J Vpl" II MB ranis m r II i n V Mr. Jehu Foreman Alter a Lingering nineea Paiges I Ju* Away. Funeral Takes Place I Tomorrow From The Real| deuce. One of Washlatc6n*s honored c!ttkens Mr. Jehu Formena fell on Bleep I ' Ule morn Ins at 1.1* o'clock at hie I bone on Bast Main street after sn ill j nesa of four months. Mr. Foreman was born November 10th, 1851, and At the time of hie death was sixty-two fears of age. r He wasa carpenter and contractor Ifi by trade add Was moat efficient In hit* Wjf Une of work. Aa a citlsen he was l esteemed; aa a husband and father dutiful and affacrtionale. For years he has been a consistent member of K the Bplsoopal church and did what I he could for the ftjityft and better ?nent of hit teltowman. While all that the skill of his phjf eldan was done aided by Che tender f nutting of loved ones. Ood knew best sad called him to that home not made with hands eternal In the heavens. The Lord save and tuo Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. The funeral will be conducted from the late residence tomorrow'by Rev. Nathanle' Harding and the interment will be T IB Oak-dale cemetery. Beside* a heart broken widow he leaves three children, Mrs. Edith Bpamm, Miss Elsie Foremen, Mr. ' Pit Foreman, to mourn their loss. The sympathy of the entire communlk'*"1 ty ffoee out to the stricken family. f ?0p* is ' . Ml SIXTH Sixth Division Arc AnUclpa Ua| Trip Of Their Lives. r Expect To Visit The Bermuda Islands. ~ Th, Sixth Division North Chrollna Naval Militia under the command of (Lientenant Willam B. Rodman, Jr., will leave Monday, July 6, via the \ Norfolk Southern at S.1S a. m., and erpeot to arrive in Norfolk the next ^ moraine at 7.SO a. m., bound for [ Slamytou Roads, where they will j/i board the U. S. Battleship Rhode Ulaad for a crnsle of fifteen day*. ry uurmg ineir cruise iney win visu ft Um Bermuda Islands and points of Interest on the Atlantic Coast. The ^ ~i Sixth Division will he under the corns' znand of Lieutenant Rodman, Lieut. J. J. Brabble and Ensign Robert W. I ffn"" Commander Charles L. Morton, who commands 'the first battalllon will accompany the-division, it la expected that the full sptrength of the divlstpn ' from Washington will be represented. Yhe naval 'militia hif*'' the state will be under the direct ' k - ^ command of Capt. C. D. Brad ham of i) New Bern. it battle memorial. Mr. O. P. CJoforth of Durham. X. C.. a student at the University of North Carolina, who is raising a fund of $M0ft for the Battle Memorial at Chapel Hill is here today canvassing the city to Its Interest. Mr. Qotorth -where he has been, has met with fr/ splendid success and is receiving R much assistance from tho cttizons BB here. The parish house to be erectH ed is a memorial to Dr. Kemp P. BatRa tie and wl\l be a made a part of the k enlarged and virtually rebuilt EpiaV fcvpal Chpfch at Chapel Hill. Bight Aga for an Actreaa. . In "The?Diary of a Beauty." pubI llshed in the Women's Home Companion. appeared the following: "The atagh Is aa-bngratefuljprofession, and no woma^ csn count on her public I ooe day after she can no longer ap*aw iwn of tf%." Jf Llttlj Ruth was busily occupied i' with her aisle asd pencil. Presently he ran to her father, whose face at On time Mfuired the services of a t barber, climbed upon his knee and k rubbing her chubby little hand over It* his chin, mid: "Papa, can you aharpr ea alate ptsctie on that r?Exchange. rASHI DEP. SHERIFF 1. F. US jpilj b One Of The Countyal Honored Citizens. Has Been Deputy Sheriff For a Number of Years. ' One ot "Washington's honored and highly respected citizens In the person of Deputy- herlff J. F. Lucas. Is critically 111 at hlB home on West Third street. His condition today