VI vY . - *\ - - - . ? Vol I OFFICIAL RETU COUNTY PR IS PUB E. R. Miuon Leads For Trei W. D. Wlndley Close S For Sherlft Mayo's Mi Is 144. ' lllll will be iMil the official returns of the recent primaries from I fltob precinct In the county. B. R. Mlxon lend* with a majority of 484 for Treasurer, while i|r. B. Wlndley fe a close second with a majority of 468 lor Bhetiff and J. Is. Mayo received a majority of 144 votes for. Representative. There was no oppoeltlon for Clerk, of The Court, Register of Deeds and! County Commissioners. The nominations were read oat by Oeo. AT^anl as reanlred by law. ? roT Register Ck Rumley received 1441. Fhr Clerk of the Court Oeo. A. T>4no?MiiM. For commissioners the vote was as fellows: W. B. Swindell 1187, C P. Ayeock 1806, W. 8. D. Bborn 1166, H. C. Bragaw 1198. W. H. Whitley, " 1137. For Recorder WUaklagton District | & bengal. U>jKv,feC0tt ??! J. H. ?.?: . 8iagR?na Ml. :*C" .. PWOO. rj_ - Register or D00&0?Rnmley 36. ^c:;.,0|^;'?t/6wrft^0*fc A. Paul 33, Truggerer?E. R. Mtxon 36. fc. W. Ryere 4. Sheriff?Ricks 33. Wind* ley 34. ^RepreeeatatWe?Mayo 5. LEBCHVILCE. ? Register of Deods?Rumley 12. Clerk of Court?O. A. Paul 33. Treasurer?M. R. Mlxon 31. Ayers 0. Sheriff?JUcke SO. Windley 2. RepresentetWe? Mayo 3. Jacofeeoa 33. BKLHAVEN. v " Register of Deeds?Rumley 70. Clertc?Real 34. Treasurer?II Ix 1 on 110. Ayere 106. 8herlff?Ricks S3. Wlndley 163. RepreaenUtlre? Mayo 34.. Jacobeon 100. PANTBOO. '.Register of Deads?Rumley 82. G)ec*?t*el 84. Treasurer?'Mlxon S3. Ayers 81 Sheriff?Ricks 66. Wtadfcfy 32. Repreeentatlve?-Mayo 38.- y*oobsou 69. * NORTH CREEK. Register of Deods?Rumley 37. Clerk?Paul 33. Treasurer?Mlxon 31. Ayere 37. Sheriff?Rleks 7 . ~ wtadley 60. RepreeentatlYO?Maya 18.. Jaeobeo* 83. Cf YBATB8VILLE. Register of Deeds?Rumley 46. ri..W Haul A 9 T..i.n?. Ul.nn 22. Ayers >1. Sheriff?Ricks 16. Wlndley 29. Representatlev?Mayo 16. Jacob eon 82. BATH Register of Deeds?Rumley 37. Clerk?Paul 40. Treasurer?Mixon 42. Ajrera 10. 8h?riff?Ricks 25 Wladley 21. Representative?Mayo 87. Jaccbeon 18. SURRY. Register of Deeds?^Rumley 19. Cleric?Paul 21. Treaaurer?-Mlxon 11. Ajera 6. Shertff?Ricks 16. (Wlndley t. Representative?Mayo W" 8. Jacobson 14. HUNTERS BRIDGE. Register of Dseds Rumley 14. Clerk?Paul If. Treaaurer?Mlxon 12. Ayers 4< Sheriff?RJtcks 9. Wlndley 7. Representative?Mayo 11. Jaeoibeon 4. WOODARDS Paul 86. Ttreenorer?MlxfonDlsBo Roaster of Deeds?Rumley 84. Clerk?'Paul 86. Treasurer?Mlxon 6. Afrers 1. Sheriff?Ricks 8. Wlndley 88. Representative?Mayo K'?. ' 26. Jacobson 1. BEAVER DAM ' Register of Deeds?Rumley 63. Treasurer Mlxon 69. Ayers 16 Sheriff?Rlcka 10. Wlndley 69. Representative?Mayo 47. Jacobson 16. PfNETPOWN. Register of peeds?Rumley 20. Clerk?Paul 12. Treasurer?Mixen 18. Ayers 18. Sheriff?Ricks 7. Wlndley 28. Representative? Mayo 11. Jacobson 19. WASHINGTON PARK. Register of Deeds?Rumley 17. Clerk?Papl 16. Treasurer?Mixon 8. Ayem 8. Shertff?Riches 7. Wlndley 8. Representative?Mayo 8. Jacobson 9. i PI NEVILLE Register of Deeds?Rumley 67. .CMS-VMI.T. Tr, iSBurer?Mlxon 48. Aysrs 18. Sheriff?Rick, 18. Wlndley 40. Representative?Mayo * ' 'Il< lacdbaon It. ?*> r?w> iuci?