nusimnu tuaLUtu i| DESPAIRING WIFE ???? - ' fUlg fmr Tm si Dbcasrafiaf'1 ^ gof" so weak I could not stud, , , . ud I gSVeupin despair. Mil.rmil Gar* husband gpt me a bottle ol Up h Despair. HaUad Caidul, the nau's took, nd I com* mtunil taking iL From the *ery Bret U"* " dou. I could tea It was helping me. i 1 ^ ' can now walk two mDes without Its f Cafrou, Ky.?la M 'l* ft letter tiring me, and am doing all my work." from this jiTsrr. Mia. T?w?- u..iwo II you are tfi run don tram womanly ante as toUows: "1 suffered lor few troubles, don't glee up In despair. Try ytsn-nMimiupntytr?Cardul, the woman's took. It has helped '.*..,:|aU.tkae,.couWo?,T a np for s Utile I more than a million women, In hs 50 wtda, sad ^ not walk anywhere" at fUsrs of continuous success, i*(d should St At timet, I would bare scrrre pains surety, too. Your druggist hat ~ - * *> fiatr iir ^ - Ttw doctor was called in, sod his brat- it *111 do. Ask Mm. He will recom eat reacted ma tor a while, but I was ">? * B. Begin taking Carta! today. ??*"? ? "" ?*? "? toat,ao(Ua? seamed to do me any good. The Virginia Bay AX OCEAN VEIW, VA. '"The Atlantic City of The South" Season: *June 15th to Sept. 1st. I Eighth season under same management and the most populai ^ . - ,.-Jf summer hotel on the Virginia Coctst J 180 rooms, immediately OB water-front, overlooking Chesapeake Bayi pne block froqt New Dancing "Pavilion and "Amusement Center" 30-ifrinuet ride, .10 cent cy fare from Norfolk and QM Point Com fort. In full view of all vessels, including Battleships, en route k or from historic Hampton RoacK Ileth houses FREE to GUESTS. For rates and other infor Jno. A. Tucker, Mgr. Uaty June 15th, Louise, Washington, N^C. - 8MUKO LaXA^U. AXt> =>.OOD 8C2mn F1,"1> 00t th* ??!iiiiiuiitea WWW ?nd poisons of the winter months; cleita your stomach, llrer and kid. lt^rWiL\\ neys of *"11 4mpurltiss. Toko Dr B * lKSw8s3y Sln*'8 New Life Pills; sotting bet to' purifying th* blood. Mild non-griping laxative. Cures constl Ari?\n\ putlon-, makes you feel fins. Tsk< ^Xsi.' r AVJE/lXxd bo other. 28c, st your druggist a< HUrcD'8 Arnica 8&,Te for .* tccd. ^ ^ _ TtursJ" Bstreat, Vh. J ^ c *7 W" \JQwE \g2 jBs ARnilT n H. W. Tar kin Urn of Plymouth. N. &. la among the welcome visitors to the city today. T. J. Kui of Lake Landing, N. C.. srun os our strata todar shaking hula with bla mu| friend it. ? Rot. Chsrleo A. Jonoo. potior of tht M . Church, Bolhoron, M. O.. It * goest At Hotol Louisa. Amotf the visitors to Wash taste a today la R. E. Windier of Bwsir Quarter, *. C. W. C. Hancock of -Ner% Bora. N. C? la In tho city. ?. B. ^Hutchinson of Kdonton, N. C., was a passenger os tha Norfolk Southern train yesterday afternoon J. W. Roberts of. New Bars, N. C? la a Wueklagtsu vialtAr. 0. U. Martin of BoyAl. N. C., wa. hare yesterday on business I % Congressman Jobs H. Small hat returned to ^aghlngton City. H. O. Porks of Elisabeth City, H. C? registered at tha Louisa yanUriir . (Continued tram pais I.) KrSiigh-wRMI mnarxwa etmtnook into the church end while toiling the bell could keep watch for the minister. Always exactly ou time. be would com* In. walk slowly up the right h?ud aisle, mount the pulpit si aim, enter and close the door after hi in. Then Cephas wvalu give one tretnendoos pull to want k>? fen on rne arepa, a pun cntt tneant. "Pireob's In tbe pnlpltf" and waa acted Upon accordingly. Opening the big Bible, tbe minister raised his righ. band Impressively, and. asjlng. "La. oa pray,'* tbe whole congttgallos rose In tbetr pews with a great rustling and bowed their heads devoutly for the Invocation. Next came tbe hymn, generally at that day one of Isaac Watts'. The singers, fifteen or