is euch as to cause alarm not only from hlB friends but the entire city. Mr. Lucas was a braye Confederate soldier and since the war has been a citizen of Washington and for many 'years has occupied the position as deputy Bherlff. It is to he hoped that he will soon be convalescent. lIPEOPhB YOUl J ABOUTfc, Mr*. A. L. Bell and Mrs. Ida Sawyer of Belhaven, N. C.. were guests fct Hotel Loiuse yesterday. iMrs. J. J. Johnston and children left yesterday afterneon via the Atlantic Coast Line, tor Rocky M6unt, Weldon and Richmond. They expect to be absent several weeks. Mrs. John lsanogle and Miss Katlierine Bowers returned yesterday even Ing from Scotland Neck, N. C., where they have been the guests of relative* and friends. Mrs. lsanogle was accompanied home by Miss Margaret Boseman of Enfield, N. C.. who Is her guetft at her home on West Second* rtrWT - ' - ? * W. J.' Boyd or Ayden, N. C., U |haG^jtod?y shaking hands with his many friends. O. Cox of Greensbor, N. C., Is a business visitor here. R. A. White of Norfolk, Vu., was a passenger on the Norfolk Southern train yesterday afternoon. W. B. Blake of Clevland. Ohio, is here today. Messrs. D. L. Perry and T. H. Grimes of Robersonvllle, N. C., were In *be city yesterday. Clyde Tlllghman of Wilson, N. (\. a former resident, was a welcome vlollnp vaolaiMov J. E. Whltehurst of Norfolk, Va., Is here on business. O. L. Goforth, of Durham, N. C., Is In the city. W. G. Parks of Elizabeth City, is a guest at the Louise. HERE TODAY. Mr. R. A. Tripp of Edward. N. C.. was among the passengers on the Washington and Vandemere train this morning. He returned to his home this afternoon.^ Rightly Proud of His Road. Two Pullman porters, representing different railroads, *met off duty and progressed from friendly gossip to heated argument. Their quarrel centered about which one 'worked for the better road. Their claims, figures and arguments came fast and furious. At last the tall, thin porter 'settled the dispute with these classic words: "Go on. niggah; we kills mo' people den you fellahs .tote." Always Continue to Hope. Ws do not command ourselves to hope. We just hope. It Is a part of our vitality. It lifts, inspires, nerves ns. It Is as Indefinite an life itself. It Is an tnssparabla function of a sound mind. The ceaaetesB struggle of hope, on the Invisible battlefield of the mind. Is one of the wonders of creation. Candid, at Least. For commercial candor and unconscious telling of the truth it ti hard to beat some of the circulars received from various European resorts. Often they are translated literally from the foreign languages into English, and the results are a delight One of these advertisements of a Hungarian summer resort tells us that It charges "Moderate prices, except during the height of the season!" Bucket Shop. A bucket shop la an office where perple may gamble In fractional lota of stock, grain or other things which are bought and sold on the exchanges. The bucket shop uses the terms and outward forms of the exchanges, but , differs from these In that there Ja no delivery, and no expectation or Intention to dellvsT or receive securities or commodities said to be sold fit purchased* ? -t - - - - - - . N GT( WBATHER?Ixx WASHINGTON N 111 HAD A BUSY (?TODAY Auto Speeders, Drunks, Assaulters and Olher Offenders Enrich The City Treasury Many Dollars.' j One of the largest courts In some I time was conducted hy Mayor Kug ler at the City Hall this morning. The following cases were disposed at: H. O. LaBrae. Speeding auto. 13.00 and cost. C. H. Sterling. Speeding auto. $3.00 and cost Wm. Gray Waters. 