*r <* ??. EE3 sn2T*30E rASHI RNS OF i IMARY VOTE LISHED BELOW s taurer By a Majority of 484 ?cond with Majority of 488 j sjbrlty Tor Representative Clerk?Pitul 48. Treasurer?Mix- ' on 27. Ayers 12. Sheriff?RlcVs SI. Wlndley IS. Representative? Mayo 60. Jacobson 6. TRANTERS CREEK. Register of Deeds?Htamiey 40. ; Cldrk?Paul *47. Treaeurer?Mix- . on 40. Ay?re 8. Sheriff?Ricks JO. Wlndley 18. Representative ?Mayo 40. Jacobson 6. WASHINGTON 1ST WARD. , Reffister of Deeda?Rumley 1S7. , Clerk?Paul 167. Treasurer?Mixoo lis. Ayers 47. Sheriff?Ricks 17. Wlndley 74. Representative? < Mkyo 11? JacMpon 108. bbcowd' ward. Reylster of Deeds?Rumley 143. Clerk?Paul 139. Treasurer?Mix- . on 118. Ayers 31. Sheriff?Ricks i 19. Wlndley 70. Representative? i Mayo 11. Jacobson 83. i THIRD WARD. rv>n J. K O nvgwrn vt wcao nuuirej < Ctfcrk?Paul 60. treasurer?Mixou 39. Ayers 22. Sheriff?Ricks * Wind ley 53. Representative?Mayo J 38. Jacobson, 24. [ FOURTH ; WARD. \ i Register of Deeds?Runfley 9V-. ? Clerk?Paul-92. Treasurer?Mlxon < 4. Ayers 82. Sheriff?-Ricks 24. 1 Wlndely 84. Representative-*-Mayo W. Jacobson 50. 45 i CHOpgrawfeFt,.... Register 4 oi Deeds?Rumley 112. Clerk?Paul 109 Treasurer?Mlxon 1 29. Ayers 79. Sheriff?Rlckg 20. \ Wind ley 91. Representative?Mayo i 98. Jacobson 15. Registerrof Deeds?Rumley H. 4 Clerk?pAl 39. Treasurer?Mlxon 36. Ayers 28. ekerlff?Ricks 23. ' Windley 39. Representative?Mayo I 34. Jacobson 39. 1 < CORE POINT. Register of Deeds?Rumley 14. i Clerk?Paul 17. Treasurer?Mlxon < 10. Ayer^ 6. Sheriff?Ricks 14. i Wlncfley 3. Repfa-dsentatlve?Mayo 0. Jacobson 17. EDWARD. Register of Deeds?Rumley 21. * Clerk?Paul 33. Treasurer?Mlxon i IS. Ayers 36. Sheriff?Ricks It. 1 Windley 27. Representative?Mayo 1 15. Jacobeon 24. i BONNERTON. . < (Register of Deeds?Rumley 18. \ Clerk?Paul 18. Treasurer?Mlxon < Iff.. Ayers 8. Sheriff?Rioks 5. 1 Windley 13. Representative?Mayo i t. Jacobson 9. i AURORA. Register of Deeds?Rumley 67.' Clerk?Paul 61. Treasurer?Mlxon < 35. Ayers 81. Sheriff?Ricks 28. i Windley 45. Representative?Mayo 1 26. Jacobson 26. I 1DALJA. ] Register of Deeds?Rumley 28. " Clerk?Paul 32. Treasurer?Mlxon 17. Ayers 22. Sheriff?Ricks 2. Windley 87. Representative?Mayo 26. Jacobson 12. SOUTH CREEK Register ot Deeds?Rumley 53. Clerk?Paul 68. Treasurer?Mlxon 47. Ayers 11. Sheriff?Ricks 11. Windley 66. Representative?Mayo 67. Jacobson 0. mW CONDUCT A ID MY MEET A series of mooting. U to Mgln at the First Baptist Oburch noxt Monday craning and will continue for tea Ays or two weeks. The pastor and oflldlala of tha church arc mora than fortunate In aaenrlnc Rot. J. W. Ham at tha praachar. Hs Is an crsoi.ltst of national raputatlon and U looked upon as ana of tha first speakers of tha Baptist church tn this country. Mr. Ham will ha assisted by his singer Mr. Lyon and bU wits, both of whom bars roloas of and powar. A, morn 4atallad porgram wtU ba gtrsn tn this papar tomonww. ' . 1 * s Bnbaorlba to tha Daily < ... . NGTC WKATHKF WASHINGTON N =-= Forests Gonventio Stand Fo The Fourth Annual Convention of the North Carolina Forestry Association recently held In Asherille, will be remembered for the stand It took In retard to forest protective legislation. Twice during the meeting the "natural reeourcee" plank In the Democratic platform recently drawn np at the Democratic State Convention in Raleigh was quoted. It reads thus: "We recommend the enactment of Bffectlve legislation designed to oontrol our natural resources, especially out forests and fisheries and our wild game and that snob legislation be, so far as possible, statewide." The adoption of this plank la look sd upon aa a good aotut and plans were laid to get legfllatlon such as ' the Forestry Association has been working for before the next General assembly. Judge H. B. Stevens, In welcoming the dedeguteu to Aahevllle, emphxtflsed our dependence on the forests and