$1575* | There's only cne scientific way to build light ''Six" and thats the Siudebaker way?the manufactured way v ?tudebaker, f^tersjly. gets lightness with doubled or trebled strength?by heat > treating the steels. The other way?the dangerous and weakening way?Is to assemble parts?not heat ^ treated, and get lightness . by reducing site. Or, sometimes, a so-called light "Six" Is simply a "Six" slightly smaller than a large "Six" and practically as heavy. The Studebaker SIX moreover, is perfectly aligned, perfectly lubricated, perfectly balanced. r Thus friction and vibration are reduced and long life promoted. V The owner of ttie tSudebaker light SIX.fl therefore, gets greater value than can be given with smaller production, In whlch*any lowering of price necessarily means a lowering of quality. Send for the 8tudebaker Proof flnnlr dflB/rihinr manufacturing methods. F. O. B. DETROIT Four touring" car $1050 I SIX Touring Car .$1576 Six Landau Roadster. . $1800 SIX Sedan $2250 '35" Touring Car. . $1290. "35" Coupe $1850 8ix Passenger SIX $1550 HARRIS HARDWARE CO. Washington. N. C Buy It Because It's a Studebaker CLASSIFIED Ad?^ YOUR CHOICE ONLY *?.?8 FOR any Women's Suit left of this season's styles. Former prices up to $32.50. No approvals, no alter aliens. J. K. Hoyt. WE HAVE ARRANGED TO SELL a limited number of six pound Westlnghouso electric irons. New type, for $2.50. Regular price after June 15, $3.50. On sale at Gay Plumbing and Electric Co , and T. II. Blount Electric oflicei. Municipal Electric & Water Department. 6-l-6tc. n.i.niiU filUHC lil IliLM.Xi IN a desirable location (or Cash Grocery and variety store. Address Dally News office and price wanted. 5-30-lwo. Bt'Y YOTL'B 8UPPER8 NOW AH you can make big savings on all kinds of summer footwear. Big sale now on at J. K. Hoyt's. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN?ONE Gas Boat, three horse power. Hall and., engine good shape. S. J. Merriman Jr. 6-17-lwc . | BASEB now. mv, mr fan has^l pt*suaofco kje to 0?v6 y0\ ONC MORt 6HANCE tO SAAWl 4000 Aj A TwiRuCR. 0ON* ost t?at o not ah a nor t ah aoath tea . wt ) ? cr^v fi rH Q^,t p Of oil utove. . Hji$ bo in good condition and choop for cash. Now*. I FOR SALE?HOUSE AND LOT ON 8econd street built about 6 years Well built; ten rooms*, gas, water and heater. Prices reasonable; terms easy. Write Care P. O. Box 11S, Washington, N. C. ; m:** , WANTKDHA COMPETENT 8TEnogpapher for a law office. 1*. O. Box 7. City. S-1-1 wo. PIGEONS PAY DOLLARS WHERE chickens pay cents; small capital needed, small space required; always penned up; ready markets; send for May issue of our Journal; felly explatned there; price ten cents. Reliable 8quab Journal Versailles, Mo. i-8-lmo.c. . BAKER 8AY8 To hla mind every good bright boy and gtrl ought to be interested In securing^ a good photograph of mother and fathes. Says Baer.k I am In a position td know that there are lots of people with big families of children who haven't a picture in the world of themselves. Some wives haven't a picture of their huebands, husbands haven't a picture of tbelr wives. It Is too bad. 1 mention this because It is a fact, and It is my business to call your attention to what may be your duty. It is up to you to do your ththk lng. BAKER'S STUDIO. 6-S-Stc. CITY ORDINANCE. The Board of Aldermen, of the] City of Washington, North Carolina, . do ordain: Viral- That It shall ha unlawful for any person to throw any written or printed notices or postdVs of any kind or description upon any of the public streets or alleys of the City of Washington, or in any yard or lot in said city, or to .distribute same upon the streets or alleys of the city by handing or delivering tliem to the paBsers by. All persons who shall carry or send out written or printed posters or notices sba'.I be required to deliver them to the occupants of houses, or place them under the {rout door of said houses. Second: Any person who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be lined Ten Dollars ($1.00.) 