II w Whki Of Gaiety I |5; For the 1 {, F S. tU rlr .reiii* St $Hi? i I . heuae party, chaperoned by tin fc.s. 1 eimmoaa and lira. Vau*ban. ratarn ed to Weaklaeton altar a deUehttal j I a tar oa tk? Wand. [ Tha party latt Waahlneton oa Joly ? t|M bad ead arrirlne at Ooraeoke i tha cent dor. proceeded to taka (he |j?e L'rari bouae by ntorm. Mia. Drape, ' ? afterwarda known, aa Mlae Anne, t aanaadarad without a tru'ifla aad tha party took oom plate poaaaaaioa. a Hp? Tha colabratloa ot tha,4th waa 1 marked by boat aad awtailac racaa, c a aarf party la tha aftarnooa aad a 1 ! dance la tha bad room of tha Doner Hoeee. Tha aaapra daaca, tha taneo i aad tha heeitatioa ware allta hieh p larar aad It woald be hard to ear which waa tha aaoet 'popular emeue C tha daaaara. 'I irtTj moralas aaw mam bare of 1 tha party <p brifht aad early to aa- a pie for the blaa Bah aad troot or for 1 a trip oat to tha aboala for aa early c moraine dtp la the aoaad. In the t aftaraaoa aarf partiae ware la faror. 'I Mr. Jamie Myron, of Ocracoke, aad a Mr. Mooaay, ot Byde ooaaty, placed J their caa boate at the aarrlee of tha ^ party arary aftarnooa for tha trip ord* lb the IBM. t Daaoea ware ittVaa in the ball t rAhfii of the Doner Hotue alniont < V?ry nlffat. Tfa?ae dancea vera tfae F a aomttm of mmdk plaaaarc to tha mem-' c Miss Jennie West Have Sol\ Dp among tko hlha la North Chrla- 1 I Una eonatr, Ky. Mies Jennie Want 1 I mil to hats aolsed tho perplex lag ^ grdMo"1 ot the adecatloa of the coaatrr child. Mi? Wmt had how t L . a coaatrr Lhorfbsarhm and am- i tfM a prlrato school of bar dara In * It tie thorn ot Uopklairtllo. and alao ' II aerred aa aehaol superintendent of ftfa fchrlitlan County, ae aha U wall fitted td dadertfihe tho education ' PJV Of *0 country child from every (| standpoint, Hhe realised the Met that tho ' I Cbhhtrjr child, th the aphraely set/ Uad mdtththlk dlstrlets. where far [. moot no d^tat winter, the had J roads, freeking Weather, aid dln' tales troth home to the Isolated it holes, was com pallid to remain ( , amy from school a greater part of J fibo term, and thus he deprived of l I the school training ae neoeseary in 1 aarly Ufa. fan carrying oet bar acheme, the W -X-J . dlstrlets U B acafolu ud build u up-to-dut* L building. Ud bur mw Iduuu oonsletrjl ud lb having tbu building Sited up ( an U combination boarding ud dw school. Tbu cblldruu who live nuur the school uttund u dux pupils, while tbu parents of Vbouu wbo Utu t aomu distance from tbu school, brlas them la Monday morulns und call for tkom ufala Friday afternoon. Buddies, towele, aad other neceeuarr uuppHuu uru brousbt by tbu P" route, u trull au euttslent food, both oookud ud aacockud. Tbu food li aU K poolud. Ud, u a part of tbu domestic F uuiueou uuuruu. tbu slrlu tube turmu uacb day la pruparlas Jbe muula. By ?Us EUUthod tbu farmers la tbu out. lying diatriutu have the adrutagu of * ft an up-to-date aebool. know Ibat tholr children aru aafu ud not subject to colda or other troublua from sotting wot la walking to school. aad alao that when oat of tholr luperrlslon aru udur tbu watchful caro of exporluncud tuacbers. Instead of walking to aebool through the and wot. or betas herded together in u crowded tu with a driver, wbo, even If be a. took any interact in thu wall-being f of the children, hue no authority to - control then, and but, but not luaet. i at a nominal coat, or. In faot, no eoet All the farmers Interviewed were i lead In their pralsee of tble swten. ft