8peeding auto. Cost. Vernon Freeman. Speeding auto. $2.00 and cost W. T. Ellsworth. Speeding auto. $1 0 and cost. Jas. Hill. 8peedlng auto. $2.00 and cost. Sugg Fleming. Speeding auto. $2.00 and Oost. Chas. Jackson. Drunk. $3 &nd_ COBt. "* T. B. Lewis. Drunk. $5 and cost. Robt. Ruffln. Falling to obey officer. $10.00 and cost. Cleon Heaton and Mollle Elan), assault. $3.00 and one-half cost each. LotI Roddick, assault. $5.00 and cost. j, - - ; Hllllard Peyton, drunk. $6.00 and cost. Falling to pay same he was sent to the roads for thirty days. John Randolph. Riding sidewalk. Cost. Wintam Ellison, Chas. Pearson, Joe Worsley, Major Davis, William ' Knight, failure to show lights on auMwm HONOR OR. GALLAGHER Hade First Vice President Of Dental Society Recent] v Held In Hendcrsonville. A Merited Honor. Another one of Washington's professional men has been signally honored in the person of Dr. R. T. Oallagher one of the city's leading dentists. At the recent meeting of the North Carolina Dental Society held In Hendersonvllle Dr. Gallagher was elected first vice president of the society for the coming year. This is an honor worthily bestowed for there Is no man, a member of the dental profession In the state who Is more competent as a practitioner. The society Is to be congratulated In naming our townsman as one of Its officers for he will fill the position with ability and honor. Atj Mchango gives the following account of the close of the meeting In Henderson vile After completing a' crowded program of three days and enjoying an auto tour to surrounding points of Interest this afternoon, the fortieth annual meeting of the North Carolina Dental Society adjourned tonight to meet next year at Wrightsvilie Beach, N; C-, as first choice, provided reasonable rates can be secured, with Raleigh as second choice. The following ofiicers were elected: Or. J. A. Sinclair, of Ashevilla, president; Dr. R. T. Gallagher of Washington, N. C., first-vice president; Dr. W. F. Nickel, of Hendersonvllle, second vice president; Dr. J. A. MoClung, of Winston-Salem, essayist; Dr. R. M. Squires of Wake Forest, secretary. Doctors J. N. Johnson of GoldSboro, and C. R. Thompson of Raleigh, whose terms expire this year on the state board of dental examiners, were re-elected to succeed themselves. The olinMel program held during the afternoon was vsry instructive and enjoyed by the members present. The repoK of the prosecuting oom mlttee revealed the fact that there had been three eases pros sauted for practicing without a state license during the peat**ear. Subscribe te this Daily Neva. , , " aw.*. **? . v?"'*V )N D ml Thwdcr Sum Toalght. WMb . C TUESDAY AFTERNOON IT lip Ai mi i.e. < Id the town of Ayden, N. C., tilth morning A seven o'clock Colonel Alston Grimes of Grlmetlaad, N. C., led to the altar Miss Anna Bailey Lawrence, daughter of Mr. J. J. Law | renoe of that town. The ceremony) waa impressively performed In the presence of a few friends of the contracting parties by Rev. Nathaniel Harding, Rector of St. Peter's church this city, assisted by Rer. Mr. Lane, pastor of the M. E. Church, Ayden. immediately after the consummation of the nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Grimes left on the Atlantic Coast Line train for a tour of northern cities. After their return they will make their future home near Orhnesland, where Mr. Grimes is a large and prosperous termer. The bride Is a most charming woman and counts her friends as legion. Colonel Grimes Is the oldest son of the late General Bryan Grimes and Mrs. Charlotte E. Grimes. He is a brother of Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes, Junius D. Grimes, W. D. Grimes and Mrs. W. C. Rndmsn of this city. The beet wishes of their numer ous friends throughout Eastern Carolina are theirs. May their cup of Joy be ever fall and