added an assurance that In spite 1 of an apparent lack of Interest at this time forest protection (would surely come, because It is essential to the future well-being of the Stale 1 and Nation. Hr./N. Buckner, Secretary of the AkbevHle Board of Trade, #wlo had ' worked unremittingly to make the convention a success, paid a glowing tribute to the late George W. 11 Vandertoilt, whose forestry work on* the Bittmore estate and Plagah For- 1 est has done so much to make practical forestry u^^cBtood a&d^pprecl"tST responding to the address of Dr. ^Joseph Hyde Pratt pk1 jl_a hly|i |f/*? ute^to t^e^Mic serrlcfeS^fflVs. VandeSbllt hss rendered t>y selling Pisgah Forest to the government (or a National Forest. He slso complimented the people of Aaherllle on their foresight la securing an uneontamtnated watershed tor their city stater supply. Both Pisgah Forest and the city watershed are absolutely dependent on Ore protection, Dr. Pratt said, for their present usefulness and future value to the people. The speaker then went on to ontllne what tn his estimation were the main points in a forest policy for North Carolina. "It is undoubtedly the province of the State to foster In every possible way the indsutrles and resources ' which affect the lives, the nronerty gind the happiness of the whole peo- 1 pie, end especially the well-being of future generations. The question > seems to be: How much should be ? lone by the State and how much tfhould be left to the Individual laud owners? We ere not likely here In North Carolina, where it has been said, individualism has run to seed, to err by doing too uluch for the private owner, but rather too little, fet In thla State our towns tax their sltlsentf to maintain a Are protective system whether they have houses to i t>e protected or not. The house- ' bolder has to do his part by observing safety regulations, but he exIRS. EDWARDS HARRIES 1R. ?.1 BRYAN Mrs. Eugenia Edwards of thte city, and Mr. Edward E. BTyan of Raleigh N. C., aere united In marriage at the realdenoe of the bride on Pierce street thla morning In the presence yf a few friends and acquaintances. The groom la a travelling saleaulan and the bride la one of the city's pop- ' alar ladies. The ceremony was Impressively performed by Rev. E. M. Shlpea, pastor of the First Methodist 1 L-hurch. The Daily News Joins tM many friends in extending congratulations. NemorttaW# Reeenl of torvfeo. Raadlnc (lln?Und) oorporatlon ho. ta IK employ thro, broth.r, auoed . Bunas, whooo oomblned in emounl to two kuftol and alao yean, and ' w1?o? total oorrloo tor too corporation amounts to 1*4 yoon. tor 111 : leeo, thoy bay* not loot ono boar bo twooa tbotp too wbato of too Ono. To drow Mini Maoo ilUllill aprayo of aitat la , (laoo trait Jar. Koop too Jcr Ollod iltk wat?r oad toe mint will prow u )N D .'it1; i = I nwililt Mr Toaight ! M L C FRIDAY AFTERNOOf ri Takes f The Le^islatioi r .J peeu the: city to do its pert by kec ins eh eStoleat fire Company, ei tMs it does. In common fairness t State in like manner should he property of the man who lives in t country. <v N weary State Forestry Meeearc "A Btnte roreet policy for Nor Caroline should include: (a) First end foremost e sta fire protective system. 