huh i-nn~nrrr ' i " MICH PRK8H 1<AMB CHOPS AT Centra] Market. Phone 422. 6-9-2tc. HOUSE ANI> IiOT FOR HALE ON East Third Stroet. Apply Mrs. W. B. Burgess. 248, E. Second 84. 6-4-lwc. WKSTKKN BEEP A SPECIALTY at Central Market. Phone 422. f-9-2tc. If! YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE wants position as clerk In store. E.. R. F. D. No. 2, Box 86, Aurora. N. C. 6-4-3tp. NICE HAMS AT CENTRAL MAR. ket. Phone 422. 6-9-2tc. BE A DETECTIVE?EARN ?100 and over, monthly, easy work. I Victor Association, 14 31 Broadway, Now York City. 6-8-2 wc. ALL PORK SAUSAGE IN 1 POUND Cartoons at Central Market. Phone 422. 6-9-2tc. PIGEONS PAY DOLLARS WHERE chickens pay cents; small capital needed, small space required; always penned up; ready markets; send tor May Issue of our Journal; fully explained there; price ten cents! Reliable Squab Journal, vcinallltrs, ill U. 6-3-lmo.c. HAM SMCKD TO VOIR ORDKIt at Central Market. Phone 422. -xt?\ HAMBIRGER. BREAKFAST BAcon and Sausage at Central Mar- i ket. Phone 4 22. 6-9-2tc. FINE SADDLE MARE FOR R.iLE. Lady can ride. Dr. J. T. Nicholson, Bath, N. C. 6-25-tfc. ( WANTED?A COMPETENT STEnographer for a law office. 1'. O. * Box 7. City. 6-2-lwc. NOTICE. I Stale of North Carolina. Beaufort ' County?In the Superior Court. I W. T. Hudm ll VI. J. E. Tlllery. Hugh Paul. Gilbert Smith, Tom Ross. Matthew Moore. Lona B. Hudnell. U. L. M. Boiv^ ' ner and C. S. Dixon. Trading as _ Dixon & Bonner and J. H. Grei- ? dcr and County Board Education. To Whom I'. May Concern: The partieg above named and all other persons*-interested will lake tr notice that on 'lie 2Sth day of May.I in it'll, the above named petitioners ? filed a petition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county, to have the title to certain lands therein described registered and confirmed pursuant to Chapter flu of the Public Laws of 1013, and that summons has been issued, returnable at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort County, on tlje 30th day of Ju p ly. 1014. Said land is situate in Richland township in the county of Beaufort and said state, adjoining the land of J H. Greider. Tom Ross. Hugh Paul. J. E. Tillery. Matthew Moore. Gilbert Smith. Lona B. Hudnell, C. S. Dixon, and R. L. M. Bonner, and bounded and described a" follows: Known as the Whltehurst Gray and Rowland land, bounded on the South by South Creek, East by Tooley'a Creek, on the North by tHo Sandy Landing road, on the West ? by the public road and J. E. Tillery *L and Rowland's Creek. GEO. A. PAUL. r Clerk Superior Court Beaufort Co *-*' This 1st day of June. 1014. 6-4-1 wc. Th* Sequence. TT Mr* Premiere?You always pet t Ui rew giwc before you go nwny on t dim't ynu? Mrs. Semnde? No. 1 rj?. elwayn go away on a visit after I get 6 new gown- Wnmnn'i n?>irte Com | p?nlon. [| BASEgi look 3 like a 3lire win for_ Me ON MY Memorial OKI eer OF A IYE-W hat! LVt NtEP ONLY ONE. SOW t? .Tie. AW -nooTouon/ IT'S TIC LAST. 0'T?' ninth wit'IS d(wn1 6ot kellt's op wit'th' ' Bases.FliU- he a llus'wallops t?' call on the OEAK in ? I BREAKFAST ON 1 TIME I You can sleep late and still breakfast on time with a "iiI No fire to build?strike a * match and you have full heat in a minute. The New Perfection cooks better than a coal range at less cost, with less work.1 Bums kerosene?clean and inexpensive. - v Made in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner, sizes, also a new stove with a fireless cooking oven. At all hardware and depa: ment stores. Ask to see "New Perfection." ? I STANDARD OIL COMPAN' Washington, D. C. (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. C. rsorioiK. vi. BALTIMORE Charlcslo tn.W. Richmond, V*. - Charleston. S. C ?' ->? "[ n'l.ayinjBBMMw?wwwrw[) mm ??a? NOTICE OF SALE. Mark of the Great Artist J { A really great artist can always Under and by virtue of the power ansform the limitation, of his art sa|e rtlrecl0<1 to the underalKnet to valuable qualities.?Oscar W ilde. , , . . . commissioner, In a decree made in a special proceeding entitled "StewWpni TflPrltrp* art Waters and w^?. Lillian vs. 11CVV 1 1IUU11 ^ Hoanokc R. it. and LBR. Co., a corp and others" of record and now pend. ind in the Superior Court of BeauPresents fort County, North Carolina, the undersigned commissioner will on Monoi the entire week June 8 day, June j, inn, at the hour of 12 m., at the Court House door of Beaufort county, N. C., expose the land * hereinafter described, to public Bale to the highest bidder for cash: Keiinedv-Vincent That tract of land in Beaufort Co., " N. C., Long Acre Township, begina* 1 J ning at pine on the south side of Musical Lomedy L)0 the Plymouth Road and running south with Artillery Waters lihe to t a series of Musical Com- ,he Sal Blount B Branch thence; with Baid branch to a public road known j w. j w-v . as Road No. 14; thence with, said Good Dancing road t0 ,he Plymouth ,0,d. lhen wlth f \ r A Plymouth road to the beginning v*ooa comedy flftjr (50) acres more or le8S lt be. lug formerly that land owned' by sual Reels of Photoi lays Thomas L. Waters, who devised- the same by his will in 1877 to hie four tiursday night, 'Amatucr n water*. aiplia H. Waters. Mary E. Waters and in r c\r\~ Ru-hla E. Waters, and which said night. Prices 10 & 20c ,jnd ? now 0a.D0d by partie. i0 LL MOVIES: some hit? ci.e>?r c . 0v TH' FENCE A NAiL-e- (THE WALLOP/ . 1 WIN A IIEWLIO.iO . -r ?\ I. O NC ,OlO TKATcrt! \ ^ ^ ^^ ^ "v. . V '',.3*, Wbuau. through th? PtotMmm of on oil wloo and aaarrtM HootobIt Father, our brother. Mr. George W. Jarvle a member of Union lodge No. IT. C- B. H. of Boulb Crook, hu boon removed from oar order by the grim reaper death, and desiring to (Ire tome expreeelon of oar regret and sorrow at losing oar brother fronJ oar coanoila here below, therefore, be K Resolved 1. That In the death of Bro. J arris oar lodge has loot one of Its moot rained and faithful members. Resolved S. That while we keenly feel our loos, yet from the life ho lived we hare that hope and confidence that oar loos Is his gain. Resolved S. That we extend to the widow and children of oar brother our sinoere eyrapthy in this dark hour of sorrow and point them to that Savior who is acquainted with all of our grief and Is able to heal all our sorrow. C _ Resolved 4. That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minateO of oar lodge, a copy sent to the bereaved family and a copy sent to the Washington News with request to pibllBh. W. L AUSTIN, ? > H. C. MAYO, ; , . Jf *N D. T. HERRING, p. Committee. I Washington Progress please copy. ik lira wots of ; II?CHEMIST V? trd as Well as flis ' t h Valuable Remedy. from deadly drugs lthy tissues of the nd i--. .he syetem suecepti[l v . other . egMi. it you must be con -dlcine to temporar Jt another has torn thing to have the d I'M' this noted chem ach and at but lit" ' Liver Pills can be druggists or at the 'or 10c a box. and effective and I T<vi ?nly \ headache, bllloua! taken occasionally der.o a*> a scuci-al tonic, keep the syBtem Invigorated and prevent such troubles as sick headaches, biliousness, piles, appendicitis, fistula and other troubles which come from a disordered liver. Don't poison your syBtem with calomel or weaken it with salts or stringent liquids. Send for a free sample or buy a box from your druggist or general store now and let nature's own remedy restore you to normal health. Ex amine