overflowing. Committee Exprei To Cha As chairman of the guarantors it 1914 Chautauqua, we desire to all on behalf of the guaranty* pqbassieted in making Chautauqua the great success that every one agrees it was. It is hardly fair to mention any names so genuine has been the co-operation, yet, we oannot refrain from speaking of the efTort of Mr. <3. O. Morris, whose excellent salesmanship and faithful work helped greatly in reducing the deficit the guarantors had to make up, and of Mr. and Mra. W. H. Ellison, who planned, arranged and carried out the fine automobile advertising trips prior to the opening of the Chautauqua. We wish to thank the following gentelmen, who either loaned their oars or gave their aervioes for that trip (In some cases both): W. W. Leggett, Suakin & Berry, J. F. Randolph, C. L. Carrow, E. R. Mixon, Geo. Diamond, W. H. Ellison & Co., Harris Hardware Co. We extend thanks also to MVs. Lucy W. Myers, Mrs. C. F. Warren and Mr. Lindsey Warren for granting without charge the use of the lot on which the tent was pitched and to Mr. M. A. Smith, who as lot com mtttee, had cbarfc of this feature. Mra. John H. Small, Mrs. J. K. Hoyt Mrs. J. Q. Dlonnt, Mrs. J. B. Fowle, Mrs. Geo. T. Leach, as the decoration committee, Misses Estelle DaHAW BRANCH NEWS. We are having very pretty weather at present after the severe dr7 rains. We have had many large rains which were badly needed. Misses Lizzie Lewis and Lilly Dixon and Messrs, William Nelson and Joseph Edwards "spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends at Wfhnar. Yellow flies are the order of tho day; they order you to got out of U^way. Mrs. S. P. Beavers Is seriously 111 at this writing. Hope shei will soon be well again. Never during my life did I ever know of so many bicycles all going to/one place some nights, can count seven or eight. The farmers are all done harvesting their oats. Mrs. Laura Warren and children Ottls, Ruth and Hasel, who have been vistlng relatives and friends up here, have returned to their home In BeUraven. We were all sorry to see them return home. I am Still .eagerly waiting to see some more Wllmar grains. Mrs. R. G. D. Hill who was an Inmate of Forwle Memorial Hospital for awhile is still very feeble. Mra Nan Lewis of Wllmar, N. G.. wee a visitor at Mra J. L. leaver's Sunday. Misses Lillian Lewis and Sal He Hudson visited Miss Sadie Hill Sunday. Crape are tocrttlng flue in this seo Mil k'kb oyteiiiii Dr. H. H. Dodaon of Gre?n?boiro One Of The Slate s LcRdtaS Physicians Vlsi tot Here. Returned Today Dm H. H. Dodson of Greensboro, N. CSt a lucent member of tho North Carolina Medical Examiners with Dr. Rodman, has been spending a wee|L at Ocracoke, N. C. For the past several days Dr. Dodsoa, his daughter, Miss Precllla Dodsoa'and her friend Miss Mlcheaux, of Greensboro, N. have been the grxM of Dr. and Mrs. Rodman at theft home on West Main street. Dr. Dodson Is a prominent prac- 1 titltloner in OreeiuAoro. While dol?g a very large consulting Jractlee, | he.pays, special attention to electrical ty ?a* applied to medicine. He has I one of the best electro medical eqnlp[ perf offices south of Washington. D. !C. 'IDr. Dodson has been a visitor |to, Washington before and the friends I he formed on his first visit were I more than glad to renew their ac-| qualntance. ;Dr. Dodson, his daughter and Miss 1 Mlcheaux left on the morning train f<j* their homes in Greensboro. It's Restful In Washington Park. ss Thanks lutauqua Workers vti, Mlay Blount, Mellle Mayo, Annie Margaret Jar vis, Lucretla nSq|m and Mrs. W. R. Bright as the i?lis^ Chautayqaa ^roaHtae, were faithful throughout and rendered very valuable assistance. Most cordially we commend the ladies woh had charge of