I T W ? M I Quiet But De f, " ^Progress B< By T 9 . ; ... i , J.V:.. . ?, . A SwaJy Preparation For A .Mediation. GarranzaHai Between He and Ruerta. REPORTS ARE 1 - ] SITUATION CRAY* II Vm Crui.?Conditions u* grate la Tampteo. It la iwM that II.- tl #00 Constitutionalists hare assent- t, MM for an attack. The British na- c ral oUlcers amounting to make ths o oil Ileitis neutral to erect a conuagra. ? " .Washington, V. C.?Secretary of t State William Jennings Bryan has p MUM formally the three Booth ' American onroys that the Asaerteaa * gorarnleant took It tor granted that ' there would be no hostilities during the mediation proceedings aid had * I intended no farther acta of aggres- f alon, while the eenferencaa were being held. The attitude ot both Ha,?rta and .Cnrranaa is stlU nnkonwn I ,4a Washington today. . While there _ Jim ban no period aot wlUln which ' tho aogotloiiou moot bo concluded * Secretory Bryun sto tee that he bo- 1 tin Tee tbey win wore forward ee ^ [ A rapidly aa.po?IMo. The report that ? they might bo prolonged by the me- '' die tore going to Mexico. Tbie bee * been mot by one of the mediators eaylag that in tbeee days of tele- 11 4 graph and cable eoch a Journey wne * aoof ttng intermediation as between ( the United BUtea and Huerta'g gov. ernment tt has not yet been made a dear that his acceptance will apply r also to Intermediation that includes p General Carransa. This question It s Is expeoted will be cleared np by 1 Inquiries now under way? so that It c may bo definitely established that Haerta not only aceopts Intermedia- d tlon with tbe United States, but also c with Carransa. c MAY DKAL DIRECT. I Another outgrowth o'f the discus- m alon was an Intimation that both the i Huerta and Carransa elements would 1 end representatives to deal direct- t ly with mediators and that Franclsoo d da La Barra. now at Paris, would he designated to met for Huerta. The c mediators themselves have made no t move for a pqsaonai representative / from either party. The Intermedia- 3 rtaa hare received wjrj of the en, t co drafting attitude of eome of the t , foremoat European powers, notably < Oreat Britain. . I ADMINISTRATION OKFI- < OJALB OPTIMISTIC. Upon whether or not General car- e renin acoepta any propoeal for an I araletloe aa between blmeeir and General Huerta depends the llmlta- J tlon. for the preeent, of the Held of J , the diplomats at work on the whole J Mexican problem. Should Carraata < refuse any armistice with HuerU, the work of the diplomats. It Is real- J Fixed, would be confined solely to sat- I s tlloft dlfferenqaa between the Vol- i ted Statee and Maxleo, though they i by so means have given, up the Idea i of aolTlnft the wholo Mexican pro- , blem. . . . *1 - ' In the communication from the i three South American diplomats to , Carraaxx mention Is made of fall are to receive tba proposal by local , rapresat tetlves at the eooetitutlonai- , ' lets. The letter explained tpday that i their declination to reoeive the pro. position arose out of no desire to pass on Its merits, but -merely be- , cause they had not bean Authorised to receive proposals of mch Import anee. They said thej^ha^ advised ; the three South Anif^KQplomats, however, to telegraph VUrraoss direct. which resulted in lust night's Administration oOdals who read the Carransa note aalled attention to Its ambiguous language, hut were optimistic in the hope thai teebnlcall' ties soon would be brushed elide and a claarer understanding obtained of PEAZs mite ling Made he Mediators asL_ > . ' ' ? " jESfer-- t iny Eventuality Goes With i Not Yet Consented Truce - 1 ENCOURAGING 'x*.. 1 i on. . - i ik' Refugees from Mexico CUy assart j lint the feeling there Is crowing bitic towards General Huert*. A re- I urrenco of disorders is expected to i ceur dally. '1 _ : be rebels here declared that the pre- 1 ar&tlona being made by GeneraT 1 Yanclsco Villa to take the field ' gainst the Federal garrison at 8a- { Ulo was the best answer to any pos- ' ible request by the Latin-American 1 onntrles for a cessation of hostili- 1 lea between the federals and rebels. 