I iiriK WW. Js .n v j, n ... ^ ju t ii a ? ?! ' * Vv / [ Japan I M /;: p,r , a V- .T*!IO#i*< fahf4 Kaiser's X Doubtles n VIOIH rtpj- IH W XlOiS - ? Moot) ytiioi fimiii . p The ?rc?cfc iSquadr Sunk Two At W Ships b? C l?*al b?A full (I)y the United Press ) v ? # ^ Tokio, Aag. 17.?The Japanese ov- th< eminent la new preparing Xor war. U1E The fleets *peB?ia4M|#d |pditheetev Me is ready ta board tip t? nsmarts who ?, are already steamed ubh ln There Is my douM b?b what <*ho ?al German ultimatum will be denied and Vo that Immediate hoe tttKJea. will follow.' tht fc ? ??? s?ewi|?f / . v ten XTr rum HIST Kill. U_? * THIS IS TH? DKMAXR OF J&PJTN TO UBKMAN'V?-MI'S* I.KAVR I *HE*ORfENT*/VT' ' <U ' J&'9M8it!>Vir-* -M" W t?12?19* I WMhlneton, jlf&fc i 7 .?The Jhpati ambassador, Bar<{ttWb('n4a. laai b If tit ' 1 deUevere# tfi; Secretary bftA the written announcement of Japan that " an nltlmatum had been addressed to' Germany requesting the letter's with- to drawal from her field'of activity In fr' China, the akme time he com- fl<l \ munlcated Japan's ^apurancer to the oh United ^tat4s tbafi the almost en- ^ deavor would bo exercised to aateguard merest of this country and 101 all other# not ixnmpdiaielpr concerned In the present ppegptlons.. , * t *ni The United States, It became ar known after Baron Chinda's call on 'Mr. Br>mn, does not intend to .bp . r drawn In any way into ,the contro- ^ versy, regarding H aa a matter pare-, m ly between Germany and a yam Jhe I American government considers satis- lr \ factory the'promise of' Japan of 1 "evenutal restoration to China" of the territory of Kaiu-Chau. , , The Japanese,atupassedpr present ed a comniunlratljpn from th? foreign nm At- Tnkln nmhrtrivine thn sub stance of the ultimatum, and added T! a strong eta tome at concerning Ja? pan's purposes of maintaining the territorial integrity of Cltlna by rot storing of Kiaju-Chau originaUy taken China by Ger, many a*'an act of reprisal for,the w hilling 4>f German missionaries. ol The atatajp^nt madq po, direct ref- to erence to tho .United States but gave it asBuranco in general that the lntor- tL ? ests of all powers interested In main- to tatning the .territorial status quo In tt the far east woufd'be protected. It d^velop^dj aq a reBUlt of the conference that frapaji had n^'a'sstV- R - ( ance up to the pfWe&t'tline th'dl its 11 ultimatum had booh delivered to fj _ Germany, gwipg tjTtyble difficulties. % Too^ko cdpr'o^the ulfcim^tupi wUl po com y municatfed to Dofljn * through the 9 channels of the r\.n^rlcan ^government. ( MCI: r * * . . FRBN^ir'hmif ^dsMkUNniT not M ANtf^FItKNCli. ? , , t ADVANCING. >rrr?#it f . 'WV'1 Htit if f ,ny, ti t H By1 the?ifnited JPypfia.V ' h"* , Parft, A^ig." lT.-^-Tha French col- . umn ^ov advancing all along the line at Afsace is meeting * with. * a * Iy more jrigorous resistance Ihbrf thiit ' whloh^marked tAe ?ariy UifjVtftTllut presen^ way. tit 1* how cafasld&od 1 1 a good portion of tbd German linos i la novy depekwfoff. i Many German# afce f(ebf^gbert>r? JJ ' ' ' .0 y_ A *w ilJK 4' A 1 llyJVw H ^ jH .*** .^fli^r . . .? *-? Vj .. , ? ! " ' * II it, ?,. .1 t V I ., .',i.U. r.r-B?vr Mwaff VWtft., tv| Prepc i JltiniatuE *'* T -Y ' ' ???>* vV is Be Den itilies Wil on Has { istrian War r In Adriatic Sea . ri ; : ) .French cavalry and it ip report od it thqy have been drowned In the >uae tfVer. lb? French lines are now clodding Saarpurg and they, htvo also con many villages in the upper > 85C8.? This statement comes from o war office. It is stated that the Pi each lost heavily, hut not as bad hi feho Germs as. y , . fa ? ^ < fo innr niirni/nn - FGnD bntMull s % BELGIANS - w ???' tCRMANB ARE NOW. AWAITING " REINFORCEMENTS BEFORE | U RENEWING THE AT n r TACK AGAIN. cl v - lE H (By the United Prose.) 