i ' >K dw BE " ^HT _ f , Has Mkn Representing The ] % &ii M.E. Church. Made Xadres In All Parts-Of Oklahoma f i Preaklent Bdjar A. Lowther of " I ^ tho Wa?ii1nrt?? Collegiate Institute f racnnllr returned from an ?loo4?! I *wt.rn trip through the ?t?lo? ot t ' Oklahoma and Miaaourl. when ha haa baan raprecntiug the Board of Education at the Ualhodiat Eplaeopcl ChBrth. ThU church I, engaged t? a forward taaveaaeat for tha pirpoat ot Jtwteg tha rapport Ot all IU mattfearahlp la tho Yortnug haKaoMat 1. aatatprtaaa that ata nattoh a?d srorld-nrtda. Tho Boars of Education I an.l ^lacourl. betmwag ?a Jan. Ut t> P 'and continuing until Jana llrf -The ? k / Methodist Mplacopai Church la pUh nlng. to calohratc In lKld the Isoin Ins eewiy uirfieolnndi coUo??" Preal^ c Hy" J," 1* eootrtStottn*. Ulii (sod thin* l?nr-hntfwi'lw WFMiter to u , what ether mtMi are dot**. Br tku of view* (rest, (ood i. Is (one |M hKher level* are ranched. I Bfepiexico Home Of J l| ^ Wot many eattirtM Mexico bu a If heea the bone of many races. Moot t J of as are wont to regerd it as the nj ,mk . Vtome of only the Axtecs, with whose i U| clYUtxation Prescott and the early tl H ; , ftp?lift chroniclers here made us c more or fen familiar. The archae- f W doc 1st ahd student of pre-Oolnm- * tton AS<t pre-historic times, howev c ^ Br, knows that here were raees, a?- t W - paotally In Soothers' Mexloo and 8 v fr ?wts of Central America, whose an- * |1 dent drlltsatlon had no.conneetlon v "with the empire of the Montesoma(\ EB and whose wonderful worka. long 1 jH e*o fall an Into decay end role, are <> LflH new- %e subjects of scientific re- n search aBd gtody. To Amor]cm .1 h I tout thaoo sVould bo u Interesting 11 B oo tbo ruin, of ancient Sgypt or fho e burled (HUM of Aaln ond tbo Par r til Xut. t m Under the title "Ancient Temple, t LPS 'C; ond Cities of the Nov World" tbo t M Monthly Bulletin of the Pun-Amort- t can Union, Washington. D. 0? has * ?W boon publishing a series of nrtloloa e yB dealing with thee relics ot a spien- t |Sfi dM but long forgotten people. One J B of the met Interesting of the mined n i WV elites bore t),e nAtne of Chlohoa IUa, I n once the "Holy City" of tbo Mayas, o (^B A people ot whom Sylrannn G. Mor- e 'H toy writes: < | ^ "Long beroro tbo dlscorery or f Bff " America there nourished In south- n >' Bp em Manic, Guatemala, end parte ol e Hk Honduras a greet ctrtUsatton, which Is ? has been oalled tbo Msyn. It mKy o : be eld without exaggeration that ', v this olstllsAtion had rwehod n height b W, equalled by no otfcer people ot the a fjs Western hemlnphere prior to thy ? ip> 1 mB.^ Mg of the white man. In nrebltec- ( sVk '"tore, ecutptnrp, nod In pnlptlng tbo | B Mnyne excollod. Their prloete wore 1, i 19 Mtranomern of no maun ability, bar- a ''.W, tag observed and recorded without u : the add of instrument: of precision I; J U Unsb as are known to us, tho lengths g >..^^^^BMfciSBii|B(^^pBwJWtoiiw J l^MPyy the lengths of the Mercury s I and Mars years In addition to tys ] they h.d developed a clondnr fo r, , fJm tern end pert acted a chronology 0 J , Which In some ol Its characteristics 0 J erss eqoal to our own. c j\ "Bat the ancient glory of this peo- -t I plo bad long tinea diperted wbgn l IB .. Hernando Cortes first cams In con- " " m 4W tact with them on the count of Vtlcm- r "" ^ Ul*' T'"r i"*1 h*d ' BbiJ i board Of Education Of The ie? On Christian Education Lnd Missouri ^ ZZZ - ... *11 MASKED III ?? * the The AtWLbco Book CI ah hu extend fco d an invitation to the O- Henry ter look Club nnd The Young Married sen Roman's Cluh to unite with them me i forming a County Federation .'or &e mutual benefit of extendtog