11 " - ? * SXi- -?f* 1 -*'-iiJ - ^ I 'Sgao-??-?J ^ GAVE BAN< to ?*?'nX." Mum Sr^ *" Jurt '?" * '""h,id 1 Iv * t 'nJmTilrL^!L **" "W?t?l m*n <>? the tklrt. isssr^ **"* ? ' ^T*7 Mntrf '< ' sss1: Amerlcu Oku. "" C" wr*,.?"? a.m? ^U_?d c??M Whipp* Crur wTii^TL *"?1 c"Wn>. h not ^!.?-U'*? ?" ??- ...onnc g "w HMhwu. w. M. Kesi I*"*** "<"TW?*" ? a?Mua!*Jh ^ar-* ** w ?*h ,i"W'^to8h,?kuWJ i?,T'),,,"w""'WMH " *" "? ?? "1" *'" "wruMhhred B. thorongkbMl The wr?M, "The Object of th SUM, afttherefore peculiar! nileWIM to twt on tfelj tonic Ho UUri the oMoet at the Bum* ?e MU| K> cot koM of the fellow tutatUt to the MMt ot ettood ?** H*W .|> H j **? f>??> that aimhiunm^hhtrthea^ia to the foBomhip of ih? tbnrcl The eleeo 40 wlriflh *r. Mem m en fol pearly boloocod wee orpenleed *l? only thirteen members, but In aplt of that InCbsplMOus number, soo Brew to a membership of'five hut dred. Bo commented upon the nq Id growth of Che Baraea movemehl saying that wherever ope goes I these days, he is sure to find som one wearing d BIraca pin. ui "The Social 8ids -^qfs the Barae Movement.. waa ably .presented b Mr. W. K. Jacotaon. who spoke c the pacaaeity of the Baraea workes ' t t. getting down to the lereT-of the me r they wanted to help, and then liftin them up to the level of the chnrct It la often, he ahfd, that the only wi theee men can be Reached la throug their social natures, and they miu "? MO approached trtm that point < / - Cte# before they can be Interests -v. lifyntT ih'"p The Her. . If. Bolpee, paator 4 tkl chereh, m to hare spoken e "The Bilbtpil Wt ol the Barei v mit | BIB AWAY FRIDAY IM 9 t Tha ?bore qsMUoa I* ihe one th ev?ry dn? In the city la aakfng abo the baby that Is to b? slv^n away the New Theater nest Friday nigh . N?W l? the hlatory o( tt tm HAf there ttMe anything 111 tft)* J>ulU4 otf. An waa announce la oe >hatar test .night the Dene* m*0i pxpecTa !* authirltlee to t ??d pet s stop to them rlvtns eeri the baby rflday nighu But th olaln th?t ihe behy wee-gtres the* of richer that tt trill ho tufty over to tfltfe on Friday sight to glvds to the party thet holdi tl it luchy coepoo op that' sight. On a < tatug tie theater Friday sight b < .patreo *111 ha glron a cOopot with SagMHf OB It. ^ftar the a rat pa ggBjWLthe nam here will be eel eg ?M. There will he e commttv * ^tottUe Whether Ihe pereon thet loch? MpNMh to get the haby la ' person ep Mi th be glren the'eeet v ? dy ot the ehld. ft Ihey decide th the party Omg ? * bolda the Iscl number I- aot the peopar perjpn i be gl?en tha the, bal ^ " then the paulhhfr^eag be cell It hl f A S HI . ... . M| s _ CHURCH CLASS JXIETMST EVE. It (ioTcnunt.^-ftat lli his Sbasnos, ths ' tout *u responded to by the tosst " master himself. Mr. W. M. Kear. ^ lb broachlac this sabject, nr. Kear 1 Uldgrsst stress upon the {set that 0 rats iff at the Harass movement U the most Important of aU.'sa It Is t the one to which all others tend. He t ttso spoke of the relation which es'* Utt or oaght to exist between the a Bvm ahd those -whom tljey are , trying to help. and quoted tb? tfoCIbwlni verse# found In an old Ma* aonlc footer. u they seemed to' Ift * in ^nat aa Harmoniously with the Ba racan ideals as with thoao ef the Maeoalo brother^: a Tp meet upon the lerei ? U ha easy thing to thy. a Bat when It oomes to pmatiee, a Do we do.lt every day? a Do we moot him t>n the leva). * If the Brother chance to be last a little ottt at efbew 1 - Or baccy at the knae? t When ww meet him In the Workshop: * :\>o we creet him with the crip * That we do the note? statesman 1- On a