dlan KrU|<U?. U? imtpHKier Ho'pwnche. the aooyol ta lui pnrtt hV at don not *11 .. #m?KJ I IHtl. UK s>sht ?t UM First Pre* OrterUn Church ho .po?e to * nek ? " ed hounoy ulni u Mr thorn o "Art Tom NO NmnlUt hu or; tho people * tloeer Isslfht Into the IlKIl 11 ot Cbrl.t M rere.led In HU word. For orer thirty minutes lot BlKht thU worthy nmtMiodei nt Chrtrt told the people of their the war In which tt?r e^" redeem I iri immtM. The illitw done not toil npow words of May nylUblee to l-i* J m?a> ? thonfht or krowp phrmea I . 60 otnpto end pUln } Me word. thnt ?. ohltd .of rouM nnd tender Tick Fever KM* 2 0; In South Than ^-* Washington, D. 0., *0y *?.?Durfcwd tick. 1? best for fernere la these redeemed tifu to improre their rtock! The following ere nome of the Do partntpnt's ?og*esUons Is brief: .[ t. pet Bermada or eerpet srw ; started on ell peatares. Improre A the pastures feither by lowles eome leepedeee mad bar etarer on the up{fl leedr ad eeae strike el or sr. white [ cloreh mad Paepelum dUaetum on the bottom land*. . 1. 'Orow more hay aad other for. ace en which to wtatcr the stock; J sr. If a farmer bee ae many u so or 7S cattle, erect a ilo. t/Bring la food balls of the bee I entire cettlg. Do Mot try to rale. y . ?ne Veda to begin wltb W t.'If not mblo to bar a bill foi L Individual twa/fortfe bWTalub. and W lat each la amber bur atock lu th? ball and place him on aoma tantra farm; or tat ona man buy ibe bul and the othara obligate UeWaelrei ta tread their cowa .to that bull. 6, TVtm a coamunltr elub or : c'auntr Uep-atook anaodatlon. ao tbn members mialr .rehear. bull, aver, two raara In order to sat the mart main mrrtca from a belt Vltbou ; breddlng Mm tj>" kla offspring. T* m?R?r. of a dab abould a.ree .. "bat bread thar w?nt to mm and nl i get.badla lnUhe lame bread, 'In or ;1 der-tb'Q btTootumanlt? mar dereloi I .. a trade and meek.e reputation a ?*?^una?b|7"^au?, do not le bim ran wHb' tlaoowe, Hot Vaei I ; Mm In a eepar.u pasture and gfr ytf-jjrmi tald aachaay 10 as ti tubE IN HOUSTON invQU*;' Houaton. Tel., ,M.r 16?ThJ p. Chamber at Commerce baa opeue P today a big Houaton-made-good deaoastratlon, which will laa tV?ngboet tbla weak. The annua I1 meeting of the chamber will be eel ebrnted with n banned, at wblc absolutely nothing oetalde of thl t city Will be trffi. ,Ov~bl* tee 1 / / H . gWf he d^rnib abA delights hie beer- "J ! Mr. Whiter B. Good, the leader of ' 1 end he mad Mr. Writht la their duel. J ajmply captive te It haa been many , T du elnce their rpieee here been equaled In Washington. .The eolo by Mr. Wright Immedl' Jd^J. atter the eloee ot hie eenatrt -. . lent niKhr-itlHrf., "Nothing hat , . laaeee" wee Indeed e masterpiece. , tinder hie tweet notee. enng to the , 1 glory Of hie God end preceded by a ( dlecouree appealing to h|n hearers , to lead a better life, trap a glorious , climax to a eerrlce long to he remembered. A eerrlce van held fhi* , morning for the children at eleren o'clock. Tonight at ' eight o'clock Mr. . Wright trill preach again and each evening during the seeek. it ertll peg ell the rtttnagp to hear thte girt- i .j ?. -i r.?' . ? ed an latent In their eonl'e eulra- 1 doe lart night. A (net outpouring I iir-iieoked foj u a-result of thl* eerier Aor'e Cattle A.11 Other Disease ? >. . v ;s keep him growing. , 1. Do not lot n yonng bell ear re ( a cow bet once. One - oorvioo la . ofien'better than ahaHdhwm. ' Hbifert '?t-"tbe'l?eur ^?no<u , ehould hot drop calvee until tker an , at leaitio monaha-of age,'and should , baod aetir?nglr' ' ; 1*.' Cutnte all mats calms at , an early agar either jmfore or at ( -weaning tlm*. ;v? "11, .'Wean .the calree In the tally ( about the time the eowa are taken , rrow feature. Otve thnm plenty ot , good Bright hay, aUage'tf amikbU, and about one pound ot cotton reed meal tar day Mr the drat month attar taking them from.the eowa. After that they can bo wintered on roeghagea produced on the place, with a nttle aonoeatrate. Cowpear l or M?edeaa hay la egpectally good i for the Calree. although there la no better roughage than ullage. 