v W Y T United States * ToKThe 1 Ateo Me V >_ ? . ' '* Pah-American Mediators 3ti h"'Ft "> in Washington. Huerta ' ' Release American Prisons MAY NOW STOP I Provided Assurances Are Give Uprising Against Amer Pleased At The Outlook K . Washington, D. C.?Already tho us Unltad States and Oeneral Huerta I have formally accepted the good offl- ?? oee of the throe Sooth American en- <* U rofu, and now. It la aald, as a further bo atop. General Caranta. chief of the c0 m?ElailniiaUmi, haa been brought th Into the dellberatlona, the object beIng to draw erery element and fao- Rl tion within the range of tyu settle, meat which may be attained. ko SCOP# OP MEDIATION. fo The aeope of mediation plans for he the settlement of the Mexican dials nc haa been suddenly broadened so as va to Include the entire Mexican af- ca talre?-not along the critical laaoes in between this country mid the Huerta in regime, hot In addition the conflict be between the elements of northern of and southern Mexico which hae rent po that republic for months past. ANOTHER DECISIVE MOVE. to The mediators have made another 11 decisive move in that they hate vw- ** quested President Wilson and General Huerta to agree to* an armistice by which all the aggressive military u operations would be suspended pond- *< lag ike outcome of the negotiations, th The mediators are more than confl- h| dent that their offer will be accepted, th A separate proposal for ahnlstloe be. * tween General Huerta and General 7t Carransa also will be made by the th mediators and this If accepted, all ** of the warring elements throughout ? Mexico, aa well as the American b< forces, would maintain, a military atatus quo. w AMERICA'!. POSITION. y TkU gOT.rnmbnt no doubt In Ita p formal reply to tho artnl.Occ propo- !l Ml will stipulate expreasly that any '? untoward act toward. Amarlcana will *' ha rogarded aa aa ufractlon ol the al I - voys have been la session all day. w The surmise ts that some definite acttoa aa to their conelaslons will be ,? given publicity within the next few P days. PRESIDENT DELIGHTED. 11 The news of the acceptanoe of a General Carransa to the peace plans 11 have greatly pleased both President u Wilson and Secretary Bryan. Tbelr B hopes of a broad and satisfactory adjustment of the present crisis has ? been raised to a degree of confidence * which the president and the secretary U v.- of state have not hitherto enjoyed. EXODUS COMPLETE. h The news from Tamplco Is to the effect that the American exodus. ^ which began April 23, is now practi- f cally complete as sixty refugees left ^ that point yesterday on the oil ^ steamer Canfield. This brings the fl total number of Americans leaving v there for American porta up to 3,270. c There are a score of Americans still fc In Tamploo. They are being shelter. ^ ed in the homes of American friends along the Pariuco river and are not j thought to be In any danger. t MBWi SALUTE , UNITED STATES FLAG. General Murgia with about MOO j Constitutionalist doldiers, .marched Into Pledras Negras yesterday and , took formal posssssioo of that town. t He had 335 prisoners, five cannon, 1.S00 rifles, five machine guns and Ififi.OOO rounds of ammunition taken Vtom. the federals at the battle of V AUeode. The soldiers were feasted , by the women of tha town. General ! Murgia gave out tha following aUtement: All Americans and other for. elgnera will bw given absolute promotion. I want the Americana to feel thst we Ire always their friends and do not Intend to he drawn into the plots of Hnerta. We have with * | ~ IMEXl ^ moi 8 Agrees S .,^'. fctpiEi list ice And % xican Rebels * . *OT. ? tea I) Holding Secret Sessions NO Rehmctanly Agrees To J lect otht ULt WARFARE r in ] " doc n That There Will Be No Jj kan [Citizens, President *v mat T tint te*a 300 prisoners, none Qt whom hare ties en executed and will not be. Con- was 1 Blocker has reopened the Amerl- the n consulate. When Old Glory was the isted to the top of the pole the 1 nstltutlonallst soldiers marched to ins e consulate and saluted the Stars hot d 8tripes. witl raimsn. The fortress at San Juan de Uloa J?ct town for oenturles as possibly the cloi uleet prison on the American, has w*! on ordered by Admiral Fletcher torI >w at Vera Crus to be completely 1 cated at once. When the AmerL 1 na occupied Vera Crus there were su? this prison, which Is constructed cou the form o< a little Island In the u*>or, some 400 prteoners, most P?