' NOW IN H Received the Case Late This Afternoon Opinion Differs As To The Verdict A Mistrial In Case Is Looked For By Majority. N By the time this issue reaches Its city subscribers the Jury in the case ot State vs. Joshua W. Mills will be in the hands of the jury for consideration. The morning hour of the court tod^ wsb taken up by the arugment of Messrs. A. D. MacLean and H. 3. Ward for the defendant Mills and thia afternoon Solicitor Ehringbau.j closed the case for the State and His Honor Judge Ferguson charged the Jury. As to what the verdict of the Jury will be is expressed differently by almoet evmry citizen you meet. The ' prevailing opinion la. however, that the jury will not be able to agree and that the consequence is there will be mistrial. Others contend that the Jury will reach an agreement either for conviction in some degqge of murder, either In the first, second or manslaughter or that they will return a verdict of acquittal. These opinions are all conjecture and no one but the members of the Jury themselves can fortell the outcome. | This trlaV has been In progress for over a week and both,aides have fought every Inch of ground, taking all and giving none. Counsel for both State and defense have dlsIplayel excellent ability, particularly I - Twrikiu* * iliirMaaa tn tt* tarv. rttw . honor's charge was a master ploco of logic and reasoning. Bat for the indisposition of the Daily News operator today the evidence introduced would have been ' concluded in this issue. In consequence, however; this paper can not give it until Monday's issue. . CONSTITUTION) CAN SECURE OF WAR I Unless the President Issues a new proclamation or the. navy department takes action similar to the war department the constitutionalists can get all the munitions/of war they wirfh through Tampico. Not only the American government's explanation of , the Lobo? Island incident, but tho unofficial explanation here to the effect that no Mexican ports are closed so-far as the American government Is concerned, has emphasized the position which the United States has'repeatedly maintained?that no siato of r war has existed and tfc^t the seizure of Vera Crus was an act of re prism ror onenses commmeu againsi the United States. Tho fact that MoiiAn official?I still refuse clearance papers to ,Am erlcan ships at some porta In spite of Huerta'a order revoking previous orders was supposed to be due to lack of communication. Washington.?Secretary Bryan Informed the Huerta government yestjrday that the State Department considered the action of the Mexi. . can federal authorities In withholding Information concerning the whereabouts of Private Samuel Parke a hostile act Parks;'while Insane, strayed Into the Mexican lines near yera Cru< about two weeks ago taking two horses belonging to an officer wito hint and has not slaee then hear<) fromThe opening of the negotiations of the South American mediators in the Mexlcon controversy at Niagara Falls, Ont., today was postponed unt u ; til Wedaeaday, May 20, the Stat* /Department announced. The sesalonr [originally were scheduled to begin * ,t. Noonday, May 18. i The delay was arranged at the request of lbs Braslllsn ambassador My. Da Oama, in order that the Mexican delegates to-tha conference who are speeding northward from Key West might not he unduly hurried in their trip to Niagara Palls. The Mexican delegation will reach Washington shortly after noon tomorrow and will be^gWen an opportunity by the t postponement to familiarise themselves with the situation here before prooeedlng to tho formal negotiations. OTHER CAUSE FOR DELAY. The mediating envoys will go to the White House tote this after af. ternoon for a conference with the * r : I . j A W. MILLS [ANDS OF JURY If HE SHOW AGAIN OpiB Anothef execl^eut performance wu presented at the New Theater last orenlng by the Mardl Gras Beauties Company and Messrs. Rogers an J Godding, the comedians,''again mado the audience merry by their funny stunts and witty sayings. Master Allen Godding again delighted those present .In his dancing and singing act. The presentation of the American Widow uras one of the beet productions glren by the company during their week's engagement in Washington. All during the week this company of artists have made