Bit) Aiiricultiii'91 I jii.i *ra " HUNORto AN* riFTV TpACTS_of |n and tea Mm. M pdmlrablr adapted to t^*t?r?1w',jK ?f * *' ii^lrtia Mmi-troplcAl fralu.-and the fautoog Immensely p:ofttoble paper-shell p. Providing too ere eligible under tke olas.'.(lcnt'.ons prescribed by ? MMtteat opportanlty to bceaX away from the drudgery.and toll of a i the benefit of landlords, end so bock to a landlords, end go back to a li granted, yeu will hold a warranty deed and ab.traet, Tka beat security oa earth U the earth Itself, add lead la the basil proddettva land, era benefiting by the indreaalng high oast of living, whl An Opportunity to Secure Rich Productive Lud ? Tan will apt be repaired to loere your present maktag afterwards" , now. - All we ask of those to whom minded opening, Is ail we grant tracts la that they plant, or arrange to Pacific aqd other relli here planted, a crop of ene of theabore.mentloned landa and we expect ptbdueu within three rears, eftor whloh we will ">e ones who will re. hlvd-lt operated (harreeted and replanted) for We bare also plat granteaa, in cendderatton of >6 per cent, of the ?'*? ? , ty, . We also require grantee to occupy the land the jjpei within ten yeare; or aell It to aome one who wUI ' ' waj*? Munty. occupy It; othorwlao It reverts back to the grantor. {** V?; * Hi land tecluded In thla opening la located dl. lnK ol rarrlutr.tinji. , ractly oa and adjoining the Atlanta. Birmingham The D* and Atlantic Railroad, about twcty-flre mllea weat neceiaary at Brownto of Brnnewlok, a thrlring city of fifteen thousand. u,ay wleh-to attend having direct ftaamahlp aervlco to New York and i,m ,hown anyone ' Boeton. and excellent railroad trasportation fa- committee selected ft ellttlee to all point*. The average temperature latered will be notlf for eta monthe of tha year, from April to October, granted aa aeon an o la IT degrees; the climate te moat healthful, de- With the ever tncri Itghttul, and invigorating, and thare la an ampla try thare la no corrci rainfall of 51 inche. per year. of land, and natural] OCR ADC 18 FOB MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL RE. ** ubd ll arrwma Independence, It 8ULTS. ooenro. , Aa wo an extremely deelrttrai of having aettlhre The proaperons ant locate on thla property, and aaalet In Its develop- day are the deacendai moat, and thereby greatly Increase the value of there when it wis ph serronndlng and Intervening property, which we of thoee who obtalni will bold, sad to Increase the traffic along the At- ante and slaves. Y lanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad, and thus THIS MAY BE YOUF facilitate She aerrlce, we feel warranted In grant- LAND IN H1B COD! m* these tracta to those who register with ?e. We OUTLAY OF CAPITi also have In mind beeteeea and residence plots eery to uoe you to act which wo win ofTor for sale after the opening, bbt application for regli whMh Hill not be Included In It We have "money- nonncemeat. ? SOUTHERN OEOROIA RA1ROAD.LAND DEVELOPMEh , OOLORADO BUILDINO. WASH1NOTON. D. C Southern Georgia Railroad-Land Doynlopment Bureau. ~ ... Washington, D. C, Registration Depertme I hereby make epplloetlen-to register for your Fruit end Agrtcultc and fnralaii you with the correct answers to the following questions: Name City - tree Sthta Street or. R. F. D. No Ago... Married or Single Widow, Widower, or Orphan. W?HBi?UW- Do you now own oner ten acroe of land in tt If my application for registration Is accepted, please send me, with onmplau Information And particulars, Including maps of tha land, sh the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad. Its transportation fact outgrowing possibilities, etc. .1 . ? L . Very truly youra, I -I A. Cool, Comfortable Store . .. 4v. | . Tihaihlng mr trleada throng beat ujdie dty all work guaran- th# toaBty (or anp ??pport too mar 0 poolog * eh to Oo greeted to piaapea era OoorxW lai which I* ?h teloopee. nl?r melees, oorn. mm to voll a* o U-?