, Of Th*fc?eM>rellsaTr*lii ^ , (Special to Dally Newt.) /OreenjWe, N. C., May On th e^nln^otAprU 18 there was give at the East Caroline Teenier*' Trail lag- School, a'feettul^hy ma.lcler from Ne# York ally and Baltlm or TUN. la the aecond musical reclti by artieta that the Edgar Elian P< Ijllerary Society haa brought- t Greenville. Mrs. Sara & Cromma soprano rocnUet of Baltimore; Mli ^ Ethel Leo, cell let of Nee York clt and Kra Israel Dorman, violinist Baltimore,' wrre the' artists that d lighted the music lovers of Greet Mile and vi^nlty: fe ' A basketball tournament, ccnsls lug of threa games, is now twin peered at the training school. T1 dye class Mams of the school ha hgao^ faring a aeries of pre limine: games to decide which teams ahou enter the tournament. Class splr 1 has run high and than haa been brii playing. .The aenlorc and lunlere a the Ttctora. each team having w< Ave of coven games played. -T1 S I J\^ JfJ J[ i f *'- ' '?=-. BIWill Meet In This City Toi morrow, Tan Tribe to Give a ! Smokei'In flortor Of The Visitors. < * The Second district council of the e Improved ' O^der of_ .Red Me^l will n meet In (kle city tomorrow aa, the t- guaate of TWn Trite. No. is. There in will be two eeaslont of the council. ) one at g:JO and->th? other "at t d o'clock- There la a. big nttendanc1 e expected, aethlr lt'dne hf-the'lirlfeet o dletrtcte in North Carolina. "Pro'mtr. nent Bed Men are expected: to he ? proeont from thev different trlhea rs thfoughdut the dietrict. * * >f Tho afternoon aeaa Soil* will he de? roted entirely to Duaiineas, while the >- evenjng teuton wtifhe of a aoclal nature et which time Tab Tribe will Iri entertain the Ylaltore at a Smoker. g a le Snbacrlbe to the Daily Newe. jutt j iw ? - TV"- I ^ Washingtoff? I). C.?Mexican dew velopments are still moving rapidly in wltli an evident tenseness in the diplomatlc'ttid mining sll in Lions. Jhe [1- South Anpsttan mediators after sevtxe ?ral conferences gave out to the public through *eere*ary of state, W. o- J- Bryan, tint General Huerta hnd 11- named DeMillo Rabasa, an emlle neat Mexican Jurist, and Augustin >s, Garsa,'tinder-secretary of Justice, &s lie two of his delegates to confer with the mediators. As yet Secretary to- Bryan has made no reply to the'me>el dlators, as to the appointment of de American delegates, ce Reports as to the desperate coudlu tion of General Huerta at Mexico City Is continued to be circulated, o- The desperate straits of Huerta havo as reached Washington from many ng quarters. One dispatch was received ie, from r foreign minister at Mexico r," City, which stated: "Pqaltlon desi a perato. hut Jtftoe no details" The mediators expressed aatisfac?h tion with the class of men chosen by df- Huerta as his delegates to. confer with them. k?i- Secretary Bryan expressed satlsies faction today with the mediation projn, ceedlngs. He went to tho, White House for a conference with Prealses dent Wilson, during which the stains tus of the mediation and the Mexl can situation generally was?gone | over. During the day It was announced that President Wilson planned to gc ^ ' to Brooklyn on Monday to meet the Montana, which Is bringing back the bodies of the American marines kill ed at Vera Crua, and deliver an ad drees. Should public business reJ quire the continued presence o . - President Wilson at W&kbJngton, Sec 11 retary Daniels1 will apeak for him. II There have been some amusing |]J features to lighten the serious aaj pects of the mediation proceedlngss The mediators have been recelvlnj t?n a great numbor of letters approvlnj ted their course, and offering advice *ve One letter urged that Theodon b? Roosevelt was the man to set up i jtfca provisional government In Mexico ady backed by north, south and centra The America, and that the Spanish re lass publics should induce him to under by take the provisional direction of ai Blty fairs at Mexico. 