good and the audiences attending tho New Theater have been more than pleased. The pictures last night were excellent and were the subject of much praise. There _will be an entire change .of program for the cloelng show of tho company this evening. GONE TO BEAUFORT. JMlss Hattie Orlffln has gpne to Beanfort, N. C.,Vhere she will spend some weokB at the Mansion House. ADDITIONAL LIGHTS . The T. H. Blount Electrical Shop has Just installed eight red signal lights on the pier at the Washington bridge. They are proving quite a convenience to boats going through the draw. VLISTS : MUNITIONS F THEY DESIRE Prestdenf and the American delegates. Justice Lamar and hfr. Lehmalur. It was believed possible that some unannounred reason for postpone ment of the formal opening of the Niagara Falls conference might have prompted the ^meeting. Confidence that the mediation ultimately would ho successful, despite the tenrperoary delay, was expressed oy cabinet omcers alter ine canine: meeting. One member said confidence in mediation was growing stronger each day and that the possibility o the shipment of .arms into Tarnwar rapidly was diminishing. TO IMPORT ARMS. The shipment of arms Into Tampico from countries other than the United 8tatee was jiot discussed at the Cabinet meeting, but ono of the Cabinet officers in close touch "with Mexican affairs said he did not believe the American government would attempt to interfere with foreign shipments in any way. The cabinet meeting brought out no vital developments, the discussion policy being brief and general. Speaking of the postponement of the mediation conferences. Secretary Bryan raid he thought the Huer'a delegates wanted the two extra days because their journey was long and connections were close. He said he knew no deflnlto reason for the postponement other than the personal convenience of the Mexic&n delegates. WELCOME VISITOR. Mr. Harry M. Porst of Washington, D. C-, who conducted the special sale for James E. Clark Company recent'y, is in the city today greeting his many friends. j APPOINTED POSTMISTRESS Mary B. Swindell has been named by -the Post office Department at ! Washington City, postmistress at Edward. N. C. The office is a* fourthclass one. ANNOUNCEMENT. A beautiful lrne of Betsey' OlgsBwaro just received, such as lee Tea glasses. Ice Tea plates. Pitchers, Sherberts, Custards and lot* of other pice things. Also a nice line of , .Crock**. 6-lS-Jto B. K. WILLIS. ^rl^l ?* . WASHINGTON N. Rll" wiis IK PIT pfiii Was Laden With 18.000 Gaso lene and Kerosene Con- ' signed to The Harris Hard- 1 ware Co. " _____ * V The oil steamer Valma Brooks ar- 1 riyed in port yesterday 'from Norfdlk, d Va., having on tro&rd eighteen thou- 4 sand gallons of gasoline and kero- f, sene consigned to the Harris Hard- 1 ware Company. The Texas Oil Co., H through their distributors here, the c Harris Hardware Company, have Just erected an oil station near the * Eureka Lumber Company plant on \ West Main street. From now on the 1 [company will distribute its products ?| by putting on a tank wagon for the i purpose of serving customers in the ej qlty. The local distributors will al- j so furnish oil to the consumers in Eastern Carolina. 1 This Is the first oil steamer to ar- f| rive since the oil station was com pletcd and means quite a step for- ,' . "It certalnly^doe*. Wliore did you get It?" "Picked It out of n buit'h of seven that were standing hi the hoarding hottse yaJI tbl-i morning-"-- Cleveland Plain Dealer. AT OOCNTY HOME. The W. C. T. U. will conduct the services at the County Homo Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. A. good attendane from the city fq desired. l'>. ? 4 ?v vV'-l j J: flr.Py NVKAT^KU: Full louight and 6 C. SATURDAY AFTERNOON IB REUS f BIB 10 BP - CLUB. Particularly deiflrhtful was the nbeting of the AdBpco Book Club vlth MIbs Jane UHn on Thursday ifternoon, the iim. Miss Myers rtth her sister,lilfWPeuelope Myers ocoived thulr^gucste in their own leltglitful manner, ushering them In . bower of beauty, "powls of sweet fl' ens. vases of delicate poppies, Ft >anks of verbenas, ^ardlncrcu o cr uses, all tinted wlth^hades of pink m< ast a halo of beauty fvor the scone, wi The moeting was presided over by Mi he eocond vice-president. Mrs. Jnd. V. Charles. In response to roll call ro fce items were of Information an.l pi" njoyment. - J on Two papers waro thatllterary pro- Hi ;ram for the aftoffoon. First. W Famous Actresses," byiMies M&rcla of Iyerst read In her abs^ice by Mrs. hli fno. W. Charles. "Wejwho live to pa lease, must please to dre.V All the fa roalth of enchantment \hat hovers tfr i'er the stage was garnered from tie Ives of Peg Wofflnplon, Mrs.