6-3-10tc. Bronchitis And Cough Cured J. K. EARLY WHITES OF BEAR'S EMULSION. ?Undoubtedly One 01 the Beet Prep ai nuuiifl ijt11 naur lu tunr Up the System. John, D. Dear. Elkton, Va. Dear Sir?I have used and recommended Boar's Emulsion (or 3 years and before or since 1 purchase! the first bottle I have never seen any thing that would relieve the bropcliitis for my little girl so promptly as it does. I have uBed for myself and other children. Before getting the Emulsion 1 have stayed away from church on account of a dry hacking cough that I had. Now 1 take a dose before starting to church and am never bothered during preaching. I will in good faith recomriend It to any one needing anyl /.'g for coughs, colds, or bronchltif. J. R. Early. At one dollar a bottle or six for Ave dollars; can be supplied by any druggist or will be sent dfreet. For sale by Worthy St Ethertdge. ALL MO ijplp y ^eAcoH\ppj hi l\ IIVI UIJUIVUXS Niagara Falla, Oat.. Jane 2.?After a two-hour conference oetween the mediator* and the American 'delegate* yestreday the question of admitting the Constitutionalists Into negotiations for tiie settlement of the Mexican problem still was undecided. The desire of the United States to have-the Constitutionalists heard here has impressed the medlatofe, however, and they are taking a more Tavorable view of it. After the conference Justice Lamar dlstated the following statement: "We had conference yesterday morning In which we continued the discussion of a point on which we had not agreed on Saturday. The matter still under discussion; but wo found in our talk that we were not so far apart in our construction of certain phases and wo are atlll quite hopeful." The mediators have taken the position that they will admit the Constitutionalists if they are ready to agree to an armistice with Huerta and will come prepared to dlscusa internal I aa well as International phasea of | the situation. While the last note from Caransa J did not make clear his attitude with respect to these points, it was understood that the Washington government had obtained Blnce then more Information about- the attitude of the Constitutionalist chief and that this had been laid before the mediators. 1 The American delegates were delayed in reaching the Canadian side by the receipt of a long cipher message from Washington in relatiop to constitutionalist representative*.The American delegates, It was reported, would await the decision of the mediators on this point before delivering the Washington government's answer to the essentials of the peace p'.an previously outlined. , .Me - ('.cans Hear JYom Huerta The Mexican delegates also received a long message from their government in which Creneral Huerta was understood to have given hiB views on proposals adready made and to have added other suggestion; These may be in the form of counter proposals. The Mexican delegates had report ed to Mexico City the situation brought about by the. injection of the constitutionalist phase In the negotiations. Rebel Tug Maken Two Raids/ On Board U. 8. S. California, Masatlan. Mexico. May 31.?