AME 200 MEXll 4 AME1 ,* nerican Representat; fficials. Fears For Vera Crui, not already taken last l n la stated that the German consignment of ammunition to the Mexican government will be used by the .United States forces against Huerta. Beoretarles Bryan and Daniels deny emphatically the report current that Charge O'Shaushnewy, the Ifcnerisan representative, had been aXasslnated. President Wilson arose this morn. : ing early after spending a restless atfckt at the White House. He went at once to the executive office and ' called at once for* Mexican news. Secretaries Bryan and Daniels are said to be on a verge of collapse. FOUR KILLED; TWENTY WOUNDED. ^ Admiral Fletcher reports to the Navy Department that on yesterday In face'of adverse winds he succeeded in landing marines and sailors from the battleships Utah, Florida and Prarie and seised the custom house. The admiral further reports that the Mexicans did not make any opposition-la to the landing o( the marines, subsequently, however, they. openod lire with rifles and artillery after tihe custom house had been) Mixed. The Prairie la now ensued In ahelllns the Mexicans out of their position. .4 "f"*. FEARS FOR WOMEN. Admiral Badger and Consul General Canada this afternoon reported to the Nary Department at Washington that four thousand marines had been landed at Vera Crus under the protection of the American fleet which arrired today under com- , mand of Admiral Badger. . Grave concern is expressed for the Amerl. can women now within Che firing line. The authorities at Washington hare received information that the custom house at' Vera Crus is still afire due to the shelling of the town. BOMBARDING VERA CRUZA train load of American refugees bound from Mexico City to Vera Cms have not arrived, and grave con. cern is expressed for their safety. United States warships began shewing the City of Vera Cms "at dawn today after a refusal of the Mexicans to refuse their firing. Oreat damage was done in consequence In the southwestern part of that cUy. Admiral Badger of the North Atlantic fleet has requested the co-operation of the natives in obtaining or. der. The American fleet under the command of Admiral Badger is now engaged in bombarding the'City of Vera Crus. Desultory firing from tlhe housetops and streets by the Mexicans caused the killing of four Americans and woundingTwenty. UNBB IS CHARTERED. -' ! Secretary Dantela yeaterday chartered the liner More Caetle at New York to carry to Mexican water* the regiment ot marines ordered eeeem1 bled at Philadelphia. Major Central Barnett, eommand1 In* the marine corps, haa ordered eaother regiment at marlnee to he aeeembled tt Philadelphia (or Mexl" oan. perrfce. Thay wtll he drawn NGT( WBATHKH WASHINGTON i NS S D; LLED TERNOOI* P i?f I House Signed b i. Mexican Reprc Tomorrow. ZAPTURE1 ive is Emphaticall; Women Are Sti I' * . ar- . % from Atlantic cout cities, includli Norfolk. Colonel Mahoney, commanding tl marine barracks at the Norfolk na< yard hare, said yesterday afterno* that he had received orders to sei three hundred men to Phlladelpfe at once. : ~ - The battalion wlM leave here We need ay morning and jrlll upon the arrival at the League Inland na rard, immediately embark on a trai port for Vera Crus. ORDER MORE SHIPS Order* were reoetved at the Phil delphla navy yard yeeterday for tl coqt cruiser Salem to sail for Tai plco. Commandant Benson of tl navy yard said the cruiser would g away on Sunday. The Salem w carry 354 men. It Is one of the tai est boats In the navy. ( Workmen and seamen began los Ing provisions on flbe battleship Oh and the cruiser Tennessee. It w said the Ohio would be the next v< eel ordered- to Mexican waters. MORE BATTLESHIPS GOING. Activity at the Charlestown na yard which began yesterday with t! receipt of orders to prepare the b* tleships Virginia, Nebraska and Ge< gla for'service in Mexican wate Continued; today. The Georgia U dry dock today and took on a qua tity of ammunition. The Virginia also received a su ply of ammunition after her bunkc had been filled with ooal. THE MISSISSIPPI SAILS. The battleship Mississippi with 1 hundred marines aboardaalled y< terday from Pensacola for vera Cn The warship also carried four avi torn with their hydro-aeroplanes. The tender TMxie departed li .l.kt tv. W.W?