. Ingenious power of ralsrefrrewmtaTho most potent ally of the bad man Is the foolish good man who per Hi Is a Most Inter Un IT u - A T> "if judge ben b. ltndsey. tl*if the upeclitt prlvllego and 1 creatures began their deeplcabto a tack upon this good man and ofllclt work, do the Beast pounced npc .^;v V f* ] "Nigth after night he was pnbM ly assailed J>y bo?G09; and hlrelin| of the machtao. Hta best purpose have been denounced, his mot id. Impugned, hla very white balra mad tho subject ot coarse Jaat?. Bi Judge Llndaey recovered, went bat tp Denver, and routed bis. detainer ?viry charge they brought again: htmwmote them like a boomerang. the rector' of the most faahionab) ohuroh in the largest city. Horn in Jackson. Tennessee. I 1869, ot good old Southern stock, h parents later on met reverses an moved to Denver when his gop mother was left a wldo* in his earl days and from then until mm 1 hac had one continuous struggle a tor another. la of world wide fame and Vhown as the "Kids Judge." Hia unique Juvenile Court Wt started in 1901. HiB method of sei toncing is putting tho boys on the honor aaA' trivlnsr__th?m imrml?u?lo to anter the Industrial School s Golden, Col., unattended. Out c over 500, only Are havo betraye > Is the author oC several books o Juvenile work, Including Problem of the Children," atao "The Beas In the J uncle" and "others of tj^ri HOC interest. Wrote a "ptay which will be stage in W York about September an ^Cm0CrAUC Lindsey is regard* | m one-of our greatest moral asset , ^ nmniun unit ffSiniiin i snT MrJI I ,.j| j J|\ I ill 111! In liHiil 111 il 111U ImL/l ?; 5 I * * % i irwurer?tu. k, mix on. trtrjtotw ot Deo Jft?G. Rum Clerk 01 Court?Geo. a. Paul Jfteorder?W. L,. Vaughau. County CoTomtsBlonore?W. E. W. H. Whitley. H C. u I Brngaw, W. B. D. Hboru. Charles I P.' Aycock. v | '* ? \ Iou* county yesterday for representi ^ leach candidate received in follows: n Register of D*eds without opposition a [3 was GccTrge A. Paul for Clerk of th d ^'ourL J The precincts of Old Ford, Ptingo an 7 Blounts Clock are given in -addition I e (hose received last night. f OLD FORD Is Sheriff Ricks 32. Wlodley 28. Trea! urer Mlxon 27. Ayet* 20. Re preset lB tative Jacobson 6. M*yo SO. ^ . ?- PUNGO lr. .Sheriff. Ricks 23. Windley 24. Treat n urcr. Mlxon 34. Ayera 4. Represcr it Utlvc. Jacobson 40 Mayo 5. If BLOU?ITS CREEK ' <1 Sheriff. Ricks 28. Wladls; 38. Trci urcr. Mixon 35. Ayers 28. Represcn n t alive. Jacobson 29. Mayo 34 is TOTAL RECORDER VOTE >t \ Lonf 205; Vaughan 549; Simmons SI 1- Scott $9. d Witb only three precincts out^c d twenty-eight In the county the t? turns fiMcate tip to & late hour to " night that James U Mayo will repre K sent th!* county in the next Qenera Aaeerofbly; William B. Windley if th county's next sheriff had B. R. |fl?o ' succeeds himself ma county treasure for the next two years. Windley and MIlQn win their Vf spoctlre office? by practically a tw< to one rote throughout the- count; while Mr. Mfcyo's majority be a least 160 for representative. The people In n primary toda: spoke In no uncertain sound thel r ?? the couuly otBcn . The Jtopilgn has been Mobboral; I fought. All flay cltiiens mads ror? I casis as to the final outcome of th I poll?some proved to be true proph Tots wlljls others sllpport tholr oogr A termor rosldeut Mr. O.org. ?rOfiaat I,In. and I. spending a to #'< ' r ii v:! ' *. for represent*!!