1J. The breeding etoek may be given the run of the qtalk Raids un> HI the middle of winter, and then fed on_lh? roughage About the place : the rest of the winter. Aa the cows . will *> carrying calvep. they atnnld , I not .Ha permit tad ta^tl poor, "but ( should he kept In a. thrifty oondt- , tion. , I 13. It possible, dip all of "the i stock each spring at# fall to kaap I them, tree of lies and- to put their , I skla In good oondltlqn. ( It. Farmers who ^isve a number , of cattle will asoally-jlraya to lot the , i bull raid' In the paiture with the , I t^owa* If this la the" tame, do not , ' put him with tfiem .before Mar 16 - or June 1. and tako-hlm awnr the . 1 1st of September., By doing this ] t the calrea will be dropped In the , l early spring monthC Owners of ^ I large herds of cattle shonld wherer- , - erfkacUcsble keep-the steers In a > separate pasture frdhs tha broedlgg s stock, sad the bulfyaab: be turned in with thorn duHpg.U.e "season 1 when be Is not WltH* the cows. > il. Never keep a Made ball for n , 5 sire It a-pnro bred one can be *e> eared. ' V " NlOBTHAS&? BOtt ' s The Night Hhwi Camping Par-. , I ty composed of thp gtrle of tho grsd? uaUng class of the dtp Public I 1 Schools, with Mien* Ensile Da'Ss i I and Jennie Cog, cMtperanee, return- i ed toduy from tSPB^auhlni^hra I h whpre they have'lmpn camping since I s Wed nee day last Thry report en ' - Immsese UnUi y'' G ~ ~ i WASHINGTON N. ( Sjjgp The New TkMUr opens tonight J rtth the Bot Scbaffer Musical Com- ?lc sdy Company, assisted ky the '?ea- Coi ray Slstere" lor an entire week's en- Br tenement. Thla troupe cornea here on reeommendet^na the beet tabloid lad) sofapeny that thU houae haa yet pro- f? luced." There *111 he an entire * shaage of program every night. For f:craTg&t they wfll preeent "Midnight it Bherry1.- an aet that ta tare to Ml nakea blc hit hare. - The oomediana ill ire all artlau in their line. Bgch ||| ind ovary' ?irl In the company It lapeble of leading ae vail an assist an la the ehomg numbers.' So there a sure to he plenty of food slitting onight, and ovary night thla week. The wardrobe carried by thla tree pa the very latest oat for mnetoal omedloe. Thlldfeil program of ilfk cteas pictures will bo aaeo each light. The prices for this attraclon will-remain the same. 10c end IOC. - '? ?Tf| Trail I dr.- L. T. Thompeon of Aaron, N. *r*' la not only on# of Richland town hlp'a ioarfotlo and proaperous mar *" hantu hut as a farmer he aland. ?*? unoni the IHt Saturday laat tha iditor of lira Daily Nowa waa pre- ** anted with, a eaatpld of onloaa and p" r ? "> bwtlaa. tha, <" >t yaar aaaa la Workington in yearn Ir. Ttmiajaaa la now banlly op- <>>1 mead la abtppkid thorn to northern '1,hl narketl . Tbla la hot another eel- log Lance of the fact that Beaufort oooa- ' y baa the beat farmer, to be found *** r RKSOLUTIONH OF RKRPBCT. - . ^ j loo Whereat, tha oomaunnlty and the dethodlat Sunday School haa ant- *da trad a aerieup bereavement In tha, p ludden death of Mlaa Bunlcc Olbbe/ tad tbla achool dealrea to pay da icrved tribute to bur falthfc* end raluable