w V ' VILLA Mexicans Qi , !*."" Was ! ' 1 ] All Diplomatic Rela ed. Situation M< ter Conference ? REFUGEES NOV General Wood Leav ger Ordered to I i * ing to Mexico C UJa>B>HB Pi The following wire from J. P. Tay -- ; >* interact: n v-i : ** : Washington, D. C? April 23.?Nel. charge at Mexico City, has been band < ber of Americana killed In the battle 4 wounded. The indications are this m will sat together. President Huerta, li * four hundred thousand troops (o r til pletely under oontrdl of the Amerl can The vMexican representative a t Vi It is expected, will leave the Am eric r ?? MAY CAPTURE KL PASO. K Senator Pall announced in the * United States Senate this afternoon " that he was in receipt of a telegram cl stating that General Villa with Ave * thousand troops were ready to dash B across the International bridge for the^urpoge of eapturifcg ,the City of & SITUATION DELICATE. ftl J. Barrett, after a conference this C afternoon with Secretary Bryan, J( John Llnd and the Mexican repre- tl sentative Algara, stated that U\e B ) Mexican situation today was twice as b delicate as It was yesterday. . j> ALGARA TO LEAVE. Secretary Bryan announced at d noon that hf will give the Mexican a representative Algara his passports, b Algara says that he wHl leave Wash- * Ington. Senator Shlrely, of tlhe For- e At*, BAF8 thAt CATTAHXA'8* note Will tl ^ not change nor miter the American a Affirm Alive policy. The 8enat? is . now expediting a half million dollar h hill for the purpose of aiding all Am- d Orleans to leave Mexico. tl REFUGEES LEAVING. R According to a navy report there * v are two thousand refugees from Vera t] t Crua, Tamptco, and Tuxpan, on their C way to Galveston, Texas. General . Wood, late chief of the United States o Army, expects to leave tor the bor- c der within the next twenty-four b hours. tl RELATIONS SEVERED. N This country has severe? preeent < Unetlon Tor It U believed to men I e forecast of > decleretlon of war on v tbe part of Haarta. Tbe prareet erleta'hai arlaen-alnee tha Maxloan troubi. beaao Uaet 4kV*(tar mltoUbt Prealdant WU lREA large Alga Given Pas 8y Sect'y I tions With Huerl Dre Delicate toda: With feryan and 7 V BOUND FC ?: es For Border Wi f Seize Long Bridgi )ity. V LSSPOKT8. , f' loe to the Daily News proves of on O'Shauglinessy, the American od his passports. The total numyesterday wefe twelve and fifty tornlng that Huerta and C&ranza i arranging, it Is stated, to raise war. Vdra Cruz Is now comforees. 'ashlngton, D. C., Charge Algara. an capital shortly. I >n and Secretary Bryin were awsk aed and held a hurried conference 1th the-cablnet "ind high army oil] lals. Tho army and navy are noi waiting the next, move of Caransa. IUTIsb QHEKR AMERICAN'S. The paymaster toj the Britisl rulser Base*. Albert W. Kimbei as wounded yesterday on board hi lip by a "sniper" ashore at Ver rut. When the American blue tekots proceeded to land^yesterda ley were cheered heartily by tb ritish bluejackets who crowded th owe of their ships. RESIDENT WKEP8. Secretary of Navy Daniels has 01 e*ed Admiral Badger of the Nort tlantlc fleet to seise the two Ion ridges on the railroad connectln 1th Mexico City. With these bride b In fall possession of the America jrces. It la stated that communlca ion can not he cut off by the Bftx: ana. If eudbi wax their Intentloty Secretaries Bryan and Daanlel eld a long conference wlfh Prea ent Wftym thla morning, and a tie late dispatches were gone ova nd dlscusaed. When the fact c layer Marten's death was told t ho President he wept. ARANZA'S NOTE SURPRISE. When the President read the not f General Carransa, In which he di lared that the seizure of Vera Cri y ths American forces was a violi Ion of the national sovereignty c [cxico and inviting the United Stat* o suspend hostile operations an rlthdraw Its forces, was a shock 1 be chief executive. Carranr.a ale uggests that the constitutional^ overnment should receive demanc or reparations of offenses comml Cd by Huerta. 1 President Wilson Is wornout an tas refused to take his accustom* est notwithstanding the advice < ils physicians that this Is essentia ["he army chiefs are now conferrlt in the proposed border operations PSHAUGHNSSSIi SAFE. Communication was establish* rtth Mexico City yesterday afte loon. O'Shaughncssy Is sare and tl f Che federal government. . A tralq^ left yesferday efterno< tor Vera Crus with foreigners i ioard and will be escorted by f? ?r?is. lv SEIZURE NOT ORDERED. Secretary Daniels said late yesU day that no orders had been glv to seise Tamplco and that Rear A miral Badger'a Instructions were i sufficiently broad to take the custo / A-; -' ' I INGT( WEA1 WASHINGTON DYTC ' ; -ira sports \rfan Today a Have Been Severy Says J. Barrett AfLind. >R GALVESTWi thin 24-Hours. Bad ? as on Railroads Go V r arose. Further steps In reprisal havt I not been decided upon. I NO BURDEN TO UNITED STATES iaai me united BUtoa could fl nance a war with Mexico and scarcely (eel It. Is the -view authoritative!) expressed In Washington. The government's finances art con: sldered to be In excellent condition, sldercd to be In excellent oonditton. It was said no plans for raising money yet had been .considered, a< current appropriations (or the navj and the army. In the view of offl clals would be snfflclent for presc ent needs and as It would cost nc ^ more to maintain the fleet in Mexicar waters than In the United States. It has been estimated a beer and stamp tax weald loarease government revenues by. at least $100,000, a 000 a year. Imposition of sumr tax es would have to be made by Cons gross. R ARREST OP MARINES A PLOT. That General Hnerta deliberate!) y planned the arrest of American bluee jacketB at Tamplco and other of6 fensea against the United States witl a view to bringing on armed inter ventlon and uniting all the Mexlcar r- factions behind him was the sob h staa??