ml tJ hi? fr >r^a^3 ?fe y * '" V" |^ Bp Py awSpi {%?***?< Bj: c?* **??*??! 2jHfch?|J^?*1T to Oeoars * QIIiHL, **"** *? lnr'* tt^My fr ,j?j| U?" th* ??n,t"J '^f****1 Hms**?* '*jH "w_r?TOl?JL. *? ** ? ol UOn whien rnrtmwa nuru u inN tagtnr confni?ec nrrlVoS Itrt yd 1-iT ud dlrnwd the Bttaatlor with the South American mediator K M4 wUhCo*ollOt. fWWl ropreaon. tatlre of Caitmjal. Mr. Cadtollot aaid ho won coufl daat that ulUmateJy there would h aa ogrWmont between Carhajal am Carrana. , The disposition in some diplomatic quartern to regard the aHuatlon a unfavorable because more prononac ed when It was learned the t&re commlMlonefa announced aa harin; fe?ta Mlt by Provisional Preaiden " Cmhajil t? interview Oarransa la reality vara naotblelil and vfetvnlary Ji *r. OamaUst. however, u no .ell* IMa VI nnamal, pointing on that Carrboa had rataaad to Creel yrlth a cobbMod oSelally appoint ed'by'CaihaJal. 'Another aapaot of the litaatlor "which wee eomtaented upon wee tb' I ewe ledji (bat Carransa bad mad< It plain be wo aid aaeatre the peaccommlaalonera only to arrange to " tbo aaooadlUoaml turreader by th Mexico City eetborltlee. Tbeee nDoomgeamMai trems pm lied diplomat, here. They belie, that the declaim lnfleence for peac roete with the Uattdt State. Then wea ao Indication Aarikptaw tar th America government waa prepare te exert preaenre en Cibtin to ot tela aa .maeety and ? ami a toe.. Diplomat! alio were watching wltl' bean iatereet report! that Tlllta wai again threatening a hraafc wlth-Cer ***" * * I Mexico City?PoUmraA e( Emll lano Zapele, ?be rebel leader wh. tu been operating In Southern Max Ico etUI >u threatening Xochlmllco n rlllage twenty mllen from the cat Ital today. -I Xochlmllco, which la the (ate U the city ar< la of (rant etrntetlr rat' ae beeanee the capital geta IU watei apply from the lakee there, Is now SB". deeded by fonr thoneand federal, the farrison having been reinforced by a large body of troopa : i?W 1 mwHn span Mies ttanie Swindell, one of Am rordS popular and attracnra young ladies today began a house party at her home, ftnlte'annmber of yonni ladles and gentlemen will be her gnenis Among thonn peeping thre the vdty today for the. house party were: Mies EllirCaUaCorington, ol Laureutvurg, N. C.. MJne Kate Black well of Klttrell. N. C.. Miss Mildred Purvis of Wllllamston. N. O.. and Mr. Jaoque Brock n( Morfolk, Vn. Mint BwlodeLl .erpactn to entertain I ' - b*r gueat for tM nact week. |.-V. ; fa mrsovKM^ , ; Off. W. H. Belted, tho phetngrs proremeeis to bis already atfractlv work-bee been le pragma since Ma: last. Tbo Vooms hare heen added ?l. kama |g gnw of tho moit in V # I I I !?*' 1.^.' t~iaH H Six Great Organii Will Hold * T"" l ' "-' r '.- " I in Atifti**' On., daring t)? wwk o P? potty Official ]S?ro la an annual expenditure wal' #o"oo? olt'wiuei' the laid of.oeetulneea for Ik* Laaigae U * brood one. Wmrw and moan. Of bringing about a* efficiency or mer it ayatem in H*a of the pre*ant looar political organlaatton. *111 engage the atteotisa Of the delegatee at the Congreee for oat* fall aeaaloa. ffaa Ident Richard Henry Dana of thr National Cl?tl >ai ilea Reform InagE will ha one of the preetdlng onoora da want compilation of eiaay ax M>*? rand law In aaeh of the forty eight eta tea la aearlnr oompletior aad *111 form the haahi far aaalyab and proponed rerialon at aa exceed lady Important eeaeton of (ha- Con ft lea to ho directed by epeclal comits m i PflfM 0 ; ns K . Mr. U M of flWiatg Creek. N. C., was here today. Mr. Scott Is one of the=coHtfty*s coming attorneys and sine* he was licensed by the 8opreme Court has advanced rapidly as a practitioner. Mr. Scott today purchased a Ford automobile and l?jft for hlB home in his machine. Notwithstanding the fact that he d^es'not know Us workings he arrived safe and sound. There is no more enterprising dtlsen than Mf. Scott and slnoe he has been * member of the bar In