V. % " * - V) - = ^ AN ORGANIZA PERFECTEt FOR TH1 MISS HERSBEY CONFERRED WnH GUARANTORS "'6IT - OUkDtn of THe Different Committees Wire Named Bitertalnment Billed Foi Wrthington June 029. ' Miss Grace Hershey the flret rep^ resehlative of the forthcoming Chau tauqua entertainment which la billed ") " 1 for WishlngtOn from June IS to 29, fcftfc the guarantors and several ladies of the city interested in th? scheme, at tho Chamber of Commerce rooms last ^ght. The conference was a very satisfactory one and all the guarantors and others interest ed are enthusiastic at the prospects An organisation was perfected lasl night. Mr. Charles A. Flyan wai - - made chairman, Mr. W. L. Vanjhan secretary and Mr. S. R. Mlion, trees rer. Tho febairttiSng 8f the different sot fctMnmlttees were nahietl &s follows: Frank C. Kugler, chairman of th< Hospital;ty Committee; Miss Bstelh Davis, chairman of the Junior Chau ? tauqtta COWnilltee; Mrs. John H i i Ghlkll, chairman of the Decoratioi Committee; Mr. W. H. Ellison, chali man of the Automobile party Com mtUee; Mr. M. . Smith, chairmar of the 8lte* Committee; Mr. Jamei L. Mayo, chairman of the Publlcitj Committee. Mr. Jno. O. Bragaw, Jr. chairman of the Ticket 8elling Com mitUto. The other member* of' th< |8Ut>-oomltteea will -be announced later on. The first advertising car will re main In the city two day*. ton] enough to put a his street bannei hearing the date of the Chautauqu: Jane 11 to It. A "Booster Party* will also spend sometime here to ere ate practical boosting plan*, each 4) the ChanUnqoa a?toa*?btta y$- MUch was eo saoeeaefni an an ad vertUlng medium last season. Th< oommlttee here will be supplied wlu a thousand stickers or red seals, ti be distributed, for use in outgbfa] /nails. Jane 11 to It, promises (t he a gala week* In'Washington. BANOleT TO THE WINNER! U1U VII11MUUL The Baraca Class or the Methodla Sunday School will meet as usual li r the 8unday School rooms at 8.4 Sunday morning. The membershi ot this class has been growln rapidly Cor the last three month M * result of the campaign starte about the first of March. At tha time the class was divided into tw sections, each headed by a captalr ^ for the purpose of seeing whlc group could secure the most nei members during the following thre months. The contest has now bee concluded, and the winning team o which Mr. F. A. Wright Is the caj tain, trill acordlngly be treated to banquet next Monday night at th expense of the losldg team. The o) fleers of the Sunday school and th pastor, of the Church have also bee ^ Invited, and It Is anticipated tha about fifty guests will be present. The class wishes It understoo< however, tbat the conclusion of th! contest does not mean the conc!\ slon of the campaign "for additions * member ry Another /contest of MmHar nature awaits all those wh ? fool 'enough Interested In this Bi t raca movement to attend the mee isii of thl* class. With Mr. W. ? tfear la the teacher's chair, an li , tereitlng apd valuable exposition < the leeeoe Is always assured, an anyone that hears htm once alwaj wants to hear him again. fjt ' I f: . It1* Restful la WMhlBftcm Park. FIRE Al.ARM. There was an a}arm ot fire this a teruoon between two and three 1 m. It proved to ho a house out o Biennis Road. There was no dan age. The blase was extinguished fc i -fore the deportment reached tt \r*^ - > fASHI HON WAS ?| >LAST NIGHT E CHAUTAUQUA jsniynE ^ WILL CLOSE NEXLTHBRS. The first commencement exercises ot the Washington Collegiate Institute. Washington Park, will take place In the chapel ot the main build Ing next ThuilK&iy evening. The speaker who is to deliver the address has not as jet been aanpunced. Rev. Dr. B. A. Lowther. president ot the Institute Is expected to return the first of the coming week and be present at the exercises. A full program of the exercises will be given , through the columns ot this paper later ?i?: ^ BACk FROM CHARL0TT6 Messrs. B. T. Stewart, B. W. Taj , lor anA T. W. PhlJUps have returned . from eberlotte where thej attended . the State Copncll of the Imporved ( Order of Red Men. The next meet lng of the council goes to Bdenton. N. C. , - VISITING AUNT. Miss Bula O'Neal and J. D. O'Neal . Jr., are visiting their aunt. Mrs. L Baum at Manteo, N. C. ? v Bad Watering [ - Causes The Bad Lawns I - * * Avashlttgtoo, D. &7 M?y 26? watering Is'the cause of almost as & many poor lawiis as droughts, ftceofd | lag to the lahdacfcpe gardener of the 1 tfi ! 