0? State-owned end opernt demonstretlon forests end ezpei ment etatln tfi':, \ (e) The encouragement of forp planting ty the maintenance of 01 or more forest nurseries. (d) The Modification of tax on non-rerenttp \ producing fore lend. (e) A foreetry department su ported by en adequate appropriate "Protection bf the forests fro Are is a perquisite for alt oth< measures of im^ovement. It is 1 far the moat necessary and importa measure (or the; State to undertak because the swbeees of all others d pends on tws. inre protection shou not be left entire)! r to a State organ sailon, but Uie Hate must inert ably take the tea L The aim shou' bo to prerent flreL not to wait nnt they are started i ad then extlngnit tiheta. It is chea er in the long rv and far more effective, because It educative. An 'adequate syete should Include a Skate forest wardc and district and township wardei sod patrolmen. It should provld for lookouts, patrol during dry an dangerous weathert the summonu of necessary assistance to extlngnlt Ares, the coltoctloa of Informatlc about the cause, edtent and damaf of Ares, the posting of pnbllc wari Ing notices, and the enforcement < the forest fide Ihws. "As soon as such a system Is ! force the Federal Government ready and anxious to sp-ope rate wil the StjAe 1h tfg piWfculufa-ta-pr portion to the amoudt of money e pended by the State. Seventw states are already receiving eur Federal assistance In sums varylc from $1,500 to $10,000 a year eac! The co-operation of associations i land-owners would also no donl soon be secured. Thirty such as? clartlons in?nlne different States ai now actively engaged In Are prote< tlon. Railroads and other corpori tlons and Individuals as well as tt local government of counties an townships can also be ootinted on I do their share when they eralise th. the State Is In earnest In trying 1 prevent roresi nres. MIn order to carry out effective! such a State forest policy the wor should be entrusted to a represent tlve non-political boar', with fu powers and responsibilities. Ti board should employ trained and e: perienced men, selected on tli ground of their efficiency only to I in charge of the forestry work of tl state. An adequate appropriate must be provided by the Leglslatui for making the various measures e fectlve." GREAT SALE WILL CLOSE mm Tomorrow is the last day of tl Chautauqua sale which has been tot ducted so successfully for the pa fifteen days by the well known fir: of Cutler and John at their place ! business, corner of Main and Mark* Streets. This sale has meant qui a saving in prices to purchaaoi Only a few hours await the remdei of this paper to secure the great be gains. One hundred and eighty-11 pairs of ladles buckskin pumps ai now in stock for today and tomo row. They will be closed out i $1.79 pair. Their sale has been In every wi satisfactory and since their ope nil date they have been honored by large number of patrons taking * vantage of their unheard o( bargain It tm Washington raik? OLD PORD AND GflBfMLAMI> Old Pord and Orlmesland will me and cross bats at Lath**'* Ctm Roads diamond Saturday, July 4. i I SO p. M. A Sana mother of tei are expected to witness the gam Admission true to all. . - ? Bfjpwp" M |1 J ' * ' AILY l JULY 3, ?14 |1RS. WILLS ' FELL 81 SLEEP ! UST RIGHT After a well spent life?one full Lh ot fruitage, clrcuzaapeetiveness of life and entering the battlements oi te heaven glorying In the fact that her record U on high. Mrs. A. 8. Wells *1 passed away -last night between IS -j. and 1 o'clock at her home on East Second street. For months she has Rt been a great sufferer. Her affecI* tlonate and dutiful husband left noth ing undone for her comfort and all ei that medical skill could suggest was it offered?all to no avail, for Qod wanted her to beautify his heavenly p. home and so she went and her enn. trance added another star into the m crown of those who have been reBr deemed end had their robes washed ) v In the blood of the Lamb, at Mrs. Wells was born in Hyde conne, ty on June 2, 1863. and on April g. 27th. 1904. was happily married to Id I Dr.