and ato rokdening the social end fcerary nItl id of ^rork. -^Ca tin X-t'a bnlld IB Washington Park. Btl, * ? . for JMJOX CAMPBELL'S CHEEK u? Mr amt Urn A K T^wl. T??. has been spending severally jffr with Mr. Irewls' father and r ? I other Mr. |M Mr. Denlel UwU Of Mtee Flooele Miller of Vendemert, ^ i visiting Mloo euro JtiBeo of tii? MretXeooer Cotler of near four | lath^ pnea at V4nd?B&e?57^7^^ gjj, laces 2 ca] Many Centuries art ad Quirlgua, for example, seems ^ o haYe passed from- the minds of < ten, their former existence forgotten the 'rdbebljr* the largest and certainly far le moat magnificent of the ruined Itles, which the Spanish conqueror? | sand on their arrlval In Yucatan I I '? ' U?? .?n?niu *W?K ??-. II n In its desolation there still cluair a thousand traditions of former snctKy sad splendor. The name is [ays, and means "The Month of t^e rota of the Itsas." "To visit the ancient city now, one 5Its for 16 lone and weary miles i a two-wheeled cart drawn by three inlet over the roughest kind of a ighway Imaginable. Finally, when . . seems that the limit of physical ndurance has been reached the cart uddenly lurches ajtrand s sfoarp *rl urn in the roid and, u lf ^7 magic the lie lofty Castillo flashes Into view, ety owering high shove the plain and mre la rest of the city. ma "This tmposlng structure, the high st fn Yucatan, riqes 78 feet above he plain, The pyramid on which 1,101 be temple stands Is 195 feet:'lon^ ^ nd covers about an. acre of ground. gp< t i made of 9 terraces of fac?d masnry, eac^ terrace elaborately pan- ^ led to relieve the monotohy of ,ef- G1| set. Up the center of each of its ^ our sides rises a stairway 87 feet v1q ride. These stairways have mssslvo fol tone balustrades, carved to-repr*. q ents, the heads being .at the biBc jQr i the stairways and flanking them. 1 "The Oaetiilo would seem to have #Je eon the center of. the ancient city, for nd probably its chief sanctuary. 0 'o the north lies the sacred Tonoto Ta well) and tjje causeway leading to thf L On the east is a vaet group of Ml ulldlngs, colonadea, ccfarls, and pyr- . raids, "The City of a thousand Col the mns" as some one has picturesque Ha Y described it. Duo west Is the fe8 roup oj stnuefnrea known as the bjM iall Court. To the south for half on mile or more, scattered" through the Mf| WASHINGTON N. ( EFORE I RESIG OF MEXICAN ( DIE SAYS JffijS:.. ' i i. rut Crge?"Before ,1 r%-l(a tali > people <4 Mexico CUP Will ?U k me." I? tta remhrt President torlano Huerta I* credited with ring mode to (rleifcle on Monday ernoon while sitting In Mexico y c?(e at Its. Nte party wax dMeaaMng the el ta of mediators at Niagara'Pain And a eolation of the Mexican iblem. General Huerta was more m and . laotlturn than antral and nred tittle of hie aoooetomad Joe*# Washington, D. C.?Wfcat moTe la attempt tp restore peace Jn Mtathrough diplomacy dopfended y ?day on Cg^ransa's attitude towaifl ding delegates to editor with mb&rs of the Huerta mission. While the 8outh American flieJtrs hid decided to t^h*,** IndaflB rfeceee ft wu aaeored that tho ?' abingtoh government would conite fts effects to pert* a de the Conutlonallsts to enter Into sone 1 m Of negotiations with represents- 1 rs of Mexico CUy. tow ioog tno meoiaiors wouia re to await an answer from Car- s >sa could not be determined. 