- lng present need have no fear, but what they will be amply repaid. In ( addition to this high class vaudeville performance the management will prepcnt attractive motion .pictures. Thoro will be two performances, 7:30 add 9 o'clock. A great show is licked for. >, lg SINGLETON NEWS. iv . _ j Spring seems to bo with us at last, i. which is very gladly welcomed. Mlsr.es Myrtle Willard and Lillie Perry 6pent Saturday night and Sun day with Misses Rosa and Thormeu. la Hodges, of Swainsland. Measles seem to have taken a little rest around here now. Mies Mary Chesson attended church at Croso Roads Sunday and was tho dinner guest of Misses Neta and Lucie Hardlson. } Remember Saturday-night is the tlmo for Mr. John M. Waters to be with us to preach. Everybody is cordially invited. Misses Annie Hodges. LlzSle and at Edith Hardlson and Messrs. Albert ht Woolard, Heber Cherry and Georgia an Hodges were guest of Miss Lucie &g Woolard Sunday, to- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leggette are ilf entertaining a stranger at their by home; it's a boy. >w Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Woolard ed and little son. J. Handy, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hodges, Wt of Old Ford Sunday. In School closes at 8!ngleton school house Friday night, April 17.. y . > 'N D7 t: Fair tonight and Tnaad a>. ?lfgUtlj C. MONDAY AFTERNOON A WAS~NO~C iundred ron Ch Was Tou. In order to deTeat the Ugh cost B( ( building, a man in Massachusetts Is loved his house over a small moun.- u tin to a Tli-age ten milca away. Lo- tc U cptior, high taxes, disagreeable u oiguuui?, iuo mucn momci-in-iaw. 11 nu other own licnife." Now the dissatisfied U urn mmri : isj'ipi As given out through the columns if this paper several days ago the j unitary company here has disband- . d through an order issued by Adutant General Young, in conse- J Lucnce of this order all the para. ' ihanaLa, equipment,etc., was packed 1 ind shipped to tte headquarters of j he State Guard, Raleigh, N. C., Sat- { xrday last. GETTING ON NICELY. The child of Rev. J. H. Warren, luperlntendont of the Atlantic and Blue Rrldgo Conferenco, M. E. :hurch, who has been suffering from mastoids, la reported &9 doing nicely Ifcday. | Conspicuous Occai For By Jacksonville, Fla., April 13.?The Jacksonville Confederate Reunion Association realizing that the time Is growing short before the date of the rounlon is rcdouiJftltg Its energies to prepare for the veterans and visitors. Indications aro that the attendance will be very large end tfcat the reunion will be a success In every particular. The work of raising the reunion fund has progressed to a point where all doubt ad to the ability of tfcc Reunion Association to secure the neessary amount ,ir any doubt ever existed in fact, lias been removed. Subscriptions and cash have been coming in better for the past ten days than at any other time since the movement was started. Within a week it is confidently'predicted that the fund'will'be in hand. Contracts have been let for decor, atlons and lighting, tents for the Confederate camp and for the dancing pavilion have been secured and I the work of laying out and equipping the camp is under way. Tho| camp will be located in Springfield Park, near the business sections of the fclty, where cool ahsde oan be enjoyed by the veterans. The point of rendezvous for .the parages will bo near the camp, and the line of ratrch takes In the principal streets of tbe city. Details of the three W 1 lit** ULY r warmer. PRIL 13, 1914. OBSTACLE i fifth xbhouse . >ed Eight Mile; >n-in-law can tell his mother-lr lw to kifa .icrsoif good.byc, bundl p lii-.-wife and house, and migrat > new pastures green. This unui al picture shows a clubhouse weigl ig one hundred tons being towed i ross Great 8outh Day, a distant f eight miles. Three scows, wit capacity of fifty tons each, and tw ng boats accomllsbed the unde sking with little difficulty. 