I OIKL WANTED?A GOOD WHII girl 7f woman, a? companion an to asiist in bouse work. Go< home and good pay (or right part Address Lock Box 68. City. 8-*7-8to M FOR SALK?SURRY, PRACTICAl ly new. In excellent condition. bargmiQ. Apply to Daly Net officii ' 8 -27-2t< LOST MTI RDAV MGItT?LEAT1 er pocket-book, containing abo $66, throe tens, three or fot llveff and several ones. Find" please return to Dally News i ' G. T. Mayo, and receive rewar 8-25-t.f.c. YOUR TIME IS WELL 8PEN looking over our merchandts whether you huy or not. Ask bo shown through our full lln Ruse Urns'. Variety Store. FOR SALK?AT THE LOWES Prices?Coal, wood and nil kirn ot feed. Let us servo vou. Was iugtou Feed & Fuel Co., Wat street. Phone 50. 8-24-lv.< * NEW EOT EVER-READY FLAS Lights, batteries and Bulbs Ju received at Russ Bros'. Varlei Store. 8-25-4 FOR BALK ? VALUABLE RES dence lot. corner Third and Was: Ington street. Apply to W. C. Ito. man. 8-l?-t FOR SALE ? FAMILY DIUV1N horse, surry, -buggy. harness a: milk cow. Apply to W. C. Ho. man. 8-lS-t.f. WE HAVE HAD A St"IkSTAXTIA Increase In our business evei month this year. There Is a re son. Our variety lines consls or the best. Our goods pleas Kuss Bros", Varlctyl Store. S-25-4tc LOST?POCKET HOOK CONTAI! Ing two ten, tluee five dollar bill receipts and 011,0 freight bill to I 1). Springer. Finder return Daily News and receive rewar 8-22-lfe. WE (ill'K YOU A CHANCE TO F.l ercise your Judgment. Compa our prices. Our prices do tl talking and your Judgment tl buying at Huss Bros'. Yarie Store. S-25-4 WANTED?WHITE WOMAN A housekeeper for small famil Write at once to Box S., Edwar X. C. 8-10-t.f.c. WANTED?WHITE WOMAN T keep house (or two old people. At dress Box K., Edward, N. C. S-10-t.f.c. To Get Rid of Red Ants. Hod ants can make a house almc ?;i. iwuirmauie. une can get r:a them however. If one knows how. T first thing to do Is to And the pla they come from?1. ?., where th< nest Is. If It be In an necessitate sp< a lltMf kerosene will quickly stop t! trouble. On the other brnd, If tl nest be in the wnll or undor the flot find the nearest accessible point, ai kill the insects off as they appear. WE ARE AGENT! Ivor Johnson, Readin Standard, Emblem, Hudso: Dayton and Great Wester: Bicycles sold for cash or oi time We also have th most complete repair sho in the city all work guarar leeil D. R. CUTLER Phone 233 COMPARE THIS BUTTER With the highest-priced butter ii Washington, no matter what it name or imw fine the grocer or but tor mau bays it fa?and you will flni WII.I.OW FARM more to your liking: We guarantet delicious WILLOW FARM BUTTKF will pleaso you, or your money back PUT IT TO THE TEST AT OUP RISK. . IN ONE FOUNUS PRINTS. Al BEST GROCERS. M. N. BERRY, Wholesale Dlstribator, 8-6-lnaoc Washington, N. (? N } Population Has D< ^ Durin | (By John Leo Coulter, Professor ' v Rural Boonmlcs, George Peabody ld College For Teechere.) 11 i >d It le an Interesting fact forced y upon our attention by historians ' that during the past 150 years the population of the United States has tended to double each thirty or thirty-five years. But 100 years ago, A when the population doubled, the lnr6 crease was from 2,000,000 to 4,000,. 000 people. If the population Should double^t the present time the lnU. crease "Would be from 100,000,000 u, people to 200,000,000 people. Thus ar during the next thirty or forty yearB Br the Increase In population of the Br United 8tates may very easily bt d equal to the entire increase in the population from the time Columbus discovered America until 1910, ^ when the last census of population ^ was made by the national gotern' tnent. Unless wo think "of this time to e alter time and try to impress It upon our minds and think of Its significance It will make little impression upon us. Turning our attention now to th'v s production of the food, clothing, beverages and other materials produced cr by the farmers of This country, we are impressed with the fact that In times past the farmers of the United States have produced much more 81 than was necessary for the people of this country. As a result the tr policy of exporting the Burplus developed, and year after year hunI dreds of millions of dollars' worth of li- products of the farm were shipped to d- foreign countries, people wtfo ' had not studied the subject closely thought of the United States as a country which would continue to exid port farm productions Indefinitely, d- Hut to our amazement the