I oxceltanl oil onunUy to 1 I'd ?Syr(romCl"drod?ry '^JTtlS!4of*' 1 be benefit of landlords, and go back to landjords, fail go back to i I granted, you wilt hold a warranty deed and abstract. I The beet sennity on earth la the earth Itself, and land la the bi I productive luada are beaejltlng by the Increasing high coat of living, 1 An Opportunity to Secure Rich Productive Land I Ton will not be required to leave your present asking afterwards I surroundings now. All we ask of those to whom nladed opening, is I we grant tracts Is that they plant, or arrange to Pacific and other n I have planted, a crop of one of the above.meutl M a ands, and we exp? I products within three years, after which we wil -he ones who Will havo.lt operated (harvested and replanted) foi Wo have also | grantees, in consideration of 16 per cent, of th< dgued to be the not profits derived from the sale of the crops, scientific, commeri thereby allowing the grantee to pursue bis or her will consist of present occupation until such a time as bbey de- deluded in this op termine Just what the yield of their acres amounts JolT? tracts will g< to. Conalder what this may mean as a source ot and scientific meth 7 income, when statistics Bhow that tlio yield of *ro arranging to p one acre of celery .amounted to gl.168.46. and that iTtoI<1 ,mMy dlsapj - one acre of well-cenai-for paper nhell pecans, lr otht* *and opening fnU hearing, shodld net Its owner ae "high as $50u ?overnment and ri per year. We are of the opinion that after it it a ot Jbo c< proven by actual results obtained In operating terprlse. In the Jio the land that they will need no farther urging. ong.of ?"T town slt and waste no time In locating In this land of njea- Exyntnatlon 0f ty. Wo also require grantee to occupy thviand muted, and the o Within ten years, or sell It to so mo ofie w/o will Wayne coufl oocupy It; otherwise It reverU back to the/rantor. * 4 * - The land Included In this oftofng ta^catcd- 4L reetly on and adjoining the AOtInd ,nd nltnl OUR AIM IS POR MtTBAM.* BENEFICIAL RE. *nii tho lant -> -. And In d Prtnn ,1 on CO nQMio ' ' An we are extremely deslrlooe of tiering settlen The prosperous i locate on thle property, end eeelet In Its derelop- day are the descen ment, and thereby greatly Increase the value of there when It was surrounding end Interrenlng property, which we of those who obts will hold, and to Increaee the tramc nlone the At- ante and Blares. Tents, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad, and thus THIB MAY BE TO facilitate the serrtce. we feel warranted in grant- LAND IN HIS cc tag these tracts to thoeejWho register with ns. We OUTLAY OF cap also hare In mind business and residence plots eery to use you to which we will offer for sale after the opening, but application for r? which will not be Included In It. We have "money- oouncemeht. SOUTHERN GEORGIA RAIROAD.LAND DEVELOPM . COLORADO BUILDING. WASHINGTON. D Southern Georgia Railroad-Land Development Bnreau. Washington, D. c. Registration Depart I hereby make application to register for your Fruit and Agrlct and furnish you with the correct answers to the following questions Name City Stats Street oy R. F. D. No Age Mtrrled or Single Widow, Widower, or Orphc Nationality , , ... -. Do you now own over ten acres of land In It my application for registration la accepted, please send me. w complete Information and particulars. Including maps of tho land, the Atlanta. Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad, Its transportation f nuCgrowlng possibilities, etc. ' -' ! Very truly yours, mi Tim - ? a i I ' ' - ? notice. c for your den c ? ' BeatSUal Coll.ce P.nnaal, " pyacdnct meetings will he hrdd vale end Harvard, each ? m. s 24 In. throughout Beaufort county on the following dates, for the purpose of Princeton, Cornell, Michigan electing precinct Committees and . T ta. x 21 In. sending delegates to ths-oonnty Con- all host quality felt with headventkm: ^ log, streamers, letters and mascot May 15, 1P14- executed tn proper colors. This Firm Word. Armory, I p. m- splendid assortment sent poatpaldJor Second Word. City HsU. i p. m. eg' cimts. send now. Third Ward, Court Rouse, 8 p. m. . Fourth Ward, Court House, 8 p.m. HOWARD SPECIALTY COMPANY Belhsven, 8 p. m. D?lrtoB- ?h>?Washington Park. 8 p. m. .notice of mortgage sale; May 18, 1244. Under and by virtue of the power Tranter's Creek, Old Ford, Pine- " ! " " Vine, Beaver Dam and Cbocowtalty. ? -* ??tnlno? '? ? ???? . r ape deed executed the 4th day ol at 10 a. m. January, 1808, by A W. Dixon and All other precincts at 3 p. m. on. w m'von ?