mr float U a ecroneee in th. kidney reArm pie ma suggsat ntk kid It go there 1* danger In delny. Weak kidney, get taat weaker. Glee your trouble prompt -attention. ^ . I Doan'a Kidney PlMa are tor weak - JUdniya. Your, neighbor, nee and raeom" a tw? Wkaklngton testimony. W. A. Respesa. Ml B. ronftk St.. \ Washington. M. <3.. eaya: "My kidKg. nays didn't do their work as they abonld. 1 had backache and pains when passing the kidney secretions. I need a box of Doah'e Kidney nila pV" as directed, and they tan me relist." * Price the <at all deatare. Don't skwpty ul tor a kidney remedy? ?et Doan'a Kidney Pills?the aame that Hr. Reapees had. Foaler-Mllhuia da . Props.. Buffalo. N. T. ?????? -5MW TBAIN TO ADUU8TA, AND ATLANTA. " f-. Commoncrng Kay I. the Atlantic "Coast Line will Inaugurate through sleeping can serrice between WIL I" ' mlngtoa, Florence. Sumter, Aagnsta. end Atlanta, to connection arllh the Georgia Railroad. Following le the echednle tram Waahlagton In eonnaetlon with the aew M^dos. Lr Washington 7: BO a.m. Ar Florence 7:2Sp.m. Inr Flerenoe. 1:00 p.rfc " Ar Sumter 9:20 p. to. .. Ar Orangeburg 10:51 p B. Ar Aagnsta 1:10 a. m Ar Atlanta 1:00 a.m. . PuMB|tn may remain In sleeping cars until t:?0 a. m.<i\ ; Returning tha train leaves Atlanta ?: 00 p. m., central time; and arrives Floronoe t:0$ a. m. and Washington T:Q0 p. n?? eastern time. "Slopping cars are operated between Rocky Mount and Florence In connection "iriUx the above service. 'Connections are made la the Union % 'depot at Atlanta wRfc the "Dixie iFlyer" (leaving theiWnt 8;00 n. m.), "which is n solid tma^ChlcMO. 'carrylnf sleeping, dining sn&aabbser. ration cars; also through sleeping ears to tit. Loots, and with the "South Atlantic Limited" (leaving at 7:18 a. m.). a sblld.train to Cincinnati, carrying sleeping and dining cars, also through sleeping oars to Louisville and Indianapolis. Connections are also made in Atlanta with the Atlanta and Weal Point railroad for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans and tha (Southwest, with the Southern Railway for' Birmingham, Memphis and the West and with other diverging lines for poinU la South Georgia, etc. For reservations, tickets and schedules to any Western destination by '' this now and attractive route, by j>ld and reliable lines, apply to S. R. _ . Clary, ticket agent of the Atlantic Const Line. Hie Standard Railroad of the Sonth. NOTICE. 7 # Precinct meetings will be held throughout Beaufort county on the following dates, tor the purpose ol electing pmclnet Committees and ending delegates to the c6?nty Convention: l May 18, 1914 j Vint Ward, Armory, 8 p. m. " Second Ward. City H?U. I p. m. \ Third Ward, Court House, Ip.B Fourth Ward, Court Houae. 8 p.a I Belharan. Ip. a " Washington frrk, Ip. in. May 10, 1810. Tranter's Creek, Old Ford, Fine rllle, Bearer Dam and Ckocorrlnltr at 18 a. m. All other precincts at 8 p. m. oil Saturday, Hay II. By order Democratic Executlr Committee. Beaulort County. , UND8AY C. WARREN* 4-11-to-S-li-o Chairman. K WE -ARE . AG^TJ Iver Johnson,' Read in i StandaajLEmblbai, Hudsoi Dayjon and Great Wester Bicycles soIjWof cash or 01 ti*oe We'also-"have th most complete repair sho in the city all work guarnr Phone 298 Mi IT NUtoBTI EV011MUl Il How to Beautify tb* Hair I It 7??r h?lr. l. not pretty; If it is losing Ha color, too dry. matted, filing out. orlf the scalp Itches and burns. you can overcome all of these conditions by uajftg Parisian Sage, which supplies every hair need. It soaks right in to the hair roots, stimulating them and furnishing the nourishment that is neoded for the hair to grow not only long and heavy, but ftuffy, soft, lustroua and gloriously radiant. ^ ^ You can got a bottle of this Inexpensive. yet delightful* anJT helpful hair tonlo from . .a. . or at any drug store. 