* them confined for political pur- A see. Three hundred of them hate Vlll ready been released or transferred ^ other prisons, but there remain 10, and now these men are to be re- "lc aead or seat elsewhere. - waj Washington.?An armistice In the * fflculties between Ununited States no id flfexko has been asked of this had >vernment and General Huerta by by ie South American entoys, who ed ire undertaken to avert war the trough mediation. tali Ambassador De Gama, of Braxll, ere isterday notified Secretary Bryan sen tat this bad been determined upon sub i the next step of the negotiations, 1 id that General Huerta also had Vei ion advised. - anc The proposal for an armistice was adc >mmunicsted to President Wilson co om the 8tate Department by telebone. Although no announcement fro as been made, It was tentatively tab arned that this government would int :cept tbe conditions provided aseur- PE aces are given that, in advance to halt In military operations, there oud be no uprisings against Am- wit rican citizens or other "untoward" len icidenta, which might prevent the aace. '? mo W,hen Secretary Bryan was aslrod set ite yesterday about the request for Ca a armistice, he said: "I assume Me lere will be no hostilities during the hu ledtatlon." Dr XLKASE AMERICANS. wl) Vera Crus.?Commander Tweedle Sei f the British cruiser Essex, who bu ent to Mexico City several days ago ere j intercede for foreigners held in sui tie capital .returned here late yester- th< ay and reported that his mission ad been successful. coi President Huerta, Minister of tlo 7ar Blanquet and Foreign Minister bn 'ortilloy Rojas assured Commander 'weedlo they would release all Am- en rican prisoners and that all Ameri. thi ans desiring to do so might leave gti ia Puerto Mexico, but that trains m] in which they would go would not go ie provided with esoorts. ar, fEXICANS ESCAPE. ce San Diego, Cal.?Forty-eight yo Mexican prisoners In the army deten- co ion camp at Fort Rosecrans escap d last Tuesday night by digging s fe ro-yard tunnel under tenets and w] jarbed wire entanglements. bs Foorteen of them have been re- M aptured. nf EMBASSADORS EXPRESS 8YM- (b PATHY. Washington.?Secretary Bryan eras called upon hy Ambassadors and Ministers of European as well as ^ South American oountries. Among u the visitors was the French smbassa. h, dor. M. Jusserand. who expressed the warm sympathy of his country in the cause of mediation. With the Ql exception of tbe three Booth Ameri- f( can countries, no power has taken any official action, although the Eu- i ropean diplomats are doing their at ^GT( WEATHER: 1 WASHINGTON [CAN t to further the came of peace, lr Cecil Sprlng-Rloe, the Brltle jassedor, also wee one of Soon Bryan's caller*, hie. purpose b< to report the reaults of the ii lew held Monday In the Mexlcg Ital hy Sir Lionel Carden, tb :i*h minister, with Gen. Huerti Lionel strongly impressed upo general , the opinion of h!a ow eminent that he should prompt! ?pt the good ofBoes tendered t three South American republic OTHER MEDIATORS SUGGES1 ro snggeetlon has been made I r government looking to the a Ion of medlatora representing aa ar governments than Braail, A tina and Chile in the settlemei difficulties with Oeneral Huert Mexico, Secretary of State Brya lared yesterday. Is refused to aay how far th >s toward mediation undertake the three Booth American dlpli a have progressed, he army and nary yesterday 001 ted to execute succeeding chaj i in plans to jnwt any eventual , but interest In their movement overshadowed by that evinced i work of the representatives c South American republics, he three peacemakers are gathe *11 possible information froi i American and Mexican sourci i the aim of reaching some mlddl untf* from