j AVIATION EXB AT WASHINC ' [TUESDAY A? THOUSANDS ARE COMING TO SEE * l THE FLIGHTS ' -r Several Citizen* Expressing 1 Their Willingness To Be (hnWufbOm srWsshr lngton Park. Tueadsy and Wednesday of neit ? ** to tbo tlcos?Washington Path I the place. People are coming from f nil pactions of Eastern Carolina to I Ma the man Br In the Wright Aeroplane and It to worth while for It k tnsnns eomethlog entirely ou( of the K" ordinary for one who has nerer teen . one of the greatest Inventions of the I "preaant century. Already eereral of [ "Washington dtlaani -hare expressed jr a wtlllngneaa to be a gasMnger and the outlook to that nsMsa will he I street the (opportuMty. Carrying lisssesgere la the sir eswfalnty will be | a nor el sight. Plenty take ad rentage of terra flrffla bat when It comes to rising la epaea that bring* on more tnlk. Walt, it to rarely golag to hast in right hare In Washington sit wash. ; . .... J Seeeral pf .WashingIon's egtorpr'wng clttoans hare gotten together and made arrangements for tho J. 8. Berger ArlaUon Company to giro fUghto at Washington Park In tha |c W**1" A.ro[ plane. This company, delivers tUo goods and proved to be tbp leading I attraction at the New Bern Home President Huerta ' _ . KLf -j * V . . ; ; % y K V#ra Or as, Jane 5.?The pries provisional President Hoerta *4e masda for his retirement Is the leasll*atton of bU odcial acts slac? his appointment to the provisional r presidency, acordlng to advlcna fton: the capital. This is astd to bare been the pro | poeal General Huerta authorised hit i diliils to offer at NlagaraKalla hwelta Is said to realise that he hai i only * slim chance of winning out but Is determined not to abandoi j power without adequate provisloi f hear from General Carransa whethe own future and for that of the mcu with whom he has surrounded him * : nelf. The constitutionalist^ it. Is said . have Insisted that no act of HuertaN administration shall ever be regard ed as legal, and in this ossa Huerb forsess enormous financial losses fo k those who Joined In tb? OoUtlon o his loans as well as personal rial tor memuora 01 oia c.EDinet. . ' Await Camnxa'i Reply. Nlavara Valla.?While waiting t hear Iron eGneral Carranxa whetha ha would aaad delegates to tb? eon tereffees bare, the .mediator* plan ned to eoatlnae aueh work ah wouli not he affected kg tha ooaatltational ta( inawer. Babels surround Guadalajara. On board U. B. California, Maaat Ian. Mexico, June 5.?(Via wtralee to San Diego, cel., June 4.)?Quad alajara. the objective point of th recant operation* of the conatltutlun allat army of tko aortbweat, unde command of General Obraaon, ha bean effectually anrrounded. Three colemna of Obrogon'a arm according to official lor orient lor reaching Adnalral Howard, hate out I eaeded m ihuttlng off the elty to th t national capital on the eaat ' an Meaaanlllo and the Paciffc eoaat o tha w4st ? - rv-.-.Vv t : Oommanlratton Severed. * I Communication between the wet I cceat of Mexico and Mexico CM bee bean completely severed, eccort 1 ins to information imMBf ' it \ Amarlesn I'.ts** her? today. ae"\ X party -of constlfcuttonalists. a W route from San Ellas to LaS'Trc ' Marias Islands. sixty miles wwt < Teplc, hare captured tile Pedari prison and the radio elation *h!< will Isolate the Haarta troops opei atlnc in the weef. from any dlr? tonch with their chief. ? Collms, capital of the state of thi nana?, and one of the taost impoi \ teat elites tn southwestern Mexlci baa toUan-lhlo the handa or the coi aUtntlonallaU under General Alaml Id. former gbvcraoe of Collma, accoi bMni ; "'0-' A S " * Wk HI ' IBITION iTON PARK *D WEDNESDAY Coining Celebration last week. Their enccees was the greatest there ami unless something unforseen hap pens It WiH be the same here. The New Bern Journal In speaking of this remarkable feat In the air kfca the following to aay: During the four days that exhibitions with tie aeroplane* jrtre given 1 la N.w Bern, t n flights were madel by aviator Eugene Heth. and each ' one of these was a success, in fact 1 'the aeroplane flights were the drawing feature of the occasion, and thousands went out to see these. The machine used