carefully the coupon you will find In each box?worth 2 l-2c. Polk Miller Drug Company, Inc., Richmond, Va. Rough on the Old Maids. ' In a quiet English village there was recently held a celebration In the schoolroom at the dedication of a new fire engine. It was a giddy1 evening, with thi^0^ speeches by local clergymen and a long-winded oration by a bald-headed politician. The gem of the evening was the following toast: "May she (the fire engine) be like the dear old maids of our village?always i ready, but n?v?r In Har New Place. "How are you getting on at your new place?" remarked a lady of a girl whom she had recommodded for a situation. "Very well, thank you," answered the girl. "I am glad to hear It," said the lady. "Your employer le a very nice person, and you cannot do too much for her." "I don't mean to ma'am," was the Innocent reply. above proceedings. Terms of Sale?CASH. Time of sale, Monday, June 1, 1914, 12 m. at the Court House door of Deaufort county In Washington N. C. This April 28, 1914. WILLIAM B. RODMAN. JR., Commissioner. Simmons & Vaughan, Attys. 6-11-4 wc "A New Ii IMr. Fan Sides \ p* | ryr*+t+flflrrrrr-i httV n r? % 'Jj ii r ? 0 ?" >?" . / . 4 4ft 1 i mSL t ^ ' C5>l 111/ "j- @1J Th. wmUmt coittnux ?ry dry aid duly. Mix Jinnli Woolird n>*n( R?lurday In Wash in* ton. -S?- " Mrs. J. H. Wallace of roar city, pant several day* here last week the guest of Mra. Sarah B. Woo lard. Mr. B. B. Pink ham and family wtra the guests of Mr. and Mm Isaiah Pink ham Bnnday. Mm. Charley Baynor and Miss Alice Woo lard spent Saturday night and 8anday with Mm James Bennett at Bun>an. Remember aerlrces at Hawkins school house' next Sunday afternoon by Rev.' C. E. Durham. Rev. and Mm H. H. Ambroee of Roper, wertf the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.Swain Saturday. Mm O.. !?. 8parrow and children were visitors near Bunyan Sundgy. Mm J.. Smith of Norfolk, Vs.. was the gueet of her slater Mm J. D. Swain one day last week. Quite a number of our people attended services at Beaver Dam Sunday. The young people of this place are planning to glre an entertainment at Piaetown Thursday night, June 1 11,- 19ft, for the benefit of the pub, lie school building at that place. An attractive program ha^ "been arranged and every one is invited to go out and aid a worthy cause. PoQowlqg Is a portion of the program with cast' of characters. Play?AWFUL AUNT." Aunt Matilda Johnson?Miss MatUe P. Woo lard. Mrs. Haeselton Jennie Woolird Alice Haaaelton?Hattie Singleton. Frank <Hasaelton?^m. J. Sparrow. Arthur Wallace?J. B. Woo lard. David Mann Wm. F. WooVard. Carrie Benton Millie Mae Lee. P#le. servant. C. F. Wallace. Pdiilefcieh?O. L. Sparrow and Warren Woolard. ^ There will be a number of attrac- | That said action arises out of a breach of contract between the defendant and plaintiff, and the plaintiff claims as damages the sum of ( $268.85. The defendant Is, therefore, re- , quired to appear at the nqxt term j of the Superior Court of Beaufort < county, to be held on the 6th day ( of October, 1914, and answer or demur to the complaint, or the re- j lief demanded will be granted. , This 15th day of May. 1914. GEO. A. PAUL, , Clerk Superior Court, ^ 6-16-4wc Beaufort County. 1 i Ornaments of the Oyster. ] A kindergarten teacher, after ex- j plaining to her much interested class , that birds have feathers, bears have fur, sheep have wool, etc., asked the question: "Now," who can tell mo what oysters have?" A bright little girl, very eager to recite, 'answered: 1 "Crackers."?National Monthly. 