81 Brussels, Aug. '1.7?nhere wu a o: .slilng dash of the German cavalry 8 Eyre, situated about thirteen miles om this city, Bunday The war of- ? a announces that the Germans were Ij eked after a skirmish and then- l| thdrew. 1 St is now reported that the Gerih advance is reported to have been J ted*. The trcops are now waitn In the lntrenchmenis pending the i+tll of the reinforcements. 1 Let's build in Washington Park. iliis. iiso nnnu mini/ !l HHo m }\ li H1RD ONE HAS BEEN SET ON T FUtE AFTER A FIGHT WITH a THE FRENCH FLEET. t1 , (By the United Press.) n London. Aug. 17.?Two Austrian c' arcrtUps hare been sunk and a'thlrd 6 to set; on Ure- fourth one fled wards Cattaro after a fight with m ie Krlcnch squadron off Dudua in I le Adriatic yesterday. A dispatch I ? >the news agency at Nisli states I tat tl^e fight lasted for hours. BMP . SEEKS m , I IMSFl> BL IIKITISH FLEET. DEFENSES OF FORTS TO ? BE TRIED OUT Laitm. i (By the United Press.) i**. ' Aug.| 17.?-The British ifcdlterreaa fleet haa chased two Luatriaa^crulsers from Antlvarl to ?ola. ' Tho'Austrlans took refuge Infua tho rendezvous and under the ro^cption of tho land for^g. It Is Jtpeotcd that th'0^5gl^s?h^;lll try^tyU ho vleftfnsoa-of-Aho f6rts unfits" theiL . . I ^a?y guns. 0 ? | . t's-restful In Washington Park. #l ' *? SINK CRUISER. ' " 1 ' 1 ^ % I (By the Untied Press.) Lbtnfta/ Aug. 17.-?The war office lbrl -0000(10006 this afternoon that ho "Fjrariehf swept the Adriatic north x> fba gulf of Cattaro. They eunk i entail Austrian cruiser of the mcmN NuTT r. WEATHER?Pertly cloudy t< WASHINGTON N. C ires F a Will ied And 1 Follow sir" (jn IESIDKKT WILSON SO EXPRESS-' ED HIMSELF THIS AFTERNOON?CONFERS WITH SIMMONS AND UNDERWOOD. , ' (By the United Press.) Washington, U. C., Aug. 17.?The resident/ this afternoon . expressed mself as satisfied with the good "" 1th of the Japanese In tne'.r of- a irts to'^restore to China and the ^ grman conbession In the Gorman 3 Itimartum. The President stater! r tat thero was no reason why ArnCr- r a should be involred. 1 President Wilson gare it out today lat he would render his decision a? censorship on cable messages tolorrow. lie conferred this afternoon lih Senator Simmons and Representtivo Underwood with reference to ic war tax bill, but they arrived at 3 decision. Also tbero was no do?!on as to the government war risk tsurance measure. The President a'.ed that the insurance would be nly temporary If it should be dopted. Sfm1 HF.RE WAS SO GENERAL ATTACK TODAY, IT IS REPORTED?THE GERMANS HALTED. (By tho United Press.) Brussels, Aug. 17.?The German? ave halted, in their forward ino\etent and tho infantry will remain i Its regular position in the line, sys a wire from the Belgian iron !er. T.he cavalry scouts are active , here was no general attack today, , ceording to the war office. - " It Is reported in Amsterdam that ne ivaiser nns sxariea 10 me iron; nd is cnroute t?o Mainz. He 5? acompauicd by his entire general laff. I CUE m Hsi STILL PROTECT THEIR TERRITORY AT THE POINT OF THE BAYONET IS REPORTED. (By the United Press.) Peking, Aug. 17.?lit is reported hat a fetnong detachment of Chines* roops have started towards Kalnjhau, apparently for the purposr orcstalling any outsiders from retap luring that .territory from the Chitese empire. REPORT HAS NO * FOIINDATIQI i THAT SOCIALIST LEADERS HATE BEEN EXHCUTI?fr IN GKR' , MANY?ARK EXL1SKJXO IN THE ARMY. (Copyrighted by United Press.) The Hague, Aug. 17.?The firs' Berlin news from Correspondent Von Wlgend says that tho stories of the execution of 4he eocialisla leaders'! . '1 . " v 1-t mt. ??nl ?? 