Is of the Wright passenger carrying type and attracted the attention of all. There were some who had their doubts at first in regard to the aeroplane making flights on account of the fact that a number of socalled aviators bad 'recently visited thiB section, and fail ad to make good. However, they were agreeably disappointed. Despite the fact that the grounds at whlcfo the flying was done wore not favorable for aviation, each and evory tfme that the machine went up-? and it went up on schedule time each day?the flight was perfect. Not only did Aviator Eugene Heth tdo some "straight" flying, bn^ he also pulled off a number of stuhts 'Chat thrilled the spectators. The I race each day with the automobile ! was-a real-sensation while the bomb throwing from the aeroplane, hlgli in the air was a real feature. Maklu,flguro eights, and (he spiral glide was also an easy matter to him, and taking all into consideration, the exhibition equalled those seen at the [ large aviation" meets in the North. ' ww ; ? ;*- / t rial Acts Legalized :i^?^snr";rr . slitutlonalists officer. i Silent on Rumored Blockade of Tiun i pi.... 1 Washington, June 5.?Prospects of an attempted blockade of Tamplco by . Huerta gunboats took the position , of chief interest in Mexican affairs here and administration officials ' Informed of the latest development 1 only In news dispatches, declined to , Indicate their policy, although they i Informed Admirals Badger and Mayo x of the situation. p Chip Carrying Wad Stores Flics the t r~ Cuban Flag. - The steamer Antillo behrlbg arms lor Carranta apd which has aroused , tfc-a present situation, flies the Cui ban Hag. Whkt the United States would do shotold Huerta gunboats i .attempt to Interfere with the officials r declined to .cay or indicate, f Whether the United States ships t would permit the Antilla to land her cargo, now that the embargo on arms Is again In force, was another como pllcatlng feature to which officials r here did not attempt to offer any r explanation. , * ; FOB SEH11U v !?' The Stnte Couvention of tbe Deme ocrattc party met in flaleljh. NkC.. d yesterday. Sonator I^ee 8. Oevrn man was unanimously named to succeed himself as United Btates Senator and E. L. Travis wae named to it Succeed himself as a memhor of the y corporation commission. All the I- JudgBe throughout the stale,nomlnate Vd In their respective districts, were ratified, the convention met yesn tcrday at nocn add adjourned last id ntght at eleven o'clock. if The convention favored a *tatei! wide primary but leaves much of h this to the individual mantle* Pan*t lion and lock occasion to thank the convention for the honor conferred. i( The subject of woman suffrage was r- voted down overwhelmingly. Gov o, ernor Craig in a ringing speech op4 todm com n i JT-.. . ' ? rv0* v " VEAtHER?Uiuettdd Weather. Fr WASHINGTON N. NYMOUSLL THE DAILY * ANNOUNCE To the Democratic Voters of Beau- tl fort County: B During the past few weeka I hare d< been considering Dreaming a can- at dictate tor RepreeentattTe from Beau tl fort county In the next General Ae- p, aembly. Befbre reaching any dedii- . Ion I consulted with a number of people from different Rectione of'm the oounty and asked if there was any other candidate for the position. J Among those oonaulted was the chtlr ^ man of the County Bxecutlve Committee. I was Informed by all that * they knew of no other candidate. The county chairman, Mr. Warren, " told mv-that certain parties from or near Aurora had suggested that there i would probably be a candidate from ' that section. I told him that 1 j would not care to get into any fight H 'for the place as the pay was not suf- " Qclent to Justify tt. ..He agreed to ascertain if possible It there W6dld J, be a candidate and advise me. True to his promise he telephoned dowu there and was told that Mr. H. C. Jj] Carter had been aproacbed and re- ' quested to become a candidate. He j then went to Bee Mr. Carter and was i informed that there had been several *"j requests made and 4dm* letters fe- ! Ll?i kv U. ,.M? ?V.I 1.-. 