V\ VI i - * ? ? ? v, ? ' ' . ? ) .Jf is .; i*?l vvagHOJe'i v _ Vol. S 7 HOMES BEING 1 CANVASSING TICKETS FO ^The long looked for tale of Chau tauqua season tickets Is on! Today the homes ot the city are belni canvassed -by the young- ladles whc ere giving their tips gratis, and bj tomorrow night It Is probable that every bohse will have been visited The demand for the tickets is brisk for people are realising the great savin* they make by baying the tea son tickets at $t.e* instead of wait log until Chautauqua opens and pay lag the regular admission charges T? ?U? hM MM dWdod tt.to.ai* tricts. Prom the wetsern limits U Bridge street la upder 'the dtrectlor of Mra. D. M Carter. STote Brldg< street to Market ftrdet 1# Mra. P, H; Rollins' territory; from Market tc McNalr is being looked after by Mtai Jake Myers; from MdNalr to sod In eluding Washington Park, Miss' I*ls v ? ? J Ie 1HI1, while Miss Lena Wlndle: has charge of The district from Thlr< street out to and Including Nlchol sonviile. It yon want any Informs Uea about Chautauqua tickets asl the lady In charge of the district: !i which you lino. The jLot Committee bars been es - pecially fortunate In the seleetloi of 'a site Tor thb groat ton! Through the generosity and publl spirit off Mtn. Lucy W. Myers an. Mm. B. M. B. Warren (he targe to (Mt Mslli stiowthuHl nuu the reeideflc at Mr. A. M. Dum&r ud Copt O. J Btuddert has been secured and thor the mammoth event will he pulle. off. It Is aa Ideal spot?beautiful ly located, .apd-perhaps the'ceoiee place In town. No electric fans o " vantllatorB will be needed, for th hreeses from the river will mak the tent theater cool and pleasant. Now for a week of clean, refresh lng, refining entertainment. Reai the program over again. Can yo think of swathing finer for |2.0 0 Figure It trot again?twelve high class entertainments for two dollar ?that is less than 17 centB for eac on#. ' ixniAw inr vnitu mil r no c . * " READING. * One of the greatest things tha can come to the' growing boy o girl la a desire for wholesome rea<! lag matter, and, once this desire 1 yereated, It Is a sacred duty to s? that only the beat la fortnshed tli child. In this day pf literary tras and dirt this Is not easy. Many put Halting houses are perpetrating stu on the publfc that should be barre front the malls?stuff the very dbes neas of which makes It all. the mor likely to fall Into the hands of th hook-hungry boy and glrL Now by good literature we d e not aeoeasarily mean the ponderoi classics^ the jslowntoas of Picker ^ and Thackerary, or the tedlousnei of others for whose works a tag) most be acquired. The boy of tt present day Is normally a creatui of red blood, and his literary foe must abound In . action -/.and "go. - Anything alas he Is apt to regai as ."medicine" and he le likely l \ look upon sad take U as such?on! when he has to. The first essentli In creating a desire for good )lte store Is Intsrest?gripping lnfere from beginning to and. Given i good clean story, foil of wholeson adventure, end tha farm boy w) road It with delight and beg f< more. Henceforth the problem not how to get the boy to read, hi how to direct his rssdlng that Inte ast may be .sustained . that nothir unclean may dome la his war, ax that gradually there may be creati a taste for the more difiicult. hat the seme time {honght-stimulatio work# that stand among the wocM beet literature. In Oris ktas?e of the Progresal Farmer wq are beginning a sto that, first of all, la clean; that la * true delineation of certain phases Southern life, and that Is psrvu* 'with a boaaty of deacriptlva tou? a s s, /+ ?' V A jiujji J4-?. J - " 1 ' ' ' * i "IWim v , I. i .'!.=== RCHAUTAUQUA and meaning, a pipping interest, that niust hold and*delight both old ! and young. We commend it to ye* 1 ?to your boy, your daughter. Have " them take turns la. reading it aloud t- to all the family. You vtH ha delighted with the story aa it unfolds. and likewise you will be gratified to obser7e the growing proficiency - of yonr Children in comprehending - Its beauty and sweetness, in graap Ing and imparting the thought of the author.?