'are CONDITION BETTER. The Condition of Hilda Knlghl the 7-months-old daughter of Mr. an aM? Mrs. Frank Buckman, who has beo wn- crlUCAlly lllHt Hassell. N. C.. auffei lng from an1 attack of penumonli t,Dt u reported to 5e better today. Mr cor- Frank Buckman. who has been li disposed due to an attack of measK Is convalescent. Tlfta will be we ^ pome news to their many friends. ??4? tomorrow for s.li.burr, N. c.^wbe A Venlse of *50 Men Drawi From The Box Yeaterday State vs. R. H. Miles Goej Over In Nov. iTerm. The caee of State vs. Joshtjp, W Mills Is placet! for trial Friday morn log at eleven o'clock. Yesterday if terpoon the defendant was arralgii M In open court and l> venire o 250 men were drawn-from the boa from which the Jury lected. V'-M JClKt CM. of Btite ye. R. H. MUei for murder, was continued until lb November term of court as It w& the bplnlon of the solicitor and coun sel for both the State add defens the cause could not be redhced a thU. term of edurt. In the case of State vs. Gus Ales ander for the murder of Franl Brooks, the prisoner was arraign* also yesterday afternoon and venire of lifts men were drawn froi the box. This cauae Is set for trli tomorrow morning atxl^^'clock. *ln the case of Stat# vCPll Branc for murder the prisoner was arralgc ed, but aa yet no time has been s? for hUstrial. In the cane of State vs. Willlai Swanner for violation of a city 01 dlnance and which, at the last ten of court, was a mistrial, was n< prosed. The case of State vs. J. Q. Pari er for assaulting his child, cofcfc^j moat of the afternoon sea^atfHH| day.' The jory returned QtajyttH Hr IP r .raw The Now Bern Joui%al had th to aay of tho recent performance "An American Citizen," by the Pal and Powder Club of that city: "The performance given last nig by "The Paint and Powder Club with ita noted membership of am tours was the moet notable of a loi list of the most excellent perfon ancos by this cTub. Their rendlili of tho famous war play "Shenna doah," several years ago, and t: very pleasing excellence of "The L? ?1? MlnUiiir"" 1 o at oaonn wan at I .fresh in the memories of the capac! I audience that filled the house,? I It remained for them to ecllpsdl I their former efforts by last evenln] I portrayal of this laughable comedj I ' Mrs, D. B. Congdon was never se I to better advantage, and her gra fulness and winsome manner endo; II ed her still-more to her audience. Albert Willis, though essaying entirely different role from his ual portrayals, captured anew one ' one of his adaptation of the nerv< f business man. Mrs. Isaao Cohen had the ent \; aaudlence with her fro mhor first i 1 pearance and the entire house v I. in an uproar. She was Indeed ; most clever artist. K In fact tho entire cast suppor . the leading roles iji a most pleas 9 and attractive manner." t The New Bern Sun, classed , performance as the most pert 1 work of amateurs that had ever b - soen on the local stago, and aaid 11 ? were it not lor the fact that the i - formers were bo well known loci I that it would have been hard to b believed that it was amateurs ] senting the performance. . A visitor in the audience from f> d York, who had witnessed the orlgi n play by Goodwin and Elliott, loth to believo that in fact it V being portrayed-by "home talen ? The play will be presented fit I- New Theater^ on Wedneeday nil ? the 6th. : " * I i MKH. MARSH INIHKPOKKD. Tho friends of Mrs. M. O. Ms who resides on West'Third sti M will regret to learn that she Is re lined to her bed. It Is to he ht she will soon be sonrsleioent. M DAILY *?