'"W i ===== W VoL 6 - . ' . CONSTITUTION/* ( SEND REPRESE . . THE PEACI Washington, D. (S.^frhe; Coq|ttji5 i 'tutionallsts are preparing to send a t representatives to Niagara Falls to i "confer with the 8onth American, me"dlators who are endeavoring to settle the Maxloan problem. This will be c done wUh the'distlnct understanding 1 that the representative is to give In- i (brmatlon as to General Carranza'o 1 purposes, without committing the i Constitutionalists to any plan for the pacification of Mexico that the modi- I atora may determine upon. j _ Jose Vasconcelos; jipw, n't Mpntre- ; al fla t financial mission for Oener- i man chosen to go'^0 Niagara Falls. Men In close touch with ^he Consti- 'i tutionalists said that be would arJ rive there within the next few days. The question'of teking this step has been the subject of several Informal conferenoee between Constltutioiia&lata (representative of the . ?. Washington administration recently J0JV and it la. underetood that General Car ran za has gjven his consent. It was reported on apparently re-j liable authority that another invitation maj be sent, to Cnrransa by the mediators to. take formal part in the mediation , proceedings. For tkd present at leaat, however, it is de? clared ^the ConstUutlQnelist representatlve'mer&y would give the mo-' * dlators information without commit-* ting the leaders to any agreement; MEDIATORS HOLD,CO#, 'jg * 5 I On board the U. 3. s. California. ? riv Mftv 22 <"via wire less to San I^Tcro, Cal., May 11)?4 An army oi 5,000 Constitutionalists has occupied Tepic with a Joss of !L 400 killed and an nnknown number of caaualttiea among tbo eFderals. and has begun it? advance on Guadalajara. In advance of ttfe moving i troops a flying squadron of cavalryis working destruction to the Huertc lines of communication, its main ob5 Ject being the crippling of tbo rail.road from Manaanlllo to Gtta?aln^ Jara. . V i ? Tbo. capture of Topic was accom^ pushed after a bloody struggle.,. Ah though the losses of the Federals uncertain it Is known 200; of- them .1 vtorb taken prisoners. Mazatlpn if I . In a 4tate -of panic. The terror of the Coifetitatloa&liats approach Is augmented by the presence in their ranks of 700 Indians In war pa!ntr Provide Safe Spoi The Be In the Greenville Reflector ol ftjjfty 19. appears an article written ^ oveStlie signature of "X" addresseft to the mothers and fathers of thai W' town. What **X'* haa to cay is s< pertinent-" that this papor takes tin liberty of givlng.lt space and ft wll pair every reader of tho Daily Newi to carefully read and digest what tin writer has to say. It appliesyfn' ev Sfc* ^ry way tQ Washington as well a Greenville; T^eT wylter says: uJBf To the Mothers and Fathers o Greenville: While our'.hehrts are bleeding fo our grief stricken friends in tbei great sorrow," can we not get togetb cr wo who have went lor ana wu them, and forin some plan by whlc / thjB same sorrow may be spared ot er fathers and mothers, by whir greater protection may be thrown i round the boys who aro"left? Tliot are so many, many boys growing u ^ln Oreenyille today,* what are we di lng for them? The state provld< tHAm witA a schopl. What havo v as a community oter done to sMei * them when the* bell ringrf, and tb? ^ rush out la to the streets' freed fro V their connnement, their pulses bout lng fcft bo dolnfc something, ncokii Boraethiag. Tfclr^appeal is to nic ^ "especially. The mothers, if th cohld,' would fcladly keep their bo r under their wing always within t! ?sound of their-voices. but the whe *' nature of boys would hate to changed if thus they could bo ke] It Is natural for ft boy to want roam the streets and the woods a y to stay for hours In the water, court of boyvllle we cannot ehan the customs, the constftutions or t ^ _ by laws, which W made a thousa Hk years ago/' whan \Ke rfVer were* d and the hilfe pUed J**-f It is %< in them to go forth to seek and And?and It is the men who nv r provide a safe place for them to i | the right things for them to ai and the right things for them flrwV Saturday, U ro | boy, byt ne*t week or neit moi I It may be. We hawe fcad a he m ,.ie * ' ~r~" - " " " . i J g.g 0 -."V w A miBirii ;" . , 1 ". = lLISTS TO 3 TENTATIVE TO b CONFERENCE It Is the general belief that before he Federals retreat they will sack md wreck the city. IY-clerala Evacuate Saltlllo. Juarea. ItexTco?A telegram received from