European trip? Do w? moot him on the level, I And give Mm foil the chance That we go the dashing fallow f. * With the eraases In hla pants? ' If fortune does not smile upon him r I? amna^lne and repoee. Do yfe nyet him on the level f In his second-handed clothes? Jlp^we Utvlte him to onr church. * And Wat him In our pew, d Apd warm otr hearts by clasping e haDdl d }As brother^ ought to do? ' t -. * Yaa. we meet Jilm on ^e level, > On the broad Maso^U plan, * Whenever we know hlnBo be A Mason and a, man. WWII meet htm on the level. a And part upon the square, * Aart tfrsa perhaps, baTLvouch tor as t ~When we meeAAler wperrthere.' , .. .. .<] ' After the speeches were finished * end a vote of thanks had been given * to the Masonic brethren for their { hospitality and to the ladles for their l? kindness in preparing and serving h the food, the company adjourned to t; the audience room on the floor above g where a flashlight photograph or 0 the whole group was taken by Mr. i; Baker, the captain of the losing 4 team. J The Baraca Claaa hopes that this f banquet is but the precursor of "i many other social gatherings for the n purpose of bringing its members Ing to closer touch with each other and With the Ideals for which the Ba7 raca movement stands. There ir t no limit to Its membership, end It it will cordially welcome to lte fold ?f ally and eveVy young man in the eitv d of Washington who Is interested in providing for hi# own eternal welK fare and in extending a helping 0 hand to his brother fallen by the way ta side. meets the approval of the committee This paper has It on good authority that the baby is all that any person wishing to adopt a cftjld could ask for. So be snre and attend the New ' Theater Friday-night if you wlBh to , adopt ohe. f?lr \ 111 ROOT 1 IB VINE B y Several mornings ago one of the iy ladles of the West end. who taker >y great pride in the beauty and atto traetlveiess of Mar home, to far as *d flowers- is concerned, upon visiting le her front yard to her amazampnt'dlr le coveted, thgt during the night some a- one, judging by Ms foot prints was ;i an aduU* had stolen her flowers -? both root and bloom and carried t- tbem**way~ Jim yat tl^e guilty party has not yet been ascertained. ?| If. R?tM la WukhttnaW ' 11 o "So nmviRE ty ~ ftn acCout^ of the aeries of-meetLo Inge now in progress at the First >y Presbyterian Church there will be jd no mid-week prayer eenrtoe at the le First.Methodist Church tomorrow V k. T * ^ WASHINGTON lyWJMTl 11 ni on sup Will SpeaH la front Of TJ?* GrMfctwM At The Talf Giounds Rata Qf Stria* Tltbuaarida Will Hmt tate ' ' . . "Wllllata J. Brr?o. D??I?UI> <A S'.r-to, win speak from a large fcofered Epcaker's stand la front ml MM.,' grandstand at the~FUr Grounds at Now Bornk North Carol In*, daturday, May 80th. He will speak rata or shine. The news of Mr. Bryan's! coming haa km hailed with Might by dtlanoa from all oree Eastern The occasion of Mr. Bryan coming la the great Home Coming Celebration which will take pleoe at Hww Bern at the Ftlf Grounds Iffty ft, 18. 