for Infants and Chlldr?. ]* | ^*- C. (New Jersey) ClutrtoUe, N. C. \ H ' H ' IMHk, v.. BALTIMORE OMaW . . ee e e e ISfl SqUBTO Deal, VhO Will tlAVO thO tlllS" I Oreen '.'sit' hides* fortune to come before my courff tl Dry salt hide. ' Respectfully, - h BUrAta.? L.*. scorr. ? Deer ski., flint aa. filDUnts Creek, N. 0. r Deer skin, Hint 10o 6-26-tfc. ? guests of relatives and friends Eden ton, N. 0. none the weloome rial tors to ashington today Is J. D. Shorn of *stfe, N. C. Messrs. W. 8. Spencer and W. Laplr 9t Swan Quarter, N. C., are regered-ht Hotel Louise. C. A. Bartlett of Norfolk, Vs.. Is business visitor today. Char lee W. Heck Of Pittsburg, is the city today. t. A. Bonis of Wilsbn, N. C., was our strets this morning. W. F. Hller, representing the RaIgh News and Observer, la In the y in the tterest of his paper. W. J. Bleak ley of Wilson. N. C-. in the city greeting his many lends. Prank Hart of Tarboro, N. C., was passenger on the Atlantiq Coast ne train last night. Capt. Thad Brown of Swan Qparr, N. p., is In the city. T. W. Rouse of Greenville, N. 0.. here shaking hands with his many lends. He expects to return to s home Monday. Notice of Sale. By virtue of the power of sale ntained In a mortgage ideed to s executed by Lawrence Battle d wife, dated November 21st. 1910 d duly recorded in the .Register's fice of Beaufort County in Book 1, Page 269, which is hereby rerrod to, J will hell, at puhlic ction, for cash to the highest ider, at the Court House door of aufort County, on the 22nd. day | June, 1914, at {Noon, that tract parcel ol land in Bath TcrwnLp, Beaufort County, described in e said mortgage as follows: 3eginnLng at the IWilUam Muse enue where it crosses the lead tch and ranning ,*with the said id idltcli South 38 Bast 2 poles; ence, North 11 Bast 89 poles; ence, North 4& West 21 poles to e said avenue or road; thence, th ithe said road South 11 West poles to the beginning, Container live acres, more or less, lis May 19th, . 1914. Mildred L. Paul, ' Mortgagee: FOR SHERIFF* > the Democratic Vetera ot Beaufort county: M . Having received many inquiries Dm my friends from tho etions of the bounty as to whether will be a candidate for renomlna>n and election and expressing elr desire to vote for me again, I ke this metnoq to express to my lends my sincere thanks for their fal support heretofore and if pou ink I am a worthy officer and have scharged the duties of the office >11 and carefully guarded the coun 's interest, then I ask you to give e your hearty support In the prisries and I will serve you as best can two more years?serving your ocess and collecting your taxes modestly as It can be done to llect as closely as I have since i ive been your sheriff. By referice to the financial committee's reirts you will find my insolvent its for each year have been about ro per cent of the taxes. Now If you think a new sheriff, Ithout experience, can do you bet r service ana mat you can save the county money, by making change, then It la to your lntert and your duty, aa I see It, to do u If not the county needs every nt due It and If I am contlnned by y Democratic friends In the sher's office I can only promise to do hat I have done, to give yon my bole time and undivided service. Again thanklnff you for your past vorg and for your suport at the mlng primaries, I am. Sincerely your servant, QBO. B. RICKS, ; NOTICE. ate of North Carolina, Beaufort County?In the Superior Court. W. T. Hndnell vs. E. Tlllery, Hugh Paul, Gilbert 8mlth, Tom Ross, Matthew Moore* Lopa B. Hudnell, R. L. M. Bonder and C. S. Dixon, Trading a? Dixon A Bonner and J. H. Greider and County Board Education. ) Whom It May Conoern: The parties above named and all her persons. Interested will take tlco that on the 28th day. of May, 114, the above named petitioners ed a petition In the offlco of the erk of the Superior Court of Beaurt county, to have the title to cerin lands therein described regisred and confirmed pursuant to kapter 90 of the Public Laws of >18, and that summons has been MM, returnable at the offloe of the lerkof the Superior Court of Beaurt Caunty. on the 80th day of Ju. 1914. Said land Is situate In tohlan* township in the county of eanfort .and said state, adjoining io )and sf J. H. Grelder, Tom Ross, ugh Paul j. K. Tlllery. Matthew oore. OIHtart Smith, Lona B. Hudall, C. 8, DVou, and R. L, M. Bonsr, and