this county ha has added dignity and intelligence tc the already enviable reputation of the legal profeaaloa. Not oxjly Is Mr. 8colt a lawyer of parts* bat too enjoy* the distinction of being one of thjf best fanners In this section. " - Bubocrlbe to the D.llr n.i.i. NOTES FROM HAWKIH8VILI.E. A number of our people nttended me revival services at Rosemary last week. Mrs, O. L. Sparrow and children lilted Miss Jennie Woolard Wednesday of last week. Mrs.'Joe Lee spent awhile Wed am day afternoon, with Miss Alice Woolard and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Baynor and -children spent Sunday with Mrs. Baynor's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lee. Miss Bertha Jefferaon was the guest of Mrs. Edgar Waters at Blata stone Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lymari Pink ham of the N. S. Railroad force wale here Sunday. Mr. Lovlc Harris of Huntdrr Bridge, was in our midst Sunday af ternoon. Miss Jennie Woolard and Mrs. O. L. Sparrow visited Mrs. W. H. Sulllvan Friday last. Mr. and Mrs: J. O. Woolard and bbtldren were visitors at the home of'Mr. John Hawkins Sunday after noon. ( Mrs. J. D. Swain and child returned homo last weak after spending several days with her parent* i at Roper, N. C. She wad acoompanl ed home by her sister, Miss Callle Ambrose. Mrs. Francis I^ewls and son Alton left Saturday for Vanoefeoro I -where they will spend some time \ with rejaltves and friend*. Our section was visited Sunday jnornlng by a refreshing shower oi "rain. 'ur IN TOWN TODAY. Mr. J; B. Peed ef R. F. D. No. S was hers today on heal sea*. UM- .pinpMI'L.[NGT< WKATHU WASHINGTON & nations I District Sessions mlttean of Um American Bar Aaaoci atloa aid the American Highway A* aoetntlon. It la expected that thk rood leglelntloa, which may he ontad throogh tha governor! af th ?? thaiAt the eMrd American Read Coo aw_a aolatloo a_ a...^. W h Ifk ?< mlttee from tka tlo?Haaa Banker ^a^&^BaLv .'ii laoma DOrtiOB Of th' d .000 delegates preaent at Me Kt' troll meeting attended the a none eeaaton and paid cleoe attention ? the proceeding., Thla rear'. Con (gaaa wlU derota port teniae attaattai to Me financing of road tmpreremeo la Tie* of the feat that npwarda o a half billion doll are eg road hoafl 'are now oatatandlag and qneatloni relating to laananoa of new bond and math ode of retirement are aa turning Inereaalng Importance I. a PenojbneXer, Exec nil re Sao. rotary of tha Road Congriaa. win headdoartara at hPaaktngtoo D. C eta ten that ladleatlhna are that thr Atlanta Congreee will attract tha largeet gmrmblage of delegetee and Ttaltora erer aeeetnbled at a aoa political public welfare meeting In America. JNO. A. 1AY1 IH HI mm ?Mr. Jao. JL Mayo, son of Mr. Jno. W. Mayo, who haa been the efficient book keeper at the banking house of the Savings and Trust Co. for the past three years has rescued his position and will on Angus 1st accept a similar position with thFirst National, Bank. Mr. Mayo 1. one of Washington's brightest youn; men nad enjoys a wide circle o friends. He has the beet wishes o all. for every success In his new po sltion. Who will sucoeed Mr. Mayo at the Savings and Trust Co.. at thli writing Is not known. It's restful in Washington Park. CIGARETTE CASKS GIVEN AWAY FREE Handsome Leather Gmaem go With rMU|?i of Omar (Wram Omar cigarette HUkan hire an opportunity for the next few days? or an tons aa tha supply laata?to get a handsome leather cigarette case free. One ease will be given with the pnrchnee of a afteen seat package of Omar eigarettae; bat only one ease to a customer. The ease la Just the right rise to hold the Omar package?allpe right In and ate snug. It Is nude tram Ten nine, Hue, smooth flnish black -leather, b&ft sad pleasant to handle and giving the near a dreaay and rnmrt appearanoe. 