- w n Saturday, May 14. Springer, which Bald mortgage "is reBy order Democratic Executive corded In book 1S6, at page 696 oi Committee. Beaufort County. th? Beaufort county records, which LINDSAY C. WARREN. ? ? ^ Cb?lrm?Q y.yTOent of the dtbl ?e<-ur?d by ..Id I The Silent ^Breeze-Maker fl. The Emerson special model "Residence Type" oscillating fan can be a doily factcft in the comfort of your home. No other gives the same results. The finest fan for living room, dining room or bedroom. fl. Brings quiet relief from heat?just the rush of cooling breese. C. Easiest to adjust. Costs little to run. Guaranteed - , five yean by the factory; Why not have one? I I i 11 ulrlljfl lu II 11 I 11 ilnl in k y ii aTJ'tlrgo >?rl'*lT of ArJU r \u. you uro now offered on and a amali w??e, or working for ? , i land pf plenty, to which. If ante of all wealth. Owners of * ?' ivhije others are Buffering from the < Wlthoat Capttol. i" considerations In this liberalsimilar to those of the Northern a*7 illroads when they granted their V *t to benefit thereby, aa well a* ST recolve the tracia. dunned to develop what la do- r beet equipped, moat up-to.date cial farm orchard In oxlatenee. *na six thousand acres, and will- be clea ening. All who register and re- nejrc bt the benefit of the experiments KId. ods in vogue thereon. While we , revent over-registration, we will x>lntments, such as occurred In ?a*| s conducted by the United States pati ailroads, by granting thoee who no c >mmerclal farm and orChatd en- B pe that they may later locate In ;es; uur the land will cheerfully be peripenlng will be held at Brown. Iity. Georgia, one of the stations Railroad, which Is located on will ofccur a? soon after the closs as arrangementa can be made. t those registered will not be Kgft town on the opening day, unless ? d, for there will be no favorltb. It will be conducted by a for the purpose, and those reg. T >tlfled of What they have been s possible. blw creasing population of this coun- rold responding incredse in the area tbet ally as Ihe population Increases jjeri : in pnrsoit of health, happiness li It will oontinue to bo harder to T""" and contented claes In Europe to. el > dents of thoeo who secured land this conveyance. Said lands were me i afterwards conveyed to the said 1 Dixon by Matthias, O. 8awye.r and ga ! wife by deed registered in book 38 t page 189r of the Beaufort county records. Terms of sale cash. This March 5, 1914. dai E. D. SPRINGER, c,, P. O. Paul * Bro.. Owner of the ** Debt ol' Ward * Orlmei, Attys.3-6-4WO _ 3h CLEARS OOXPLEnOh-SEMOVK h' Hkin blemishes. ?l Why (O thro'ugh life embarraaeed and dlafiinred with pimples, erupHons, blackheads,1 red rough skin, or suffering the torthree of Bcsema, Itch, tetter, salt rheum. J nit aak yotr?" druggist for. Dr. Hobeon's Ec seme Ointment. Follow the simple suggestions and your skin worries are orer. Mild, soothing, effective. wl Excellent for babies and datleate, tender akin. Stops chapping. Always helps. Relief or money back. L SOc. at your druggist. adr Tt ... "" 1 = . H I OTTSA %TpiC?|| maw I ? liipr"*2 9 Wl I Si JBllw I I R I i a J? Mary Loulae ui Bottle Ma* Ayrea. of Plymouth, N. c.. who 1 boon the guests of MUa Mao ra, have re tamed to their home re. George Lano and daughter Mr*. Paul Sparrow of Aurora. who bare been on au exten. Tlelt to retatlraa and trtenda la atta villa, N. c.. paaeed throagh city yeeterday afternoon en rente heir home. lag Arlaae Joynar, of Greenville. left on the afternoon Wathoa and Vandemere train yeeterror Aurora. N. C. ;* UNO LAXATIVE AND BLOOD CLEANSER, tueh oat the aocnmnlated wante poleona of the winter monthi; ne your etomach. liver and hid. i of all tmpnrltlee. Tahe Dr. I'a New Life Plllai nothing bettor purifying the blood. Mild, griping laxative. Carea conation; makes yon feel One. Tahe ther. l(o, at your dragglet. ad ueklen'e Arnica Salve for All In. ;f& Danger Io Delay DlMtMa Are Too Du|?om or Waahtugtou People to Neglect, he great danger or kidney trouU that "they *o often get n firm bfefore the sufferer recognfcen n. Health will be gradually un alned. Backache, headache, nermess, l&mefcess, soreness, 1am>, urinary troubles, dropsy, gtar nd Bright's disease often follow nerdless snoecssion. Don't negyour kidneys. Help the kidneys i Doan's Kidney Pills, which i itrongly recomfended right here his locality. [rs. C. Barnhlll, Parmele, N. C.. i: "1 suffered from severe back Bs, pains in my sides, headaches dlxsy spells. My kidneys didn't as they should. I used Doan's ey Pills and they were beneficial y relieved me of the backaches also removed the other analyse, Caused by my kidneys." 