7 1 r ? might and Tuesday. Probable thunder ' MONDAY AFTERNOON At1 or W3 ,v.. m~m Oav.; ^fei."777" t Ltebkneccht received aro untrue. The socialists aro now enlisting and * iro geuer&lty supporting the government. There has befen no mistreatment of the Americans, except where" hoy are mistaken for the Rritlsh. ne six ihout'und America us now in Jerlin are wearirg smell American lag? and special trains are transporting thcin to the frontier. There a no news from the ileal nor a list >f .the dead, received. A lis*. o.r the wounded posted chow that a heavy icrcentuge wcro wounded. .Ml the r< " 'aisor'a sous are now to the front. r, s'ouo of the restaurant In Utrliti j4 mvo Increased their prices an the Military* regulations prtvent any t-x:ortfon. Emporor William wiote la ils own hand an acknowledge;'*:*-: t of ;j .Mi American offer fur mediation 3.; Wednesday. Siyi jj flUKOSSACKS .lit;: uusktuamm; ? fi.i: iiisM.w rr.iiMTiKii? ! MA.\ I I dlMlMlLS IIA % i: \ tak (Ity the United Press.) St. pours!*.*.. . Ally. 17.?Tli-J C-. Lacks I law 5.1 :,v;r:v\l the Urn* *1; n N fron iur iiuu.'.y ;o >.. l*^i.dhur~". The Uermau'a. .1 repotted, are vljor- I 11 Diisly contesting the advnnce. Tit invasion of Germany now only av ails ^ mobilization. Many prisoners are re- ^ ported to have been taken. \ KAI.-t.'K AiritlVKS. J?Oir.i\ .vii.:, J i.- ?inii v.; - r<" j ceivod here this afternoon that 11 Kaistr WilUuui. of Germany, lia.l arrived at Main.-. Peki. c Hi! R1E mYlCIOfiS I TAKK I.KItMAVS IIAftK Al IKK J SIlEI.MNti THK THKNCHKi. MANY KHA.KI> AXl> WttlNDFD. 1 (By the United Press.) Parle, Aug. 17?It is reported that the Trench have talcen the German's base at South Mulhausen after r.helh ing the trenches. The infantry j charged and carried them by s'crm. J There was fierce hand-tc-hanJ ilglit- j itig and the superior strength cf the , French told. The Germans wore . routed. I The trenches were filled with the dead and wounded whi'-h the tier ? minis If-TT li'hind in their (light. ] During ^lie fightfng tho French , aviators droprfd tfnmbs in tho | trenches, ffclng great damage. j PHOTO-KXUliAVKKS MKKT. Indianapolis. Ind., Aug. 17?livery section of the country was represented today when the annaul convention of the International Photo-Engravers', Union of North American was opened.i " m stor mi GL'ST 17 fol4 ir Wi Lf?Y DIVISION DURING C ''i'V' ' ' ' U \ccepts Offer Sect"y Bryan CKNOWr.riHiKMKXTH OF Ml! i?\.vrio\ r:ioi*us\us IIECI:IVEI> n\ SKriii;TA1SY UK VAN. % (Hy the United Press.) WashtaKlf*!, 1?. A?b. 17.?Sectary l)ry,v.i announced this afterbori ill a t Iu? was in r* of bciiow lodgements of the mediation ro^o?als t; ;tu Germany. England, rXr.'*<?t Austria. The proposal, ul tough it .-..i; reached lit: -la. up to i'.s t.'tcri.octi no reply Jtu.l been 'the Prct!Jit,is dc.-5tii.ti to send to t'on-rc. -. If ncrossary the var :a\ 1113. nil probability te ill will tkla.'tV; it r srvera . ; : la:: ha, beta effec 1. 7vl. Dumay Made Membei <?>.: : 5;\i:tTTi\j: uoari ci i :s: MU:TK <\\I;OI.INA t; I:IE:IM\ ASS.OI iation. Thi; : s? V.;:i national han5;s ii hir.h Carolina, representing an as :v;v.:?? capital and surplus of $S. c h;.j. jianvil the tioccssar a,?- n: ?>; a;, n.iernuip in ".ho Nutiona ui-rcr.ey A?.?.'oriatlo:i of North ("arc inn, v. iil.