ud balluTUd that a movement had I been started that would spread, not ft? only all through tbu rural districts ft* or Kutuckr. but alao all over thu ft United States For, as one of them Hu unprepeeil himself, this system was P* glTtag them all (he adrutagee of a 1 ' blgb-clase boarding-school at a price 1 a that was really cheaper tbu keeping ' | them at home, ft While the regular apropriatlon for ft the reboots wee aot tuOcient for the ft ' ore<Xlea of each a building, the pro- i V~ i pie o? the district took sudb aa lube turret la the matter that one man ' r gave four teres o! land, another a owner'1 sewed it up free of charge. fASHl - - it (jcracoke Past Two Weeks ^ Of f tirt* t in b*ifr Mrs. Bragg. '? Anns," aa sfio ni known to the party, was conitantly at war with one or mora nembera at the party. Rolling ptna ad broom sticks served "Mlaa Anno" la woapona of offonoo. ", i - ^ Several of the bora anfferad aa a aanlt of Mine Apwe's prowaad with ha. daadly weapons. Spike wag the maacott of tte party ad a faroralta with arerr one. Spike a a fall-Wooded hall terrier aad talma Mlaa Margaret Harris, of Mew fork, aa hla mistress. Mr. Walter Windier, Walter Godlard and Lester Barrage Joined the arty on the Sth. Oh Wednesday atght Mlaa Isabella larter (are a, watermelon party oomillmentary to Iher honse goeeta. flae Betaey John Haywopd, ft Ralilgh; Ilia Janet .Wettnore. of Vashlngton, and Mtaa Mildred Davie, If Wilson. The scene of the fasti vtlaa waa Mlad Carter's anmmer home, lewdrop Villa. orerlookUg tha ound. Mr. Johnny Walla and Mr. Lahler Young, of the yaeht "Oee Vhls" were among thoee present. After two weeks of gaiety and datable the party an last Friday Hd idrthrall to ttlad Ahno and allied in tha good ahlp, 'Relief" for hoffie, nHvlnw PHSSY evetRnv sient 7,00 >'clock. ZJ Seems To ed The Question tart of the team Ins and other work rae gratis, which not only shows the nterect that the farmer* tpok in the rorfe, bat speaks volumes for the rganlslng ability of Mies WmL While the writer was present, a *oys* corn dob jras organised, and ilso a gl.1V. canning clnh. It 14-thh otontMrto1 teach practical agrleulure by having the children produce i large amount of the food needed, nore especially In the way of fruits ind vegetables, which wll give an >pportnnlty to teadJ lessons, not 'hi* Id soil ferlllity and the growing >t plants, but also the proper meth?ds o( canning, evdporatlng, and to ring of fruits and vegetables for sinter use. At the time of our vlait, the boys sere busily engaged during their pare time, ami apparently were cn?ylng It more than if they were playng, in building a henhouse, which sill give an opportunity for the gaining of practical knowledge in >onltry husbandry and be the means >f turning the waetes of the place in.0 a pleasing variation in the bill of fare. The people of the country are patching thl? experiment with great ntereet. and Its success means that i number of similar schools will be itarted In the country. . The country &lld? and specially the child of the poorer mountainous and pioneer dlsrlcts has suffered long enough in the unfair raoe for. an education, and :t Is to be hdfbed that this lnovs:lon win be the means of opening a pay by whfeh Justice may be done :q him and he be given an equal duce with his more fortunate >rotfaer In Che more thickly settled Uitricts. FIGHT HOUCE IN COURT ROOM. Belfast, Ireland.?A crowd of rafrragettes today created a wild tunult in the Assise Court and Its rlcinlty