-The' Progressive Farmer. ? CHAIRMAN WARASN CALL8 I * MEETING STATE COMMITTEE > . in New Barn. Jane IS.?T. D. War ren, chalftnaw -of the State Demo1 era tic Executive Committee, yesterday issued' a call for a meeting Of ' that body ta he held fls Raleigh in state chamber of the capital on the hisnlug at Friday, Jane St, at 8.S0 o'clock. The purpose of this meeting Is to elect a Chairman and secretary and te transact "bther busiAmong the matters of Importance to be brought up before the committee at the meeting called yesterday will be the protest of Charles R. Thomas, candidate for Congress from this district, who claims that the rules of the recent preferential primary were not carried out and that George. E. Hood of Goldsboro, is not entitled to the nomination wutvu no rcvuncu m uuiueuuru wnea ^ the district executive committee met. 1 , UNDERGOES OPERATION ? . Mrs. Thomas Payne of Sidney,' N. ^ C., yesterday underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Fowle Memorial Hospital. She is getting Jalong nicely to the gratification of her numerous frtdhds. itfflf ! OFFICE 1 IS cm k : , / i u Mr. M. N. Berry, who for three 7 years, . was isuperin'tendcnt of the Hovono erraIn mill ??J whn ailhno a quently went on the road for Refd h ft Company, Norfolk, Va., has decided to locate in this city. Aa yet his office has not been decided upon. He S will represent a hay and grain houfte here. Mr. Berry is one of the city's popular young men. He is a it son-in-law of ex-Mayor--C. H. Sterlir ing. He has the best wlBhee of his |. numerous friends for success in his Is new undertaking. * e A LOVING TRIBUTE * ' i. y. Just at the d&wa of day on June ff 9th the angel messenger entered the d home of Mrs. E. S. Simmons and p plucked their SVeet little flower ba e by Carrie Slpimons, infant child of e Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Vaughan. But this precious little bud has only been |o transplanted from an earthly to a is heavenly conservatory, where in the is fadeless beauty and sweetness she is has gone to await the caning of te loved ones left behind. We no longie er hear the prattling tongue of the re pet of the household, for In a moid ment God enters the home circle and takes from us our darling ba d by and withers the .flowery wreath to of happiness, and dims a bright Btar ly of hope that chone so brilliantly, si ' But he plucks bis sweetest buds r- on earth to bloom in heaven to make st it more beautiful. Were It not for a the promising hereafter how dark, le how gloomy would be the present. 11 But thece afflictions are sent to ?r prepare us foj a life beyond the Is grave. at "Little empty cradle treasured now r- *wlth care, for our precious ?be ig has gone, V id Gone>p Join the angejs. peaceful ev Ml ermore, empty Is the cradle he st toy's gone." t, r* PAYNE MEMORIAL CHURCH. It The p eater, r?t. l. Cook Cemp ty bell ununai servlcee At the Perm A Memorial Church. ! (PrMbytorion) ot Nlcholronhllle, Sunday At 11 A. m. id And'l p. ba. All am oordtally latitat 6* to he preeent. i %,.j * ' ?J . mm* i- u1* ngto : WASHINGTON N It 11 i Hmnmiitill liter Dae to tike ihclemepcy of the weather the game of baseball fohed- T uled to have been played at Fleming * P?k yesterday afterooOo -to Dm re- gr?t of the large number ot Mae had to be poet potted. The conteet tag teatus were , Waahlntgon and New Bern. Both tea me ware eonfldent of* Ytotorr and wo?