8. Department of AfcrlCUltUre. * Frcqueht watering of merely the ear race of the.grate, ihakel th? rfldte of the grass grilw near the surfa&s, &hd thefte rbota should be mdde to fcrbw down Is deeply as possible In brdet to secure a fine lawn that wir resist t&9~hOU df weather of the kummer. The best method of watering the grass la to apply a spray for from 6 to 12 hours, the stream being so gentle that water will not collect in | pufficient quantities to run off. The. water will then sink down into th? I soil and the roots?will grow to a ' greater depth. When this method is used, the lawn should not be wi t tered oftener than twice a week and n then the ground should be soaked o so that the waler penetrates for sev p erai inches beneath .the tux-race. At g a general rule, watering once a weet g 1b sufficient to keep a lawn In good d condition. ,t The man who enjoys watering his 0 lawn in the evening for half hour afi, ter returning frox^ work, will prob h ably prefer 'tkis method to leavihg v the stream on for a number of hotlrr e once a week. If he will divide hit n lawn area in..6 parts and confine his if attention to a different part each > evening, he will obtain practically n the same results in the long rtin. ej, Haphasard Watering every evehihg (-' is not advisable. He should be carea ful also to use merely a gehtle spray n and not continue watering to such an | it extent that'water runs off, As sdcb water does ho good* in fact, it may I. do harm, for it may remove loose \ dirt from the grass rOofp add expose i- them to drtfught. Tha strong stream il of a hose .should not be used, as it a helps to expose the roots unnecessarily. i- Many pdople wonder -why drought t- dries up their lawns in July after I. they have taken what they* consider i- to be good qarn of them, 'the com>f binatlon of hot winds and dry d | weather makes Ju^y undoubtedly rs the hardest month for lawns, and when the roots of the grass are encouraged to grow near the surface i by bad watering, and the Iooee dirt is also removed from them.by a hose of. Strang" water power the results are more disastrous then IT .the lawn r had been left alone. ). n IN THIS CITY 1 Messrs. W. 8. D. Shorn of Buns' yan, and D. Lesofsky of Belhaven, If. is C., are In the city today shaking hands with their many friends. I ^BB M B I I ^B ll JL l ^ f JKl WASH1H?IV.^I - JS V | ^B I I Attractive Servlc First Pi Services at 11 a. m.. and S. p. m Rev. Frank Hall Wright will preach at both ^ervloes. Mr. Walter E Good will lead the ?ong service Special numbers will be rendered ai both services by Messrs. Wright and Good. Sunday School at ft.46. C. M. Brown, it., superintendent. fetcellebt tnUslc. Strong, sound and scriptural sermofls. Strahgerl and visitors are cordially invited. Do not tnl88 Ibis opportunity of hear lbg the f&tflous Indian Evangelist and hlB eloquent singer. " The cobgregatlon which assembled ai theJEipt JEyaahmasiaa Ohwrtfi last night was considerably larger than that ef the preeedidfr night, a fact indicative Of the ftrOwlQg popu iarity of Mr. Wright and his singer. Mr. Oood. As the earnestness and eloquence ef ilia preaching and the high character 6f their ftlilgibg become better knbwh, the tttteddaBce will ificrekse inSre and ttiore. The sermon last night was based on Acts 1-8, the theme being "Witnessing for Christ."* "We are called to be witnesses for Christ in the world," said the preacher. That li our business as Christians. There are three ways in which we bear wit ness to Christ, doctrlnally. erperl mentally and efficiently, or by faith life gnd service. The speaker con LINDSEY OW AS COUNTY DEMOCRAT The Democratic County Conven tlon tor the purpose of electing del egates to the 8tate? Congressional Judicial add Senatorial Convention asaembled at the Courthouse th! morning at It o'clock and was call ed to order by the county chairman Mr. L. C. Warren. Mr. fidward I. Stewart was elected as teihporar chairman and Messrs: W. K. Jacob Bon ahd JSnies L. Mayo as secreUrle On motion of