(Via Wireless to San Diego, Cal., June 2.) ? The constitutionalist tug Hercules, emboldened by'ltB successes under cover of darkness last night, when the provision barges were captured entered Mazatlan harbor today and captured the schooner Garibaldi which had a cargo of sugar for the United . Sugar Company of Los Mochis. Arreet Leader ofr New Revolt. Washington,* J une 2.?Brigadier General Bliss reported to tbe War Department the arrest of Quevado and his followers at El Paso yesterday. It Is iliraerstood Quevado was heading a new revolution In Chihuahua. He will be Bent to Fort Wingate, N. M., with other Mexican refugees.,, U. 8. Naval Servant In Mexican Prison. ? The Brazilian minister In Mexico City Informed the State Depart; ment that Gregario Alcaraz, servant of djeptaln Rush, of the battleship Florida, who went through the Mexican lines, now Is in prison In Mexico City. Tbe minister Is seeking his release. ? At the inetance of the Brazilian I minister the Huerta government Is Investigating a report that William I 84 ba, an American, was executed at ' Salina Cruz May 6. . VIES: ^ dm Firti-r jrakrs'to r+eto. Uoa of,* god. particularly the use| ber Industry from-the froe Branding I in tho forest to tlie ^twt/ds and shin-1 glee In til? finished dvfcUtas^Thei first model" of - flxfi jjoxfea show^ *| number of trees standing It -the I forest, ^The next model shows theso! aame tree* -felled, and formlag a| pile of logs aftd.il heap of top and! branches. The ftuofetfcdiag Bt?p 1?| a miniature sawnilir. b**lde *htch are piles of lumber, of alkbs, fid of sawdust, all *rem tie >og? siowa I in the previous models. The next mo^el ihd**. xMt; becomes ti the rodgh HW^U^ 111V havfjbeen ono -of edgings find trfcntnlngs,' one pi -shaving?, and'-eoe <| tie planed fboarda.".i.es? fconteenkewly Antonied-dtrettfaj h juta.^ilound which are^tite>>9ds ?XMl l^dWof the lumber left over from the building. What Wood ts-Waeted. The relative amount of jpaaterlal used and waat## is ta&eated roughly In these models, bat ih shown according to acti^In asotheri part of the expqgHioh In m, aeries of diagratpatlc - In the logging Qroo4??v*13 p* cent of the standing-troe ^ left in tier stumps and tope, leaving 87.^er cent to goi to the sawmill. Uou \VasV |s XJOiUed. But an of the two^Wrds need not On wasted. ;S?me-of it at least t should -go/ lijto i>y/-pro|ucts, accord- I tng. to the foyept- eeprlce which Is otudying pueh utilisation. The bulk I oi ma wane, auca as wpa, bmi, slabs, and edgjpgs.'cah be made into charcoal, {urpentlhti, tannic acid A-ood- alcohol, acetate of lime, pulp and paper, and even the sawdust ia made into wood- alcohol and grain alcohol, and used Ih different forme for. fuel.. Non-inflammable Shingles Another- exhibit consists of the Inflammability test upon shingle* treated with certain chemicals. One ha!f of a' shingle is treated, the other half left untreated. With tht best preservatives' SO* far devised, ? flame which. .causes_JLhe untreated half to burn does not affect th< treated half. Another exhibit shows a ' small running model of a paper machine This is used , hi explaining the pro cess of malkng paper from wood The samples Of paper made at thti laboratory from woods, Hlustrat* the possibility of usln? new speciei and utilising the mill waste. The cup system of turpentininj is* on exhibit. This system is noi as injurious to the tree as the old boxing method, reduces the fi^e haz ard and gives greater yields. Tin forest service the use of the cnp ays tern and the exhibit will show th< twp methods contrasted, both as U injury to tree and difference'in yield A Miniature National Forest. Beside the raafn exhibition relat lng to forlst products, there art certain exhibits relating to.othe1 branches ??. forestry. One oj thesi consists of a miniature model of : Rooky Mountain national' forest This- raedel shows a' ranger statioi and a government tree nursery, be sides a system of roads, trails bridges, lire lookout towers, and %el ephone lines, all built %nd maintain ed by the goVernmefct; by'means o: Sw fall by trmg aad contnr ? <rM opon nqaML Enmloa Frw Cob] PMgjgJJRTOPGCod iomebody Horn r. Fart Fails to ( I OOf?'