'r , i in .speaking Of this offer, a representative of the Omar cigarette people said: "By giving away these val nafcle cases we mesa to get cigarette smokers to try Other?try this wondsrful cigarette right away, hay man! who likes a Turkish blend will and la Omar the oae perfect cigarette, we are selling Omar by the minions and It b only a comparatively new etorette. It Is poettlvely the heal that can be made and ao other approaches It In quality. The man who smokes Omar Is* sure to be pleased." _SL,-y -fJBBJS" I i ? ' I HER8 TODAY. Capt- W. B. Cox of Blonnts Creek. n. C; arrived here this morning vis his gas heat the "Trluiyh.'' Capt. Co* met with the misfortune of having his store building damaged by the September storm. Ha Informs r Oa|ly New, man that his new store wtyoh he has bean building la how oosgplated and that he moved Into same yesterday sad la sow ready to serve hit many frlsads. a THE CTTT. Vetera. Trad VonDberetela sad Harvey Bright ef Obocawblty. H C.. are la the Hty today. FROM HYDg OOUHTT Jdr^homa, Don, ret.raed >thl. "V11-. r ii i - ?-?? 3N D C WEDNESDAY AFTER NO in EWES Mail "w Say* The Men Enjoyed Thelj MMi Immanaely. Thwy jfto i harmed With Bar Lieutenant W. B. Rodman. Jr. n^^Kla command of tho Sixth HLpgOaa Naval Militia on their BHtani the V. 8. Battleehlp ^^K|4 In tdlktng to a Dallj Jl^^^KjanaUtlTe gave tho followHating Infornaatlon which no mm prsvn.of In tar eat to onr Rift Washington on tho night of J0I7 >th rla the Norfolk loatharm. Arriving at Norfolk wa ware taken train Norfolk to Hampton an a nary tax, whore wa foandl crews from the District of Colnmftla aboard and alao the fourth dlrlaloo from North CaroHaa nadar command of Capt. C. D. Brad ham of New Barn. I We got under war a bo at tour o'clock Monday aflornoon on tho Rhode IIIand and proceeded ap the Delaware river to tho ship John Light where the reearree from Now Joraer and Pennsylvania wore taken aboard Taeaday afternoon. We got undeJ war at ennaet. Most ef the North Carolina man were in obarge or the gun and berth decks which were re| quired to be kept clean. The men I had to man the six-inch gun every morning and lest them to see that everything was tn working order. I The eatitn-ahlg vap ikspected. aJ 9.15 la the morning. The men were pit through physical drills and at 10 o'clock they were given practioe ai the gnns. We sighted land at 5.S0 a. m, July 10; we took on a pilot and proceeded Into Bermuda firing a salute of II guns about 8.SO o'clock.Our salute was answered a little after I o'clock when we dropped anchor One half of the men were given shore leave Friday and the others given Mberty Saturday. Every one of the boys were delighted with the Islanda. Tbe first and most lasting impression was the pleasing clenli 'neas of everything. The houses are ibullt of the coral rock, which is very soft when first cut but it is quick to harden. Every honse is whitewashed every two years at least; all the roads are macadamised from the coral rocks. No auto or motor cycles are permitted on the island. The British government maintains a Mr rison of approximately lJoo men ol Hamilton. We left Bermnda Sunday morning about 11 o'clock and proceeded direct to Tangier-Sound at the head of Chesapeake Bay. Target prac tloe began Thursday morning. The raage waa laid off and the District of Columbia reaerres began firing Thursday afternoon. We steamed along the range at fire knots pel hour, being the speed prescribed foi the regular nary when at target practice. District of Columbia secured 14 hits out of 40 shots. Pennsylvania followed, getting 13 bits out of 40 shots. ' New Jersey began firing Friday morning at 7.80. They secured 1! out of 40 shots. The New Jersej men cut the rafts carrying the target, to pieces so that the North Car olina men did not begin firing until Friday afternoon. . The "tourists' as the North Carolina men were callad by the other reserves, immediate ly elicited a oompllment from Capt C. 8. Williams, when they began u fire. North Carolina made a total of 