Mr. te. A. baniet th temporary organization was mad permanent. , x The chairman, in dpeniog. the .con vention, made a verV enthusidstt and optimistic speech referring drit pride to the achievement/* Of. th Democratic party. In. cjosipg h stated the object of the cenventio to-wlt: The naming of delegates t the several conventions. -J.. On motion H. C. Boyd of Pine town, was named as a delegate froi Plnetown. A roll of the differed precincts waa then called and all r< sponded with the exception of Nort Creek, Woodland and Old Ford. Col. W. C. Radman offered the to lowing resolution: Whereaa the Democrats of Beat fort county^ in convention asemble desire to record themselves as et dorslng the ooorse and policy pm sued by the Junior senator from th! State, Lee 8. Overman, in the Unite 8tetes ffcnate, and to express the! approval of his candidacy for n nomination to succeed himself senator: Now, Therefore, Bo it resolve I t$ At The esbyteridh Church 1 % j t fined himself mainly to the first point I aM ? 1 unanswerable argument for the Inspiration of the Bible, and the Deity of Jefeittf Christ. Mr. Wright had the closest attention pt hie audience from first to last and his discourse made a deep Impression on all pres enu He exalted the Bible as the very WY>rd. of God. and held up 1 Christ ae the only Saviour of sinful men. "We have a* gospel that is the pewer of God unto salvation," said he, and "a Savior toj be proud of. and we ahonhl Joyfully confess Him and wltnesa to His- ttygUi and grace i TWfOTe difbnbelievlng and perishing world.' The singing was of the ta?ue high crdor. Ho finer voices were ever heard in Washington. Mr. Good ha.a tenor of rare tone and tenderness i and sings the gospel wKh the spirit &nd With the Understanding. Mr i Wrigfat'h baritone is oho of the richest ahfi Sweetest We have ever heard i having the quality and cbfhpass of a grand opera singer. Their solo? - and duets are a leading feature o' the services. On the wings of sa' cred melody, the worshipper is lift ? ed toward heaven and inspired tc - higher and holier living. Those whe miss hearing these men of God are , depriving themselves of a great prlv ilege. UtREN NAMED ru A ID lV/f A XT DV UliniiVlllXlll L? 1 IC CONVENTION -- ' I \ that this convention does unanimous W endorse the Jfon. Lee S. Over man as candidate for the Demoorath nomihatiott for United State Senatoi to succeed himself, and that the del egates frhrti this convention to th< State convention be and they ar< herby instructed to cast the vote o this county id said convention fo: Leo S. Overman for United State Senator. " OH hiblibn bf Mr. L; ti. Heddlt the resolution was adopted. 31 r. J. D. Crimes then submlttei to the convention the following res olution: c Resolved, by the Democrats o Beaufort county iii convention as ^ cembled: That we instruct our delegates t 111 the Democratic State Convention t cast the solid vote of Beaufort coun ty for Lee S. Overman for Unite States Senator and for E. L. Travl it for chairman of the Corporatlo: } Comlsslon. % h That we instruct our delegates t the Democratic Congresipenkl Con j ventlon to cast the solid vote of Bea fort county for Hon. John H. Sma ( for United States Congressman. . That we Instruct our delegates t the Democratic Judicial Conventlo r to cast the solid vote of Beaufoi . county for W. M. Bend for Judg ^ and J. C. B. Ehringhaus for 8ollc ?tor ^ Mr. Joseph F. Tayloo offered a m amendment to the -teeolution to th effect that the oenveftton endori 11 C- CM""** ?">. r??? ? ) AILY STii ON MAY 23, 1914 II9ICHT III SHERRY'S REIJEAIRE With the performance tonight, the "Russell-McKinley Company" will close their week'* engagement at the New Theater. The New Theater announces that for next we*>Sr they hare secured the engangement of th$ well known Tafeloid Musical company "Bot Shaffer's Musical Comedy Co." assisted by the wonderful "8eavey Sisters." The management stated to a reporter Of this paper thAt they fe]t no hesitancy In saying that this Will be the beet comedy company they have yet put on. The chords is exceptionally good looking. There are six girls and three men in the troupe. The comedians are beyond the average that you usually see with this class of attractions. Their coetumes