the selling of the tickets: Misses Adeline Mayo. Corrlnne and Mattie Bright, Margaret j Williams, Mildred Rumley, Mrs. F. H. Rollins, Misses Madeline Ellsworth, Ethel Fowle, Mary Fowle, j Mimes Jane Myers, Edna Willis. LJ1I lie Belle Willis Bonner Archbell, Maud Swindell,' Margaret Wells. Sadie Bland, Lizzie Hill, Elsie Kelly, Elizabeth Molllhenney, Mary Hill,' Minnie Woolard, Loona Wlndely, Myra and Ckalr Hodgse, Norma Jones Bernice Nicholson, Mae Ayers. Mary Tankard, Laura Branch and Mr. Z. N. Leggett. It has been very gratifying to observe the fine community spirit manifested by most of our citizens not I only In the" attendance upon ChauI tauqua in spite of the excessive heat, but also In the fact that over 9lxty | have already signed the guarantee mi ucav jo?i auu 9vv seftBoa UCKeis for 1915 EubBcrfbed for. Again thanking one and all. CHA8. A. FLYNN, Chairman Chautauqua Committee. J. 0. BRAGAW. JR. Chairman Ticket Selling Committee. tlon considering all the pullbacks they have had. Its first too cool and dry and then too wet, as its getting to be now we have a heavy rain every night, with heavy electrical storms. FIRST COTTON BLOOM The Daily Nows yesterday was shown the first cotton bloom of the season so far as this paper knows by Mr.. J. O. Swanner. Let's build In Washington Park. 60II? 1.8. ROAD IS DERAILED ? This afternoon about two o'clock freight train No. 92 bound from Farnrvtlle to Edenton on the Notfotk Southern road bad one of Ita box eara derailed at the foot of tbo bridge croealng Pamlico rfrer. The derailment will cauee a deter la both tbo Raleigh and NorMk paaaenger Tain a about an hoar thtB afternoon |Ne one waa hart. . ' ' /V ; ' - . ' . * ... NEWS= ! ' I I HI' '? no. * * Receipts And Expenditures Of Beaufort County For Month Of May 1914 - . , . ? .# 1 RECEIPTS Balance eaah on hand aa ahown In Mar atatement Ill,171.?1 Oao. E. Rlcka. Faaa .. .. | 41.18 O. Rumlar. Faaa ,. .. . .. 11LM b. Rnmlar. marriage license.. ., ,. 14.00 Oao. A. Paul. Faaa , . .. *(4.70 a. a. Weston, C. R. C? Court coat 50.85 W. K. Hooker, Recorder. Court coat.. ........ (.(I , > W H. Hooker, Raoorder.... 0.|0 W. A. Tankard, Recorder.. f 1.10 J; A. Letfh. Recorder 17.40 I Ward ? Grime?, for Oonrtots 225.00 | O. Ruin ley. Fee?.. .. .. 272.10 IO. Rumley, marriage license.. 22.00 Sinking Fond .. .. 1,276.00 ' Geo. B. Ricks. Commission* 260.00 * Geo. E. Ricks, Commissions.. . 150.00 I Geo. B. Ricks, Faea... .. ... .< 47.60 I Geo. A. Paul. fees 194.22 9 2.777.77 > : , $14,949.28 DISBURSEMENTS Claims audited and allowed June 2, 1914.. ..$ 7.818.42 Poor list allowed June 2, see list.... 176.76 7.999.17 Balance cash on hand 9 6,960.21 BRIDGE FUND ACCOUNT. Balance csah on hand as ahown in Mar statement.. : $20,149.20 Claims audited and allowed June 2, 1914 271.62 Balance cash on band.. .. .. $19,777.88 Claims Audited anA Allowed Jnnr 2. 1014. No. To Whom For What Ant. 1588 W. E. Swindell, Chairman Co. Commissioners % 16.67 1539 W. 8. D. Eborn, County Commissioner# 6.60 1640 C. P. Aycock, County Commissioner ... 7.60 1641 W. H. Whitley, County Cornmlsssloner .. .. t.10 I 1642 L. C. Warren, County Attorney salary 12.60 ' ] 1643 C. C. Cratch, making statement, etc .. . ? 12.50 I 1544 Geo. E. Ricks, Sheriff, fees (for use of county 83.10 1545 Geo. E. Ricks, Sheriff, Salary 223 24 1646 Geo. E. Ricks, Sheriff Court Cost 4 26.60 1647 Geo. E. Ricks,-General county expense 32.54 1646 Geo. E. Ricks, Sheriff. Jell account 36.60 1549 Geo. E. Ricks, 8herlff. Chain gang account 88.UO 1550 Geo. A. Paul, C. 8. C.. Salary 176.00 1651 Geo. A. Paul, C. 8 C., expense account 5.68 1552 G. Rumley, Register of DdWB, salary.. 