- * \v? uio muiuui yui k. FRANCE WELCOMES ACTION I UNITED STATES. / N Paris, April IS.?The French f< elgn office, although no official a nouncement has been made of 1U i tltude toward the Mexican sltuatl la understood to regard the acil of the United States with a feeli: of relief. ^ The French government has lo been embarrassed by the difficulty protecting adequately French int eats In Mexico and considers that t phase now beginning must end constitutional order and peace. DELAY SERIOUS High administration officials si that while no blockade could be < dered to keep foreign vessels fn landing cargoes without a declai tlon of war, prompt occupation Vera Cms by marines could previ any munitions of war being rust to the Mexican capital. "Every minute of delay by C< frees counts," said White House o dais. It was Intimated that R< Admiral Fletcher might be lnatru ed to take some actio* sometime day, even should prolonged' debi deify adoption of a Joint reeolutloi (Continued on Page Four.) It's Restful la Washington ParkFINE LOT OF COUNTRY HAMS . SSo. per p*ua4. E. K WILU* ^ f*. " r 3N D; VWrtouisMudTtaniUr. (luUa >tu * = W. C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON j A STRETCH OP GOOD RC 1 jr"T y I >. y I 111 ^ 1 ii I tie I I am I id I 4* ' d f Jacksonville, Fla^ ' March.?Jackeoi greater number of ml lee of good atreeti *Y county of like population In the south, it. em, well ppved thoroughfares over whl< erene and maido and eponaore to parad ^ out In the suburbs and throughout the o found where automobiles may bo driven leturesque spots alone these roads, ami profusion of flowers. Jacksonville and ! fits of pood atreeta and road*. MOTINir 1 . CRATEF1L TO : jn ns tt_ Several weeks ago the gas boat ' Lucille, Captain C. C. Sllverthorn In E rs )tt command, laden with a full cargo of G n- beans, corn, etc., sank at the wharf 1 in this city, sustaining a loss or about 11 $800. d* Washington citlsens al- ? >rs ways do, tlhey gt o?.qo responded to ? the call for aid of the unfortunate v captain and the consequence was p ,lx that the amount of $148.25 wae sub- & ? - scribed for? hia relief. Capt. Silverthorn is more than grateful to the citizens for their kindness and t thoughtfulness. He has been run- I 181 ning to this port from "Hyde county I | ror a number of years bringing valoable cargoes so the citizens appreciating his worth and too, wlUblng to aid those in distress, willingly >r~ subscribed the above amount. lD- A list of those making donations were: P. G. Paul ft Bro.. $10; P. P. Maxwell, $5; J. A. Tucker. $5; M. C. on Cutler, $2; D. R. Cutler, $5. Powell . ft Ellsworth, $5; A. J. Cox, $5; R. H. Hudson, $10; P. E. Mayo, $2.50; G. n* A. Phillips, $2.60; Swindell ft Pul- F ?* ford, $6; Crystal lea Co., $6; Mc- y 8r" Koel-Rlcbardeon Hardware Co., $5; 0 Harris Hardware Company, $5; d ln Greek Cafe, $^.50; W. C. Malllson ft c Bon, $6; J.-K. Hoyt, $2.50, JefTerson t PnrnltureCompany, $6; Harrison ft a w Phillips, $6; Walter Cradle A Co., a or- 15: Pamlico Chemical Company, 96:1 0 ^ A. R. Styron A Co., $9: 8. R. Fowle c A Son., 910; Southern Furniture Co., p ot 99.90; i. F. Bnekman A Son, 99.50; t t O. Rumley, 95; J. B.' Bragaw. Jr., r lwI 95; Spencer Broa., 96; E. Petereon p Company, 95. Pegram-Wataon Hard. ? ware Company. 95; Rnaa Broa., 99.50; H. B. Stllley, 50c.; F. A. Lll : ley, 60c.; A. T, Wlndley. 50c.; W. C. Dudley, 91; W. R. Wlllla. 91; F. T. t Phllllpt, 91; Bowera.Lewie Co., 91: ; . Oeorge Oantoua, 60e.; cash, 91; W. 0 J. Rhodea, 91; J E. Adama. 60c.. ? ' caah, 95c ; Lewie A CaMaie. 91; Dick Ntchola, 91; 9. H. Rowerin. 