Witt tatioiirrtoiTl . . r "'i? i? ? iiiiii ii n *. jffiisLj . % ) ,'f.-i|,,ITT ' I . I It '>? # WW * *M MM ^ ?4- JfitijjWlfi ? e..te.M-e?? * ? ? i^l'um.iii ii igi..... ; ; BRITISH Airoj: .HAVE'm I - . - uh" t 1 n 11-DJ.I- ; dreds |of Germans Hove f- ^ ' Americana Have Offers HV. %\niPl tr**? \ BtasEj *>** * """ K W Wport'edtfat the Lot la&stock on J rWny mi a cash basis. - * 4 , (Special to Thw Daily i'srifi. Am ??It is oil i laity an^ fSS$$r5i MexK^JJ watery and. that mh BBB&W*1 ^ deatroy U?em. The Franc <.at airy Uee- - mprtnd the Germ id drfib >na .near, Beiferd. Nearly all the ne tepapera I r . a?e eaepended. v ? 1 ' ,,,. t aatJtaM ? * ???' 11 a1"* * a W MM *hi*l~aj-ift'he' Oasouv. a crulenr Biuhiult and Rnaala . cruiser. . ?ajfj*?aot? ve'Mfc dokM"4r" trelhwet, SataMfifiW'ttt* a fierce battle, are a IMfeaaak^e << > . U ? iaM e e.IV>* * 1 *11 ' W?*' ?*?* e eexureSrMaaM, 'Mt"'*:^ibn} ot Oer * nAny** lirgeBt Zeprlin airs! lpa attempted to pan orer the frortlflca?. i - tlens- of the' Herven Pliteau of ? BelcUa. . -Sani tear Mil* through fBTtlope and the crew &1 twenty da v ?alii German* Mffrtt*<1. , ,wr>J >? . tiallfaz. Aug. 60?'The W1 lte Star * Liner Cedrlc and Cunarder Mauretanla have pat In here to es :ape the m ? German cruisers. * * ' * ? ! ***> Aua* -&M?The lelglans ? ,, ^wwfced Ue.eatteei OermftH army .corps- /The flsiotaas gave" iaj and .? r rr ?<t 111 ? stfeajtthd Nr 11Sobt walt at.v, in* for their infantry. On he out ? a eklrts of Vlstf the* Belgian's stopped # and the German rushed intc a trap m ' and were-driven'hack ttfto ul Ler con .vfueton. -The'sappertlng colutn 1* came . t - up and the Belgians retreaifil into t.?M Liege, The artillery and' : Machine < \ ?- gunartnowetf flowh'the-German ad ' anoee. The aeroplanes notified the ? *** artillery of the'exact'poMtloi of the invadere. Which enabled the < ffectlve - uee <A the^rrtTiert'at long'r ,nge. It *\ * is 'reportdd that" the Crown Prince ? Iran left Berlin to t?ke conn latftf.'' Parflr'^ug? t.??hi Qj rile * off estjma^tes ^thgt the Xlecirdan losses were eight thousand dead and two ? thousand q^tmr1 7 ' tUH* ^>>I<*Ldn<fcnl'.l' Wi\j.! iV Is j- 'ported ? .- * WCi-man ' squadron .1 \ bofn.bardlng Sveaberg. jEnglam .the v ^Gibraltar W 'tie Butte," . . , ? * ; More Germans and Englls i have * "bedh d-ouhdeci during the # tueftu^ . eugkgWchti in 'the^or ,h Se*. Att'Wob$hr new state that_ bp, on gagetterits of consequence are epo?"tr ed.' lS-e'tlbrtaian neet 1b no v bot ? T bwfc gl Germans Vflitt' y?rt jronjidejl were " * 'brought here from Liege. Rome. Aug. 0.?TMspatchei from * , ' ? Wish Bfate'thit dervfa lias ai sumetl r <? *t^l?^4ig^r selvb';^^^l,^0t, Austrl . Th^ Servian ^ efomeAt has estal lushed bed bade grWtffttt*.' # * ,/> v. j. l^trlrf", Aflg. I?hundreds of AmeVV. . leans1 today offered lo enUst n <fte Service. ' ' ' ; . irithlrty.fi ve hhttdted deaij. BelJneta W*1 last nlghbitariattack Liege aft< they deer tepiflsed? With heavy " osse*. TffiTOe'rmap trpoiy brought yi tliplr * heavy artillery f<^: t^e purp >?e of renewing f^eir ^c^nn Liege. ;Many Gdrmans/navg ^eso^ed on wtItIq^ territory. The oirnsau I -Wfrd their In '??SBW|.W^|lW.iK<"ltler ?f ** t> ?*dVfflUP.)??>V.?U 0#?MW?-| T1>? ' Qfli^B.na 14 addition.have Voen ? X dered to ehoot all cjYjll?ju_th^t act ^ . c#iTjlnierel?. at Viae an Mpraar. Ihoa^nt a . Oermnin^Jlwr,..!!. . Th)^vn>n>na iaat three timieand , vt the A'i??.,??ne.- ?t waa bf (Hi 0 . lie revet Ightlny and la atm in i-rov reaa. General Von Bmmloh. the (Jarr. nan'cownandar, la directing] (JJ)| . tomHWWllH'l mm reported th? e 'ivart'* 'ii!'. ' ' ... ^ ' J'" 'r " # I* i?i. .i.\ P ij ?w. StfKa.fcwnif-1 llfcd ft tn. ' iL i ? "" i ii. i r. iif i, i in,. 