- IJjj ^ F _ j Special 4th < To any person o ing this slip and bt one pear of tires, ' tra tire of some j P. P. MA Worth VCrowing' Comparison of iwtaudp - ~ *a4 *na* For Sale by?J. E. Adams, M son & Phlll j NOTICE | Wo,, the wholesale Grocery Job- | ban and Brokers or Washington wlU olooe our plaoes of huslneaa on Bat . urdajr, July 4th. a B. R. MIXON 4k CO . 0AR0I4NA DI8T. CO., JAR. BLLTSON CO., X. PETERSON CO.. ELl.ISON BROS. CO.. , PIPPIN 4k WOOLiARD. 0. ft. MORRIS A CO. . ' i Sluggish Liver and Can stipation Easly Ended Satisfying Hoi Springs Mnr 1 Button* Taka. the Place of 1 fttMbetoM Calomel. 1 The liver is the road to health; I physician will tell you that. Look i * 7*?r tongue if it is furred or ooated or look* dull or off color. ' your liver needs a button. The most perfect laxative that the worM has ever known is the famous , HOT SPRING8 LIVER BUTTON8 v from Hot Springs, Ark. They are eo blissfully, so Joyfully atisfying, so free from the after miswry caused by salts, calomel and , > tiarak cathartics that everyone who trie* them once can never be Induced Co CO back to any other treatment HOT SPRINQ8 LIVER BUTTON8 speedily tone up your liver, clean the feowels of poisonous waste and gas. and speedily end sick' headache,, dlxxinesa and nervousness. They are simply grand for malaria, to purify the blood, for bad breath and to rid the'akin of pimples, sailowneas and blotches. All druggists have little chocolate coated HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS for 36 cents a box. Free sample from Hot 8pringa Chemical Co., Hot Springs. Ark . ' C ASTOR IA ??r InJhnt* and Children. Tk KM YmHiti Always Booght In Our We* "Easy-Open P Twirtthe 1 BASEE * BIG STEA (BASE'S LIKE A^| 1 _ fifeffiC " > - EE! FREE! I [ ?f July Sale v I , . ! r persons bring tying for CASH, > I will gipe ah ex- \ jrade FREE. " XWELL i About * before tOBBekejWI ?a^60c.^ Alioi^ the * rnr falter Credle & Co., Harlaa jd 'Hag lps. &0tl> - . ( flon ER TO HAYK PRKTTY HAIR |i^ ^I mei It your hair ! not as soft and pret [mj ty, or aa fresh and toll as that of pre some friend, do as Bhe does?give it daily attention, Ju$t the same care 1 you would give a plant to make it healthy and beautiful Luxuriant I Ai lair, soft, fluffy, thick, and lustrous? T|Q Is really a matter of care. If It Is too A Q thin, make It grow. If It. la too dry and brittle, soften It up-^-lubricate It. If you have dandnuff It Is be- ^ cause the scalp is too dry and flakes w? ?ff. - gte Parisian Sage, an Inexpensive ton ^ 1c, which you can get from any drug- jQy gist, or from Worthy & Etheridge, kor is Just what you neqd?It softehs the * icalp, nourishes the hair roots, 1mmediately removes dandruff, and makes the hair fluffy, lustrous and abundant. Parisian Sage takes a- 1 way the dryness, stops Itching head, se< makes the hair twice as abundant thi and beautifies It until it Is soft and ^ lustrous. By the use of this helpful .tonic any woman can easily make her hair ? Duffy, soft and pretty. J : ; -h r ' NOTICE. ^ i r Notice la hereby given that the 1 undersigned has this day duly qUalifled as executor under the Last "Will Cin and Testament of Samuel Peele, de of ceased, late of Beaufort county, and m0j all persons holding claims against \7 the said estate will present the same clh to me, duly verified, within one yea: from the date of thte notice, or this 8lcJ notice will he pleaded In bar or their COE recovery. All persons indebted to 'are the said estate will please make im- dul mediate payment. p This June S4. 1914. t. j?. PEEL, cln I' ... . Executor *7 ^ W* A. Thompson, Attorney. 6-14-6wp. | anl Coin" ^ HUttHOH iALL MOA H, V1 HunV JRU* barnacle !j fly with l/JPhvll W mm 11 MT: ? ... 3 . j _ , : i 1 ATUUCTA. ' ?UIII. IN U. fcl4% ts&M Americans Extravagant When Uncle Sam j Pays Br SuMoc MOSES E. CLAPP of Minoesote DO not know what will become of tbia country unless there is a general revolt among the peoagainst national extravagance. ' 0 not know how we are to- meet demand for appropriations. | jrybody in this country, individ- | ly, would lessen appropriations, 1 jet about everybody is interestin some project?especially marions?that requires money. )t course there are meritorious lands, but when NEARLY EVY CITIZEN OF. THE TTNITSTATEJ8 IS BACK OF SOMB.j AN which to his mind is the one ritortoua plan it makes it almost ! ossibla for congress to resist the sure. N * HAVE SOMETIME8 FELT THAT 1% THING WOULD OO ON UN, BETWEEN THE BURDENS OF rivinu inn -rux nenor/... N OF BONDS. WE WOULD FIND IENERAL REVOLT AMONG THB )PLE. Gentleness at Horn*. Jbo your gentlest voice at home, itch It day by day ae a pearl of at price, for It will be worth more you tn days to come than the beat irl hid In the sea.. A kind voice la , like a lark's song, to a hearth at ne. It U a light that alnga aa well ahlnea. Train It to aweet tonea r, and It will keep in tune through i.?Ellhu Bnrrltt. Much Work en Small Box. The construction bf a cigar box may in to be a very almple matter to i novice, but the box paaaes through teteen processes before it la ready receive the cigars. Scientific Discovery Vegetable Element That is Ra? dly Doing Away With the Use of Calomel. The Hardy Drug t*>., Is one of i first progressive concerns to offor salo the new Bystem of medLe that is fast supplanting the use old-fashioned calomel as a liver dicfne. Mearly everyone knows how easlthe liver becomes sluggish In this nate and how this sluggishness >cts not only all the other phynl organs but the mind as wevv ['he signal towers of thlB dread idltion. which some call malaria coated tongue, lack of energy, 1 eyes, constipation, sallow comxlon. raken with regularity this porvacleptlflc liquid vegetable medle In the form of CARSWELL'S relieve all. liver troubles. /ER-jUDwUl prevent or promptDn sale under money return guar- | ;ee by the Hardy Drug Co. TH? F.r.DAmvco.upL.BuTyAi rms: a! v coulon't.catch aftock 0'ftatrter ~ a-T-.T il-.'l.u y - ,* W ' '"'y *, ?. ? HAS MO SUBSTITUTE I If *AKlM<3 POWDER ^jMniofutehr Pur? NOAUlS?lMnmATE | imi'i i urn 11? more MONEY FOR GOOD ' . ;; roads. :; According to figures compiled ; ; 1" by the office of public roads of ! the department of agriculture, ! . g expenditures In the United States < | I for Improvement of roads bare < ! ; mors than doubled since 1004. ; ll . In that year money spent for ! > \ I road improrement amounted to ; 111,111. wuue in luio me ex- < > ; pendlture was In excess of $165,- ; | > 000,000. EXCELLENT ROADS ABROAD. Avsrags Cost of Msintsnanos In Frsnos and England. So much Is beard about tbe excellence of roads In England and France tbat occasionally some consideration of their cost la helpful to a falter appreciation of what will be necessary in order that systems of equal merit (traffic requirements being considered) may be developed hero, says a writer In a * recent issue of tbe Engineering Review, tl The road mileage of France Is 371,- h 000, and the coat, at a time when wages c ware very, very low, was $1,663,000,000. On this baala to secure a system for the 23,000 miles of highways in Massachusetts would require the expenditure of $100,000,000. Moreover, France spends $45,000,000 per annum for .maintenance. This Is about $120 a mile a year, a figure which, of course, as an average means very little, since On tbe main reads a much greater amount 1s spent and on the minor t roads considerably less. Tbe minister Of public works, too. Is recommending . that $50,000,000 additional be provided daring the next ten or tweke years for some bituminous binder on 6,000 miles 1 vetmatJonal highways, where it is greatly needed. Turning now to England, where the road surfaces are, on the whole, bet- . ter than those 1b France, It Is found that the average coat of maintenance -on the 27,800 miles of main roads In 1 England and Wales Is $475 per mile per annum and that on the 95,000 r miles of rural roads In England the av erage coat of maintenance la $115. While these figures should not?and In fact will not?dlacourage persistent 1 effort to Improve highway systems In 1 this country, they may well be borne In i mind to sllenco those who see little , good In our own work and much good j abroad. True it Is that in some sections of this country appropriations for 1 a few selected routes have compared 1 well wltb those quoted; but, taking the [ country generally, the amounts avail- i | able have been pitiably small as com- j pared wltb English and French pnic ( 1 i I IN J POLISI JQ.H.Y. Hamltow. OUT. . "Batti Mr. Fan Rooi ) (bat ? v'coi J ja. I BfVT SrN EVE kj $. *. .?v*v "" ^ ? | ? - P> TT"" im* ml. in, ? ? ? jTADouTn; C. V. Knight of Aurora* N. C. l? are today on business. Capt. John W. Keyea of RaleUh, ~ f. C.? arrtred in the city last even- i of. 4 M h J: D. Eborn of Bayslde, waa among " tie welcome rlaitora to the city to y. W. H. Cook of Columbus, Ohio, Is mong the guests registered at tho lotel Louise. J. A. Tucker, manager of the Hotel *o1use, returned to Ooean View, Va., ast night where he la managing the Virginia Bay-Hotel for the summer. Dr. Ernest Dunn of New Bern, N. 1., returned to his home today. R. S. Wright went to New Bern tolay on professional business. 