V . , / ?? ' , f ? ; vot GERMAN CRUI! BY A RUSSM BOAT YESTI Germans Displayed Poor Ma Belgians In Complete Pc * f Cavalry Annihilated. Portugal Will 1 i - ' Austria Declines To Aid Geri lng Army Of 40,0X1 Lande log Against Capital "V (By the United Prow.) Brussels, Aug. 8.?The war office declares that the Gerpron artillery Are at Liege, while very severe, there was comparatively very little damage done. This Is attributed to the poor marksmehshlp of the Germans. From the same eource, viz: the war office. It Is stated that deeplte the fact thai one hundred and Awanty-flve thousand Germans w?re engaged, they were unable to make any decided Impreeekxn oh Liege. The German prisoners are moetly members of the eavdry. The war eplrlt here is en uiuaiwmv. ITUCU Uie SllttCR. stl IUB Gernans was renewed the whole German army wee engaged. In the forts there is still plenty of ammunition. Belgians reinforcements are on their way here. WAR ON PORTUGAL. (Lisbon, Aug. 8.?The German foreign office has peremptorily demanded of Portugal to at once define Its attitude towards Germany. It Is expected that as eoon as the German government learns of the action of the Portugal Parliament that Germany will declare war against Portugal. . ? - BUNK. Paris, Aug. 8.?Newspapers here today prints stories to the effect that the German cruiser Algsburg which has been bombarding libau j has been sunk by a torpedo boat off Russia. RUSSIANS BURN CITIES. St. Petersburg, Aug. 8.?The cavalry Is having almost constant skirmishes. The German advances are supported by the mountain artillery. A Russian raiding party have burned Narslm and llllovo is authenticated here. ANNIHILATE GERMANS. (By the United Preas.) t BrueselB, Aug. 8.?General Leman, who is commanding the army defending Liege, has absolutely refused the request of the Germans for an armistice. All the forts about too city of Liege are still lutact and the Belgians have.complete possession of the city. The war office has declared that the Burgomaster of Liege saved | the city from complete destruction when he permitted a big detachment of the Germans to enter In the circle of the fortifications and then overwhelmed them with a deadly and heavy fire from the fortifications. The Belgians this morning made a daeh from the forts and practically annihilated a division of the German cavalry, whioh had crossed the river Muse and preparing to make a charge. SHOT OWN SOLDIERS. Paris, Aug. 8.?The French government has conferred the legion of honor on the defenders of Liege. It Is officially announced here from the foreign war office that Montenegro haH declared war on Austria. The war office says that the Czech soldiers of the line have been shot by the Austrian# for refusing to go to the front. ST. PETERSBURG ODJKtT. / Copenhagen, Aug. 8.?It is report\ ed here that the German invading army of forty thousand have Just landed at Ekenaes, Finland, and that they are now marching against the capital. ' It is thought that St. Petersburg, Russia, Is their objective point STANDS BY ENGLAND. Lisbon. Aug. 8.?Parliament has adopted a revolution announcing that Portugal's Intention is to stand by England. AUSTRIAN'S FORCED OUT. (Nish, Aug. 8.?The war office horo declares that all the Austrl&ne have been forced out of Servia. The Crown Prince, commanding the Servian#, has now assumed the offanaiva. . GERMAN GENERAL ENRAGED. Brhesule, Aug. 8.?General Von t Smttlcfc II onreaed At the retuwl to ftmnt an areiutloe and he haa order&??&??**. -4*Vfp .V'j**"1 Uti. * ' -ft * i ''l y^ASi? SER SUNK ~ lN TORPEDO iRDAY, REPORT rkmanshlp At Battle Of Lies e isaesaton Of The City. German M' is < Llso Aid England many Against England. Invadd At Ekenaes, Finland, Marched his entire army against Liege. The Germane are advancing over the open spaces accurately mapped out for thorn -etbd determined upon by the Belgian defenders. CANT TRANSPORT TH KM. (By the United Press.) Washington, D. C., Aug. 8.?Amorlean citizens are not being detained In Germany bocause of any order issued by Emperor William, but because it is an utter Impossibility Just at this timo to transport them. Secretary of State W. J. Bryan was given this information this afternoon iuo vsi uimi Liiai^e uc-nuniivo. MADE W Alls HI I'. London. Aug. 8.?The work of converting the Cunard steamship Aquitanla into & cruiser began today. GERMANY AGGRESSOR. (By tre United Press.) 