I ps ?? "v 1 "M . Vol. i - T Germany FranceJ *t t-x. ' btfM mH u IK et" Ppterehitr*.?Bmperor Nlcbolas ha* luued a manifesto outlining tha .cant. pp tp f*eld4.1aratlon of war by Germeny, ud paying tint. "Avwtnna win una Ilka ona man and rapplte Iha lnaolant Attack ft the anamj'.'' Th. taat follow.: I "Bjr tha Oraca o( God. wo, Nlehola. IL. EmperOr and Autocrat of all tha' Ruaatana, Kins of Poland knd Crand Oaka at Mhland, to ear faithful tubfacta maka known that Ruaplp, related I^JHlC'WMfcWsia* paopto ha? aarar regarded I hair fate with Indifference. "But the fraternal sentiments of , th# Bumdan people for the Slavs have been awakened with perfect unanimity and extraordinary force la tbese la?jt?r dMP when Austria-Hangar?, kaowinclr , addPtMfend to- Barrla claims tnaccaptahla for an Indopendaat ptate? .iff PitaV.ipjA -W? . "Havlnk paid no - attontlon to pacific and ooaclttntorp roplj of the Banian porarttmant and hartn. raJaatad the hooovelonl lntanaatlon / of Raaala. Auatrta-Hdncdrr made haata to proceed to aa armed attack and baffap to hegnhprd .Belgrade. aa ?P?? Place. . ' "Forced hr tha situation thua created to Lake nacaaaaCT maaaoraa of', precaution w. the arm, and the nary put oft(.at.*gr footing at the name time using every endeavor to obtain a peaceful solution. Ppur-parlett were be^un*amid friend- f ly relations with Germany and her j ally. Austria, for the blood and the property of oar subjects were dear * NlCi/' i* ^ tO M. f ""Contrary to our hopes in our (Odd neighborly regions of lon? date and disregarding our aasurancea that the mobilisation measures taken were in pursuance of no object hostile to h$r, Germany demanded their immediate .cessation Being rebuffed in this demand Qermany suddenly declared war on ^ Russia. "Today It is nof only the protection of a country related to us and unjustly attacked thai ' must be accorded but we must safegpa'rd the ) honor, the dignity and the integrity of Russia and her position, among thq gnat powers. ' "We believe?unehakably that all our. faithful subjects if 111 rise with e unanimity and devotion for the peace of Russian soil; that internal discord will be forgotten In this threatening hour; that the unity or * the Bmperor with his people will bocome still more clote and that Rus' tin, lining like one man, will repulse that insolent ettack of the enemy. "With a profound faith In the Jus/ tIce of our work and with aa humble hope~ln omnipotence. Providence in prajfer, "we* call God's blessing on Holy En?la and her valiant troops. (Signed) ' ^NgcHOfyAfl." i* London.?Sir Edward GTsy in a second statement In the Hbvse of Comtnoflh. -~hfter the conference of mlnlete?^fn regard to the Oermait ultimatum to Belgium, said: "The "British'government Is taking into grave consideration the lnfor " matlon received and I will make no fmither comment." Sir Edward Grey told the House ? of Commons that'hfti bad "given France the assurance that - if the ? German fleet came Into the English Channel -or % through .-the - North Sea V> and?take hoetlle Ig?Hois-1 agalrfet the Ffeneh coast or shipping the British Heat would givd all the protection in its power." The secretary ?ated that the British 'fleet had beeA moblMted and the mobilisation .of'we ^army waa, taking place, Jiut that no arrango4 menta had yet-been made to send V nn expedition abroadrt* tl ?, He 'continucd: . K "The French.dteet li ln the Hedlterranean 'andTbe northern coasts o! F rente areWS THURSDAY ' ^ * . WILL CONVENE AT BELHAVEN WITH LODGE NO. 228 Edward L. Stewart Will Respond To The Address Of Welcome. Entertaining and Profitable | Sessions Are . Looked For. The Second District Convention of the Odd Fellows will be held with the Belhaven i.odge, No. 228, on Thursday next. The first session will convene at 2 o'clock and a public session will be held at 7:45 p. m. Mr. Edward L. Stewart, of the Washington bar, will respond to the addrees of welcome. The delegates from Washington and others expect to leave hige on Thursday morning at 7 o'clock via the steamer Josephine from Fowle's dock. The party expect to arrive at Belhaven about noon and will leave on the re mrn inp arier tDe nignt session. The f;*:or.:ns program bss been arranged for the meeting: First gesskm. 1. Convention called to order by the President. 2. Opening ode. 3. Prayer by Chaplain. 4. Roll call or officers. 5. Roll call of lodges. 6. Report of lodges. % ; s. Report of committees. 8. New business. 9. Three minutes round table talk. 10. Taking subscriptions for North Carolina Odd Fellow. 11. Selection of place for next convention^ 12. .Miscellaneous business. 13. Adjournment. Second Session Call to order by President. Opening ode. Prayer by Chaplain. Quartette ? Springtime ? Misses Hooten, oEwen and Smith. Address of Welcome?W. C. Harris. Belhaven. N. C. Response?Edward L. Stewart, Washington, N. C. Vocal Solo?"I Know a Lovely Garden"?Miss Maude Hooten. Address?The News of the Hours ?Grand Master W F. Evans. Address?"Women and Fraternity"?Dr. D. L. Jamea. Gree#tll^ N C Male Quartette?Messrs. ponoer. Lupton. Davis and Paul. Round table talk of three minutea. Closing ode. Adjournment. i mm II DRIVERS JF A1T0S The accident In New Bern last week was another warning, or should be, to automobiles to exercise greater care in the handling of their machines. The family of Mr. James Baughatn, the unfortunate driver of the machine. feeling the greatest concern as to the care and attention being given Mr. and Mrs. Rlngold, the aged couple who were hurt, sent Dr. D. T. Tayloe and Mr. L L. Hannaford to New Bern to ascertain their true condition. Both of these gentlemen have returned and report that the Injured man and his wife arc improving slowly. While in New Bern Dr. Tayloe and Mr. Hannaford^ made inquiries as to how the accl-^ dent occurred. From what they ascertained it appears that young Baugham with two other young men and two young ladies were out riding In the auto and overtook Mr. and Mrs. Rlngold on the road. Their horse became frightened and went\. r Into the ditch, breaking the axles of'the buggy. Mr. Rlngold was thrown rrom the buggy and seriously Injured. Mr. Baugham Immediately returned to New Bern for a physician and took him to the scene p of the aeeklent. Mr. Rtnjokl wae placed In the machine end carried to the hospital where be has since received every attention whioh could he given him. id if* V tf> ?'*-0-^