Great Improvemen In The Tote .. .. A Dally Newt repreaentaHvs paid a " ?*U to that part el the oily motor- V dor afternoon whero tho tobacco I warehouses, otamiFr, ete., art situ- 1 ated. To say that tho paper man ?aa agrooagly snrprteed feebly es, prseoeo JL Slnoa the closing ot the hu? tool rear marked Improvementa hare leu made. Tho Bun ot ttoiia toot bu bun added. The work of erecting the ItO aUtla lor "the use of the farmers coming to town with their teems are being rushed to completion and this paper a can auto with certainty that the c priae houses wll be ready by the time 0 ated'to a now c c??t of pftlnt ? air. Qrawety will again manage, the I( Washington wnrnhouae and Captain b Vontoss will again be at the helm c: at the Bun tort. Both are expert- u oil cod tobacconist, clever, urbane and tl hold a warm place among the dtt- 0 sens of this -efty and the farmers ti throughout the county. A great o | aeaaon la loked for In .^Faahlnfton c< this year. The crop_ is good, the farmers are row curing and It *111. * f i not be many days before piles of Iho | golden weed wtll be seen passing through the streets dally. " \ Belhaven Wins Ex From Auro *4 v lb en exciting bat Inet game Bel- "" haren won over the Aurora team 1 yesterday at Belhaven by this score 1 o( I to 1. It was a fast and good I game Bom Start tq finish. The tea ' * lures of the game was the excellent pitching of f. Brown, who allowed ~ Aurora only twe hit* and War neier in danger throughout the entire game. Only for an error Aurora weald have been given a abut-out. ' Other features was the batting and placing of Bagwell, .Phipps and Glrkin. of Belhaven. and a fast double plasr by .Davenport and Paul, p The Aurora short-stop made a great c catch of MaAlimter't line drive H Batteries:Belhaven, B. Brown an tory of the chureta. * # * I WX HAVB A FBW MORE Rudb ib i I glre swag". J.E Adams ftr l" *???i?- 'f B A BKI.OOPLER raw. OF THE Aneet loo water In the ?ltj. All the tljne., It'e treo. tosonr ruetomen^ |5?-* j**; 1 ASH! I 1 . : I I H I ; . .' . - * -I -r ' ' ' "' 1 t Been Made tcco Warehouses iJHff iiu uII MIS There will be mdrniug prayer ritb serman at St. Peter's Episcopal hurch tomorrow morning at 'Til 'olock and the preacher wilt J>? Lev. Harry Harding, of Camden. S. !., Who la visiting his father. Rev. [athanlel Harding, at the Epi&copal ectory. Mr. Harding is one of the rightefct young divinles 1n his hureh add he ia always heard by irge and attentive congregations in le town of his birth. The music n tomorrow ^ one ot lhe a^_ actions. Evening 8ong at * jftfir j 'clock. No service at night, htit * jrdially invited, geats free. m HAVE MOST ANYTHING YPC -aoed. , -Oaf We ; guarantee to please you. J. E. i Adams. I ? I citing Game ra On Yesterday Hi m ME Services at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 . m. at the First Presbyterian hurch. Preaching by the pastor, Lev. H- B. Searight. Sunday school t 0:46 a. m., C. M. Brown, Jr.. uperlntendent. Visitors, travelling ten, and all strangers are cordially avltsd to all Ohe-aervtcea of the hurch. "Come thou with us, and re will do thq good." By staying way from the house of God you eny yourself a blessing, and detract rom the cause, a kingdom of Christ, 'here are no cooler or more comnrtahltt nl>PA? in tn?n Ihmi Ihn hurchee. IEW LOT FANCY PINNACLE Floor Just received. J. E. Adams. Lei's build In Washington Park :mu COMPANY IS BUSY PLACE > *' p<> M'1 _ Things are certainly- lively aroand ha Crystal lea Plant t-eee days, specially bo alaoe the extreme warm reather. Yesterday not only was >verr employe busy with orders tor be, bbtlT local and foreign,, but iha he Ice cream department , waa also-a lusy place. The cream the com my la Manufacturing fs fast gaintig a 3tate reputation. Their block ream-compares farm-able ifith any country, fills enterprise la a valuable adjunct, to Washington's rrow-tu. ?