flat* at north CWottao?aqwtwl of !Uk, To All to Whom these Presents May Come?QRIUBTINO: Whereae. It appears fct? my setiefa tion. >y duly authenticated rioord o the proceedings for the voluntax} dlseolutlon thereof by the un&nimou consent of all the stockholders, de posited la my office, that the Aerorr Hardware Company, a corporation c v this state, whose principal office 1 situated on Main street jn the towj of Aurora, county <rt Beaufort, Stat of North Cam"-* 1.1. r. Boyd being the nsmut therein and 14 charge ther< of, upon wthom process may be serv ed) has compiled with the reeuire ments of Chapter SI, Rerlsal o 1905, entitled "Corporations," pre Umlnary to the Issuing of this Certifl ;?' oats of Dttwlutlon: r, m Now* jfcSf&lfc J. J- Bryan Grime* Becfetar? of State of the State of North CaroMna, do hereby certify that the eaid corporation dW. on th> " 8th day of July, 1914, file In my of flat a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all th( stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceed Inge are now on file in my aald of i - 'floe aa provided by law, , In testimony whereof, I have here r to est my hand and affixed my offlcls seal at Raleigh, thla the 8th day < July, A. D., 1914. J. BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of Btate T-ll-4-s- . i . citt Btikii. - - ? v?i. Chlckena, ..10010c Chlckena, crown.. .. . .I0eto4tc BhoorUBd ... 100lOe Lamb aklna. eaoh 10 015c heap tklnc. ucb ,10060c Bcce Wu 10c Tallow 4c Drj flint hldea, per lb lflc Damaged drr hldea, par lb... 40 10. , , .Wool, burrr JOOlli wool, tree from burr.. ..14c to lflc , Uto tnrkara. por lb N lflc Oaaaa .....?O04Ot Organ aalt bldca.. lie DrraaRbldM ...iT;...... 14. DMT >kia. Mlt. lit , Door tkja. lint M> *w- : " i1..-.- yoar work vtlh i nail. Mt* Ton can if you cook with gas. Qai Ranges sold at cost and are connect. ed ready to use FREE. Let ur i?t show you our Range*. ' .x J I Washington Gas Co. J. T. BLAND. Supt ? WE ARE AGENTS ^ Iver Johnson, Reading Standard, Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on , time. We also have the 1 most complete repair shop A' in the city all work guaranH|. teed. D. R. CUTLER Phone 23S I , Central Market G. T. Mayo. Manager | Baa Just Installed a Sanitary Hobart I \ Machine. , k A WhM puM M to whit to M ran to* roar newt anal try mt Klcotrt. Ground Hambnrgrr. Call W Boat ?l|Bl|am botch** boilnMa la J i HP* | j|3^Qp|jp I M iss Li la Taylor, of Naur Barn, i who has been visiting Mr. and Mm. C. A. Cutler at their home on East Water etreat, returned to heT home yesterday afternoon. Msnv* John Proctor, T. W. Phil- |e llpa, and R. 7. Bntler have returned be from Morehead City where they attended the district meeting; of the dl Improved Order of Red Men. The next district meeting goes to Pactolus, N. C. oe it< . W. P. Barnes, of Macon, (Ja.,. is pr here today on bneln.ee* bc C. L. Jones, of Fayettcvllle, hi Id (o< the city. F. M. Edgerton, of Hydo county, ^ was a welcome visitor to Washington 11 today. * E. O. Spencer, of Swan Quarter, thi N. C., passed through the city last Di evening en route to Seven Springe. John H. Wed ell, of New Bern. 10 Is a welcome visitor to the city to- 11 r, Robert F. McCoy, of the Norfolk Southern Railway, is registered at . the Louise. ~ri i/~fy v ^ W. H. Dunbar, of High Point, was gh on our strpeta today. th: W. P. Cohn and wife, of Newport News, are-gueste at the Loulee. O. E. Ham bury', of Raleigh, N. C., was a passenger on the Norfolk ft>l Southern train yeterday afternoon. George "Honesty" Jones is here to- c* lay shaking rands with his numerous xm friends. j) J. iF\ Cowell, president of the Pamlico Chemical Company, has re- J turned from a business trip to Bay- T11 bow. pU at Rev. Robert V. Hope, pastor of the ju, Christian church, returned home last night via the Atlantic Coast Line rrom Robersonville. Rev. R. L. Gay, pastor of the First Baptist church, returned home last night. He has been engaged in holding a series of meetings. ^ E. L?. Brooke and wife have re- flra turned from [Denver, Col., whero ain they~have been oh an extensive visit. Ml . . ' but Unpleasant Passenger. A large snake boarded a steam tramcar the other day as it was nearlng 1 the village of Balnerina, Italy. It raised its head apd hissed at the pee engers, some of whom fainted. The ? conductor struck tlje reptile on tho head, causing it to fall on the