1 ienefal Villa, is expected to reach 1 be front Monday. J EHVOYg ASK EUROPEAN AID. Washington.?It was asserted here)' un uuHuvsviuuauio ty. that tha South American envoys J rho are setting to avert a crisis ' at Mexico have appealed to European , overrun en ta for friendly offices to , icllltate mediations between Mexloo . ad the United States. The appeal, it was stated, did not f delude a request, as reported from 1 broad, that the powers use their In- , luence upon President Wilson to ( lame conditions w?lch would insure access of the negotiations * -s RIHI8 HOT RBACHK1). __ 1 The mediators are greatly encour- I tged In their work by the definite esults already accomplished, first In I avlng the way to an armistice among i 11 the warring factions, and. second, ? a bringing Qarranza with the scope j if their intermediation. i It has been a matter of surprise to liplomatlc and olBeial circles gen- i rally that this much has been accomplished by the mediators In the ew days that they have been at irork and doubts as to their efforts rhidh prevailed in some quarters dur ng the early stages are giving away o a more general feeling of confllence. It is still felt, however, that the racial sjage in the negotiations will levelop with a vej^few days. NotoUhstandlng thi* the spirit of conleaaion thus far shown gives the me-| liators hope that all aides will exl* ?r the final stage ln^the same spirit it conciliation which will permit hem to And some middle ground of common agreement. K At the meeting several South American ministers were called Into con " !erencc. " It was understood this related to a )lan advanced by some of the South Lmerlcan countries to have all of the *epresentatives Join as a seml-offttlal part of^the mediation ^procedure . It Is the'expectation, however, to :ontlnuo the organization as now !ormal!y accepted by all elements tad at the same time have the cojperatlon and hacking of the united republics of South and Central America. Tho mediators also saw several men prominently Identified with various Mexican elements, in the canrasa being made of points of differonce and agreement, with a view to |radually working out some common basis,. - ?>,' ; : - It was reported also hut not confirmed that personal representatives ?t Huerta and Carrunia would be sent here to be the medium of i FIGHTING AGAIN. ei Washington.?Federals and con- tl stltutlonalists are fighting at Maza- C tlan and Acapulco, according to a it illapatoh received here from A dm Ira' * Howard, commander of the. Pacific s Beet. * n Admiral* Howard reported further h that the news of mediation, through h "A. B. C." Is favorably received by j the better crass of citizens at Mazat- r lan. Thp message was sent through the t lines to the constitutionalists. I STEAMER FIRED UPON. I .Vera Cruz.?The Ward Line steam- ? ar Antllla was flrsd upon by both the i federals and rebels at Tamplco yes- c terday according to a dispatch recelv- t ed today by wireless tslegraphy.from a tfrat seaport. fc The steersman of the vessel was ( Struck by one of the Bbots and killed j SIXTEEN SLAIN Washington.?Latest reports ra- f celved by the Navy Department "of the number, of American casualties at the occupation -Of Vera Cruz Is as follows: Killed?Eleven sailors, four rlnes, one service, unidentified; total Wounded?-Two naval officers, 51 sailors, 14 marines, 3 service, unidentified; total 70. WVlIi GOVERNMENT. Vera Crux.?Vera Crus Went back to civil government yesterday under the laws of Mexico, administered by American officials. The civil government, however, remained subordinate to martial law while the work of restoring the municipal organisation went forward. General Frederick Funaton's brigade wm taken off the transports and marched to the sand hill bar. racks and other quarters to relieve Admiral Fletcher's bluejackets, who went back to the men Of war.