8t. Petersburg, Aug. 8.?Tho Rusaion government has today made public oopies of Ita coresponde'nce that passed between It and the German government preliminary to tho declaration .of war. The government has ieeued a ptatoment declaring that Germany was the aggressor in the conflict. ' AUSTRIA DECLINES AID. (By the United Press.) Rome, Aug. 8.?A declaration has been made hore by the Italian officials that Austria has declined to aid Germany in her war with Germany. They further say that a German cruiser was expelled from Messina yesterday, according to wireless dispatch. They asked the Austrian fleet to their assistance in their strugn 1A Till. FAnil^l m.l a A a* rnfu?.l The Austrlans state that they have not declared war against England. The result Is that the Germans are In a desperate position with the combined French and English fleets between them and the Austrian'3 base near Trieste. GERMANY PROTESTS. (By.tho United Press.) Washington, D. C., Aug. 8.?The German 'charge here states that he haa received a protest from the German-American Chamber of Commerce, New York, against tho action of the United States in maintaining atstrict censorship over German wireless stations, while permitting cable mereages to go to France. They elate that tho English are uncensored. No action as yet haa been taken on the protest as yet. So CRATES OF EXTRA FANCY, poachea Just received. Belter hurry If you want some of them. J. E. Adams. 7-2tc BAYONET STEEL ORDERS. Pittsburgh, Pa, Aug. 8.?A local Arm haa received orders from Austria and from Servla for quantities of the quality of steel used In the manufacture of bayonet* and scabbards. It Is reported that the Crucible Steel Company has been asked by Austria for 100,00 pounds of flexible steel. Steel orders are coming into Pittsburg plants In volume sufficient to begin full operation of many mills. BOO LBS. SMOKEI) COUNTRY shoulders at J. E. Adams'. 7-2tc It's restful In Washington Park. HAVE RETURNED. Mrs. W. T. Swindell and childrenhare returned from Scotland Neck and Hamilton. BIG DOT HALT HERRINOH AT J. E. Adams'. 7-2 tc OBELISK AND OTHER HIGH ?rada flow UJ. B. Ad am a. 7-Jto ;ngt , WASHINGTON N. COMING " XAL . - irxu/ utziuus i"G A ( Among the host of interesting characters in George Kleine's marvelous pliotodrama, "Quo Vadis,' which comes to the New Theatre on Friday, April 14th. none are more enjoyed and respected by the audiences than Sig. Castellan I as Ursus, tho giant slave so thoroughly devoted to his mistress Lygia. He cotnpletoly realizes in his appearance height and muscular poweri all that our mind pictures of the physical iisii CHURCH 1 TmnuniM 1U1I1U1IIIU TV Thore will be regular services at the Christian church tomorrow morning and evening at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m., with preaching by the pastor. Rev. Robert V. Hope. Tho music will be one of the features at both services. liible School, W. O. Ellis, superintendent, will meet promptly at 10 o'clock. A full attendance of all members is desired. All strangers in the city have a cordial invitation to worship at this church. NICE LINE FRUITS AT J. E. Adams. 7-2tc AIL nTviIED 10 SERIES TOMORROW On account of the absence of the pastor, Rev. H. B. Searight, who is spending with his wife and child, his annaual vacation in Western Carolina, there will be only one ser vice at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow at 11 o'clock which will be conducted by Mr. John B. Sparrow, cashier of the Savings & Trust Company. Sunday school will meet at the regular hour, *9:45 a. m., C. M. Brown, Jr., superintendent. All are cordially Invited to be present. VISITORS TODAY. Among the visitors to the city today are John A. Book. Ollead; J. B. Peed, R. r. D. No, 1; J. N. Hill, T M. Guthrie, and Fred von Eberetein, of ChooowLnlty, "N. C. [)N D 11" \ C SATURDAY <OONM ATTRACTI IIto Drama "Qu v : " ruwnmg reat, j giant who could uplift trees anil even t tear a huge bull asunder. Sasteh d lanl was not aft actor until he posed C lor this photo-drama. a - "Wren the Cines stage director? d | cast the play, they founl no difficulty t In securing great actors for the vari- k ouh characters of the story until they It came to Uraus. There they were r blocked. In all the dramatic profes- a sion of France and Italy there was not a man who could anyway ap- 1; proach the realization of Sienkic- t wotc's modest hero. They were about d mm 1 DECIDE THE KAISER SAYS Berlin (via London.)