when Mlfcs Dorothy Brans, in official of the belfast branch of he Women's Social and Political Union, was brought np for trial on ;he charge of baring In her possesdon explosives for the purpose of m>emitting felony. Ml* Brans had boon arrested in the (house ol the Lord Mayor of Belfast. The suffragettes broks windows tad savagely assaulted the police. Prboeedings had to be suspended for a time. ? VISITING GRANDMOTHER. Miss Augusta Simmons Clark left resterday tor Pantego, N. C., where ike la Melting her grandmother, Mrs. k. B. Clark. Pes Seven Springe. B. O. Spencer, of Sw?n Quarter, ujd Misses Halite Harris and Mas Blount, of this city, left yesterday for Seven Springe. / 'it " " OH VACATION 7-' / Mr. H?ur MltafMrortk W1 ,?Mrter for Mow B*ra u4 Mor* bead City. "* t tf\SHINGTC?N 'WlB On uext Monday arenlns it th Public School Auditorium e -'? c orphans from the CMS fellow. .Horns, GoIdMjoro. N. a, *111 giro w entertainment. Th* cIim vlU arris flora Monday morulas *1* the Wash lngton and audamara train froi Vandamara and while la tha el'y wU ha aatartalaad at tha dtltaraut home of tha Odd fallows hare. Tha claa numbers fourteen, la addition to th teacher and mana(er. Tha elans tht 'year is reputed to ha one of the baa lu tha history of tha Institution. Th prices for admission will ha li am II cents and tlpkata aan ha secure, at th* store of Mr, W. 8. frtasle. I is to be hoped that a larta numbs of dtlOans win ItlanfL ffiipm mnrniinn nm jp* The New Theater management 1 sgrely showing first class motion pi tores Chls week at this well knowi place of amusement. The large an dlence last evening were more thai delighted and nothing hat the high est praise Is being heard today fo last night's performance. fin program is scheduled for tonlgh and all who attend will be more thai repaid. For after sapper pleasurl the New Theater Is proving a mecc and rightfully, so.' TO BEGIN ON TQJ0RR6V The annual camp meeting of th Unknown Tongne Sect starts tomoi row at the Plney Grovey Cam Ground, near Chocowlnlty, and *wl last until August 2. People froi all Mdlani nf RMufnrt -*> surrounding counties are expect? to attend. These meetings are a: ways attractive and unless somi thing nnforseen happens hlstor will repeat itself this year. Bi preparations are being made for th meeting and speakers of not -will be present. The eervtees will t held day and night. Everybody ha a cordial Imitation. FALLEN ASLSBP. On Joly the 9th the grim moi ster Death entered the home of Mi J. L. Beavers and claimed for II victim his loving sweet wife. Lea or Pearl Beavers. She wee sick foa weeks and three days. On the lit of Jane to her a sweet baby gii wee born, which Ood claimed fc His own. So He has called th young mother, who was oaty 1 years old. op to meet her. She wa married to Mr. James Lee Beevei In Deoember, 1913. She had on! been married 19 months. Bhe leaves a huSband. fa the mother and four listers to mour their lose, but what is their loss 1 iter eternal gain, for she had lived Christian life. She united with th Free Will Baptist church et th early age of 11 years and was faithful member until death. Bhe was a favorite with her atftuM mates, and was held in high ssteei by all who' knew her. The intes ment was in the family buryln ground near Hew Branch. Tl floral offer lags ware profuse. The sympathy of the entire con munfty boss out to the grle strioken hudband and parents. Written by a friend, LB&r Mil WARREN. Vtstthsg Mr. Tsffos. Mr. W- B. Blades, Jr. of