change In policy is rapidly being forced upon ub. The increase in population has l been so rapid during recent years ry and the increase In farm production a- so slow during the same period that ts we have literally commenced to im p every Southerner should look with ^ optimistic eyes upon the new induB 'rial movement In the South. Great drainage projects should be encouraged wherever they ?ro begun. Care 1 must he taken, but with care the 1 L South can. during the next thirty ' or forty years, develop enough land ' . and increase the farm production '' sufficiently to ake care of the entire Increase in popvilation of the whole D United States, e\cn though this increase should be a hundred million ! 8 people, thus doubling the popufatlon '' * of the United States. ^ 1 ( FOR FROST BTTT.a and CTiAPrBP 1 e SKIN I For frost toa, fingers and x toes; chapped hands and llpa. chll blalna, cold sores, red and rough r I skins, there la notnlag to equal 1 Rucklen's Arnica Salve. Stops pals { at oneo and heals quickly. In every j home there should be a box hand* all the time. Best remedy for all 1 skin dlaeaaea. Itching eczema, tetter. 1 pi lea, etc. J Be. All druggists or by mall. H. FL Reekie* A Co., ttfladef phla or St. Ixmie. agricultural productions. Turning our attention to another V. phase of the movement, we must be s. impressed by the fact that 100 years E. ago the amount of land in farms tr> was almost insignificant, while durd ing the past 100 years we have rapidly brought into farms hundreds of millions of acres of land. As late t- as 1S50 the entire farm acreage -was rc loss than 300.000,000, while now it 1; K nearly 90Q,000,000. Thus In sixty i* years there has been an increase of ty about 600,000,000 acres, but we cantc not go on indefinitely bringing land Into farms. The South offers the greatest op > : portunity. Let us consider for n tl, moment the possible development of the South and the great opportunities which now exist in this sec0 tion of the country. Taking the 1 South Atlantic States, we find that, according to the government report* nearly 70,000,000 acres of land lie undeveloped, not even in farms. Here we^Jiave great stretches of swamp land, which, when drained, will proid duce crops equal to those of Hoi?' land. Rut we need not stop with the C( statement that 200,000,000 acres oi land in the Southern States may yo: lu be brought into farms. A further k* fact standi out in a most striking ** way. Of the land in farms only about one-half is actually Improved _ in one State after another. Thus, taking the South Atlantic States a a group, wo find that more than 30.000,000 acres of land Included in farms lie unimproved. In the east ? =iouth-central States about 110,000,i 000 acres, although reported to be i | part of the farms of that group of States, remain unused, except possibly in a small way for grazing purposes. Taking this whole flauthland. ^ we may say In a general way that there remain 200,000,000 acres o g land to bo brought into farms and another 200,000.000 acres of land ? now in farms, but lying unused or used but poorly. This entire arei. gives a total not far from 400,000, 000 acres. 6 From the brief Just given above BS^ ig Past 100 Years GUB8TO OK PARENTS. Mr#. William McDowell fcley, nee Miss Ada Joyner Rhodes, who was luarrftpd Sunday last at Wlnton, N. C., to Sir. William McDowell Eley. of WUnon. N. C.. is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wllll?fa* J. Rhodes, on West Second street. NEAR8 COMPLETION. The residence on We#t Main street, recently leased by Mr. John B. Powle From Mrs. Sarah J. Satcherell. and i which is undergoing repairs, nears con&lelion. , . % ^ , . * . MILITIA WAR SCHOOL x . ENCAMPMENT IS OVER P?eksSil. N. T., Alt. 17.?After three weeks of war study officers of the New York National Quard today broke camp and started for their home J During the period they have been heer the mtlltla officers have received Instruction la military law, infantry tactics, supply and transport, administration and field fortification under the direction of some of Uncle Sam's best and most proficient regular army officers. Some of the instructors were from the war college lu Washington. Other courses at the officers' camp this summer dealt with signalling and communication, sanitation and first aid and post administration and inspection. During the three weeks, a "provisional company of Infantry, war strength, under command at Lieut. Thomas