*; * '?'> t??i|i'w?d ;. * > ^t'.' ". * N. C. TCafoAY^APTCRNOON MAY 5. H14 Receipts and Expenditures OgCouunty Commissioners ; For The Month of March 1 ICEt KIirWL \ Balance cash jm hand am chpwn in March etsto- * ? U: $ 2,024.7? Rumlajr, Ml Tr*s<. . . . | 367 . 35_ _ 1 u, Rum ley; Mfftiage License 7^S*k_ ^ ( A. lWy|itiii. variii x .. . . . .Thirty. 75 ~ WgM* P*W?SH,,mber 9old *rom Washing ion ^ ' .W. A. Tatritar 4;J0 E. O. W?8to Cost. 43.95 J. A. lAinHKpder Court Cost . . 20.60 W. H. HoofcesJ,Recorder Court Cost >, 2.90 J. A. WilklH:-qli, for Coavicts 272.00 Geo. B. B^BBheriff. Fete. . . N|^^^pri(r, Taxes 9.500.00 Ward A Grtajb, for Convicts 250 .00 W Jll2.381.80 I V. 114,406.56 8 I l>Ift B V RSKME N TH. Claim* audltW and allowed April 7th, 1914 1 (see list) .Y .16,281.56 ' Poor list allowed April 7th, 1914 (see list) 169.75 I 16,451.31 1 ':J ml ' S?' * 6,451.31 gi?uet s Office.. ---40.00 9 |J9K& H. T. Latham, Stationery for C. S. C .30 9 4Sti>' L. C. Warren, County Attorney's Salary. . . 12 .50 & W. B. Windley, Recorder Salary >*.... 75.00 1388 Elbert G. Wcstop, C. R, C. Salary 25.00 1389 Elbert G. Weston, C. R. C. Money Refunded Paid through [J error 7 3.50 If 1390 Elbert G. Weston, C. R. C. one-half Court Costs 3.55 I 1391 W. A. Tankard, Recorder Salary; .. 20 . no I 1392 J. A. Leigh, Recorder, Salary for Feb. ami Court Costs. . . 41.35 1393 J. A. L(igh, Recorder. Salary for March and Jail Fees. ... 27.40 1394 W. H. Hooker, Recorder Salary. 25.00 i. 1395 i It. J. G. Blount, Supt. of. Health. Three Months' Salary.. 150.00 '1396 H. W. Ilyman, Keeping Washington Bridge... 35.30 o 1897 J. W. Crawley, Keeping Bath Bridge. 19.75 n1 1398 V. W. Davis, Keeping Pungo Creek Bridge 25.00 1399 J. B. Keoch, Keeping Bclhavon .Bridge 25.00 1400 L. E. Toler, Keeping Blount's Creek Bridge. ; 15.00 hl 1401 J. W. Brantley. Keeping Aurora Bridge 25.00 1402 Washington Dally News, Publishing Statement. Printing Porters, etc 60.00 a 1403 Jesse N. Stubbs, Conveying Prisoner from Pinotown 2.00 1404 O. J. Nye, Conveying Prisoner from Helhaven 3.50 1405 O. J. Conveying Prisoner frota Belli a von 3.50 ? 1406 E. G. Btight, Kcoping Cuuuty Home 191.70 iji 1407 E. G. Brfeht, Labor hnd Material (County Home) 1.50 k. 1408 MrB. M. E. Bright, Sewing for County Home 4.40 1409 M. L. Cherry, Wood for County Home 5.50 1410 Carolina T. & T. Co., Phpne Rent County Homo 3.00 It 1411 Spencer Bros., Supplies for Chain Qang 16.09 iD 1412 . Suskin & Berry, Supplies for County Home 3.50 1413 Spencer Bros., Supplies for County Home 22.90 ' 1414 Southern Furnlturo Co., Springs for County Homo 12 .00 ut 1415 W. Gray Willis, Groceries for Outside Poor 3.80 It: 1416 Van Wort Overall Mfg. Co.. Overalls for Convicts 45.00 ... 1417 M. D. & H. L. Smith Co., Shirts for Convicts 36.00 * 1418 State Hospital, Clothing and Transportation for Patient.. 17.10 r* 1419 Municipal Electric & Water Department, Lights on Brtdgo 18.00 en 1420 Municipal Electric & Water Department, Three Lamps for e Bridge ? -75 1421 R. E. HodgeB. Wood for Court House aud Jail 21 .25 1422 Harris Hardware Company, Material for Tranter's Bridge.. 5.04 1428 Harris Hardware Co., Material for Bath Draw 13.45 ar 1424 E. S. Gurkin, Lumber foe-Hepairlng Bridges 14.80 aB 1425 Eureka Lumber Co., Lumbeh for Grist Run 47.92 h 1416 J. B. Ciarlc, Jr., use or nm J 1427 Jt B. ClarkVJr., Keeping and Painting Draw Tranters m Creek Bridge * 11.00 1428 R. 9. Neal.Balanco on Washington Bridge Contract 1.12.73 irt 1429 N R. 8. Neal, Belliaven Draw Contract 325.00 1430 R. 8. Neal, Aurora Bridge Contract 00.00 1431 W. M. Parvln, Labor on Cherry's Run Bridge 6.15 r*t 1432 W. M. Parvln, Labor on Banyan Bridge 6.30 6 '33 W. M.' Parvin, Account Cherrys Run Bridge 9.16 1434 W. M. Parvin, Account Tranter's Creek Bridge 10.17 1435 W. M. Parvln, Account Small Bridges 3.25 W 1436 W. M. Parvln. Account Aurora Bridge 36.36 [n j 1437 T. N. Tyre, Account Rath Creek Draw 129. 