' * School Finale Take Place Ti hers Compose The Oa, Tho Evening. the graduating exercises of th-j Washington Public Schools will take place at the school auditorium this evening promptly ?t 8: JO o'clock. - .1 which time the members of the I clue tor 1*14 will bo awmrdod their dlplemme end certiorates by Ron. Join ?. Small, chairman jot tho Board of School Trustees. The medtfcy is and prises wllf also be presented it Win be pleasing to learn that Mr. N. C. Nest bold, lormer supertendent of the city schools, la to l\ present and'will present the,medals and prises to tho class with tie exception of two. The U. D. 0. prise will be prseented by F. H. Bryan, Esq.. and the D. A. R. prise by Miss The annual address will be delteered by Dr. William Hart Dexter, ot the United Btataa Department ot . ; Agriculture, Washington, D C. Dr. DeSter -arrired in the city this morning and la a guest of Coagreus a an* audit rs. John H. Smell, nt their borne, corner ot Mgln.nnd Bridge etreeU. Ths program for tfct* evening follow#: Chorus?Woleoma Bright sad Sunny Spring, High School Glee Club. Honor Roll and Honorable Men-! Uan?A. A. McKay. PHn. H. S. Diet?Fnust. Laurie Branch and Eleanor Barry. Superintendent's report. 8a Saran Boaa (Lore In Sprint Time)?Mica Ruth Bntlar. CtnnmSScameQl KBdrecc?Dr. W 11. Doctor, Washington. D. C. Bolo?Boothovap Bonala 1st MoreBALL LIE 11 "POSIPflAED I 1L LATER nueii?.-*? gE ,) On^ account of* the threatening ^'V weathor and the condition of the grounds the game of baseball achedy? y pled to be played at rieming Park B, this afternoon at 8:10 o'clock beB ' ' tween the Whehlngton High School team ikd tbe'Tarboro High School team has been postponed until sometime next week. The exact date for JV contest to be pulled off will be announced through the columns of the Dally News later. *;. ' r?(iMiMBn lETTEItB. Llet at leltero remelnlne uncalled tor la thle aBlee tor Ue week endIOC. Iter 1, mt: D. F. AUlfOOd. J. T. AlHtodd, W H. Brown, r. Leach Beell. N. H. Belly. Chee- Baehr, Oeo. E. Bailey. J. L. Burrul. J. E. Brown, Jno. Wryen. 0. E. Cooper, T. _P- Cerpenter. W. Z. Cereon, W. U Cerrow. 'John H. Clerk P. B, Cook, H: J. Coi, Lester A. Dixon, H. M DuBoee. F E. Skene (>), C. J. Ereretl, B. Fulford, J W. B. Oerdner. Edwerd Codfroy, Welter Oreene. H. H. Heymen. Alex ender Hardy, M. H- Harrey,. Charlie Heddoek. Mr. end Mm KlAbrlde (*). J. E. Keel. Rneeell Leevttte. ~ W. B. Lnaelter. 8. P. Latham, W. D. Moreen, J. L. Moore, A. M. Moore. J. F. Newman. Mr? Meyhell Anfd It), Bore Andermon. Mm. R. O. Bryl . an. MleeSre P. Orove, MI?? Jeeeo H. Lethem, Mlee Atmerle Mnnn. Mlet Florence -Rick, Mre. R C. Swenner Mm. K. C. Tripp. Mm. CeUle White; Mm. Oreen Wlleon, 1. F. Newman. J K. Wohlee. Frank Oden, Fanner P11 - ley, 0. W. Powell. L. W. Prleet. w M. Sterenaon. Johnle A. Bneed. W1I Ue BadBp, J. H. Batch well. W. F ' r Swindell, K. O. still. Frank^Teel rn. B. Taylor, Meymor Co.. M. yin Ifred, J. N. Whitley. J. B. Weetoe.. Theee letter* will he .lent to th< deed letter otBee May It, 19M. It JO !nf date of 1^wh pAOTj p M T. . * . ... ? . !?w? T\T? VTT? T1 Y I I'M X I *4 K KUJ. V JL mJs IV ?. " ' - " ' '-n A *~v /-* ^ ' | . ' ? : 1 I . v ' 4 ' mailt, Margaret Walla. Ida d'Amour - -Robocot ui Either Orlcnm. Presentation of Madala and Priam. N, p. Newbold. v I Awarding of Scholarships. Awarding of Dlglomgg, Hon. John H. Small, ahairman Board of School Trantaaa. . "i Choral?Townrda tho Shoraa or Palaatrina. High School Olaa clnb. The class this year numbers thlrtyvno end Is composed of the following: For Diplomaed-Josephine McLemore Bo wen, Howard Wlswall Bowen, Jr., Sadie Eatelle Bland, Robert Wlndley Cordon. Albert