bouhded and described ss ?llows: Kno*n mm the Whltehurst ray'.and Rowbur* land, bounded a the South by ^<*tb Creek, East Y Tooley's Creek,-in the North by is Sandy Landing toad, on the West y the public road bad J. E. Tlllery ad Rowland's Creek By virtue of a power of ul? conUlAftd la ft oettaln mortgage doed from Dave Jenkins to L. C. Tripp, dfttftd May S. 1918. recorded la Register'a office of Beaofort Co.. la book Nc 174. page 175, 1 will oC?r for ftftlft to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Beaufort Co. ^ on Monday. July f. 1914. at 11 ab o'clock, me following deecrlbe(f *R tract or parcel of land, lying and be- a lag in Beaufort county. North Caro- " Una. Richland township, and deacrlb- ? ed and defined as follows, to-wit: ' Beginning at Solomon Jenkins' w N. W. corner on the old Sand Hill ed road and running thence Eaatwardly ?n with Solomon Jenkins' line seventy n yards to Silas Galon's line, thenco m< with his Uhe to the Washington and ? Vandemere railroad; thence with , ' said rail road to the said old Sand ? Hill road; thehce with said road to 7* the beginning, containing one aero. more or less. This 2nd day of June, 1914. L. C. TRIPP. MC Mortgagee Wl Daniel ft Warren. Attya 3 NOTICE OP SALE 86 By virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain,Deed of Trust br from John A. wrlklnson to A. D. fe, MacLcau. Trustoe, dated December ... 17, 1909, and du'.y recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for I* Beaufort County, In Book 159, page 205, the undersigned will, on Prl- nI. day, 10th day of July, 1914, at the , hour of 12 o'clock M., at the Court- ?r house door In Beaufort county, of- co fer for sale at pubUo auction, that Qf certain piece, parcel or lot of land . lying and being in Beaufort count, North Carolina, Pantego township. Uc 1l the town of Belhaven, upon which la loratnH thn Ira nlont rnttnn vln and grist mill of the said Wilkinson and more fully described as follows: Beginning on Pantego Creek at the end of the switch or spur track leading into and alongside said -prop erty and running with said switch 01 spur traok Northeastwardly a dis To tance of 850 feet; thence, with a line at right angles or perpendicular to said switch or spur track to Pantego Creek; and with, the said creek tc ca the beginning, together with the said ha ice plant, grist mill, cotton gin, and y0 all other buildings, fixtures, machln ,b ery and improvements thereon lo- cated or appurtenant thereto; being the'Same property and premises con su veyed to the said J. A. Wilkinson wl by Belhaven Lumber and Mfg. Co. by deed dated February 1, 1809, du ms ly recorded in the office of the Reg A< later of Deeds of Beaufort County ttn in Book 153, page 464, and also by Belhaven Ice Company, by deed recorded in Book 156, page 345, in Ja> the office of the Register of Deedi I of Beaufort county, to which deeds nreference is hereby had for particu * lare, the property herein described w! being the same described in the afore Sli said Deed of Trust. le, This June 4, 1914. #ll A. D. MAC LEAN. u Trustee. wl 6-4-4wc. ??; -*w] / ta; NOTICE OF SALE. ^ By virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust wl from J. A. Wilkinson to 8. C. Bragaw. Trustee, dated April 83, 1909 Bu and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort county in Book 166, page 174, the under signed will, on Friday, the 10 day ol July, 1914, at the hour of 18 o'clock _ M., offer for sale at public auction, tor cash at the Courthouse door in Beaufort county, all of those cer #taln lots or parcels of land, situated In the town of Belhaven, County o! Beaufort, State of North Caroiinu, (excepting streets) which are con >talned within the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection o: the center line of King street with I the East side of Main street, said East ? siae or Mam street being sixty feet ? from tbe center of the main track of the Norfolk Southern railroad; I thence Northeastwardly along thr center of the said King street 1150 feet. mor;e or less, to the center ol Pantego street; thence North 1? West 220 feet, more or leae, to the county road; thenco Westwardly along the center of Grape Vine r? branch; thence Westwardly along D. the county road 1128 feet, more or ~ less to the center of Grape Vine 'Branch; thence Westwardly along the center of Grape Vine Branch