W . # * ? ?-. ? . If*. f* M?Jtt|Ol? jj| '.'tp&K **fl f j *o -;;,.J= All Appr At P^ki Guns. - . . "" . *! I NAMUR S FALL I V ALL HOPES OF THE C5r ? (Br the United Press.) lata IMHIIM M iU tieat ?i?t tie one hundred end fifty guns and ten thousand prisoners have been cap 4 tared at Lenerilla. o' 'J * r The army of General Jeffrfi*)^ been dieemenifcerad .and Incapacity ed. TShe army ot the Crown Hrta* of Germany in now chastnf th< French west ot Longwy. At Werten burg the forces are now marcblni through Belgium * crushing th Freech advance. The Englieh car " airy has been defeated near Mau beige. *.' w ' German marl nee have gone to th aid of the Aostrlans against the 3ei \ ' viaaa. - ^ ' h . . * *1' ,m '-am - ' 111! : IS 1 H ?-JI vyl-. t#'? QMS j ' .? * ^wtM W# V ? ? ,v ? > UL THK AUSTRIAN OKKJCKH: . ,, KILLED OR CAPTURED? , .? NEUTRAL POWERS ARK APPEALED TO. ? ?V? Boltwl PrejaJ1 "' 4 N^ab, Ang. 28.?The ElereBtli, Twenty-font and Qne Hundred iy . .'i and Second regiments of tlio Autrlan force has been com$. . |Me or captured. In tbe retreat the Austrians committed atrocities upon the inhabitants as they fled. The government la now pre? 4 ' paring to file a protest to the 4 " neutral powers. ALUM - f hi ai > * **n.,r ' > FRENCH, ALTHOUGH SUPFEItlX t C. SEVERELY, ARE STILL IN I'l/lIITIVn TBTW VI HI' S-! J. .? Ax-] I RinraufiAfrrhfatoo 1 >B V v KL8HIAN ARMY NOW IN GRl!. * " WBCB BFTWBKV THE MOr*TAlt?S ' " AStD - - gfcKetir BtvEfc, I '"'A .. 'WflrtMW-FrW) * I 1 ?S" ^tertbori. Aug.* j?*.?'I , , ft'uaaUu joreoa are now' ISM map* paaaages In the low?r Knr than.?1 are In great fore betw. ' rV - . . . v . | */ ' . , 1 [ -Tin > I #] paches ng and Ri Are Now ENDS EARLY END ; PRESENT WAR J?t the mountains and the Seretli river . JTbe Austrian? are r>w rapidly re t ranting. V; v tiolif i sits rni f. .. ." * KXEMY PRESSING HARD THI BRITISH TROOrt,.BUT THEY ARE BEING SHAKEN OFF, ? IS STATEMENT. |, ,,.T . v (By the Unltea Press.) London. Aug. 26.?Fierce flghtln? Is reported here between the Upland) and Belgians at vifcmlermerie on tin outskirts of Ostend. Many of th< wounded hare already been brough rlnto tho city. Dispatches from the front Indicate Ithat the German forces are now In i mass movement and aro going eeutl and southwest. They aro fl'fchtint S with the allies who are said to b? entrenched on thf defensive. Premier Asqulth announced todaj In the Houae of Commons "tHe ene my are pressing our troops hard, tou they are being shakeh o'tf.** Tti Fronch governments states that th. British troops notwithstanding the! hard marching and desperate light lng are in the best of spirits. hid n still ini) RUSSIAN FORCES MAKE A CiEX KKAL MOVE JN THE DIRECTION OF BERLIN, SAYS * THE WAR OFFICE. S(By^(he United Press.)* Paris, Aug. 25.?A war office bul lctin issued today contains no in formation as to details of the situs n tion. A hattlrt la now continuoil along the lines of the secondary d( fense. The bulletin further state that the allied forces held their pos lion while tho Russian forces i^ad a general move in the direction c 10 Berlin. . \mm : ARE BIN (mnjtiT 'Vi V> AS THE KK81I.T OP OEltMAN' I>ROPPINd ItOMllS AT CITY OP ANTWERP IS THE ItEl'OKT PROM THAT CITY Is ^ ..i. . ... . y ?" ir i, JBf the United Press.) n" Antwerp, Aug. *15.?A derma Zepplln dropped three bombs unsu c^safultp'today lp an attempt to d stroy the palace. Two houses wei destroyed In consequence. ! SERIOUSLY IL \T ^ ousBd by exkrtionh in n endeavor to aid in the MobttlZATION OP " ? r HIS TROOPS. / / . t he (Py the Oirtted Pre*.) n* Copenhagen, Ang. 16.?New? tr< pa- German rotireee Confirm the rept M |^a#?ror Fran* Joseph haa be ID m- fN -** mm ' : __ , WKUHHte? Untettltd ? WASHINGTON N. < ^ ' 1 = ined ipidFire Mounted strlckew and to now in * serious coadltlM. Hto illness to cAUsed by exert!on* / In hto endeartr to bid lb mobilisation. mtIME i M in RAPID FIRB GUNS HAVH BEEN fLACKI/ Oil 7HK TKMlt>llAHY FORTIFICATIONS AT fBWO TAC. 1(By the United Press.) Peking, China, Aug. 25.?Rapidfire guns havo been mounted on the I temporary fortifications which hare been erected to withstand the land attack In the rear of Tslng Tau. also to complete the line of earthworks protected by the entanglements. All the approaches have been mined. ' Warships Are \ Now off Capes ? NAVAL BATTLE BELIEVED IM1 MINEN'T BETWEEN THE BRIT1 18H AND LEHMAN CRUISERS. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 25?Steam7 erg arriving here today, including tho American i4no steamship Do\ mlnipn. reptrrted the North German ~ LJo^d BLeamsUlp Brandenburg hail a met a German cruiser Just, outside r the Delaware Breakwater,- presumably the Bremen, and was transferring coal and general stores. The Brandenburg left here Saturday, clearing"for Norway, with a carv go of 8.000 tons ofceoal and general Bbip's supplies. Other vessels brought news of seering various ship8 of war ofT the Jersey coast. Some of them are warships of Admiral Craddock's English North Atlantic fleet. They are looking for the Brahden burg.^ Other German warships are reported along the Atlantic coast by wireless, and shipping men are looking every minute for a naval battle off Cape May. Incoming ships are being asked for news of the battle I- which 1? believed raging now. i- * i- Essex Chasing Hrandenljurg. s Norfolk, Va., Aug. 25.?Reports i- received here last night state that the is German steamer Brandenburg, which i- lert Philadelphia yestorday with, coal e and supplies ostensibly for Bergen, >f Norway, but believed to be Intended , for German warships at sea, wm sighted yesterday by the British steamer Essex and is now boing followed along the coast by the war- I ship. The Brandeburg, however, is ) hugging the shore, and is well wiihlu the three-mile limit, which protects her from being captured. This vessel, however, unless she anchors, will be forced to go out to sea, and Is ,q almost certain to be captured. The Essex ,was lying off the Vlrgllnia Capes when the Brandenburg cleared thetaelaware Breakwater la%t night, but on account of the German vessel shoeing no lights, she was not n sighted until morning. The British cruiser Suffolk, which cwas also on the look out for the pe Brandenburg, is cruising northward and will probably head the German ahlp off If she escpes from the Essex j under cover of darkness. ALARM OP FIRE. This afternoon between two and three o'clock the alarm of Are was I given. It proved to be a residence on East Seventh street. No damage I was done and the blase was extinguished before the department reached the scene. M CONDITION FAVORABLE. The condition of Mrs. Joseph Ross, who was reported In this paper yesterday as being critically ill at hei home on Bast Second street, is more 1 favorable today and strong hopes ar? >rt I now entertained for her ultimate rew s UNITED PRESS American Line steamship Dominon from Liverpool. He is Count Wolfgang Sylvan Dambron, of Vienna, arrested in England as a spy, saved by Miss Miller and brought to this country in the steerage of the Dominion. They announced' their engagement on the pier when the ship docked, will be married at once and the Count will kiss his bride good-bye and go back u> fight for the fatherland. Miss Miller had a letter of Introduction to him from relatives in America. She found him in London, whence he had come from Ostond seeking a neutral