twetttjr in number, tat In a raised gallery opposite the pui , pit. and there was a rod In front bang with red curtains to hid? them when " sitting down. Any one was free to Join, which perhaps accounted for Aunt Abby*s strictures as to time and tone. Jed Morrill, "blaspbetnlous" aa be was considered by that acrlmouloua lady, waa the leader, and a good one too. There would be a great whispering and busing when Deacon Sumner, with his big fiddle, and Pltny Water house, with bis smarter one, would try to get In accord with Humphrey Baker and hi* clarionet. All wsut well when Humphrey win# there to gtve^the sure keynote, bat In hie absence Jed Morrill would use his tuning fork. When the key waa finally secured hj all concerned Jed would re U*. bis stick, beat one measure'to set the time, and All joined lb or Ml hi, according to their several a MM ties. It was not Si t ways a perfect thing In tbe .way of a , start, but they were Well together at tbe end of the first line, and when, as now, the choir numbered a goodly nam ber of voices and there wage 300 or 400 In the pews nothing more Inspiring In Its peculiar way .was ever beard tbnn the congregational .sluging of such splendid hymns as ''Old Hundred." "Duke Street" or "Coronation." Wattstlll led the trebles, and Ivory waa at thn far enS ?# ?H? ehnlr lH baaaea, but each was conscious of the other's. presence. this moruihg be ' could hear her noble Vole? Halng a little abore. or. perhaps, from its quel Ity, separating Itself somehow, exct ad ; little, from the other*. How full of | strength and hope It was, her voice! How ?teed fast to the pitch! How golden lta color! How moving In its crea cendoe! How the worde flowed from j her Mpe, not aa If they had .been written yearn ago, but aa ft they were the expression of her own faith! Than were many In the congregation who were stirred, they knew not why, when there chanced to be only a few "carrying the air" and they could really bear WMtatlll Baxter staging some dear old . hymn, full of aacred memories, like? White thM I seek. protecting Power, " Be my ratn wlabes tilled. r And may tbta cooperated hoar With belter hopes be fined. 1 "There mas be them la Boston thai raa slag louder, and they may be ablt . to run up a tittle higher than WaltstllL . but the question Is. could any of 'em j make Aunt Abby Cole ehed teanf This was Jad MorrOl's tribute to hli ' best soprano. There were Sunday evening, prayei 1 meetings, tea held at"*?aitr candle 1 light," when WattstM and Lucy Mor 1 rill would make a duet of "By cool 81 loam's shady rill," or the farorto ? "Naomi," and the two fresh yocwj voices, rising and falling ti the tendei thirds of the old tunes, melted al hearts to new willingness of sacrifice. Father, whether of earthly bUaa Thy BoTntmn WU denies .VJSLfSL"" Clhre &e a cshn. a thairirtnl. bafi?V The blearing of thy grace Impart, And tet me live to thee. How Ivory loved to hear Waltstll ring these Unse! How they eased hi burden aa they weie easing hers, fall I lag on htetopatleqt, longing heart Ilk. j erentng dew on thlrety gnumf j . i TTbe Byod Pdeeatec Jt do to today. The Baxter* occupied on without luruing round and elan ol ' w- V . " y ' hn|w ? ?im? ond t. fnwt of iha Baticra la ik> mmi P?tt7. aa^dwccoMr tat a rtMf^'Vaorrloir*bat Mark woqM ba with thru If ha had Mlnfaul from Boa- Ma. Tiuiotbj uraut. tba pariah dark. fo bOfrtbapaw in tat.raa at* ^hortWdJI t* trrla* to suea. from SJraSjraofa Ira- * If or ch-uitourU co,ratcr>a uc uhathar th aupye* "> r.tttf aatllwj haraalf cowfurtalit, and pal bar fool ou Ola Joodm ^Hehat," J rtlrtn* bar holt calico a Mtiia oo Uw or cohoagatMo aide. J hat onoturh to .htm an loch or two of petticoat, Tba