HOUSE AND LOT Vote HALES ON 1 J Bast Third SWeet. Apply Mrs. W. B. Burgess. 148. E. Second P&- '* yy - " ^ l*m WORTH YOl:: WHILE TO . - , lake advantage of the big reduclions on low Footwear. Sals now h at J. K. Hurt's. WE START OUR .USUAL CUT Price Summer Sals on Umbrellas Saturday the mod eagin*-coo<) AMpe. S. X Merrlman Jr. 6-IT-lwo. WANTED?A UOMPKTRNT 8TEnogrspher lor a low office. P. O. Box 7. City. 3-1-1WC. PIGEONS PAY DOLLARS WHERE chickens pay cents; small capital needed, small space required; always penned up; ready markets; send for May Issue of our Journal; fully explained there; price ten cents. Reliable 8quab Journal, Versailles, Mo. 6-3-lmo.c. ^ d WE HAVE ARRANGED TO 8HLL a limited number of six posaad Westlnghouse electric Irons. Near type, for 32.50. Regular price after June 15. 33.60. On sale ai Oay Plumbing and Electric COi, and T._ H. Blount Electric office*. Municipal Electric A Water Department. | 6-l-6tc. WANTED?STORK BUILDING IN a desirable location for Cash Grocery and variety store. Address Dally News office and prfce wanted. 6-30-lwc. . r % 1 BAKER SAYS To his mind every good bright boy and girl ought to be interested in securing a good pnoiograpn 01 mother and father. Says Baer.k 1 am In a position to know that there are lots of people with big families of children who haven't a picture in the world of themselves. Some wives haven't a picture of their husbands, husbands haven't a picture of their wives. It is too bad. 1 mention this because it Is a fact and it is my business to call youi attention to what may be your duty It is up to you to do your think ing BAKER'S STUDIO. 6-3-2tc. /I A esday a i J ' I I ft \ | 4 1 "'/S I V - ; ? and take a j i ALL MO SOFT - HERE >< CENTS I. , wants position as elsrk in stow E.. R. r. D, Ms. *. Box ?. Ann To the Domocrstlc Voters of Cfc<* owlnlty. Weahin4.*on and "Don Acre Townships: 1 hereby announce myself a cat dilate for the office of Judge of. th Recorder's Court of tha above nan ad township?. If elected and honoi ad with thh? position. 1 promts? I discharge tha duties of th? offltd| L~xl ind W< Bergeri I est S Wright Carry Will Give 1 _ Washingto ioy ride in t\ Cheap Rj VIES: \7^ ^ ? ??* ' n n'minnr ColleglAte Inr time. "Arrangement* i- t^chwi?ryt^dpi?i^tt0nrth^^J r- teachers w^lj be given an opportu"! 0 ty*to At! i?u the Institute it i Bin ? imam c?t. whlrfh will probably noi t- exceed three or tour dollar? a week a Teacher? will hrloi thstr^lgjfoWki i-1 uied lu the public toMtim, ala< t. O'abeA'e "Everyday jglRTems li TJnaching." / The InatltqXT for cnfftfed teacheri D. will be held In rthe graded schoo J building (color*.) large attendance at this Insti tute la expected sjnee the teacher . of Pitt. Hyde and Beaufort will com bine and attend at Washington. . W. O. PRIV1JTTE. . , _ , Copn'y Superintendent n| *4-71* 1 - - ? ? " NOTICE. C4?te of North Carolina. Beaufor ?H County?In .the Superior Courl W. T. Hodnell U. E. Tillery. H^gh Paul, GUber ? Smith, Tom Ross/Matthew Moore * Dona B. Hudnell. R. L. M. Bon ner and O. 8. Dixon. Trading a Dixon * Bonner and J. H. Orel der and County Board Education To Whom It May Concern: The parties above1 named and al re other persons Interested will tak at notice that on the SSth day of Maj m 1914. the above named petitioner filed a petition In the office of th Clerk of the Superior Court of .Beau rort county, to na*e tne uue to cei < tain lands therein described regli ?. tared and confirmed pursuant t Chapter 90 of the Public Laws a ?e 1918, and that summons has bee Ip Issued, returnable at the office of th 3e Clerk of the Superior Court of Beat ^ fort County, on the 80th day of Ju m ly, 1*11. Said land la altuate I * Richland township in the county c re- Beaufort and said state, adjolntn the land of J. H. Qretder. Tom Roei , Hugh Paul. J. E. Tillery, Matthe ** Moore, Gilbert Smith. Lona B. Hud te nell, C. 8. Dixon, and R. L. M. Boi u ner. and bounded and deeerlbed a follows: Known as the Whitehnn a" Oray~ and ^ftowland land, bounde u- on the South by 8outh Creek, Kai It. by Tooley'a Creek, on the North b the 8andy Landing road, on the Woi by the public rosul and J. E. Tiller and Rowland's Creek. .1- GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court Beaufort C< This let day of June, 1914. Se- 6-4-1 wc. [OP idnesdw s, World's L viators, Bros. Pa ring Aero In Exhibition n Park. he skies. Fligh ates On J "Doubling Mr. Fait Falls I - jOROP RROONOI t \AtiAlN 1 J ! M.,'VofTer * or'into aTpnb1 iC "au to.nri.lp a ?, ... ?1t. a the town >f Bel heron, upn whlf 1! ? inf, "on ??r Ton to a i. .1 nun nil mi j-o be-.. toft . . i pr! <-r mi grin- -n: i if tin- ??i'l wilklooonj mxriee iind I will eerce you a* beat ?Jl??W Crook" Ic * iwo he end of the twitch or epnr tract preoiai *M oolSaeUa, now IgtM wilier into and alongside eald prop en modeeM? an it fc* done to irtr aa^rMnln* nr^jald owltei^ o oou^g M cloaely a 1 hero fine* I "right 'angle, op-twriwndicuiar ti en Co (o the Oaaaetai counnltteo*!i ?# ?^l?nd"!.l??,th,r?M0?r"hT? SiS'toTr.c'h'rrJr'ha ' btTnlhrtt ' ill other bnlldlnge, Sgturw, machln Now It yon think a- riOW aBoML SSSEs rzz-:r:jr,ssE rayed to the aald J. E WUklnaoa to tha county money, hy aaakla* rr Belharen Lumber and wt*. Co. , change, then It le to yoar Mtarh, d^tat^ F.brnary ' 1909. du Mt and yottr doty. eg I aoe It, lo do Die ??? o^cbti Rogutor or Doodi '* ?>?* 1 <*= proeil?* te^4o or Baantort eouoly. to wfclcb deed. Itfcat I **" done, to ?lr? T**mr rthratt U horrtj bad tor par tic o who). llaM u] ?nat,ldM MMh. KffaS! r.^rtl,ro??.^^lT, AILLS ? MYBSRS dutfSMr "College Boys And Girls'm l . C / 1"*' * ?M iff M it J >|m.| \)f IJ agrtjaf f *| nag.i, lfa in