General Felipe Angeles >7 H. Ferea Abrou, he&A^f the.Cohftitotionalist information bureau xere, stated that 8altlUo was evacn ited by tho Federals. The 'garriron at 8altillo was said to number 12,000 men under General Joaquin Maas. The town was believed to (contain large stores of ammunition and supplies. The only road of rgtroat open to the Federals is said to be south to Sur Lul, PolMl. The 160 miles sen aratlng the two towns Is an arid desert and It is believed here that but a small part of the Federal garrlBon will be able to win their way through Villa Heeka Vengeance. Washington, D. C.?Vengeance and the luat for b'.ood are the doml natlng factors In the battle which Villa la waging against the Federals at SaHillo. The wholesale execution of Fedora! officers at Paredon yesterday waa confirmed at headquarters of tb? Constitutionalists here, who have re celved additional details*?! the bat tig showing that the victory of ths rebels la complete.^Expecting to be treated as prison ers of war, the Federal commando at Paredop, it 1b said, surrendere? with his staff. and his officer were killed on the field as soon a they had been made prisoners. All Spaniards. In Mexico City" ar> to be expelled from the city arii from Mexico as Pancho Villa take the capital, and those who have beei active in aiding Hnerta are to be pu to death. This was sotted*here tc day by friends of Villa,* who say th rebel general has a list of all Span iards in Mexico City who have b active in assisting -Huerta, and eac Is marked for death. Secretary =Bryan and other Stal Department officials declined to con .raenL on the* bloody aftcymath of tli al^Paaodon,, but gyedcace gWexi to'Villa's claim of a complel victory. , The lack of stubbornness show by Huerta's troops in recent confiic is commented on significantly in o ficlals circles .here. rts For )ys of Washing to { rending loss, a terrible waraii I How can we go back to our inoh getting and not heed the one c ( which went up from tho~e little f ? lows," Save Brodic," the weakt I and t|ie smallest." ? "To bear.. bo nurse, to rear, 9 love end then to lose," this is 1 * molhefs agony. Sometimes it I death who claims her child, son times it is the wicked nets of ^ wiich ore laid privily for their fe On every side, temptations?-"with r little to counterbalance but the mi r er's !ovo and the home influenco t- What then is to become of tta h who have not this great love and h fluenco? JIow much greater the h ils that beset their feet! WhaU h need in Greenville, this beautl ?<- city where men are so rapidly bu e ling stores, factories, hotels and i p houses, is an organization to pro\ o* cafe [.ports for our boyB?a safe pi 5? for them to swim, the best man re can got at any price to direct spi Id and to teach ( them clean ide !v Olhor towns are doing this, in their boys more valuable than ov id Are ours the only-hearts that do )g feel the needs of Othora? Are ( n. the only ears deaf to the cry of ey mothers to save their Bons? "V y? so much prosperity on every he and such a bountiful^ harvest e' ?l? year, cannot wo spend' a few hun? be for those who are worth more 1 pt. ^ilver and gold? Let tho men 1 to a meeting and let us deny ot^se nd and give generously an offering In shall be aa pare incense to the n ge dry of those whom we can not b ?ro KX UCfCTE IIOMK. list Mrs. Katie Btllley Bonner wi go. the olty today route [to her 1 ie't in Bath from^Edwaty Green to wliffdn and FayeUevHlg. Mrs. ur ner has been reflected princlpi rth tho Both Or&ded $chooU for the NGTC IflWNS wea H* * "? ; WASHINGTON 1 ^r-,~ r=r- : Evangelist F. ' 1 ; Holding Series of j First Pr i ' The opening services of the series of meetings at the First Presbyterian r Church took'place last eveplng and 1 was attended by a good congrcga8 tlon. Evangelist Frank Hall Wright 3 and his singer Walter E. Good, arrived Ivoro yesterday morning- via 0 the Norfolk Southern and^rere given 1 a cordial greeting by not only the 9 members of the Presbyterian church n bat tho entire city as well. * Evangelist Wright rhoso as his " opening discourse a great subject,, ? speaking from the "Power of the; Holy Spirit." It was full of old time n power and convinced his audience ** at once that he was a worthy amba-i sador for the cause of the Master. * Prior to the sermon Mr. Wright and i- . k Brother Versus 1 F]emmtj~T>a n ts ?? >et. bo l'ar8e illlown. 