89 and_ 30th. All the principal streets of New Bern are aow arched |with mammoth flag arches and the principal stores of New Bern are now all decorated w^jtb gay banting. Never before In the hlatory of New Bern has "the" been so decorated in gala attire. ^ The carnival spirit prevails every-! where and everyone Is wearing the smile of welcome. ' The program at the Fair Grounds for' the fonr days will consist of the finest horse racing ever seen In Eastern North Carolina, aeroplane flights o, consisting of volplaning, spiral glides, making figufe eights, ocean waves, dip of death and dropH ping hand grenades at an Imaglnam battleship and * Balck auto-j mobile driven H. and Ben Williams. experl^Mhlfdhl, of Use Na?j BS'b. Kal-ajgw There wlH bs a gigantic fireworks display by the NOrth Beach Fireworks Company, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The railroads are offering the lowest rates to New Bern in the history of the city for the four days, with the flnat return limit on 8un. day. May flat. Special trains will be operated to New Bern on "Bryan Day" at s^unton rates. The attention of the public Is called to the fact that transportation to and from the Fair Grounds will be only ten cents each way, children under twelve years of age fire cents. Arrangements have been made to handle five thousand people an hour to and from the Fair Grounds. "On to New Bern," Is the cry of the hoar. nmov itii * FIHSI BILL NEW THEATRE IS ENJOYED wan the comment of fhe crowd after they came _ put of the New Theater last night "where they had Just attended a musical comedy given by 1 the' "Bot SchafTer Comedy Company" entitled "Midnight at Sherry's." This' troupe certainly has the beet alngere, dancers, comedians that has played this house for some time. The chorne is pretty, . they have good voices, and musi< 'and mirth reigned supreme. The "Seavey Sisters in their act led by Mae Seavey brought the house down with applause with their splendid singing. Bot Schatfer made a bis i hit with hie comedy. He kept the house^laughing all of. the tithe thai the act" wig on. In fact" it-would take too much space. to try had praise each performer that their part.welfi For each membei of the company was all that court be asked for. This troupe will put on a complete change of program : each night this week. For tonight they will present "Casey Jones, Jr.* a side-splitting comedy thdt Is sure to make as big a hit a* tbo one last ?ht. Of course there will bo thi usual program of pictures again tonight. ' ' FROM NORFOLK Mr. Fcjiper T. Phillips has returned from a. huslAess trip to'Norfolk' U ff H -Kjtaj^W 1*^"^ Oh of tba etransdat-appoale (or poopto to obuga Ikeli- #r of 1Jt1o? na haHrd at tbaIttrat Haabrtoitaa r. H. Wright JfretrSfaia w "Par God So Lodbd tbaWorld.' hi, Mri?a of nioetinf1f 'b?t?n the one last evening is proigltoMnd by coih^ potent critic* the 0*>t. Mr. Wrlfht make, a itetemoot aad Uan back, up hla aaeertlon bp ffta word of Oo l Ha prored conelualTaly thpl ball ii a pUca. Place of tortttaat, ptaaa pt CTortaetlnt punlehiaent M SS tklt ho baUorad It becanae (be Bible raroaled It pad Chrtat taa^ht it. The earrlca Wat Bight waa one of tha beet oftha eortaa,'.(When tbo lnbttatloo vaa gtoaa attar the end of the sermon a large Member went forward, thus showing weir Interest | in the meeting and tW-eelration of souls. One of the fegflnres of the services wn the voeht duets by Mr. Wright end Mr. Good. They sang to the delight end pleeeure of the congregation preceding end following the sermon. There will be servteea again this evening at eight o'clofk to which all khVe, a cordial Invitation. The .service last night wea Mdeed a feast pf good things and we# thoroughly an Joyed. The meeting already is jfthBgaagfrd&g cn?r: 10 BE GUEST BRUME The Beaufort County Medical Society of which Dr. H. Wj Carter is president and Dr. John C. Rodman secretary, will meet in this city on Wednesday, June 3. The hosts of the society will be Drs. D. T. and Joshua Tayloe. Papers at this meeting will be read by Dra. 8. T. Nicholson