2-? 1438 (Error) .. 1439 W.'M. Chauncey.. Repairing Clarku Plat 10.83 1440 J. H. Hodges Hemtiw 3 .50 ec< '41 W. C. Miller. Building Concrete Walk to Jail 30.oo ter -1442 E. R. Mixon, Express on Bonds 22.50 h_, 1443 E. R. Mixon, Expanse Collecting Bonds 38.05 " 1444 Virginia Trust C . 479.00 1452 E. R. Mixon, Treasurer, Check of J. A. Wilkinson returned 154 .89 1463 E. R. Mixon, Treasurer. Salary Tor Jan., Feb. and March. . 212.52 *** 1464 C. C. Cratch, Making Statement, etc. 12.50 rmi 14 56 Beaufort County Farm Htirrnn AoorlJwrtatioD 333.33 mk 1466 W. M. Parrln, Salary as Bridge Supervisor 75 . 00 th< (Continued on Pago Four.) > >.kt / ' kit OVKHTH or Mlia RA.NDOI.l'H. mricm to mkkt. r>fl SoUcKor and 1. C. Ehrlnjham and Thero will bo a bua!v?a raootjni ?o? o* Klnnbntk Cltr. N. C., ?r? Iho 0f the turacn oaf. ?t tbe Pint MMh con g bests of Mr. and Mrs. Justus F. Ran- ^diit church this evening at 8 o'clock >P*i dolph at their borne on East Main All tho numbers are urged lo be NE# CABARET FOR II BENEFIT Of mmw rakes Place Evening of May YVil 12 In Elks' Home?Library In Need of Books and Other j Accessories- Desire Funds, p Every citizen of Washington hould feel a just pride In the public T ibrary. A large number of citizens aU8' lave shown Interest, and have given bati heir unfailing aid toward its bub- pub ainance. There aro a few others, 8chc ^ho need only Jo be reminded of te8t heir duty In helping to make this al. ?nbllc Library equal to any other the n the State. The At the present time the library is and n need of funds tor the purchase of Dav lew books, and other accessories, deb; rhereforp some of the ladies have o'cl rojpnteered to give their services, ingt uid are now planning to give a ca- teni jaret on May 12. Their time and energy are being >xpendcd in your Interest and it is III he duty of the citizens of Washing- W on to assist them in this work. || The ladles on refreshment commit- _ eedesire to make this announcement, nrhile they are are asking for aid, they will greatly appreciate any asilatance In the way of refreshmentslonated. They need, chickens, bolljil; lettuce, beaten bulscuit, sand WlctiQS, Olive oil, cracKers, wnuir J lives, coffee, sugar and cako. A sufficient amount of cream, bread iind eggs have already been donated. Those who desire to give any of the gou articles mentioned are asked to noti- wa] fy Mrs. S. R. Fowle. Miss Bettie Harvey, Mrs. J. H. Small. Mrs. D. T. 8' Tayloe or Mrs. A. W. Thomas, who **ac compromise the refreshment commit- unl tee. Plea&o notify one of thoBe In- Aid dies, not later than Wednesday night, ^ ' ? - ad OTner committees are: Committee on Arrangements? 1,1 Mrs. Frank Rolling. Music?Mrs. Mary Daugliain, lmi chairman; Mrs. D. M. Carter, Mrs. It, A. G. Barnes. FloVers?Mrs. Claud ('arrow, chairman; Mrs. George Hackney. <"al Mrs. Ed. MalMson. Girls ami tables?Mrs. John Rodman, chairman; Mrs. Harry'McMul- U'r tin, Mrs. J. D. Grimes, Mrs. Henry wh Brldgcmaif, Miss May Belle Small. ^ Entertainment?Mrs. Stephen Bra- an< gaw, chairman; Mrs. N. L. Simmons. ,1*i ii N Mrs. Justus Rnndolph, Miss Jane Myers Ilel * Fl? Doorkeepers ? Mrs. Elizabeth Betts; Mrs. John Sparrow. The names of the young Indies, 1)411 who bavo kindly offered their 6orv- _ter Ices, will bo given In tlie columns of this paper tomorrow, also an announcement from the giris and tables committee. | SO It's Restful In Washington Park* mm. hew mil loppi For tonight tho New Theater will present motion pictures only. For tomorrow night