tr HntuU^OommHI* Iran called J rnnventfcs of the Democrata of Beau 1 fort crupty to convetie'In tbjf Court ly lot).-at u o'clock. The eonvop lion lu called for the pnrpoee Of rat F . lfflnn }be Democratic primary anil tilling any vmonndee that ml?bt V In the ticket ThV convention hide fair to be Inrxety ^attended from all P. P. Mafwalt, the bicycle tout, I I ban a moat' unique ad In thin paper I and the readers of thla paper ere I called to It, eapeclally Uioea who own r wheeia for It will donhtlesa proro Intereatlnx to them. Mr. Mnnweiil ? ?. ?-iy._MMnt._or_ norttnii s.,1 !ggt' rMaster hi. ad and buytn'g ^for cast* om pair of tires at his shop today that ha will prsent them wit.i an extra tire of tone trade free. Thia o*er, holds food only for today. Thla move on the part of Mr. Maxwell Is an unique one aid no doubi f those wishing to secure new bicycle tires can receive one additional. i mini 1 :?u nr. cm The Tom Thumb wedding at the W r** Boptt-t Church last evening [ was a perfect success. the bridal party entered the church to the < ; strains of Lohengrins woddlng march, rendered hy Miss Clinton Marsh. The . first entering were the ribbon girls. Misses ESe Taylor and Louise . Reopens, gowned in white aa* pta^ I [/ v They were follotrtd by the ushers. Masters Bdwsrd McKensie and Row rick McKensle. ' Misses Mildred Bklnner ud Jean Taylor dressed In light bine, carrying roaee, en tar*! th* church, murine their way down tb* canter aisle. They wars met t>y Masters Lacy Mayo I - ud Hansen Rosa .from the right ud le't aisles. Ths nut to enter was ths dame of honor. Miss fran 1 els. Handy, comely attired In green Ud carrying Ullles and the ring bearer, Mtas. Theresa worthlngton, I ' gowned in white ud gink, wending I ' . their way down the center aisle, b The bride. MM laabelle Rudy. dressed In white, carrying a shower bouquet of roeee. leaning on the arm of hyr maid of koaor. Mis* Bol nor airtndelL, *fio wore a iown of I k pink, WKh a bouquet of pink hyacinths. were mat t>T fke groom. Mastar Richard Skinner, wearing a suit of conventional black, and his ban( I Ms. Master James McKenale; Together they made their way no the alels to the altar, where Muter John Spain performed th? ceremony with klS usual grace and aklll. I Alter they ware pronounced Mr.I I * and Mrs. Tom Thumb. the bridal pni1 ty left the church to the strains ji ' Mendelsohn's wedding march nnd In | Povd ears ware carried to DMvenport's Pharmacy where they were / served with deHcleus refreshments. The church wu ftesnlllnlly deno. rated la fernet nod flowers The Junior Aid Society wishes to take this opportunity to mcprwns their appreciation to the public for the large sum realised end to IMvenpor's Pharnsecy ul the Washington Mo y Convention I [eet On July 10th ; ?: SIT" W . > ie mm. .w Waahlagton, D. C.. July 4.?Three cases at the Department of Agriculture against the Chicago, Rock Ulead end Pacific Railway Co., for violation of the twenty-eight hour law have recently been terinlrf|ted in Kansas. The penalty lie each case waa |100 and coats which were reft ??< .pectttvely $16.80. *16.00 and *15.25 V; The Union Pacific Railway Co., wan ,* fined *100 and coiita 'of 53.31? tor violating the same law.- The lr* In question prohibits the confinement of lire stock in car* for- more twenty-eight hours without unloading fnr - aitnr and nat (whun a nnn clal request t? signed by the shipper the time may be extended to thirtysix hours.) - - % - :S; J "" A case against Henir Brown for violation of the llve-atock; qugr ttntino law was terminated on March 2Srd In the Eastern -dttsriet of Pennsylvania. The defendant; was fined >100. BITTER FI?HT. V A mighty hard bitter fight was put up against Brother Mayo of the Washington Dally News, who bus , Just been nominated by-the Democrats of Beaufort county for the legislature rbut, on the flhal go round, he "showed them the way to go botpe." In his race wo are reminded lot the countryman's dog. When he roaches town every dog in tOwn jumps on htm and eat him up?blood raw.?Belhaven Cltlsen. % sins IF" "1 IH M : ^ TAMnnnniu? lumunnun _ Interesting services tire planned f for the First Baptist Church tomor- L row morning and evening. The |j morning siibject by the pastor, Rev. R. L. Gay will be: The Hope of Glory." The evening topic will bo: *'Oout of Darkness." 