11 accept the nomination, bat he had not decided what he would do. Ldt- ? er I went to see Mr. Carter and wae c) told practically the same thing, and b he stated further that lie would give n them a definite answer last week. Shortly after It became known ^ that I would probably be an aspirant R for the nomination rumors of. dla- j content and diasatlsfaetion came to ^ my ears and ebme of my friends were itagornled that there would be a bit- ^ ter fight If I should run. I began to Investigate to learn the source of, c the reports aiid obtained Information . which satisfied me as to where they oilglnated find the etuae. which I v w|tt at.cao., further on l?JW?.rU- ? I waited until the week was out and Mr. Carter not having made* any announcement of his candidacy and being informed that lie would not, .1 therefore sought other advice j and the Information received was such as to Justify me in the belief ttfat there would be no other candidate. I then told a number of people that I would be a candidate. As soon as this report was on the street It ereated a stir In oertaln quarters and pressure was brought to bear to keep me troll gbing before l)ie people to ask their support fbr the nomination to fill a position of great responsibility and high honor. Had my frineds advised against I ft the matter wnulll hivo Wn pcd, but tt was hot my friends but t those who professedly were friend- ( ly toward me when in my presenco j but at every opportsnity were knif- x ing me in the back, not because of /( ' any personal wrong or injury I had f done them but because I was not bne of their clan. I have consistent * 4y refused to take a stand with, any 1 faction or in any factional fight, J therefore some of them are. afraid 1 to bare me go to the legislature; afraid that 1 will refuse to put through some pet legislation which 1 they wish to secure at the nest see- ( Bion. . The efforts of the opposition ' reached a climax on Tuesday when , upon going to the Postofflce I found $ letter in my bos addressed "Jim Mayo" which to substance was as follower "Jim you had better look . out. Several folks around town and in Belbaven and Aurora are laying , for you to come out for office." It i practically charged that 1 had set ' the Morton building on fire when i my plant was destroyed In July, ' 1911, with a loss to'me of more than $5,000. The writer of this letter knows or could have known that 1 was not in Washington the night .of the fire, therefore I have no fear uf any charges they may prefer. The letter also threatened publication of a complete history of my private life from the cradle to the prosent time. Hie last paragraph of the letter was aa follows: "They are having it all printed now and have got a mailing Ust of every voter in the county." It was signed. "FT09 Friend." I will leave It for our readers to say whether or not such a letter was written by a friend. As a partial reply to'this letter I admit that I have made sertoue '! mistakes during my life but I have I ?Bd??vorid to moko roporotloo. inch 10* I could, tor tbom on<t I bolter* ~ 1 =5 Showrni Tunlgt.t M 8?? C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON ITER REC'D JEWSEUITOR; S CANDIDACY let I have dv.lt with my fellow ion In fucb a wiy tj to merit some pgrce 'of confldtnco. t am reedy i eny hour or minute to fO oat irough Beeuf?-t ootui'y on e cemilgn with err of the eppoeitlon hb bate tntchrd dp ft tefaehle Whefe r they hope to ftHlre ale Into stife1*1 on to their tridnefc. 1 edre )thing for the support nor friendtip of this poterie of politician#, ad. defy: any oae or ail of them to ubliBh over th?4r own signature the treats whioh ere contained in the tter above referred to. Toar bluff oelled, gentlemen. Now if any ! yon who cor. coo ted and put in leWbetioa tine unbetcbed scheme ire a apart of iLaahood the else : e mustard seed let him come out l the open and inako good your treats. 1 will meet yon at any me end place or in eny manner ad if 1 do not satiety the pedple of pan fort oonntr that thl* la a da a irdly, co-.TErdly cScrt to dr?