Walter Doughty, Alice Madeiine Ellsworth, j Hubert Oscar Ellis, Annie Blackwell Fowl?. Sybllla Marston Orlffn, Jack Reid Harris, James Norman Howard, j Edith HardfSon, Evelyn Gray Jones, I Evelyn Benjamin McCullors, Fannie Clinton Marsh, Jeremiah Charles Meekins, Jr.. Stella Catharine Philips, Gladjfi {Mabel Roe* 'Martha Lucile Rhodes, Maude Elisabeth Swindell. David Payne Smith, John Gotten Tayloe, Margarette Spencer Wells, Walter Benjamin Warner, Da iu wihu?j, BBiner urieiDd. For Certificates? Annie Oilliam Griat, Mildred Lea Rumler, Ethel if arte Weeks, David Ruaaelt Willis, Marie Claris Rlcka. The marshals far the evening are: "Willie Johnson, chief; Jesse Ed ward Woolard, Justus Randolph. Elbert Weston, Etta Lee Campbell. Ed na Willis, Margaret Handy, Gladys Ellsworth. v . The pnbUc has a cordial Invitation to attspd. r ? , r ^ mi ime mm | Mil Mr. R. V. Taylor, of UoBllo, AU.. who is to deliver the Memorial address at Ihe New Thehter tomorrow morning to the Confederate veterans and the4 public generally, is expected t9 arrive oere this evening In "his private car, v The foUowTng gentlemen-compose the rarimiuea to meet Mr. Taylor in Behalfof'. ithe-city: Chairman. Dr. R, W. Carter. T. # kathhm, Col. R. W. Wharton, Rev. ttr ii r-<_ 11 T\_ i ti >r? -i P??-l ?? . n. v""> u. 11. iunuu ?uu taln J. O. Bragaw. ^ Immediately atter the'arrival of Mr. Taylor he will be eacortod to the home of Mr. and"Mrs. Thomas J. Latham on West Second street, where any callers wlfl be welcomed. Mr. Taylor is a kinsman of Mrs. Latham A cordial welcome awaits Mr. Taylor to Washington. May he thoroughly enjoy every: minute of hia stay among the dtiaena of his native heath. . INFANT HICK. ( The Intent child of Mr. end Mm., Cher lee Coxier, s. who reeld. on Bonner etreet, la reported toduy to be onito alck. v-True goetch "Cennlneee." *>J There U In circulation jot another genial etonr about the pnnnj Scot. A Cnledoolazt chlefuln won n million pine in n penny name at e bainnr. Three ilaye later he celled, very wen end wenry of aspect. "See het%," he ield to the heieer aecroterj, Tve counted them. They're three ahortl" \ Jealoualy Guarded Prlvllepee. Here ere two privilege} the average men Instate upon: Pint, the right to do aa ho pleases, and, oeoond, the right ' to ebnee e neighbor who doesn't do ' an he Vents him to. ?. |- - He Knew the Reason. "Whet makes en Knglkhmau wear e monoclet": -Well." replied Piute Pete. "I have been told thtt diplomacy In tun exciting game at beached yesterday afternoon Washington ditented tie Wsshlngton Collegiate In strtute by a, acore ef IS to t at Fleming Psfh. The InatHnte practically had the game In their hands until thq eighth Inning when their "mound artist" went to the bad with the result that the "old timers" at the eity cotered home, bdg to the tune ot eight tellies. The features o? the eontoet was the twirling of Brown and the flelDlng of L. Gard ner. Brown simply mgde eight holes In their .stick. Warren, for the Institute, up te the fatal eight, eras master of the situation. . The-followthg wers-tlje llne-np: Washington?Foaetaee, o.; Gardner, so.; 1. Weston, lb.; Brown, p.; BagweUT^b.; Peuam, rf.: Webster, rf.; O'Neal, lb : Howard, lb; O. Weston. If.; Raid. ct. Institute?Martin, lb.; niggs, c.; Warren, p.. Guthrie, lb.; J. Warren, lb.; Powell, ct.; Smith, ea; Langley. rf.; Hathaway.