New Ber N. C.. motored to the elty yesterda from Hew Becu, N. C? and is tl IMt ?f ik M?n*. Mr. Dortd 1 T.Tlo., *X kU home. 00ram of Wool laaton ud Moln rtrooU. ON D CAiimfc?OeaerSnr uxt iS- ai?bt Hi N. C THURSDAY AFTEMN&>& ITi IS EXFECIED . anw The Befc Ormee a?4 014 Ford ( beseberr clubs croamd'bsts *t Old '' ford Saturday IsM *M the seen | ess II to I Is fsTor at Old ford. . Old ford expects to Uf conclusions a with the fttrons Latham's Cross I Roads team next Satardsy. Both ? teems ere confident of rictory. Er erytodjr is oordleJly invited to be I present for the content Is joins to be lntereetlng from stert to finish. The t feme of. leet Setnrdey wei witnessed br s toodlr number tad the proa1 pects are trst tro fsnee dstsrdsr will 1 hsre s tsrte s ember aI leas present. ?1 HARDING IDE DEP. 1. , FIRJE PORT I Mf. 6oy 0. Hardin* lanler Mam * bef 8f the ffrifl 8f H. ti.Hnrdln* a d L Son, rentil itedts. tide beet, dppelnt- Jl , ed bp Collector St OdettMIa, Wr. 4 , Walker Tutor, of WU*tU*t*a. in- * _ der direction of the Treeenrr ue- d Q pertment, deputy collector Of Mte. tome for tfele port Mr. Herding re- . r eel red Ua eppoletmeet Mender and I , he qanlMed et once and eetetnd ap- J t on bin datlee. Hie office will he In i ? public bonding on the eeadhnl door. ' , He hne the congrnteUtlone of hie , frtende. - ."ib Tobacco > the daily topic of discussion here now. We are very gfad to aay we have some good crops. Mlaa Mamie Edwards returned from an extended visit, at Norfolk. t Ocean Vlerw and other points of In- c tereot last week. ( Mr. Joe Panl, representing Paul t rBros., was in our midst this wsek.. ? Mr. Paui Is much liked in our j town, and we are always glad to t welcome him. I Miss Mary Belle Ricks, of Fair- t * mont, who has been visiting rela- t r" Uvea here, has returned to Wash- i 9 ington, N. ?C., where she Is now I 11 visiting Sheriff Ricks. n We tvere glad to welcome home * Mrs. J. W. Titghman, who has been - away abont two months. * ' Mrs. 8. O. Merrlman, of Washington. N. C., la visiting here now. 1 7 Right many of onr residents are * * now camping at Core Point, consist' ing of W. T. Warren and family, ^ Mrs. KaUe BUUey Bonner, Bessie ? Warren, Rtnj Stlllsy, Urn. Carlyle Mldgyette and Mrs. 8. G. Merrlman. Our revival begin Monday night after the second Sunday In August, which will be conducted by D. W. r< Arnold, of Goldsboro. ^ Children's Day wit be observed 1 m here the third Sunday In August. 1 it Every one "have a cordial welcome. ^ h Mr. H. B. Bennett and wife were pi in our village today. IT . e It's reetful tn Washington Park, g GUEST OF BROTHER. * is ,g Mr. Enoch 8. Simmons of Fair- ? y Held. N. C.. is visiting his brother. < Mr. J. H. Simmons at his (arm near *i ft this city. I n ? TO THE PATRONS OF W/ 16 Several times since the recent p ft was still my intention to be a cavd II master at this place, la order that 1 >11| as to my position 1 desire to make 1! * || The term of the present Fostm a (|| 1915, and there is no cause to as s ie before that time, and should 1 be e will begin in January, and end about 1 Legislature will in no way conflict v chip ehoold I be appoleted; there f dldet. u a* prfmerr whleh vUl ? II II that ?I1 who an patro i Include* the Rernl Free DeUrerr Re altted to participate te the primary, other pteoee end I now dealt* to i rttory poOieuid to dire ma their I It 1* called. ' i 1 iii p? AILY MOf; M* rtl'<**==:=:==* BIHS II INI If IISSJW The Norfolk AaJfiMyiepetch of eeterdsy