~A. 8. Well's, one of Washlnsrton's i- prominent dentists. Her maiden t- name ?u 8usan Juliette Spencer. Id The deceased Joined the Methodist J1 Church when only a young girl and ih sinoe that time has been ever in the in forefront for the cause of her Master. Is She did what she could. During her m residence In this city Mrs. Wells has )n always been counted upon in every xi work which meant the furtherance te of a pure Mfe and now that she id sleeps awaiting that day for which tg all others were made, her going iu ih universally deplored. May the same ,a hand that has wounded be the same ?e to fuocor and comfort. 8he was a q- true woman, a devoted wife, a loyal citizen?her life ie well worth emulation. la The funeral will take place from Is the First Methodist Church Saturday :h morning at 11 o'clock conducted by o- Us psstor Rev. S *L flalgss mA x- the Interment will be in Oakdale m cemetery. The following will act as h pallbearers: C. C. Cratch, Geo. E ig Ricks, J. F. Buckman, W. E. Swlnh. dell, E. R. Mlson and E. W. Ay era. 0f The deceased leaves a heart brokOt en husband and daughter, five brotha erB, Geo. A. Spencer, A. G. Spencer, ra Qf this city, S. G. Spencer of N*w c- Bern and W. S. and J. ll. Spencer ol *1 Hyde county. ie The sympathy of the enMre city d goes out to those bereft. M ENJOYED ! flnin I LftST Nil a "e The vaudeville and motion pictures at the New Theater last night ? were all that any one could ask for the price asked for admission. The singing of Mr. Tom Hanlon was very well rendered and received several applauses. The motion pictures were some of the best that has been at this house for some time. There will be an entire change of program tonight, so be sure and a'tend. For (next week that can be secured in play house has gone to the heavy exr pense of booking one of the best Tabloid troupee there is now on the road. That is the "Edward Oliver le Big Jubilee Co." This company n- comes here recommended as the beet st that has struck this city so far this m season. In addition to this attrae5f tlon the New Theater has made arst rangements to give their patrons te some of the best pictures starting s. next week that can be secuded in rs this section of the country. 80 tor gather with this excellent vaudeville re company, and the well known ^lore tores as the Biograph, Essany.^Bdir son, Lobln, atbe and the many other st well known films of the associated film exchange the patrons of this iy house may expect some pleasing Lf -amusement for the coming week There are plenty of fans in this house i- to keep every one cool, so do not h*s - itate to attend every night. ANKOVKCKMKNT. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joadph Jtmnerson t Lmnm umn tka mrrtif' ot '? thatr 4aa(kUr Anoa Batiar to Mr. >t AMton Ortmaa aa Taaadar. Jaw >0. >a 1U4. Aydan. N. C. a. At taaa aft? Xalr tha XI, Orlmaata?d, H. C. ' ? NEW ? The Addisco Book Charmi IIKSTKK 1 III SUS = mi siiE: CM Plans to completely restock all trout streams and lakes throughout d? the national forests of Colorado, Wyomlng, and 8otuh Dakota, within a fU period of olne years, are well under gu -way, as the result of the approval Te by the federal bureau ot fisheries of a plan of operation prepared by