- Funston established his headquarters in the barracks deserted by General Maas and Fletcher withdrew his staff. The marine corps was distributed to work with the army. Refugees continue to arrive and preparations are being carried forward for their departure. The nevy transport Hancock is lying at Puerto Mexico bo take aboard thoee coming down from^ifexico City. They will be brought ?here for transportation to New Orleans and other ports on the transports Monterey and Mora Castle. Dete last night the refu- ( gees from Mexico City had not arrived at Puerto Mexico, Il'? IU*Wol Park ' / J v AT HER Fair tonight and Saturdi #jSa to At" Home In Honor o Mrs. D.'G. Fowle of Atlanta Function Was SeUghlAiR) Enjoyed. Mrs. Edward Mathews ehfertaln*: lost charmingly at her home M crth Market street Thursday mori ig last complimentary to Mrs. Dan d O. Fowle, of Atlanta, Qa., wkt \ the house guest of her mother En. J. B. Moore on West Secoa< > ree t. The horns was decorated with a refusion of spring flowers. Ave on brtdge was played. Mrs. Wat it Wolfs was awarded the prise fell le highest score. Mrs. Daniel owle was presented with a prise ai ae guest of honor. Those present were: Mrs. Dante . Fowle. Atlanta: Mrs. Waltei Foils, ifrs. John Small. Mrs. J. B toore, Mrs. Cecil Fisher, Norfolk; [re. Lee Davenport, Mrs. Claud Car our. Mrs. Clay Cartar. Mrs. Jacl Icholson, Mrs. E. Hoyt Moore, Mlsi ulla Hoyt, Miss Wlonlfred Nichol ?n, Miss Adelaide Mayo. Miss Mm yers. Miss Maude W. Flndley. MRS. J. B. MOORE. Ffuerta Once Of Villa Oi One of the recent developments li tie Mexican situation that has pus led Washington has been the differ ace between Carr&nza and Villa ovei tie American Invasion of Mexico tarransa was quick to resent it am isued a note which amounted talgn against this government ii lortfoern fiexlco. Carransa's statement indicate* hat the United States might forc> ilm to make a common cause wit 1 luerta against the invader. VII tatement against the invader. Vll a's statement showed that he wa ertain there could he no co-opera Ion between the constitutionalist ind the federals. 8ince then ther lave been other evidences of a shar llfference of viewB between Carrar a and fris general. " Washington has been casting abon or some explanation and it cam hrough Information obtained toda n regard to the fierce personal en olty between Huerta and yilla. Those who know ldlHfiHftiy WRfl massed between them two years ag ay they can not imagine that tli wo ever will make common caus< rilla with his bandits at that tim ormed part of the federal arm :ommanded by Hnerta and. sei torth by Madero to pnt down th lew revolution under Paacual Oro: There was great excitement 1 fexioc City on the night of Jun 4, 1912, when the Al&maada an he Calle de San Francisco rang wit Ties of extras telling of an attemp fd mutiny by Villa against his con lander in chief, Qeneiwl Hnerta, an if the letter's order to have ViU ummarlly shot before the entii orces drawn up at thVheadquartei lear Jimenez to witness the mann< n which Hnsobufrdieatlon iby iromipent chief was to be puntkhe< 4exlco City was amased to hear thi he man who had faced death a hnj red times in battle weakened b lore the firing squad, fell on h tnees and whimpered: "Pardon m leneral, pardon!" What happened? The official ve don differed considerably from whi Irigneaaee say. According to the to ter. Villa had asked permission I attack a certain town In the viclnl of Jlmenes. Hnerta had refuse telling htm gruffly that he wou have no more looting and ravish in Villa punched (HuffirU's noee Vat Hnerta .ordered VUla shot at da breah. Fate interceded in th* shot Of Haoul and TOmlllo Madero, wl AILY ir- 4 ' ' N MAY 1, 1914 DE IS 1IHULLAN I im arm ' Hum f Wm Attempting to Crank E Auto at Washington Park, r Will Be Learned With Regret By His Friends. I Mr. Harry McMullen met with the 1 misfortune this morning to break his p ' right arm. The -accident. hoppened n J at hi* home at Washington Park. He C was attempting to crank his anto- a I mobile for the purpose of coming li to his law office when the crank han- b } die flew back, striking him a heavy f( I 1 blow on the arm. breaking the bone ^ - between the olbow and hand. Al- j, * though suffering pain Mr. McMulien K la able" to attend to his business. ^ I Mr. McMullen's mishap will be learn- ^ ' ed with regret of h I whom wish him a speedy recovery. j, ?????????