given the following M* onnt of a card party given by Miss Elisabeth Saunders, of that city, la onor of Mlee Aaiutl Charles, aughter of Hr. and Mrs. Ml W. lharles, of thle city. The paper iy?: Mlee Augusta Char lee, of Waahagton, N. C., was guest of hoaor t a most enoyable card party given esterday by Miss BUdabeth Saundra at her home on Raleigh avenue, here were seven tables of auction ridge, and Mine Charles was predated with a pair of silver hat pins guest prise. Miss Helen Anderson, ie first prise, a camisole, and the Desolation was dfaWfl by Miss Marsh Chalenor, which Wis tfllll rose. Miss Saunders' guest* faMtidsl Use Charles, lire. William Hirfins. hm Mirg^ret oiarfys ^l'lis, km 6*tSerine #artf, of #eion. N. C.; Mlse Myru Wood, Miss Uolse Simmons, Mis Murgduret Sorter, Miss Lucille Dodson, Miss Hormse Hodges, Miss Mildred Foaburg, [las Martra Chaleoaor. Mlse Anna onng, Mlse Oraee Terry. Mlse Helen oung. Mlse Margaret Rean, Mies ITlalfred Nixon.'Miss Judith Ridlck. Miss Helen Caklll, Miss Ann nnss. Miss Ethel Fentreae. Mies Wy 'e Webb, Miss Mildred Moore. Mlse *rshces Trompeon, Miss Helen Aner And HIM Aim OHmt. ieriii. my lUtllllU U1UII1 IS RESQHED ;mm The serial story " Wait*till Baser" which ?b*a beetl running id the olamns of this pa peloid lnterraptk1 caused by the delay of recetrlni he matter, la resumed again today ind unless something onforseen hap tens will now be published until he end of the story. This story hai tioved to be of interesting reading o the Daily News patrons and it li o be hoped that they bare not been neonvenlecnced by the break in Iti tubllcation. Let's build tn Washington Park On VacntioK. Mr. James R. Rnss, of the welmown firm of Russ Bros., has gon< o Norfolk, Baltimore and Washlngon City on his annual vacation. WV8BD CLAYTON BILL REPORTED TO SENATE. Washington-.?The revised Clay uu msu-uum uiii, iv lupiirauieiii u? Iherman act, was formerly reported oday to the Senate. It would pen illse price discrimination, excluslr* elllng agreements, liberalise the Inunction and contempt statutes is rade disputes, restrict lnterlocklnj lirectorate and holding companies >ut would except Tabor, hortieul ufnl and agricultural organisation! rom its provisions. Members of the Interstate Com nerce committee were unable t< complete consideration of the rail oad securities Mil in tinle to repor t. ' iSHINGTON POSTOFF1CE rlmulM, I ban been naked If It tdnte for tb? appointment aa Poet here may be no mleapprehentlon 1 olanr. ' ? Mor doen not explra nntll March, ante that thn often wilt be vacated lected ae Repreaentatlee my datlae March let, 1115, ao tha work la the rlth my accepting tha Poatmaatarora It la my Intention to ha a cana hald at aama later date. a of tha often, which, of ooarao, lotaa from thla often, will he per aa thla ooaree haa baan followed al eak my frtnada throathoat tha tar baarty rapport at tha primary whan US. U MJtTO. 1 . 11 1 'M' " NEV* The Mediators Mai To United Sti ;B1 ~1 DEPI.IOl j TO SEGQi ST. The Southern Furniture Company lB In mating Its undertaking depart- d< ment to the *7. T. Farrow place ot w business on Sesond street recently o\ purchased by the Sent hern Fornl- d< tare Company. From new en this branch ot their business will be ran i> at this point The Seuthern Furtt- gt ltnre Company expects to keep In tfa stock all the latest designs in caa- tr kets sad undertaking appliances. y? ' * ui ntVKR HO AD STATION BRIKF8 ? We hdr? reeefred Intelligence of the aMrrfege &t Kiss Jfllfs