'rice 50c at an dealers. Don't ply ask for a kidney remedy? Doan's Kidney Pills?the same t Mrs. Barnhlll had. Foster-Miln Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. LENGTHENS WEAK AND TIUED I was under a great strain nursa relative througfe ttyree months' cness," writes Mrs. J. C. Van De ide, of Klrkland, 111., and "Eleoi Bidders kept me from breaking rn. I will never be without It" you feel, tired and worn out? appelte and food won't digestY Isn't the spring weather. Vou d Electric Bitters. Start a month itment today; nothing better for much, liver and kidneys. The at spring tonic. Belief or money k. 50c. and 11.00, at your drugL t adv LIVER ROAD STATION BRIEFS, -ast Monday Mr. L. M. Bheppard, Holly Olen, with assistants, trans niea a portion 01 nis tonaccc ntm. tflss Lillie. of Magnolia, who hat >n very ill, is convalescent. Mrs. C. C. Walker, of 8mall, and 9. O. W. Walker and child oi wscot, have been spending several ra with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Shep d at Holly Olen. Mima Bessie Alligood. of Rive ad, who has been very ill witl aslea, is convalescent. Mrs. A. J. Sheppard. of Banyan re us the pleasure of her presence River Road Station one day las ek. Mr. O. W. Woo lard and Uttlj lighter, Miss Hilda, of Broat eek, were guests of Mr. and Mrs M. Sheppard Sunday at Holl; an. \" Messn. W. R. Ebarn and F. N eppard, of Bunyan, were drlvin; oagh our village Sunday m ornlng Mr. J. A. Alligood, of River Road to has been 111 is improving. Mrs. C. C. Walker, of Snfcall. vli id. Mrs. A. B. Alligood and Mrs. J Alligood one day this week. Mrs. Q. W. Walker and ckUd, c esscott, were gnests of Mr?. E. 1 Ugood Monday. We are glad to have learned thi rs. Alligood, Jr., of River Roa< tio has been very 111 with measlo improving. ' * '^ Lyman, a Uttle eon of Mr. and>Mr M. Sheppard, of Holly Olen, ity ill. Mr. George R. Jones and soa, M arold Jones, of Norfolk, vlsiti re, A. J. Sheppard and eoa, Mr. 1 . Sheppard at Bunyon and Mr. as rs. L. M. Bkeppard at Holly OR Messrs. R. L. Stubbs and MOdt A good, of Fi note wo. were gneets r. and Mre. A. B. Allfgood, of Bai St MMSm. Waters. *nt Saturday fright with the toghter, Mrs.'Ab. Alligood. We are having very please N| | PERSONALS I Charlie Wright. o< the am of Walter Credle A Co., went to Ores* rllle, N. C., yesterday afternoon oa Dr. Brneat Dunn, of New Bern, wan Bern yesterday on professional Dr. A. K. Teyloe In la Che city. J. W. Bell, of delhaveo, N. C.. wan a bnalnenn visitor to the elty yesterday. W. J. Williams, of Wllnon, N. C.. In registered at Hotel Louise. Among the welcome rial torn to ~ the elty yesterday wan C. L. Short, of New Bern, t*. C. J. B. MoCraw, of Norfolk, in on oar streets today. Deputy Sheriff Claude Roberson, of Aurora, N. C., wan here yenterday on buslnean. W. A. Tankard, of Bath, N. a, wan here yenterday. R. L. Snyder, a popular cltlsen of Raleigh, VN. C., In reglatered at Hotel Lou lac. . J. E. Singleton, of Richmond, la In the elty. K. John, of the firm of Cutler A John, left thin morning for Northern elUee to purchaae nprlng goods for hta Arm. Charles Keech, of Tarboro. N. C.. wan here yenterday on basin nan. Drs. D. T. and Joshua Taylon, and BL M. Brown hare returned from OTeenrllle. J. P. Bragg, of Bayalde, returned " to his home yesterday afternoon. FROM R. F. D. NO. 4. We are bavin* some real nleaaant I sprint weather now. The farmers at this place are busy planting corn and cotton. Miss JSstelle Spencer was a guest of Misses Stella a nd Annie Congleton Sunday. Miss Jennie Hodges Is visiting her cousins. Misses Hattle and Annie Hodges in Martin county for several days. Mrs. M. F. Congleton spent Sunday ~ with Mrs. W. A. Congleton. Messrs. Curtis Nelson agd Hymen 1 Dixon, of Chocowlnity, were guests 1 of Mr. Carl Nelpon Saturday night. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Woolard vis- i ited at Mr. W. A. Congleton's Sunday | afternoon. I Mr. apd Mrs. Carl Nelson were guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lewis Sunday afternoon. Miss Bertha B. Martin, our teach- ' er at Piney Grove, returned to'"her i home in Plymouth Monday. We I hope to have her with us again in | the near future. I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee spent Sun- . day with Mr. and Mrs. JameB Ben- . nette. Capt. and rMs. Ed. Bell, of your ' city, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ' James Harlrs. I Mr. and Mrs. William A. Congle- I ton spent Sunday of last week with | , their son, Mr. W. H. Congleton, of | your city. Mr. and Mrs. August Nelson spent r Saturday night of last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. NelBon, of this place. t . Mr. and Mrs: J. F. Cutler were in ' . our midst Sunday. , , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alllgood were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Alllgood , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alllgood pleas1 antly entertained Mr. and Mrs. LewI ie Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Wooll ard, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alllgood and . Mr. and Mrs. Alek Alllgood Sunday afternoon. r The friends of Mrs. W. H. Rodgera i will be glad to know Chat she 1m Improving In health afte* being 111 for , several weeks. A New Story Instead of meats, hot biscuit, griddle cakes, white bread, etc. for breakfast, try | some fruit, a dish of Grape. Nuts and cream, a soft boiled egg, and a hot fcup 0f 1 Postum. After a week or two on such a diet nature will then tell you a new story of comfort.; Grape-Nuts icon tains all the -nourishment of wheat and barley in crisp, appetiz' ing form. It is sodextrinized by long baking as to be T. promptly digested and trans f formed . info health and ,d energy for .body and brain. Thousands, wise through , experience, know the adJ( vantages of carefully selected food and regularly - Vab ; 'r Grape-Nuts ?? "There's a Reason" H ?told by Grocers. . U'-^ z-j .v!. V^TION BETWEEN this bank ? W its depositors are extremely K cordial, this is one reason why Ik' poration and merchants have jg 91 I El their checking accounts with m. SHHHK We extend this cordiality, da* | security for backing to yon. i bank of wp Washington ... I CRYSTAL ICE CREAM ? A quick and delicious desert in steam scalded cans. 11 "c i co" m s. The Best Time to Buy INSURANCE is right no\y--today. That is the only time you can be sure of getting it. Wm. Bra^aw & Co: First Insurance Agents In Washington. N. C. wm i } FOR SALE ] I | Second Hand Automobiles j k E. M. F. 30, 5 Passenger Touring, X912 model in good ( | condition. Demountable Rim, Hartford Traufelt Shock . . ? Absorber, Tires practically new, extra tire, rim, cover, J P tool book and etc. S650. J E. M, F. 30, 4 passenger Demi-Tonneau, 1911 model ' ' 9 fair condition- $450. I I 9 STUDEBAKER 25 Roadstfcr 1913 model only run about I I 9 1500 miles. A-l condition $600. | I 0 FLANDERS 20, 5 passenger touting, 1912 model, good | 9 condition, $400 > j 9 FORD, B passenger Touring 1911 model fair condition | 9 These Cars are worth seeing. f , 1 Harris Hardware Co., J [ WASHINGTON, N. C A1 - ' ' dB I ) LEON WOOD? Members New York Cotton Exchange.?JAMES LB V Jk I J. LEON WOOD & CO. i'M ( "B ANKERS and BROKERS. S-J S Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain and Provisions, 78 Plome Street, J f Carpenter Building, Norfolk, Ya. . ' Private wires to New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of ?j ( Trade and other financial centers. r ' f Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and marginal f } 1 Accounts given Careful Attention. m NOTICE. Instituted an action In the Superior Notice I. hereby given that at the Court ? Kbl" county- tho ^ next regniar meeting ot the Board ot 1,016 obta'nl,,g " ibao"lta dt" vorce from the defendant, on the m County Commissioners, on Tuesday, , . . May 6. 19X4. said Board ot Coramls- <; und' " Mt ,orth 10 e?mptaint I .loner, will take under con.lderatlon ",ed '? th'? ?*u"e 00 . tb? Plklotlg J. 8 Shaw h?? , JJ