Tot I The Allied i Rust GERMANS SIEGI ARE NEAR] FOR A F - ____ General Cavelry Engagement ] A General German Advene fT? V?-' ?*' FIFTY-JIVE HUNDRED AMERI- ' ) GOB ARB AIDED IN PARIS. FIGHTING STILL ON. (By the United Press.) Psrls.^Auf. 14.?The French and German ontsposts ere now fighting ftk>D| the entire line. A dispatch from Aleac to the war department states that the French troops and arms are everywhere successful. The 1 French drove the Germans back to Verdun sad captured a battery of artlUery. The German army from Moeselle la bow engaged In striking the French cap fortifications in North Verdun. Fighting la now In progress at Mulhausen. * It la reported here that the GerI mans have been checked at Longuy 1 after severe lighting. The Germans ' In great strength, are operating as ' far eoutb u Contains. The entire 1 front Is said to be screened by the cavalry who are raiding the front line. The whereabouts of the French army Is still a secret but the war office glres oat the information , that fight'ng wjj be expected near Stenay at any moment. The war office still Insists that the Germans hare finally checltod Mtthausen. The foreign office states positively that the French troop# have violated the Oerman territory pact at A1ssc% \ prior to a declaration of was.? . -j* ^ The war office this afternoon an- , nounced that the Oerman and French j force# were now facing each other \ all the way from Aleace to Liege. , It Is announced here this afternoon that a general engagement le progreeting at Ttrlemont. Belgium. The German army is wow assaulting the Belgium position and at dawn [f today they were still fighting. It , Is believed that the opening attack ,j was directed towards Brussels. It , Is announced that the engagement j -was serious. The allied army is ( now being pushed to the aid of the ( Belglums. ( The American Embasay here has ? eo far aided fifty-five hundred \mtr- , leans up to date. DEI DtlC IDE uuunnnu nuu IlllR THIS WAS THE CAUSfS OF THE FAILURE OF THE GERMANS TO TAKE CITY. 1 S i ? (Br the United Press.) Berlin, Aug. IS.?The German | General Von Stein has announced officially that the reaaon that Germany didlf't take Liege was due to the i fact that the Kaleer did not want an unnecessary lose of life. N AUGUST IS i?;? mmmrn I BEAUFORT CO. HIRE CHAIN J GIK J WILL BE WORKED IN PANTEGO j. TOWNSHIP FOR NEXT FOUR b MONTHS. TO ESTABLISH A A LINE BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS. B X * At the last meeting of the Board j1 t- of County Commissioner* the foflowe lng business was transacted for the ^ t month? a I. It was ordered that 8urry Parker ?- be given the contract to build two c > bridges over the canal which Crosses I- the road at Rodman's farm. The ^ is same shall not cost over $Sf.9f that the tax was paid by both, and is it appearing that W. F. Wlnstead Is x ie the owner of the land, Itl s ordered n tt that S. V. Bailey bo refunded the B > amount paid him, the amount of ^ )i which Is $5 53. t n It is ordered that the convicts be c 7 hired to P. H. Johnson for the month il of August for 50 por month, $100 1- of which Is for clothing, equipment. ^ le etc., as per the order of the board at c )f their February meeting, 1914, eesis slon. ? d It Is ordered that the convicts be " hired to J. A. and S. W. Wilkinson ie and P. H. Johnson for September, 1 ie October, November and December for 4,050, $4 00 of which Is for cloth- <1 force In 1896 and the famouse IT Khartoum relief expedition In 189S is- for which he received the thanks of at Parliament, a-grant df 8250,000, and in was raised to the peerage with the d- title of the first Viscount of Kharof toum. After serving as commandertie Jn-chlef during the Boer war he was again rewarded with 8260,000, the le thanke of Parliament, and later an n. increase in rank to field marshal. From 1902 to 1909 he wae In susd preme command in India. In 1910 he ht was created a member of the committee on imperial defense, and In t*e 1911 became British agent and conry snl-general in Egypt. He la the rehe clplent of numerous medals and in decorations. ^Though a rigid dlseipltds narlan, he is the Idol of the British army. ? i NEW NORTH CAROLINA NOW AT CA1V Lightning Rod ?? Pedler To Go nUHKMLY IRON ROM WIIA 8BRVE THE PURPOSE WITH- M.t THE UOLDKN-TiF MODS IV PROPERLY ARRANGED. W. . CM Washington. Aug. It.?The lighting rod pedlar, familiar ngare In The