or Shumac Creek 1841 feet; tbencc South 24 East 240 feet; thence South 58 East 540Lfeet to the center of Lee street, formerly Jackson's road thence 8outh 54 West to a point in the East side of Main street, distan' _ 60 feet from the center of the Rail Tt road track; thence Southwardly a long the East side of Main street t< the point of beginning, together with the right to use a certain strip of tic land ten feet in width forming r 'Hi part of the said Main street and ad- dc Joining blocks "F" and "I" for a th sidewalk; it being the same property conveyed to the party of the first ] ne part by Norfolk & Southern Railroad us Company and others, by deed dated October 81, 1906, and duly recorded ye in tbe office of the Register of Deed* tat of Beaufort County in Book 144 He page 54, to which deed, and to thr he plat thereto attached, reference ft* jy hereby made: togther with ,all im- . provements thereon; the property ^ herein described being the identica' ^ property described In the aforesaid Deed of Trust. A, This 4th day of June. 1914. 2 STEPHEN C. BRAOAW, . Trustee. 6-4-4wc. CLEARS COMPLEXION?REMOVES SKIN BLEMISHES. Why go through lire embarrassed and disfigured with 'pimples, eruptions, blackheads, red rough skin,, or suffering the tortures of Eczema, Itch, tetter, salt rheum. Just ask Tour druggist for Dr. Hobson's Ee. sent a Ointment. Follow the simple way^ helps. Relief or tfibney back. CASTOR IA V?r Iatetl Ml Children. fie KM Yn lm Ahtqs Beegbt J-' *' / ****** Ooar^-lbx IMMNi F. T. PHILLIPS vs. FOREIGN PRODUCTS CO. ties of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. The defendant, above-named, will ke notice that a summons In the ove-eatKled action waa Issued ainst said defendant on the. 16th 7 of April, 1914, by Oeorge A. ul. Clerk of the Snperior Court Beaufort county, directed to the erlff of New Hanover county; ilch said summons has been returnby the sheriff of New Hanover co. dorsed "defendant not to be found this county"; that an alias sum>ns has been issued to the Sheriff Beaufort oounty Mmlnst said dead ant on the iStlJKy of Ma/, 14, Which said summons has also en returned by the Sheriff of Benart couhty endorsed "defendant not be fouhd in this count/." The defendant Will also Uke noe that a warrant ef attachment ia Issued by the Clerk of the 0urior Court of Beaufort county on ft 16th day of April, 1914, against ft property of said defendant In anfort county. North Carolina. That said action arises out of a each Of contract between the deadant and plaintiff, and (he plalftf claims as damages the sum of 68.85. The defendant Is, therefore, retired to appear at the next term the Superior Court of Beaufort unty, to be held on the 6th day October. 1914, and answer or mur to the complaint, or the re>f demanded will be granted. This 16th day of May, 1914, GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court, 5-16-4wc Beaufort County. \ , FOR SHERIFF. t My Friends and Fellow Citizens of Beaufort County: adldate for the Sheriff'* office. I ve omjr one promise to make to u people should 1 he elected and at Is the same promise that 1 ide to my good friends who so ably pported me in the last campaign ien they made me their choice Recorder for Washington, Long ire and Chocowlnlty townships, ,d that is the same promise I now ake to the county as a whole, that if you will make me your sheriff will do nothing to bring reproach ion the county or myself, and you 111 not bo ashamed of me as your lerlff. If elected, I shell be sb aient as possible with you In setng your taxes; but will collect len they become due as the law dims. Be sure and pay your poll t before the first day of May, 1914, you can vote on election day thout being challenged. Thanking you in advance for any pport that you may give me. Respectfully, .WILLIAM B. WINDLEY, Washington, N. C. 14-1 wp. TRUTH. Truth must be ground for ?very man by himself out of its huslc, with such help as he tan get indeed, but not without stern labor of his own. AMILY^AVOIDS rrniAiir r?ri/iirrr 3CK1UU3 31U\NC33 r Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford't BUck-DranghL McDuff, Va.?"I tuffered tor seven) ars," says Mrs. J. B. Whlltakcr, oi s place, "with sick headache, anc" xnach trouble. ren years ago a friend told me to try ledlord's Black-Draught, which I did, d 1 found it to be the best family medile tor