F. Robin- tt b&S o( frdf folfc shd Mr. J. E. Hsrdie t* of 8t. Louts. June I8tih st Astrary cc ftfcrk, M. /. The bride Is a daughter 'fc Of tbd Igte i. A. Rttolnson, fornserty m of Vashlngidfi, ff. C, After r.sli- Tl lng In Nerw York they will return to \0 Virginia and make their home in Hampton tor the present time. rt We are rery much grieved to th learn that Mr. Eddie Eborn of Ban- tl* yan, has had his arm broken and we e] hope he will soon be all right. Mrs. L. M. Sheppard of Holly Olen ni ihas bee^ rery 111 for a few days, tt Ralph, a little child of Mr. and Mrs. c< I L. M. Sheppard, has also been quite r< iick but is better. C Miss M. M. Cherry of T?ra*rix, pent one day recently at Banyan, a 4, fa est of Mrs. W. 8- D. Eborn. 41 Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Alllgood n and child of. Ransomville, spent one nlfht reee*ftjy with Mr. and Mrs. L. a r U Sheppard at Holly Glenn. p Hr. 7. L Alllfood and family it spent Sunday Wtth Mre? Altlgood's a parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Alllfood j. on Red Hill road. tl Abert, MarKe, Verona. Lyman ct 1 hnd Beatrice, children of Md. and b Mrs. L. M. Sheppard, of Holly Glen, oi "were"out In an automobile one day H last week. They had a long, pi 3 is-1 , apt ride and Immensely enjoyed it. I * I Messrs. C. M Little, J. A. Alllf ood, I tl l J. L. Alllf ood and Ab. Alllfood, Jr., 1 C are building new tobacco curing a ? barns. c: 1 ' Several farmers in this vicinity >d 1 have commenced gathering and cur- t1 lng tobacco and we presume all will ?: be busy with the same work for ti , a few weeks. Mrs. Augustus Alligood and a daughter, Miss Llllle, or Magnolia, * . were calling In our village last week, p \ Masters Albert and Harlle 9hep- U . pard, of Holly #len, have returned A home after a very pleasant visit at al Mrs. A. J. Sheppard, of Bunyan C made us a very, pleasant call last week. ^ n ?r. j. a.- Alllgood and family jp > were out driving Sunday afternoon. & I Mra. Mary B. Warren, of Small, . and her little niece have been j visiting her Mra. R. M. Allt. food on Bath road. They returned t home Monday, accompanied to f j Washington by Mrs. Alllgood and g children. ni Miss M. M. Cherry, of Jamarlx, ^ l was a guest of Mrs. J. B. Sheppard c at Magnolia Monday. si Mr. Thad. Congleton. of Magnolia, a has hullt a new tobacco curing barn. h " Miss Ruth Alllgood, who has been tl very 111 several weeks, Is eonvales cent. Mr. John Congleton, of Magnolia, " la doing well wtth his store and ice c Meosds. r. R. Black and F. AIll- t! good, of Washington, were in our a village 8unday. G Mr. and Mrs. Thad. Congleton, of ] Magnolia, entertained company from Piaevilla Sunday. We have recently had several terrific electrical storms with hard t i wind and torrents of rain that j , played sad havoc with oud flower l yard, breaking down shrubs and j vlnea and washing small plants too i mudh for good. The lightning struck and split several telephone post near fchta station. W Are having very warm days j and very cool nights. t . ? .