Fresh car I Powell G? The Beet Quality Grocers Classified Advertisements. WANTED?ONE FARM HORSE OH nnM. Cheep. ROBERT W. SMALL. 4-2 2-3 tc. THE REAL MONEY SAVING EVENT ( aphoold appeal to 70a. JAMES E. PJLRK. 4-SS-ltC igf. COOPER HAS TOMATO AND '"coBard plant* for sale. Phone -fr?8J. 4.22-3tp TO ARRIVE?TWENTY CRATES good new cabbage. Prices reason, able. H. B. MAYO. 4-12-ltc FEW BUSHELS SPANISH PEA Ants for aale. B. Mayo. 441-S?c BARGAIN?LATEST MODEL. REM. lngton typewriter No. 10. See F. H. ROLLINS. 4-20-lwc ENTIRE STOCK AT AND BE LOW' cost at JAMES E. CLARK'S. 4-12.1tc. FOR 8ALE?MY STOCK OF GOODS and fixings. J. L. PHILLIPS, corner Fourth and Pearce Btreets. 4-8 tf TO ARRIVE?FEW VERY GOOD Lemons for sale; very reasonable prices. ii. is. MAYO. 4-Zl-3tc. CHEAP? FA KM MILK, YOUNG. Beo F. H. ROLLINS. 4-20-lwc MUSI A NO WILL SELL GAS IIOAT. Good condition. Well appointed and comfortable. Bargain, If quick. , AddresB, Box 237. 4-14.tfc. FOR SALE?ONE WELL BROKE ( steer, weight 1100 lbs. See GEO. E. FORT1SCUE. City Market. 4-20-2tc. \ MONEY SAVED ON EVERY ITEM , ran buy at JAMES E. CLARK'S. , 4-21-1 tc. v. j FOUND? BUNCH OF KEYS. OWN- \ or can get same by calling at this , office and paying for this ad. I AUTOMOBILES CHEAP?ONE CA- , dilac, thirty; one Everett, thirty. , six. Used little. Runs good, j Looks good. 8ce F. H. ROLLINS, j 4.20-lwc. I WANTED?SALESMAN TO SELL j Lubricating Oils, House and barn t Paint and specialties. Big prof- i tits. Champion Refining Com- i pany, Cleveland, Ohio. 2-28-Sat 3 mo. i FOR SALE?GAS BOAT GWEXDO- j len; 3-horso power motor; good | condition; length 20 feet. BRUCE J A. WILKINSON. 4-20-3tp UNCLAIMED LETTERS. List of Letters Remaining Uncalled ( For In Thin Office for Wtcw t ' Ending April 18. t j. s. Amy. Kile Cradle. Thos. Cus. 1 sack Co., W. N. Elder. W. H. Hill, t W. B. Knox. Lew. Knctzger, J. L. 1 Locklenr. J. D. Montgomery, Alex- s ander MacKenzie, Ells McClaud, I! John Miller, Joseph MeBsick. W. N. t Nobles. C. W. Rayfleld, Edwin Rig- t gin. Thomas Ruffln. Floyd Smith. W. t A. Stapler. J. W. Taylor. Washing- e ton Investment Co,, R ,W. Whittey, r Lyman Williams, Noro Fisher, Mrs. Mary E. oJnes, Miss Purther Mande. r Mrs. Annie Nelson, Miss Pettonly, J fc. *" Splvey, Mrs. Annie Stewart, Mary S Sanders, Miss Sallie Tarrow, Miss I Mary Liza Willis. I 3 I BASEB^ FINS oav po* TKt SAtt eaewajfe O Pt NINO * a ^*! ^ ARRY I ! To Eat Ahvays I id Pure. I Ellsworth Phono 12X 124 I Dr. H. H. Miller vs Bear's Emulsion DR. H. H, MILLER V8- BEAR'S ' EMULSION. Strong Endorsement By the Oldest 1 Practicing Physician In the Home Town of Bear's , Emulsion. Bear's' Emulsion continues to give i good satisfaction to all those that 1 use K. But should bottle be an exception we will gladly refund your ^ money. 1 Dr. Jphn D. Bear. 1 Elkton. Va. 1 Dear Sir: It gives me pleasure to 1 recommend your Emulsion and the ^ recommendation will not only help you, but will be the means of some ' one soeklng for a remedy to rid tihem ' of the long lingering coughs and a good system builder. I have pro- 1 scribed your Emulsion and have re- 1 ceived very gratifying results. It la ' a fine tissue builder; tones up tho ' stomach and gives the patient a good ' appotite. I have seen the remedy 1 mado and know all its constituents < and thoroughly recommend It. 1 Yours very respectfully, 1 Dr. H. H. Miller. 1 Bear's Emulsion sells for ono dol. 1 lar a bottle or six for five dollars. 1 For sale bv Worthv & F.thorliUo ( adv. ANNOUNCEMENT. To My Friends and Fellow Citizens of Beaufort County: 1 hereby annocnco myself as a candidate for the Sheriff's office. I have only one promise to make to you people should I be elected and that Is the same promise that I made-to my good friends who so ably supported me in the last campaign when they made me. their choice as Recorder for Washington. Long Acre and Chocowinlty townships, and that is the same promise I now make to the county as a whole, that Ib, If you will make me your sheriff I will do nothing to bring reproaoh upon the county or myself, and you will not be ashamed of me as your Sheriff. If elected, I shall be as lenient as possible with you In settling your taxes; but will collect when they become due as the law directs. Be sure and pay