* Old- 0/ ion's, Ellen'Terry, Rachel, and tho Jli amons Madame Bernhardt of the mi resent day, and presented in element words. The second paper on tic Women Writers of the ^outh" by tic Trs. John C. Rodman, tdild of tho In rifted writers, Frances Hodgson Bur- "/ tette, Mary Hegan Rico, Ejllon Oia3- M. low and Amelia Rives. The pathos T1 ?nd humor contained in tdelr writ- "S ngs was recounted In a charmritg Ft ray.-" f After enjoying the realistic por- an rayal of the subjects of the papers, or l delicious salad course was enjoy- pr id and tho souvenirs of sweet peas, iresented by Master Frank Cannon Kugler was deeply appreciated. The >!,|K ^AllffhtArl In ,v nlrnniA - au If J ?K (uegts Mrs. And Miss Thomas of Mo- C. >ilc, Alabama, and Mr a; BJuchqr M Shrtnghans jqf Elizabeth jbrtx vhtf of iri? m? closely held wlhtln the hearts M >t the Washington people. rt miirnv F C I CODLEY Mil The emokehouso of Mr. W. M. Gdd[ey, of* Chocowinity, N. C., during O the absence of the family last night, was robbed and about 100 pounds of pl pork was stolen. The thieves made w en cntranoe in tlio smokehouse by picklnc the lock. n< Mr. Godley resides on the farm w of Mr. N. A. Purser. The loss 1c ? heavy to Jlr. Godley and he has the b< sympathy of his friends in his neighborhood. As yet there is no clue 01 to the guilty parties. O C! FIRST BAPTIST. All strAngers in the city have a cordial invitation to wnrshln nt t)i* First t Batplst Church tomorrow! ^ The morning subject of the p&stor, ni Rev. R. L. Gay will be: "Choosing a ^ Master." At the evening hour the topic will be: "Qod Seeks the HeaVt." Sunday school will meet at 9:45 o'clock. S. P. Willie, superintendent. 0 Seats free. e P ST. PKtEB'S CHURCH ? Morning and ovening prayer with sermons bytho Rector, Rov. N. Harding. Sunday cchool meets at 4" o'clock, E. K. Willis, Jr., superln- a tendent. Good music at all services y Polite and attentive ushera. * * CHRISTIAN CHURCH %9f. R V. Hope, pastor. Services at 11 add 8 o'clock. Mr. Ouy ? L. Carter of Richmond, Va.. State t Bible 9choo1 Superintendent, of Vlr- . gtnla, will apeak at both the morning. and evening hours and will also add re b* the Sunday School at 10 o'clock, a. m. Mr .Carter la a apeak- y or of note and no doubt will be , heard bif large congregations. - FIRST MRTIIomsT ( ill ltd! There will' be regular services tft , the First Methodist/Church tomorrow-morning anfl-dfening at the usual hoars, to which the general public has a cordial invitation to atttend Sunday School meets, promptly at 9.45 o'clock, E. R. Mlxon, superintendent. Good music. All invltod. J r -V -* < ? ULY r iSaiy. MAY 16, 1914 HFI1L 1 in . JUKI One of The Greateat Dramatic Motion Picture# Ever Made In America. In Three Parta. Eugene Welters' greatest play end e-eeeson theatrical hit, "Pain In ill," which has been proclaimed by Itlcs to be the greatest dramatic aD >tion picture ever made In America 11 be shown at the Lyric Theater lei :>nday night, May 18th. toi Tully Marchall, orlgnlator ol the Di le of Joe Brooks, which part he ho ayed for' more than one solid year Hi Broadway, and William Riley Ca itch, whose portrayal of Captain an llllamB, has been set down as one In the greatest works In theatrical wi story, are both ^cast In the same rts which gained for them such me on the speaking Stage. In elr support there Is to be seen Hati Russell as Mrs. Harris, of the ne Iglnkl eompany; George Irving as dr nsy Smith. Caroline French as Em- w< * Brooks, and others. no "Paid In Full" Is the latest produc- be ?n of the All Star Feature Corpora- of >n, the concern wlhch has produced mi moving pictures Augustus Thomas' "b irlzona" with Cyril Scott, Henry an Blossom's "Checkers," with on tomas W. Ross, and^ Richard Davis' he ioldlers of Fortune," with Dustln pi nil uni. OX Augustus Thomas, the dramatist In lH nlavwrlffht. whn (? dlrortnr-uon. al of the All Star Company, ia the au odueer of "Paid In Full." wi PI VISlTttiO HE11K. Mra. John K. Hoyt, Sr., arrived In p] o city yeaterday Trom Beaufort, N. . and la a gueat at the home of P] r. and Mra. A. 8. Fullord, corner Sccond-Md Brldgp atreota. Mra. B ary Hoyt Reese ia expected to ^rve Saturday. lS? : IS O'NEAL SUM 3Pi: The funeral of the late Mra. J. D. 