91. r OIUllIIUTn) SUGAR 4 i-a PER , pound In 99 Ih lota or more; amell AT er quentitlee at Be. per pound. E. K- WILLIS- 4 VILY '* | APRIL 22, 1914. NG \ IAD AT JACKSONVILLE I H nville and Duval oounty have a I and roada than any other city and The etreete of Jacksonville are mod9h It will be a pleasure for the vete during the reunion In May, while ounty, miles of good roada will bo at high speed. There are many ?ng palms, llveoak and holly and a DuVal, county are alive to the bene m. mm WILL LECTURE KIRS. On Thursday evening in the First baptist church at 8 o'clock Mrs. roodnow, of the Woman's Christian 'omperance Union, will deliver a lecure under the auspices ot the loc^l rganiiatlon. Mrs. Qoodnow is routed to be a speaker of rare attalnlent and all who hear thlB gifted 'Oman no doubt will be amply reaid. The general public public has cordial invitation to be present. mm RFniiF^TF.n in REHEARSE On Sunday evening, May 3 in the 'ubllc School Auditorium the baccalureate sermon to the graduating lasa of the public schools will be silvered and superintendent C. M. Ampbell has requested that the mo. lc for this occasion be furnished by 11 the choirs of the city containing bout >flfty Voices. In consequences f this, all the respective church holrs are requested to meet at the Mrst Methodist church this evening immediately after prayer mooting for ehearsal. All those who are ex. ected to take part are urged to be resent on time. The hour of meetng la 8:40 o'clock. 4 MRS. ROPER'S GUESTS. Olri. B. J. Draper and daughter, losa, of Bath, N. C., are the guestr f Mr. and Vfrs. E. L. Roper at their tomo on East Main street i _ Itiidren Love Washington Park. "OX RIVER GUTTER, PRINTS OH tub, 18c. per pound aad fresh eggi lie dosen at E. K. WILLIS. -tt-uo NEW V . ? % TeraT Supt. Prwett Exph the S peerless mm the jdience That the Peerless Comedy Company la by far the beat tabloid that has been at the New Theater this season was demonstrated loet night by the applause they received through, out their performance of "Childhood Ddys." It showed the versltllity of the different members of the company and with the special scenery, ' wardrobe, musical numbesa, etc , was 1 a hit from start to finish. The har; mony singing was a feature of the I show, .the numbers getting the most a applause were, "You Broke My Heart to Pass the Time Away," I'm On My Way to Mandalay," "Celebrating Time in Tennessee." Tonight there ' ^111 be an entire change of program ss advertised as this clever company 1 change* their program nightly. On 1 Friday night in addition to the regu- 1 lar show the management has ar- ' ranged a new stunt, "Surprise Night" : with arty presents absolutely tree, Including a thirty two piece china sot. Rogers silverware and flfty-flve other useful present, not considering the fun that goes with It. The management has also made arrangements with the Postal Telegraph Company to get the latest war bulletins, which will be announced each' night from the stage immediately after the first performance. The usual 'high class pictures will precede tho show. i? LITTLE TOT JUIIE The May issue of the Woman's Home Companion contains a plcturo of one of Washington's bright' and interesting little citizens, Haugbton Randolph, the 2 'year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Justus F. Randolph, who in October last- won one of the first prises at the State Fair at Raleigh, N. C., in the Better Babies Con. 1 test.. At the time he was declared qpe of the winners Haughton was only 2 years old. The picture of the little fellow is an excellent one. The Companion Is a great promotor of spreading the gospel of child hygiene by the Better Babies Con teat, when literature on the care of j the child is given the parents. This magazine takes great pleasure in giving apace to the pictures of those , children who are a sample of that type, which stands for a better race | through Better Babies. PRAYER MEETING. Thcer will be prayer meeting services in all the different churches of this city thW evening at the usual hour, 8 o'.clock, to which the general public has a cordial invitation to be present. BaPTlSM TONIGHT. Mrs. J. D. Waters, wife of Rev. J. D. Waters, pastor of the Christian church, Belhaven, N. C., who were married here Monday evening, will be baptised at the Christian church this evening Immediately after prayer meeting, by the pastor, Rev. R. V. Hope. The public Invited. W. C. T. U. MEETING, b There will be a meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Un ion at the home of Mrs. O. B. Car malt tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock All the members are urged to be present, as the union will have the p'easure of entertaining Mra. Good, now and also hearing her speak. 