-IT. Washington made 5 errors and the Institute I. The bakeries wese: Washington?Brown and Fouahee. Institute?Warren and Rlgge. Umpires?Miles and Klrby, Time of game. * **> ' A GOOD KT Oil HUB IT mrnrn There was a good sire audience at the New Theater last night to witness the first performance of "Horan and Van" who are filling the last half of the week there, it Is withput ,a doubt one of the best vaudeville acta that basemen here for some time. The' singing of "Horan and Van'" was very good, also their dancing. The part that the little kid took brought good applause. This house should have a capacity house' tonight to hear these artists perform again. There will as usnal be three reels of selected films tonight. , Prices 10 and 15 cents. Children Love Washington Park. Cabaret Is Billed For I ' Tuesday Eve. - ?: ' TPhe young ladies who. have kindly offered their services at the Cabaret can get tickets for sale from any of the following ladles:: Mrs. J. D. Grimes, Mrs. H' P. Brldgman, Mrs. Harry McMallen.-Mrs. John a Rodman. The list of thosef serving are as follows: Misses Mary Carter, Mary Fowle. Elizabeth Warren, Robena Carter, Isabel Carter. May Belle Small;-^anet Wetmore, Katherlne Small, Mary C. Hassell. Kitty Fagan. ^Huf'Ayers, Winnie Nicholson, Mary Hill, Mae Blonnt. Olive Gallagher. Ethel Fowle. Mary Lillian.Ellsworth, Mary Elisabeth Thomas, Helen Shaw. Margaret Wells, Olivia Jordan, Sallle Canrow, Annie'Grist, Elisabeth i Simmons. Evelyn McCullers. Rebecca Emmons, Fannie L. Haughton, Jen nle Cox. Adeline Mayo, Mary Oewell, Augusta Charleh. Margaret Cordon. Elsie Backman. Ella L*e Wright, Annie Malllson. Margaret Mclllhenny. Emily Harris. Pat Harris. Nina Rhodes. "Helen Kear, Laara Branch. Kethteen Willi,. MUdnd Oladye BlUworfh. F.nni. Stawart. Tho Cabaret 1. to be KlT.o ftt the lk, hill Tuesday .renin, wt ?t 8 o'clock (or lb, benefit ot tb, P?blte Ubrary. ^ HOW IMPROVING. The condition af Hilda KaKbt. tb?7-m0Bthaald deucbter o"( *r. aad Mr, Frank Backman a few day, a*c reported to* crltloallT 111 at Haeael. M. C.. where .he with her mother, "were rt.ltln,. l. now more farora r V-'<?" . SW,- '' 't. fa <' IhHtff* . . *-v< i. ?t? .. :: jga HIIA nnAim III il v DLTII 1 n? r i_ 11 n nil flHiin 11 ii RR^mn I lit mjutll |iy '.' V>lh Side* Represented Br An Able Army of Legs Talent Now Sosy Endeav orlng Selecting The Jury Trial WU1 Conjume Severs Daya. ,( Th? case of 8tat* n. Joshua W M?11b, charged .with, the killing o Benjamin Ormond In the barber iho of Sdmond Edward a, on Weat Mai street. in December last, vai begu In the Superior Court this morning a 11 o'clock. Aa this paper goes t press the court la engaged In select ing the Jury from a Ten ire of 15 citizens, drawn from the box the flw of the week and. summoned to atten court today. The ease In all probability wll consume several daya Up to~ th hour of adjourning for dinner, though quite a number of yenlr? men had been tendered not a singl juror had been selected. The cas is attracting attention' not only 1 Beaufort qounty, but throughout thl eastern Jfcctloo.'*-The state is ropr? sented by 8ollcltor Jr. M. C. -JChrtni bans, Daniel * Warren and Ifanntn and Kltehln, of Ralelfrh. The defendant Kills has as hi counsel Small. MacLioan, Bragaw , Rodman, Redman A Bonner, War A Orimee and B. B. Nicholson. As to the #utcome of' the trial th consensus of opinion varies. Ther U.io llkdlkocm th?t h Introduced "befdrfc some time tomoi row. Later?Up to press hour Are Juroi had been selected. They are: Jona Wind ley, Yeatesvllle; William Met kins, Jessama, J. P. Peed. R. F. I 3, John Clark and J. T. Walls'. ibW ISSUING A I JLLEIII North Carolina Is Issuing separa reports of the forest resources i each county in the State. So far tt state baa already published thoi of the wee tern mountainous portio: and Is now getting out bulletins c the counties in the Piedmont reglo The work Is being, done by the to estry division of the geological at economic