1 m WELL UN HERE. DEA! News was received here this mor tig announcing U.6 death In Mor lead City Saturday night of M lac'.: Head, the well-known travelii lalt-ynmn and totclist. No panic ara regarding his death were glv< n the most&gc. Mr. Read at t ime of his death was a resident Plymouth. For several years managed the Hotel Pamlico a Nicl.oleon here and prior to this r ei botol In Plymouth. For the pi nvpritl von rs hn hns horn n. nnniil "knight of tho grip." The news blf (tenth will be known in Washli ton wltli regret. >ion Looked the Confederate parades are now being workod ou Extensive preparations are be mado by the State coinmlttco nursing service for tlio AmerU Red Cross to handle all of the im car relief work during the Conf erato Veterans' reunion hero, Ma] 7 and 8. It Is the plan of (he commit! under tho auspices of the Conl erato Reunion Association, tb cs: lish at least Ave medical relief i emergency stations in various p: of the city. The stations will b? charge of experienced physicians tho American Red Cross Society ' also be here to assist in the worl The mission of the rellof stati will be that of rendering first treatment to those people who i be injured or suddenly taken Such cases will be taken to the n< est station, and should the nai of the case be serious, the pat . will be Immediately sent to a : pltal or to some place, where most caroful treatment may bo talned. It v is known that with tho crowded to the utmost, the imj ance of such a work Is by no m< small. On the contrary, the ei Ushment of such stations and presence^ of the Red Cross wor Is. a powerful safeguard to the ?of the aged and Inflrm^Teterana NEW ? ???? \ :;.Tmissioner NEW SUPE COUN' WmT ' mjs PARI First Biso Ball Game of The Season Is Being Pulled of! This Afternoon at The Plo'ii-1 ing Purk. i ' This afternoon a<> the Daily News 10 presr the local fans aro bavng an opportunty of witnessing one of tho fastest games of b&soball of tho season. Washington High school team is crossing bats with tho fast Raleigh High school team, and a groat exciting game is being pulled off. The Raleigh boys have a strong team of playcpS, aided by an expo. 2 Henced mound artist, and they are out for the championship. The local team will endeavor to make them tusBle for the big end of the score.* For Washington Merrllt Fouslice is le doing the receiving. He is no ,e "green man" In the business and *" besides he possesses an extra strong l" butting eye. The managers have x" gone to considerable expense to :0 have this gamo wltb the Capital City h team and a large number should be 0 preeent and help the locals finanar clal'w and endeavor to encourage them on to victory. . REGULAR MEETING OF CHAMBER OP COMMEBE. There will be a regular meet- * ing of the Washington Cham ber of Commerce held in their rooms in the Baugham building > on West Main street tomorrow 1 e night at 8:30 o'clock. As busi- * I ness of importance is to be dis. " cussed it behooves every mem ber of tho Chamber and any n. other interested citizen to be e. present. * m SHOW s BILLED FOR : IRE LYRIC of The opening bill for the week at tfco Lyric Theater tonight promise/ ?' to be a very attractive one. In ad dltlou to tho usual high cla3s moviei I the management will present France^ Raymond and "Baby" ^eabelle li their singing and talking sketch jt- This duet of artists are from Nev ,Q Bern here, where they delighted an< charmed the patrons of the Athen on Tbca'er in that town. They will b< :an on the board for three nights am no doubt will be heard by a larg e<1- nrmbor. r 6, _ GUEST OF MHS. H. W. CARTER tee, cd- Mrs. Skinner, mother of Mrs. Dem ^b. 8ie Oilmen, is appending a few day and with Mrs. H. W. Carter at her hom irts. Cf Harvoy street. ? in > of HELD SERVICES. will 4 * Mr. John G. Bragaw, Jr., conduc! ?"s church,% Bunyan, N. C.. yestcrda aid od services at Zlbn'a Eplscopi nay morning. nr * oar- MRS. ft. C. CARTY ILL. Lure Tho numerous friends of Mrs. I lent c. Carty who resides on East Se hos- on(j gtrcet, will regret to learn < the her Illness, and it is to be hoped thi ?b- she will right soon be convalescent City REMEMBER THE FIFTEENTH iort- - v sans if your light and water bill U n tab- ptfd by 6 o'clock of the evening the the 15tb. service will be dlscontin kera fld "on the morning of the 16th. lives WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL ELE TR1C PLANT. 