200.00 1653 G. Rumley, Expense account 9.15 1654 G. Rumley. express and freight on tax books 1.55 1555 O. Rumley (for use of county) Clerk to Board 15.00 1556 W. B. Wlndley, Recorder, salary. . 75.-10 1557 E. O. Weston. C. R. C. 8alary 25.00 1558 E. G. Weston, C. R. C.. One half court cost' 10 65 1559 J. A. Leigh, Recorder, salary and court cost 46.13 1660 W. H. Hooker, Recorder, salary 25.00 1661 H. T. Latham, Ink well for Register's office 1.75 1562 H. T. Latham, supplies for C. 8. C 3.25 1563 Everett-Waddy Co., Record hook for Register's office. . . 18.00 1564 Edwards & Broughton, Record book-for Register's office. 62.63 1565 Edwards ABroughton, dockets and blanks for C. S. C 2.9S 1566 The Falconer Co., fee book for Clerk 18.00 1567 W. J. Sears, conveying prisoners from Belhaven 3.50 1568 O. J. Nye, conveying prisoners from Belhaven 7.00 1569 Blount's Pharmacy, Medicine for Co. Home. Jail and convicts. . 29.00 1570 Washington Daily News, Printing for County 29.50 1571 Wash. L. Inf., Field deBk and cots (or convicts. 48.75 1572 J. J. Davis, County Home 177.00 1573 J. J. Davis, Sewing for County Home 2.25 I 1574 Car. Tel Tel. Co., Phone rent County Home 3.00 1575 M. L. Cherry, wood for county Home * 15.38 1576 8uskin & Berry, Mdse (or County Home Z.'Jt 1577 Eureka Lumber Co., Lumber for County Home 4.u6 1578 McKeel-Rlchardaon Hdw. Co., screen doors and lime for County Home 3.50 1579 McKeel-Richardson Hdw. Co., Door spring Co. Home. . .30 1580 Thad Brown. Cow for County Home. . 60.00 1581 W. M. Parvln, Overseer bridges 75.00 1582 H. W. Hyman, keeping Washington bridge 35.On 1683 J. W. Crawley, Bath and Back Creek bridges . 19.50 158 4 V. W. Davis, keeping Pungo bridge 25.00 1585 J. B. Keech, keeping Belbaven bridge 26.00 1586 L. E. Toler, keeping Blounts Creek bridge 16.00 lt>67 J. W. Brantley, keelng Aurora bridge 26.00 1588 W. W. Hooker, labor and material for bridge 6.97 1589 C. P. Fulcher, building Ross bridge 81.84 1590 Kugler Lumber Co., Lumber for Ferry 3.00 1591 Aurora Hardware Co.,, supplies for Aurora bridge 13.95 1692 S. R. Fowle & Son, Lumber for Washington bridge. . . . 10.20 1593 Wash. Municipal Electric Plant, lights for Wash bridge. . 12.00 1594 Wash, Municipal Eeleotric Plant, C. P. Lamps Wash bd'ge 1.25 1595 T. R. Hodges, Ropairlng Gum Swamp Bridge 1.50 1696 W. M. Parvln, labor and material Wash, bridge 36.25 1697 W. M. Parvln, labor on Ross bridge 13.63 1698 W. M. Parvln, labor Tranters Creek bridge 13.04 1699 T. H. Blount, lights on Wash .bridge 131.69 1600 Spencer Bros., Shoes for convicts 7.60 1601 E. R. Mlxon, Tress., note paid 1st National Bank. . .. ..3,000.00 1602 E. R. Mlxon. Treas, note paid Savings & Trust Co.. 3.000.00 1603 WUford Whitley, court stenographer . 70.00 1604 Robt. 8. Wright, Court stenographer 38.00 1605 E. R. Mlxon. Treas., BtampB and Envelpoes lor Treas. office 3.54 1806 E. R. Mlxon, Treas., Jury Tickets 37.70 1607 E. R. Mlxon, Treas., Bond Interest 313.29 1608 E. R. Mlxon, Treas:, 8alary 70.64 J (Continued on Page Four.) HORSE KILLED. IN THE CITY. On Monday. June 11. at the corner Mr. W. N. H. Smith of Raleigh. N. of Fourth and Van Norden streets c., state agent of the Weet Aasur a rotten limb fell on the horse of ance Company, Is in the city. Mr. Mr. Thomas Hooten causing such la- Smith la a eon of the late Chief Jusjuries that the animal subsequently tlce W. N. H. Smith who honored the State Supreme Court bench for a ???? * number af rear*. / <Mf KXTEimn VISIT. I Mm. W. ft Wootard left today for flCMm OF KISS TAYLOR. Raleigh. AsbevlBe and other pofats . Km George V. Denny and sou ef of Internet, where she eipecta to Sarannah. Oa.. are the guests of spend, several weeks. ^ Hiss Ella Tajfcm og. West Helm Rreei. - imaritii?ii i&ii? rYn m"M

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