i of uk contained Ik k M of trut | Register's offlce of Beaufort county, North Carolina, la Book 157. page 111. to which reference is made, I at lifo'otoek0nooii?sell for cash, at KSJJ the^onrt house doo?of T?Z fort county, the following described real estate. In Richland township, Beatitort county, North Carolina, jlritTniet: One certain tiMf nf lend on the North aide of the Crookmur road and bounded as fellows; i Beginning at a stake at T? R. Boyd's Boutheast cornor, running North 160 i poles, thence West 4b 6-8 poles to i the Simeon Whltehurst Northeast , corner, then ft* East 46 8-8 poles to the beginning, containing forty acres SSlu.Mw5 between the land of C. C. Sparrow on the West, 8, M. Sparrow on the East, B. T. Bonner end the Sparrow Road Canal on the North, and the land of W.H. Whitley on the South; twenty-five acres of said land being 1 la ^dktivatlon and twenty-Are acrer not cgltlrated. f Af ffjgflttBl to! trust. This July ftb. 1614. r HARRY McMULLAN. r Trustee 7-t-4wc. , TRUTH TRIUMPHS. Washington Ctrteens Mttfy for thr [ ^ Public Health. i [- A tmtlhfnl statement of a Washington cftisen, jprtec fh hit own words, should conrlnce the most akep Ucal about the merits ot Doan's Kidney Pill*. If yon suffer from backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, ur. lnary disorders ef nay form ot kidney Ills, use t tested kidney medicine. A Washington citlsen tells of Doairt Kidney PlUk a Could you demand more convlnolng proof of merit! Mrs. Lias Arthur, Sr., 524 Second street. Washington, N. C., says: "I suffered greatly from dull, nagging baekaehes. I could hardly get rnnHil at tlmpii nnrt was afnlil in more on aocount of the knife-like twinges In my loins. My kidneys were week and no doubt, caused all the trouble. 1 eaw Doan's .Kidney PUls advertised and 1 began using them. They removed the trouble. I am willing to confirm my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy? get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same P that Mrs. Arthur had. Foster-Mil. bum Co.. Props., Buffalo. N. Y. ad SPHOro LAXAtm /um BLOOD cuumnAi miu oat ui. HitaniM wnate U4 polaoaa At tho winter months; elannt row atomacn. user and hid. nin at nil Imparl Uaa. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills; nothing bettor for pnrlfrlni tha blood. Mild, non-griping laxative. Curat constipation; makto yon fsel fine. Take *9 other, tie, at your druggist ad I Bmcklen's Arnica Salve for All urtn. CITY KkllOL IgSSa o - a wo WW to woo* 1?C ChJckesM. young .30 0 10* Chickens, grown Itc to 4?c Hkeerltags lOOlOr Lamb aktns. each .........10?I?c Sheep skins, each 10? Ilk Bees Wti.. .. o. ?0c Tsllow.. t 4c Dry tint hides, par lb. ..... lie < Damaged dn hldsa, per lb... IOIOi Wool, barrr lOOllr Woal. froa from burr.. ..He to He Lira tnrkarn. par lb lit Oaooo HOdto Oraan salt hides ...lit Drr sell hides i,c Dear tola, salt i.< ftoor tola, Stat ? Peer tola, tot.. lit 7i._a.-i central jyiarKei G. T. Kayo, Manager i ' UB ^ im Wlwi ptnted mm to what to so? IT car. for ,oor ??t m?u . tr, Mu.? ? W??rl? UrMM lUmbar*.,. Can Laiin..L? Mutnm Caroltea. 1 - ?-j PLOT flUNGIEHTS lames Balkls Describes Flrsl Militant Plot of History. Story In Sunrmnrtolng Mon Recent exploration* and Excavation* In Egypt?Tell* of Ha mmm ^ , Washington, D. C-?What TO prob ably the flrat suffragette plot In tJ| lory la described by Jam?* Battle U a communication to the National Geo graphic aoolety. at Washington. D. a ii m meriting the more recent explor atlona and excavation* la Egypt whlcl have done much to rsveelthe hi* ton of an aacisnt world power. "We have a vary full record, of tb< process against certain ladles of th. harem of King Barneses 111 2 thi twentieth dynasty, which exhibit* thi harass intrigue la all lie familiar fas turea/* write* Mr. Battle. ' omclah of the harem are bribed, meesage* ari ent oat to offleert of the troop* from the eednded ladies. Inviting the hel] of the army to overthrow the king ant *t up a pretender, and the reeouroei Of witchcraft are called In to lnsun the eacceee of the scheme. la thfc case even the discovery of the pie did not put an end to the machine lions of those concerned. The Judge* in the trial were takpered with. an< the result was a highly dlecredltahh exposure of the corruption of the Egyptian bench as well as that of thi harem." I Continuing his discussion of the pol sltlon of women In ancient Eg?pt, Mr Balkle eaja: "Though there are omtnln feature* such aa their loose Ideas la the matt* af consanguinity, which shock oui modern sense of morality, the Ideal and practise of the ancient Egyptlani In respect to the position of womax are remarkably advanced and ration al. comparing very favorably