they will have "An American CitlMB," presanted by the "Paint and Powder Club,'' of New CB Bern, N. C. This la one of th'^jjgst & plays ever presented on tho *Amerl- ny can stkge, and judging from the rejro- ? tat Ion that tho troupe from New Hi Bern have It will be well presented P* here. Seats on rale now at Worthy ct & Etherjflge's, 35, 50 and 75c. For w the last half of this week the s< Theater have for tho amusement of their patrons "Horan and Van," in comedy songs and dances. An act that is sure to please. Bo sure to ? attend. pi . r< TO ATTEND REUNION. 1 ll Messrs. R. R. Warren and W. H. 81 ' Rtanclll, two of Beaufort county's r - brave Confederate soldiers left yet- J terday afternoon via the Norfolk ^ Southern for Jacksonville, FloHd'a, 1 for the purpose of attending the Vet- ' eran'a reunion there this w?*k. 1 No. 54 IS HI DEBATE AT 1 mm. 1 Be Pulled Off at Audltorim Tomorrow Night for he C G. Morris Medal, ebaters Selected. lcea ot the John H. Small Deng Society of the^ Washington 11c Schoolc will take place at the >ol tomorrow night. The conwill be for the C. O. Morris medThe debaters to take part In contort were selected yesterday, y are: Affirmative, Hubert Ellis John Co*, ten Taylce. Negative, Id Smith, and Elbert Westqn. The ate la scheduled to begin at 8 Dck and all the citisens of Washon have a cordial invitation to atI. mm LEAVES FOR run nniiiiinu I fit Hluil 'Uncle" Thomas D. Aldridge, of ith. Creek, N. C., a veteran of the between the states, was a Washton visitors yesterday en route to - _ ksonville, Fla., to attend the reon of his comrades in arms. Mr. ridge was a private in Company Fifth Florida regiment commandby Colonel liakeley. He enlisted Centervllle county. Fla., and bsw Ivo service until his capture aud >risonment at i'oint Lookout, ere he remained thirteen months, was captured at the Battle of the Iderness. Mr. Aldridge left North -olina for Florida in 1858, where remained until his enlistment. Afto South Creek, this oounty, the war he returned to this Btate ere lie has lived. Although 72 irs of age lie is still hale and 1 settled lu La Grange, llnally goirly and enjoys the drawing of violin bow as of yore. He left re yesterday afternoon bound for yrida, wearing upon his lapel a dgc giving the namo of his comay and regiment. No veteran ai iding the reunion will enjoy It ire than Uncle gliomas. Ho has j best wiBhes for a safe journey ?re and back. it'THWEST STORM WARNING DISPLAYED. Southwest storm warning wu ordered up this morning by the weather bureau. A disturbance is now over the Ohio Valley and moving east. Strong southwest winds shifting to went and in all probability will roach a gale loTCO. ''? Storm warning is displayed , _ ' on the Atlantic coast from to> van iialt to East port. For Boatern Carolina lltof v- ^jSSJI weather ntun says thunder storms tills afternoon. Generally fair tonight and Wednesday. REGULAR COMMUNICATION. There will be a regular communl,tlon of Orr Lodge, No. 104, A. F. A. M., at their hall corner of Third id Bonner streets this evening at 8 clock. Work In entered apprence degree. All members urged to j present. Visiting brethren are irdlally invited. By order of the orshipfnl master, O. M. Winfleld, icretary. CHILD DEAD. / Charles M. Knapp, Jr. the 9-yearId son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Klapp, sssed away this morning at the ssidence of his parents at 9 o'clock, he end was caused by spinal menlgltis from which the little fellow uffered most all of his life. The ematns will be oarried to Rlehuond omorrow morning via the Atlantic 'oast Line for Interment. The sympathy of the commnnUy goes ost to he grief-stricken parents. Subscribe to the Dally News. J ? j A - , - . iig