'i t-~ rrrr?T-" lERMANS ... j SJKffORtH SEA t: > >** if- i Zo Ac Bo ttled Up la Kli I HunOwriei to Aim terdam r to Enlist in Parts. The Bank M,w*l ? . ' Cruisers of Russia -a ad Ger~ 1 - ,. sit -M * 1 ? H ? ?? * . tri "-I ftl'l mI i>iV^\: H : " I ,i ' PI %4I ... 71S a * ' tosoe* W? .?0Wy< moving towards 80 Liege. . . ^ I Ti '..Germany kas> sent an u timatum to--Mali. > > ? -- ? I'*"" *1- i) . .ft&uU. Ulfi toll paid Uy. the. German h i array of the Mwae fo*>lft? ajtfcact qd lAfl* 'H" J [b!?':. ?!? gp, Belgiansj jn^e '^ role de- I jgg ft?i(e, ,rep??lelng tUe .Gfwnatis after c0 heary end continuous fighting. W( The fortified position of Liege had pi< to -tupp*** dt? Wednesday th^ general th< shock of the German attack. The tin Belgian forts resisted the .advance ta1 'fie'reefr and did not auger. One* Bel-' be glon squadron attacked and drove VI hock six German squadrons. yo > Sight hundred wounded German* are being transferred' to th< city of ca Liege, where they will be ci red tor. tlc Prior to the attack on Lie je,. Gen. .* Von Emmich, commanding he fierman army of the Meuse, ssued a *n' proclamation calling for an o >en road lnl through Belgium for the ad ance of ho his forces and suggesting t at pru-' dents Would show It t^o be I he duty' of .the Belgian people to ai cede to pr this, to avoid the horrors of war. la T^ie Germans committed i eprlsals .. I against the civil population of the ty town of Vise, eight miles i orth of th| l3egq, burning the city am shooting many residents., th j 'Germany in pushing her ; dvaoce pr through1 has met with strong strong ta opoaliion around* Liege, wh< re Belgian fdxfces,'according to offl :ial ad- Qf rices reaching Brussels, hive re- an ' pulsed the German army if the Meuse under Gen. Von Emu lch. th The Germans ^re reported to have p? lost several thousand killed and ab , tlx Field Marshal Kitchener h is been ta! appointed Secretary pf Sla e for he Wax in the British cabinet a ad will 1 ' have hnder him the mtlita y cam- th paign against Germany- . . eij ; t French troops havo Joinc 1 the co Belgians in opposing the proj ress of ut Germans through Belgium a d It p reported that possibly Great" Britain wj may send reinforcements: 1 ^The"Prealde^t*o^ thp VP1*?' T* 1 tiajTp'rojff^^^s services as peflla- mi tqr to the European nations It war. 80 wil1 L' n r. I n n A V.. ? boat. Both At,St. Petersbu g ani L Berlin, the German and Rusel in em- | battles, respectively, have b< cn at- * , tacked by moba* fju.? n><. ,r -The capture of several C erman steamers by the British is r< porto d a ad the British cruisers Amph on has sunk the Hamburg-Ataerioei line steamer, Koenlgin Louise, r< centlv converted Into K mine-layer. Russian frontier patrols hai e penetrated ten miT6s into Genua y. ' r Travelers returning ffon the 'North B?a briag word that no lostlle pa ' jvar^hljps w^to to he seefi. .' - ^ mm I r. i I?f b| Ullin Un 1 \ co LYING NEftl | (flpedal to Dally New?.) \\ ufihlngton, D. C.. Aug. .--The I life of Mm. Wood row Wilson wife ! WlWoo, hangs j ?' a n-i slender thread. She rallied this morn tag aft** a"restful night, 'here gr is yHl^hope entertained for b if re-' th 1 oovery. Artificial respiration and %J the administration of oxygen may an [ iSnW A'^t to^irng^f ipnger. fca'us4 jn of her trouble lw her kidneys, j The 20 i- f-VeMent 14 VohhidMly at heri bed- pr Mr * V*' y' ? **'* '" *&* - ' ft ?M >>% ,. ( l, I A. /. NGT< .