8?t1 weeks might elapse, it'was sagte^. ^before the Constitutionalist IJer could consult wltfb all his mlFrj chiefs orer the propoeal for a : i fere nee, . t waa feared In some quarter* t reported dissension in pie ranks the reroh??onarlea might cause de al to a conference by reports that la was Inclined to ffcror peaceable tlement of the republic's internal sirs. , ?arranxa's sgfehts here after a con ence made efforts to get In comma adon wltth him at his provisional iltal in Ifontery. rhey said they had no further re t on the progress of the plan to >mit die proposal of meeting the erta delegates to his generals un the plan of Qnadalnpe. Secretary -Bryan would not discuss > Niagara conference today, do aa was known no instructions %s IA nnnnnau I in nil FAR WEDDING IS IIH rhere will be & Tom Thumb wedig. at the First Baptist Ohurch on Iday evening at t.SO o'clock under > auspiceb of the/ Junior Aid Soci, admission 10? and ISo. Tickets > on sale now at Davenport's Phar *>T- 1 rhe following program will be car1 out: iroeal Solo?To Ton, by Oley 5aks?Miss Helen Leprls. ro the strains of Lohengrin's ddlng march. Tendered by Miss idys Alllgood at the piano, and u Annie Mae Harmos with cbe lln. the bridal party will enter as lows: V ? ' i Ribbon bearer?. Misses Effle Tayand Louise Reopess. Ushers, Masters Edward McKenr Roderick Mckeosle, Cleo Whitd and Roland Jones. Misses Mildred 8kinner and Joan jrlor will wend their way down i center miele, met by Masters Lacy jo and Hassell Ross from the ht and left aisled, followed by i Dame of Honor, Miss Francis ndy and the ring bearer, Miss Thea Worthlngton. after which the de. Miss Isabella Handy leaatng the arm of her maid of honor, ie Bonner Swindell, will ,wend ilr way down the oenter aisle met the altar by the groom. Master >hard Skinner and hla beat man. ster James MeKeasle. Meeter John Speln will perform , MWniow, We extend to ell e heerty end adit : THURSDAY UPTEBNOOI JN HALF ifil 'EOPLE WILL GEN'L HUERTA wiii ' ' | to leaving hare been Mat to lbs American delegates. ' ^ After a conference with Secretary Bryan, President Wlleon authorised flbe statement that the Meatea%pftBatlon w*a as favorable as it *jiar be until M?*lco factions, get togflher He refused to dfetaaa the sitflbon further. . While no formal sMiy wr e n i made at the White House regddlog Che receee of the Niagara conference It cu made elearthat President W2Isdh still to hopeful that mention will bring -about peace and he believes that It already has accomplished much good. He takes the view, it was gj?d that mediation haa greatly Increased the good feeling JtttwviQ the United States and all LaBh-Amer lean countries and it has shewn that the United States never tto^any Intention of attacking Mexioa with th" Idea of territorial aggrandisement. Niagara Palls.?-Plans for the indefinite recess of mediation were somewhgt disturbed yesterday by the suggestion of the United States government that such a break might be interpreted as a disruptloh of thtesMSdgHgn. ,17 The Washington administration be llevee the departure of the mediator* and delegates might fall to InniiAnrA r.nnltittttlAS?llltl to hnr rj^thsir w propo?a Informal confarenca Vfh the Huerta commission. * v Justice Lamar conveyed the views of the, Washington . government to Hot depart -until The medfato^aTfljcptatned thit the recess did not stkttlfr adjournment until they thought they could 9>e of service in Washington and else where in forwarding ^the pence program. ' ' No objections were offered by the American government to the recess, but It* communication was merely an expression of preference. There Is no disposition on the-part of the United States to press the point, lu view of plans of the mediators to continue their efforts to bring the Constitutionalists and Huerta delegates in the conference. COL WILLIfllS uann upannn IH HUM OF MM! Governor Locke Craig has Jpst *? sued a commission to Colonel W. II Williams of this city, aa a membei of the board of director* for the Ceo. tral Hospital