9 to Washington won Its flrrst gam M3 of the season at Fleming Park ye in. terday afternoon from PIymo*r! per The scoro was 5 to 0 In favor of th .wo ftrl,slB hailing from Wuslilngtoi Iful *'arso Crown' for the locals was a lld, enigma for the visitors and the r anc suit was that all during the gar 'id*> t,lG sluggers from tho town r ac0 the Koanoho completely at his me we cy. Only four hits were record urts against the loc^l slabbist during t! contest. Aro Not only did Brown twirl go. irg7 bn'.l and in such a way as to laa! not the visitors feel like they had "t >urs ?" more than tlxey could chew" b tho local nine gave their hopes /ho pitcher'3 fine support. b|dc Gardner at short and Davenpo irery tl>0 "p*h" receiver came in for mu Ired *ppla"8? to* their snperb work. Th kan bhowgd Plymouth at every turn h< live trick is done. ,1vgb hfet satisfied with the walk-o^ \ Wlft.COMK VISITOR. lemrlng -* The many friends of Capt .Gooi Ck Howard, who for years was a r ldent of W^ihlagton, now rosldl at Ocracok?. are glad to see him the city. HU schooner the Willi i? In t. parker, Is now at South Cre iontV loading with lumber. sille, . ."??* > HERE TODAY. al ot - among1 the vUltor? to Washing com- today ere: D. Leaofsky, Belhav a c. let him. Belhnvon. WB5* JBBLi i-j- - ? ... :' rrc TUE1V?Gent rally i'iur Touig Lt and" ' j< ST. C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON W. Wright j < Meetings esbyterian Churgh Mr. Good charmed those present with ' a vocal duet. The duet was follow^ ed by a solo by Mr. Good. Both atfs , singers of high reputation and no tiling but tte very highest praise lX s tlO.iril oil tlio 4trr>aln tn/lnv for huiir voices. After tlio excellent and stir ring discourse by the evangelist be added to the interest of the evening by rendering a solo. The prospects for a great meeting at tho First Presbyterian church is propitious and everybody in tho rift has a cordial Invitation to attend There were cervices this morning a* 11 o'clock. Thli evening at ^Jig' t o'clock Evangelist Wright will preach again. The music will be ch? of the feature.*. ? ' ? brother At rk Yesterday ! J 4 I TTa?*RtM " I j. imowN. ic Washington gave the team ftom Ply mouth yesterday afternoon they ar *' game and as we go to pros* are en deavorliig to turn the trick. ? In the guine yesterday Washing c- ton made 5 runs, 8 hits and no er ie tots. Plymouth made no runs, go >n 4 hits and 2 errors, r- The batteries were: Washing id ton?Frown and lUvenport. Fly ie mouth?J. Urown and Junes. I'm pirea,'Warren and Kuight. jJ Tnyloe on toccnd covered an t;c iuense amount of ground and he wit lit the two Brown's, bi others, as tli ut twlrlers, wcro the life of the gam< i^ The locals here arc not anxious t make money out of their games the rt, only desire to simply moke expensi ch aud it behooves the lovers of 111 cy exciting game to encourage them i j\v this extern. Quite aa number are Witnosalr per the contest thfs afternoon. APPOINTED POSTMISTRESS *ge Miss Margarut Mann, daughter e3. S. 8. Mann, has been appointed pe jn? mistress at Swan Quarter. N. C. M VUKI W.I: SUNDAY am ek? -Justice of the oPace S. I* Wllia on Sunday last united in marrla at his borne at Old Ford. N. C., I Albert Woo lard and Miss Lizzie Hi ton dtaom en - it's Hdetful In Washington Park* f > \ILY S?cunUj. MAY 22, 1914 sin Hi i .v * - :?? iPiU Be Big Boost For The Town. Has Been Tried Before With Great Resulis. Committee Will Make An nouncement. " The old - aiugun "liOost for your iwa tp*y in in Wttsmufitou, N. C., ust ds fi*e?h and ypung as though t had not served'to Incite civic acivity In* dozcns'of "comunkleS thruiUt the United States. It conies here n different dress, towever. being [orbed in a Chautauqua robe of gay lummer colors. The committee of Chautauqua guarantors is full of enbuslastlc interest in a boosting plan 0 advertise Cb'autauqua week, to be old here. V r The plan is to have a motor party L- pleasure-able outing in which ponllants for Chautauqua and the town ;oiors and decorations and as many attractive features as p'ossible will ftgure. The trips will be made in snd around Ihe town and^ everyone who is Interested In Chautauqua uul in th'e pleasures of autoiuobilIng is Invited to take part in the big party.. - . Following the custom of last year, the cars will be offered for use by the com mitteev members owning cars and by any other citizens who are u4UJTlf~to lend either their presence dr thc'.r