< Gee* of Mm Oarhr. Mice Hodgle Williams, of Louis%?f. If. O. wno the gueoto of Mlm Bshion Carter ath or homo op Bar-1 rwr T*WWi. 1 mmmum fS Na If* ke Appeal iteslFor Annesty 1 Pmm, Tsx.,?General Villa's de"T la iruwign M?k from CMuahua baa gveatly poded officials ra It bad Me* iambi Villa otrttf start for Angara* QMMM "Kb thr* of bta brigades, to pwrclpnte la the Junction of the Coaitutloaallet tioepa north of the aaoaal estpttal. MexUaa eases aa tfca ardor admit Ignoranee ad the p(am 1 the general of the north. It wn aot keoorn MWtcb Ibt lfla tad Mem Invited ta take part i the aatrr lata Mexiso CKy. Ooeriro la la tba mosmtatn dUtriets of r oat am Chlhaubna, where Vina Derated as a bandit before the Maim revolution. Washington, D. C.?Ambassador a Gama of Braxll, and Ministers lares of Chile, Naon of ArgentlM, three mediators In the Mexico n ouble,appealed to Preaident Wilson laterday to bare tba United State* m Its Influence with General Carinxa to obtain a general amnesty r thoee who supported Roerta. It was the first formal call ef the iree mediators since the Niagara inference adjourned. They were nerm pan led by Secretary Bryan end ir nearly an hour dlacneeed the exlcnn situation In all of Its phases, tiey expressed the view that PtotIsnal President Cart>ajal was ready turn over the government to Carman, bat wanted guarantees that lere would be no wholesale execs' ons, arrests or confiscation or prop"ty. They told President Wilson that a less these guarantees were Jiven ie Carbajal government would con ntrate all Its military forces and wist any effort to Invade Mexico ity. After their UJk with the Pdesirat, Secretady Bryan and the three Iplom at a went to the C'.ate Depart lent for a conference. That the lnflnence of the United tatee was being relied upon by resident Carbajal to obtain satlskctorr terms wffch the Constitution llefts was -erplalned aUo today by > i>ee Castellot. personal repreeentare of Caribajal. The mediators inferred not only with Mr. Castellot nt also with Ehnllto Rahaaa, head f the delegation whleh represented Inerta at the Niagara conferences. Word that the commission which 111 represent Carbajal in negotlaons with Carransa had left Mexico ity came to Castellot. The comilsalon departed without obtaining redenlials, bat since Carransa lnlcated to the American government let he would reeetre the com mi 3Ion full Instrnctlons and authorizeIon will be sent them. Washington. D. C?Secretary Bryn's appeal to Carransa and Villa to llmlnate personal differences that. light exist bet-ween them. ws? Insrpreted In Washington as the .merican government's preliminary lep to prevent counter revolts after he entry of Carransa Into Mexico Ity. The appeal to Carransa was communicated through John R. Bllllman. 'resident Wilson's personal represntatlve. Left Yesterday. Mrs. F. A. Ward and Mrs. E. W. tountree and children, of Pnntaorda, Florida, left yesterday afteroon for Montgomery, Alabama. Mrs. Fard Is the mother of Mrs. L. I. 'addell, who resides on West Third treet, and Mrs. Ronntree Is Mrs. Cddell's sister. For the past two reeks they have been her guests at er home, and while here formed he friendship of a large number. la the City. Mrs. William VonBberstein, of Ihooowlnlty, and sister. Miss Gatthr, of Hertford, N. C., are spending he d4y In the city as the guests of Ir. Henry Harding and Mr. and Mrs. luy C. Harding at their home on test Second street. Meeting Tonight. There will be a regular meetng of Phalanx Lodge, I.O.O.F. No. ;0, at their Hall over the Taylee "harmacy this evening at S o'clock. U1 visiting brethren are oordlally nvlted to be pr^ivut. < ??? ? The'mfcny friends of Mr. E. B. kfoore, Me of Waahlngton'a popular Htlsena will regret to learn of hta continued Indisposition. No man la the eity kaa a wider circle of frlenda. kOW Mr. ul Mr*. Tla kCv *r* rWtMM Mr. U4 Mr* |. B. MlU N But TUr* Bmt.

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