>uu6k fiora is the brhy to be had. We Just received a new lot J. BJ. Adams. ^ 1 ?5 : . tore today. Mr. Harman Barr and sons, Duiree and Joseph, Of Rath. N. C.. who -eve been vteltlng Mr. R. T, Barr. it Chocowlnlty. parsed thftMgh tbe Mr this rtornfug, en route to, their Baptist eVtr^h, will preach at the NGTC WEATWO - WASHINGTON N. < mmmi Mty 11 m\ nraiemter that the rlin'o! orphans from the Odd Fellows' Homo. U Goldsboro, N. C., will giro one of their enjoyable entertainments in w the PubUo School aadltorlnm Mon- t< day evening. The performanoe is B scheduled to begin at eight o'clock, ii and tlhe price* of admission will be B 15 and 25 cents. The class will or- " rive here from Vandemere Monday B morning at It) o'elock and daring O their stay In thS'Slty will be enter- A tained by" the members of the Odd Fellows- order. There are fourteen In the class, besides the teacher and Manager. Those who have witnessed the entertainment' state that It Is in- to terestlng and entertaining. This Is p< & most worthy eaus^ and Jt is to be tl hoped that the orphans will receive ei fc generous patronage. * Z VIE A DOW OOL*D BITTER IB someChing fine. Try a package. J^E. .Aduw. _ iisiT TO RETORT ALL THE DEATHS A Tuberculosis Census of thou- *sands of churches in various parts ~ of the oountry will be taken in Sep- g tember, under the direction of The y National Association for the Study ? -? ? * ? ?- .. qq, lira rfPrflflTUnT Ol 1 QCOTCBIOSlfl. fuo census wil be part of the preparation for Fifth Annual Tuberculosis Day to be observed during the week of November 89 th. The ministers of several thousand churches will be asked to report on 1 the number of deaths from tubercu- A loais In the last year, the number of ? living casee In their parishes on Sep- b tember 1st, the number of deaths' ^ from all causes, and the number of momlhArB nr mmmnnL^anta TWi ^ figures will be made the basis of an r educational campaign, which will culminate in the Tuberculosis Day '' movement, for which occasion ser- 11 mon and lecture outlines and other ? forms of tuberculosis literature will 11 bd distributed free to ministers. Last year nearly 76,000 rhurdaes, schools, and other bodies took part 1 In the Tuberculosis Day observance. F The movement had the endorsement r of leading church officials of every 2 denomination. More than 1,200 antl- 1 tuberculosis societies scattered all h over the country will work this year to make Tuberculosis Day a success. n c OUR GUARANTOR 18 EVERY- e thing that a guarantee can be. What you save hers oh one purchase helps to pay for the next. J. E. Adams. HEWTHEATRE ATM! NEXT WEEK The motion pictures at the New Theatre still continue to give full satiefactien to all that attend. ^ They are without a doubt the best pletnre* that this house has run for a great .while. Por next week they wil continue to run these high-class pictures. This popular house la giving Its patrons at least filve features a week. For newt week they state that they have a vary promising pro gram for the entire week. The management of the New Theatre is trying to give the people of Washington the very beet things that they nan seen re In the way of entertalamttat. This paper hae Just learned ther-thsy have purchased am ttadlrlc scoreboard. So that the