r j lH H i' ii i ,, m ? _ _I., * , , _ ? (I til DDIi A I/LII CT AM I II rvi v n jv ti 11 X AilMMJ II Wy~ ; V : " V '? - |fl? U ii A I Made in 1,2,3 and-4 burner j H sizes, also a new stove with a ill . ment stores. Ask to see a III STANDARD AH TAMPANV ill ^ y?m vviiii ni< b - v jCUj^l _// y \ jkJ I ^%m| / /*V -" d-r?-wt*^.^b/ e. peterson co.. 35r-?*%; SSr" ELLISON BROfl. co.L 1 ' 1 " 1 PIPPIN * WOOIAARD. mmmmmmmmmmm^mmrnrnk r- c- G- MORRIS & co. r CHOICE I 71" _____ ,' Cut Flowers. I ?= For aD occasions, Roses Cant- t,oU" U barSby *'?? Umt I Horn, Violets and vmlliea the load- undersigned has this day duly qui ??>t> are5?the iS^JSfchTtJSh 0ed " anequtor under tin Last y? tag finer lu floral offer!on to be and Testament of Samuel Peele, i S^*SS??fSS?V:?S Ute of Beaufort county, a pines and' man,'other ' nice pel all parsons holding claims agall i plants Ike said estate will present the sat bertST hS^ptomFEd* ihade dnlT v<,rla6<1- wlUl,B ?" ? treeaT from the date of thla notice, or tl . Mall, telephone sad telegraph ?>*ies *1U be pleaded In bar of th ' orders promptly eaocaled by, rscorer/. All persons indebted ' - the said estate will pleeae make 1 J. t, O'OUINN & CO. m^z:mtTnu. RALEIGH, N. C. T. M. PEEL. Phones: Store U. Greenhouse 14* 3.- t . ?*???' w. A. Thompson, Attorney. 6-24-6wp, [baseball mc m I "lj ' " ^ ; I " ^ ^ ^ 11 1 1 " ^ ^ ^ ? Bp. ,;[v^ n-, f SjSL'-, ^ J ' V. i I Iri t A B i^r) JSJ * | I HyC^tssasHgifJJEmBm ?" I 1 I ... I ~^F I I J I j ?~ -?? J1"" u?^11 **eo' "CT be ewnke end?well, that is how li wee.?Liverpool Mercury. In mvr.treUoS'otlhew'rtm,, pmn of Qeosse K. Btm, the drsmstlst tad poet. It la aaid that one night a new piece wea produced at a leading thee ter In London Bims net It oot and then retained to kts eOre. where ba wrote a column and a batf of crtUdan In rime. It eraa near the time tot the peper to gbto preaa when be be pan, and the boj took the piece relet by reree from him to the compo"lh? room, the boy welkins coathraotaly from ooe to the other for en hoot. Seeed Hit Peal I a pa. Jsckeon, a reu?h, anad a man for an ecult, and yat when the man appealed In court he waa bitten all orar Ma face and Mm Horribly, -Bow about thief" the I wipe eaM ba Jackaon atarnly. 'Bare yob sue a nun lot assault and be cornea Into eottrt marked ail over with yoor teethr -Well, ledge, your honor,- aaid Jack aen "be pounded me BO hard while he waa ? vault),,' me that t had to have pomethlng to btta on or elaa 1 conldal ham atood It".-Philadelphia Bulletin. Muak Ran* MM a?pati.ie?"Never mid, deal," be kald reaaanr tngty an aha Mined her avert face from Ma, shoulder and they both saw the white blur on hie coat; It will all brush o?." "Oh, Charlie- she burst out eobtring, biding bar face again upon his white] boulder, "how do you hnowr to ore rSU Journal. -Plea" la the Leaai Ms In the legel sense the word "pies' Is grossly misused. One reeds Met the lawyer dorlng^a trial "dettrmd an mo qaeet plee to tbt Jury " Bo dU nothing of the Mrt ,IIe dattrered to the jury on argument or on entreaty that mgy or nay not bare been ebqnent A. plea la properly need only of the pleadings or arraignments before a trial, not of the "argument" at the trial. A plan Is Invariably srVlre?0 to the court; an "argnmanT* may b? addressed either to the court or tbc Jury. The same applies (still In tbc legal sense of the words) to ths verb* I "to plead" and "to a*gna"~Now Ted " World. Supply and Demand. Mr. Francis was about to start away to attend the funeral of his rich old "Put a couple of large handkerchiefs Into my grip, dear," he said to his wife. "The old gentleman promised to lease me t&utoo and 1 want to shed some appropriate tram." "But suppose when the will is read," said the wife, "yon find he baanl left you anything." "In feat case." replied fee, "yon hoi hotter .|ut la three, "-?etrrtt Paw Preen. ? Witen Prloes Are ZZ l>o*t prices for eggs haws npfu tn soil 1st Ihm-ember awl January. ' dickens arc highest to May and June. ^ ^artec rlKOf? una falla with eggs and I) tMlt *,u l>ec*1D'>er January * .rtega the beat prices. Potatoes reach holr higher* alxna Aug. 1 and fall .ce n rocket every day after. Of ourae, oh these thing* axe highest vhen we haven't gofem, but ifa the luslnert of every one of us to try te nave 'em when the price ta high, tf we *0.'