services as a member and Ml eaeher. - III Beeolied Brit, Tbat we publicly ixpreaa the keen sense o( our loss a her removal from a life of uselulness and that while Jolniag with he stricken family In mourning her loath we ret remember that this aflt Hon comes from the baml of a 'lee and merciful rather. edb'oad. That we express also our r ippreclatlon of her earnest labors < n this school, and the good she no kav lompllshed both hy her teachings m0 md by her dally life?aad that we tra mid in sacred recollection the lee- get on she taught by precept aad by ty ixamplo. > ha Third, That these -yaaolutlons be tnsi yuhHshed ln the Dap^News, and the t Halelsh Christian Advocate, also a the iopy spread upon the minutes of the -Ret Sunday School, and a copy be sent of o the huragved family. - ato It. / Miae ANNIE BRIDOMAN. MISS MAE ATER8, - ( V MISS BESSIE BTJCKMAN. ' Committee. : Odi FINB DAUGHTER Hr, N<|w? was received here today announcing, the pleasing nana that Miss Persia Everett had dlseorared America At the home or her paregts. H|r. j sad Mri. 1. W. Fujford at Rosier, Da. TWs welcome event. oocurred ny Saturday last. lfr. Kulford Is jj* plsassntly remembered as rdelor of gu( the Eptmopal Churches at Banyan 0d. ?Ad Beth. . str ramunnr today. Mrs,-Charlbs B. McKaal. aoeompaalad by her daughter Mrs. John 1 Meeklna and son of Ban Aatonlo, are Texas, left tor Columbia, N. C-, this Hp w ' ' ' '* y* ' v yv ? -i'. ^ ' v-> jff /?%*> *2? 1^1 z I B : w Jp n n '|f H TA ?*F-'V 4 yHIIII |y|| *J y |pehua W. MUll, who *?I contod at Um late temion of Beaitfert inty Superior Court and Mutehced I Judge Fergu.on to the State pri?for a term- of two rear* athard I or waa taken to the penltea^lary I terday afternoon by SberlSi Oeo I Rlche. ? _ s lira HOW TO m \ "lip ________ vtlaata. Oa, May MA-liurtpat oaniually heary fruit aad vegola crhpa throughout the Soai6; ern htataa, the Southern Railway amilated Usee, (Including the ctnnatl, New Orteana aad Texaa IBc Railway, Alabama Oreat Bourn Railroad, Mobile and Ohio Rail d aad Georgia Southern and rida Itaingy). through their rket agents BteiSued at Atlanta, clnnatl, V^Klngton' had St. , la. hare begun an aettre edacaml campaign for the parpoae of 1 ting groweri and ahlpyera to auc, fatly dlipoae of their "products. Pith thla end in view, an Ulue- 1 ted pamphlet has luet been la- < 1 giving full Information in re- J i to marketing and proper methof preparing, packing and loadthe wtew kind* of fruit and etables grown in the South. This sphlet waa prepared, after very sful study and ahoaldflM Invalui to Southern growerjund ?hipwa of proper containers to use: ilea of the pamphlet will be furnsd interested parties for die asklot Only will ^ke* market agent* let Southern,growers In properly rklhg and packing their products sound and attractive shape, but I put them in touch with dealers ited' at the various Important njtn'ln the United States, and Oan> and help them to find the best rketa. BSlW SEMIS 00 1 ROADS 'hief of Police. O. J. Nye of Belen, N. C., arrived in the city this rning via the Norfolk Southern 3 In bringing two prisoners, John i terthwalte, sentenced to the counroads for four months and Emma ; no, who Is to be carried to the we asylum. , Jatterflhwalte was Sentenced to : county roads 8aturday last by , :order J. A. Leigh'for the lareeny a pair of pants stolen from the , re of 8. J. Peelc. ' > ' : " } iubscrlbe to the Dally News. - AT PIIfKTOWN dlseoe Kroclue Latham*. Eltaabetli u> and Uln Roper are visiting , i. 