4 1SJ1 ' ? ' >j' ' .. . -s':?- > . inririii! ' - ' I ?S 1 ... No. 33 SELECT | RINTENDENT | rY POORHOUSE 1 PRESENT KEEPER J RESIGNED AT THE | LAST MEETING > s ^ J. J. Davis Named as Successor List Tukers for County Selected and Scbedoles of Value of Personal Property. The County Board ot Commission, eia met in regular monthly session at 1;.o Court House Monday and Tuesday laU and tranaacted the following business for the month: Ordeied that Mary Mercer's allowance te increased from 11.60 to per month. E. U. Bright, superintendent of the County Home, presented his resignation, which waa accepted. It was ordered that J. J. Davis, be appointed superintendent of the County Home from Marcbi 6, 1914, to Janu. ary 1, 1915, upon the same terms and conditions as those of Superintendent Bright. J. P. Peed, ono of the commlssionI ers of the Aurora stock law district, presented his resignation, which was accepted, and it was ordered that W. T. Lamb bo appointed commissioner to All the vacancy In said stock law district. TK. r,.i ?"B iU(i I1BUIBU ilBIWUI WOIU appointed by the board as list takers (or the different townships In the county for the year 1914, t wit: F. H. Bryan, Washington; W. G. Standi), Washington township; H. L. Thompson. Richland township; H. M. Cox, Chocowlnlty township; T. J. Topping, Pantego township; A. D. Miles. Belhaven; B. F. Qurganua, Bath township; Charles A. Singleton, Long Acre township. The board scheduled the value of personal property (or taxation as follows, to-wit: No. 1 farm horsos and mules, $200; No. 2 (arm horses and mules, $150. No. 2 farm horses and mules, $100; No. 4 farm horses and mules, $50; No. 5 B farm horses and mules. $25. Pleasure horses, stallions and jacks, at the discretion of the list taker, subject to the ratification of the board.: No. 1 cows aud calves, $50; No. 2 cows and calves, $30; No. 3 B, cows and calves, $15; stock cattle $8; blooded bulls, $40; No. 1 oxen, $40 and upwards; No. 2 oxen, $30 and upwards; No. 3 oxen, $15 and up. wards. ! Large steers, $25; sheep, $1, goats $1. hogs $2.50, corn $3 per I bbl, lard 10c. per lb, pork 10c. per ' lb, tvool 10c. per lb, cotton at dls. cretlon of list taker, forage 76c. per II pwt, peas $1 50 per bushel, beans $1 per bushel, oats 50c per bushel. 4 -1 bee Block $1. brick $5 per thousand. i j For satisfactory reasons the board i' relieved quite a number of persons i of taxes for tb? year 1918. I Whereas at the regular meeting ir of tho Board of County Commlsaion1 ors tn March, jl"914, a petition was b filed with said board, which petie tlon was signed by about forty resli dents of the territory effected, and e whereas due advertisement has been made for thirty days. Now, there, fore, be It resolved. That all the terrltory in Richland township lying west of the Aurora Recorder's Court i- district shall be and beoome a part a of said Aurora Recorder's court dlse trlct and that hereafter the western boundary line of said district will be the line between Richland and Chocowinlty townships. Resolved by the Board of County t- Commissioners, That on and after y this date, the superintendent of the il county chain gang Bhall be governed by the following rules In en. forcing discipline In said convict camp: 9. 1. Corporal punishment shall not o- b? inflicted. 2. In all cases of insubordination, it mutiny, rebellion, from the authority Of. the officers in charge of said camp and failure to work, the superintendent is authorised to put the offending convict or convicts on a ot diet of bread and water for any reaof aonable length of time, u- Ordered that the list takers this day - (Continued on Page Four.) tc. It's Rwtfnl In Weehlegton Park.