base baft fans of this olty can have the pleasure of seeing the beet teams la tba Rational and Atoerioan Leagues play tjte gams just a* H is played on the diamonds of the cities in which' they play. If m person has never witnessed a ball game on ofls of these ' )N D ki tonight u? 8?nd?r : SATURDAY AFTERNOON rgg"i I^taresling eerrices ki 41m Oh HeAO church tomorrow morning and G renin* at U ?. m. and ? p. m., to tl Ulch all hare do invitation to aV i* rad. The subject of the pastor. v. Robert V. Hope, for the mornlg hour will be: "Lore- Made Vis- G 4a." The ereolng subject will be: ,f Justice and liberty and give as- a [urances (hat he would do his ut- t nost to restore normal conditions. r Zapata sent official word of his a lesire to Join with Carranza In re- a labltttatlng the governmental ma- r riectrlc scoreboards they have no I dea what a great Invention that It I s. The andience can see a great I fame going on in New Vork or any ilty that there is a ball'game going m, and it actually is as good as looking at the real game itself. By he lights on the board you see every >lay that there is made daring the intlre game. The beauty of this wonderful Invention is that yon are vltneselng a game going on -hunIreda of miles away at exactly the tame time that you would if you were sitting in the bleachers at the l Ml park at which the game was. 1 /U there has never been anything of 1 thin kind hers beforeC there Is bo i Josff>t but what the house will be i crowded at every performance. * ? 1 ARMOUR* STAR HAMS AND ALL : kinds of salt and smoked meats. I 1. M. AUm* , AILY i 1 i Ltf'ht T0l?bl< wind. JULY 25, 1914 mem Elffl apm Do not forget that Mr*. George reen, of Nov Born, will speak in 10 MetJhodlat church Sunday evens' It behooves every rood cltison i bo up to da to In the war against 11 forma of intemperance. Mrs. reen knows all the scientific shyu" and is a fine speaker. Come out to hear her, and send all te boys and girls to Sunday school -the Methodist church?Sunday ornlng, as she also speaks to them. It tan bo arranged, she will meet 1th some of tJbe other Sunday fcools* She will address the students of to Methodist and Christian church iin^ay school Sunday morning and ie Saint Peter's Sunday school at o'clock In Che afternoon. f ARKET PAID LICES FOR AROLINA received from Washicco Markets of the vaigto note that the highacco for Eastern North paid here on the Wash>rices for tobacco in the d at the Winston-Salem red Gen'l Methods Probed binary. Emissaries from Carranza > Zapata, with authority to promie a program or agrarian reforms, re expected to reach the southern tilef within a few days. Mexico City.?President Carbajal as ordered an investigation of the nancial methods of the Huerta govrnment. In reply to public rumors f possible wrong doing. The Ine&tlgrtlon, it is stated, will be made y high officials of the ministry of nance, and if lrregulartltles are )und those guilty of them will be unlshed. The government announced that . will immediately begin negotiaons with the American authorities I Vera Print to arranco for the re publishment of a Mexican admtnlsatlon there. Another long conference betweea resident Carbajal and the Brasilia minister was held last night. The ubject discussed was the peace con rence, which it is expected will be eld soon between Cartoajal and Carmu delegates. No announcement fgardlng the conference was maJv, ut it is known that at its conclulon the Brazilian minister sent an important dispatch to Secretary Iryan. Kingston, Jamaica.?General Hurts and the party of fugitives from fexico