'Neal, who paaaed away yeaterday B ornlng at the Fowle Memorial Hostel, after undergoing an operation, 111 be conducted from the Firat G cthodiat church tomorrow afteraon at at 3 o'clock. The services ill be conducted by the pastor. Rev. . M. Snipes and the interment will J >u uanuuic V.V1UBWI/. The following will act as pall-bear- G s: A. Clyde Harrison, Fenner Paul, . M. Wlnfleld. Thomas Jackson, harlcs Wright and Jesso D. Ross. ^ Dealing With an Affront. The dull world has got the wroug hrase; It is ho who resents an afont who pockets It; ho who takes no otlc.e lets it lie In tho dirt.?George [acdonald. t< r Miss the Best Things. s A gay. serene spirit Is tho source a f all that Is noblo an good. Petty., p loomy souls that only mourn the b ast and dread tho future are not ca- n able of seizing upon the holiest mo- d lenta of life.?Schiller. C United States Sheep Industry. In round figures, 43,000,000 sheep rc sheared in this country each year, s leldlng 289.000,000 pounds of wool, c rorth $63,000,000. t ? t How It Works. He?"Unselfish, self-sacrificing wornin?those are the ones that make the iest wives." She?"No doubt; and j hey also make the worst husbands." , -Judgq*. A Lively Play. "I hcnr?l olio man," said the playirright. ' who attended the premier of ny new piny Inst night complnln that it was so lnt.e when lie got wit" " Yes T* queried the critic. "Ym.' and yet the litis! curtsln fell before lt?:4.V - "Ah, perhaps he overslept himself!" ?PhUaUelphln r*r To Start Even. Mofie?"Wouldn't you like to nee wealth more equally divided?" Ab? "Suttlnly, euitinly; Jtist as soon as Ah's spent dls SO cents," NEW f PRECINCT COM] AND DELE IB. SillF VERERINARY UP HE Dr. 8. A. Nathan, Veterinarian id a graduate from the AgrlcultuI and Mechanidal Coiiege, West Ragh, N. baa located in Washingq for the practice of hia profeaalon *. Nathan will have hia office and iapltal located at the Washington )rae Exchange Company's stable?, ilia will be anawered both nigh* d day. Dr. Nathan la well veraed hia profeaalon and the Dally Newr loonies him as a resident. ^ A POEM WITH A fCBPOSB. Much has been written about the ed of public play grounds for chllen. "The idle mind H the. devil's jrkshop" (b a truism which losene of Its force with usage. The at way to keep the youngster out mischief la to keep him busy. On any streets there la no chance for udding young America" to cavort d exercise except in the parlor, or i the narrow sidewalk. Thj lalthy youngster la the one who ays out In the sunshine, who takes erclae where the air is fresh and vigoratlng. The beat thing we have seen on the bject Is In form of a poem, which i reprint herewith: enty of room for dives and dens; (Glitter and glare and sin!) lenty of room for prison pens; (Gather the criminals in!) Lenty of room for jails and courts, (Willing enough to pay!) ut never a place for the lads to race; (No, nevor a place to play!) lenty of room for shops and store; (Mammon must have the best!) lenty of room for running scores that rot in the city's breast! 1 lenty of room for the lures that lead , the hearts of our youth -a- I tiff" ut never a cent on a playground spent; \ (No. never a-place to play!) lenty of room for schools apd halls, plenty of room for art; lenty of room for teas and balls. platforms, stage and mart, roud Is the city?she finds a place for many a fad today, ut she's more than a blind if she fails to And a place for the boys to play, lve them a chance for innocent sport, give them a chance for fun? and Jail when the harm Is done! ive them a chance?IT you Vint them now, tomorrow you'l! have to pay larger bill for a darker ill, so give them a chance to play! ?Charlotte News. Requisites of a Companion. A companion to be interesting, ought 3 bring new elements, and not be a epetltlon of our own too familiar personality. We have enough of ourelves in ourselves; we desire a comanion who will