motor cars for use in the outing. * . The automobile party is arranged J as a feature of Chautauqua public! ty. It Is regarded by the committee and by tho C'rautauqua Asrociatian ha :iii effective means of advertising the Seven Joyous Days, ... la al?o regarded as a big boost not only for Chautauqua, but for \ho town in which it- in held, tt lias been tried before with good results. Definite arrangements for the automobile party will bo reatlo very soon and the committee wtll undoubtedly make announcement of tho plan us *0011 as it is completed j Snrai | SIT. fill I T' _ Allcu MiArtrcl* will lie tt. attraction at lite Atlantic Coast '.in ! yards tomorrow night under tl.el 1 own tent. 'Ibis company him vloile j Washington for severut year.; and ; | always greeted by a packed liousi i Oiio of the be: t bands travelling wit j a show in the Soul hern stages 1 wiili then. / Tha performarev is i-cmtb^"ed u; Ion a hlg'.! plaits, Some of tins he arlikts on the read today aro coi netted with the Allen Minstrel I The pro spec:* are that the show w! be generously patronized. ! ! Itt IIASKS FA KM. l'a>lniatter Hush Paul today pu ( closed the 2pli acre farm of Mr. ' " L?. gtllley, located on Blounts free It is the In:-.-litton of Mr. Paul to d vclop it ar.d make It one.of the tne L 'desirable farming Jrncts in the c tire county. [ VISITOIIS TOll.lV. t Lr. A. K. Tayloo of Aurora, a Mr. J. B. Ebdrn of Buyside. N". i ' \vcrotwelcome visitors to the city 1 [~c FROM BINGHAM SCHOOL. Mr. Wlllaiu Blount who lias b< attending school at Bingham, As! _ vjlle, N. C., the*past session returr homo this morning to spend his cation. of >g. HACK FROM PITT. Mr. W. Car-Skaden has re tun from Pitt county, where he has b engaged in doing horse dental w rd since Tuesday. ?? go tr. ' / ir ' Righto. Tbo doctor may uao hieroglyphic; writing hla prescription, but ho t?. care to writo' his bill ro wo can urn stand it.?Norman Hapgocd. ' N'ECW Effpin OF 11 ON THE STREETS Two Carloads of Studebaker 1 Cars Received By The Harris Hardware Company Testerday. Parade Was An Unique One. Teat was a novel and unique sight on the streets of Washington yes- I terday afternoon when the wellkuown hardware firm of Harris Hardware Company gave a street display of the famous Studebaker automobiles. The firm here on yesterday received two car loads of this make of cars and adopted the scheme , of displaying thorn to the public. All the principal streets of the city were paraded. With flags flying, horns blowing tfcey gave a spectacular display. All along the route of the parade citizens, both ladies and gentlemen stood on their porches and with cheers gave the Studebaker brought to Washington at one largest shipment of automobiles even a good send-off. This Is the time and- ?howe that the people of this section are fast falling in line and purchasing the late means of travel. being congratulated upon the nov*l way in which they advertised the J Studebaker. HOIHETSlf SI BAPTIST i mm m. Next Sunday morning at the First liapti.1i church a most interesting program is scheduled for the eleven o'clock eervice. Instead of the pastor. Rev. It. I,. Gay, delivering bis usual sermon the hour will be observed as Mother's Day. There will be several addresses and the feature of the occasion will be the mu sic furnished by the church orchestra and the choir. All the ladies attending this service urc requested to wear a white flowr. All are cordially invited to * attend. At 111-: ITKMS. ' Tlie larniers of this vicinity arhustling now. Right many are grow 9 Rig t-;l?ucco this season for tlio firs '?l time. r li e new lesidence of Mr. N. T j 11ni r?? i:i near completion, which wil be a neat home. - J Th? county convicts under the effl ''(clent supervision of Capt. Hodges '"! have- added much to the improvemen I of public roads hero. i1'I Mr. \v. A. Respess made a flyin trip lo ijuniers unuge uuu nan. ?u other points Monday. He has * ypcedy machine. Ha;:ug been appointed by tb I". S. Poiiofilce Dcaparlment an Po* ; master at Pinetown, Mr. David "1 \Vlnd>y amid the congratulations < many irlc-nds took charge of that o r" lice May 15th. He Is a very worth "" j our.v man and will doubtless mak k' good. Ie" A slior; while ago the Farmers C< : operative t'nion organized u branc i:* lodge a Acre scltoolhouse and v ; re lit formed that their raembersli increasing rapidly. Mr. !.. Harris, our efficient R. 1 !). i. ;-;j. visited near Washingtc y1 Sunday afiernoon. "Oh, you!" The political pot of Beaufo lf>* county is already simmering llvel Who knows that It will not get t< hot for some of the old officers at boil them over outside. We wou advise'that they bo up aud doing. 