young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the le now, and when my children feel a le bad, they ask me for a dose, and it es them more good than any medicine ey ever tried. We never have a long spell of sickss in our family, since we commenced ing Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught is purely getabte, and has been Found to rcgue weak stomachs, aid digestion, reve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, adache, sick stomach, and 6imilai mptoms." It has been in constant use for more in 70 years, and has benefited more i in a million people. Vour dniyglst sells and leceeamen&ii ack-Draiuht. Price only ac. (Jet e ckage to-day. RCUf CHOICE Cut Flowers. For all occasions, Rosea CartaHons, Violets and valllea the leaders. Our art in wedding arrangements are of the latest touch. Nolh tag finer in floral offerings to be hod. Blooming Pot plants, azallas, Hyacinths, Palms, Ferns, Horfolk pines and many other nice pot plants. Rose Bushes, Evergreens Shrub beries, hedge plants add shade trees. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed by, J. I. OWN i CO. RALEIGH. N. C. Phono: StonU. Greubom lit TWO FIRES THIS WEEK Watch out! The third may be YOUR house. Is It INSURED? Phone 59 for protections-^ Wm. Bragaw fit Co. First Insurance Agents In Washington. N. C.' Crystal Ice Cream Fresh Strawberry Also Fresh Dewberry Good and Sanitary CRYSTAL ICE CO. Phone S3 Washington. -"V. C. .. i J | FOR SALE j | i > Second Hand Automobiles I 1 I | E. M. F. 30, 5 Passenger Touring, 1912 model in good a | l | condition, Demountable Rim, Hartford Traufelt Shock , . ! Absorber, Tires practically new, extra tire, rim, cover, J ' J tool book and etc. $650. 1 * E. M, F. 30, 4 passenger Demi-Tonneau, 1911 model ' 1 I fair condition- $450. I I I STUDEBAKER 25 Roadster 1913 model only run about 1 I ) 1500 miles. A-l condition $600. I I I I FLANDERS 20. 5 oasseneor taurine. 1012 mrvlnl rrr^A t ) condition, $400 FORD, 6 passenger Touring 1911 model fair condition i , $$50. j , | These Cars are worth seeing. , , I > I J Harris Hardware Co., J | J WASHINGTON. N. C !LE0N WOOD?Mnnbwi Nnr Yorl Conoa Kxcbuft?JAMES LI i J. LEON WOOD & CO. i BANKERS and BROKERS. ( Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain and Provisions, 78 Plume Btrvst, t Carpenter Building, Norfolk, Va. X Private wires to New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board ot S ^ Trade and other financial centers. \ f Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and marginal / V Accounts given Careful Attention. \ The Virginia Bay AX OCEAN VEIW, VA. "The Atlantic City of The South" Season: June 15th to Sept. 1st. Eighth season under same management and the most popular summer hotel on the Virginia Coast. 100 rooms, immediately on water-front, overlooking Chesapeake Bay; one block from New Dancing Pavilion and "Amusement Center" ia j, ia a ?/?- e j uviuiuuci iiuc, iv cem car tare irom iNonoiK ana uia roim U)ni' fort, Tn full view of all vessels, including Battleships, en route to or from historic Hampton Roads. Bath houses FREE to GUESTS. For rates and other information, address. Jno. A. Tucker, IVIgr. Until June 15th, Louise, Washington, N. C. SAVE 10 PER CENT Why pay the middleman a ten per cent profit in purchasing a piano wnen you get it yourself? Other concerns in this city use this method and put the profit in their own pockets, but we do not, we give it to you. If you don't believe it, |_let us prove it to you. We sell Kimball Pianos and Reed Organ, instru ments which have behind them a long record of usefulness and reliability. If you want a piano or an organ that will give you the most value for the least money, try a Kimball. Come and see us or drop us a line, and let us show you where you can save ten per cent by dealing with us. F. F. COZZENS while they ere starting healthy secret! cra^aad reaovjng*tho I , m deadly bile from yoursystem. They do not produce the bad after effect! caused by Calomel or shock or weaken the system like 8alt* They cleanse, purify and rebuild while they are removing headache, MUk?amy M. . ed UtUgeetlea and guard you agaiast more seriooa ailments. ? For sale by drag and country steree, 10c a box. Sample free upoQreqtseel- Examine Free Coupon jn^each fcox* it is worth Tv|RV PO^nLLERDRUGj^ TRY AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS ? "