of this city, and H. H. Hunter of Pinetown. Report of cases will be made by Dr. J. T. Nicholson of Bath and O. Kafer of Edward, N. C. The prospects are that this meeting will be one of the most successful in the history of the society dur| lng Its existence. * ' A Striking Misapprehension. Officer ? Excuse me, madam; there goes eight bells. It's my watch "on deck. Mrs. Lansman?Weil, I don't blame you for keeping your watch on . deck It It strikes as loudly as that.? , Exchange. * AGfiff"PnU!ENJDE*T>. V " - Mrs. Ann Murphy, whose age is reputed to 1>e between seventy and eighty passed away this morning at , three o'clock at her home corner of Third and Union Alley after a lln! gering Illness. She has been ooni fined to her bed for the pfcst three r years. As yet no announcement has ! been made as to the funeral. The ! deceased was a native of Pitt coun, if. Have Varying Regulations. ' No two nations have the same laws regulating the handling and. storage I Qt explosives. MISS THOMAS ILL. , many friegds or Mlaa Mary Elisabeth Thomas will regret to | learn of her indisposition./ Her ^arly convalescence Is wished for. nCMsroMCD. The many friends of Mr. H. H ' Car row, one of Washington's high 1 ly. esteemed cltlsens, Is tndlspoeed at his home on West Second afreet. #t Velka. %fe <ff different species of bird-1 ' greatly differ in slytpos, but the yolks ate lavnrlahIj sphurkaW - . ' ' ^ AILY ;') ujwm N MAY 26, 1914 sfSH miiBM H mm U?i*Clttnu Protfst AjM nst The Prop heel Ibuan TO Con'iwmn Poo, IU Wrong In Practice They Claim la PuUUoa ??hU*i?e, tUy It.?Dec!?rlns ttot to- eiHt Mtlonwiae prohlbltydn would/ among other hardshtpe deprive them of the "right end op(OKtwwttr to govern oar own appe tttee afcd to determine Oar own per tfcjJ cutoni and habit*," It Of Raleigh's lending cttlsens flled a petition with Representative Pou asking (hat the Hobeonv constitutional amendment which In effect would drive liquor forever from the bounds of the tXRlted States, be defeated. The petition, which It signed by W. A. Line hah. R. Galloway. C. D Ar thur, P. W. Parker, W. B. Dann, T. a. urowder, R. C. King, Jlmes I. Johnson, Jr., Jlzn McKee, J. 'P. (Pink) Wraj. Prank M. King, J. B. Turner, J? C- Ellington. A. C. Hlnton. Will Wynne, M. Rosenthal and J. R, Ferrall, Is a very Interesting document. It follows: "We, tire undersigned voters of the fourth congressional district of North Carolina, hereby enter our earnest protest against the Hobeon Sheppard and Works resolutions providing for nationwide prohibition. "We regard these resolutions as designed not only to Interfere in the most unwarrantable manner with our liberties and privileges as mta and citizens, bjr depriving ? gg n the oojgTjaiiity urwttm o?r own apperttta and to determine our own personal customs and. habits, but with total disregard, of the rights of property and vested latere ests, to destroy the extstenoa ot huge industries and trades, giving employment to millions of our fellow citizens, which industries and trade have grown to their present proportions under the protection and with the sanction and the encouragement of the law and which at this day contribute nearly onequarter of a billion dollars annual!? to the revenues of the country. "We belleuq, [furthermore, that the passage of the said resolutloc would involve & flagrant vlolaiicr of the principles of states right! which forms the very baslB of oui very great constitution. "We therefore, most eerne*Uj and urgently request you to vot? against said resolution and ask yoi personally to