J lihml y Tl ^f4 Germa .* w t*^ ^JJC? Uly> |K? f% rtwibt?*S *"** W* J ! . jwffitftinr'u I Europe Is Now Ii French Aer< Ffvii Ocean Liners Are Tied Up. chance Shots. The Gree Knpwn In. Century U Lndll.?German forces yesterday txess the lnvaalon of France w|th. mat, so far as Is known, a daclamtlon f ' n would appear today that Oarmany b taking the I nil eat poaetble %dvantage of her aeppoaed lupartarity la rapid moblllantlon otar Franca. * '* ? The pie* ot the Gemma Emperor, eeosriMsg to military observers here, le te vanquish or attempt to earneotsh Frs^ee in the laterral before SelMe can moat* sesluirs treable on her northern frontier. It le supposed He eel en mobilisation will take about three wee he. . v ? * 1, , Ml telegraphic and telephonic commonleatlon between Brueeele nod Lumbers baa been eerered. By the treety of London, signed la lOTs the Grand Duchy of Lnxenbars. res declared neutral territory, ft* Integrity and indepeadeace *as guerenteed. Loogwy to a fortified French town en the Belgium frontier, 40 mltae northwest of Hem In Germany. A tratnfal of Oerman toldlere seined the ttatlan et ' Lunenburg - dorms the night| They also took the r % * fcridfBs ob the Trevts and [.' VlKfH lino la ordor to liunro the | P'.> . ret alar paaaaca of train a across the Grand Duchy. According to an evening newspaper nt Liege. 10,000 German troops croeoed the French (rentier L eaply yeeterdey. near Nancy. They encountered Freneh fnroen end were I repulsed with heesry laeeea This I > news, however, leekg confirmation. ' / The graataat suspeoae gnglan^l has known In n cent nip wna in evidence yeeterdny. For hours the cabinet Iwne to council.^ Ms' wbbld eonntrv I ? thought H wna wroaltlng with the nueetloo whether Oreet Britain should tokeV up arms In support pf the triple onthnSNiy _ S ...? " j , I No official statement wss rasdo concerning the "deHbsrefi!ony except I- ' thsd the premier woald sake an I h eahonncement In ?he Honee of Commons end tbp cabinet would convene * m the moVnlng. , . i1 L The government1 took three nfeshuree for defense. None Is lnconeclsteat with the polity o^ jemaln^g ontaldethe conulct jf that ehouldjfe ? her pollei. The navs*. reserve* end naral marlae p?n.lo*?rs were ten' .V ed .eat; .the territorials, assembled et the training camps for annual l , practice, arete ogdaged to their head. cuertega snm heme secretary pro ''"'"laCSsalwiu>*enUra kl"*' ?'' ' ?""" ~~ i'ff *9 : .? > m .' Decides 1 ce Or Wa ny Invad M " JO M jr?'?rS3?J''W, I i Panic oplanes Are Bg Over Germany -?v ;; Soldiers Of The Nations Exteat Suspense England Has In GvUAce. The Dread War ed At Last France Calls Upon .tat ?t> ?tt*l iisf' j' ] 13*1 K T v.i military, craft. ?'?* ."ri Great Britain would feel obliged to take these measures with a great war raging close to her stores eren I it there were no question of her participation. Censors took charge of all ther cable offices In the kingdom last night. All'code messages were pnohH>ltqdfficlal Investigation of the Serajove nurders, in which Austrian representatives will be permitted to pariclpate. 4. All anti-Austrian societies must te disbanded, anti-Austrian teachers oust be dismissed and anti-Austrian iropaganda must be suppressed rherever It may appear. 5. Servia must apologise for or xplalB anti-Austrian utterances of one of her high officials. SERMA'8 fN'RAnSFACTORY* AHSWIM. a. ovrvia promies 10 a minis* irom he army and navy officers ahd relove civilian officials whose partlc!latlon In an antl-Austrlan propa;anda may be proved. 2. Servla agrees to the publication n Its official journal, in the front >age. of tbeformal declaration subnttted by the Austrian governrooct. 8. Servla will organize an lnvestlatlon. but protests against Austrian ifficlals taking any part In the lnluiry 4. Servla promises to dissolve those odetles which may be considered arable of coftdebtfag lntrinees _ Lgalnst Austria; it will revise the aws governing the press and contemns all propaganda directed gainst Austria-Hungary. 5. Servla regrets that certain Serlan officers and officials, according o the Austrian communnlcatlon. ave participated In propaganda dlected against An stria-Hungary. Th* ;overnment disapproves of and reludiates any attempt to Interefere rlth thedestlnles of the inhabitants f any part of Austria-Hungary. iEELlii SATURDAY BY COLORED BOY 1 Saturday afternoon Mr. W. M. Iwanner, a merchant whose place of iu&lnes& Is on Market street, had lis bicycle stolen from the front if the store. Later on the police .rrested a colored boy by the name >f Ed. Burrell. He was tried beore the mayor this mbrnlng at the :ity Hall and subsequently bound ver to the recorder for final dle oeltlon. Subscribe to the Dally Neaa. f NEARS COMPLETION. ? The W. B. Morton residence at Washington Park nears completion. Vhen finished it will be one of the oost attractive ho/nes in Washlngon and add much to the already atractlve Park. Lak'a balld la Waahtngtoa Park. ARRIVED TODAY. Mlaa Elsie Marsh, of Belhaven. N. 3., arrived in the city this mornlng/ rla the Norfolk Southern for tbd purpose of accepting a position at he atora of Mr. Jas. E. Clark. Miss Harsh will board at the residence of tfrs. W. A. B. Branch' on Market treeL PROM OCRAOOKlL Mrs W. C. Waters sad aon. W. C , Ir.. hare returaed from * three rata' Tl.lt to Oenooto. Mr. W. C. (Tour, ton tku noirtal lor \ kwl