1 rtsult to the Flatf Vitti Huerta For ^ i 1 - < i live Bongs ana recitations also *eyeral shorter plays. The Pntflrlalnmflnt will k a about 8 o'clock. Remember the time and the hour. ? North Carolina?Beaufort County, Superior Court?May Term, 1014. P. T. PHILLIPS vs. FOREIGN PRODUCTS CO. Notice of Summons and Wan-ant of Attachment. The defendant, above-named, will take notice that a summons In the abovecentltled action was issued agalnBt said defendant on the 15th day of April, 1914, by Qeorge A. Paul, Clerk of the Superior Court | of Beaufort county, directed to the Sheriff of New Hanover county; which baid summons has been returned by the sheriff of New Hanover co. endorsed "defendant not to be found In this county"; that an alias summons has been issued to the Sheriff of Beaufort county against said defendant on the 15th day of May, 1914, which said summons has also , been returned by the Sheriff of Beaufort county endorsed "defendant not to be found in this county." The defendant win also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county on the 15th day of April, 1914, against the property of said defendant in Beaufort county. North Carolina. <J=i F> ' -j;.-- > -' Tbe" RctsI Baker an ' V containing ire ha receipts for all ki. mi eooksry, free. * '.' lallai Powder C< ?AL? or VALUABLE LANDS By virtue of a certain mortgage executed br Jobs A. Wilkinson to W. dl' A Worth, dated November I, 1UI. tla and recorded la the office of tbe Reg- nil later of Deeds of Beaufort oountr, J N. O., in book 1T?. page HI. the -i undersigned, mortgagee, will, at It o'clock. noon, on tbe tth daj of Ju1 l?lt, at tbe Courtboaae doer of Beaufort conntr. North Carolina, tail to the blgbeat bidder for each aU those certain tracte or parcels ef land v" situated- In Baanfort conntr, Nortb ha Carolina, and described aa follows: ' First: That certain tract of land described In a deed from H. Kjan to da J. A. Wilkinson, dated Mar 17,1901, Mi and recorded in book 110, page 401, Register of Deeds office, Beaurort county. Qt Second: That certain tract of land mB, described In a deed from 8. J. Top- V. ping and wife, 8. B. Topping, to J. A. Wilkinson, dated November 14, 1001, " and recorded In book 110, page 71, Register of Deeds office, Beaofort Tc county. tei Third; That certain tract of land described In a deed from R. H. Shavender to J. A. Wilkinson, dated No- ?< vember 10, 1904, and recorded In book 111, page 110, Register of Deeds office. Beaufort countr. <a Fourth: That certain tract of land llg described In a deed from 8. J. Topping and wife, 8. B. .Topping, to J. A- Wilkinson, dated December 14, Itt 1900, and reeorded In book 141. page 401, Register of Deeds office, Beaufort county Fifth: That certain tract of land *" described la a deed from 8. J. Topping and wife, 8. B. Topping, to J. ? A. Wilkinson, dated December 17, 1907. and reoorded In book 160, page 100, -Register ot Deeds office, sp Beaofort countr. Mi Birth: That certain tract of land described In a deed from 8. W. Wllklnson. Commissioner, to J. A. Wll- , klnson. dated February 10. 1091, and reeorded In book 90, page 119. Register of Deeds office, Beaufort countr. Seventh: That certain tract of -a land described In a deed from-Ieatab D. Smith to J. A. Wilkinson, dated ? June 8, 1894, and recorded In book 89. page 418, Register of Deeds of- J" flee, Beaufort countr. . Eighth: That certain tract of land tal described In a deed from John T. mi Windier and wife to J. A. Wilkinson hh recorded In Book 81, pago 488. Reglater of Deeds office, Beaufort conn- ft tr- I For more complete descriptions 11 of all aobve lands reference la made to tbe deeds herein referred to. This notice dated and posted this June 1st, 1914. W. A. WORTH. - Mortgagee. 