?This proclamation by Emperor William to the German nation was published b yesterday: Ii "Since the foundation of the Gcr- L tnan Empire it has been for forty- j; three yeaTS the object of the efforts () or myseir and my ancestors to pre- a servo the peace of the world and to y advance by peaceful means our bj vigorous developments. "Our adversaries, however, are j, jealous of the success of our work. ai and there has been latent hostility cj to the East and to the West and bo- c| yond the seas. ^ "This has been borne by us til! now, as we were aware of our re- p sponsibility and our power. ' R "Now, however, these adversaries ^ wish to humiliate ub, asking that we tl should look on with folded arms and a watch our enemies preparing them- g. selves for the coming attack. "They will not sufTer that we n maintain our resolute fidelity to our ally, who is fighting for her position as a great power and with whose humiliation our power and honor would equally be lost. "So the sword most decide. CAIiI,N tiEKMANS TO ARMS. "In'the midst of perfect peace the p enemy surprise? us. Therefore to l( arms! "Any dallying and temporizing p would be to betray the Fatherland. "To be or not to be 1s the question for the empire which our fathers founded. To be or not to be is the question for Gorman power and German existence. o "We shall resist to the last breath f of man and horse, and we shall fight h out the struggle even against a world * of enemies. p "Never has Germany been subdued when she was united. "Forward, with God who will'be with us as He was with our ances- I j tor?!" i AILY !**<; <fW AUGUSTS 1914 ON NEW 1 :Hf ^ ? o Vadis" Exhi Here Friday . 0 give up In despair when one of the aj ifrectora happened to run across dJ 'astellani who was earning a living pi s a wrestler and had Jumped sud- pi lenly into prominence by throwing w wo of the largest and most powerful ni :ing? of the mat In Sicily. In fact, pi 1 developed later that he had a oputntion all over Southern Europe pi a an herculanean athlete. d< The Cine's Company mado Castel- Ci ml a flattering offer for his services V or one year and put him under the ca irection of a competent stage man- th liili f PUBLIC MI. WEDNESDAY On Wednesday next in the Federal uilding here at 11:30 o'clock Major ? I. W. Stickle, corps of engineers, cl oiled States army, will give a pub- 0 c hearing pursuant to the request H f Congressman John H. Small for modification of ueharbor lines of K Washington, N. C.. a?'.d for an exten- ul ion of the harbor lines as far as the < muth or Kunyan's Creek. The hour- u ig Is with a view of considering the dvisability or otherwise, of the " hango desired and of such other tianges in any part of the harbor nes hero. All patties interested In tho pronsod modifications or desiring any ? lodiflcation at any other point will L e given full opportunity to express I toir views. It is preferred as far * s practicablt that arguments and atcments be submitted In writing MOP IX AND TAKK A LOOK AT our stock. We are glad to have you call whether you buy or not. J. E. Adams. 7-2tc RETURNED HOME. Mrs. J. F. Randolph and son. of laugh ton, r.ave returned from an cx- vt nded visit to Blowing Itock. H? ni IPGS?A FEW NICK ONES LEFT, bj They are cheap. J. E .Adams. 8< 7-2tc fr VISITING HERE. ex Mr. Thad Pllley, wife and children, p< f Weldon, N. C., are visiting Mr. in Vazier Woolard and family at their In orae on Beat Main street. Hi IG LINE SHOES, DRY GOODS at and notions. cheap, at J. E. hi 'Adams'. 7-2tc v< ' si iLL KINDS CANNED GOODS AT loweat prices. J. Adams 7-2tc ti vxXu : ?fLi t? i i . - - I :" NEV 'HEAT RE i \ )- < a i (. I II J fl a I ii i ni ... 