wltl those of the great nations of claasl oa? antiquity. Woman was to tm Egyptian v H the slave of man or thi minister a% his pleasures; she wsj Us companion, his fellow-worker or |very equal terms, often his adviser wv* inuwiBBUu/ aib ruier. "There existed In the Egyptian mini % sentiment thst could almost to called reverence for womanhood, par tlcularly In reaped of its great fane Hon of motherhood?a aenOmen which Is much more akin to oar mod m western view than anything els* that we meet with among ancient pea pies. The mother was respected fo; her supreme share in the life and op bringing of her children, and for al the self-sacrlflce which is essentially involved In true motherhood, and fron the very earliest days the child wai carefully indoctrinated with the doty of reverencing and Ipvipg thp mo the who bore and nourished him. Bt strong was this sentiment that on tto tombs of the Old Kingdom the moths of the deceased to sa a rule represent sd together with his wife, while tto father rarely appears. In noble Bgys tl&n families the general, though no Invariable, custom was that the hel: of the house was not the eldest sou hut the son of the eldest f*ughtei lender the middle kingdom this rul< prevailed to such an extent that thi inheritance passed from one family b another through heiresses. He wto married >a heiress gained for his sol the inheritance of his father-lndaw, "Men of the upper classes had thai harems. Pharaoh himself appears ii all ages to have been the poeseasoi of a large harem. Under the em pin the harem was supervised by an el derly matron, and was administers* by high officials?'the governor of tto royal hfrem,' 'the sorlbe of the roya harem,' 'the delegate for the harem while a number of slaves watched ove the ladies and guarded them from tto outside world. The scale to whlel such au establishment could attain 1 Illustrated by the case of Amenhotey III. When the King of Mltannl sen him his daughter GUukhlpa In max rtage, the young lady was seoompa nled by a train of 117 maidens, wto were no doubt added to the royal harem." Loess Its Charm It", difficult for ft nrwly married man to locarata much ahthualaam war tali brldC baantlful hair aftai ka haft aaan bar pUa H an ttaa tauraau wr IN IUSBC, Unpleasant Passenger. A large snake boarded s steam tram bar the other day as it was nearlju the Tillage ot Balnerlna. Italy. I raised Its head and hissed at the pas seagars, some of whom tainted. Th< conductor struck the reptile on tb< head, causing It to'fill on the track The oar was then driven over its body Right Age far an Actress. In -The Diary of a Beauty." pfo liahed In the Woman's Home Cor panion, appeared the following: "TO stage Is an ungrateful profession, an no woman can count on her pnbli one day after she can no longer a] pear thirty-five years of age." Fortunate Indians. In a composition dealing with H habits and customs of American H dians, a boy deeply Impressed wti their free-and-easy life wrote the ft lowing: The Indians had few lew hat they were well violated." Danger of Too Much Talk. Don't talk too much. Jiist after y< srsiwarsrut of buying.?A tchtspa Globe. Why the Belter Rumbles. That nobr rumbling and otattarlng tb. kileban bollar after lb. r?? ? heatdr baa been lighted for eome U? baa reared many ? *?? .. * tor of Hoothl, Oea Ohat eag? U ?? PpOPfcB YQLB ? our streeta this Kon'lii. ' ftqj) u'lirfu/' gkW h. r. Miller ( Birmlasham. Ala. t Up lllVU" lil?|ho?Kjron boelneee. Bar Karre Herdle. ?r r..l. By virtus st the power of sale oon' B. C.. arrived In tt? dtp Urt ev.nln, UWM U 1 ^ TrMt' t0 ?* ?' and la the (neat of hla father, Rev ecuted by D. M. Wlndley aad wife, .Nathaniel Hardies at the Eplscopa dated Jaaaary lsth, 1905. and duly Reetory on Eaat pain street. recorded In tne Register's offlce of E . . _ eeee Beanforl coanty in book 115, pase J. iA. Tucker, manaser of the Ho i. ,.r.r,.i ... tel Louise and the Virginia Bay Ho which la hereby referred to, aad tel. Ocean IVeur, Va, arrived In th< npca demand of the holder of the in city last evening rla the Norfolk debtedneas thereby secured. 1 will Southern. 'Oil. at public auction, for. cash to eeee the hlsheat bidder at the Courthouae W. B. Jonea of Norfolk. Va. la li *?t <* Beaufort coootr. ou Thum tho city on bnalneaa day. llnd day of inly. 1*14. at aoon. .... that lot or parcel of load, situated Ml sees Corlnito. of Lauranb.r, * the Uwn of Belhaveo and de^l>and Bwlndell of Klttrell, are reglr " 'ollow,: tered et Hotel Loulee. Beslnalas on Mala street at Lew ? U Latham's (dNMMd) Southwest J. 8. Norman and son of QreenrHlc o01"0"" the said Ni Cap were passenger* on the Norfolk l^tbam's line North 41 Eaat 100 feet Southern train yesterday afternoon ?