are the very latent out. When this company opens Monday night with a refined oomedy entitled "Midnight at Sherry's" the patrons of the above theater will hear some of the best singing that has been here for some time. We predict a pleasant week for amusement seekers all next week. IDTHFR't tllUIIIUII u on 111 nrmn Tomorrow will be "Mother's Day" at tba First Baptist Church at which time a very delightful and interest lng program will be rendered. All attending this honse or worship are requested to wear a white flower. The following Is the program: Doxology. Prayer. Hymn No. 567. Scripture reading. Selection by orchestra. Collection. Hymn No. 579. Reading?Mr. W. Q. Prlvette. ^Selection by orchestra. Address?"Mother's Influence in Mould lng*L4fe," by Rev. R. L. Gay^ pastor Quartet. Hymn Ifo. 11 d Benedlc tlon. At night the pastor Rev. R. L. Gay, will spe&k from the topic "Christian Union; Whit it Means and How to Obtain it." All havd i 1 cordial invitation to attend all service#. XKW8 FROM PVKQO. we have been having some very cool weather (or the past few days causing our crops to look weak and backward and our farmers are a little late also In cultivating due to the late season. Nevertheless we have > some fine looking crops ot corn, oats | etc. The Rev. Lollls from Kinston All ed his regular appointment at tble place Saturday and Sunday, accompanied by Mies Etta Nuun, who made some Interesting talks on for: elgn missions. 1 Mr. J. W. Paul, Jr.. who has been for sometime travelling saieman for ' F. G. Paul A Bro., was on oui streets Tuesday, Mr. F. T, Paul travelling amies-r man tor the Carolina Distributing ' Co., wag In our midst Thursday. Mr. 1. D. Paul, accompanied by { his wife, returned Wednesday from Avden. N. C.. where he attended the 1 annual commencement eierctsee of Ayden Seminary, where he deliver ed the annual literary address. He reports a flue tint*. Mist Margaret Tuteh, our1 former teacher at this place. Is in our midst 0 for a few days shaking bands with her many friends. d The Charles D. Mclver Literary Society Is still progressing nicely wits' its work in debate. The query for next discussion is, "Resolve^ that the emigration laws of our coun try be restricted." We are expecting a lengthy and interesting dls I, cusslon from both sides. MOVING TODAY. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoyt Moore and Mrs. J. B. Moore are moving to their hew residence Just completed on ( West Main street. n VISITORS YESTERDAY. e Messrs. L. T. Everett and Arthui |e H. .Waters of Plnetown. N. C., wen welcome visitors to Washington yee * ' NEY w - WASHINGTON HAS ERECTE WATER PLA 1 A. DANIEL II) DELIVER HESS The commencment of Pantego High School will take palce May 28th, 29th and 30th. An interesting program has been arranged for each of these dates. The public Is cordUHly invited to attend. The annual sermon will be preached May 24th by Rev. J. Fred Jones, Corresponding Secretary of the Christian Church, "Wilson, N. C. The annual address will be given by Mr. K. A. Daniel, Washington, N. C. During the past year progress has been made in the school in several lines. The enrollment for the year has reached 148. A number of volumes have been added to the library and above all, to insure the health of the children an artesian well 247 fA*t iio?n hn h*pn Hrlvon A num. ber of interesting plays and enter-1 talnmenta have been given by the different teachers In order to fit and prepare tbe pupils for social as well as the practical side of life. Ia most respects the year as a whole hae been one of satisfaction. Cut Grass Long So To Protect It Washington, D. C., May 23.? Grass could be cut "long" so that the roots will be protected after cutting. This means, says the Department of Agriculture's landscape gardener, that the lawn mower should be set just as high as It will go. Lawns should be <iut frequently and In.ordinary cases whoULthe cuttings ate normal they should be left Where they 'fall, notwithstanding the contrary opinien of the energetic per son who follows uf> bis cuttings by raking with an Iron rakd. Lwwus sboald never be raked with an Iron rake, except to prepare them for the sowing of grass sde4, (or such raking barrowB up the soil. N'ditber should mey do