48 lilts?New Bern making thi best seqreof 4 bite ont of 4 shoti In 84 seconds. The beet score wfo vioua to this was Z htts ouKof 4 shots In 47 second*. Hhch North Carolina dtrlsion had at least one crew which made a seor< of 4 hits out of 4 shots. These mei Will In sll probability be awarded i navy "E" by Secretary of the Nav: Daniels for their efficiency. In addition to the gun drills thi man were given collision. Are, boa 'and various other drills and to ctan< watch es do the regular officers va The Rhode Island returned t< Hampton on Saturday at noon. W disembarked Sunday morning, We hag the District of Columbia, th New Jersey and Pennsylvania mei I healing ship. I A* the tog pulled away from th >ALLY "** > ON JULY 22. 1914 j Would Educate Tl As To , Owing t. the fact thnt than an pot a tin ftraaataca of thn oaoola at UbjrafaU whs nalljr know what an Opiomatrtat la. ana what kla datlaa lath. anbllc an. It waa a#treated at Aha raeaat maatlng at tka aaranth annual convention of the North Cantlna State Optical Society which waa In eeeakm at Wrlghutttlc Beach H. C-. July 11 and l?th that aash ? Optometrist in his own locality, > shfuld try to make It deer to U^e public Just what sa Optometrist is told what his duties were, v 1 Who here the dlsUfetlea of being the yeuagest registered Optometrist la the state, who has practiced a year for myself and three years m an apprentice feel It my duty. In the Interest of the people of Washington and Beaufort eounty Ahd for the uplift and advancement of optometry to try to make it clear to the people of this eounty Just what an optometrist is. A registered optometrist is any one who ha# fulfilled the required laws of the state to examine the eyes by any meims, outside of the employment of drugs, medicines and surgical operation for the measurement ofc the powers of vision and the adaption of lenses for the aid there#|l " *Every person before beginning the practice of optometry Is reqnir su IV j/i covot m uipivaiB itviu nuiuo i recognised optical college and, to < successfully pass an examination fir- i en bj the North Carolina 8tate Board bf Examiners In Optometry- ? An Eyesight Specialist and an Op- tometrlst are practically the same. Bat an eyesight specialist or an octt- i list has the power to administer drags, medicines' and to make surgical operation for diseases of the eyes, i it Is the doty of every optometrist I to examine patients who come to with errors of refraction and moscular anomalies ot the eye2 and ' to At glasses for the improvement of vision and relief of eye strains, head- i aches, etc. It U also his doty and ' 1f he is a competent, honest and capable man he will refer diseased condi ' tloni to occnllsts and medical doctors. Bnt there is still another class of men who sell glasses and It Is to this class that I have special reference. In writing this article it Is my pur( pose to protect you from them. They , claim to examine the eyes and At glasses, bat are not registered optometrists. When yon sre so nnfor, tunate as to have trouble with your yes, in order to get the best results ik fiiss (ffiim Fits. Tuesday morning at ten o'clock Mrs. E. H. Farriss -who Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Willi* on Second street, gave a delightful porch party In honor of her house guests Misses Unnle Mann and Clara Harmon, of High: Point, N. C. There were six tables of auction. Ferns, palms and roses were used as deoorations. The highest scores were made toy Misses Katherlne Small and Frances ces Mann. They were * presented with handsome boxes of stationery Misses Herman and Mann were awarded lovely boxes of stationery as visitors prises." ( Mrs. Farriss was assisted In serving the delicious salad course by her sister Miss UlUe Belle Willis. I The salad course consisted of hoi: landalse salad, olive and cucumber r sandwiches and teed tea. PRAYER MEETING. I There will be prayer meeting