for the Insane at Ra lelgh, N. C., to succeed Dr. 8. O Hlddleton of Hallsvllle, who resign ed. The selection of Colonel Wll llams Is a moat fortunate one. H< Is a native of Newton, N. C.. and foi the past 18 months has been one oi Washington's popolar cltlsens. Col Williams married Miss Lillian M Bonner, daughter of Mrs. Herberl Bonner. He Is a division manage! of the George W. Hebne Company dealers In snuff# tobacco, etc., ol New York- He has been with tfcti mammoth concern fot a quarter ol a century. , Colonel Wlllama will make a rainable addition to the board of direc tore. He Is a man fine buslnoei acumen and has always stood, foi those high and lofty Ideals which g< to make a better town, a battel community, a better state. Cover nor Craig Is to be congratulated upon his wise and judicious selection. WELCOME VISITOR. Mr. Ds*rld W. Blount of Belhsven N. C., arrived here this morning vU the Norfolk. Southern train and li upending the dfty In the olty on bust sees. M. Blount years ago, wds ? resident of this city. Bis men; friends are more then (lsd to eei ktm. ' Deputy 9b erl (f John F. Luc sr. to tho effort tbnt he Is no better to . _ _ _ _ I I y I JUtY t, 1914 MM he mm The Fdnrth of Jaly, TtM it sot urday. la gplas to bo t (root coco elon at BofheTen, odo of Eooton Carolina's Arlfhtoot too no. Whlh Otto of tbeeyoaacert In thto seotioi 1U record % veil worm emuldtlai from IU uak elder oMtoM. Tbl paver hta Oread? (Wet a toMdtl* program (off too <0? and tbe ovtfoOl 10 tint thaadeedi will attend the ex orcleee- An automobile parade, bl cycle racing. borae racial, and othei athractlone are ached a led. Then will be rodeeed retee on all railroad, for the day. Thui one of the yoaai eat bat efharteat towna la thla aee tton of North Carolina la ahowiai Itf nelibbora what proireaa mean. Quite a qamber of Waehlnitontan. contemplate attending. TOR flMi NEW THEATRE llJiffll The tflhr Theater opens tonlgh, for the last three nights of the wee I with Ttrai Ha.'.an," a clever rag , time singing comedian. Those tha are fond of good ragtime stnglni and ootasdy will And a good yrogTdfl awaiting them at this popular pla: house toiaght and the balance o the meek. There will of as asua three reels of photoplay*. WMh th, electric fans la this house It Is thi coolest spot that one can Bnd afte: sapper te spend an hoar or two o amusement. So b^ sore and attend IHl. LOWTHBR HERE. Rev.-Dr. Lowther, president of th Washington Collegiate Inatftate, ha returned from an extended tour o the states of Oklahoma and Mlssoui In the Interest of the Institute. enjoyed his trip Immensely/ HAWING HRDTV PflCC null I mm ; main A Jolly party of young people lei . this morning at nine o'clock on th gas boat Maud and Reginald bono tor Ooracoke, N. Cv where they ar . to spend the nexX ten days enjoyin the sea breesesP the bathing an<] flsta . Ing. at tbls well-known summer r? - 'sort. The party was chaperone ? by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Vaughan. Th r -party was composed of the following I Misses Elisabeth and Rebecca 8im . axons, Ellsabeth and 8allle Garros Annie and Louise Grist, Mae Blonni ! Robena Carter, Adeline Mayo, Anhl ' Cox, Mrs. E. 8- Simmons, Mrs. G. E . Bell, Master Caleb Bella Miss Mai r garet Harris, of New York; Miss E? ' telle Deris and her companion "B11 ' Davis." wto has been deputised a the mascot; Mrs. J. H. Mclilhennej - and three children; Messrs. Jim an - 8eth Baugham, William and 8am?i 1 Blount, Fred Cohen, George Oreei r Shrerett Brlggs. Lester Savage, Reg > Inald Fulford. Will laid Ellswortt " The party has rented the Brag - house on Ooracoke and the Dsll 1 News readers are expecting some tr