# variety of _ k?l \1 ?i i>. yoa an ?o* Offered- a* - ah mall wage. or wetttag for tod or pleaty, to whleh. It th of all wealth. Ovura ot at [la other* or* enfferlag from M mwt 5 ronalderatlona la thta liberal- ?" ollar to thoao of ?ho Northern >h cede when they (ranted thalr M to beoofit thereby, aa well ae M mire the tract*. mod to develop what la do- ' it aoolppad, moat up-ta.dau I farm orchard la axlatenca. Chouaaad ammo, and wtU bo mt- All who recfatar aad rehe benefit of th# esportaaente ta rorne tharaoo. Whlla wa > ent overjregtetmtlon, wa wtll ittaaata, aweh aa poanrrad In DBdented hr the Calted state, oadm. b> (reattna thoaa who nerclat farm and or shard eothat they mar latar locate In v I land will oheertallr he perting will be held at Brown. 4 Georgia, one of the atatloae tallroad, wh(eh la located on - u 1 oocor aa *00* after the doers arransemaate can be made. el thoee registered win BOt ho B wa on the opening day, nnleaa for there will be ao ferorltIt will ba son ducted by a cl IT th* parpoao, aad thoaa rag. - 01 lad of what they hare been oialble. _ Ming popolatloa ofthl, oeao- J pooding loereaae In the ana ? t* Am >Ve wait t ile d I _ i pursuit of "health, happiness will ooatinu* to bo harder to w 1 contented elass.Jn Europe to. it* of thoeo who seewred load entlful. while the descendants W Ml no land ar? now the pees- A OU MUST REALIZE THAT, m I LAST CHANCE TO SECURE MTRY WITHOUT A LARGE J LL, should not be neeea. t at once by forwarding ne the ei itratlon attached to thin an- ^ IT BUREAU. I - U u nt: f * iral Railroad-Land Opening, 1 1 II Occupation e is United States? out obligation, farther and P towing tta exact location on Utlee, agricultural, fruit and , h ( I Signature. , 1 OTXCE TO REDEEM LAUD SOLD j FOB TAXES b John Spar hawk, Jr., and the heira at lew aad devisee* of Jo- _ eeph R. Tatum deceaned, and of * Rachel Robertson, deceased: 1 You and each of you, are hereby c otlfied that a, sale of reel estate t or the noa-payment of 8tate and . iounty taxes made by the Sheriff f Hyde county on oHnday, the 4th 1 ay of August, 1918, at the Court- 1 ibuse door in 8wnn Quarter, Hpde 1 ounty, I became the purchaser of t hat tract of land In said county \ Ueged to belong to John H. Bpar- ( lawq Jr., and to the helrs-aLlaw or j erisees of Joseph R. Tatum dsceas ] d, and the beirs-at-law or deriseee , f Rachel Robertson, deceased. ' rhich land Is the same conveyed by 1 obn Hall to Joeeph R. Tatum by < teed dated Am? l?, 1899. duly reorder in the Register's ofltos of 1 lyde county, part of which land ras also conveyed by said Joseph I. Tatum to Rachel Robertson. >e!ng all of the land owned by any . ?f the parties above named, or referred to in Hyde county. Said nrot>- 1 >rty wu sold tor delinquent Stete , in d county Uxw for tho jmt ft It, rhlch have been duly HMMid a- J gainst it, and aald nolo wan made m the 4th of August by order of 1 tho Board of County Commiaalonars 1 luly entered on their minutes. All of the helre-at-law and derives of Joseph E. Tatum, deceased, ind Rachel Robertson, deceased, and Jospeh 8 par hawk, Jr., are hereby notified that redemption of said property can be made en or before August 4, ltl4, by paying to the Sheriff of Hyde county or the undersigned purchaser, the sum of One Hundred Fifty-three (IHt.OO) Dollars, which amount lnotudee the penalty and ooet authorised by law, ind safer wlslmante are further, notified that nnleea redemption of said property is made on or before August 4th, 1114. 1 will demand that the Sheriff make me a dsed for aald real estate as prescribed by law in snob "n, fr, ThU tth tar of April, 1?1?. ?