'George Boyd at Plaetown, N GUESTS or MRS. CfDK.N dr. Walter Peela aod family ot , lewwll; Mr. Laimat Peela and tarn ; of Plymouth, and M1h Narclaeaa , deal of Rabereonvttle. were the wU or Mr. and Mra. John W. en at their Home oo Beat Mala r.SMMWI-o-v i - i ... .. y ~ .?' i' .j MANX WTIX GO. deny eltUane from Waaklagtan i, making preparktloai tv hoar n. William Jantolnge Bryan In : m Bora next Saturday The Nop i k Southern will ran a apecla' i In 1 or. the ocoaelon. The enact le of the depart ore of the apodal j I Its ratars' will ho aanoanced er oo dnrltf the waafc.^ . t %??. . 4?*3 ttPsLZ '-'KL -i- * .V2 MIY MAY 25, MX4 mil sm ~ mob or jn Beginning tomorrow afternoon i 8.30 o'clock and continuing ~"unt 5.80 each afternoon during the weel *r R. 8. Carroll will demonatrat he workings of the Majestif cool ng range at the store of the HarrJ hardware Company, the local ret eeentatlvee for thle city. Th! range Is among the best Invented fc Lomeatlo purposes. The readers c hto fxaper are asked to read the *d rertlsement in today's' Issue. Th menu as Scheduled promises to b me of attraction. All the ladles o Washington and the eounty have rordldal invitation to call and se he workings of the Majestic. 1 rill be worth their while. ralsf mils ii hum # On the final examinations, jus slosed. the following eddete were a warded the high honors of the Blng tarn School at Mbebatie, as follows The University of North Carollm cholarshlp, given to the first hono graduate, was awarded to Cade VUbur Galloway HcF&rland of Al imance county, North Carolina whose average for the year wi 10.6 par cent. The Washington and Lee'"Unlver lity scholarship, given to on? of th tadets standing highest, was award ?d to Cadet J. Knott Proctor of Pit sonntr, North Carolina, whose avai ige was 93.3 per cent. The University of Tennessee nchol irshlp, given to oae of the* first _gr.ii rates, was conferred upon Cadet W" Boyd Compton of Virginia, whoa Lvermge was 93 per cent. TheTulane University 8cholarshl tiven to one of the leading graduate >f Bingham, was conferred upon Ca let McCallum McSwain of Sout. Carolina, whose average was 91 pe sent. The "Herbert Bingham" scholar ihip. given to that cadet who fo the past three yeaVs has obtaine the highest grade in scholarship, 1 the Bingham school, was awarde to Cadet Preston Lewis Gray.^jr whose average- on all studies fpr th ?&at three years has been 91 1-6 pe sent. Cadet George Wheeler of iaboma, stood second In deportmen sod scholarship during the last thre rears. The "Mary Peyton Gray" Essa Medal, given as *n_ Incentive to goo work in English composition, wa swarded to Cadet McCallum Mc Jwain of 8outh Carolina. The Bible Modal, given to the ca let standing highest in the Blbl sourse was won by Cadet Robe' Usher Gray, whose average for. th rear was 99 per cent. Tire highest- grade inv Science fo the year was made by Cadet Presto Lewis Gray, Jr. As he took th Science Medal the session of 1912 IS, he was not eligible to take 1 again aed this honor was awards to .Che nfext contestant, Cadet Cap Prank T. Harris of Richmond, Va whose average for the year was 9 per cent. The beautiful gold star medal, th Drst honor in the department c Bggllsh, .was awarded to Cadet M< Callum McSwain of South Carolldi Two medals were given In thejjf partment of Mathematics, one to Ca Set Preston Lewis Gray, Jr.. whos k'yerage for the year on -monthl trades and examination was 99 3aad the other to Cadet J.. Knoi Proctor, wtdse average was 99 1Ht oent. The Latin medal, which is a va: uable and beautiful reward, Is dell ered each year to the cadet who al loins the- greatest excellence an Mcoess in the pnranit of this stud1) It was awarded to Cadet Fred Jone ulPitf county. North Carolina, whos average for the 'year was It. A beautiful gold medal, given I the Department of History and Cii II Government, was conferred upo Cadet Preston Lewis Oimy. Jr whose average for the year was 9 1-4 per cent. 