-h was organized In llah'.g ft w H-i:. The head-iuartors of th fytfriatSotl will li?> llal^igh. It i xpected that there will be freijuen neeilusa of 'he executive board i IuIlSmI'I. The president of the assc '.ation is Mr. Joseph O. 'trown, ? laie'.Kli. Mr. A. M. Uumay. a.>iiie if the First National Ha til., this citj l; iv.ca:.ier vi Llio exu tiiiAt* hoard ,lr. l)u.s oi:i cf i!.-? !>?.* : bank ra i:> .he )>:nie ant! his aelectio i,? x:c.v.'cer nf iIn' executive boar >r H' * t::rri .?;*y avroiiution i? liuloe i io?:u:.at cue. First Sermon Was Enjoyei iMSTOTl GAY PREACHMS ON BA1 TisT FOOI.m'aT HIS CHl'RCII Sl*\J>AY KtKXIXC;. MANY PRESENT. Rev. K. I., bay, paslo^of the Fir baptist church, oa las; evening at fc :liurch Lcgan a ccrics of sermons c practical points, liia grst sermo entitled '"iJaptisi Keola," was hor.i lttentlveiy by a lar; conjrr' catic last r.iglii and greatly enjoyed. Mr. Gay left this ir>oroing fi South Mills, Camden county, who: i hie wet I; ho will a--:i^ in a sort t?f meetings. Ilo expects to rf?tui In time to till his regular pulpit ne Sunday morning and evening, f next Suiuliy evening tho subject i his discourse will be: "Thou Sba Mot Steal." 11 AH KKTUHNEI). Miss Vera I.<con&rd has return home after spending a couple weeks with friends and relatives Vyflson ??ud Raleigh. '.ijkJ - ' v't r_i^' J, ? th Ger i MANEUVfffS V" - .. ' Miss Cooper Passes Away't ?? 1 -* ?>-** i KCNEItAL CONDUCTED THIS AV- < ri'itvnnv at t'utn v im-..v E <J HOUND NEAR c OLD FORD. 1> c Washington today Is called upon ? to mourn the death at one of Its f most popular young ladies In the per- a son of Miss Mary L. Cooper, who . fell on sleep tills morning at 4 o'clock \ at the home of her sister, Mise Ada c Cooper, West Second street. The funeral was conducted.at tho * i family burying ground, near Old * * Ford, this afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. It. V. Ijoptf, pastor' of the Chris- c 1 tian church, this v'.rv. m the presence t ol a largo number of sorrowing K friends and relatives. 1 For the past several weeks the B deceased lias been confined to her bed j and while everything was done to r relieve her suffering it was all to no . * avail, for the supreme Arbiter called t and she answered without murmur nor complaint. , * She was born on June 28th, 187Sy . in Pitt county, and was the daugh- t ter of Mr. and Mrs. Neshullle Cooper. f In th? year 18 84 she with her parents moved to this county and for the " past ton years has been a resident of * Washington, where from tho first J y s'.io endeared herself to a large num 1 bt r. She leaves three sisters and - two brothers; Mrs. T. E. Langley. of !' Greenvillo; /Mrs. H. E. Hodges and ( ? Miss Ada Coeper. of this city, and " Messrs. Robert and M&rcetlus Cooper iJlu* was a woman of the highest n ideals and always walked elrr.ura' spcctly before both man and her f Maker. Behold her witnesses are r i:i heaven and her record Is on hi;;li.' Truly It can be said ef her. "She hath do hp what she could" * May the same hand that has wound- 1 n od be tho one to succor and comfort 1 Peace to her ashes, d New Theatre For Tonight 1 Til FRF, WILL BE THREE REELS OF FIRST CLAH& MOVIES ON TO NIGHT?FEATURE SHOWS. 