-7-iwo. ! ' a 8. * MANN, .t ' "I *M under a (Mat strain nun la( a rnlatlra through thraa months' lrhnoss," writes MM. J. C. Van Da Santa, of Kirk land. III., aad "Wnetrto Bidders kspt ma from tinaklni down. I will nerer (e wlthowt It" Do rou fast tlrad fad worn ontT No nppaita and (nod wont digest? It tent the nprlnc wwnthnr. Tan need Btaetrle Blttara. Mart a month trsatmaat todar: no thin, hattar for stomach, liter aad kldnsrs. Ths (Mat sorln, tonic. Kollaf or moasy -hash. t?e. and (4.0A, at roar dt? tut v X' tpataef oar haeatPte rata oaaa- lea Peed Ml u4 a pair It ?w tall an Pdaa'e WaPn tor ^ lata poetpald. m ^ Top kaow tkaaa hear': they etaed | a tat whaa aU lthara failed. They C? to laal foot caalort They para ao da una to rip. Thar aarar baaaai oae and harpy ae the ehape it kaK So. . not inailila They anOaar Lo deed Car Pataaaa. far atyla. tar an alorlty at aaatalal and vorkaaaa- h. Jp, ahaalntaly atalalaaa aad to wear u a aaaadha without hota, or a now ilr free. > Doat delay aaad ha paar order ^ Tuna offnt (tfina. paytaftaa. tf. Subscribe to the Daily Nm. JJJ Hormm nom #n We are having soma lovely- April ** eatlier now. an Mi* Jennie Woelard .pent Son- 8o ly night and Monday with Mis* Vio- hh Boyd at Statestone. Mr. and Vrt, O. L. Sparrow and wa illdren .pent Sunday with Mrs. M . Cufter at Won. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Turner and no illdren, of Stdtetoae were- fne*M t' : Mrs. John Hawkins Sunday. a 1 Mtaa Laroy Woolard spent Sunday ItHi fcer ttflter) Mrs. Edf&r Water* s, ; State*tone. at Mr*. John Hawkins wan a visitor t Mrs. J. Q. WOolard * one day fist n eek. Mlsees Era aad Annie Bwaln spent jf0 few day* last week with their randparents, Mr. and Mr*. Stewart morose at Koper, ?. v. may were aeompanied by their aunt, Mr*. W . Sparrow, of Hall Swamp. Mm. O. L. Sparrow and children pent one day laat week with lira. E. ln| 7. A. "Woolard. wc New* from the bedside of Rev. C. Uc !. Lee, who la 111 at the Washing ae >n Hospital, la now Tory encourag- tc if. It IB thought that he will be lni ble to return home in a few days. ae Ml sacs Jennie Woolard and Cora ei| laynor spent Monday afternoon with 11m Millie Lee. fx Mr. Daniel Woolard and sister, Lisa Jennie were gneets of their ouslns, Misses Alice and Mettle > Woolard Saturday night. tt] Mr. H. T. Hawkins made a busl. gu see trip to Ptaetown Saturday. ba Mr. L. R. Pink ham, who is em- ir loyed on the bridge force of the m lor folk Southern railroad, spent a ^ ew days laet weak wfth hie parents, WI fr. and Mrs. Isaiah Plnkham. - th Mr. L. T. Harris, of Hunter's ^ Bridge, was in our midst Sunday ^ iternooa. IAST BUFFALO HUNT PLANNED. M Pierre, 8. D., April It-?Arrangesent* are being made here today for tb taging the last great buffalo hunt if the West and in order that poeerity may not forget how the orig- c] nal American chased big game, movng pictures will be taken of the lunt. John E. Sloat, Gettysburg, 8. )., wegan hearings on the bill to stand- ? srdise cotton tradings and to prorent trading In cotton "futnnes." Tour days will be devoted to cotton, and the committee will then conrider grain future trading. ^ A bill is now pending before the Senate committee to the same end. The question of prohibiting trading In futures has been a particularly ? lire one ever since th^TJemocrats oh- 1 talned control of Congress. The sub- ( Ject affects practically every South- C era member. Tbeir claim is that 8 prices in the big cotton markets are 8 largely fictitious, and that the fa^m. er gets "buaked" by prices that do 1 not anywhere near represent' the ait- 1 ml condition of the real cotton sales 1 market. OHB^ic YOUR Arm COUGH. " * Thawing front sad April rain. chill ram to the vary marrow, you catch old?Homo and lama diM-Tm mro furerlnh?Cough oomtlmmmllr and loot adamrmhlo?Tom mood Dr. Klng-a Nuw Dtoeouorr. It uootfcau inflamed and lmtatad throat fad lung., (ton ooagh, yoar boad oloara op. turer learuu, mad yaw foolflae Mr .J. T. Dana, of BUekaoy Corour, Mo., "waa cored of a dreadful cough after deetofa truatmunt mad all other ruanetfldu fulled. Relief or moaoy hack. I Ptuaaant?Children, Oot a bottle today. Iflo. WMI ?l.?o at yoar druggist. ' ; ;j i Bucklua'a Arnica Balua lor all ' *''-V ' ' 1 PERSONALS } D. a Hall. of Baroatna. P?.. arrirln tha'clty laat night via the Attic Cocat Line. rum BUtoon wool to OroeavUle 5. B. rotor, of Bocky Mount, la In >city today oa Utoaw. Dr. rn W. Dunn? of Nov Bora. N. waa hare yeatorduy on profaaRobert P. McCoy, of the Norfolk ithorn, to raglnlared at Hotel ilea. B. D. Carotarphan. of Plymouth. C., a claror knight of the grip, hare today oa