'New boys are already entering ft the session of 1414-1* v . Li- r ir'TO "V** v IIP TO PRESIDE AT [ CONFERENCE it Ab has already been announce 1 11 through the columns of this paper c. the next session of the North Carolle n& Annual Conference of the M. B. Church, South, is to convene In thlsj Is city on December 2. According to I > the plan of visitation by the bishops j a of this church Bishop R O. WaterT tTbuse, D.- D. L. L. D., will preside, if Bishop Waterhouse before his ele1 vatlon to the episcopacy was preaie dent of the Emory and Henry Col? .lege, Virginia,* and 1 Is looked upon f as one of the first men In Southern R Methodism. A warm and cordial e welcome awaits this distinguished t divine in Washington. GEOXCREDLE PASSED AWAY ; SWANQQARTER George Veal Credle, a name famll1 iar io every cltisen of Hyde and r Beaufort counties?a roan whoso - word- was his bond, yesterday morning just as the Sabbath sunlight was a about to burst forth In all its glorv, r af his home In Swan Quarter surt rounded by thoee who loved him best I. and have lost most, at the rjpe old >p ago or eigoty-awo, uoas cnariot a ?we.y. down and amid the plaudits of earth he was carried to the bat. tlements of heaven and rushed amid e triumph through the pearly gates of - the New Jerusalem to meet his Lord t face to face. ^ The news of Mr. Credle'e death waa received here yesterday via tel[ ephone and as soon as it was known d sorrow and sadnese-gathered around i those homes where he mingled and e shed rays of snushine when .it waa such that he could visit them, p He had been indisposed for months s but 6nly until the last two weeks waa he compelled to take to his bed. a From that time to the end ministrar tiohs of loved ones and the skill of the physician exhausted their power for God knew best and so he went, r carrying with him a record of a well 1 Bepnt life both in church and state. Mr. Credle was born at Swan d Quarter eighty-two years ago last November and all during his long e life was one of the county's honorr ed and highly respected citisens. He followed the farmer's and merchant's t life and now that the vacant chair c ?'t* in the corner and the White Horse and his rider loiterB at his y portal, he was ready. " Living d epistle, known and read by all men," a he was what he'Was. No mercenary s~ tfplrlt, no hypocrisy, no deceit entererea his heart. He was the soul of l- honor, honesty and square dealing e was ^6 life's slogan. i All during mo war neiween the 3 states, Mr. Credle was ever on the picket line. Brave in battle he w?b r .equally as tender in peace. His n children today can truly say of him:' ? "He has fought a good fight, he has 1- kept the faith." A monument more it lasting than stone, d The deceased leaves six children, t. twenty-five grandchildren and twen. ty great grandchildren to mourn 6 their loss. The children are: Mrs. Oliver^Swindell, Mrs. Louis H. Swin e dell, George T. Credle. Dr. Edmund >f Crdele, Nathaniel Credle of Hyde y county, and Mrs. Chorles Wahab of ? thiB city. y ' For many' years he has been a consistent member of the Methodist ie church and a loyal Mason. WhatJ ever trust was committed unto him ? he was faithful and true. He hew t ed to tho line in all things, not car* lug what the outcome would be. May this paper not write upon the I- clasp of bis book of life the words. * "Well Done." To those bereft the t- Daily News Joins in extending syih& pathy. At Jhis writing; the furferal r- arrangements had not been announc? ed. A well spent life h&s gone to * its reward. What a worthy life to emulate, n ' , _ . J, r FNR TOMATOKS. O . Robart. Mitchell exhibited in "tbif * office this morning a baaket of full grown - tomatoes. They Were per,r feet In every way and much admCr*ed by all who saw the?.