5t Tho New Theatre open tonight is [with exclusive motion pictures. There >n will ho an usual throe reels of tho n.! very beet selected associated films, rd The pictures that this houso Is now ?n" giving its patrons are the very best that tliey can secure. :>r On next Thursday they will run rc* one of the most wonderful war ps dramas that has ever been roleased. rr, "For the Honor of Old Glory," or the xt Stars and Stripes in Mexloo. Is the in name of this exciting reel plcturo of that they will have, dt There will be a matinee at 3:30 p. m. Prices 10 and 20 cettts. Tho night show will start at the usual time, a*, f :S0 p. m., giving two ed shows or more, as usual. Prlcee 15 of aud 25 cents. In Do not misg the oh&nce to see this unusual war drama. r? No. W many [HE DISCHARGES ARE WHOLESALE HI RAILROADS Washington. D. C., A?g. 17.?The 'War of the Nations" is not only auslng the closing down of factories n the United States by shutting off be Importation of material from E trope, but Is also causing the dlanleeal of hundreds of railway emiloyes. Freight and passenger traffic in all the railroads running out of Tersey City shows such an enormous ailing off that the railroads are compiled to make wholesale discharges n their operating forces. To make a bad matter worse, miltons of dollars worth of property ire being hung up and thousands f men thrown out of employment beau Be of the failure of Congress to lass the nlver and barber bill. According to the army engineers latino river and harbor work In barge, work on 136 projects has liber been suspended already or will is suspended by September It, beaune of the failure of Congress to ^ aake the needed appropriations. In a memorandum submitted larbors committee of the Hopee, the hlef engineers. In calling alt eat to* f Congress to the pressing necessity or appropriations to carry on river ,nd harbor work, said: "Every effort tee been made to keep the estimates lown to the amounts actually needed o permit of ecoaomlqtl it the works'ad opt W byCengJHL* >nd, by reason of the regutar^SO age In the past four years of rivers ,nd harbors act, confldaaee that this lollcy would be continued has been ;radually acquired; and not only the Tiglneers' department, bat contracom engaged In furnishing materials >r doing work under the department tare acquired the same confidence .nd have made their plans accord Ingy. The suspension of work results tot only In positive loss of time and >oselble Interference with navlgalon. but seriously handicaps and jeatly adds to the ooel of future rork by the disorganisation of workng forces, and the effect which It has lpon the confidence of contractors tupplylng materials." 'vf.; Name Ticket Hyde County JOUNTY CONVENTION MKT AT SWAN QUARTER LAST SATURDAY AND SELECT CANDIDATES. The Democratic convention for he county of Hyde was field at the .own of Swan Quarter. N. C.. 8aturlay last and the following ticket waa named: For Representative?J. M. Clayop. For Sheriff?George Davie. For Clerk Superior Court?S. D. Mann. For Register c# DeodJ,?Hector Watson. For County CommlMloners?B. O. Sponcer, G. M. Sllverthorn and J. M. Hall. For Recorder?Charles Carter, of Fairfield. N. C. ? E. B. Moore Is Wear The End HAH BERN GRADUALLY SINKING SINCE SATURDAY?OMR OP CITY'S BUST KNOWN CITIZENS. One of Washington's highly esteemed citizens In the person of Mr. E. B. Moore Ilea In a precarious condition today at his home on West Second .street and the end is expected at any moment an th la-pa per goes to press. Mr. Moore has been suffering from paralysis for some time. In * , consequence of his critical illness his on, Mr. Hairold Moore, of Wilmington; Miss Louise Moore, of Raleigh; I Mrs. Paul Ttllery. of Raleigh, and I Mrs. R. M. Hearne, a sister-in-law j or Greemdlle, are at his bedside.

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