8anday school 6. P. Willis, superintendent, meet* promptly at 9.45 o'clock. The pub* f ! 11q generally has a cordial jntltatlou to attend and all strangers remaining in the city Sunday wlU receive a warm and genbrous welcome, foremlIT ; IS. WELLS : IS HORN.1 ?"" b The funeral of the late Mrs. A. S. h "Wells took place frOm the First Moth N odlat Church this mornldg at eleven g o'clock conducted by the paator, Rev. g 'E. M: Snipes.. A iarge number of sorrowing friends and acquaintan. were present to pay their laat tribute *1 of respect and love. The. floral tHb: a utea were profuae, showing the high I esteem in. which the deceased was hold in the community. The pastor paid a beautiful tribute to Mm. Welja ; I and the obolr rendered appropriate' and suRafble hymnal The Interment e wa. In Oak dale. 9 y. U 8TIIA PUK('AIUOW*.Vy i r ?? , Th? roportp no? tho bed.lrt" of o Deputy Sheriff John F. Ducm tod?y 1 ar? to the otloct that hi. condition ti hi no bottoc. V?7 Uttlo hopote n- t tertalnett for hl? rocovory. TSJ? n?*< T" IT "y" Th mnt OT,r 1 ~ M j j WEATHKK No j ' ^i^BflWGTON ?T - H H ; ieries o f Meet Bapti . As announced in yesterday's News 1 nrival services will begin at th* 1 Irst Baptist Church tomorro w morn i g to be contiuued tea days or two 4 eeka. On Monday evening J. { r. Ham, Mrs. Hani and Ihrof., A. A. 1 oyn will be there. Mr. Ham is < >n side red one of the moat su'ccaiM- < : I WMBRLMI .11. IIU1IIUUU I PASSES. XT v MM! A tleegram was .received here this ornlng announcing the death of r. George A. Womble hie homo Sparta, N. 0. No particulars as the cause of hip death was given l the wire. Mr. Wbrofcle was about 43 years age and tor years was a resident this city where he enjttyed a large i| umber of friends* The deceased as a brother of Jfi*. A. J. Cox, Mrs. . Y* Jordan of tfils city; Mrs. D, C. osa of Dover and Mr. J. fa. Wopa j le of Wllimlngton. At the time of I is death J?e was travelling for a i few York house. The news of his 1 oing will carry wtth It genuine re- i ret In Washington. i' ' ^ U 1 ^1 AT OCRACOKE. Mr. Charles Wahatt^ left yesterday T| fternoon for Ocracokb to spend i 9w days. *._ J TO EXAMINE THACHERH. Examinations for the white teach- ,1 rs of the Cdhuty will he given July , th and 10th. All new teaohers are , rged to take the examination now : ather than Walt until later for the saeon that this will give them an p port unity to make their contract* rlth the commltteogien earlier. All Michers whoee certiflcatee expire will \ ? r?tylr?d to Uko tha examination , *M Miey^can ?h?? certificates o| ; Ve w weather TaUt. l,v?I l!<.U<Ur. ' C .'SATURDAY AFTER NOW ? - '"'ur-Lj il V " ' ^w st Church Sui fat evangelist; Mrs. Ham ta said to > -* yery sweet and effective soloist tod Prof. l*yon i8 retarded as one of iie best musical directors In the South. . Prof. Lyon wishes at the leglnning to arganize a large oholr >f grown people and also a Junior :bolr. The music will be accompa SHI til I HI DIB V1UUUU lull ii n With tonight's program Mr. Tom Hanlpn will close-his engagement it the Umlr Theater. There will be the usnal matinee at this bouse. For next week the management ot this pop&ar playhouse wishes to announce that they will make a change hi the line of pictures that they havo been running. They are going back to their first lore, that Is the generil Film the firm that handles ill ot the hssoclated films, such as the Besany, Pathe, Ltfbin, Blograph tnd Edison together with the many other excellent (Jims th?l th?y con" trol. Thds house will have for the smusement of Its patrons n?ft week mother one of those popular tabloid musical troupes. "The Edward Ollvtk Grand Jubilee Company, who will 1111 the boards there aU next week. This. Is said to be one of the best popular priced musical comedy companies now on the road. Th^ro will be plenty of girls, and fanny comedians, ?o with this splendid company and the good picture# that they will have from now on eve^y one may erpect plenty of