.T Ite Any *UNNU setowo'. UIKST'O +* (4 ' ' I ft. A A ;-',i rol# Miore the oufforor recognlaoe I them. Health will be imdu.Uy ?B- I drrtnlned. Backache, headache, nerroaeqeu. lameneee, soreneen, Wmbngo, urinary trochlea, dropey, grar I el and prlght'n dleeato often follow I in mcrdUeaa aucecaeton. Don't neg-1 II loot yocr kldneya: Help the kldneye I II In'thD locality. ^ I II Mya. C. Samhltl, Panicle, N. c, , 11 aaya: "I suffered from eeeerdliek til ache., paint tn my aldee. headache. jj and dltxy spell a. My kldnayn didn't H act. aa they ahould. I need Doan'e I Klney Ptlla and thdy. Ware beneficial They relieved mn of the backachea I and alio removed tha other anaoy- I ancaa, canted by my kldaaya." * I Price (Oc at all dealara. Don't II limply aak (or a kidney remedy? I (at Doan'a Kidney Pllla?tha eame I that Mra. BarnhUl had. Foster-Mil- I barn Co., Pro pa.. Buffalo, N. T. | To tha Democratic Vetera ct Beam- I fort .county: - Having received many maulrlee I from my fnanda lrem the dlffaraot I aecuona or tha county aa to whether I I will be a candidate (Or re no mine- I Hon and election and exprearing I their daatre to rota (or ma again. I I take thin mntsod to nrpraaa to my I frienda my alncara thankn lor their I I loyal aopport heretofore and K pan I think I am a worthy offlcor and have discharged the duties of the office well and carefnUy guarded the conn ty*? Interest, then I ask yoa to glee me your hearty .support In the primaries and 1 win serve yon as best I can two more years?serving your process and- collecting yoer taxes 1 as modestly as it can be done to collect as closely as 1 have srnee 1 hate, been your sheriff. By reference to the financial committee's re' ports you will find my ineolvent l lists for each year have been about 1 two per cent of the taxes. > Now if you think a new sheriff, without experience, can do y?U betl ter service and Uiat you call save to the county money, by making a change, then It Is to your lntereat and your duty, as I see it. to fo so. If uot the county needs every cent due It ssdTf I am continued by my Democratic friends In the sheriff's office I can only promise to do I what I have done, to give you my i whole time and undivided aervloe. ? I Again thanking you for your past 1 - favors sad for your suport at. the 5 coming primaries, I am. v Sincerely your servant. V 1WO. E. RICKS. . I , NOR RECORDER. To the Democratic Voters of Cboc4 1 ? owlnlty, Washington and Lougj 1 r Acre Townships: f ? I hereby announce myself a can i dilate for the oflloe of Jade* of the . Recorder's Coort of the above nnmI ed toertfshlps. If elected and honor 'ed with this position, I promise to , discharge the duties of the office - without partiality, fear of faroTit Ism. Guaranteeing to everyone a f Square Deal, who will* have the misI ia Jffl i ItM j i*y torpid liver without griping joa or I ] ting healthy secretion and rem?uu? I ISSSSSaBSl; mors ssrioos ailments. la each box, ll is worth ThVP 1 ef but Not In H; Qualify as Big Le ^*17] ZOBETTjc ,TJ^ V. T-Hfc, ? 1 ik a I * re; ^| JI model-?4 burner cabinet 1 . oil range <v*tkfiieless cooking oven. A marvel of con- ||??Svenioicfe "and efficiency. | , At tjealen everywhere, or write direct . , Wm~s~ for catalogue. II STANDARD OIL COMPANY II ' ^ j ,0,t I RewctfuUr^ """ ' T.II .?** cta* ' r I '* ? acorr. >totb.r-l. lh? rtock monto* WUtfr T jmt ' Bloants Creak, N. c. \Tua?-K?. m. '**?, . ftSF ?4S-ttc. -j VM?l?a "? -^gj L ' T . _.pt Ho?A port ta uSwitjBMOA Bb?- He IrK A* MOtotob ? > In SwCfrHabt?bUm? It OBMlM wrnni- minofartum of rmnutOfT Mb? tor, ?h / ^ ^ NEW THEATRE AILLS & MYERS <m and (heir M "College Boys And Girls? ? in a repetorre of Musical Comedies, ?retty Girls, Elegant wardrobe. Good) Singing, Good lancing. Real Comedians, Extra Features, [Tiursday Night, Country Store I fvlAav Nldhl fH.nwn C'.l TmiIuI ' ? ? ?w ' Saturday Night , Airahier Night. -?*ii> OifH t. jk ' "t. * ? V

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