-., jtfttff msmrtotoN tit ^ 'r || ^ "Quo Vadli,1' George Kleine's perb photo-drama spectacle that oused so much enthusiasm In New i i .il at :i ' i >rk and .crowding, the Astor Thea s. duplicated its saoces In Chicago, illadolphla and Boston, will be prented for the first time In Wasrlngn, N. C., oif Friday, the \ 14th, at w New Theatre, and therfe will bo niattaee Trlday. ' / lh-oni eVpnr vlewqplnt this is the ost marvellous achievement in the - ' toto-drama, realm and richly dervee Its success. It la dramatic, eotacular and thrtflinfc at the same no. Thfe tfcultltude of incidents ntalned (Ja Hepry Slen kj e wlepTs >rid^a?ed.?tory frpm which tre :Lures were.made hare been more an raithfnlly reproduced 'and all s romantic and historic values rained. For^dvers of romdnco the autlful story of the Jtaipan^yoatb . nitlus' great love for the swoet * ung Christian .girl, Lyria, la aphlcally visualized as we(l as the mpanioa story of Petrositis' agecm for hia slave "Bunlie.'j To'the 1 mtrer of history' and searcpent for J rills nothing can be inorel satlsfyg than the vivid picture of the 'amoua Nero and his court, with Its _ rrlble thougr spectacularly gorgea. feasts and orgies;, and they can 4.even mere sensation lnl the re- ( UUUVUUU VI IUO IJiBUl H pitJUSUICS the Arena, the charlt races. 1 idiator combats and the redding of 1 a faithful band o? Christian mar- I re by the ferocious lions, I and in at crowning spectacle Illustrating , i infamous and Imbecilllc} vanity. , e burning of Rome. Thdse who oflt by and enjoy the leeaons light Itt the story take pleasure Iff e illustrated history of tl?e birth Christianity in Rome, the trials , d experiences of the Christians, , e teachings of Peter and Paul and e visitation of the Saviour to j iter on the Appian Way as he Is j out to desert Rome. In its en- ] cty It Is the most satlfsylng enterInraent yet conceived in the broad id of motion photography. The photo-drama Is divided Into ^ rc? aets with , an intermission of pbt minutes between each and nsumes two hours and fifteen mines at each performances The matinee performance Friday ill begin at 8:30 p. m.. and the cning. performance at 8:30 p. m. 1 lere will be only one show at each 1 stlnee and night. So every one ' ilng should go early. Kin i rot innrr LAM Ml I?/it > .1 .lit 1 The "Rose Musical Comedy Com ny" gave another creditably perrfdhnce at the New Treatrd last glit and notwithstanding the lnsmency of the weather, thefe was good attendance. The show. In dllfoii to1 tfrA'Hflrst-class njoTles. 18 In keeping with ihb reputation this first-class playhouse. This mpany has recently ,vxqade (good" nee their appearance in Washing* ' n, and the management of thb New ieatre Is to bey congratulated upon 1 Uing tbem. The program fbr to- 1 ght promises to be the most attracire of the week. All who attend [11 be more than repaid. 'a restful in Washington Park. 1 I. O. O. K. COfcVBNTTOji ; ' i j?en Mar Park, Pa,, Aug. ^.-t-Tlw i eateBt reunion In the hlstofy of ! e (Odd Fellows ^f Maryland. Pennlvanla, Virginia. West Virginia. 4,tye District, (Columbia Is be g held here today, with dearly i.OOO fntfhtoers of the organisation esent. Features of the meeting are [dresses by prominent men. and ilia by the Patriarchs Militant and ittghCers 6f RebeKah. A number of sU-lmouni members of the orlbr are ?sent, including the grand masters the flee Jurisdictions and oncers ! the qrand Ix>dge. J *' , ^ 1 ? :R.?Pfobably cloudy tonlg ht and Friday Km THURSDAY AFTERNOON A1 wife. I - ,;9Rk J I I m v|| RESPONDS TO AI WELCOME A ffie District Convention of the wh( 3dd Follows of the Second District t*10 ilet In Belhaven thlB afternoon and- art . l?c' onlght Ujo first session was devoted rcp( o business and fts evnlnr MMlflB ? ? - rie was an open one to which the gen- art eral public -had a cordial invitation, goo Our townsman, Mr. Edward