swept. I If the ttfllgent caretaker of a lawn I must follow up the cutting by some other operation, only a wooden raka I should be tfsed, and this should be employed careftrfi? bo as not to disturb such of the grut* clippings as have sifted down around (he foots. These grass clippings that settle *round the roots afford them a very important protection and will do much to keep the lawn in fine condition when there is lack of rain later in the season, for they will hold the moisture and act as a shield from the sun. In fact, the graBg cuttings are generally needed about the roots and should not detract from the looks of the lawn, for they soon shrivel, dry up. and work their way down, so btat they ate no longer noticed. Grasses are naturally coolclimate plants and are liable to be harmed by the hot sun about its roots. Subscribe to the Dally News. posiliif JESSift IS JAM It is reputed that the postoffice a Jessama, N. C., this county, will b< discontinued by the Postmaster Oen eral after Monday next. Mr. J. 9 ' Cutler is now the postmaster at tha place. The postoffice business froa that time on will be conducted thr the office at Bath, N. C., and thos r who have been receiving their ma: 1 through the Jesaama office trill I * the futore get it by free deliver frotp Beth. | ^ ? ? - No- 76 I BUGGY GO 1 D A MODERN 1 NT APPARATUS I * PROTECTION FOR FIRE AND WATER FOR EMPLOYEES ! Tank Holds 60-thousand Gallons. Water b Supplied From Seven Artesian Wel'f To a Depth of Eighty Feet Each, b The Las test Word. A representative of the Dally N?n paid a visit to the plant of the Wash lngton Buggy Company, of which * Mr. George Hackney, Jr., la manager and director yesterday. This plant is now turning out twenty buggies complete per day which amounts to six thousand annually. The factory baa only reoently constructed a first clasa water plant for the purpose of fire protection, etc. The tank erected is 109 feet, inches high. The capacity of the '1 tank is 60 thousand gallons. Water Is pumped Into the tank from seven wells in the ground to a depth of eighty feet by a fire pump, the capacity of which Is 600 gallons per minute. The water tank is of It feet diameter and Is the latest word in such appliances. In case of fire water can be thrown from a hose two and one-half inches in diameter.* Not only is the tank erected for fire protection but In addition It furnishes pure wholesome water for the employes of the plant The Washington Buggy Company Is one of the valuable adlnnrts to Washington'? progress and the Installment of this late feature theirs thrift and enterprise oo the part of Mr. Hackney. The product of this manufacturing coneera is used all t over the country. The water apparatus is surely a credit not only to the factory but the city as well far it proves .conclusively that we are determined to be abreast of the times. iisiF " 1 SHOW IRE IS EVE." The well known A. O. Allen Minstrel Show Is in town today and will give a performance under their tent on the A. C. L. property tonight. Thi? is one of the strongest shows travelling in the Sooth and they are always geeted by a packed tent in Washington. The company gave a street parade today and as usual It was creditable. The band musie was the subject of the highest praise. The members of the musical organisation have been playing together , for the past fifteen years and their music is Buch to be the envy of similar organizations. No donbt but what a large number will witness the performance tonight. The company I arrived here today in thetr private 7 S HAH RETURNED. . * Rev. R. V. Hope, pastor of the Christian Church, has returned from Klnston, Ayden and other towna In j Pitt county. FI SH ' 1 VETCH ? OATS I jlllTEi I A Dally News man was shown thin j " 'morning by Mr. Wlllam Bragaw* 1 senior member of the firm of William .* [ Bragaw A Co.. a sample of winter J ? oats and vetch cultivated on Us .jj ; farm of Mr. B. B. Latham ot W- 1 | I wards, N. C. The oats and retell =3 I I stands six feet on a level all ever *3 Q the plat and was much admired and 4 u highly praised by all who nv the j ? Bam pie. This is only another inII stance of what Beamfert county M n farmers can do. ]

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