track. The car was then driven over its body. F The Difference. E?l A pessimist complains he hwr-eaten iTC 1,000 oysters without coming on a pearl; an optimist gives thanks that he has eaten that many oysters with- , out getting p to main ea.?New York v Mall. 1 Th wa Not the Same Thing. wh There is nothing dearer to a man I ? than a good wife and very little that wfc la more expensive.' ml BUI For Cleaning Tinware. First wash the tin in hot soapsuds ] ind wipe thoroughly dry. Then scour wo vith dry flour, applied with au old 0f iswspaper. ^ Wise Johnny 8mlth. "Mother, you know the way me ant. Johnny Smith play I'm Indians an he's soldiers?" "Yes. dear; what ol It?" "Well. If I don't let him Uclr mc J- , every time we play, he ea>B I aren'f 01 patriotic."?Century. \ f ro THE PATRQNS OF WASHING- Wo ' TON POSTOFFICE. bul I wish to announce to the patron* ?f of the Washington po&ioffice that I ao1 am still an aspirant for postmaster, to succeed the present encumbent, j upon his retirement. r6J Tho present term expires in March. Qf 1915. and as best I ran ascertain, tho nomination will be determined by a preferential primary, prior to that time. I ask the patrons of this office. give me their support, for first an choice candidate, for this position, 01< and If they have other preference to Tt give me their* second choice sup- *ri port. ^ If nominated and appointed to this position, I will give up all out- lg side work and devote my entire time to the position, as outlined by tlytf department. *? It will be Impossible for me tr ju see all the patrons of this office, af th my present employment ?vll! not ?* permit H, It will be out of one Job ? Into another with me. cl From my first vote, I have voted ^ the straight Democratic ticket, which ui has been the case of all my family, el for generations. If 1 receive this appointment, I will try to serve the public, one and a!* alike. k| Again asking yon for your sup- ol port, for which I will be grateful. Sincerely, N. HENRY MOORE. 8-4-Lf.c ** w CASTOR IA VK InftuiU ud CUUnn. TIm KM Ym Han Ahrqs BagM ? Si llbil ' r. KafUai Write latewfiag Ldtor ? TW? Sribjad. MKn Heights, Vs.?Mr. On. A. gland, ot this place, wrttes; "I hare <ea taking Thedlord's Black-Diaughl I n illiiaall fi ?? ^ n II. ntn nianh t, .,I, r tnatgesuon, ana orner tomacn itoud?, also colds, and Had it to be tho wary st medietas I haws erer wed. After taking Black-Draught tor ft tnr ys, I always feel like a new nan." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain pit ot stomach, and a feeling ot fullss alter eating, are sure symptoms ot mutch trouble, and should be given (he oper treatment, as your strength and kith depend very largely upon your 3d and its digestion. To get quick and permanent relief >m these ailments, you should take nedlcine of known curative merit. Ns 75 years of splendid success, In the atment of lust such troubles, proves I real merit of Thedlord's Blackaught. Safe, pleasant, gentle in action, d without bad after-effects, U is sure benefit both young and old. For sale erywhere. Price25c. nc.in Life* Serrloe and Joys. Hall, social life! Into thy pleasing ends I oome i to pay the common >ck, my shafe of service, and. In j id return, to taste thy comforts, r protected toys.?Thomson. Splendid Advice. I "If yon are looking for read com rt," advises a sensible young woman, nnected with a western newspaper, ay your shoes large enough and he reful in the selection of your Intuit? friends." The Whole Hog. Playwright?"Was Grasper satisfied th the part assigned him In my new \jt" Manager?"Was Grasper ever :tsfled with 'pert' of anything Ige Happiness On!/ Comparative. We may anticipate bllea. but who er drank of that enchanted cup una)-1 red??Cotton. Had Seen Better Days. Vearie William (crawling Into a An pipe for a night's reet)?"This ft quite bo warm as a barn." Mouldy ! ke (crawllM Into another)?"No, I ; there's mora room." 8oft Soap Used With Concrete, k solution of soft soap Instead of , ter was used In making a water- | >of concrete In building the foundan of a grain elevator on a rivor ] ik In Budapest. Dally Thovpht le that bestows a gift should torIt; he that receives one should r hold It In remembrance.?Solon"Thatch the Sky." "1 had a few saucepans of porter In* Id the man. amid loud laughter, ion summoned for drunknenness at urles Sessions, Ireland; "but I could Jk through any