L. Stew- is i art, responled to the address of wel- imp come. It is neediest to mate that It beei he proved equal to the occasion. Mr. slot Stewart la one of the honor gradu- ami ates of l]ie University of North Car- spoi Dlina. Since his graduation he has at t been a rising member of the Wash- sior ington bar. After receiving his Is c liceneo to practice law he associated the tlmself with Judge Stephen C. Was Bragaw and the firm was dissolved and \n Improved Road Improve Th< That an improved road will in- coui crease vastly the productiveness of I the area through which It runs has stui! now been satisfactorily demonstrated that by studies conducted by the United 65,C States Department of Agriculture in wer Virginia. Conditions in Spotsylvania in 1 county were Investigated with par- of I ticular care, and the results have "tot proved surprising. In 1909 the coun- Imp ty voted $100,000 to improve 4 0 aves miles of roads. Two years after the cent completltioii Of this work the rati- proi road took away In 12 months from "toi Fredericksburg, the county seat, 71- A st OOQ tons of agricultural and forest 000 products hauled over the highways to The that town. Before the Improvement In o of the roads this total was only 49.- 4 0 | 900 tons annually; in other words, H the quantity of the county's produce this had risen more than 45 per cent, forn Still more interesting, however. lr farir the increase shown in the quantity tend jf the dairy products. In 1909, these prof amounted to 114,815 pounds, in Just 1911 to 273,028 pounds, an increase incr af practically 140 per cent in two It years. In the same time .shipments amp of wheat had increased 50 per cent, slap tobacco 31 per cent, and lumber mul tnd other forest products 48 per l.oti ceqt. n . .. impi In addition to this Increase In the quantity the cost of hauling each 2^0( ton of produce was materially re- sum Auced. In other words, the farmers mar not only produce more, but produce wor more cheaply, for the cost ot Iran#- two portation to market Is of cotrpe an as l Important factor in the cost of pro- roa< luetics. ^From tblil point of view, it, Thii Is estimated that the flO'O.OOO spent trao in Improving the roads In Spotsylva- of a nia comity savedithe farms of that witl GOR8 TO BATH. <?1 pjBTr* ' 1 Miss Bonner Archbell* left yesterday for Bath. N. O., to risK relatives. . 1 OUBST OF DAUGHTER. In*1 Mf. Lewi. Swindell, who has been kee letting hie daughter, Mr?. II. A. per Swindell at Ifeal'e Paint, Is In the ed city today ah route to hie homo In ror Swan Quarter, N. C. ? . .fl \IL\ . ' JOUST 6 1914 Stewart )DRESS OF T BELHAVEF 'n Judge Bragaw was elevated Superior Court beach. Mr. Stei since becoming a member or tl il bar has made an enviab itation as a speaker and advocat la a son of ex-Mayor E. T. Stei and enjoys the confidence ai d will of the entire county. J in enthusiastic member of tl irovea uraer or uea Men, n&vti i their orator on several occ is and as an Odd Fellow atani )ng the find. This evening he r rids to the address of welron ;he district meeting now In se i at Belhaven. The Dally Net onfldent he will prove equal i occasion, for no member of tt hington bar Is more attract!? magnetic as a speaker. Will i Through Are Qty $41,000 a year, n the past two years the trafll lies of the Federal experts sho ; approximately an average < 100 tons of outgoing produc o hauled over the improved roa< he county an average distant S miles, or a total of 520,00 i-miles." Before the roads wei roved It was estimated that tli age cost of hauling was 2 a "ton-mile;" after the In 'ement this fell to 12 cents l-rnlle," or a saving of 8 cent tvmg or 8 cenis