country. When England declared war the Count was arrested and thrown into prison. He was without money except checks and drafts. The young woman got him I money and his releaso from prison ' and got hiin passage In the Dominion 4 steerage. I Coming across tho Atlnntic she I smuggled him Into the first cahin * dining room. When tho ship's officers heard of it and tho romanco * they gave him first class arcommoda9 Hons. They left Immediately for Montgomery. l , Express Thanks ' To Citizens a SLAMANIIER AND D1RIILE FIRI >t COMPANIES BACK FROM 0 ANNUAL MEET AT f FA YETTE VILLE. Tho Slamander and Dibble Flr? Companies' representatives who hav? Just returned from Fayettevllle. N C.. where they went to attend tht J Firemen's tournament. desir< through tho Daily News to exprest their gratification and thanks to thi N mayor, board of aldermen and .cltl sens generally for their generosit; In assisting them by liberal eontrlbu tions which enabled them to attem the tournament. Their late annua i? meet was one of the most succosafu 38 held In North Carolina. It will 01 pleasing to note that the colored fir h department of Washington is looke in upon as among the beet and mot id efficient In the State. - NE\\ WATER TERMIN JOHN H. BER> DRAW DOC Bin ~~1 JUS Lie THIS LAW 18 RECEIVING ITS TRYOUT IN MICHIGAN TODAY. MANY CANDIDATES AFTER NOMINATION. C Detroit, ttlcb., Aug. 25.?The z James primary election law, which ( eliminates enrollment In political parties, received Its first extensive s try-out in Michigan today when a * whole grist of prospective ofllcehold- G ers sought nomination. European * war news overshadowed the prima- d rles and there wa? little Interest. An extremely light vote was forecasted. The list of nominations to b? 0 made by all parties was extensive. 8 Thirteen Congressmen were to be c nominated by each party; complete * legislative tickets chosen and nominations fade for the office- of Gover L nor and Lieutenant-Governor. Interest In the primary centered V in the fight In the Republican ranks h for the governshlp nomination. The names of live candidates?Mayor George E. Ellis, of Grand Rapids; Chas. S. Osborn. of 8ault Ste. Mario; Alex. J. Oroesbeck, of Detroit; Frederick C. Martindale, of Lansing, and W. 8. Linton, of 8aglnaw, appeared on the ballot, but It was conceded that the real fight was between Os- 8 born, former Governor* ^ Secretary of State, and Oroesbeck. u chairman of the State central com- ^ ratttee. Governor Woodbridgo N. Ferris ? was unopposed for renominatlon onthe Democratic ticket and Henry R. 8 Pattengllle, of Lansing, former su- c perlntendent of public Instruction. c had the Progersslvo field to himself ll . a n Six Warrant^ For Violations ? _____ si PROSECUTION S UNDER THE 1 VITAL STATISTICS LAW c IS COMING 1 RAPIDLY. n v No less than six indictments and u convictions have been secured within the last two weeks under the new 11 law requiring the registration of births and deaths. All these prosecu- " tions wore made against doctors who c for one cause or another had failed to t register births. In most cases the s doctors acknowledged that it was a 11 matter of negllgcnco on their part, o pure and simple, and expressed an h appreciation of the value and lm- u portance of the law and promised C not to ho delinquent In such matters r hereafter. In such cases an effort * has been made lo secure the mini- ^ mum fine. The doctor scaught In the mesh ( of the law are as follows: Dr. A. A. Bulla, Davidson county; Dr. R. II. Morefleld, Stokes county; Dr. J. P. Bodkins, Edonton; Dr. Charles E Cheek. Wake county, and Dr. II. II Cauble. Kannapolis. 