6-6-4 wc. NOTICE. Bl Br virtue of a power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed Be from Dave Jenkins to L. CT Tripp, dated May 8, 1913, recorded In Register's office of Beaurort Co., In book Dr 174, page 176, I will offer for sale iu mc uigaesi uiaaer, ior c&sn, ftl ir" the Courthouse door in Beaufort Co. on Monday. July 6, 1914. at 11 I P o'clock, tne following described* ?! tract or parcel of land, lying and be- be< Ing In Beaufort county. North Caro- Ph; Una, Richland township, and deacrlh- ' ed and defined as follows, to-wtt: up Beginning at Solomon Jenkins' sic N. W. corner on the old Sand Hill Bn road and running thence Eastwardly usl with Solomon Jenkins' line seventy so rards to Silas Qulon'a line, thence ue< with his line to the Washington and hai ^andemere railroad; thence with wli said rail road to the said old Sand aff* Hill road; thence with said road to pie ihe beginning, containing one acre, nore or less. This Snd day of June. 1914. Ell L. C. TRIPP, 1 Mortgagee, mo Daniel & Warren, Attys. or 1-l-4Wp. Wo T IT Once [| 1 j pc (? oonV blame. (hu?rta^ cm ' r 'p-.n-'T-yV * *V V, v ru ~:-. tShii . HmelV w V e JSSfl food FROM R. F. D. NO. 4. IUt. H. H. AmbroM cooOuct.d riM NTTloM At Boaver Dan Cbria a Church Sunday morning At Iht ha was ably aaatatad by Ray. R. Lou. taking aa hla aabjact. ha Bload Of Cbrlat" His Sanaa* IS ilatractlra aa wall aa anjoyabla. Mrs. U. H. Baanatt baa rat una ad no Norfolk, whera aha has baaa * 'rv mint bar stater, Mrs. Lwwla Flak- V "V . f Kit Delia Moore apsat (rota Frl- l_ 1 j until Monday with her brother r. J. M. Cotton. Mrs. Jennette Lewis and daughter teenle, and Miss Minnie Williams, sat one day of last weak with her ughter. Mrs. Olive Nelson. Mrs. Martha Woo lard sad Mrs. m Boyd spent awhile Saturday at* . I rnon with Mrs. J. O. Mlxon. Mies Laura Bright is spending thin ?k with Miss Bertha Everett. Miss Mamie Robereon was the est of. Misses BaUie and Era At* ;ood Sunday night Mr. and Mjp, Nobles have been visng their sister Mrs, Alice Lewis. Miss Stella Congletob spent Thnrs y of Inst week with Mrs. Mamie Izon. '- -? Mr.'Mode Alllgood of Pine town, is e guest of his parents Saturady. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Congleton ent awhile Sunday afternoon with >. and Mrs. J. M. Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Nelson were the " ? ui rar. bub mrm. nuasa uewSunday Lltcfnoon Futturtst Th. VMchar bad Jut Mad the myth oot P. and Madaaa. Bba wlabad atlmubla tha Imadlnatloa of bar ungstara and Mated tham to daribe the hero m they pictured him. te little girl wrote: "Pereeus waa 1 and stately with a black waxy istache and wore a mouolog orer i left eye." ough Lasted p Eight Years IT BEAR'S EMULSION FINALLY CURED IT. ad the Testimony of Mr. H. B. a i Gentry, the WeO-Kwowa Poetmaster at KIkton, Va. . John D. Beer. Blkton. Va. Blr?About eight years ago I conkcted a bad case of pneumonia Ich left me with a cough. At first , aid but little attention to it, beln^ t' ,ted orer mi recovery, which had ?n regarded unfavorable by my rsi clan. / ' The cough continued to annoy me to four years ago, when my phy- * lan advised me to use Petroleum . ^ inlslon prepared by you. I did so, ^ ng three bottles when I had been much benefitted that I diseontinI the use of It. Since that time I * ? re used several bottles during the iter, and at such times as when acted by colds. I have been com tely cur'ed of the cough. j Very respectfully. Vj H. B. C. Oentry. ;ton. Ve., Not. SO. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or ^ I hey refunded. One dollar a bottle | six for fire dollars. Sold by rtby * Etherldge. ^ I Jnusnal Hays ij Aj A. muA OK*. m4Tt^lNfllK>, IT <^B tm S I s1 1 9

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