tereating Items from thet part of th world Within the next tew dayi The entire city wishes the lolly pal . ty a great time. I - P - , HAW BRANCH RWB. - are hexing real warm we*the > st present, also thnnder, wind an r Vain clouds. Gases the farmer > would ho glad to eee a few days c clear weather again. Mlseas Stele Bearers ot Darhan N. C.. and Miss bora Chandler c t Wlhnar, Tinned releases ssd friend > at this plsea last weak. I Mr. Clayton Laneaatar was a Tta II tor at Mr. bonis Taylor's Sunday , '( Usees luu Mas guar * Public School Teaci Institu " I President Lowther and Superint The Teacher*. Much Good Ii The burtttntian. Better Schec * Him *?rlor, 8m tin. M?iH*n*T ' Dlxoa and Walter Hill wore iqmU He 1 it Mr. R. O. D. Hill's Saturday night. |y , * Mr. Thomas Oodloy visited his Col 1 daughter Mrs. W. H. Lewis Sunday. f Mrs. J. O. Lewis and little son. 1 Bertie, were the guests of Mrs. J. L. dr? 1 Bearers Saturday afternoon. da< t Mrs, Henrietta Warren of Belhav- leg] " en. Is visiting relatlres and friends dre at this since. ^ \ Misses Ullle Dixon* Sadie Hill. eF| 1 Ltxale Lewis, Annie. Edwards, and ro1 1 Messrs. Joe and Johnnie Edwftrd?, ^ 1 Sim, Plum and Edward Hill. Bam ^ Barr, Claud Dixon, Lawrence and Th( 1 Theodore Nobles. Madison Dixon and vlu * W. H. Nelson were visitors at Mr. tar 1 H. O. Warren's Bun day afternoon. mei Mr. Victor Williams sad Miss Dora Mh Chandler made a short call at Mr. an< t. O. Lewis' Sunday afternoon. ^ Mrs. Peafter Bright and children tbr were the guest# of her mother* Mrs. odg L. N. Downs 8nndsy erening. Miss Lillian Lewis spent Saturday ]ocj night and Sunday with Miss Dora lnt| Chandler. She reports a pleasant le con Considering th weather crops ere afti looking alee throughout this Motion Qf espedally corn. no, Mrs. JnMan NoUob and Mrs. Anlce gu> Nobles were guests or Mrs. J. L. JJJJ Bearefs Saturday afternoon. Hi| FROM R. F. D. NO. 4^ ula Rev. C. Durham filled his regular coB appointment at A*ory Sunday. Miss Bertha Cterett win a guest of Mlse Laura Bright Saturday night and Sunday. ' y ' Bar. and Mrs. C. 1 Durham were n ihi aad Mrs. J. M || Cotton Sunday. Ml Miss Roth Bborn ef Bayslde. is ftj lilting her couslu Mrs. Mamie Mixon. Miss Llllle ATllgood spent Saturday night and Sunday with the Mlsees Congleton. 9 Miss Mary Hill is spending a few 8 days wtth Miss Laura Bright. f Miss Leila Cutler spent Sunday 1 with Misses Stella and Annie Conglo? ton. - u Mr. Leonard Cotten epent Sstur- D& day nlg^t and Sunday In Washing la# ton. of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cutler were In our midst Sunday. ^ Mr.'and Mrs. Mode Alllgood hare ^ been visiting their parents Mr. and He Mrs. A. B. Alllxood. ?.. ? The MetbOdlst a under School col- jjr ebreted lte ennnel Children's Day B(j 1 exercises Sunday night. The follow. ^ - Ing program wee carrted out: no J Processional. "Bright Birds Singing in tho ,oc Branch e..." dr, ~ Pr,yer by Rev. C. E, Durham. BO| Prayer. Response by school. ln Responsive Reading. Th Scripture reading by paster. lB Prayer by superintendent. TCl Recitation?Weloome, by Ottis Al- ^ llgood. of Recitation by Joms Sheppard. ac] Song?"Jewels for the Master." #d Recitation?I Cannot See the Pow- Uo er. by Lola Woolsrd. gll Recitation?What Would You Do? ml ?Julia Bborn and Elisabeth Alii- dl[ good. ln, Exercise?Those Who Don't Slug. a t by Clase. ?a Trio?"Sing Away." by Misses ^yi Bessie Woolard. Berths Willis aud g-al EHamae Bborn. Recitation?Children's Carols, by . _ Hertford AlUgood. "T Recitation?I Am But a Little " Child. OerLv Plnhham. 