survey of Nortlf* Carolln i and each report is a concise stat mont occupying less than four prln ed pages. It is intended by the au ey that these reports of indlvldu counties may be reprinted by the 1 cat newspapers, because in that wi I the spepiflo local information will 1 given to the people in the cheapo and most direct way. Each report takes up the topogr phy, drainage and soiV^of the cou ty, and the- questions of forest cot in relations to the county's ind tries, as to lumber production ai water power, it preeents also tl transportation, and the market fact ties in relation to the timber produ* eo that the growers of timber are 1 formed not only abont producing tl wood crop, but now and where It mi be marketed. Each circular concludes with statement of the Are and inss damage, and outlines methods to cc trol these enemies, as wen as met ods of management to improve t forest crop. 8o far as the oflUtals of the F? oral department of agriculture knp North Carolina Is the first and oi state to. Issue and distribute thi forest reports by counties, with t ides of securing a wide dtssemfc tlon of their facts through the hx press, though, many states, hare sued Reports covering the entire Oo men wealth. Subscribe to the Ddily Wewu. - j. ^ ' 1 ? Cootnr. , ? = >N MAY 8, 1914 f in n BHM Bill Branch, colored, who was convicted of manslaughter yesterday tor the murder of J. Milton Moore at Blount's Creek Christmas day, was sentenced yesterday afternoon by Judge Ferguson to a term of twelve months on the roads of Beaufort / <**nty. 1 In the case of State vs. Ous Alex. under for the shooting of Frank . Brooks In t&ls town, the trial endj ed yesterday afternoon by the State * tendering to the counser for the defense a" verdict of murder In the second degree. After a conference ' this tender was accepted and Alex* &n^?r was convicted of murder In the J p second 'degree. At this writing , the n defendants has not been sentenced by a the court. KX-GOVERNOR HERE. Hon. W. W. Kitchln, of Raleigh. D N. C., arrived In the city this mornit lng and Is stopping at the Hotel (l Louise. Governor Kitchln Is one of I the counsel for the rcosecutlpn In the State v*. Joehua Mills, which began II this morning at the conrt house. * If. Reatful t> Ti^hnoi Park. bui him Vm .Kttt* hvateu Thursday afternoon to the members of Jtlje New Book Club, which waa or, ganised two weeks ago. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Claade Carrow, the meeting was called to order by the vice-president, Mrs. Oeorge Hackney. The main object of- the meeting was to select a suitable name and motto for t?e club. Several names were handed In and from these one is to be chosen. North Carolina, her history, sections. development In all lines, poets and men and women of prominence will be a part of the program. II No active work will be done un| til tbe fall. Thp next meeting will 1 be held with Mrs. Samuel Etherldge ^ City Court ? Cases Are m~ Tried Toddy n. id burins the absence of Mayor Kufa, ler Mr. -Charles M. Brown, Sr., Is acte lng as mayor of the city. The mayor ,tr pro tern tried the following cases: r- George Fowle, drunk; $5 and cost, al 'George Fowle, A. D. W.; bound o- over to recorder. l? John Phillips, colored; riding on be sidewalk with wheel; |1 and cost. st MEMORIAL DAT , a- WEATHER FORECAST. er The weather man promisee us fair weather for tomorrow. This id will be gratifying news for those be who are to take part in the day. 11- The main exercises are schedaU et, ed to take "place at the New n- Theater at 10 o'clock, where be the address of the day will b*sy lirered. After the thegtfrr exercises the graves in Oak (laic ? will be decorated with fewer* rand the aeonammta placed to graves of the veterans dedicated h- by Rev. N. Harding. A Ainner at ke 'the arnfary and"a free matinee i at Hie New Theater will close id- <ho program. ? A great crowd la expected and i't the program la practical], eom* pleto for Mr cntcrtotaiiii.nl. h? ?