| me awn by' Insinuation and Innuendo r a few poUttSfan* woo want to rule le city an! county and foel that I DMtbly have been a stumbling block > them. I w!ll net ask or expect letr support. The eonrce and cause of this strsnous opposition is well known to me. he reason ts clear. I have crttined some of the things which have sen done in city affairs and the tanner in which they are done. 1 have endeavored to be fair with! lose who are now oppoalng me, in U things and only orlticteed when feh it my duty to do so. This 1 hall continue to do, whether it ieets with the approval of certain idivlduala or not. I am convinced that the principal ansa fpr the threats against me are ?cause the parties who are in the lot desire to have enacted' legistsIon which will not be In the Interest A the people ot- the city asdiesm^ After having received the ratter eferred to warning me of the coarse rhtch wi l be followed by my oponents I do not feel that I can In ustlce to myself pass it unchallenged therefore announce to the Demorats of Beaufort county my candlacy for the position of representaive and promise that if nomlated ud elected I will represent the whole eople and not a few individuals, will reneal the Mil Which restored o the mayor Jurisdiction to try pety cased. The recorder'* court wo* wtabltshed to relieve this cdndlticfo thd there It no food reason why a nan should be required to pay^ three tills of cost should ho desire to appeal his case to the Superior Court, telther la there any reason why the :ounty should be called upon to pay he recorder (or work which he is tot permitted to do. I favor legislation which will pernft the city of Washington to adopt :om mission form bf gofernment thould It so desire. I shall be glad to explain my rlews on any other question and ask Lhe earnest and hearty support ol ill good dtldem who are In favor ol free speech and who want to see lust Ice meted out to all. I regret exceedingly that It has become necessary for me to ehtei into a fight of this character bdt 1 im no quitter and do not' propose to be bhlldosed or coerced by a few would bo bosses. Very sincerely, 3. L. MAYO. It's Restful ta Washington Park* SILL Mil AT RESIDUE CALLS HEP! An alarm o{ lira this atternoo: broke the monotony of things i the elty. Three times the fire be! sounded the alarm and the fire wh)i tie twloe. The department endeai ored to reach the scene and wer running over several streets befor they were finally told It wan house at the comer of Fifth an Keepess streets. When tfcey read ed the scene the Mam had been u tingufehed without much damage Let's land tm Wmhtatfan Part ?TC'* , ~ ^ A j.'ij:- * AILY i rtay. JUNE S. MM ^ TOOLERS ARE ? ill J ftTTRACTlS On* of the musical attractions scheduled to appear at tha local CkauUaaaa which open. June J8, tnd cdntlhues mym day*, la the com panjr of Yodlers which failed M mnch notoriety for Hdh. William J en at dcs Bryan last staMmef. fted< rotary Bryan appeared on the Chautaaqua platform for his lecture immediately following their concert. The 'yellow** newspapers of the country tried to use this to make capital agsrinst Mr. Bryan. Their ef forts merely resulted in greater falfe both for Mr. Bryan and the Yodlers. The Tyrolean Alpine YodJera were assembled from among the ; best singers of Switaerland, especially, for a production at tha New York Hippodrome, oalled "A Trip Around the World.". This was one of the biggest successes of that great theater, famous for its successes The Yodlers in the Alps scene, were most enthusiastically received. They remained *t ibe Hippodrome all through the season of 88 weeks, In ldtl-lf, aid since that time have been constantly engaged^ f6r Chautauqua work as a principal attraction. liiS i Ton mm act put on at the Wow Theater by the Aills and Myers Company last night was one among the best that they have yet produced. The singing and dancing was all very good. The comedy was full of mirth. The country store that was pulled off laet night created a great deal of fan. There was about twenty-Qve presents given away, every one of which was well worth the price of Vdmlssion. For tonight! there will be an apple eating contest! at this house. All of the patrons will be invited to come up on the stage and bite at ah apple hanging by a string. The one thai gets the largest bite from an apple Wlil be given a pars to