basinets. N. A. Whitley, of Bayside. N. C.. a a welcome visitor to Waahlngi yesterday afternoon. Frank 8. Railly, onperintaadent of ? Deakyno steam ti net Una, recentestablished bat-wean Baltimore, rfolk. HMnnbatb City. Waohtngton. d Newborn, N. O., arrived in the y loot night via the Norfolk Boothi. He la regiatared at the Louie*. W. A. WUoox, of Klnetoo, N. C., here today on bneinaaa B. C| Potter, /traveling ffrel^Jt d paeoenger ngenf ot the Norfolk uthern, la Jiere In the interest of i road. J. P. Bragg, of Baysldo. N. C., In tha city yeatarday afternoon. Dp; J. T. Nicholson, of Bath. N. wu 1A the city yesterday after on. J. A. Hooper, of Elizabeth City, la traalneae rtaltor. kfeurn. B. R. Conner and W. O. ereet, of fed en ton, N. C., are gueat the Loatae. Clyde Ely, of New Bern, N. C., a here this morning. R. Q. Church, a popular citlxen of rfolk, ia tn the city. TRUTH TRIUMPHS. aahtagton Citizen* Testify for the Public Health. A truthful statement of a WashKton citizen, given ph hje own rds, should convince the most ekep ml about the merits of Doan's Kidy Pills. If you suffer from backhe, nervousness, sleeplessness, ur. zry dleordere or any form of kldy Ilia, use t tested kidney medlle. A Washington citizen tells of mn's Kidney Pills. Could you demand more convlnog proof of merit? lira, Llna Arthur, Sr., 528 8c~>?d rest, Washington, N. C., says: "I I ffered greatly from dull, nagging attaches. I could hardly get ound at times, aad waa afraid to ove on account of the knife-like rlnges In my loins. My kidneys sre weak and no doubt, caused all ,e trouble. I saw Doan's Kidney Ills advertised and I began ualng em. They removed the trouble, am willing to confirm my former idorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills." Price 60c, at all dealers. - Don't mply ask for a kidney remedy? it Doan's Kidney Pills?the earns at Mrs. Arthur had. Foster-MIL irn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ad LEAKS COMPLEXION?REMOVES SKIN BLEMISHES. Why go through life embarrassed id disfigured with pimples, erupone, blackheads, red rough akin, r suffering the tortures of Eczema, ch, totter, salt rheum. Just ask jur druggist for Dr. Hobson's Ec. ?ma Ointment. Follow the simple iggestlona and your akin worries re over. Mild, soothing, effective, xcellent for babies and delicate, nder skin. Stops chapping. Alays helps. Relief or money back. Oc, at your druggist. adv INDIANS AND TUBKRCULO8I8. Dr. John N. Alley, euperintendent f the United States Sanatorium for ndlans at Fort Lapwal, Idaho, says e is convinced, after a study of tie causes of death among the Nei 'erces Indians for the last ten years hat 90 per cent of all the deaths art ue directly or Indirectly to tubercu)Sis. In the hundred years thai ave elapsed since the historic ex, edition of Lewis and Clark to th< lorthwest, the Ner Perces tribe hai limlnished fsom 8,000 to 1,800. Thi resent tuberculosis death rate i? .bout 40 per thousand living or twi jid one-half times the rate In fht Jnited States as a whole. Dr. Alio; races the cause of the deciimatioi o the change in the mode of livini if the sedentary, 'settled life of th starvation. The latter has brough vith It the danger of home infectlw vhlch was automatically eliminate* a th seedier days. "Ventilation, (ays Dr. Alley, "la completely for rtgn to an Indian's' nature. It t vith great difficulty that yon can hem to pay any; heet 4-21-to-5-23-c Chairman. IMEW ? ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. CdrdeTl Seeds n Having qualified as administrator of Jeaae Tuten, deceased, lata of HTld ? Beaufort oounty, North Carolina, *1 this is to notify all persona having Otlintl 4 r- claims against the estate of said do- VSlllUll UKW ceased to exhibit them to the un- ??? ?? ? if dersigned on or before the 4th day is of March. 191S, or thU noUce will Qiufitj GtoCCft 1- b? pleaded In bar of their recovery id All persons Indebted to said estate Uf II TPfl f*M*ni P ft Pfl r, m*k*Walter credle a to. ^ Thi. ird d.y at .Mroh, mi. PHotm 00 and 92 H, M. COX, '? M Ward artaw, Attr?, j ^ j S