which they may nr< their next more which might ii le asking the Huerta and th Bhington governments to set ov ns on which they would procee mediation. f that line were followed It wi tested the diplomats speedll Id develop whether eolation _? situation by peaceful means wei Btbl^k i report today that Carransa an la, the constitutionalist leader agreed to remain neutral In dea b between Huerta and the An an government "so long as thei l an encouraging development, lews that American Consul 8c tz and 110 other Americans' wl > been detained at Aguas Calient federal soldiers had been relea and are safe in Mexico City < lr way to Vera Crus, is a relie ig feature of the tense sltuatic ated by previous reports that ct s of the United States had be< ijected to persecution. Refugees continue to aurlve ra Crus from the Heetta caplt 1 flmclal trains today picked i litlonal foreigners between Me: Cfety and the coast, rhe transport Hancock was se m Vera Crus to Puerto Mevlco :e away refugees arriving from t' erlor by the Teh uantepee railroa ACE ADVOCATE SENDS MESSAGE TO CARRANZA. Washington.?After a conferen ;h Secretary Bryan Dr. Henry 1 Tuppor, special commissioner \ International Peace Foru de public the text of a telegri it from Washington to Qenei rranza at the headquarters of t xlcan constitutionalists at Chlht a. No reply has been receivt . Tuppor said, to the telegra Ich was signed by himself a aator Morris Sbeppard, of Texi t he has been informed that Q< ils Carranxa and Villa will i ne the attitude of "neutrals" j present situation. The telegram said: "Permit us lgratulate yon on the co-opei n of the United States in yc live struggle against the usurj d for constitutional liberty. T emies of freedom are hoping t! a unselfish purposes of tb"e Unit ates will "be misconstrued, but ( isses of the American people ( lidly behind President Wilson a e looking to yon, your brother o rs and your loyal followers to pt ur glorious cause to immediate s ss." John Llnd joined Dr. Tapper's c rence with Secretary Bryan, al tiich Dr. Tupper said he would p hly see President Wilson later, plained that hie standing in gottatlons with the constitutloi is still la' unofficial. STOCKHOLDERS* MEETING. The regular annual meeting of ockholdere of the Bank of Wi igton, W?u?hlJgton, N. C., will sld at it* banking house. It o'cl oon. on Thursday, June 4, If ?r the eleetlon of directors, and ther business properly coming ?re the meeting, ilfuy 1. 1914. . -8MW B. ROSS. Caahte )N D DuUtM wMthw tools bt ud li..;;*; N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOC r MED1 I AT NEW u I ? I I a IJ 1 >T p0 Mi mm 17 fl r it fl H mm >u 1 Chorus Scene of j J Musical lliflGE i nan !i t kit uinm : , LA5I nibfll )f ^ Last evening at the home of Mr Wash Ireland, this city, at $ o'clock l(j Mr. John D. Aldridge, of 8outl Creek, N. C.. waa happily united la ,1- marriage to Mrs. Amanda E. Fodrej a. of Hobucken, N. C. The eeremon; re waa impressively performed in th< presence of > few friends and ac qnalntances of the oouple.lir Record ,0 er William B. Windley. After con M gratulations and beet wishes hat s been showered upon the bride an< >n groom they repaired to the boarding y- house of Mrs. M. T. Bradahaw, oi ,n East Main street, where they spen U- the night. This afternoon Mr. am fn Mrs. Aldridge left via the Washing ton and Vandemere train for Soutl at Creek, the former home of thi al groom, where they expect to speni up a week as the guests of. relative U- and friends. They will return b Washington for the purpose of mak nt lng it their future home, tc The bride Is one of Hobuckon' he popular and attractive women an 4 counts her friends as legion. The groom is well and favorabl known all over Beaufort county. H ce is a brother of Mr. T. D. Aldrldg* LI- of South Creek .and ever since hi of majority, has beenenergeu^ra^^l m, terprlslng. No citizen of the coun m ty, who has recently become a ben al diet, has more wishes for happlnei he than he. a? The Dally News wishes Mr. an >d, .Mrs. Abridge every Joy that wedde m, li?e bestows. iuoulu s" M BOCKY 5 WIT FBI ' ^ The