1 SLICED BACON SOC. POUND 1 sliced beef 4Be. pound; bologna 16c. pound. E. K. WIL148. ^ tt rS ???^ No. ? CRUZ ams upervisor"8 Office Griticism Origin of Misunderstanding Duties and Purpose Jays New Office is Necce?sary to the Schools of County. No One Will Question Its Benefits to be Derived Therefore. New Office is Imperative Says the Superintendent " 7 I notice there has Been tome criticism of the action of the Board of Education at Its last meeting In providing for an assistant supervisor tor the rural echool next year. Feel, log sure tshat the predominant sent!, ment of the people of the county Is In favor of progress, I am Inclined lo regard this critlcslm as having originated In a misunderstanding of the duties and purpose of this supervisor, and 1 take advantage of this opportunity to set the public mind right on this occasion; for as I said In the beginning, so long as I have myth log to do with education In Beaurort county, or with any other phase of the county's public llfs, nothing shall be done behind closed loors. 1 stand ready at all times to go before the pe~n'e with my reasons for whatever 1 advocate. By employing a ^supervisor the board has not created a new offloe. is some seem to think. 8he will work under the direction of your superInlanHant tml will An ? w/*flr no superintendent has done or eea pver be able to do. All supervision to be effective must be-done In the spirit of co-operation. The great majority of our teachers are vomea and. while they are glad to eo-oper. ate with the superintendent in every ray that will help them in their arork, yet by virtue of the differences in their natures they think about educational problems in their jwn peculiar way. No one will question the benefits to come from a consideration of these problems with a woman of brpad training and experience, such as the assistant super, rlsor will be. One who ibas had experience In school work knows that this fact alone would Justify the employment of a competent woman to do this work. Dut this la only one phase of the question. We must not lose sight of the fact that any system of city schools would be considered incomplete did It not have its supervising principal, whose duty it is to advise with the teachers and help them with their problems. The superintendent ran do part of this work, but otfher things claim his attention to such an extent that it is Impossible for him to look after thla detail work. Sow if this supervisor Is a necessary adjunct to a city school, where the children and teachers are housed in one building does it not look rea. tenable that a superintendent with over eight Hundred square miles or territory under his charge, needs some one to help In his work. Sine* coming Into the office as superintend lent the first of February I hare spent the greater part of my time risking the schools, and notwithstanding the fact that I hare travelled most of the time with an automobile, there are a few schools that I have been unable to reach. My visits to each school are on an average not over an hour long. In that time ;*a probably else up the situation f In a general way, but I can not stay long enough to be of much help to the teacher. I do not believe you will And a more earnest, consclen. tlous set of teachers anywhere In the State than In Boaufort county, but a great many of them are young and Inexeperlenced, which Is no fault of theirs, but with the right kind of supervision will develop into good teachers, and your ehlld gets the benefits. I hsve not yet mapped ont all tha details of the work of the supervisor, bat I wish to state tn a general way % < In this article the lines along wfeleh most of her activities will ha diraetad. Ten schools well dtstrfbntod over tha county will ba selected by tha (Continued on Paga Four.}