rary rural community, with his ,tem 1 ocub tales of the efficiency of rods ment { lp pod with gold or pointed with C*mp ilatlnum, will eoon belong to an ex- **** b< Inct type. If Information on lightlog rode published by the Depart- Cair sent of Agriculture la thoroughly CaroMl lrcnlated. attract Answering ten questions about ftnd ^ Ightnlng rods, the department says: day 101 For ordinary purposes good protec- der thl Ion is afforded by a conductor run- ChrUtl ing along the ridge of the building lfcrge 1 nd extending to the earth, either 4t a ful1 he middle or the sides, or, prefer- band c bly, at each of the four corners. noon 1 'olnte should rise abore any promt- Colc ent features of the building, such North a chimneys, or in the absence of ?d *n heee features, from the ridge of the Au*ub oof at Intervals of 25 feet or there- 'lr? St bouts. '.ernoo "In order to make lightning rods quaint sally efficient, It la important that T*r * hey be of pood material, properly ?*?r 1 Detailed and properly grounded in Ab : aoist earth. Periodical inspection '* ln f nd maintenance in good condition t>ecomi i aleo indispensable. Lightning rods has m< aturally increase the danger of a allding being struct, but a properly C?l?ne odded house may be struck several parawd? o as to protect one and a half to ft?on * wo feet above the structure to which t0T hey are attached satisfy all require- lad,ea' aents. Tto?^ "Iron makes a good lightning rod. *rr?1 specially from the viewpoint of cost. ?*cond mt copper oKVKTT AS DRUM MAJOR 18 ?LY P&A?8BD?OOIiONKli C. BOMCAN A MODKL OFTIL following interesting Mwa vlth reference to the eaoamp>f the North Carolina troops at Wheeler, near Augusta, Ga.. ? of Interest to the Dallj News s; , tp Wheeler ansd the North na troops will be the center of :lon for the Augusta people, io?e living In this vicinity, all ag today. Church services ones auspices of the Young Men's Lan Association will take up a portlpn of the forenoon, while dress regimental para do and oncert takes place In the afterit 6 o'clock. nel Rodman and his staff of Carolina officers hsve extendlnvltation to the residents of ts. as well as those o| the enate, to visit tho camp this afn and make themselves seed with the boys from the ieel" State and to take a look he camp site. It now stands Camp Wheeler ull bloom. Every soldier has b accustomed to the site and ide himself acquainted In AuIt was decided yesterday- by 1 Rodman to tender the dress ' in honor of Colonel Mallory. States Army, who is In char Re np Wheeler, and also as an latlon of the warm hospitality has been shown the North la troops by the Augusta peoring the brief rlelt here. The Regimental Band, feature of the day Is. of coarse, lltsxy band, which Is made up e of the best musicians In the f North Carolina. In all. there renty-seven pieces snd every x>n, since the beginning of the pment, they have delighted i of visitors. Yesterday afterbey played several song hits s benefit of a large crowd of the guests of ths officers of I A and B of cavalry, n the visitors' standpoint the I Regiment Band. N. O. of N. n Klnston, N. C.. consisting of ces, Is the b.ggest thing at the It has been aald by one of nlted States army officers of ink at Camp Wheeler that this s the best he has ever seen In .tlonal Guard. Oldest Company, ipany F., from FayettevellUe, the distinction of being the organized company In the >nt, having been formed, It Is itood, In the latter part of the entn cenxury. it is consey more than one hundred years 10 of the men were unavoldetalned at home, while others not get leave of aheence from business. All who are absent, er, are absent with the con>f their respective officers, are 613 enlisted men and 6s Issioned officers of the Second tent of North Qnrollna at preeicamped at Aumond, near Aaac cording to official count, otal strength of the Second tent of North Carolina Is 70S Ml men and 56 officers, re are two troops, of cavalry, Asheville and Llncolton. re ely, encamped here from North na. too. rranza Now ssumes Charge [ PEACEFUL POSSESSION OF XICO CITY TODAY SAYS DISPATCH. (By the United Press.) shlngton, D. C., Aug. 1 J.?DU as to the 8tate Department this toon state that General Carrans taken peaceful possession of o City today. All the battleof the United States will now ithdrawn. VISITING AT BATH. E. L. Archbetl and son Las are ig Mr. J. B. Archbell at Bath. . ' -.i