ser 1 vices In all the different churches ? of the city this evening at the usu hi hour to which the general putollt - has a cordial Invitation to attend. OTlftTB or AUNT. ' Mre. *. O. Uttle ul ehlldrea of 1 Wilton. N. C.. ?re Tl.lUnt Mr. and Mr. W. B. Brtdgaa and Mr. J. R > Mitchell at IB air home am Eaat water ' atreot. Mrm. BrMsaa la the ant of - Mr,, uttle. , * ' hand tad (on, to the Mm elared I "Wale." All agree (hat the mn '} and eCoara ad the Rhode Ulead are * I a mut dellghUal oat and that they are more thaa anion U tye? .he wmmmmmamm NEW he People || Opticians Duties TOU BUt h?v? the MTTiOM of S competent ptraoo, and 70a should know that 70a are In tha hands of a cam patent parson. If tha man who trlaa to fit you with ghasaos does not know aaoufb about the eyes to pass tha State Board of Examiners In optometry then he is not worthy to render to 700 his services. If "700 will inake It a rale to ask him to show 700 his State certificate pr then yon can be sore that 700 are on the right road to having a com- . patent man to examine your eyes, and fit you with glasses Because If he has one he will be proud to Show 1 It to you, az+ when he does, be sure 0f that it reads from the Board of Ex- 0w xmlners of die State of North Caro- th< Una, and is signed by J. W. ^Tay- i0^ lor, Grediufcoro, N. 0. If he has tu not a certificate and fits glasses then aft he la a'violator of the law and It Is Ha rour doty both to yourself and your tin fellow man to report the violator to i?f Che officers of the law and secure kn evidence, so that he can be convict- fu< ?d at once. Sid I was chosen on the prosecution toe committee of the North Caroline cul State Optical 8odety with Mr. J. T. gle Burke, Wilmington, N. C., for 1915, br< by the president of the North Caro we lina State Optical Society at the last we meeting, and tor the benefit of my- ar self, you and your friends and for the the uplift and advancement of opto- m smtry, I am going to ask that you pre report to me or Mr. Burke anyone bel whom you know violating this law, sul and that you are willing to be a the witness against them to help convict that person anywhere In this .uu. n I have just returned.?rem Wrights H villa Beach where we were in sea- || slon. We had a great time there on the shores oC the grand old Atlantic with its great wares and fine breezes. The trip was a rery instructive one also. We had with us at the con* rention Dr. Frederick A. Wall, professor of Optometry at Columbia University. New York Cfty, Who delivered several lectures, which were very beneficial. He also required each member to diseect cow's eyes and gave Ug a Bt, lecture on the anatomy and physlol- rir ogy of eyes. on I hope that the editor will see fit -ha to publish this article so that the Ni people of this county and adjoining an counties may assist the Optometrists w< in the advancement of optometry by ya helping to drive out the non-rcglB- at tered practitioner. Se; W. H. MEWBORN, O. D. 0f Ills i AN INDEX OF 1 MM: foi The nation's output of mineral products of various kinds Is a fair mess h? lire of Industrial activity. For sev eral months now the Department o c0 the Interior, through the Geological Survey, has been Issuing Its flna? htatistlcs of the IS 13 mineral pro to duction which confirms In detail th< 'preliminary estimates issued early ir to January for the principal minerals m* In the large majority of cases these lni authoritative figures tell In one way 00 or anohher the same story of Indus- UE trial prosperity In coal production the increase uas been general, and 11 do it Is this very fact that serves as an M unmistakable index of general health 14 In the industrial world. But as ha state after state Is shown to have pr had Its banner coal year?West Vlr fo glnla, Illinois. Ohio, Kentucky, Ala bams, Virginia, New Mexico, Mon.tana, Texas, Utah, and Penosylvan- Jt ia in both bituminous and anthraicte, the record becomes spectacular. Ohio for Instance, hat its floods, yet there was a substantial 6 per cent Increase in coal output, and the miners averaged more working days In 1913 than in 1912. Twelve other state; ?; showed increases varying from 2 CJ per cent in le~a to 12 per cent in -pj Indiana and over 15 per cent in Wash tl lngtoa. and only Colorado. Maryland ?