per mile on 520 ' ton-miles" is $-11,000 a yea: county's investment of $100,00 ther words returns h dividend < >er cent annually, ecause this saving, in cases < character, does not take U i of cash put directly into it ler's pocket there is a widesprea ency to believe that it is flctitioi it, while as a matter of fact it aft real as source of profit as a ease in the price of wheat, i DlnwEddie county, Va., for e: tie, where peanuts are one of tl le crops, the average load for t? os on a main road was aboi >0 pounds before the road wi roved. After its Improvomei average load was found to 1 >0 pounds, and the time co ed in hauling the larger load ket was much reduced. ln\othi ds. one man with a wagon ar mules could do more than twii much work with tho improvt 1 than with an nniraproved roa s Is tho explanation of the e rdinary rise in the total outpi igrlcultural products- in a coun i a good road system. AN INNOVATION. .'he Blount's Pharmacy has Ji tailed a candy refrigerator, ps all candies at an even te ature. The refrigerator is fltrfi in m ah of any and has bevel m s around all sMee. It must a to b? apBTMtaUxt. (&? ' ti-' '* \ r 5W < 7 ' *-k . 111)11 i|| FALLS THOUGH PLATE GLAS YoBtorday afternoon Eugeno Tan ard, aged about 12 years, a son Mrs. John. Tankard, who resides < Bridge street, while attempting 1 turn on the electric light of the o flee of Dr. P. A. Nicholson, fell fro the c'b&lr. After this he fainted an fell through the plate glass windo af Dr. P. A. Nicholson's office. ? was unconscious at the time and ca rled to his home. The young ma Is all right today, as if nothing ha happened. mm REUNION AT TARBORI Mr. Sylvester Fleming has r turned from Tarboro. N. C., whei t on yesterday In company with M ^ W. H. Stancill. H. R. Warren ai; James H. Hoyt, he attended the 01 Soldiers' Day given annually in thi to county. The occasion was enjoye ^ immensely, everything good to e? He and hospitlaity reigned suprem le These annual gatherings have be? ?- given in Edgecombe for years. Th *- year the Board of County Comml Irt -i ?- - -- biuucii apprupruieu a neai sum an 1,4 the members of the board Isdlvidua 116 ly gave $5 apiece. kmnrn l HI VAtlCEBORO 1 ENJ0YA8L From July 30th to August 5t Q Miss Lula Aldridge, of Vancebon N. C-. gave & house party in honor < her friends. The guests preaent wer Misses Alma Richardson and Gladv lc West, of Dover; Ethel Roebuck, c w Stokes; Irene Hardison, of Waal, of lngton; Jennie Turnage, of Ayder la and Hannah Cutrhell, of Aurora. Is The guests arrived at Vanceboro o e July 30th. After their arrival tha i0 night they were taken to New Rer e via automobile, where they enjoye ie the movies and other kind of amuse 0 ments. On Tuesday night Mia Aldridge entertained In a most de a llghtful way. being the crowning fea s. ture of the house party. The colo scheme was green and red and It wa r. carried out throughout the eveninf 0 Delightful and delicious refreshment )f were served during the evening an Miss Aldridge was voted a mot >f charming and winsome hostess. N ?e social functions in Vanceboro wa ie more inviting nor entertaining. hrnrn 1 FIRST CLASS i BALL TEA1 to _ Dr The Washington boys arc going t organize a first-class baseball teai 50 for tho rest of the season. Wasl ^ lsgtou seeds a flrst-cias team, ar ^ if the citisens of Washington wi *" only partially support tho boys : ut their efforts Washington will s< ly some first-class ball before the se son id closed. There Is nothing give a town more support thi sports such a? baseball. Washlngtt ha alway been is the forefront this particular and there is no excu whr it should not be repeated tl year. Let'e get