your poll ax before the first day of May, 1914, so you can vote on election day without being challenged. Thanking you in advance for any support that you may give me. Respectfully, WILLIAM B. WINDLEY, Washington, N. C. l-14-lwp. ADMINISTRATOR'S VOTirE The undersigned nwvrng this day July qualified before the Clerk of a he Superior Court of Beaufort coun- ^ y as Administrator of the estate of * David W. Gasklll. deceased, late of 0 he county of Beaufort, notice Is h tereby given that all callms against J' iald estate, duly verified, must be lied with the undersigned within n welve months from this date, or o his notice will be pleaded In bar of t! heir recovery. All persons indebt- a d to the estate are requested to n nake Immediate payment. >' Thla 11th day of Mar 1914. si R. M. G vSKILT>, tdmr. David W. Gasklll, deceased, t! Imall, MacLean, Bragaw & Rodman tl Attys. I a :-ll-6wp. a lLL MOV YeP.THEW' I GOT MER.6 I U 0ESOME EASLV TO fiji | CROWP out GE.T A GOOO ? 0U6M ' LL j ,r i ,v,|iMiiiaiMr^iygaiii Americans Shelling era ruz (Continue*! f-.?urely ridiculous If the stakes were Lot human lives and national reputations. If botfh sides are Itching i. In' 11 _cn('h_ivlJi?r!>-nJ>? ae discreditable to them both to hare 10 better occasion for beginning. Th% originating cause of tho dispute Is jndoubtedly the extension of the Monroe doctrine, which, from being l mere notice board to Europe igainst political trespassing in the '"lew World, has become a sort of gazetting of the United States as the oollttcal school mistress of Central ind South Amer.c.i. JAY PRESIDENT IS WRONG. "President Wllsoi was wrong in -efuslng to reoognise General lluera. The resulting Intervention wift >*? Pancho Villa in the position Hu i ta now occupies. Thlj is not an ittractlve prospect, for Villa prsaesos In a higher degree every fault hat rresident Wilson has round with iuerta. The Liverpool Pbst sayn: "Presllent Wilson* \ message was the inevtable culmination of American poll:y In refusing to recognize Generll luerta. 'i Lo responsibility of the Jnlted States can not cease with a nere conquest under arms and the ipholdiug of American dignity, nor :an It be confined to the Immediate >rotectton of International commer:lal interests. "Tho further responsibility will de. olve upon the United States of takng such steps as may be considered lecessary for the permanent protecIon of those interests. That can inly be done by eetablishlng such a orm and personnel of government aa fill Insure the greatest degree of >rderly life. The civilization of Mexro would would-have a beneficent inluence throughout the world." ;0 QUESTION OF WAR. "he Dally Telegraph says: "One of hose great waves of national feeing which from time to time sweeps stde political dissension* among Linerlcans has gone througlioat the United States There Is no nation n earth more punctilious over the onor of Its flag and It is merely list for Americans to say that if an isqlt had come from a more forildable aggressor the manifestation f the public resolve to have repara. ion would only have been stronger nd more violent. There is, of coarse, o question as yet of war, in the et of war, in the strict meaning of trlct meaning of the term." The Globe says: "In the declaraon that the military operations of lie United States are being taken not gainst the people of Mexioo, but gainst General HuerUt we have the IES' Mr. ___ COM? ON IN _ At G&99SI0t SAVE -i * _ ?_ ONE OV Mi LUC"^ ?=. ^ i - a i j l? ummtmmmmmJLrn Quii u VTuUll ML 11111 i IIIIB If V I llif t t*l#lll I niiiiKiiii rniin Washington. D. C.# April It ?The man whom Roosevelt dubbed "i boJJj good soldier" and whoa he advanced because of the belief in hia ability, even though he wee not a West Pointer, stepped down from ths highest active position In the army today. He was Major General Leonard Wood, until today chief of staff of the army. Wood's four year term as the chief executive officer for the army automatically expired today. Be Immediately becomes chief of the department of the east, with headquarters at Governor's Island Hew York.?the choicest post in the army. W. W. Wltberspoon. now assistant chief of staff succeeds to Wood'o pwWood's rise In the army haa been spectacular. He was first heard