accompanying him arrived ere at noon yesterday on board the lerman crusier Dresden from Puertc fezlco. Arrangements had been made Id dvsnce for the former Mexican dieator with General Blanquet and thi est of the party to remain here foi . week or more at a hotel, wher* everal other Mexican refugees al eady have taken up their quarters mm ~ t? m ii am There will be regular services a he First Methodist churob Sunda; nornlng and evening with preeehlni >y the pernor, Rev. E. N. Sniper Sunday school, E. R. Mixon. superin lendent, will meet at o'clock rhe Baraca class, W. M. Keai meets at the same hour. Goo. music it all services. All stranger (pending Sunday la the city nan we] ??* PoUte and attentive ushers, NEWS Na 1X5 Receipts and Disbursements Of County Commissioners For June ? . *. -i RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. i ftHim cub on band, u ehown In Jane statement $ 6,960.21 [ B. O. Weaton, C. R. C.t court coat* f 31.17 T. N. Tyer, Recorder, court cost* ' 1.06 W. H. Hooker, Rerorder, court ?oat* 4.15 j. a. iv?ign, Recorder, court cost# 5.35 Pitt County, part expense county bridge 525.37 # 568.19 8 7,539.10 DUBCBOBXSm Claims audited and allowed July 6th, 1914 38,997.95 ^ Poor list allowed July 6th, 1914 178.75 9,171.70 A deficit a I 1,642.60 BRIDGE ACCOUNT. Balance cash on hand, as shown in June statement 319,777.8S Claims audited and allowed July 6th, 1914 1,643.69 Balance cash on hand 818,134.19 C LA I.MM AUDITED AND ALLOWED JULY fltli, 1914. No. To Whom. For What. Amount. 1609. W. E. Swindell, chairman county commissioners $ 16.67 1610. C. P. A'ycock, county commissioner 5.10 1611. W. S. D. Eborn, county commissioner 3.10 1612. H. C. Bragaw, county commissioner 2.75 1613. W. H. Whitley, county commissioner 6.60 1614. 'Dr. J. G. Blount, Supt. Health, salary April, May, June. . 160.00 1616. J.' W. Chapin, member board of elections 3.4# 1616. A. M. Dumay, chairman board of elections 11.12 1617. L.y H. Redditt. secrc'ar board of elections 6.20 1618. Ceo. E. Ricks, t^eriff, jail account 18.80 1619. Geo. E. Ricks, BherifT, salary for June 333.33 1620. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff use of county) making list of poll lazes paid on or before May 1st, 1914, (or year 1913 24.91 1621. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, general county expense 101.70 1622. Geo. E. Ricks, chain-gang account 6.00 1623. G. Rumley (use county), clerk to board 14.80 1624. G. Rumley, salary for June 200.00 1626. G. Rumley, expense account 8.60 1626. Geo. A. Paul, C. S. C. (use of county) examining insane. . 4.00 1627. Geo. A. Paul, C. 8. S., expense account 4.00 1628. Geo. A. Paul, C. 8. C., salary for June 176.00 1629. J. W. Crawley, keeping Bath bridge 18.00 1630. L. B. Toler, keeping Blount's Creek bridge 16.60 1631. J. W. Brantley, keeping Aurora bridge 26.00 1632. H. W. Hytnan, oil for and keeping Washington bridge. 35.25 1633. V. W. Darts, keeping Pungo bridge 25.00 1634. J. B. Keech, keeping Belhaven bridge 25.00 1635. T. A. Brooks, material for bridge draw 50.38 I ,1686. Municipal Elec. & Water Dept. Lights for Wash, bridge 6.00 I 1687. Havens Oil Co., cinders for River road 6.25 1638. S. R. Fowle & Son, lumber for Washington bridge .... 9.65 1639. Geo. V. Boyd, lumber for bridge. Long A. township. . . . 