the theater good fdr all next week, which Is equal to $1.20, no be aure and go and try and bite the apples. For tonight there will be an entire change of program entitled "A Day at Atlantic City." Thla will be one of the beet musical comedlos tVat has yet been out on. There will te plenty of good singing and dancing, also plenty of comedy For next week this honse has en, gaged - for the week what la recom; mended to be the best attraction that has been here yet. Prices the same 10 and 30 cents. Do not fori get the amateur night on Saturday , when every bpdy Ig invited to tako . part and win either 13.50. $1.50 of $1.00. ANNOUNCEMENT. t . To the Voters of Washington. Long Acre and Chocowtnlty Townships: 1 hereby announce myself to be ^ candidate for the office of Recorder for the above named townships, sub Ject to lira action of the voters ol the Democratic party. Trnstlng thai I may receive your support. 1 am Yours obediently, THOS. 8. LONG. $-5 to 36c. k She Knew Her Rights. Tee; grandma," murmured the lit tie girl drowsily, 'T*ll hp.a good gtr and let you rock me to sleep, bo joe t tp^-ake me up when m*TB|' cornerxhonao so she oan rock me$| j* alpap regular." u Wwal Li?sn Leet -G^od ?or g'ltillllpe! I bear the r- alacc bo quit dilnklrig be has got rick, a "It's too bad to spoil that story, be e It's the other way. blnce be got tW a be haa quit drluking. "-Chicago Ttfl d ? ?. * * 11 tr Loefcfpf EeshsgeeC Certainly wo gag sense as we groi older. Every man oaa remembo t Tt" ** ? By rtmsfifrifiVSh1 "ri NEW " TWENTY FIRST MEETING ST( BANK OF HHI " BOY 1 THE Fp WEST Mrs. A. A. Nichols of this city, Is | in receipt of a loiter from her sod Arthur A. rT<"fcola, who is a member j of the 11th U. 8. Caralry and at pros- | ent stationed at Trinidad, Colorado. | In writing to hie mother of his ex- | periences he gives facts that no doubt will prove of Interest to the readers of this paper: We have guards stationed at all the mines all of the time. We also have guards to go with the mine paymaster when the miners are paid. Trinidad is now under martial law. Our colonel la in charge of the city and all counties adjoining. The col-j onel had all the salcton* closed several daya ago. We collected four thousand rifles and pistols and slaty thousand rounds of ammunition, of different kinds. We took 800 suns and 20,000 rounds of ammunition off of the train just as it sot here from rfetr York to the strike breakers. We have A proclamation Issued to disarm everybody. We also closed up several saloons yesterday and today and put the men in jail and put government seals on the saloon doors. The cltlsens suredo hate the militia here for they plundeed and murdered people hero by the score prior to our arrival hare. The militia went to several fillflei to protect the union miners j and there wavjight between them aad the scabs and the militia murdered men, women, and children numbering in the hundreds. It was surely something terrible to see the houses they burned after they killed all of the people. We have 800 men in camp and are going to recruit up to 1,000 at an early date. Our regiment has the best record of any other outfit. We are surely having some delightful weather here It Is warm and nice. We havo here the Bpanish mountains that are covered with snow the year round. You can see them at a distance of 60 mllse. Well, will write more next time. Guess we will go from to Tamplco, Mexico. IMF, ARE ' VV VI MM THE GUEST OF REIMS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Jones, whc were married in Clayton, N. C., on Monday last were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harding yesterday at their home on Respass street. Immediately after their marriage they went to GreonvHle where they were the guests of the groom's pa' rents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jones. Yesterday afternoon the bride and groom loft for Belhaven, N. C., to pay a visit to relatives and friends in that town. Mr. Jones is an old Washington r boy who^ias made good in his adopt i ed home. At present he Is travelling representative for the Greensboro Electric Company. The future