'Improvement begins with the very first application. Besides stopping the scalp irritation it removes every bit of dandruff. The use of this unequaled hair-tonic will surely give your hair new life and beauty. LIVE STOCK INCREASES ON NATIONAL FORESTS. Figures showing the number of livestock for which the secretary of agriculture has authorised grasing permits for the ranges on the lib national forests during the year 1914 have Just been made .public' Nearly eleven million animals can be grazed including near two million head of cattle and horses, nearly nine million hea? of sheep and goats, and about 65 thousand hogs. This means an increase for the current yesr of about 88 thousand more cattle and horses, and 847 thousand more sheep and goats, although the gross area I of the national forest# at the beginning of 1914 is almost a million acres less than at the beginning of 1918. During 1918, according to the re porta Just compiled, more than ST thousand stockmen paid the government for erasing permits on* the national forests. For several year* past the carrying capacity of the national forest ranges has been slowly rising, which, forest officers any. lndleatss an improvement in general gracing conditions' and a better utilisation of the forage resources. They claim that this is due mainly to the enforcement of better methods of distributing and handling stock. On the lands recently acquired by the federal government .within the Appalachian region of the east, regulated gracing has been undertaken this year on six distinct areas. The local stock owners Who had previously used the land under lease from the former.owners have readily accepted the ^change j>t ownership and appear tcrbe favorably Impressed with the methodTtmployed by the forest service for graxing purposes. While the number of al lanimals authorised to grace.upon these southern Appalachian forests is not large, it is the belief of the forest officers In charge of them that under careful su1 pervision the lands will support more ' stock than they have In the past and, ! that there will be considerable im1 provement in the lndtrldual animals, .with a, constant Increase ln-juaat.. 1 ADMISSION TO WAB OOLLEOB. | Washington, May 4.?The written examination for admission to tho Army W,ar College will be held from today to May 9th Inclusive. The examination consists of four map problems and one original study, based upon an assumed military situation. 'One day will be allowed for the so tuuon 01 eacn map proDietn wnicn - emplanes the application of the general principle* laid down In the field aervlce and drill regulations governing the employment of force? of all ' arm* not exceeding a division. :To Prevent Consumption SOME WAYS YOU KEEP OFF DREAD TUBERCULOSIS. ?vv;-\ Take Bear'e Emotion ta Time? H'atch for the Symptoma o4 Plaeaee. How to keep from getting consumption. Itfsep the body strong and J healthy?Now then; how are you goy ing to keep-the body healthy; not P by losing weight every day; not bj ? allowing that tickling irf your throat & to remain, not by getting bronchltli Q or tonsllltis on every exposure; nol q by letting your ohlldrea have th? croup or whooping to ugh and not ? by giving them something that wll P heal the throat and build up the eye |_ tem; not "by going from day to-da: with a tired feeling, no appetite anc palaa about through the body. Keel the body atronfe-qftd Healthy by tak inc Bear e -BmnUlon. U ha> Wee. thorougWy tem.a by people I. yen own county. People tint you knot . It I. mid to you on a poeltlT, ?aa. ) antee that It will do a. recommend ed or money refunded One dolla : a bottle, gold by Worthy * BO NeW York. May 4.?The golfers re getting ready for * Tory buy season and clubs In alT porta of tka country am completing their spring schedules. The club-house of the Deal Qolf and Country, which hopes to entertain the President of Ue Doited State? before the season In over if political conditions warrant, opens 1U doors a week from today. Although nothing In the wny of a competitive nature ha* been scheduled as yet. several tournaments may be planned, for the couree Is In the bent condition In Its history. The United States powerboat squadron idea has done more to boost motonboatlng In this country, than any other plan. Bank boat feels that he la really a pyt of the naval fleet of Uncle Sam, as In the event of war his boat would be useful on the inland waters to carry supplies and perform other helpful duties. Tom McMahoa, of Newcastle, has gone to the coast to got in shape for bout with Kid Kenneth next week. Kenneth it will be remembered la tb? fellow that put It ovsr Arthur Pelky. George Chip is also in the West look ing for business. Billy McCarney, who . managed Luther