_Df letter received by a higt g government official yesterday fron g an authoritative source in Mexicc I. City. n BADGER ORDERS FLO TIM.A TO TAMFICO. RqarAdmiral Badger reported yesterday that he had ordered th< 13 torpedo flotilla from Vera Crus t< j~ Tamplco to reinforce the Des Moines which was left there when the othei * vessels were withdrawn to Vera Criu if O FEAR FOR SAFETY OF AMERICANS. Grave fears are felt here for tin safety of hundreds of Americans, In ? eluding many women and childrei 9' In the oil camps at Toplla and othe 12 river points and interior camps, rj All these Americans are Bald ti 5 be unarihed and defonseless agalns 53 at tacks, ot "either Federals or insur gents. x ? Many ojl companies are directlnj their empjoyes to return to Tamplco st a. I, HUERTA NOT TO GET GUNS, t. Disposition of the guns and am munition on the German vessel Ypl id "-canga, held up at Vera Crus whe: ,d Admiral Fletcher took the port, wa arranged between Secretary Brye [), and 'the German ambassador. ,g The captain of the. vessel beln unaWe to secure clearance papers a Vera'Crus will return the cargo t its former owners In Germany, a though Huerta had paid In advanc r" for the munitions. ,ie t. REBEL. CHIEFS SILENT. Douglas, Arts., April 23.?Const dg tutlod^nst leaders here refuse to tal for publication concerning develo] menu at Vera Crus. an ' "I do not feel at liberty to e 4 press myself until General Carrani has issued a statement," was tl way Francisco 8. Ellas Sonofa* bo def spokesman for the constitutions *** (Continued on Page Four.) eD T . d" It's Rnrtfll tn WMhtaHttom Furklot. FINE LOT OF COUNTRY HAM i 1CT He. por pound. E. K. WILLIS. HUH )N Pi mi: Fair lonlf ht G?aU? wladi. N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON WASH OXFORD I I 1 Four of the runners ,o#-X)ifo| ; ilty of Pennsylvania In a relay race oi A. N. .8t Jackson, G. M>Sproule, D. 1 WILL SHUT- -" IS III1 mm Gilbert C. .White, of Charlotte, N. C., consulting engineer for the~fclty ; of Washington, arrived here last eve. a i nlng via the Norfolk Southern. Mr. ? . White U here for the purpose of _ i looking over the plans and spec! flea- I . tlons forv the contemplated Improve- I i ments to the water and electric |, plants and also tbe Installing of scw1 ers. i Mr. .White states that bids will be > submitted to the dlflerent contractors within the next ten days at "the outBlde. innDAT cunuf ^ biuitti onun WILL APPEAR i ! HERE SAL| to 3 The Leopards Spots, the latest play 1 4 from the pen of Thomas Dixon, au- p " thor of the Clansman, will be pre. p sented at~the New Theater on Satur5 day evening, April 25. This play is now in Its thirty-third week of unqualified success and bids fair to run into the late spring. Mr. Dixon has q a capable cast of actors who have Q been together since the Loopard's 8 Spots opened their tour at the New ? Wells Theater, Norfolk, Sept. 16.1918. g Thegfrr goers who desire to %ee A a'good play acfed by an excellent 0 cast should not miss this opportunity. [i The cast and production is guarahe leed to be tlTe same that has played . all the large cities of the South. ' PRESIDENT WIL B0N AS PAN. Washington, D. C? April 22.? , * President Wilson will toss the first , baH to P4tTr>T?1at e c*0" ed by September 1, if not earlier. Moan* Mr. T. P Bland, of Rocky Mount. ^ 113 Is the proprietor of the IjOuIss, and u * Mr. J. A. Tucker, manager. Under 3 their suocrvlslon and guidance this tl,or" well known hotel sustains a most hand. envjab|e reputation throughout itleth Nortb Carolina, lino." 1 and PAY POM? TAX. Majo unless the citizens of the county *lt-1 pay their poll tax by Friday week, being" May 1, they will bo debarred from voting In the next election. S* Thosp who have not paid their tax ?Th" should see to It that it is done at mina- % once. appll- km torne8 HERB TODAY. Ispen- Mrg Warren Oodley, of Yeatesu*y ** Yille. N. C., was among the welcome N ?;J| mated vl8jtora to Washington today. 8 ______________ KNIGHTS OF TEMPLARS IN STATE MEETINGSan Franctyco, CaL, April IS.? Coffey, The annua| conclave of the Grand \ 1 nre.' KntKht. of TempSaru of California will oonvene in this city today. More 1 ??' than 60 ,Ut* eommand#r1?*' rtrt>m" 'whtch MntI,If 8'000 members, will particlJV"4 BUCID BACON ?0O. POUND " ' alicod boat lit. pound: boloma ? o? ttoHfi lie pound. *. X. WID