-Farm and Fireside. Th?y ATI Da. v An enthusiastic citizen, on the verge "< n trip to Europe, was rejoicing ovel 'he fact and descanting on the pleasure to come. How delightful It wHl he." asid hi ** :? bis wife, "to tread the boundto| Jl- rUw unci inhale the ' Invigorating ill tygen of the aea! The aea! Th? ie. ooqiUmp aea! I long to eee It! Tt reathe in great draughts of Ufa gtv!n| lgt lr. 1 shall want to stand ovary mo no lent of the voyage on the prow of tin tearner wRh my'mouth open"? * 'You probably will, dear," Interrupted "If la wife encouragingly, "that"* the waj ? 1| ocean travelars do."?Philadelpfah to edgur. *?- ggfTy"hptolfl Clergyman?You can, however, com fort yourself with the thought thai yon made your husband, happy whll? or be lived.?Widow?Yes, Indeed! Deal Jack was to heaven until he died.?Ex IVIES: IEA*. ttES FROM Ta") ASLEAOOE./ ipjj[ Jtrss. A.ijL B I i lb Wifcg hknA Letter an This Satyed. I Midltoo Heights, Vs.?Mr. ChSS. t , R?gHM, ot this place, wrttss; "I bev . been taking Thcdlord's Btack-DraaU . lor hrdtgaatloa, end other stomach trot* lei, ebo colds, end (tort It to be the rcr . ben medlchss I hm ever wed. Aftir taking Black-Draught lor t far days, I tlwejn feci tike i new eu." Ntmaot, nausea, heartburn, pal In pft d,Stomach, and a feeling of hn eu after eating, are sure a/aiptoiei t stomach trouble, and should be given th ! proper traatmeat, at your strength an *#??>*?!<*> ** tl"get quick and permanent rtfli . from these ailments, you should tok a medicine ot kHown CUratlVS MMi Its 75 yeasa el splendid success, la Hi treatment Of just sueh ttoubtea, BMta toe real mertt dl Thedlord's Black sajrwaaK-ea ft) benefit both yeuua and dd. ftocsal tVafyWhlM; ftted&e. Acq Jr ii " i i 1 ' -T Whtn Flflurse LW. Aa Old player una entertaining 90m Mead* with baseball stories. Qm I 1 them wan about a game between Ml I btle and Savannah, In the Souther ; league The score stood 5 to 4 Ju f? ?ar of feuvnnnnh when n row occurred and tbe umpire awarded the game t Mobile by the usual 0 to 0 score. O the way hotue from the grounds tw negroes were discussing the affair "But If Savannah had five (baa, aid one. "bow conU the scoah be aia a s.1 I "Irat'a replied the otlM "Didn't Mobile bar' foah runs?" "Ya-as." "Well, den. don't foah an* At* mI ! gtael"?New York rost The Voice of Cash. Apropos of a young girfs rich ng flag* an official saId: "Our girl* don't marry dJeadras , tagcously aa often aa our boys 'do. 1 , the whirl of lore the female doeen > acsm to get quite as dlssy as the mal I does. "A pretty girl told me the other de , that she was engaged to a very rtc landowner. * " 'Well, well,' said I. 'And here w all thought you'd many the atoqoae young preacher who took you about a much last summer.' "The girt smiled. " 'Deeds speak louder than words tko safcL"?8t Louis Qloho-nss nissl Advantage of Credit. "My big sister has a beau." "Bo's BIOS, but 1 don't Uke him." "Know what my slater 'd do If didn't like bar boaul" "Wo. Whafd aha dor "She'd send him back and get hi I changed, "cause we've got a charge s I count at the store he comes from." Newark Star. ^ Sending Amber. To bend articles of genuine amb | drop them Into hot melted boos*a Arier toe/ wm uwu iu.u.oi?? few minutes take them out and ho them before the Are and bend to t! desired shape. Getting Off Easy. "Very waiV abe said. "it * afraid to cak father for me we w consider.our engagement at an end." 'Thank you," he replied. '1 wi afraid you might be disagreeable a bo it."?Chicago Record-Herald Remarkable MeSMTy. "How far back aan yon remembei Dmerr asked the Inquisitive caller. , "Oh, ever so far!** replied the UttJ . fellow. "I can remember when I wi ' ever eo littl^ that I couldn't rematch* | anything"?Chicago News. 1 Twe Points of View, f T can't understand," she said, "ho1 ' a man can let his wife a$d children | ? away for iponths while he remains i home." I "I cant understand how a me ' cant," he replied?Exchange i High PI lore "How high can yoa go, Mr. Mos . Planer' "Oh, miea. the sky's the Itn t It"?Buffalo Ezprses. Asbestos. The first nee of eebeatos was la tl manufacture of crematory rob so f %o ancient Romans. **A.la Mr. Fan Dent* woro! hc >?ojr (of THOJt TfcKAS RA I lulWl IPO t*j. -tA i: ' MAN* TRIALS. ^ mmm i "'"W1 ^ T-' " fr"" L KaaCa III Hai I II ? T? lwi? lam to > . ?tnpa, t WliW. or .ran atowalllaca bam _ mm ha knot an aB ritn with a malldt -mm place ef wood, fnkac tba etxap ' or top, .round. tban d* * boOU* _ "tar, holdlnc B thaea a Mbtb or two, according to abta at knot to ba Kwaenod. Baron Mac m aid i uttla aoap to tba water, tbaa with a cherpty I- polatad laaernmaot ptrk tba knot loaaa 4 It can often be dan# with tba Cncara t Kaota that bara baao polled tn harnaaa d or ropea for month, or yean d> f Bally?Una Bertha taken her Ph. D.? Sue?No, bet the will if ba proposes.Woman'i Home Companion. t The optimist tslM who won the gama.] The pessimist tells who lost it?Buffalo Euqnirer. tfe Was Posted. "Are yon fond of Bach, Mr. Dubef* "BeaUy, Mrw. do Souwi, I seldom drink anything."? Buffalo Express. Retaliation. ?' Barber?Your hair needs trimming.1 Victim?I suppose It does. Yon trimmed it yesterday.?Judge. A Different View. "Health is wealth." quoted the sage, j "No. It Isn't" replied the stranger. "I'm t doctor."?Cincinnati Enquirer. IP Vooal Chaos. fellow stutters and then tries to _ "ncere, whafs the answer ??Philadelphia Ledger. f ' Tf*o Real Sequenoe. Mrs. Premiere?You always gat a * new gown before you go away en a *" visit, don't you? Mrs. Seconds?Ifo. \ * always go away on & visit after I gel a new gcrarn.?Woman's Home Oom * p?*?. ___ Sura Cures. The only sure thing about a sura Pure for anything i? ?k.? J? 5?" rmT p"rtOT' 'r- "Granted, f :00 "f for anything W 1mr~aiaagtfe R?ort. ^ 10 " As Uaual. Be?A poet la born, not made. She? 111 That*a right? blame It on the woman.? Utm. Net For Ceng. On the lerel. did jroo erer aee a w? man who waa apeechleaa with re get? - Chicago New*. More ri.ailad. I* f. Common eenee woo Id do a lot mon * good If It Were common^Blchinont Ttoee-Diapatch. s, Poor Texas!" j the Dook For C W=oNiF^rT~f^n^=<^ NC&tS b READ ~"'""I H about the new and remarkable accident and disability I II poHdee Issued by Maryland Caaoalty Company, of I Baltimore, Md in the July 4th Issued of the Saturday I I Evening Post It'a the beat story In the book. I I m I Wm. Bragaw & Co. I m First Insurance Agents In I ; Washington, N. C. s a jj. We would request our customers to send their jM II orders m early that we may serve them promptly |l and have no rush at the week end, CRYSTAL ICE CO. 1 | Phone 83 Washington. .V. C. 1 . M \ I . HOW W000 Malm !Ww ruk Otom luim. I AMP LB 7 i i FniM wnnn ^rn S SW 1 f f v/x/if Vt VV/l | BANKERS and BROKERS. <1 rilled wli ? to new Tork Block BmhMgt, Chisago Bom4 eg ' | t Trods ?d other Bwa-ial ontm. 4 / Cull?fuwaiwti i?yntfiillj solicited. I?i?lin?l sod sinlssj \ 1 Aeeouto gtr?t Osrefal AtteHoo. > ' East Carolina Teachers Training School A State School to train teachers for the public school of North Carolina. Every energy is direted to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 22, 1914. For catalogue and other information address. ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President ' . jl Greenville, N. C SAVE 10 PER CENT J Why pay the middleman a ten per cent profit id purchasing a piano wnen you get it yourself? I i ther concerns in this city use this method and I put the profit in their own pockets, but we do not, we give it to you. If you don't believe it, let us prove it to you. | We sell Kimball Pianos and Reed organ, instru. i ments which have behind them a long record of useful' 1 ness and reliability. If you want a piano or an organ that will give you the most value for the least money, try a Kimball. Come and see us or drop us a line, and let u? ' 1 ' show you where you can save ten per cent by dealing with us. F. F. COZZENS The Virginia Bay AT OCEAN VEIW, VA. 'The Atlantic City of The South'" : Season: June 15th to Sept. 1st. Eighth season under same management and the most popular summer hotel on the Virginia Coast 100 rooms, immediately on water-front, overlooking Chesapeake ! Bay; one block from New Dancing Pavilion and "Amusement Center" 30-minuet ride, 10 cent car fare fs6m Norfolk and Old Point Com. fort In full view of all vessels, including Battleships, en route to - or from historic Hampton Roads. Bath houses FREE to GUESTS. For rates and other information, address; J no. A. Tucker. Mgr. 1 Until June 15th, Louise, Washington^N^CX'j^j^^ )id stuff ' ~| | Unusnal PlayT | jLTftToNg MaltC) rue a4>pi?.wc* mi uak, EtJT YOOg '* w1m"M,*1T,c ^ L=* J Y/y//^ Tyr" - i?^-/lB .3: - : -**-"??|