1 This law has now been In very successful operation for the last eight months and all doctors, undertakers, mldwlves and others havlny to do with It have had ample opportunity to become acquainted with its provisions. It will be readily '< t seen that a partial compliance with ; the law gives only Incomplete and inaccurate statistic^; which render ' ' the work of all the others of little or no value. Hence the need of fully complying with the law from etar; to finish. FROM ORKNEY SPRINGS. I Captain J. G. Bragaw has returned ' from Orkney Springs, Va., where he 5 has been for the past three weeks recuperating. His son, Mr. William ~ Bragaw, la still there. Captain Bragaw says that this resort is one of f the most delightful he ever visited. WIRINCi WARKHOrSKK. The Blount Electrical Company Is 1 today engaged In wiring the Beaufort e tobacco warehouse, and also repaire Ing. the electrical apparatus at the 6 Washington warehouse. it J IPs restful ftu Washington Park. i 'iBiiiaM 1 s ] No. 191 AL EXPERT J IHARD WILL !K PLANS FREE ' ECTURER HERE LAST FALL AT THE ELKS' HOME 'correspondence Between Hon. John H. .Tinall and Mr. Bernhard W1U Prove of Interest to the Dally News Readers Mr. John H. Bernhard, ol Nov Orleans, La.. who addressed the cittens of Washington last fall upon he subject of water terminals and ubllc docks in the Elks' Hall, as ell sb representative cltlcons from rroenvllle, Tarboro and New Bern, rill draw the plane for the public ock at Washington gratis, according o advices received here. Mr. Charles A. Flynn has Jast received the following letter from Coaressman John H. Small endoeloc a ommunlcatlon from Mr. Bernhard. Ir. Small saya: , Tpon :ny return to Washington, >. C., 1 found your letter. 1 am gratified to know that the Washington Chamber of Commerce as made application for membership a the Inland Navigation Bureau, of 'hlch Mr. John H. Bernhard Is manger. Referring to the municipal ormlnal I beg to enclose for your aformation a letter which I have jBt received from Mr. Bernhard. My hief dutdobo In m&lline this fo *nu i because It affords evidence of the ood faith and sincerity of Mr. Bernard In his offer to help ue by ihaklg the plans for Washington's pubc dock." Mr. Bernhardt letter to Congretalan Small follows: "1 have yours of August .13, and it , , hall be my pleasure to glva varr * ^ lose attention to the conditions the Ity of Washington, N". C.. are laborig usder so as to be of what assistnee I can to soe that its public luntclpal terminal will stand mongst the most efficient one# of no United States. "River traffic Is going to be a actor In the United States much Doner than anyone probably dreams am getting support and note the nthuslasm shown throughout the nlted States. I think we are Just ow on the threshold of thle 'renoatcd country:' The United States sing Inland water transportation." Mr. Small replied to Mr. Bernards communication to the effect hat as soon as ho could secure the Dformation and data required In onncctlon with the public terminal hot lie would forward same. Mr. mall further stated to Mx. Bernard, that while spending a couple f days in Washington last, week he eard many expressions of gratitude pon the part of the officers of the Chamber of Commerce and the nayor regarding the offer of Mr. Jernhard to make the plans for the k 8.1 tormina!. ? Steamer Shaw Is Discontinued DIE TO I'XSKVTLED CONDITIONS OF 11 IS IX ESS AND THE WAR SC'AllK WHICH HAS REDITCED FREIGHT. Mr. Charles A. Flynn, secretary it the Chamber of Commerce, ban Iunt received a letter from Mr. Frank 3. Rellly, dated Baltimore. Md . which will prove ef Interest doubtless to Washington business men Mr. Rellly says that on% advices from the owners of