|d here ? been QM of the moat exciting ooateeu of the eeaeon. The New Bern team left laat night for Ktaatoa eta the Norfolk Southern, where, they . expect to croea bate with the nine T of (hat town thle afternoon. it( nst he of is.; nil1 Tho Womans* Foreign Missionary Society of the First Methodist Churcli will giVb a qiissionary tea at the home of Mrs. P. A. Nicholson, corner of Market and Fourth streets this evening, from eight to eleven. I A very fine and attractive program | for the evening's entertainment has b been formulated by the committee h and in addition to this delightful li and tempting refreshments will be a served. Every tnember of the socle- v ty is urged to vlng another member Ji of the church. An offering will be s taken at the door. All are cordial- a ly Invited to be present and take a part. A moat enjoyable evening it anticipated. ....... Transferable Distinction. Markley (to pestering insurance | man)?-"Look here, when you talked to me laat year, you told me that the company you were with was the best in" the world." Agent? "My dear sir, It was at that time, but the company I am now with, baring since had the benefit of my services, has, of course, taken the honor a^ray from It" Gentleness at Horn*. Use your gentlest voice at home. Watch it day hy day as a pearl of 1 great price, for it will be worth more to you in days to come than the best j pearl hid in the sea. A kind voice is v Joy, like a lark a song, to a a earth at borne. It la a light that alnga aa well aa ahlnea. Train It to aweet tones now, and It will keep In tune through life.?Ellhu Burrltt. Took Too Long to Roach II "I wouldn't mind my wlfe'a haying the last wordT* said Mr. Henpeck, "If he would only hurry up and get to Itl"?Llpplncott'a. imm \ FARl TO BE SOLD JUNE 24 Mr. R. W. Cohb of the Atlantic Coast Realty Company, with headquarters at Oreenvlle, N. C., 1a In the cRy today perfecting arrangements for the purpose of advertising the big auction aale of the Car-flkaden farm. The sale Is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, June 24, at 10.30 a. m. It Is one of the best ^ farms In Eastern Carolina, being lo- , cated about one and one-half miles from the city. This property Is one ,, of the most attractive on the river shore, In that It is Ideally loeated. The Atlantic Coast Realty Company says Mr. Cobb, will serve a big flsh dinner to all who attend the sale. Besides this all the children and ladles attending will be royally entertained by first class music add other attractions. This farm la one of the best appointed in the eounty, especially for summer homes. The large farm has been subdivided Into smaller plats - and the outlook la that a great many 'will avail themselves of the oppor. tunity to purchase a suitable site for . residences. Watch for the mammoth I advertisement which appears In this paper Monday. i , L ,. jr - } 4^ /ir% } ENy'D. To-J.it, Prate *? Htwm 4*41 ===== . t; FRIDAY' AFTERNOON BUT" All I 1 SEISM ry> t ? Hlt% t? v ' ' Vie nMUOr of the Washington obacco 'market 4ro of the opinion hless sodieli^ng unforseen happens, Mite thait tfck parting date of the larket will & Id oa aboa? Augnet Oth. The efl^lon to the Beaufort oufrijr wirehotfl*. which means donle its present oapacity, will be comleted In ampl , time for the open>K date. Rapid progress !? being lade on the ptables for the use t the farmer* bringing their prouot to Washington. The prlsa on see will alto to* In readlneee. he outlook ft?r the Washington >bacco- market this season is one of le brightest.' Last year, notwlthandlng the fleet season tor the sale f tobacco ia^the city, It exoeetfe# ie sanguine < expectations of alt. he coming sdasoa bids fair to be record braaHpr. IIH1 mil sin The Harvesters of the First Presytorian Church on Tuesday evenig June lft$, at 8.30 o'clock, think iK that will he sufficiently late, will erve refreshments at Mrs. Ellsrorth's. to all who will come and Din and at the gate donate their liver coin a$ an offering to help us rlth our boom In raising funds for Sunday School room. itfsr MID DDI IS mi m One of Washington's popular and tlghly esteemed young men who has 'made good" In his adopted home, Florence, 8. C., accompaincd by his vife. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. i. H. Carrow yesterday and last evining en route to northern cities! rhere Dr. Grist proposes to purchase its atock of goods (or his pharmacy vhlch he expects to open in the; hriving city of Florence. Dr. Orlst and his attractive -wife I vere greeted yesterday by a largo lumber. An exchange In speaking >( Dr. Grlat, who Is a son of Mr. lamuel R. Orlst, Chocowinlty, N. C., ind a nephew of Mrs. E. 8. Slmnona, Mrs. H. H. Carrow and first :ousln to the Drs. Tayloe 61 this jity. has the following to aay: "Dr. Wiley Qrlst who has been rlth (he Lake Drug Co.. for the past rear and a half, has resigned his portion for the purpose of opening an ip-to-date drug store in the Rogers Building next door to W. M. Waters lew store. "Dr. Orlst will leave for Richmond Thursday to purchase his stock >f goods. MrB. Orlst will accompany him making it a pleasure as well as a business trip. The store is known as the Orlst Drug Co." HAVE RETURNED. Mr. J. D. O'Neal. J. D. O'Neal .Jr., ind Miss Eulah O'Neal have returned from Manteo, N. C.. where they have been the guest of relatives and friends. GUESTS OF PARENTS. Mrs. W. S. Oreene of Portsmouth, Vs., Is the guest of her parents Mr. an<K.Mrn. H. H. Carrow on West Main Street. VISITORS TODAY. Mr. H. N. Roper and sister, Mlsi Lixsle of Bath, N. C., were among the welcome visitors to^Washlngton "*" . ; ! . FROM BELHAVKN Mr. W. C. Brtaoon of Bolhano, N C., 1* haro today on baaldoat. Hli numoroua (rlaada an (lad to .a kta. i .T? - V ?' ' .. t.t: 1 ^ ?~ iSsiiiii ii mm- "i ^ 1,1 AILY as. . JUNE 12, W14 DISPLAY OF ' LUCES FRO! no com , - Mean-*. Ciiile'r Aid John on yeaftffv day received a shipment frond tfco old cbdntry of lace collars, caffs, laces, baby caps, lace pillow qm*i, medalloes and a nttmber Of other articles made id fcvrope. fhtf afe all hand madesand are fti feeAtttlfWl and Attractive designs. These art^ clea will be fold At a great reduction from the vsual prices. All who have seen the display are simply carried away. They niuat be seen to be Appreciated. It's Restful la Washington Park* um\i MANAGER OF x PALACE SHOP Mr. R. H. Miles Is now In charge of the Palace Darher shop. Several days ago this -well known tonaorlal parlor was moved from the cornet of Main *nd Market etreete to the cellar of the Morton building. Yes terday the parlor was moved back to the original stand where Mr Miles and his assistants will be pleaj ed to see their numerous friends. This parlor "is one of the most attractive in North Carolina. ran mucniE 1111 There was another large crowd a the New Theater last night to wltnes the musical comedy put on by th Kennedy-Vincent Company. Th' play was full of mirth all the wa. through. The Jokes were funny, an' the songs were all catchy. Ther was a chance of costumes as usua! The play last night was wlthou doubt the best that they have pu on this week. Tonight they wt present "At Saratoga,' a farce com edy that is hi'io to ma.ie a big ur bo be sure and attend tolnght. Tber will be some of the best pictures te night thai this house has run fo some time. BflPHSUO" 101 PARK 1 Pill The First Baptist Church Sunda School had their annual picnic i Washington Park yesterday. A larg 'number besides the students an teachers of the school were preset te enjoy the day. All during tl day delightful and Interesting garni were played and in the afternoc bathing was the order In which qui a large number availed themselve Notwithstanding that late in the a ternoon rain fell, those who recel*< a drenching'did not protest. All r turned to the city expressing hif praise for an outing long to be r numbered. Subscribe to the Dally Newt. THE CITY. * Anfong the welcome visitors Washington today is Dr. Jaek NIc Olhfen of Bath. He la always w< i SBBied by his numerous friends. ' ' are yisrmia ? ? Brtttowo .rid Mm Vi lu Hudooll h.v. con. to tohli Inrt tai other point* whm th 1 oxpoao to Holt folotly ?n? tflon< *ot>? bona te .Woatiteftea em ^*? ' v> w ':** . _Vt x.?. ; Si" NE? 5225dttB&?iSSS53S3SS3S ' ' . si ' * "n. c. press as: meets at m hi ~ ECUS BY THE KL POST W?ht??to?, D. c.. June 12?That egge edfi tfd marketed successfully bf parcel* post thd that this mtehod frequently secures a better price for the producer and fresher article for eoAcv**er has now been deasonetrated to the satisfaction of the experts lb tfce U. 9. Department of AgrlcifKtte. Tile Depart use at conducted tests that covered a period of twelve months. At the end of that period It came to the conclusioh that the parcel post was of particular value to the man whose flock was too small or who lives too far from express service to permit him to ship his eggs in the regular commercial case which holds 30 dozen eggs. | In the course of these experiment! ' the Department shipped 0,131 egga in 446 lot*. Ot t ft esc 917 or slightly less than 2.3 per ceAt were broken, but only 209 or slightly less than 1 2.3 per cent were absolutely wanted ' The others, though broken, could 1 still be used. The percentage ol breakage, moreover, will be greatly 1 reduced, It Is said, when the employflcn n' thA nmitofflrA hprnm# mnrp to L. extra precaution. A simple outfl ^ can be made out of a small ban a lamp and an ordinary pasteboard bo sufficiently large to be placed ove ,r the lamp, after the ends have bee: removed, without risk of Are. I order to supply air to the enclose lamp, notches should be cut In th edge on which the box rests, round hole is then cut in the bo at the level of the lamp flame an the candling done by holding eac egg against this hole while the ret of the room is- In darkness. Th light from the lamp reveals the coi tents of the egg and those that shoi 1 any defect can be rejected, j If possible only Infertile J should be sent to market. Ferti] eggs deterloate rapidly in wan weather and are the cause of muc loss. A broody hen on the nest c tl accidental exposure to a high ten f? perature may start incubation an d cause the egg to spoil and injure th it shipper's reputation. It is advlsabl therefore, to retain the fertllo egg ?s for borne use or dispose of them 1 in some other way than through th to parcel post. Thte is ofco true < s* soiled eggs. Eggs should never t f- washed when Intended for hlghclai id trade, since the process removes e- natural mucilaginous coating an th opens Ihe pores of the shell, e- After this thorough elimination 1 the unfit, the eggs that rema! should be carefully packed In a co: talner of corrugated paateboar metal, wood or other sultabele m tertal. The postoffice regulatioi to require this container to be so wn h- ped that nothing can escape fro ?1- the package and each egg In addltU to be wrapped separately In excels! cotton, or some other material. Ai soft paper serges the purpose qui well. Aa for the container ltae It- there are many kinds on the mark 'Mr and ina Department of Agrlcnlta ey investigators have not attempted la. decide which Is the beat. Znste they refer inquirers to the verlc rk. state eXftorlBeat stations which ha ' . ,v n -jtii'kltMi n>. -i Om customed to handling such fragile mauer. 1 That the eggs should be properly packed la of course essential. This implies HifteC care and some expense and is trae reason why no attempt should be made to market by parcel post any but the finest quality of eggs, for they alone will bring remunerative prices. Moreover, il the customer who buys In smal lots finds that any considerable pro portion of his purchases is undestr able or even unattractive In appear ance, he will not -trouble to ask foi deductions on that account; he wll simply discontinue his orders. Tin producer, therefore, must see to it I that all the eggs the post man dellv era are what he represents them t< , be. a This can only be done by cand e ling them. Candling, "the procea e .of testing eggs by passing ligh y through them so as to reveal the con j dttlon of the contents," is opiitte< e by many producers who rely on cart [. In collecting to eliminate all ba< t eggs. It Is however. Impossible ti H avoid On loccasional .accident am II candling la therefore advisable aB a ' 5BsatssaaBaB368MBBSri^'*"v j No. S7 ? sociaflon | wrightsyiiXe 1 ?W C" The North Carolina Prow Association i* to mMt at Wrlghtavllle, N. C., June 24-26. The following program has been arranged for the moot lng: Wrdneoday, June 24th. Morning Beoskm. 