^?. for sheriff and for treasurer Is *s follow: For Rcpreeentatfe,-W. K. Jacob son recelrcd a tot*: of 714. Jamee L. Mayo received a total rote of For Sheriff, George E. Rlcha re' oelTO'l a total rote of 111. W. 11. " Wludloy'a total rote wae 1,090. For Treasurer. *. W. Ayere ri' celved a total rote of 571- K. It. Mixoa looo. While all the vptei for Recorder of Washington. Mot Acre and Choc owtnity township^ Is not In, It Is ante to' soy tnat WI L. Vaaghan will receive the majority vota. The candidates for tho recordershfp wen n W. L. Vaughan, Tbornag Long, J. H. l'r SimxnoDB, and k M. Scott. l" With the three precincts lacking c in the county and It was impossible to secure the vote tonight Mr. Mayo has a majority over Jacobson of li?; L Miron's majority is 438 over Ayere. n while Wlndley leads Rlcka by a Vote - of 475 - ^ fv !. For the office ot Register of Deeds Mr. Gilbert Rumley, the present lnd rl" ^ ^.!?Pr0Hl. !kD Da ;Mr/ > From tBe precincts heard from ,r the vote for the' office of RepresenU* tive, Sheriff and treasurer follows: * PINBTOWN. d Sheriff?Ricks 7. Windley 23. 0 Treasurer?Mix on 18. Ayers l.< Representative?Jacobson 18. Mayo H- \ -l? ' WASHINGTON?FIRST WARD Sheriff?Rteka 84. Wlndley 74. i- Treasurer?Hlxon 119. Ayera 4TRepresentative?Jkcohson 14)3. Mayo ? , > SECOND WARD. i: Sheriff?Ricks 69. Windley 70. Treasurer?Mlxon 112. Ayers 86. Representative?Jacobson 83 IMayo 1 J6??'vl I BlSSaSr; THIRD WARD. h\ i Sheriff?-Ricks 7. Windier 67. Treasurer?Mixon 83. Ayers 22. : Representative?Jacohson %4. Mayo 66. f FOURTH WARD. Bhertff?Ricks 24. Wiadley 84 r Treasurer?Mixon 86. Ayers 32. !! Representative?Jscobson 60. Mayo TRANTERS CREEK. ' . Sheriff?aw 17. Wlndley 27. 0 Treasurer?Mlron 16. Ayers S. r Representative?Jtooboon 5. Mayo 10. r ,.'v P1NEJVILLE. ' Bharlff?Rloks it Wlndley 41 ' Treasurer?Mixon 40. Ayere tS. Representative?Jacoheou.il. Mayo r 44 r BEAVER DAM. Sheriff?Rick. 10. Wlndley 50. , Treasurer?Mixon 50. Ayers IB. PepresenthttVe?Jscobaon IB. Miyy e " WOODAR.De Sheriff?Rloks 3. .Wlndley 24. Treasurer?Mixon 35. Ayers 1. J Representative?Jacob son 1 sad Msyl ? 85. Jt lXiK IIARnmo IIKHK. > Judge William Harding of Cher1 lotto, who has boen bars for Ilia c past several days visiting his mother , Mrs. Henry Hardin* and sister.. Mrs. Hsnnls Lathatn and Miss Hard , Ins left this afternoon Jor his touse laMAVM TOMORROW. Mr. Edward Merrill sheets to leave Ujsorrow for sn to y* (\ p y* &?#' . Primary of Bath Townshl 1 For Aurora Dis erk, of Recorder I. '1 w. v \| SURRY. Sheriff-?Rick h 11. Windier Treasurer?Mixon ll. Ayers Representative?Jacofoaon 17. Hi 3. . HUNTER'S BRIDGE. . Sheriff?Riclt s 11. Wlndley Treasurer-?Mixon 11. Ayers Repreaentatlvc?Jacobaon 11. Ms I J* I . _ TEATESVILLE. Sheriff?Ricks 2?. Windley : Treasurer?Mixon 33. Ayera Representative?Jacobson 33. Ma 1T>. ; *' BATH. 8herII? Ricks .Wln.ll.v Treasurer?Mixon 42. Ayers ! Representative?Jacobson 18. Ms 37. /7.1!\ NORTH CREEK. ^Sheriff?Ricks 7. Windley ! Treasurer?Mixon . 26. Ayers 1 Representative?Jacob son 33. Ma PAJFTDGO. : p1,VSheriff?Ricka 66. Windley 1 Treasurer?Mixon 68. Ayers Representative?Jacobson 58. Ma 85. y&l-y JiHBCHVlLLB. Sheriff?Ricks 20. Windley* Treasurer?Mixon 88. Ayers Representative?JAcobson 20. Ma 2. BELHAVEN. Sheriff?Ricks 80. Wlndley 1< Treasurer?Mixon 110.