putUcoat waa aa modoarlj km* aa tba frock or | ttaalf, and dlrclooln* a bit of It Ma 01 twill IB* more lKlwHIa than > caaual j<l ubblbltl.Hi Hf poo,) liatsllaaotk. Daacoo at lla*toe furtilaucj t'hl.r tba cWNaacbad toootta for hla iiuirtweta- uodanfartoar.tB bat towTva Httla tofka laborloaa- , 1/ doao br hprut alalcc^tc Inch wlba rdflOft crochet,d (root a bite .pool cot- ? ton Olid da/a of blcjchlu^ ou tile graaa ,c lb Ibe all It win mittn a petticoat the* " ran bo abowa lu chuMt with aome Job- I," tlftabla ptkla. " The Wllaolu . awe up tba alalo a too- * went later tlmn rroa llirlr usual habit. loot attar be r?rson hrd as-ended the I pulpit, Mi*. WIIhom always entered "the pew flr?t mimI sat lu the far end. J" l*atty bad looked it b?r admiringly 'tj and with a carta In feelln* of propria- " for*hip for aevaral Stiudaya. Tbaro r* Wii obviously ho -ii~b dwd.-aWe moth- 7. cr-liirlaw In lift* meeting house. Her _ changeable at Ik dm* was the latest ^ mode, her abawl of Mark llama lace tQ expressed wealth In wcery delicate I mash, and her honuet hud n distinction J that could only bare emanated from J Portland ur lhr?1nn. Kliuu Wilson nan- p, ally raiDv uexi. with aa inuch of ^ nmlle to Pstt^ hi poaslng aa she dared u v?totU*e In tba deacon's presence, and aftrr her Wiled in ll-f Vntfbger sister, Halloa, commonly called -Silly." sod b, with considerable ream n. |J Mark bad come home! Patty dared J not loot wp. hut the felt his approach b< behind the others, although her eyes b, sought the door and u?r cheeks hung <>i out signals of abashed but certain wel- 0i I coma. She ht^rd the family settle In to their aeats somewhat haatlly^tb# click nr idf wjw notw urn ins eon no or law- t] yur WUaon's caue ?u be stood It In the u corner; thou the parson rone to pray, al tad Patty cloned her eyes srtth the n< rest of the congregation. y, Opening them when Elder Boone rose to announce the bjmu, they fell? tt amased. resentful, nucomprebendlng? ai on the spectacle of Mark WilaoA find- d< lag the place In the book for a strange hi young wum who aat beside him. ic Mark himself had on a new suit and lc wore a seal ring that Patty had never ni obherred before, iftillw the drsss, -po- a Usee aqd bat of the unknown were of a< a natust that no girl la rntty'a position. and particularly of Patty's d:*po- ni sltiou. could hsrs regarded wlthont a ? desire to tear them from her person " and stamp them underfoot or, better still, flaunt them herself end show the ? world haw they should be wpup! lr hfnrtc fonnd the plnce tn the hymn book for the creatnre. shared It with * her, and onch, when the Grant twins * wriggled ami Tatty secured e better b lew, once. Mark shifted his hand on h the pege so that his thumb touched 14 tbnt of fats pretty neighbor, who did & not .rsmore hers as if she found the ? proximity either unpleasant or lmprop- ^ er. Patty compared her own miserable ' attire with tbat^f the bated rival In 41 flH>nt, and also'contrasted Lawyer Wll- b aott'a appearance with that of ber fa- b ther; (he former, well dressed in the ? style of a gentleman of the tluTe, in * broadcloth, with fine linen, 'and'a tall J silk bat carefully placed on the floor " of the pew. while Demon Baxter wore 8 homespun made of wool from his own n sheep, spun and woven, dyed and fln- ' Ished. at the railing mill tn tbs rll- Q lag?, and carried a lettered felt hat that had been n matter of ridicule 11 these dosen yearn. ^The deacon would 4 UV uiiircu iii *ww nmus i*u. *?nn " way* wiid, tor hf owned Juet that ^ number and would be tbo mean to leave either of >m behind Ulm. The eertnon waa fifty ml no tea long. * time enbagh for a deal of thinking.