10.00?Addrew of Welcome. 10.15?Resopftse. 10.SO?President's 'Addrew? "The Editor Mast W a Crusader"? Clarence Poe, Raleigh Progressive Farmer. 11.00?Report of Executive Committee. 11.15?North Carolina Sloppy With Opportunities: What Can the Press do in Developing Them??Blon H. Butler. Raeford Journal. 11.35?Civic 8ervlce Week?An Opportunity for the Press?Edward K. Graham. University of North Carolina. 12.00?Address? Hon. Josephua, Daniels, Raleigh News and Oieei^ ver. Afternoon Seeaion 3.00?How can our Papers Better do 1 Their Duty to Woman's Interests? I ?Mrs. J. O. Boylln, Wadeoboro Messenger. > 3.16?Historian'? Paper?B. H. Dei Priest, Bbelky Highlander. ' 3.35?Open Forum: General Dlauus- "?rion of Plans for Iscreaslng Circulation. 1.VV nujffni mucai UWUDI Atlantic Orean. Night Hcwdon, Hotel Ofwlc. 8.30?Annual Oration: "The Tyranny of the Statos Quo"?It. F. Bean ley, Monroe Journal. Poem: William Laurie Hill. Our Fatherless Ones, Barium Springs. 9.30?Dutch Supper given by the citizens of Wilmington. Thursday, June 25th. Morning Session: Business Problems 9.30?Subject: A Campaign for a ' "Stop-When-Out" Subscription Pol ? Icy. I (1) A 'Free-for-All Experience Meeting on Cash and Credit Plans, led by W. C. Dated, W. L. Underwood, H. L. Story, J. B. Benr ton. E. T. Phillips, W. M. Moo*. 1 W. C. Bivena, D. J. Whlchard. etc. i (2) What Action Should the t Convention Take??Led by H. B. Varner, chairman Special Com> mittee on Resolutions. 11.00?Election of Officers for Ensuing Year, s 11.30?How I get Every Local Mert chant but One to Advertise?Ora L. Jones. Brevard News. 1 11.36?Is Mutual Fire Insurance s For North Carolnla Newspapers 1 Advisable??H. C. Martin. Lenoir 0 News. 1 12.00?How to Get More Money n from Legal Notices and'Foreign t Advertising?O. F. Crowson, Burd liogton News. x Discussion, Resolutions, Mlsr cellaneous Business, n Afternoon?Recreation, n Automobile and Trolley Ride d given by citizens of Wilmington; e Fishing and Bathing. A Night Session, x 8.30?Address?Norman Hapgood, d Editor "Harper's Weekly," New h York City. it Installation of new officers, e Resolutions and Adjourn? ment. *' Dance at Lumina. ? Friday, June 20th. f8 Excursion trip on Steamer I? "Wilmington" down Cape Fear n River to Southport, Fort Caswell, U. S. Quarantine Station, etc., ? ,r (dinner at Southport) and return. Under direction Capt. John W. d Harper. e le available information oti this quests tlon. n In packing egg8 it Is well to sort >e them as far as is practical according >f 'to size and color and to keep for e home use those which are irregular is 1q shape, unusually long or thlna shelled. Containers that have been >d badly stained by broken eggs should be replaced by new ones and the of package wrapped as neatly as posslln ble. In short every effort should be n- made to deliver as attractive a pack d, age as poselble Into the hands of a- the customers. The extra expense as will be flttle and the returns In lnip creased trade greats m The only drawback to marketing >n eggs by parcel post appears to be or the time and trouble Involved In ay packing them. This Is compensated to tor by the extra price that can allf. ways be obtained for products that et are absolutely callable. At bottom, re therefore, the shipper's success doto ponds upon the care with which he ad safeguards the reputation of hla prous ducts. Satisfied customers will build >ve up his buaifiesa tor film.

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