place In Ireland tere there Is a police barrack, and wouldn't bo minded only In Littleton, lere they are summoning me every nute. I could thatch the sky with nmonses." Weather Indications. Dew end fog both indicate fln^ ether; while remarkable clearness the atmosphere la one of the moat iracterlstlc signs of coming rain. Never Again. Are you the same man who~5Te my ice pie last week?" "No. mum. never bo th' samo man agalnl"? w York Mail. In Luck. Small Brother (whoee sister* are rking for their girl guides' amlance badge)?."Come on, here's a bit luck for you. I've made Rupert's te bleed "?Punch. Have Varying Regulations. *o two nations have the same laws ru la ting the handling and storage explosives. 8heep as Weather Prophets. What animal Is more sedate than sheepT And what more frolicsome an a lamb? The gamboling of lain be d the fighting of their elders Is an 1 sign of a change In the weather, tus, In a spell of frost. If lambs a frolicking and skipping, while e sheep butt one another, sedately hting, thb weatherwlse see a cerin sign of a thaw where none other visible. Therein Is the Difference. A highbrow can retire to his study id emerge with the announcement tat he has discovered a subconscious wmos, and we call It new thought ut a lowbrow can spend five years cplorlng an unknown continent and aim to have discovered a new animal died the snfgglebluk and we art aanlmous that It Is old bunkv?Cln nnatl Enquirer. Danger of Too Much Talk. Don't talk too much. Just after you ive talked a man Into buying, If yoa >ep on talking yop wlll talk him out ' buying.?Atchison Olobe. Righto. The dpetor may use hieroglyphics ti rttlnfhis prescription, hot he Uket ire to write his bill so we age tinder And It?Norman Hspgood uger as a Cleanser. When the heads are dirty try addlnj little anger to the soap with whin) ley are washed. As sugar Igcreasei is lather and also cleansing peww r the soap sad removes dirt and stalaa * teat* on the OK Malta. In a quiet itajlteh Tillage there wu reeently bald a ?labraUoa ta the schoolroom at the dedication of a new lira engine. It #aa a giddy evening, with three speeches by local clergymen and a long-winded oratkm by a bald-headed politician. The geiq of the evening wae the following toast: "May aha (the fire engine) be like the dear old maids of our village?always ready, but never wanted!" Would Be DangVous. Almost any man would be sent to the penitentiary or an Insane asylum If he admitted aa much to his discredit, that wasn't true, as be will admit falsely to his credit. trong Point. ^There's one strong point in favdr of divorcees," remarked the man who had married a widow. "I don't suppoae they are always telling e fellow their first husbands were the best men who ever lived." Csrelece Mr. Noah. Much trouble might have beiyasaved had Noah omltt? d to ta'.te an oetopus aboard the ark. Nothing Like in Understanding. "I beg your pardon sir?" "Granted; but It's no use begging for anything elset"?Glasgow Record. ~ Rullng Gplrlt Strong In Death. Mrs. MazEuchclll, of Carmarthen, ISngland, left a bequest In her will of $5 a year to pay for the cleaning of the marble of her grave with soap and water. * Staging a Trial. "Do you think you have sufficient oounsel for my boy?" "Yes; we have a spread-eagle orator, a sob specialist an insanity expert and a little cuss who knows the law, If we need any law." Loses Its Charm. It's difficult for a newly married man to generate much enthusiasm over his bride's beautiful hair after he has seen her pile It on the bureau for the night Generally Succeeds. There are more ways of winning a man than by "stringing" hlra?but there are few better. Extreme*. There are two certain causes of family trouble: A woman'* love of dry foods, and a man's love of wet hooka. It Is not sufflctait to merely staff ourselves with various collections of books; unless we masticate everything thoroughly books will not givo as strength and nourishment.?Locke. All Show Character. Actions, words, looks, steps form the alphabet by which you may spell aba^acter.?Lavater. But Since Ms Can'tf Too bad every man can't be like a thermometer that takes a drop too much at night, and still gets up early the next morning. At the Top and Bottom. Of all the people In Europe the Tench have the fewest children and .he Irish the moat Always to Be Reckoned With. Ton must learn to deal with odd and