*' MM. B. W. AVERS IRIHSrOSSD. Tb. mar friend, of KM. B. W. <>- Ajrera Till ragrot-to term that alio "T h confined to tior home on Hark.I atroot lafferlag an attack of orp.1; la*. Bar aaflv conralMonoo la koped for. rijASteryrfiMilii ii" ill 'i 1^- I I "A ^ V ! t . -', . ~ s' * J, \l ". ?. ? * i . . i SENIOR EXERC1 WASH. PUB * HELD Hubert O. Ellis Wins T/u Payne Smith The Hist - Much Enjoyed By The I The. senior class exercises of the Washington Public Schools last eveninfc at the auditorium were In keep-1 lug with the record that former gratuating classes have sustained ever since-the birth of this well known instittftkm of learning. Notwithstanding the threatening weather the auditorium was well filled with students and patrons and not a dull moment occurred during the entire evening. ^ The class this yyr numbers thirtyone. Tile stage was attractively decorated with spring flowers, hot house plants, colors of the different colleges with white and green, the class colors, predominating. Promptly at the appointed hour, 8:SO, the members of the graduating cites-preceded by the marshals and Master, Gilbert Rumley, Jri, as mascot, took their places on the platform, accompanied by Superintendent C. M. Campbell, Jr., and" Principal A. A. McKay. The first number on the program was a chorus by the clans, "The Voices of the Wooda," after which the president of the class. Mr. Charles Meekins, Jr., in a few chosen words, extended a cordial welcomo to thoae present. The ^d^ress of welcome was followed by the secretary of the class calling the - roll. The secretary of the 1914 class Is Miss Gladys Ross. The Class Prophecy was read by Mr. Jack Harris, being heard with amusement and pleasure. Misses Mildred Rumley and Stella Phillips followed the prophecy with a delightful duet. .The English Essay, entitled "From *lmrtooy, -to Governor,"., was read by Mr. Hubert Ellis, wftfc is the winner of the prize this year. The donor KILLED II) < MILE 50 W RED Today fifty years ago one of the bravest soldiers that ever carried a musket-or sheathed a sword fell In battles He now sleeps peacefully In the cemetery at the First Presbyterian church yard on Gladden street. His old comrades in arms remember his deeds and are telling those of the younger generations how well he defended the Stars and Bars. Upon his tombstone is the following: "Captain John 11. Potts. Branch Artillery. Born September 39,^1839. Killed at the battle of Spottsylvanla Court House, May 8, 1864." , The deceased was a brother of the late William A. Potts and uncle of I Z. M. Potts, manager of the Postal I Telegraph office hero. Captain Potts, although dead for years is still remembered by his comrades and no grave will be decorated with spring flowerB tomorrow, Memorial day,; more worthy of a resting place. MISS FANNIE WHITNEY ILL. The numerous friends of MIsb Fannie Whitney will regret to learn of her illness and she is wished a speedy recovery. v MRS. CORKY DEAD. Mrs. Margaret Corey passed aWay last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Dudley, on Market street. The deceased was the mutht>r or Mrs. W. C. Dudley, Mrs. Eugene Jackson, and Mrs. John Clark. Mr a. Corey. Mrs, Corey was about 70 ye^rs of- age. The 'funeral will be announced later. Superstition Concerning Friday. There ?re some curious contradictions In the superstitions about the ill luck of Friday. As all the world knows, it Is considered bod luck to begin any enterprise, to marry or start on a Journey on Friday. On the othsr^hjod, Friday Is ths best day of the week to pare one's nails. One who laughs on Friday will weep on Sunday. 