of as Colonel of the famous Rough Riders. He was a physician and arky surgeon, a man of extraordinary personal magnetism; Roosevslt picked him as an ideal type of commander. Personally he and Wood were cronlee. -Wood rode horseback like a contaur; so did Roosevelt. The Rough Riders waxed famous after Sanitago, and Wood also. He was called Into the regular army and went slhead by leaps and bounds. His rapid promotion was the cause of coqsiderable comment in the army. was accentuated by the old fight between the "line and staff." As a surgeon in the army, Wood was of, the staff faction. His rise to power made the West Pointers and others of the "line" faction peevish. Bnt moet of them were today willing to admit that the "physician" had done more for the army In his four years as chief of staff than any other one in^vidual. Not only did Wood have to buck opposition from the army, but he made powerful foes in Congress by his firm stand In favor of abolition of a dozen or more'army posts. The army posts have largely been distributed In the past as political favors rather than by strategic choiceIt helped a congressman or a sena. tor to have & post In his district. But It resulted In the army being scattered all over the country. General Wood came out for mobilization of | the standing forces into half a dozen ?no more?concentration posts. He wanted to abandon Isolated garrisons nd keep the army near big centers. 1 Wood's greatest achievement as the head of the army was the development of the militia as an. authorized auxiliary of the regular army. Ho has persistently boosted the "reserve enlistment" plan. The retiring chief of staff Is a fine figure of a man. He la over six feet in (height, has thb neck, arms and trunk of a gladiator, a face that Is firm and purposeful, and makes a figure in the saddle like Mars himself. He walks with a slight limp, due to an Injury. DRAIN AG K CONGHK88 OPENS: SAVANNAH, GA.. April 22.?An expected message on flood control iruiii rrcaiucm YViipun, ana uu ?adress of 8ir William'^lllcock, build?r of the AsBouan dam, were features listed for the opening -of the National Drainage Congress today. Speakers declared that flood pre vention will be one of teh big national Issues to be presented to Congress by President Wilson next sea. ion, and they urged delegates to start campaigning now so that this legislation may be an effective means of checking the $200,000,000 annual flood waste in the West. root weakness of President Wilson's policy. He undertakes to Bay who does cot represent the Mexican people. That Is a pretension to which there Is no other issue than annexation or a protectorate as valid as that now exercised over Cuba." "Putting the . Fan Beats M 0 ) ====; tar #?a eaeuue&l Bmm HHHU I b? to BMl tb. BMd* of tft* oouattj okVd. W. ?r. to b.v, .? y?r . county commencement and to miklog thin ? n?0Mn Uto .uporrltor enn rendkr r.lunbl. aHlaUnoa. Bhn will OrrnnUn Olrl.' Totnnto Otnho no thnt Iy early .print nrerythlnt will On rnpdy to bofin work nmt hi July r. ?k Screm days prior to tbs opening oC these;, special schools she will visit lis the community with ttoe teacher. If there la no Betterment Aseoclatlo* or R ral Improvement Club fvhe will orgaglte Into Boys' Corn Clabs for a practical study of agriculture and the girls Into domestic clubs for cooking, sewing and housekeeping. All this le work that the cohnty superintendent can not do. 1 Af evidence that expert oplnton re gards this vtbrk as worth while the Peab&dy funa has been established1 to at^ In carrying otat Oils work in the 8outh. Also the United States Department of Agriculture offers financial help for those counties that help 'themselves. In personal letters from the seven euperintendeats lathis State In whose conn ties assistant supervisors hare been employed, Ub< work 1b heartily endorsed. In appm printing an amount necessary to <**ry oh this worfc In Beaufort countw tOie hoard baa been criticised ee making an extravagant expenditure *>f the county's money. The fact that .no deffcit has ever occurred in the school fund shows how wisely the board has planned the nse of this of tlw. rnnntv'u mnnfv. Slid while other conbtiee have thought It wise to employ supervisors, even at the cost of