- w 'Trfldreei liove Washington Park. ] ^Visitors today. ? ! Venn. w. L. Mlratander! W. R ? i Galloway and Charles Galloway, of Blount's Creek, N. C., arrived in the e i city this morning via the Washing- T ton and Vandemere train. They re- e turned to their home this afternoon. c a Spared Life rx Tearful Plea ; * r were at headquarters: They, for rea- n - 3?ub of thflr own, stepped In as Vil- c - te was bogging for his life and forced e r the commander in chief to send him to the caplthl for trial. . _ 1 Sharp complaints were lodged by I i Uni^d States Ambassador Wilwn I > against Villa's looting of American :1 - cotton estates at Tahualllo. i With the same train that brought ? Villa to the capital to be locked up - in the military prison of Santiago i came the resignation of General Haerta, deeply wounded in his pride 1 and prestige by the Maderos. The e official version given out in a bulleh tin by the minister of war, Geii*. An1* gel Garcia Pena, was quite difTer. - ent. It consisted of two reports sent * In by General Huerta, one from Ji- B - menez, where it had happened, and 1 5 the other from Santa Rosalia, the s e next stop to the north. There was b P no blow, no meddling by the Made- a ros, no resignation. It was simply t a casp-of gross insubordination. Vil- a la had been ordered to make nfestL f e tution t>f 200,000 pesos, horses and t y, other property wlilch he and his e l" men had got by looting the town of I P?rr*1 In renlv Villa had order-I " 1 ed his cut-throats to arms and to * ? resist any command coming from Hu* ecta. ? p. C Huerta's two reports are avails- e d ble here. They oontaln statements* t y that are^ef particularly curious in- f lt terest wt" me. They affirm that 0 Villa played the coward and begged hard for- his life. Why Huerta, who has never shown mercy, spared him n is not explained. * What did Huerta think of Villa. ' d In his reports he said that while he personally esteemed Villa as an exL" ceedlngly valuable fighting man he l" regarded "this Individual as little d different from a professional bandit. * * He never knew how to be a soldier." * Huerta added, "and submit to orders 8 and always Isolated himself from the " division." * Very curious in the light of develojments in Mexieo is the closing 11 paragraph in Huerta's report: "In the minds of the men of my h division Villa is dead, and"fhls sort of dead is worse ^han a' corpse. It B' has been ordered that his name shall never be recalled in the division as r" lt is the name of one who has been 4t guilty of a erackbralned attempt to disrupt discipline." 10 It Is inferred, and Latin-Americans are probably right in this, that a Jj man who alter* words of this sort harbors hatred and contempt caused t by something vastly different from ( mere Insubordination, however groes. T~ and that a valiant flghUr who once 99 begged for his life before e whele %? division drawn ep to witness hie ( n^e w ?-V ' PLEA lii ircu i ei shw iew mil f ? . ?rtles Company Gave Good Wi Show Last Night. Side ( Splitting Comedy Billed ] For Tonight. ( If a "Qiiet Night's Hest" to be rea&nted at the New Theater to. Ell tght by the B&rlles Musical Comedy Pu ompany pleases the audience as well ed i the "Saint Hotel Reckless' did Ma i*t evening the performance will ISO! s great from Btart to finish. The goc Mkture artists last night were inn Tessrs. Herman L^wls and Ernest cj( inwood. both of whom have en- yo, rotted themselves deeply 1n the tat earts of those who enjoy a good wu sarty laugh after pertaking of a an( savy supper. The entire company 8er lbt night was good. The costumes ref -ere inviting, the singing good. Mr. t,e, Inwood as tho blackface artist, the imes in for a large share of praise to nd Mr. Lewis is certainly an ex- .