High School baseball team < ^ Rocky Mount will cross bats wl . the local hlgha tomorrow afternoc Qc_ at Fleming Park on West Thi street. The game will be called on 3:80 o'clock promptly. The fir game between the two teams recei r0> ly played at Rocky Mount, was w by Rocky Mount, the score being fo the 10 flTa' The ,ocaIs ar? det?rmln ial_ to turn the trick tomorrow aft< noon and it behooves all the rots and baseball fans to be on hand a help the home boys in their effo: the to down the visitors. An excitl contest la looked for. WASHIKOTON BOY TO FRON1 j, Fred R. Corrowoo. . eon of I ' lot* T. C. Corrowon, wotl *no' ^ her*, loft Kuton. N. C.. yootard with eighteen othora for Phllodelpl to lota tho Untied Btotea forooe t doty la Koxloo. To neo hta exyr ton: "To mala tola tho dimity righto ?f tho Halted Btotea flag" AILY Cooler. iN APRIL 30. 1914 AT'N THEATRE3ar1tes Comedy Company U SAINT DEPOT ECC lUMIiliOO mwrn "Colonel Bullets" Is surely a side splitting comedy act and the Barties Musical Comedy Company pre' sented it last night at the New Theater to a good audience. As was expected the company again delighted as has been the opinion of the thea. tser-voers since, they opened their " engagement Monday night. Messrs. j Ernest Linwood and Joe Rolley, as j the blackface comedians, kept the , audience In a continuous uproar all * the time. As Impersonators of the t sons of Ham they are pqf excelj lence. The'entire company last night were good and those present were j in their praise. Not only was the a act a good one, but each and every g member fitted their part creditably. a The singing was excellent, especially 0 the male quartet, which always brings encores. Tonight the "Hotel Saint Recka less" will be on the boards. Miss Myr d tie Bartles and Mr. Linwood will sins one of the late songs entitled: "Lasi y Night was the End of the World." e Mr. Llnwood will, in addition do s 5 mnologue stunt, which is reputed t< B be one of his verj| best A grea! performance Is looked for and thos< attending will be amply repaid. iwmm man an h ii Mr. W. 8. Frizzle, one of Or Lodge, A. F. & A. M.'s loyal and en thualastic members has Just receive! a picture of the Masonic and Easteri * Star Home, located In Greensboro N. C. Judging from the picture 1 3' must be an ideal spot. The hom Is (or the old worn-out MaBons. Th ,n "home was opened last March an there are now ten inmates, all o whom can be seen In the plctun The building contains twenty-elgt sleeping rooms, one of which is fui ,n nlshed by Orr Lodge. The homo I ur worth about $50,000 and now has a indebtedness of 910,000, which tt v~ Masons of North Carolina are no " endeavoring to liqudate. Of th nd amount Orr Lodge here has pledge itself to contribute $100 and M 08 Friaxle is now busily engaged in th undertaking and he la meeting wl great success. All the Inmates J* the home are happy and content? he The building and grounds is sure wtt a credit to Worth Carolina Masom ay ; ,U IK THK CITY. lor . **" Dim Chorle, Hmku of 8 nd my ond WolHo? Olbb?. of Both, c? or* In th* City todoy OB bullae I IIII4IWJWIIIJ.J NEW 1 BROAl Ml IS SI 1* S10W jra Another good audience ent at the Lyric Theater last night and tin usual the evening's program ed was pleasing and satisfying. All Nor durlpg the present week this play- vcn house Las bevo !ibc-rallT*patronlzed. Tonight the management offers three reels of motion-pictures that prom- P?8* lse to be ontertalnlng and enjoya. at ' ble. Sweet Singers" in two Drreels will bfe the feature. This pic- ^,Vl lure hps captivated and delighted *l'n wherever it has been shown. The cl * other picture advertised will be; T "What Came to Bar Q." This Is re- at 1 puted to be a laughable and amus- b,ui ing picture. No doubt but what a day large number will seek the Lyric E?