McCarthy, in eomlng Bast with A1 Norton, Nthe ooast, heavyweight. Norton was formerly sparring partner for McCarthy, and McCarney hopes to make a champ of him. Norton's last contest was a 10round draw with Kid Kennth. San Francisco and Milwaukee share Honors for generosity in the matter of staging boxing bouts. The recent match between Willie Ritchie and Harlem Tommy Murphy, drew ISO,617. Of this sum Ritchie g6t $16,600. and the New Yorker $7r 664, which is more than he ever received before. Germany Scbaefbr and Nick AJtrook, baseball's formemost comedians, who Are again heading Clark Griffith's vaudeville bill, have some loiporiuui biuu in incir wi uui je*r, which is "getting over" along with the other numbers from last season's program. The United States and Canada hare come to an agreement and in future athletes will a(6t be permit, ted to compete across the border unless they hare certificates. It will mean that suspended men In either country will no longer be able to compete, as the athletic agreement provides against any anch unsportsmanlike move. Lute Boone considers himself In- " |tlated in the big league now, as he g has had a run-in with an tynplse. He was sitting on the bench when Umplr^ pineen became dissatisfied with the remarks Boone was making to the players-and sent him to the club house. Billy Sunday, the ball player evangelist, Is boosting the suggestion of Honua. Wagner for a home top old and supqpannhated ball players. Sunday says he will donate liberally. 8ome students of finance, believe Sunday, now reported a wealthy man. might endow the home himself. The majority of ball players, incidentally, In these days of five-figure contracts, are not -apt to worry muc\ 1 about institution, life in days to ' dome. Old Bsllsfs Lost. Pew are the beliefs and stlO fewer the superstitions of today. We pretend to account for everything until we do not believe enough for the humanity so essential to moral discipline. The phantaamld age baa long i been unfurnished of aH its Ingenious Barmiure. ia? (lowing aay nas let, lea ring none of Ita ethereal huee In onr old twilight We hare lost something for which we here no substitute i EAGLES FLOCK TO LITTLE ROCK. , LITTLE ROCK. ARK.. May 4.? From every part of Arkansas delega- , tlone of the Fraternal Order of Eagles came to the capital today for their annual State convention. In honor of the visitors the downtown section of the city le gayly decoratted. The convention program provilea for a mammoth street parade and numerous features of entertainment, In addition to the customary business sessions. ' AUTOMOBILE TIRES AT FACTORY PRICES 8AVB FROM 10 TO *0 PER CRRT Tin TOM Roll DOT 111) 9 7.10 ll.lf |1.8* 30x3 7.80 1.11 1.40 SOxt.1-9 10.10 1.10 1.10 >3x8 1-3 11.10 8.91 8.09 34X8 1-3 11.40 1.00 1.08 1 33x4 13.70 3.49 83x4 14.19 3.89 1.48 1 34x4 13.19 1.89 1.99 ' 39x4 17.38 8.80 8.30 1 88x4 1-3 19.78 4.38 8.48 39x4 1-1 19.88 4.90 8.39 ' 17x01-1 11-80 8.10 8.79 1 87x8 14.90 6.99 4.30 > All otber Mm* lx stock. Nok-*M ' tint 16 per cut xddlUonxl. red 3 Inbox ten per cut ebon Itel Alt .*?* atuOard bad Indxjludut mnkM Burdlrcct from uj. end ore motor. 6 per cut dlcooxnt 11 'c! O. D. out*A^ > ' 'V UnHda Mceult . A crisp, clean, nutritioui food. For everybody?everywhere. Freeh in the moiAure-proof package, s cents. The fanny little name of the famooe little (ln(er snap that puts fresh "snap" and "finger" into jaded appetites. 3 cents., Graham Crackers The natural sweetness and nutriment of the wheat are retained, giving them a /l.llwksA.1 a - m UGii|uuUi UKTVI 10 cents. Bay Micuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT ' COMPANY 4 Alwaya look for that mama IOUTHERN COTTON MEN MEET. Augusta, Qa.. May 4.?The NaAsnal Convention of CQtMm Exchanges and Cotton Manufacturing Lssociatlons of the South opened late today. The present customs ind ralea governing the cotton comnerce of the United States to forilgn countries, will be reorganized, n addition to the delegates from he cotton exchanges and the manuacturers' Associations, the New York Cotton Exchange is well represented iy an official delegation. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA?SIXTH DIVISION. In the matter of N. B. 8elby A Son, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN COMPOSITION. nuoicsB, ayyinuiiuu uns uccu made for the confirmation of the composition offered by the abovenamed bankrupt, and it appears that inch oompoaltlon has been accepted In writing by a majority In number of all lta creditors, whose claims hare t>een allowed, which majority repre. sent* a majority in amount of such claims, and that tlbe consideration for each composition required by Section 12-b of the .bankruptcy law o1 1898 has been folly deposited; new on notion of Small, MacLean.'Br*; caw ft Rodman, attorneys for sacl bankrupt. It Is ordered: That all creditors other than those who through theli attorneys, have waived notice, as *1 other parties in Interest, show cause aat a hearing to be bad on such ap plication before t he District Court of the United States ffir the Hasten District of North Carolina, at Wll son, North Carolina, in said district on the lJth day of May, 1114, at 11 o'clock m., cr aa coon thereafter a each hearing la called, why end application ehould not he granted. That notice of each hearing b given by mailing n copy of tbla 01 der to each of the credltore, aa afore said, partlea la Internet and attoi neye entitled to notice In thle pre needing, and by publlihlng a cop hereof In the daelgnated newepepe of tp? county dletrtet of auch ban) rupt'e residence, ea provided by ene law. Bach wdUoe to . be glren by th Clerk of the eeld Cohrt. Wltneaa the Honorable H. Q. Coi nor, lodge of the said Conrt, at tt anl thereof, at the etty of Waehlni ton. In eald dletrtet, on the III day of April, 11X4. A. L. BLOW. Clerk. Bj A, MATO. D-y Clerk. 4-14-4 ' #KMOW If jT ABOUT fL Ma/pr Frank C. Kugler and City Attorney H. C. Carter left thin morning rla the Norfolk Southern train for Toledo, Ohio, where they go to confer with Sidney SplUer * Co., with regard to consummating the ale of the city honda J. L. Pettue, of Norfolk. Va.. wae a paaeenger on the Norfolk Southern train yesterday. John W. Oden has returned from Plymouth. N. C.( where he attended the funeral of hie fatber-la-law. Mr. H. Peel. W. J. Bleakeley, of Wilton. N. C.. la a business visitor to the city. Rev. J. T. Qtbbs, D. D., and Rev. M. Snipes expect to leave tomorrow morning for 8wan Quarter to attend the Washington District Conference, which convenes In that town tomorrow. Captain John W. Keyee, of Raleigh, N..C., registered at the Louise last night. , J. F. Brlnkley, o^Oreenvllle, N. C., Is a business visitor to the city, i C. Cohn. Mrs. Cohn, Miss D. L. j Spruill, Miss N. Herman, of Ply- | mouth, N. C., are registered at the . Louise. John R. Roberts, of Swan Quarter, 1 N. C., arrived In the city yesterday. ' Dr. W. T. Potter, of Anrdra and I Dr. y. T. Nicholson, of Batht are I here for the purpose of attending | the meeting of the Beaufort County i Medical Society this evening. r?? ? % , DANGEROUS SERVANTS. A national competition in art has . Just come to a close in Battle Creek. Mich., with the awarding of {3,000 ' In prizes, by a W. Post, for three 1 successful paintings on the subject, ' "Dangerous Servants,"?Aloohol, to- I bacco and coffee. I Many entries were received and In | the final selection the prizes were | awarded as follows: First prize, $2,000?Miss May Aiken, 121 Highland street, Worcester, Mass. " Second prize, $500?Watson Bar- t ratt, Little Neck, Long Island, New \ York. c | Second prise, $500?Charles F. Church, 9244 S. Winchester ave.. ( Chicago. 111. The ellmlnative process In determining the prlte wln^irs was unique ' 'but very satisfactory. Mr. POst first ( advertised the prises and furnished details aa to the lesson the picture , shotfld teach. These preliminary ' sketches were asked to be filed by J all competitors by September 1, ^ 1913. 4 . \ From the scores of sketches re- ( celved, there were ^elected the work ; of siz artists asking them to compete with finished oil paintings to be in the hands of the judges by December 21, 1913. From the work of these contestants the three prize winners were selected. The first prize winner which is to be used in advertising the pure fooddrink, Postum, embodies to the fullest meaning the lesson of the evils of coffee, tobacco and alcohol. The central figure is a youth surrounded by tbe three servants depicted by alluring womon, each offering temptation, the pipe, the wine and the cup of coffee.