together and. < ra" gaelse a team the equal to- in Eastern Carolina. We will if- he will. What ear the citisens? be M XM', MM t? WMhtectn Pm ,ifgj No. 135 hoi louise additions are s progressing k- Tho improvements to the Hotel of Louise will in all probability be comin pleted within the next sixty days, to The contractor, H. J. McDuffle, suf" peiintendent, is now finishing the" ^ m fourth floor which is an adiltion to l<* the hotel. The plumbing is also * practically completed. When the adIe dition of the hotel is complete there r" will bo 70 sleeping rooms, with all 'n modern conveniences for the guests. 1 The front of the hotel has been changed In such a way as to make it attractive and Inviting. The electric elevator is being installed. When completed no hotel In Eastern Carolina will compare with the Louise in appointments, conveniences, etc. It will be a credit to growing Washington. . i arresteoiit : iff bern for ! his cri1 ? ?. lt Sheriff Georce E. Ricks went nt e- New Bern Tuesday afternoon and !n brougrt back to this city Frank Garrlson, alias Fred Simmons, who was 8" arrested in Jernin's Alley Monday |J night by Chief of Police Lupton and Captain Lon Bryan. The negro wm in thia, county for the larceny of a suit of clothes. Stealing clothes must be a forte of his. for he has faced the same charge In court before. The New Bern Sun rays that he is well known In that town and bears the reputation in certain colored quarters as a con? jurer. fortune-teller. The offender Is now safe in Beaufort county Jail. P ? "LITTLE BOY BLUE." | The country Is dance crazy. Quea* tlons of national importance are ignored, the best selling novels have h fallen off in demand, the moving picture houses are not doing so well, the regular theatres arc complaining. 3 but the dance whirls on. He Is there'9 fore a wise theatrical producer who ^ instead of ignoring the public taste l* in this matter goes ahead and caters l* to it. For this reason the new Viennese n musical comedy. "Little Boy Blue," which will be seen here early this n season, will be strongly welcomed. ? It is announced by the management s" of this piece that the best' dancing " chorus possible, at the highest salaries ever paid the "merry merries," has boon engaged for the tour. These 'r girls are not the typical Broadway '* courtesans erroneously called show* girls, but beautiful young women, 8 who can sing and who can certainly d dance. 11 Society dancing on the profes0 sional stage has brought about one s glorious thing. The prancing, joxnping, resln-volced "pony," who used to shriek from the oakum curls of a many-wig and try to entertain exclusively the tired business man In the front row, is now sent to the discard; that Is hack to school or the home for aged ladies, as the case demands. Her placo has been taken by the girl of average height. The "medium" now reigns supreme on the American stage, and It is doe to 1 the fact that graoefulneaa and digII nity have found their places at last In our public dances, and meaningless agility, no matter how cute In ;o its baby socks and spring-heels, has* Dl been spanked and sent home. s" The first act of "Little Boy Blue" . g ld is laid in the Cafe Taharln, Paris. *' The producer of the famous maxim ,n scone in "The Merry Widow" surse passed it in this great stage pieture. a" The resplendent interior la contlnulo ously filled with expert and beautl- J in ful women doing the latest society >n dances. "Little poy Blue" is term,n ed an "up-to-date laugh and dance show." 'i ... | u COT*. I'.ml M lUuhrn. UnlH. - VUw 1 ri PHMlW IMI" a IM' '.I ?i'l . .. ;hl ?.

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