1- - bited p August 14th ger for six months. In the photo- f| rama his performance looms up ^ rominently with all the other layers of long experience and he ins as much-by his simplicity and ituralness as they for the cotnexlty of their art. This instance only serves to em lasizo the amount of atteution to ftall. and wonderful care the Cine's Dm pan y displayed in making "Quo adls," which is well deservedly PJ illed the premiere photo-drama of a e world. n ECTOR WILL ! PREACH AT 1 SI. PETERS is There will bo morning prayer with Jc rnion .'it Faiut Peter's Episcopal a lurch tomorrow morning at 11 *"* clock, conducted by tlio Hector, ev. Nathaniel Harding. Evening ng ai 6 o'clock. Sunday school, K. 11 . Willis. Jr.. superintendent, meets 3 Hie usual hour. All strangers in ? ,e city are cordially invited to at- w Mid. l'alite ami attentive ushers. a! o; Hi COOLER Al.WAVS Ft I I. OF b {lie lluost ice water for our cus- 111 fgi tomors and friends. J. E. Adams. 7-2te epyTiring heard off " 1umst; New York. Aug. 8.?Heavy firing ' great volume and at short Jnteriys. lasting more than an hour, was ard a? 8 o'clock yesterday. 60 lies southeast of Scotland lightship t officers and crew of the steamer ^ :ottish Prince, which reached here y( om Trinidad. ^ Captain Naylor said tho firing was N rtremely distinct, and the shots op>ared to come at exceedingly quick tervala. He saw no warships dur- H g the voyage. The captain and crow of tho Scotih Frhice were the more surprised . the sound of firing because ihey jj. td no knowledge that a war in- w living most of the European pow- SJ s had broken out. T Captain Naylor. under close ques-Jc, oping by Bmpapw mop, ilM m vs "1 No. 137 9 FUNERAL OF I IS. WILSON I 01IET ONE 1 ? ?*Haa 3 (By tre United Press.) ^^ 3 Washington, D. C., Aug. 8.?The 3 ecretary to President Wilson, Mr. 'umulty, announced this Afternoon hat tlio Wilson family expect only few chose personal friends to attend he funeral services of the late Mrs. Vilson at the White House Monday. | iutslde of a few kinsmen, the Sen- I to and House committees and tha tiembers of -tho cabinet, no one else .111 be present. There will be no onorary pallbearers. The funeral | rill Lake place at 2 o'clock, after I rhlch the body will be taken on a peclal train to Rome. Ga., where he interment wll be made Tuesday, "he Houiie will meet Monday. MEMBER OF HOARD. C. S. Hamlin has been named by le President governor of the Federal 9 leserve Board, and Froderick Delano f Chicago, vice-governor, according | o unofficial but authoritative ad- I ices. NOT INTERFERING. 9 The department of Commerce baa .mouaced today that the United ' tates is not interfering with the eparture of the reservist* so long s they do not go armed or as mill try organisations. i1u? The President has Issued another eutrallty proclamation applying to Lu9?ia and Austria. iflW PRESENT HI THE SHOW The Ross Musical Comely Cominy is still drawing large crowds t the New Theatre. The bill last Ight consisted of Ave vaudeville :ts. of the highest standard. The iow opened with Ross and Davis r.ging and dancing. Their gags nd witty 6ayinga made the house >ar. Noakes and Pierre put over relr 6ong and danco with much suc?ss, 1. H. Kauffman at the piano leased tho audience with his piano uge. Millie Noakes again appeared nd her rope lance was well received, ho bill closed with the famous cou le, oriram ami Dwyer. Miss Dwyer one of "our Southern's" most iremost rnmedienes. Sho held her udiencc from start to finish. Billy rimra assisted her wonderfully. The show for tonight will be "The anager's Troubles," and is a real It from Mr. Ross' pen. This act iows the troubles a manager so Ren has in producing a show. You ill see a roheaaal of a show Just i it really is. The curtain will rise ii a bare stage and the scene will p set up before you. It Is a full of lany amusing surprises and is dlf rent from anything you ever saw. Let's^ build in Washington Park. KMOl'R'S STAR HAMS AND ALL kinds smoked and salt meats at J. E. Adams'. 7-2tc IGGEHT AND BEST LINE GKNcral merchandise in the city. Prices are right. Everything guaranteed. If you get anything here that is not satisfactory we will be glad to ,ko it back and refund your money. E. Adams. 7-2to INK CABBAGE. ONIONS AND Irish potatoes, at J. E. Adams'. 7-2tc FROM OCRACORF. Dr. R. T. Gallagher and wife. Mrs. K. Gallagher, Miss 8allle Mid- Jj tits, Miss Ollle Gallagher and Mrs. mm* have returned from Ocracoke. . C.. where they have been spendg several weeks. 1 AY, HOMINY, C. 8. MEAL, HULLS, corn meal and mixed feeds at J. E. Adams'. 7-1 tc ttle to tala earlier statement. Tbare ere two periods of cannonading, he j lid. the first lasting half an hoar. j hen after an tatorral of a half hoar

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