home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones will tw Clayton, N. C. The Daily New? Joins in congratulations and besl wishes.? I Mr. Jones is a nephew of Mrs. T I J. Harding, Mrs. W. J. Rhodes, Mr ^ D. M. Lewis, Mr. George Lowla ant | Mr. F. B. Lewis of this city. H< Is a young man of promise. Th< blrde is one of Clayton's attractlv ^ and popular young ladies. NEW PRESIDENT. * Professor Edward K. Graham ha been chosen president of the Unl rerslty of Ntftib Carolina to suocee Dr. Frances P. Venable, who reoeatl tendered his assignation to the boat r or tnuteea, The selection Is s mo t happy one and will give ettlrtaekfc *M MlM. 4 ^ ''ilfe'l'irii'ii ^ ^ - . ] , 9 y. [!' ' _ ."f7-? ? . "imflM No. u ANNUAL )CKHOLDERS r WASHINGTON ? * ? ?I7'?! DIVIDEND OF EIGOT- PER CENT IS DECLARED I. Havens Re-elected Presld't Dr. J. G. Blount Vk? TreaL dentind Jesse B.Ross, Cmshler. Substantial Gains Milt In All Departments. t R meeting of the stockholder? and directors of the Bank of Washington held yesterday the stockholders re-elected Jonsthaa Havens president, end Dr. John O. Blount, vicepresident. After the stockholders had named the president and vleepresldent they named directors. At a meeting of tho directors. Jesse B. Ross was re-elected cashier and W. B. Harding waa elected sects!ant cashier. The directors further named Woodson VaaHook as hookkeeper and Miss Hattle X. Cnssisi, clerk and stenographer. The stockholders of tho Beak of Washington hold their twenty-llret anneal meeting la their teak building st soon yesterday. The pros! dent end other oSeers made their reports to the stockholders showing that the poet year has been a very successful one for the bank aad a credit to those to whom lie manage mem uu wen cvmmiuvu. * uw uwuduct of the bank's affairs br Mr. J. 'Havens, president. Mr. Jesse B. Rosa cashier, and the other officers and employes of the bank was the "abject of the favorable comment o( -iio stockholders present. The reports from the officers of the bank show that It has made during the past year substantial gains in every department of Its work. The results of the year's work shows that the Bank of Washington has proved profitable to the stock bold ere and that it has been nselol In serving the financial needs of the city and county'. It has been the desire of the bank officials to bring the bank la closer contact wi^h the farmers In the county so that It conld, in all proper ways, preve of service to this largo and Important class of our people. They^have acted upon the realization that to be successful and of benefit to the community as a whole It is necessary to conduct the bank along the lines of careful banking principles and at the same time ex | tend to all such courtesy and attention as has been customary with them. A dividend of eight per cent was declared upon the capital stock of the bank and a substantial amount carried to profit account. The stockholders elected the following officers: J. Havens, president; Dr. J. O. Blount, vice president. Directors? William Bragaw, J. Havens, Dr. J. O. Blount, Geo. H. Brown, W. B. Rodman. J. K. Hoyt, T. H. Myers, Walter Credle, Harry McMulan, E. W. Ayers. Jesse B. Ross was re-eletced as cashier. W. B. Harding was elected as assistant cashier. Woodson '"Van Hook was elected book-keeper. Hattie K. Cozzens, clerk and etenog r&pner. mm ENJOYED BY ! ALL PRESENT 1 Another great meeting wag con: ducted at the Firat Preabyterlan Church last night by Evangelist F. U. Wright, assHed by his singer. Mr. Good. No service of the eerieo I of meetings was more enjoyed for ? the evangelist delivered a sermon b which will linger- In the hearts of his s hearers for months to come. It was a masterpiece of logic and rhetoric. Mr. Wright Is surely sincere la his presentation of the gospel and he makse it so plain that a child can ? understand and digest. The service I- last night wnp greatly enjoyed and d the interest of the occasion was only hanceg by the singing of Evangelist d Wright and Mr. ?ood. There will be onsvtee again thta evening at the in esaal hour th which the dtinaaahlg " has % cordial Invitation

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