even In life, as well as In flgnraa.? George Eliot. Gum Arabic and Plaster of Parle. Into a thick solution of gum arablo stir plaster of parts until the mixture assumes the consistency of cream. Apply with a brush to tbo broken edges, of cblna and Join together. In threo days the article cannot bo broken In the same place. The whiteness of the cement adds to Its varae. Motive Power In Norway. The greatest single factor In the possible Industrial development of Norway lies undoubtedly In its cheap and abundant hydroelectrlo power. The country having practically no coal resources, the Norwegian Industries, are coming to depend more and more upon the utilisation of waterfalls as a primary motive power source. First Hours of Sleep the Best. It has been proved conclusively that the first hours of sleep are deeper than the rest and that'with the length the tendency to wake at any noise Increases. From this follows the recuperative value of the few first hours of deep sleep and the explanation why men of great energy like Napoleon. Frederick the Great and Vlrchow were completely satisfied with a sleep of from three to four hour*. Steadfastness. It Is easy In the world to live after | the world's opinion; It is eaey In solitude to live after our own; but the great man Is he. who in the midst of the crowd, keeps, with perfect sweetness, the Independence of solitudesEmerson. Business Business Is the king pin of all pro Cessions?the master profession, because business Is the one fabrlo worsn out of all entangled activities of a community which go to make up ' ?ocUr* aoc)M7 U lit*. Luoky Accident for Him. After proposing three times anc . being rejected on account of his ugll nees, a man In London was Injured . in an accident so severely that wher ha recovered his face had been com pletely reconstructed, decidedly fot the better. He proposed again anc VM aooepted. I ? ' Others Victims of Hard Lash. ? Most of us get what we deserve, b* ' MlT U? MOWMful will admit IL t n Tails About tlla Memo CM* | Taach tb, (acta aboat raar Ism dtj la tb, public aeboola.- irpa tha bmjaa^al watdpal raaaaarcb. No* Loral (rich ruber, f It la aCrtata (bat aa immiaraat u mora feral to wfta ant ?Mla thad tba Irtabman. OWI of aaartr urn tboaaand obarltr caaaa la winch a wtfo waa tba baad of tba tamnjr, tba (raataat fro maaoj of trtdowbaoa. aatf tba laaat frequently of daaartlofl ar uupurucfcm la aaoac tba Irlah?Tba CaalafJ. | Soldier's Moot Trying Position. The average soldier finds the moot | terrifying position to be that of standing motionless In the front rank, exposed to the enemy's flro without being able to reply. The order to advance or to charge with fixed bayonets Is then received as a release from agony. Movement, even Into greater peril, distracts the mind and greatly educes the mental anguish. Farming and Prosperity. To conserve the soil, to raise abundant crops and an adequate supply of live stock; to study and ipply the most efficient and economical methods of production, knd to sell the stock only when ready for market, adopting the above as a steady, permanent policy, will contribute more to the prosperity of farmers themselves and to the prgsperlty of the nation than all other causes put together. Elephant Remembered Him. When Henry Ehgw revisited a circus to which he bad belonged many years before, no one of the people connected with it recognised him, but the elephant started trumpeting as soon as he appeared, and showed^ every sign of glad recognition. Therefore Smile. Surely happiness Is reflective, like the light of heaven; and every countenance, bright with smiles and glowing with Innocent enjoyment. Is a mirror, transmitting to others the rays of a supreme and ever-thlnlng benovo JBUCB.?irvjug. Longest Straight Railroad Track. Argentina, not New Zealand as often reported, has the longest stretch of straight railroad track In the wortd. A transcontinental railway In Argentina crosses 176 miles of prairie wlttv out a curve. Years Make a Difference. At sixteen a romantic girl ex pec/a to marry a prince who will drink wins from her slipper; ten years later she may grub a chap who drinks snds from a can. To Remove Ink. To extract Ink from cotton, allk, <g woolen goods, dip In spirits of turpentine and let remain for several hours. Then rub thoroughly between the hands and the spots will disappear without changing either the color or texture of thegooda Evidently Craxy With Love. 