good amuse ment for next week. COTTON BLOOMS. The Daily News Is in receipt ot MT.r*l cotton Noom. from the tanp of Nathan Arthur of Ranaomvllle, N. C. . ? ? HAS RkTCMTt). ' H V ^Turned >?t & * JULY 4. l?.V N SINGER\i Bp? ^^ 'n H'1' 5? mm> I th A1 * P- f? ^Kt . u ? m Bt Of I ' I n 1 I _ d U V Br - V t( Wj ' T " ' r V . ' " ' ? ?jjp.! ? ? iday Morning. nied by the excellent orchestra of the ( Firat Baptist Ohurch and any others who will help them. The christian people of all the churohes are Invited and earnestly're q posted to attend and co-operate in the meetings. Services will be held at 11 a. m.. and 8 p. m. THE FOURTH . Ill TUP IHTV in ins tin SO FAR III Today la th? glorious Fourth- In Whshington and aa usual the day is being passed wltb&flt mishap. All the wohleeale stores are closed, giving their employes ,a day off; the banks are oh serving the day, the . postofflce delivery window Is closed I and the different manufacturing j "plants are shut down for the day. | While there Is nothing unusual tn the way ef attractions inviting to the visitors Washington always gives the stranger the latch string and tells Mm to as he see# Hi. The defportment of the pity u pto the hour of going to press has been excellent. No arrest have been made by the police. Here's hoping that evsry reader of thla paper and patron wW 'spend a delightful Fourth of July.HERE TODAY. Mr. 8. N. fiheltoh of Snow Hill, N. C-. brother of the late R. S. 8helton la here today shaking hands with his many friends. WBIjOOME VISITORS Among the welcome visitors to Washington this morning are the following well known Beaufort countr cdtliena: ' T. N. Tj?r of Bath. A. S. Cratch, W. A. Cratoh ud W. U ; HtMander of Roror, K C.; thej returnoii to their home, thlt after I '^9 ' I M lew Dangerouos ] Powdery Sc stems hum i njonuj orham, IT. C., July 9 and 10, 1014. t We arm Just In reoelpt of a lotter mAhe Commissioner of the Asso- 11 tied Railways of VlrgtnU and the Jj krollnaa -who has franted special tes to the contention oyer the lines p oorporated in the Association; tl tmely, the Atlantic Coast Line, tho e C. 4t O., the Durham and Southern, v e Norfolk Southern, the Seaboard T ir -Line, and the SiAithern. Dates s sale -will be July 8th and 9th and d r trains scheduled to arrlre at Dur- c im at or before 1.00 P. M., July fl 1, 1914. Going journey must com- p enoe on date of sale. Tickets are tl be limited to reach original startg point not_Jater than midnight d E July 11th. The passage is con- c duous In each direction. ? These fares -will apply from all sta- b ons In North Carolina on lines par- s es to fhp above mentioned railroads id from Notfolk, Suffolk, Ports- p louth. Boy king and Danville, Va, < Persons residing at non-oobpon t atlons desiring to'avail themselves ? f the reduced fares for this occasion / ad purchase coupon tickets will be f iQUired to give the agent at their i tatlon notice at least two or threo c ays In advance of the proposed trip 1 i order that he may be able ta ob- < iln through ticket, etc. j All papers are requested to copy ] his notice as delegates will be at- < uxding from all over the state. ' ?' JOSEPH HTDB PRATT. \ jgin eHf|i lWIMi Carolina Good Roads | Association. I 1MB ! TEARS WILL C01TGST RON; The colored reel team of the city sill give an exhibition of their prow-. >aa on East Second street Monday afternoon from fonr to six o'clock, ifayor Kugler states that In order to give the two reel teams, vis: the Salamander and the Dibble teams. i clear tra^k that Second street will >e closed from Capt. David Hill's corner to Market street from .4 to 3 q'clock Monday afternoon. The contest between these two teams wlU no doubt be exciting and interesting. They are making preparations for their tournament which is to be held later. PflSTORlOPE TO PREACH TO THjJILITIA Tomorrow morning at the Christian Church at eleren o'clock, Rot, R. V. Rope, pastor is to preach a ipecial sermon to the 81xth Division Worth Carolina Natal Militia. Thjs lermon is to be delivered prior to the leaving ot the militia for their inhual bruise from Hampton Roads, rhey expect to leave Monday morning at I.II*for Hampton Roads. All the members of the militia are requested to meet at their armory promptly Sunday morning at 10 c'clock for the purpose of attending the services at the Christian Church S? Capt. R. B. Co-well at Rocky Mount " No. 107 Potato Disease ab Is Discovered a Washington. D. C.. July 14.? 