^ Ayers ll Representative?Jacobson 100. Ma 84. CHOCqWINITY. 8heriff? Ricks 29. Windley 1 Treasurer?Mixon 39. Ayers Representative?Jacobsou 15. Ma 98. CORE POINT 8heriff?Ricks 3. Windley Treasurer?Mixon 10. Ayers Representative?Jfccobaon 17. Ma 0. HONNERTON. Sheriff?Ricks 5. Windley Treasurer?Mixon 10. Ayers Kepre&euumve?jacoDson i?. 9. EDWARDS. , Sheriff?Ricks 11. Windley i Treasurer?If ixpn 13. A^ers Representative?Jacobs on 24. Ma; 15. . AURORA. Sheriff?Ricks 18. Windley Treasurer?Mlxon. 35 A ye re Representative?Jacobson 36, Mayo 25 1DALJA. Sheriff?RWks 1. Windley . I Treasurer?Mlxon 17. Ayera 'I Representative?Jacobson 13. Ma ?? SOUTH CREEK. . Sbsriff? Ricks H. Windley 1 Treasurer?Mlxon 47. Ayers 1 Rbpresentative?Jacobson 0. Ma 67. WASHINGTON PARK. Sheriff?Rlcka 7. Whidley Treasurer?Mixon . Ayera Representative?Jacobson 9. Ma TO MY DEMOCRATIC FRIENDS " I deeply appreciate your u stinted support of my nominati at the polls yesterday. I also wj to express my gratitude of yd confidence in the way I na handled the office in the pa and I assise >;ou that it will d1rtettT''iS? eYt& t?fKCC e m in . e u urt. f uJUlJls *1 (HI 1J I ' I IksaC Mary Lillian Ellaworth an P Mr. tytUUm KlUworth are ha* Is . a haul* party at thn'r boms on We Second street and the oocasioA Is b fe* Lng greatly enjoyed by the gueet The ggMts of Miss Ellsworth an Sir. Ellsworth a:or Miss Arlene Jo: nor,' Greenville; Mies Jane Olbao: Glib son, N.C.; Miss Ethel Cohen < Charleston, S. CI; Mima Emma Col 6- Rockingham, N. C.; lfr. Fltahtu o. Wallace, Kenansvllle. Mr. Llstc yo Wallno??*r Kenansvllle; llr. 01lv< Weetbrook, Kenansvllle. mW MEI OF i IK mm [0. u. II. IVIUUIUI y? ~ynth the College Player, teat nlgt were Messrs. Joel and James MeHcl >0. the former playing the part of 81 37. Toby Belch, the jolly old bfbulon y0 undo, the latter portraying the chai ooter of the Duke. A fact Interest io ing to our people 1. that those t-w j j young gentlemen are near klnsme yo of Mr. C. W. Mellck. of Ellsnbet City, who married Mies Annie 1 Bragaw, daughter of Mr. J. O. Bri 2. gatf Ot' this city: They ware eat** 0. tally good in th^r parts, ond Sir Tc ,y\> by furnlahod a Vast amonnt of fit and called forth much laughter froi the .audience. ;3 Mr. Jameg Mellck played shorts to on the crack SwarUxmore Col leg yo ball team this spring. The Meaari Mellck were guests while here c Judge and Mrs. Stephen C. Bragae *; TO MY LOYAL FRIENDS >? THOUGHOUT COUNT . I most sincerely thank eac ' and every one of you for you Inval ciinnnrf in malrtnrr m ?? wj IU VUPfVI I ?u iiiiwiua UI " your choice for ypur next Sherij of Beaufort County. I feel prou of my achievement, to be such is. young man with no means < s. machinery to use and to poll th yo largest majority of any cand date with opposition in this can paign. I shall use every effort t ,7 make you a good Sheriff an ' will do nothing to bring reproac upon you or to myself. ro' Sincerely Yours.WILLIAM B. WINDLE 15. {1 Biggest Rubber Tru of All. '/ , "What Is believed to be the large* rubber tree In the world standi in th Brazilian territory of Acre, on th ;7 frontier of Bollva. Its stem Is 27 fee ' 2 7-10 Inches In circumference at th base, rtor 120 dsys every year thl yo colossus gives 22 pounds of rubber day. At present prices this brings $2,160 a year, or a fair Interest oi about $50,000, to Its owners, & famU; of