to the forest service. The bureau of erl fisheries has promised to furnish the pri necessary fish fry for distribution to th( the various forests, the shipments of fry to be directed to railroad ata- 11 tlons nearest the waters to be stocked 7tl so that ae many streams as possible Ml may be supplied from a central point. r?' The planting of all fry will be per- ^ formed by forest officers who will Bu1 keep close check on the results o( IWC the work. ,*r* According to the estimates of the *lc forest officers, approximately 20 mil- da Hon trout fry of the brook, rain- th< bow and black-spotted varieties will dlc be needed to meet the requirements of all the waters ^adaptable to the offl production of trout. Of this great dei number the bureau of fisheries Is prepared to supply something over Mr four and a ah If million this year ^ and a gradually decreasing number each successive year for a total of ho1 bine, at the end of which time it is Fexpected that the complete restockIng will have been accomplished. 101 The estimates are said to oovar 272 rftreuy and lakes In the three states. Fo 'Hie re it oak lag of natlonm forest ^ streams In all states where such for- k. ests are situated, including these now being acquired In the White Moun- 2^ tains and the southern Appalachians. Gr will be given attention as rapidly as supplies of flsh fry become available for planting purposes. The forest t01 service is admirably organised to carry on work of this kind and does to *0< with practically no Interference with ^ regular activities since the flsh must ^3 be handled with the utmost baste and frequently during the late ev- 8,0 ening or early morning hours. The '0I production of the existing federal ler and state flsh hatcheries Is hardlv. dw U all rlaman^a Kna-. tin ever, and therefore the work has to J be done In installments. 'wl1 msjit ? HOSTESS lU = BOOK CLUB:: c!tl ln< The last meeting for the year of of the O. Henry Book Club and one of ^ the most delightful, wan held with j0I Mrs. A. M. Dumay Thursday ?fternoon. la keeping with the glorious ra Fourth, so near at hand Mrs. Dumay had her home beautifully decorated d M with the stars and stripes and the ^ club members standing Bang ,,The prt Star 8pangled Banner." Miss Rod- }iB1 man presided over the meeting In her WJ usual gracious manner. After the aI l reading of the minutes and roll call th< by M1h Daughlnghouse the items of Qr| interest were read and commented w0 upon. The paper for the afternoon was on the life and works of one of our own gifted North Carolina poets, John Henry Bonner, prepared , and read by Mre. C. M- Brown. The * club then discussed their study for i the coming year, finally deciding th) upon Bbekepeare and his work,*. no The election of officers took place ylt and Miss Rodman was unanimously 7_j re-elected president for the ensuing Mrs. Dumay served most delicious T refreshments, Ice cream and cake, In na red, white and blue blocks, giving ^ to each an American flag as a fitting lnJ souvenir of a most delightful meettag. Km. Dumay sustained her reputation as an entertaining hostess, y 8he had aa her guests for the after- gr soma Km SaUle Gallagher. Mrs. Aa- M ate Guilford. Mrs. Hani a. sister of flo Mrs. R. w Carter. np .? ^ Uf. Mi to W?kto0? Itoh. o, --? - ? ' *' ^ :j^H 1 1 No. 106 -| Club . 