'owdery M* of the potato is a inropean disease which doubtless fol >wod imported potatoes before the uarautlne law want Into effect. ry possible effort is being made by lie U. 8. Department of Agriculture 9 prevent this disease- making laDads on our potato industry, and he cooperation of all Intrusted is his crop is mudb needed, in dealing lth this new potato' malady. The department is Issuing a bulletin (No. S) entitled "Powdery Scab of Poitoes," which thoroughly explains he disease and gives all the pracicai advice available at the present Bgarding Its control. Powdery Scab does not attack the ? ortlon of the potato vines above he ground, It is primUrily a dlsase of the young tubers, wbleh deelops as they manure in the ground, the disease1 is apparent by small, lightly raised pimplee and a slight j lsooloratlon of the surface. When ut open, the Infected areas appear aintly purplish and extend from aproximately the outermost eells of he tuber toward the deeper layers. The "powdery scab" fungus. If ?o I Itions are favorable, may eat larv* avitiea into the immature potato *ileeldes consuming parts of toe to- ^ era u ainnta xnoir tanner growta nd causes them to be deformel. Last spring the Department Imported 18 rariettes of potatoes from or seed purposes. All were found o be Infected with powdery scab ind had to be condemned. Nine raieties were Imported from England or similar purposes and were all nfected in the same manner. The lisease has been found on potatoes rom Belgium, Norway and Sweden. )n the potato's native heath?South America?the disease has been found [t was reported In several provinces >f Canada In ltlS. From Canada the disease lias made tome headway across the border into northern Maine. This is the one $ place where there is real danger at present from the Infection, bnt active measures are being taken to drive out the disease and to prevent the shipment of diseased potatoes to other sections. The sertosunees of powdery scab may be realised from the following statement by a conservative Canadian scientist: "The disease should by no means be regarded lightly. Severe attacks occur when potatoes are planted year after year on infected land! Where this Is practiced the result will be potatoes hardly superior in quality to those badly Infected with the caik er. ThlB fact Is worthy of notice, especially since, as in the dase of canker no preventive measures have proved of much -value." Any kind of scab or other Injury that mars or defaces the potato, tu toer Is a more serious nanaicap in the American markets than teiee in European countries, due to the fact that consumers abroad offer fewer objections to scabby potatoes than consumers In the United States There is even a belief prevalent abroad that scabbinem Is an Indira-* tton of superior quality. In the United States, when potatoes are put on the market, scabby potatoes must be sorted out, and therefore are of no use exoept for stock food or the manufacture of starch. In Maine the pries of scabby potatoes in the autumn or ItlS was 80 cents oor barrel, while clean stock brought 11.80 per barrel. i Let's build tm Washington Park. , FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a. m., and 8.00 p. m. Preaching by the pester, Rev. H. B. Seartgfet. Af the morning ) service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will -e observed. Snn&y school at 0.48, C. M. Brown Jr., Superintendent. Children's (Day exercises with an appropriate program and an offering for foreign mission#. Seats free and trangers are cordially invited to all the servtoes of the oh arch. Rev. Chas. A. Jones, pastor of the M. B. church born. and Miss Oasis Dqnlsp were joined in the bends of ?.trt?oay on th. mornln, of tan, >,tb>(rvb* bOTm* ?* ,h* ** * ' Littleton Female College. Mr and !

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