seres. Serlngueiroe. The Tapestry Mode. The Millionaire {declining to pui chase post-impression creation I'll. Noth'n" doln*! Why, my maids 8, a'nt cud /larrn a better picture 1 yo ? Hatched by the Sun. In breeding goldfish, an Industr whlcb bas flourished in China froi time Immemorial, the eggs are * moved from the reach of the adu male fish and hatched by the sun 1 n_ shallow dishes. Excusable Delay. Jhl Twenty-five minutes after her d vorce from one husband a Wellabux (W. Va.) woman was married to h? bejlH^d ,?h0 c*u,ed hj 11 a$ I Tiu?oe. Ho- 101 jj j d The Chautauqua mnnsgemeat end K the loqU committee have arranged . 9 Bt for a very Interesting and entertlnk. las program which Is scheduled to s take place at the Chautauqua. beglnd alas promptly 8 an day afternoon at r_ 5.10 o"cto-ek. %' , The drat number will be a sacred >f concert by Victor's Italian band. ?. The sacred concert will test one-half b hoar. Following this the combined 1 J local oholiw of the city win render old time farorfte sacred hymns. They will be seated on the platform* I Following this the address of the afternoon will be made by Dr. Hsir- {' mon a speaker of national repntn- 1 The different pastors of the city will be seated on the platform and ore expected to take part In the program. The entertainment will last until sereo o'clock or poaalbly a few f minutes after aad the outlook Is that I next Sundsy afternoon the program * '< l| will be one of the most delightful I and enjoyable of Chautauqua week. lt It will be free and everyone has a "\f&k t cordial invitation to attend. j WfB ' 1 j HIT UPON A : NOVEL SCHEIE n | The firm of William Bragaw it "j | P Co.. la always abreaet of the tlaaea. 6 As every reader of thia paper knows ^ today is Primary Day not only in ^ L# Washington but throughout the conn ty for the naming of the respeeQwe ijfl | candidates. While the firm of Bra- ! if garw and Company are not candidates for any political office they are, how- ; over, candidates (or insurance. In h order to give the dtiaenB an opporir tunfty to vole for them In this re- | g spect they have a voting booth In 3 | ? front of their office and in big and | " attractive lettera a pedestrian reads:' - *m j kln of their generous support at the polls Frl1 day. In view of the fight that baa been 1 made against me, 1 cannot help bet feel jj 1 that the people are the best judges, and 1 that they have agreed with me that 1 - jg | have made a fight on principle, and k that on this basis, I am not only end- \ tied but that I am capable, purely on merit to faithfully and conscientiously to rep t] resent their interests in the Hsils of the General Assembly. I realise fully that thfe victory Is not ' *, - mv own but that of the people at large, a my campaign was made on the machine :,J a part of the organisation and by their votes the people have said they sure not satisfied with the boss ridden conditions under which we arc now living and y were willing to bring about a change, n This change can not be accomplished all at one stroke but must be brought x .boat irndimlly and ibe f i,bt (or dram n politic, and economical pmnanl fat J Town nnd County tun |unl bema and I shall continue my efforts hi that direction until the desired results arc aceomr pllahed. I (mitlW '* Slaeeraly. & jH 1 jas l mayo. . i r :? ' JUDGE LINDSAY SUNDAY 1 d Ren T ?d . , _ A