> ? uonws nontneast corner; thence North 41 West with the said | W. A. Thompson of the AurWr Cone's line CO feet; thence South 47 . bar, was a Washington visitor yester West with Smith's line 200 feet to ^ day. Main street; thence with the said street South- 48 East CO feet to the I M. lfo Jones of BelhavCn, N. C. beginning, it being the same lot of I N. C-. Is here today shaking hand land conveyed to the said Maggie ' with his numerous friends. Wlndley by D. M. Dough and wife i by deed dated August 19. 1C99 reB. O. Spencer of Swan Quarter, oorded In the said Register's office " N. C., is In the city tooay. ' * In book 108. ggge 19 8 which Is also ^ referred to, and being composed of , Z. A. Jones ojf Richmond, Va., 1 three parcels conveyed to D. M. is in the city. Dough by J. M. Smith, see Book 98, - . jyjsW; e , / . _ .? WHILE THE SUPPLY LAS! Leatti Itigareiu To Every Purchaser of a Made of genuine, fine, i handle, practical and conven shops, you would have to pay This offer is made solely you to make the comparison Turkish Blend cigarette beyo cig << r [ All the knowledge, expei ; cigarettes f 20 lor 15c i mn\ _ every sn 4 w best cigai has met t ib ; ; tfmW -* jl-< ml ** Special Notice to Dealers* ev'r: f 1 . m MI. and book 1M, pu#eo 107It*, tor further daaortotiou. > two juo n, ui4. Kft A. a kMitii 1 KT Truatee. Wm'r mhto ml Kt. TKACHEB8 KXAMlNATtOKH. Ao ordered If <ko K?U Departof Edeeatloe public eumlnifor both eolorod teacher, will bo hold Wadnaaday oad Thursday July 1Mb and the Court Rooaa to Waahlngton Tbto Win bo tho laat examination until October- Private examination will only bo given when abaolateiy nocoaoary. W. O. P1UVBTTE. v l-lO-Olc. County Suportntandont. Cry8t<l)l notice The deliciousness o *-?- malting, Gives Crystal I< The undersigned wU", i ecelre bldi Monday, July 17th, at IS M., for ??????? the hiit of conrleU and equipment A T for the month of August. 1914, wftb . W" V I /\ I the right to reject any end all bids. uL A. kJ JL JL m.A The Board of County Commissioner* I nu ?? will receive bids at 11 U., August | raan OJ Ind, for the hire of oonvlcts and ???????iPW equipment for a term of one to six '* ' months beginning September 1st JiOTIOK. 1914, with the right to reject any and all bids If not satisfactory. By virtue of the authority vested By order of the Bowd of Countj in u, ? School committee, District Ctnomls.lon. , thl. 15th dar of Ji No. 10. choco.lnttr town,hlp, w< W. E. SWINDELL. sell at the Courhouse door oo T . Chairman. Saturday, August 1st, to the high 7-15-lltc. est bidder for cash a certain tract < imSSS "S ? A HANDSOME M > Case ? Package of OMAR Cigarettes smooth-finish black leather, soft anc T r 1 ,1 e tent. 11 you went to Duy tnis cigaret r at least 25 cents for it. (Only one tc to get you to try OMAR now ? toda is which will establish OMAR as nd all question. E M JH > ;V ': <- B TURKISH BLEND A R E T T E S 71- I ~? / .'?.? j fie UKJjr ui jLfiie ience and skill gained in manufacturi or 25 years are concentrated in OM/ perfect blend of Turkish and domesti 1 smooth, yet full of snap, "life" and < superior quality is so noticeable, so immediate toker who tries OMAR realizes at once that I rette he ever smoked I The unparalleled suc< with everywhere is but a natural result. P17 Take advantage of this Free Offer toe appointment, as dealers have only a Leather Cigarette Cases and cannot ofc of OMAR Cigarettes and ask for genuine Leather Ci >K FOR FREE OFFER SIGN ON A DEALER THC AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY 3BPI3K8PC3CtDHEEC ? SftShiiSSSy A Foreign Exchange Department I* maintained by this Bank and Draft am draws direct on all the principal cltlan of tbs world. Call or writs for pamphlot (lrla, partlcuUrs for Irnaaeo of foralcn drafts. Trarolora chocks aad Latter > 4 of Credit. We shall be (lad to serre yew. BANK OF WASHINGTON Wathmmgton N.C ? ce Cream f flavor, The purity in the ce Cream iis popularity , ICE CO. Washington, .V. C. land on the New Bern road, Ave miles "from Washington, containing one I acre, more or less, this being the site t of the old Buck school house, j L. H. HARD1SON, M. V. HODGES, 1 L. A. TAYLOR, *"'* * i Committee. >f 7-9-5wc. v. W*^mr 111 ' Iff i' ' I IJ j jjj :te case in the . ||T ' > a customer.) y / We want n your favorite \ & . * . j : ? V: v I v ! . .. ing billions of / IR. It is the j, c leaf?mild, * character. fly apparent, that he has found the iess that OMAR? lay and avoid dislimited supply of tain more. Get ai garette Case, Free. window; ~ !v.. ?ma. ^ Si -'i ^"nrTT '' e Cases. All dealers who- hava > it OMAH. Headquarters, Louise . ^ ..-yea: . ? ;

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