- * Many a hotmewlfe. not wholly -ortho; 11 1 do*, cut ind made over all ber chll- c dren'a elotbea. la Imiurinatlon; planned 1 the putting up of ber fruit. the mak- > t rmmm' TJie Pleasi 61 * " ..;V " " Yea?but far more impoi i body and brain. r I Grape is not only a delightfully app ably rich in ndirilive values. | Made from whole wheat ~ taina all the nutrithtP ofthew ' eral salts?phosphate of pot growth and repair of the delii but which are so often taking Ready to eat from the pi *' and a sprinkle of sugar? I' A ration of Grape-Nuts i wonderfully to provide a *e "Iliere's a ' omr omwakce. Tha Board of li4?a? of Ihn ty of VubUfUa, North Corolla*. First: That It shall ho unlawful r oar (MM to throw oar writa or prtntsd notions or posters of ir kind or description upon oar tha public atrsou or ollan of Us ty Of Washington, or la aar yard lot la sold city, or to distributed mo upon tha atreata or atloya of a elty br homllag or dollvorlng i am to.tho poaaara by. " * , All paraoaa oho aboil carry or ad oat orlttoa or prlatad poatara notlooa atoll bo required la dollrtham to Uo oeoupanta of houaaa. plooa thorn under tha front door aafd houaaa. Second: Aar person who ahull I olata tha prorlaloua at this erdfc I laca, ahull, upon conviction, be I lad Taa Dollars (11.00.) ?-l 0 to. ' g of her preoarrea and pftklas. Bod . ranged bar maola for the next wash, Mag lbs,-progress of thane aermcma. ttr .Jrufched tha parson turn loaf tar leaf until tha dual one was reoeh. TBhn came lbs laat hymn, whan a people stretched their aching Hut* >d rising. turned thatr back oa tha Inlatec and faced tha choir. Patty nked at WaltatUI and wished that a could put her throbbing bead on r sisterly shoulder and cry?mostly Ith rage. The benediction was said, id With tha dual "Amen" the pewe rre opened and tha worablpera crowdI Into tho-narrow aisles and moved ward the doors. Patty's plana warn all mads. WW as out of her pew before the WHaooa mid poeslbly leave theirs and la bar -ogreaa down Uo alala securely named hot old admirer, old Dr. Perry, i wall aa hla son, PUUlp. Ptmlng tha nglng seats, aha picked np tha hume Cephas and curried him along In * wake, chatting and talking wlU ic little party while bar father wag 1 the horse shedj making ready to go ibtt, A told bite being ilwijf Mt cmt i the kitchen table according to bis -dera. By means of these clever a near em Patty made herself the tola of attention when the Wilson parr came oat on tbo.atepe and conchi fed kark only a nonchalant nod, illy fllhglng a little greeting with the ?d,'Just a "How d'ye do, liark? Did >o hare a good time In Boston T" ratty and Waltsttll, with eoroe of te girls who bad come long distances, te their Inncheon In a shady place an?r the trees behind the meeting oase. for there was an afternoon aerve to come, a'service with another mg sermon. They separated after the iodest meal to walk about the cotnion or stray along the road to tj>e nidemy. where there was a One view. Two or three times during the so inter the sisters alwfiys went quietly ad alone to tbe Baxter burylug lot -here three grass grown graves lay side one another. unmarked save by arrow wooden slabs, so shortybat the litlala painted on them were almost idden by the tufts of clover. The IflS Had brought roots of panslee and weet alyssum and with knife made olee In the earth nod planted them ere and there to make the spot a trifle *a forbidding. Tbey did not speak > each other during this sacred little eremooj. Their hearts were too full ben they remembered afresh tbe abence of beadstoues. tbe lack of core, i tbe place where the three women iy wbo bad ministered to their fatb&r. oriie him children and patiently enured bis arbitrary and