*! again this evening. The management rlSlJ is to be congratulated upon the high class nroarams they aro Riving. I*'8 mim is s LIST HIT TO I PIT MS As tomorrow Is the first day of J May all those citizens residing In Bon the county, who fall to pay their poll reir tax will oe debarred from casting a g5 vote la the next election. Those win; . J <8 8 have not gottled their poll tax should [ fi.ni do bo at once as the time Is now j short. ! Qt I the, BRO. EDITOR r WAS VISITOR * HERE HI Mri J Thi Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Clark, of inv 1 Greenville, N. C., motored to this bel > city thlB morning and are spending wai t the day. Mr. Clark Is now editor nal ! of the Greenville Reflector. Severai did years ago he \tas a resident of Wash- am ir.gton, being in charge of tbe C. T. ba< Man ford store, and was also con- wa nected with the firm of Suskiu & tr{, Berry (or a while. His many friends j were glad to see him. Mr. Clark tur thinks that in all probability the Pol. tce lard murder case will bo submitted as to the Jury either tonight or early jntj tomorrow morning. This trial has an< been iu progress for a week in Green- er I vlllo. of hei I CARLOAD OF CRATES. on< The Arm of F. E. Mayo & Co., are, q6( receiving today a carload of Coco- py r Cola oates. a 4 r??? ho ^ge8d irk o ! being done " \ tin lois ie ~ w Street Commissioner W. H. Mc,8 DeVett stated to a News representa,d tlve this morning that the citizens r" were responding nobly to the request h( ,8 of the city scflons and are making f? erery effort to clean their premises. ^ Not only are the white citizens doing n ' this, but the colored residents as ^ _ well. The commissioner says he nev- b "y" er saw the like of trash and garbage ^ being placed on the streets for the E city drays to haul away. This Is a ^ * fact worthy of commendation. The work should not stop until erery j N lot la Washington la thoroughly renovated. 4 '' | .. ^ DENS ;w PASTOR 1 OF CUBES BLED \ P*?t?r of the returnthls raortmff^i the Befbaren folk Southern train from Belha. and Swan Quarter, where he lnled the Rev. E. Q. Anderson as .or of the Presbyterian churches Jelhaven and Swan Quarter. Rev. Summerlll, of New Bern, was to e assisted Mr. 8earlght in the -Ices, but was detained on account he death of one of his members, 'be Installation of Mr. Anderson Jelhaven took place Tuesday eve? and at Swan Quarter Wednesnlght. There were good congreIcus ut both points and Mr. Seait enjoyed h's visit Immensely. Restful In Washington Park* I-YEARW -I Mis Mill Irs. Eliza Cordon, who resides on mer street, Is one of Washington's mrkable women. Although over years of age and very deaf, sho till active and agile, so much so t those much her junior wonder her activity and bope that when y reach lier age In life they will as much so. 'or years Mrs. Cordon lias been iding at her home all alone. She forms unassisted all her house(1 duties, washes her own linen, ,ts all her fuel and attends to chores. L few afternoons since one of her ghbors was sitting on his front ch conversing with his daughter en all at once his attention was ectod to some one on the roof of *. Cordon's engaged In patching it. b house is two stories. A closer estigation was made and lo and lold this aged lady of 85 years b hard at work with hammer, IS and shingles fixing a leak. She the work within a short while 1 was then seen to make her way rk clown to the ground and she s not slow in accomplishing the :k either. Mrs. Cordon for over a half ceny lias been one of the city's earned citlzeus. Her mind Is as clear a bell, her step active, and it is Iced a pleasure to sit at her feet 1 listen to her experiences of othyears. Although in the evening life and with husband and all r children, with the exception of 9 Mr. J. D, Cordon, who resides in argla, passed away, she is still hap, and light-hearted. She is surely remarkable woman. This paper pes she will be able to pass many >re milestones on life's Journey. CHOOLIAS j CHOSEN IIS \ MARSHALS The Washington Public Schools ive selected the following marshals >r the commencement exercises Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of ext week: Chief marshal, Willie ohnston. Assistant marshals, Bl- * .j ert Weston, Justus Randolph, Jesse Poolard, Etta Lee Campbell. Gladys dlaworth, Margaret Handy and Bdaa Wills. The graduating class this ear number* thirty-one, being the