present this protes on our behalf to the Congress o! the United States." mwm ILUIEIY Jfflt A mid-summer millinery openlni ic announced to take place at th Millinery 8hop Wednesday an< Thursday of this week. All the lat eat fads in summer headgear wil be shown as well as the very new est things In summer goods in th millinery line. Miss Hattie Hem by, the manager has secuerd new pa 1 terns and styles such as have on!; recently been put on the market am have not before been shown in Was! Inglon. j The Millinery Shop is constant! putting In. new stock of the lates | creations and can be relied upon t | furnish something new and attrac Uve. "Fte opening announcement a pears on the fourth page of this pa per. RETl'KNH TODAY. Mrc. J. D. Waters, wife of Rev. J D. Waters, pastor of the Christie j Church. Belhaven. N. C.. who hs been a patient at the Fowle Hospita glace last Thursday, bas recover* I sufficiently to leave tec her hom I afternoon much to the gratlfl ,>Uj^Trof^ber friends la. Waahiagto; NEW , , *, tr-fr"**' 3- 7 /.- \ r-' -- * ?. >^ w? . % ? p . iJgondensed ni 1 PORT BEAUFOl DEO, 11912 T Be Vow It given a condensed report of the finances of Beaufort county from December let, 1912, to November 20th. lilt. It shows all sources from Vfeleh Income is deprived and the various accounts for which it Is paid out: Actual income of Beaufort county f to Oenedl Fund from December 1, 1912, to November 30th. 1913. | Geo. E. Ricks, ou Taxes 929,112 28 Oeo. E. Ricks, Fees and Commissions .% .. .. 1.274.OA Oeo. A. Paul. Fees.. .. 2,444.29 Geo. A. Paul, Jury Tax.. 121.40 Oeo. A. Paul, stenograi pher fees .. I 40.00 Oeo. A. Paul, examining Insane.. .. * 6.76 Oeo. A. Paul, Court cost 7.09 O. Burnley, fees 2,413.00 , O. Rumley. marriage 11oease 294.00 | Washington Recorder.. 283.88 Belhsven Recorder.. .. 141.05 Aurora Recorder 45.06 Bath Recorder 31.40 Convicts 2,924.96 Poor Vouchers returned. 1.50 Interstate Cooperage Co., damage Aurora bridge 50.00 Automobile tax 145.46 Game tax and Ones.. .. 51.25 Pitt for their part repairing Clark bridge . . .. 38.58 Total amount disbursemental. 9 1.821.26 Balance 8 1,821.20 stl : mm bill ~ m hr L Waahiagton, D. C.. Mar 26.? (Special)?While the Hirer and. I Harbor appropriation hill Is atlH held In the Senate Committee- on Commerce, and the additions made to the House bill ere stilt subject to the scerecy that is put upon mem, bers of committees dealing with ap. proprlations until the bills are finally reported to the Senate, enough has been learned to predict that the , Senate Committee on Commerce has t increased or added to the waterways j bill some ten ^millions of dollars? . one half of these. Increases being given to the Pacific northwest. t Four millions, one hundred thou, sand dollars have been added for , the purpose of improving the mouth t -of the Columbia In Oregon and Wash r Ington and the north Jetty. The I bill as it came from the House contained an appropriation of $1,000,000 for the improvement and maintenance of the mouth of the Columbia. But the showing made before the Commerce Committee convinced that body that this improvement was of the very first Importance and should be considered in the light of a continuing contract, a Dystem first Introduced Into a river and har| tor btU by Senator Bur text when chairman of the* Rivera and Horbora I Committee of the House, and which, system, according to Representative B. H Humphreys of Mississippi, a ? member of the present Rivers and * Harbors Committee, writing of "The 1 Inside of the Pork Barrel" in a re cent number of a popular weekly. '1 "time and experience have abun dantly Justified." 