9 ngly Entertained The closing meeting of the Addis > Book Club for the year was held the home of Mrs. Charles F. JB arren on Thursday afternoon at '{< re o'clock. The guests were charm I gly received by Miss I Isabel War- ] a. the young daughter of the hoses and ushered Into the reception I dl where In her own gracious manir the hostess extended a cordial "* slcome. In honor of our Independence "Old ory" floated over the scene, while I Bhons of red. white end blue add a national touch of beauty. Repairing to the dining room the I esta were refreshed with deligbt1 punch served by two young eete. Miss Edwards of Nashlvllo, ; I inn., and Miss Blount of Norfolk, I ter which the meeting was called 9 order by the preeldent Mrs. Bevly O. Moss, mlnutee read and apoved. Owing to a thunder storm I ? club was deprived the pleasure * I being with faias Wlswall on June th, thus the last paper for the nr. "Mothers? of Tomorrow" by J u. c. F. Warren was carried over the meeting of yesterday. Mrs. wren did Justice to her beautiful t>Ject. Her descriptive portions re charming and vivid, in her bote to "Mother Eve," to the "Vfri Mother" to the mother of yeeterr, of today and tomorrow iter >ughts were clothed In exquistte itlon. After the paper the election of ofIcera and committees were In orr: Mrs. Beverly O. Moss, President: s. Stephen C. Bragaw, 1st Viceseldent; Mrs. John Chartea. 2nd re-President; Miaa E. M. B. Hoyt. horsey Vice-President; Mrs. Justus Randolph, Secretary; Mrs. J. B. arrow. Treasurer; Mrs. W. B. Moo U Mias Wiswall, reporters. vr ^ ~.i Progsam Committee?Mrs 8. M ' wle. chairman. Mrs. Charles 9, Itrim. Mrs. B.-" C. Bradaw. MA. JR. Knight. Miaa Jane My era Printers Committee?Miss Joselne Whitney, chairman. Mrs. J. 1>. imes. | Design of Cover?Mrs. John C. dman. chairman. Mrs. W. B. Mcr?, Mrs. W. D. Grimes. Book Committee?Mrs. D. T. Tay>. chairman. Mrs. Herbert Bonner, *8. Frank Rollins. Miss Marcla rers. After much thought and discusn the club will take for its study the coming year "The Vital In estM of Today." Hoping that elllng in the atmosphere of the aes an intimate and sympathetic owledge of the wonderful age In lich we live will be absorbed. The club has issued to the O. Hen* and Young aMrried Woman's >bs an Invitation to join In forming ounty federation, wihich it ie hop* th ey will accept. The business over delicious cream d cake was served, the red. white d blue showing in the refreshes. ASouvenlr, American flag, delightful meeting with a delightI hostess. In looking backward over the serteenth year of Its exeistence the ib feels that a woman's club Is leed "a meeting ground for those purpose great and strong." tiose aim Is in the stars, who evf*r ig to make the patient, listening rid resound with sweeter music. rir tones. A place where kindly Ling words are said, and kindly sds are done. Where hearts are I, where wealth of brain tor povy atone. Where band grasps nd, and soul flnds touch with soul, sere victors In the race for fame d power look backward even in sir triumph hour to becokn otbi to the shining goal. This la a man's club, a haven fair, where lers drop for an hour their lload care." ? TONIGHT. -* There will be a soiree tonight at ? Armory. Gentlemen dancing, t members of claae 50c, ladles la* ed. ? 1-ltp. ? m\T BANES TO GLOBE. % 'j On account of tomorrow being g ttonal holiday all the banks Of b city -will be closed, the day be5 the Fourth of July. 1 . PASBB8 mtOUGH CRT. Ir. T. D. Aldridge of Sooth Creek rived in the city yeetarday afteres from Conetoe on his war tn nth Creak. Mr. Aldrhfeo baa been ending sever# jfeyn artth y*\Mr and friends and aay? that his Mat m graatlT inlaw*. ; ^ ?

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