* No. 71 PillARY IS CALLED 1 JUNE 2611 The Democratic County Convention which convened here Saturday last decided to eall tho Ant primary on Prldny Juno 2d. ft * ?oonfl primary to mossnnry thin In Wtlnt for Tuesday, July 7. The county convention lB .ca.lled to assemble in tho Courthouse, thin city, on Friday, July 10. ?t MAY as IN HISTORY. 1829?Roman CathoUcn la this country celebrated with much Joy the passage of the Catholic relief bill by the British government. 1848?-Major-General Scott wan received by the municipal am- . thorltlee of New York City. 1861?Union troops destroyed seven bridges and Are miles of rail road from Alexandria to Leesburg, Va! 1882?Ultlmatu mof England and France presented to the Egyptian government. x 1894?France started sutt In the United States court against the World's Colnmbiaa Exposition Company to ffecoverdamages to exhibits by Are. 1898?The President called for 75,000 additional volunteers. . 1903?General Manning's British troops defeated the Mad Mullah in Somallland. I 1912?An American fleet of observation was ordered to Cab*. GOAL RAT* CASKS UP. Montgomery, Ala., May 26.?Hear ing of all cases relating In any way to the reduction or increase of coal I rates will be begun today by the railroad commission. This session promises to last several days, and &a a result, the ooal rates over the whole state mtw be revised. A number of applications to increase . I coal rates have been filed by attorneys for railroads, and these also will be considered. REAUIYT ' ^ ; BABY GIVER AiA[ FRIDAY If there is any one in the city that wishes to adopt a child, ^hey will have the chance of getting a real live baby at the New Theater Friday night without any condition attached to the transfer of the baby whatever. This baby has been turned over to the management of the theater to be given to some responsible j party that is sure to bring it up In the way that it should be. The baby is good looking and In every way it is all that could be wished by any party that wishes to secure It. This notice is in this paper merely to glvs the people of the city a chance to tains over me proposition. TH6 name of the luck? person will not be decided until Friday night. Be sure and attend Friday nlfht. If you desire the baby. RETURNS TO WASHINGTON Mr. Joseph F. Tayloe, secretary of the Senate Finance Committee, who has been in the city for the past two days shaking hands with his numerous friends left for the capital city this afternoon to resume his duties. ON BUSINESS TRIP. Mr. Frank B. Lewis a clever knight of the grip, left this morning via the Atlantic Coast Una far a short business trip. i * JOIN HOUM5 PARTY. Miss Ethel Fowls has gone to Davidson College to Join frlaede who wjll hold a house party at Hidden lte Springs. GONE TO OCRAOOKR. Mr. Charles Wahah left Satarday afternoon far Oeraeeke, K. where he expects te purchase several pealee. e WELCOME VI?TOR Mrs. Mary Heyt Reaee ef Ashevllle, N. C . |e the gaeet of Mr. aad Mrs. A. - 8. Fmlfiord at (Mr Rase cetnaa of Bridge 484 flwi?I lli?M >- $fPihp ' .* hMHHHHHHIH

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