'starts out to be married; held od Insanity charge." We've known men to get mad after they were married a while, but this man probably was of a neurotic disposition to start with. ?Philadelphia Public Ledger. Voices In the Air. Passengers on a steamer to Port land were surprised when about fifteen miles from the Mainfc port to hear voices and music coming appar fitly from the air. When they got Into the harbor they found that on a boat tied up at the wharf there was a wireless apparatus, to which was at teched a wireless telephone attackment on which the operator haul beet experimenting. Rightly Proud of His Rosd. Two Pullman porters, representing j different railroads, met off duty and progressed from friendly gossip to heated argument Their quarrel centered about which on? u"?rW?H fnr iha better road. Their clalme. figures and arguments came fast and furious. At last the tall, thin porter settled the dispute with these classic words: "Go on, nlggah; we Kills mo* people den you fellahs tote." NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority veBted In me as Commissioner or Court, !r a Special Proceeding entitled "N. L Simmons. Admr. of Lavinla Padgct' vs. J. W. Ange and others," by ar order of Superior Court of Beaufort county, N. C., I will sell at pub lie auction to the hoigheBt bidder fo. caRh, at the Courthouse door of Beai fort county. N. C., on Monday. Aug ust 17th, 1914, at 12 m., the follow ing described property: House and lot situato In Bath. N C.. Beaufort county and In Bath towr ship, Beginning on King street, at D B. Harrison's North corner and run nlng west with D. B. Harrison's lln 313 feet or to T. B. Clayton's llnthence N. with T. B. Clayton's line 85 feet, thence East 31S feet to Kin street, thence with King strete 8 feet to the beginning. It being the tract of land conveyed by Geo. B Adams and wife to Geo. W. Padget and wife L&vlnia Padgett by deei dated March 25. 1904, and recorder in Book 128, page 175, Beaufoi county registry. And also bein: that lot which wan adjudged tb property of Lavlnia Padgett the own er thereof, by Judgment of the 8u perlor Court of Beaufort county. Cm In the action entitled "Lavlnl: Padgett vs. Geo. Padgett," an appear from the records of the Clerk 1 Superior Court of Beaufort coun ty, N. C.. and of record in Beaufoi county Registry. (TUft Jttly 10th, 1914. NORWOOD L. 8IMMONS, Commissioner of Cour 7-lf-iiro. FORTUNE IN AGE - | Money (rows like the fruit8 of the Hfjf leld and troee #no piant early are thoae wro In later jHI BjB& Tho Bank of Washington offers to the people the an exceptional opportunity to aya* \ A tematioally save (heir Deposits can be in amouhta K of 10c, 25c. 60c. or $1.00. and draw HE 4 per (Bit interest. Are You Plate Glass Windows Insured? 1 If not, they should be. Easily broken sometimes. The cost 1 of insurance is small and we replace the glass without trouble or expense to you. Ask us about it. 3 Wm. Bragaw & Co. j ~ ? ? .J Crystal Ice Cream Any merchant or business man can increase the efficiency of his help by treating them once in a while to CRYSTAL ICE CREAM />tv i t/-x rr? a * ICKY51AL ICE CO. I | Phong 83 Washington, ^. C. I !. LEON WOOD?MmbSot New Yort Conoo Exdmiffv.?JAMES U J. LEON WOOD & CO. i B\NKERS and BROKERS. , ( Stocks, Boads, Cotton, Grain and Provision*, 78 Flam* Btrsot, (. Carpenter Building, Norfolk, V*. f Private wire* to New York Stock Eichanfe, Chicago Board of 1 I Trade and other financial center*. l I Correepondenoe reapectfully solicited. Investment and marginal J p Account* given Careful Attention. J To The Merchants, Shippers and General Public When placing orders for goods In Baltimore or Norfolk direct that shipment be made bySteamer L. B. Shaw A saving of 25 per cent on your freight. Sailing days from Baltimore on the 1st and 15th of each month, and Norfolk the following day. Freight received at any time at Miller's Wharf foot of Carolina street Baltimore, and at Jones and Co's wharf Water street, Norfolk. The 20th Century Sanitary Bottle Washer - jW| is used in our Bottling Plant. Nothing but filtered water used in our G^&cla / and Soda Water. Send or phone your orders in now. fbcfffiffi Bott,ing Works \Z^XVCUl F.E. Mayo, Prop. We are also wholesale dealers in fancy Cakes, Candy and Cigars.

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