creatiag a deficit, your board has seen Its way clear to employ this extra help out of the fund already available. W. G. PRIVETTE. TO VISIT PARENTS. Mrs. L. E. Kldd left yesterday for1 Richmond. Va., to vtslt her parent*,j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Howard. NOTICE. At a meeting of the Board of Elections on April IS, 1914, upon petition of the parties affected, the Board has created a new precinct to be known aa Washington Park, within the following boundaries; "Beginning on the east aide of Jack's Creek Bridge, at the foot ofj same, thence with Jack's Creek to Pamlico river, thence with Pamlfod river to the foot of the Public Landing road, on Pamlico fiver; thence up the river Road to the Brick Kiln Road, thence with the said Brick Kiln Road to the Washington and Bath Road at Washington Heights, thcooe to the corporate limits of the City of Washington, thence with Jack's Creek to the beginning." Tho polling place In said precinct has been fixed at the store of the Rex Lumber Company. The polling place In Beaver Dam precinct shall hereafter he at the store of J O. Mlxon. This April 13, 1914 By order Boardyof Elections A 11. DUMAT. Chairman Board of Elections. L. H. REDDITT, Secretary. 4-16-law-4wc NOTICE OP SALE. Under and by virtue of a decree In an action entitled J. A. Houston and P. T. Houston B. Houston et al, the undersign * commissioner will, on Saturday, the ,16th of May, 1914, at 12 o'clock noon, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow. Ins described tracts of land: 1st. Beginning at a post oak In the line between lots No 1 and lots No. 2 In the old Oaylord division, and running thence, north 52, east 81 poles; thence north 62, west 229 poles; thence south 52, west 60 poles; thence south 65 east to the beginning, containing 112 acres, more or less; saving and excepting thereout that portion of the above First One Ove ayor tp It at u AT so7)r55 throw in hav11 rue First ^SALL. aUAWTf V 0H?B WMrj fl'U. TAKCj ITH* SAMfc I tfibiittiik The said sale will be made t&? Tervui ot uid will be ouk. Thd* A#rtl 1(, 1*14. - -W. B. RODMAN, JR., 4-11-4, c CommMkmr. SIM. of North CmoIM. tMftMM Of SUM. CERTIFICATE Of DISSOLUTION To All to Whoa Tbw* PreMoti Maj 0*Mf?Or**tlag: Wlortu, It tpiwn to aj tattafaction, by duly authenticated reeord of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders deposited in my office, that the Washington Lima Company, a corporation f of this State, whose principal office Is situated In the town of Washington, county of Beaufort State of North Carolina, cornar. tbanca ?. * 1-1 Baat IM ?ol?? to Mid Mourning'a oorna ; thanaa N. M B. >.?? polaa to a want gnu. L. D. Mldyette's com . thanca along aald Mldjette'a, Ho rffiaaggyatia i *T? ^.VY'l'to. to larga pine In tba hand ot Saco d Gut, A, B. Beacbam's cornar. tianca 8. SO 1-1 W. 10 ?? poleo to the HI | orr Point road, tbanca jrltb aa d road to B. OS W. 101.14 polaa to a cornar In D. V. Warren', ltna. tbanca with aald Una E. 7* 1-1 E. SO polaa to a corner o( aald D. V. Warren'a tbenoe s. 41 l-s B. 1SS polaa to afcothar of aald D. V. Warran'a oornera, tbenoe parallel vltb tba want ditch of tba Baraanab Said B. 10 1-1 B. 100 polaa to Bandy landtag ? road, then with tba Sandy Landlig road to tba beginning, eeetalaS SSI acre, it being the name land , conveyed by dead lo J. H. Oralder by Lona B. HndaaU oa February 0. 1000, and tbla deed of trnat la g?an to aecnra tba pnrokaao money *?! doe on tba aald land. Thia.Jfarcb gl, ipu. W. T. HUBNBLL, Trnataa. Ward and Crimea. Altr*"0"***"^ < nmot There wilt be a oonrenUon of tfc* Democrat* of Beanfort county la the Court Hon**, on Satardar, May tl, at 11 o'clock. This conrentloa I* lor ' the parpca* of eeodin* Delegatea to tha State and DUtrtct Conreotlona. Br order Democratic Knecutlre Committee, Beaafort county. LINDSAY C. WARRRN. Ml to l-ll-c. Chairman. rheatre lington [ht Only * pr. 25th S DIXON ?nts iard Spots" iaa Dixon Jr. idmg Rale f Unabated Slice?a. , Scats on tic Wednesday , t Etheridge rIEATRE of April 20th *E omedy Co, ,-i Iate Mmstrel and Musical edit* H MOSTLY GIRLS GRAM EVERY NIGHT Each Performance. Friday wise Night. NTS FREE i AND 20c. Unusual Plays | . T : \ TNC KNMftAROO \ lUtttt* ? TO MXVC WWWWB ?( K witmuo). !