52.00 1640. Hyde couaty, for repairs to Leecbvllle bridge 106.60 1641. fipencer Bros., ehoes for county home 1.95 1642. Johnston's Printing House, stationery for Recorder. , 3.25 1643. M. M. Mason, Bath Recorder, salary 20.00 1644. W. H. Hooker. Aurora Recorder, salary 25.00 1645. T. N. Tyer, Recorder Bath, month of May 20.00 1646. J. A. Leigh. Recorder Belhaven 35.90 1647. W. B. Wtndley, salary for June 75.00 1648. E. G. Weston, C. R. C., one-half court cost 3.35 1649. E. G. Weston, C. R. C.. salary for June 25.00 1650. T. N. Tyer, Asst. Recorder Bath township, for Jurors. .. . 7.70 1651. C. C. Cratch, making statement for June 12.50 1653. Johnston's Printing House, poor order book for Register 3.00 1654. L. C. Warren., county attorney, salary for June 13.50 1655. John Gray Hodges, lumber and material for Old Ford bdg. 17.16 1666. Harris Hardware Co.. auto, trip for W. E. Swindell, chairman county commissioners 4.00 1657. O. J. Nye, conveying prisoner to Jail 3.50 1658. W. H. Parvin, overseer bridges, salary June. 75.00 1659. Dave Gurganus, labor on Bear Creek bridge 3.00 1660. Everett-Waddey Co., minute docket for C. S. C .. 11.50 1661. J. J. Davis, Supt. County Home 144.00 1662. M. L. Cherry, wood for County Home 5.60 1663. Cherry Furniture Co., two mattresses (or County Home. 4.00 1664. Edwards A Broughton, binding tax books 38.10 1665. R. E. Hodges, lumber Old Cherry Mill bridge 11.60 1666. E. R. Mixon, Treas., int. on bridge bond to June 1, 1914. .1,263.13 1667. E. R. Mixon, Treas., Interest on note S. T. Co 76.00 1668. E. R. Mixon, Treas., note paid Farmers A Merchants Bk. .5,000.00 1669. E. R. Mixon, Treaa., paid on order of W. E. Swindell. . . . 110.90 1670. E. R. Mixon, Treas., bond interest due June 1st, 850,000. .1.253.13 1671. E. R. Mixon, Troas.. interest on note F. N. Bank 75.00 1672. E. R. Mixon. Treas., int. on note S. A T. Co., for 33,000.? 45.00 , 1673. E. R. Mixon, Treas., salary for June 70.84 I 1674. L. E. Toler, oil for Blount's Creek bridge 2.75 , 1675. Washington Naval Reserves, appropriation 50.00 , 1676. State Association of County Commissioners, annual dues. 5.00 1677. W. E. Swindell, member Board of Equalisation 2.50 i 1678. W. 8. D. Eborn, member Board of Equalisation 3.10 1679. H. C. Bragaw, member Board of Equalisation 2.75 , 1680. W. H. Whitley, member Board of Equalisation 5.60 > 1681. C- P. Aycock, member Board of Equalisation 5.10 I 1682. F. H. Bryan, list taker. City Washington 125.00 1683. W. G. Stanclll, list taker Washington township 86.00 1684. C. A. Singleton, list taker Long Acre township 99.40 - 1685. B. "F. Gurganus, list taker Bath township 100.00 1686. H. M. Cox, list taker Chocowlnlty township 87.50 1687. H. L. Thompson, list taker Richland totvnrfbip 87.80 1688. A. B. Jones, list taker Pantego township 60.00 AlITO DELIVERY. RETURNED IA8T NIOHT. The huetllnr *rocerv Arm of Wal- Mrs. W R. Willis and hahv ro Mr Credle Company have lust placed turned hoir- last evening from an Ion the streets a vary attractive auto extensive visit to Salisbury and delivery wagon. It la one of tne Charlotte. latest on the market and shows that this Arm la keeping abreast of the VISITING MRN. GAY. time. . 1 . Miss Mabel Lawrence, of Union.,*' r PASS THROUGH CITY. and M1es Ploeale Pickett, of Uberty. K Captain W. W. Satterthwalte and are vial ting Rev. R. U Oay and wife t* wife arrived here yeaterday from at their home on Bast Main street. Aurora; Morehead Clay and Beau- .??~? ? Tort where they have been spending GUM OF MR. WESTON. ' a few weeks. While In the city they Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Payne, of MidJ wam Iks fUMt of Mr. gattarthwslt', d lotos, M. C.. in TtettUg Mrs. sister, Mrs. gams V. Wsyo. Thay Pays.'. paraste. Mr. sod Mis. ft. B. >-1 teft OB Us oorslsi Norfolk train tor WWSS. st (Mr koms OB Boot Msto J ikolr k?B< (a Wtosbolk CUy. | strsBt.