'v ?. / * k I 1 ISES OF THE LIC SCHOOLS LAST EVENING e, English Prize and David ? ory Medal. Program Wa? .arge Audienc. ?< i r Is Professor Harry Howell, former superintendent of the schools here. . Miss Margaret Wells delighted the 1 audience* with a piano Tw^lo. Miss Evelyn Jones simply captivated the audience In her reading of the Class Statistics. It, laughable and caused merriment to ring all over the j house. t The next on the entertaining program was the class poem, charmingly read by Mtss Margaret Wells. This was followed by a piano solo by Mr. Robert Cordon. The History Essay, for which Hon. John H. Small do- . ' j nates a medal each year, was won by . ? % Mr. Davis Payne Smith, his subject being "Greene's Retreat Through North Carolina." His paper was read and was the occasion (or much applause. The next on the program was the presentation of the class gift to the school, being two beautiful pedastal arc lights placed at the main entrance of the school building. This was ornately performed by the president of the class, Mr. Charles Meekins, Jr. The gift was accepted by Superintendent Campbell. Charles Meekins was most happy in ms rendition of the class history. >1 This paper was well written, witty and contained the deeds and misdeeds of the class of 19if; It also contained Rood wholesome advice for the clasB that is to to'.ls?/ and also the teachers of the High School. Miss Clinton Marsh next rendered a piano solo. The Last Will and Testament of "the class of 1914 was read by Miss Sybllla Griffin. She willed in a legal way everything practically belonging to the 1914 claas. Her paper called for loud applause. ; The evening's program ended by the class singing "Jolly Students." mmTl FRIENDS III |'r JR8CERT I Mr. J. D. Aldridge, of South Creek, N. C., who last week became & benedict, lias accepted a position with Mr. J. E. Adams, one of the city's popular grocerymen. Mr. Aldridge entered upon hlg duties this morning and already his numerous friends are calling to not only wiah him I cc.j najipiiii'ss in niB new reiaiion, but in addition tpjpish .him abundant Bu^e.eps behind the couiity. Mr. AldrHlge-has..only recently become a citizen of W&shTngton and he oor- <9 dla'.ly Invites all his friends to call upon him at the grocery of Mr. Adams. Subscribe to the Daily News. TEACHER REMEMBERKD. Miss Florence Winfleld, one of the the public schools' most popular and ] efficient teachers, who is at the head of the Sixth A grade, was presented 41 on yestorday by her class with a handsome cut glass bowl and also a set of silver tea spodns. The gift was quuite a surprise to M4*b Winfleld. however. It is needless to state, It was highly appreciated. ^ FROM PINETOWN. The following citlxenB from Pine- ,' 2 town are here today; George R. Boyd. 8. D. Boyd. J. N. 8tubbs. J. H. ltespess. H. O. Cragg. P. D. WatIers and W. L. Morris. They are here on the J. W. Ml-llt venire. -a MOVED TO COUNTRY. Mrs. Bessie M. Tankard, who re- ^ sides on East Main street, baa moved to h^r country home on R. F. D. No. S. On or about September IS the j expects to return to Washington. s MEMORIAL FLOWERS. 4 All those who lntond sand lag flow- J ers to be ueed in decorating the ? J graves of the Confederates tomorrow \ will please have them at the home of the Miaees Jarvls tomorrew mtso ^ log promptly at 10 o'eloek.

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