< North Dakota, Nevada, Idaho, and w Missouri show decreased output, the hi Colorado la^r troubles explaining t the.only significant decrease. In r \\ similar way, the figure# efooke prj? h I duetto* give large increases, and 5 ! coke. It may he noted. |e a step near- h er the metal Indastry- Petrolenm e production I* 1912 exceeded all rec p or da, an In erenan of IS million bar- h rain and 71 mUUon Collars over the 1912 returns 1 rig i No. ia IE IS SHOT WITH PISTOL, ITHERi CUT SUNDAY - AFTE&pi inclpals Brought To Jail Keiterday. Wert Engaged [n Gambling Game. | Sheriff George E. Ricks mod Chlel Police K. J. Roberts went to Chocinlty yesterday and brought to i county Jail Gua Vines and Onar Harvey charged with a mutual anlt near the Leaah camp 8unday ernoon with deadly weapons, rvey was shot with a pistol in the ads of Vines the h*lT entering hlc t side. Vines was cot with a Ife by Harvey. Wounds were in:ted upon his perBon In the left e and right leg. Dr. D. T? Taywas summoned after the dlfllty and rendered medical and sural aid. They would have been tught to Jail at the time but tlhey ? 1 re too weak at the time. The men re engaged In a gambling game * the result was a dispute. Both i men are still weak but were able be brought here yesterday. Their ilimlnary hearing will be heard \>re the Recorder as soon as a ret of their wounds Is known. Both > principals are negroes. ~~ " 1 llif I APT Mb 11)01 50 MS IS ] inn ? ; J After lying in the old frigate Conillation for about 50 years a gold ig owned by an officer who served that vessel during the Civil War s been recovered at the Norfolk ivy Yard. Recently when it was nounced that the Constellation >uld be overhauled at the Norfolk rd, preparatory to exhibiting her the celebration In Baltimore next ptember, In honor of the centennial the anniversary of the writing of Tie 8tar Spangled Banner," Mrs. ancis D. Winston, of Windsor, N. , wife of the United States District torney for the Eastern district ol irth Carolina wrote to Secretary inlels Informing him that her fath, Dr. Kenny, who was attached to b Contsellatlon In tho Civil War. it a gold band ring given him by i mother upon his entry into the ,val service. Mrs. Winston said in her letter at, although her father searched r the ring he was unable to find and he said that It could not be eovered until the ship was overuled In a navy yard. Mrs. Winan indicated the place where It old probably be found and asked at a search be made for it while erhauling the vessel at the NorIk Navy Yard. Mr. Daniels forwarded the letteT Rear-Admiral N. R. Usher, com andant of the Norfolk yard, with ftructtions that the ring be re vered, if possible. It was found tder the iron covering plates ol e afarhn?ni * "? -? ??._ - ~vh?i win on mo gun ck forward, where Mrs. Winston Id It would probably be located was undamaged, except that it >d been tarnished by its long 1m ieonment. It was repollshed and rwarded to Mrs. Winston. Pictures A t New Theatre A t tractive The New Theater had another good owd last night to witness the tae ctnres that they are running there Sfi | lis week. The two reel features j Phasing the Smugglers" lest night j as one among the best pictures that ss been seen here for some time. WH here was another <?ne reel picture ist was equally interesting. This ? ones Is now firing some of the set pictures that Has erer been ex- fblted in Oils eity. If yon wish to ajey a pleasant erenlng (a a cool . lacs then attend this popular play

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