loveless rule, ireu Clere Flanders' grave?tbe Edge* rood shoemaker, wbo lay next?even Is resting place was marked and. with touch of some one's Imagination, larked by tbe old man's own laptone, twenty-Are pounds In weight A inrnmonf nt hi. tvnrir.H.. Ilf. Waits till ruse from her feet, brushJar the earth from ber bands, and Pstj did the same. The churchyard was inlet, and they were alone with the end. mourned and unntourned, loved nd unloved. "I planted one or two pansles on be first one's grave," said Waltstlll oberly. "I don't know why we've ever done it before. There are no hlldren to take notice of and remem>er her; It's the least we can do, and. fStr all. she bSlongsjto tb^ family." (Continued Tomorrow.) ire f Eatingrtant is the effect of food oil i-Nuts : e thing food, but is remarkand barley, Grape-Nuta rc grains, including the minash, etc.?so necessary for ento brain nod nerve tissues, in ordinary food, tckage, yiith_g^BB_ormilk^ along with other food helps tl-balenced dietary. i Reason" dTty Grocers everywhere. I 1 Get That INSURANCE Today I 1 Wm. Bragaw & Co. I I First Insurance Agents In I Washington, N. C. | j Crystal Ice Cream I In Steam Scalded Cans. It la Good and Sanitary. CRYSTAL ICE CO. 1 Phone 83 Wathivgton, .V. C. FOR SALE ] | J 1 Second Hand Automobile? I ' I E.M.F. 30, 5 Passenger Touring, 1912 model in good > i I condition, Demountable Rim, Hartford Traufelt Shock . , I Absorber, Tires practically new, extra tire, rim, cover, ' , J tool book and etc. $650. I E. Mt F. 30/ 4 passenger Demi-Tonneau, 1911 model 3 I fair condition- {450. I I I STUDEBAKER 25 Roadster 1913 model only run about 1 I ) 1500 miles. A-l condition 5600. I I I FLANDERS 20, 5 passenger touring, 1912 model, good | I ) condition, $400 j I FORD, 6 passenger Touring 1911 model lair condition i I ?? i nese ljct atg wortft seeing. j , E Harris Hardware Co., J | WASHINGTON. N. C iMIIBBMIIIIHIIIHItmi i ) . LION WOOD New Yort Cettoe U LI ^ l J. LEON WOOD & CO. > ( BANKERS and BROKERS. < * S mack*, Bowk, Cotton, Grata and Prorlaiona, 78 Ptaa Mmt, ? f Omrftmtm Building. Norfolk, Ta. J / Prliute wtrw to New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board at J ? Trade and other Inaaclal centers. \ J Correspondeace respectfully solicited. Investment and marglaal i J Accounts given Careful Attention. N < NEW GROCERY If you are choice about your groceries why not buy from a store stocked Saturday with fresh, clean, pure and wholesome food stuffs. ? \ On sale today at Thos. S. Long's new business on Market St. Prices best in town. Call and see for yourself and be convinced. a R. B. WESTON Manager ] i i ?? 1 '"!<* i ~ in > j FOR 8BKR1FF. I will do nothing to bring rqmi* w. ... -.,w_ nticnn. "h"" or ?" *. too . ?* ""?> ? (? <?? ! 1 of MUin uooiuiy. Sheriff. It elected. I shall bo 0* 1 mT*?" 11 * lonloot oo pooolblo with yoa la oot- J I candidal* IMP* the therUTe office. I uiox roar toxoo; hot win eclleot I here ooif odo promlee to make to whoa thsy become dao oo tbo law dill roa peoplo ohoald I ha oiaetod sad recto. Bt tare and par rear poll . I that to the aanoo proxelee that I tax baton the Brot dap of Mar. t?U. I I! Bade to air coed friends who oo ably oo yon cam rete on election day .1 ||aapportod eoe In the laat cant palm without ?aln? ohallenced. U whan they anno mo their choloo Thanklnx yon In adranoo for any | as noeordor tor WeOhtacton. Lonp support that you way pre sua I Aero and Chooowtnlty townshlpa. Roopectfully. 1 II and that la the una premise I now WILLIAM B. WINDLCT. II make to the oouaty oo a whole, that Waahlnxton, N. C. J[ K ro<i wUl ?uk*pao your ohosdl* hdd-lwp. i ^ J|

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