'cn Wo learn that there are thousan k?*i of acres in the dismal near here I ,ei1 j ing planted in corn. To make a ti va" thore and see the extensive wo which ia fast converting a vast d nial forest into wide areas of fro ful fields is really worth while. Oh ye itemizers from all the fc l1Cf| corners of this good old county ecn Reaufort. bestir yourselves a lit or'; and tell the news. We like to let whot Is doing In all the beautl else1where. ? In YfSVTtXO HKRH kea Mrs. J. W. 8&allwood, of > Rem. N. C., is the guest of Mrs. A. D. Branch on North Market 81 mi" j ILL BHD j TO HEETIISS JHB Representative Of The Forth Coming Chautauqua la To Confer With The Guarantors at Chamber of Commerce Tonight / ?;?-"i Mtsa Grace Herthejr representsLive of the Chantauqua which Is billed to be given in Washington for a week during the Utter part of Jute is expocted to arrive here thie afternoon. Mis* Hershey will held a ooe ference with the guarantors of the Chautauqua in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce In the Baugham building this evening. All citizens interested in this attraction for Washington, which promisee to be one of the most entertaining given here in years, are requested to meet with the guarantors. The ladles of the city have^a. cordial invitation to attend. Miss Hershey will make all temporary arrangements and other representatives of the Chautauqua will follow her later. It Is to be hoped that a large number of the cltlsens will be present. The meeting is a very important one. CIDC DECI1ITC Illlb UbOUUlU DUE TO THE I WATER SHED i Residents of Wallace, Idaho, now claim that results of the disastrous forest Area in northern Idaho in 1910 ure I e'ng mado evident in the chrag ed flow from a watershed then burn ed over which furnishes the water supppply of the city. This basin included an area of ap* proximately two thousand acres and was formerly well timbered with trees from 60 to 200 years old. These were almost wholly destroyed by the flros of 1910. Fron this w?tcrnhed the city rets its supply not 0.11y for J?mesth- purpose* but also for the development of electricity for power and light, so that the maintenance of .a considerable flow is essential to the city. It is stated that before the flres the flow of the stream at Its lowest stages was never below one thou1 sand miners' inches, the unit of measurement which has been used. But since MfS* fire, the records ahoir 1 that the minimum flow has fallen to about 250 miners' Inches and It 1.s now necessary for the company ' which furnishes water, light, and * power to expend a considerable amount of money each year in dep veloptng power from steam and use u a considerable pan 01 xnia power a In pumping water. Records of the weather bureau at Wallace show * that the precipitation for the years 41 since the fire has been about normal r for the region. This seems to demonstrate to the townspeople that the f unovenness In the flow most be due to the destruction of the forest cover of the watershed and not to any change In climate or precipitation. In view of the situation, the forest service has undertaken to reforre est the denuded watershed. Some 'P planting has already been dene and eventually all of the watershed which Is Included within national >r forest boundaries is to be reforested. The people of Wallace are takn Ing considerable interest in the work y and express themselves as thorough- ? 1,0 |y In sympathy with the efTort that the service 1b making. The erperts M of the department, however, point out that the planting wlU probably d* have no immediate effect, yet It >e~ should influence run-off as soon as rtP forest conditions are restored, atd Tk re-establish eventually a more stable *9 stream flow. In the meantime the 'U* forest officers are taking measurements of the Btream in connection >ur with the records of precipitation, to ?r determine Just what relation exists. tic and what results will follow reforests tatlon. ful _ IN THE CITY. Mr. Frank B. Lewis, a clever knight or the griff. Is here the guest of his family on North Market street. (MktaLmVntt?l*lffk 1 i

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