relieve us from the ounds of our own thoughts, as a eighbor opens his garden to us and ellvers us from our own hodges.?P 1. Hamilton. Experience Works Two Ways. Sometimes experience teaches and ometlmes she merely gives us Belfonfldcnce enough to encourage us to to ahead and make our worst mis akes. -* True Charity. Now the end of the commandment Is charity out of a pure he^rt and of i good conscience, and of faith unfeigned.?I Tim. 1:5. No R)ksr Bluff. Mrs. Peavish says thst If It were to do over again, no man need ever ask for her hand until ho had shown his.?Dallas News. ^ Daily Thought. If I were you I would not worry. Just make up your mind to do better when you get another chanco. and be content with that?Beatrice ' Harraden. Bothered abont sweeping your cell lngs? Then get one of our ceilini brooms with eight foot handle, onl; 10* K *-is-at I mittees i :gates named 1 ??? y Df mocratlc County Conven- f tlon-Wlll Meet on Saturday May 13, at 11 O'clock. IWU1 Elect County Chairman. Precinct meeting* were held In the different wards of the city lent night at eight o'clock for the purpose of naming the precinct oommttteea and also selecting delegates to the [>emocratlc County Convention which Is to convene in the Courthouse here 1 on Saturday, May 23 at It o'clock, rbe members of the precinct committees and the list of the delegates Lo the county convention from the respective wards follow: FIRST WARD. Committee?W. E. Swindell, Jno. A 3. Bragaw, Jr., McKlmmon Saunlcrr, Charles L. Morton, O. H. Hill. Delegates?S. C. Bragaw, W. C. Rodman. F. C. Kugler, F. C. Malllson. W. L. Vaughan, W. E. Swindell. Alternates?O. H. Hill, W. K. Ja:obson, J. G. Chauncey, F. H. Bryan, 2. H. Sterling, S. P. Willis. SECOND WARD. Committee?R. S. Neal, chairman. P. S. Worthy. H. B. Mayo, J. D. Crimes, D. M". Carter. Delegates?R. S. Neal. J. D. Crimes, J. F. Tayloe. F. S. Worthy, P. P. Maxwell, H. B. Mayo. W. B. .'m Rodman, Jr. Alternates?J. F. Buckmaa^A. S. Fill fnrrt V. U MWnn W. O Willi* r. II. Calloway, O. J. Studdert, 8. T. Nicholson. THIRD WARD. Committee?H. G. Winfleld, chairman, C. H. Richardson, T. F. Robbins, J. W. Leonard, E. W. Ayera. Delegates?C. H. Richardson, 8. F. Dnrbank, Jr. FOURTH WARD. Committee?E. A. Daniel Tv., chairman, P. A. Nicholson. H. C. Car ter, Joe Alligood, W. H. McDevett. Delegates?E. A. Daniel, Jr., W. H. McDevett, H. C. Carter. Alternates?P. A. Nicholson, Walter Credle, Frank Buckman. Children Love Washington Park. SCREEN NOW 1 ADORNS TIE i M FRONT Messrs. Powell and Ellsworth, who Recently purchased the grocery store of Mr. J. F. 'i'ayloe, on Market street, have made quite 90 improvement to their place of business during the pas: few days. They have placed screen doors to the main entrance and pl&ccd their vegetable display out of the way of trash, etc. Not only is the front of the store attractive but the Interior as well. This firm is among tho most enter ? ' l?0 V..J. Parade of New York's Finest, -Now York. Mayq 16.?The annual^? police parade will be held this afternoon, with nearly 7,000 policemen in line. Mayor Mitchell and other municipal officials will review the parade and a novel feature of this year's march will be an exhibition of wrestling, methods of handling prisoners, caring for unconscious M persons and the use of scaling ladders for rescues at (Ires, to be given by sixty-two probationary officers In front of the reviewing stand. A large mat will be sperad in the street for the demonstration, which will illustrate the results of instruction In the school for recruits. Police heroes who have distinguished thera, selves during the past year, will reI ceive their medals this afternoon. The names of twenty-six of the "finest" will bo placed on the Honor Roll Royalty's Representatives Visit Gait Gait, Ont, May 16.?His Excellency the Duko of Connaught is visiting this city today, this being selected as one of the stopping places on the itinerary of his Western Ontrlo tour. Only once before has this town been honored by the presence of the representatives of His Majesty aad that was over forty years age,**when Lord j and Lady Dnfferln stopped a fepL<-, ? hours. The day la one of greet Jn- i " btlation, and appropriate eeremonlqp 1 are being observed. Yl ' . e Rcatfal la Vwbl>fto> Park.