9 Having carefully weighed the " continuing contract plan in relation * to the Columbia and desiring to ?| save the government as much money * as possible, consonant with erpedi& tions work, the sub-committee has recommended to the full committee ? an appropriation of I4.JOO.OOO for * the continuance of this project. It ? was considered that this would save the government In the neighborhood p o: $300,000. i Children Love Washington Park. COMING WEDDING The following Invitations have ' been issued: D Mr. Charles Archibald Campbell * requests ths honor of your presence at the marriage of his daughter d Pearle Russell to Mr. David Walter ? Bell Wednesday morning, Juan 10, at 7.30 o'clock, St. Peter's Episcopal a Church. Washington, N. C. No . cvda <4 the ata\ A r>Bffif ' IbSE. "A . . ? , MaRAiaeaamridiii iiniiii r$No, 73 NANCE RERT CO. FROM 0 NOV. 30,1913 Actual expense of oetffcly fro ax General Fund from ftOfcember 1st. 1912. to Nopember 30th. 1912. interest on Borrowed Moaey f 1,21(00 Recorder's Court. . .... Leecfrrlll? [bridge. . ... XOt.71 Belharen bridge 301.00 Aurora bridge 212.25 Blount* Creek bridge.. 929.93 Bath and Back Creek bridges - N)JVt Pungo bridge 31 Mid Washington bridge.. .. llX.1) Roads and bridges gem.. 3,*2ft.e4 Dept. of Justice 2,410.27 General expense.. .. . Utl.fil County Jail 940.17 County Home 2,291.24 Court House 44.45 Outside poor 2,507.12 Register of Deeds... .. 2,400.00 Clerk of Court 2,100.00 8herlff 4.000.00 Treasurer 440.00 Auditor 04.40 List takers and Assessors 1,142.27 County Com.. .. . .. . r <r??*VV Paupers SS.Sf Convicts 3.641.54 Bond Interest 4.074.71 Supt of Health 414.10 Donations 270.0ft County Surveyor.. . 104.SI Election .Expenses.. t., 417.58 Quarantine. .. ?. .. .. Ml.t% Sundries 107.SO I4I.II4.04 cmiraFOR MORS ?WSL:i tr. Ajdmx tbona Here May ar? the foUwwtasr Kit W: D. BU>nmt, Bel haven; Opt. John Roberts, Swan Quarter; Capt. Herbert Griffin, Swan Quarter; Mr. Samuel Snell. Belfcnven; Mrs. W. W. MM0A and Mrs. Katie Stilley Bonner pf Bath. N. C. RETURNED HOME Mrs. W. B. Dixon and daughter Miss Laura of Bplhaven, who have been visiting Mrs. J. W. Dudley, left this afternoon rotundas, home. Much Work e*-ttmalMMaa?*i * teem to bt T?rr atavlRHllW^ar^ ~ the novice, bat the box pMeetferM|Kt' nineteen processes before tt to reedy to recelre the cigars. Greedy Bird*. Why nre bird* the most greedy cree^l tare*? Bern two wbsn they wit they take a pwk at a time. Bwre Cm re*. The only aura thin* about & growl ,etue foy anythtog to that Jt teat.?Cttf cago News. AFKCIAJL TO B? JMTN TO If. C. ? I The Norfolk Southern vlll ruo a special train from Washington to New Bern Saturday morning on ac; count of the address to be delivered 1 by Hon. William Jennings Bryan. Tbe special leaves Washington at 10 o'clock and will leave New Bern I promptly at 5 o'clock the same day on the return trip. The fare for I the round trip from Washington will , be 11.00. The prospects are that I a large number will avail themselves I of tbe opportunity to hear the great Commoner. Moving Pieturea. "How tree to life the moving p4otnrea a*p: "Ye*, indeed. They're the 4b . reel ttotogT A Drff*r*et View. "Raslth Is wealth." quoted tbe cage., "No, It ton't," replied tbe stranger. 'Te1 a doctor."?Cincinnati Enquirer. Net Per Ceng. On the level, did you ever aee a woman who was speech lees with ragaVOh lea go News. Heed Leah. Omr My e kMjMjjekta 1UUMB (Hob. mi -f -fr

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