6. 8. Watts or Norfolk, Vs., waa in our streets this morning. N. C. Newbold, former superlntenent of the Washington Public chools, was a Washington visitor 1st evening greeting his friends. H. R. Way of Belh|jren, after pending several days in the city on lusloecs left for his home this morn- I B?. Chance for Grannie. A little English boy wrote to his Tandmother from his boarding school, n time for her birthday. The letter an thus: "Dear Grannie: 1 want to end you a birthday present, hut I laven't any money. So If you will end me the money you always give ne for Christmas now, 111 buy you omethlng nloe with it. I'm thinking if a pair of pfcstols s boy here will sell j Kjy bta. I could use them until 1 come i 10B?" Daily Thought. Give ua, oh. giro ue, the man who I Inge at. hie work. He does more In ' he same time?he will do it better? e will peraovere longer.?Thomas larlyle. Helpful Words Form a Washington Citizen. Is your back lame and painful, | Ddes it ache especially after exerion? a \ Is a soreness in the kidney relion? ThcBO BymptomB suggest weak kid teys. If so there la danger in delay. ^ . Weak kidneys get fast weaker. Give your trouble prompt atten,ion. f *"v" ' Doan's Kidney Pills are Tor weak tidneys. , Your neighbors use and recomnend them. I Read thin Washington testimony. W. A. Respess, 221 E. Fourth St., Washington, N. C., aays: "My kidieys didn't do their work as they thould. I had backache and pains vhen passing the kidney secretions. ! used a box of Doan's Kidney Pills ts directed, and they gave me reiof." trice dug at an dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy? ;et Doan'a Kidney Pills?the same that Mr. ReBpess had. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ?H Popular Polishes Black, Tan , and White 10c HIES | ng Over .500!" tsandthePlay ulonV) ZJokT (Wr lb y . 11 ' tuHtii . JI J <1111 'ifTtfR BANK OF I ^V\ s | WasMnington N.C V^B^mr | i?~? *io. no, no ud HH I AmerlcM Expr?M Company's cbecfc, 1 H K in anf amount deaircd for trmrel ia tbe U. 8. or foreign countries. .TIm? I are safe to carry because your oou* I L trr nlgnaturt-, (which kfeatlflee yon) I ** rMlail>c<1 10 mA>Le them good. ] I Call or write for booklet. about the new and remarkable accident and disability I policies Issued by Maryland Casualty Company, of I Baltimore, Md. In the July 4th Issued of the Saturday I Evening Post It's the best story In the book. Wm. Bragaw & Co. I First Insurance Agents In Washington. N. C. We would request our customers to send their m ordera m early that we may serve them promptly I and have no rush at the week end, CRYSTAL ICE CO. li Phone 83 Washington. .V. C. I ' ??? ) LEON WOOD?Menbfn New York Coosa Lutia^i?JAMES LE ^ I I J. LEON WOOD & CO. iM ( BANKERS and BROKERS. ( I \ Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain and Provisions, 78 Plant Strsst, / f Oarponttr Building, Norfolk, Va. X | ? Private wires to New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of l I L Trade and other flnsaclsl centers. f 1 J Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and marginal J S Accounts given Careful Attention. . S I East Carolina Teachers Training School A State School to train teachers for the public I school of North Carolina. Every energy is direted to I mis one purpose. 1 union irce to an wno agree to teacb. I Fall Term begins September 22, 1914. For catalogue and other information address, ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President Greenville, N. C. H TRY AN AD IN 1 THE DAILY NEWS I To The Merchants, Ship-1 pers and General Public When placing orders for goods In Baltimore or I Norfolk direct that shipment be made by Steamer L. B. Shaw A saving of 25 per cent on your freight. Sailing days H from Baltimore on the 1st and 15th of each month, and I Norfolk the following day. Freight received at any time at Miller's Wharf I foot of Carolina street Baltimore, and at Jones and Co's I whgrf Water street, Norfolk. 1 M er Hits UflUSU^ PlflyS H 1!=??