(jel ert in his role. the Miss Myrtle Bartlcs again charm an, d those present with her singing. ;;u he show last night was thoroughly 8U( njoyed. It will be pleasing to as- tee gain tonight ad the Impersonator of Ba no of Ham's sons. Mde does the ] tunt par excellence. The bill for onlght no doubt will be seen by sot nother large and appreciative aulence. * No company has appeared lp H Washington thij, season receiving ibce piwja$>n'd?' Justly ^SAgQrst g lass program of xn'ovica '.will pre- 1 ede tlfe vaudeville fts usual. " * WO ,Y1 HAS ? MEL SHOW a MIT Not a' dull moment will be in tore for those attending the Lyric 'heater tonight as the program cheduled promises to be one of the >est exhibited since the new mangement assumed control. Last night his playhouse had another large and , ppreciative audience and judging rom the program for tonight the at-j aci en dance will exceed that of last I on vening. Such well known feature m< ilctures as "Dolly on tho Dallies." da Broncho Billy and the Settlers," 'The Old vs. The New." Ta All the above pictures are features nd tave been highly praised where. ln iver shown. All during the week IT'? he pictures at the Lyric have been Irst-cJass and tonight promises no ixception. , So GONE TO ATLANTA. hil ye: Mr. Fred Moore, son of Mrs. J. B. dooro, left this week for Atlanta, 3a., ?here he has accepted a posl- thl Ion and will make that city his fu- of ure home. He has the best wishes of pr Ue many friends for abundant sue- ar, :ese. ^ ??? Th * er< VT i J i m< ? a VJ wc Washington Lodge,*No. 822, will t!i hold a regular meeting at their ,n Home this evening at 8 o'clock. A hi rull attendance Is desired. of " hi natation will never forgive the hu- frl ml Hat Ion to' the man who has held his life ,4a the hollow of his hand 0j and spared him. These two'will H settle their soore tome day. hl ' /Si-fe *' 3he?" > ?*/.? 'c i ^ -f, &MB f.', *!*? * SING HB CABARET mm ISJ1ED 1 111 Take Place at EUu' Home 3d The Evening at Hay 11, Instead of Hay Hat at ( 3'clock. rbo cabaret to be given ?t (hp cs' Home for the benefit of the bile Library and at first announcto take place on the evening of y 21 has been changed to the sning of May IS. The affair proms to be one of the most enjoyable rial functions pulled off In Waah;ton this s ason. Fifty of the v's most beautiful and attractlre ing ladles will have charge of the ilcs and during the evening there 1 be a continuous performance 1 besides those attending will be ' * ved with delicious and tempting reshments. Already quite a num of seats have been engaged by i young men and everything points a conspicuous success for the un taking. Mrs. F. H. Rollins Is > chairman of the evening and this louncement within itself points to occasion that will be In every way rcessful. The following commit s nave neen appointed: Hall and Music?Mrs. Mary P. ughara and Mrs. r M. Carter, [ 'lowers?MrSj, George Hackney, s. Claude Carrow, Mrs. Ed Mallli. Press?Mrs. H. W. Carter. Tables?Mrs. John Rodman, Mrs. McMullen. Mrs. H. P. Hrldgman. a. J. D. Grimes, Miss May Belle laU. * Program?Mra. Stephen C. BraMies Jane Myere. Mrs. Norod L. Simmons, Mrs. Justus P. ndolph. Refreshments?Mrs. S. R. Fowle. as Bettle Harvey. Mrs. John H. all, Mrs. David T. Tayloe. EiBir DAY WILL 6E INTEREST! Preparations are now about com?to for the celebration of Memorial y In Washington this year. On count of the tenth of May coming Sunday the committee of arrangemts have decided to celebrate the y on Saturday, May 9. The speaker will be Mr^ R. V. e of North Carolina, being born New Bern, N. C. He la a klatin of Mrs. Thomas J- Latham, of is city. Mr. Taylor is a son of a nfederate soldier and one of the jst prominent railroad men in the uth. A cordial welcome awaits m in Washington. The day this ar will be made especially attrac e as the headstones purchased by 3 Daughters of the Confederacy for a purpose of marking the graves the departed veterans will be apopriately dedicated. These stones e to bo placed in Oakd&Id cemery and all over Beaufort county, lis move on the part of the Daughts is one that has been highly com. >nded- They are doing a noble >rk for tbo cause. The program ph lujg r the entire day, May 9, promises be ono of the most Interesting ever ren here In years. CFLKHRATE8 NATAL DAY. One of Washington's esteemed ctttne in the person of Mr. Henry &rding yesterday was about to let sterday and today la receiving the ngratulationa of his friends. Mr. krdlng yesterday waa about to let e day slip bJ without remembere It was his natal day, however, r son and daughter were aware the fact, so on last evening at s home, several of Mr. Harding** lends with him gathered around the nttr?|ho*rd. The occasion was one snJcrment nnd merriment. Mr. ardlng was wished many, many . ?ppy returns by his guests.