8onf?Neath the Banner of His ? Cross. "? Recitation?The Children's Crdsade?Elmer AIHgood. Exercise?"A Daisy Wreath"? ' By six girts. * Recitation?"A prayer"?Albert Sheppard. Recitation?"My Dollle"?EdKb "J" Plnhham. " Recftatton?"Our Mother"?Harlle Sheppard. pr< r Miii. sry llymn. ?, <1 Recitation?Children's Day Ode? _ a Bessie Agyoiard. ? ' Raelfatten?The Mothers Opportu- > ntty?Stella Congletoa. i. Exercise?The Plorel Cross?Ry . >1 twelve girls. IS RecltatlBh TThes we Orow Big Ml ?Lillian Woolard and Allan Bborn. xa ^ 8t*"' l?rt ^ I H-: ' 1 : % 1 '^I Now lt5 / te Ended Today ^ endent Prlvttte Addreeeed I Expected Aa a Result Of ils Expected. rhe Teachers Institute for the p?b school teachers of Beaufort cousiras concluded this moraine at Us Inflate Institute In Washli*Um *. Superintendent Prlrette ad* seed the teachers and also twtrosed President Lowther of the Collate Institute who made an ados on Ideals In Elementary Edition. The Beaufort county teach* have enjoyed the pleasant sur ? ts. where they re bees made cocafertabla darU g seeelons of the summer echo ?y responded cordially to the laithm of IVertdeot Lowther to -v a another year. By theee sw? r schools standards of pSbK ool Instruction ore made higher I the teachers ore better equipped their work by.fettlng In touch ough experts wltta the lataet methi of class room work. It Is hoped that In this way the si Collegiate Institute may come 9 close touch with thvpovng peoof the county so that they may lUnue their preparation for ltfft er they hare completed the coarse study in the grades. The cm*y r offers Its own young people mo,1 advantages 0( schooling all t*e y from the primary grades, thru [h School and up to the third ir In the cdllege course. Superendent Prlrette Is to be coagrttted on the splendid Institute Ju-jI icluded la onr midst and from lch much good will result In Mtachools through the oonaty. ilm 1 W6DDED f 1 JM The following clipping from the ytona, (Florida) G aiette-News of t week will be Interesting to many our townsman: A pretty home wedding was solinised Tuesday evening at S.30 at s home of the bride's mother. Mrs. mry Strother. When true-hearted bel Strother became the bride of . M&lcohn N. Bogirt. Rev. H H. wen. in the presence of about 34 ests, all Intimate friends, prounced the hnpreeslve ceremony itch Joined the two in holy wedtr The hHHt? via rhirmlnv In ?s of white crepe de chine, handnely trimmed In lace, and carried her hand a shower of bride rosea, e reception room was decorated ferns, bamboo and roses, the color leme eras white and green. The de and groom stood under an arch white and green, raised over the lore of the bay window and pledge their rows, informal congratula ns followed the ceremony and thy eats enjoyed a ha!f-bonr or so adring the numerous handsome wedig gifts, following which they were died Into the dining room where uost tempting salad and ice course s served. A little later the goodBe were said and Dr. and Mrs. Sort were driven to their pretty ngalow home on North Atlantic enue, which Dr. Bogart built for i bride last winter, and which is b of the most attrm<ftlTe of new mes recently erected In BeaftfNhM. re they will be at home la their it of friends. Dr. Bogart Is the sscrlption clerk at Hankies' drag rs. Dayton a Beach, and his bride the second daughter of Mrs. H. Strother, and has been one of the eemed teachers In the 8eabree*e loot. Both are popular members the Da yton a Beach social eat and re a bright prospect of future xpsrtty end happiness. ilnlfslliWhhiiniFMh Annie Congleton. Cradle Roll Service? FMre girls. Bong?"Cblabefrors'V?By School. The offering by class. Trio?in That Beautiful LaadIsee. Stella and Annie Congletoe . I ,MU iiiimaJ . V a iviuie Aiugooa.

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