- The youth 1b pushing all these aside and is gazing earnestly at a city in the distance and opportunity. In the distance aiao are the forms of two children. The picture la exceptionally well executed. ad. ; igANDismjfal ; COLL/SjftS* ' law?M??tfC?U Mafar.1 I : $1,000,000 J THIS DAY * and every other day in the J year?the average daily fire loss Provide for the day when you may be vhaHyentpnyitjKj in having i- your firetoes paid promptly 1} and fairly. 5 * WM. BR AG AW & CO. , Kirst Insurance Agents In u Washington, N. C?"?* 1 * ijliiai '' .. ' 4" ,.?f\ 1* im ifli-fi ^ WE INVITE jmmmbab " j an opportunity to u*vs too IN any or THE FOLLOWING: The Commercial or Cheeking Depart* ^B. meat The Certificates of Deposit' Depart. K The Savings Department. H' The Chrlatlaa Savings Clab DepartH meat. The Sofa Deposit Box Department Tift Foreign Exchange Department Tho TraTel6r'a Check Department Where Courteous and M?t1 Bertlec trill be given. BANK OF WASHINGTON CRYSTAL Pure Ice, Delicious Ice Cream CRYSTAL ICE CO. Phone 83 Washington, NJ C. ? +'Qr9rQi'QrQrCr9r&'1r9'%'ii'>######< i E : FOR SALE J [ Second Hand Automobiles I > 1 I i | E. M. F. 30, 5 Passenger Touring, 1912 model in good a | I condition. Demountable Rim, Hartford Traufelt Shock , . E Absorber, Tires practically new, extra tire, rim, cover, : J tool book and etc. $650. J EX M, F. 30, 4 passenger Demi-Tonneau, 1911 model ' 1 P fair condition- $450. I I P STUDEBAKER 25 Roadster 1913 model only run about I I P 1500 miles. A-l condition $600. ( I p FLANDERS 20, 5 passenger touring, 1912 model, good | p condition, $400 j k FORD, 5 passenger Touring 1911 model fair condition I | $250. , ? P These Cars are worth seeing. j , j Harris Hardware Co., | j J WASHINGTON, N. C J [ | LEON WOOD? Memben New York Cotton Exchange JAMES LE ! J. LEON WOOD & CO. I [ BANKERS and BROKERS. \ S Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain and Provisions, 78 Plume Street, \ F Carpenter Building, Norfolk, Va. \ * Private wires to New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of r | Trade and other flannels! centers. / F Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and marginal J ) Accounts given Careful Attention. \ i' I fulfil A Cool, Comfortable Store Q. Fans make it possible to sliop in comfort on hot days. v Store patrons look for them?buy where cooUng breezes blow. Emerson Oscillating Fans are ideal for store sendee. Swinging breezes arc objection- r able to no one and bring 'store reliefi*^" Easiest fans to adjust on wall or sfielf. The factory 5-year guarantee makes Emerson Fans the best investment. Gay Plumbing & Hardware Co. inc W. R. GAY M?n>i?r sCtjcb of sale. aitijcatiow fob pardox. Upon demand of the owner of the indebtedness thereby secured, and by Nitoce is hereby given that applL rirtuo of the power of sale contain, cation will be made to Governor ed in a mortgage deed to mo cxecu- Locke Craig for the pardon of Ben ted by J. T. Linton, dated January' Edwards, of Beaufort county, now 37, 1907. and recorded In the Regis serving a sentence of twelve months ter's office of Beaufort county, In on the roads of said county for vioBook 143, Page 274, which is hereby latlon of the search and selsure law. I referred to, I will sell, at public auc- ThiB April 15, 1914. | tlon, for cash to the highest bidder ' HOOD EDWARDS. at the Court House door fn Beaufort county, on Tuesday, tho 28th day SPRING LAXATIVE. AND BLOOD of May, 1914, at noon, the property CLEANSER. -?? In the said mortgage described, situ- Plush out the accumulated watts ated In Bath township. Beaufort and poisons of ths winter mouths; county, consisting of mill sits, bo- cleats your stomach, Uvar and kid. tether, with the saw mill and nil ap- nsya of all Impurities. Take Dr. purtenances, cotton gin and all ap. King's New Life Pills; nobbing betpurtenances, blacksmith tools, etc., t?r Cor purifying the blood. Mild, as described iu said mortgage, being non-griping laxative. Cures oonstlthe same conveyed to Linton patlon? makes you feel flue. Take by me. no other. 35c. at your druggist. ad This*April 38, 1914. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All C. B. PAUL, *4* 4IHH , Mortgagee. ' i' riiTitiitinr "v"

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