L. Crystal, U. S. A., was on' duty as an object lesson for tbe student militia officers. In Illustrating problems of attack and defense the company used ball ammunition, It being the belief that the use of the real thing would make the men more careful, more subservient to discipline and be a greater factor In teaching fire control. TIRES BEING VOLCANO MT. LASSEN IS GEYSER Red Bluff, Cat., Aug. 27.?Having tried being a volcano for awhile. Mount Lassen today ha# resumed her old Job of being a geyser. As a geyser^It was something of a succ-ss before essaying the volcanic role, it began this experiment some weeks ago, throwing up hot stones as large, in some cases, as bushel ^baskets. For a time .the rangers were Afraid It would start serious forest fires. Gradually, however, tho stonethrowing subsided and the squirting of steam and hot water began again. Some ashes are thrown up with them, which makes the emission look like smoke. COTTONJWEN MEET TO "fALK AID FOR PLANTERS New Orleans, Aug. 27.?Two thousand cotton growing coanties were represented here tocay In a mooting called to formulate demands on the United States government for aid for lie planters, through the banks, until the cotton markets are Improved. Japanese buyers have bought a large part of the Texas crop. NOTICE Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co.? Auction Sale of Unclaimed and Reused Freight. * Wash!ng>no, N. C.. July 22. By direction of the freight Claim Agent, notice is. .hereby given that the following listed freight will be 4old at public auction for freight and other charges, at tho A. C. L. warchqpsc In Washington, N. C. on Wednesday, August 26th, 1914. Goods sold without guarantee of juality, quu&tity or value. Sale will commenpq at 10 o'clock, a. m. Terms Cash. ^J. A. HUSKE. Route Agent A. C. L. Railway, Fayetteville, N. C. .* 't One car Hay (I. C. ear No. 23761) I conigned to order, Notify B. Peterson Co., Washington. N. C. 7-22-law4wc. ' EXCURSION RATES. TO TIIE SEASHORE VIA THE ATlAxflc COAST LINE, The Standard Railroad of the South. ROUND TRIP RATES: Prom Washington, N. C.? To Washington, D. C $11.35 To Baltimore, Mc $11.35 ro New York City $20.35 r? Boston, Mass $24.85 Tickets on sale every day until September 30, via Norfolk and it earner, witli final return limit October 31. 1914. Prom Washington. N. C.? ro Wilmington, N. C $5.00 ro Norfolk. Va: $3.75 Ticket on sale for all trains each Saturday and for forenoon Wains Bach Sunday 'until September 13. 1914, limited returning to midnight )f Tuesday next following date of tale. For summer excursion rates' to nany mountains, lake qnd pleasure esorts and for any other informs* Ion, ^aaarvations, etc., call on S. R. 3!>*RY. Ticket Agent, iqp A. G 3ARNKS. Trav. Pass. Agent, Washngton. N. C., or address N.J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, P. T. M. O. P. A. ? Wilmington, N. C. / S5HE?I County Commissioners For July j; RECEIPT& 11 * 11 E. O. Weston, court cost* ,| 44.10 11 Qao. E. Ricks, (?m .. 15.80 \l G. Rumley, fees .. ,. . 1811* 1( G. Rumlej, marriage license . . 88.88 J. A. Leigh, court cost. ;" . . .. ............... ?.88 11 W. H. Whitley, county's lumber sold ... *.88 n Geo. A. Paul, stenographer fees.. .. .. .. 84.00 * II Geo. A. Paul fees .. .. r .; . ,. .. , , 188.80 ? li V I 884.85 ? WtBUB8AnNT8. v Claims audited and allowed Aug. 4. 1814 (see list). .14.888.88 Poor list audited and allowed (see list) 178.88 U Deficit as shown in July statement 1.848.88 '?'* l' rf - li N .? 84.888 18,! v* j, A deficit .; .. .... .7 V BRIDGE ACCOUNT. Balance cash on hand, as shown in July statement.. .. 818,184.18 Claims audits# and allowed Aug. 4/1814 (see list) j^Jr ..J. 881.40 v ? * ! Balance cash on hand ... .. .. .. $17,808.79 ?, CLAIMS AUDITED AND ALLOWED AUGUST 4TH, 1814. No. To Whom. For What. Amount, j 1689. W. E. Swindell, chairman county commissioners | 14.8C j 1690. W. S. D. Eborn, country commissioner .. .. ., .. .. 6.60 ? 1691. C. P. Aycock, county commissioner .. .. .. .... ..- 7.80 1699. H. C. Bragaw, county commissioner .. ... .. . . 6.86 1693. W. H. Whitley, county commissioner 5.60 ^ 1694. A. D. Miles, list-taker Belharen v^. . ,. 100.00 ?_ 1695. C. C. Cratch, making statement, etc... . 4 . .. .. .. 18.50 a 1696. Geo. A. Paul, C. S. C.. salary .. .. . ; .. .,. . ? 175.00 B 1697. Geo. A. Paul, C. 8. C., examining Insane (use of county) .. 8.00 B 1698. Geo. A. Paul, C. 8. C? expense account .. .. . - * 6.00 B 1699. G. Rumley (use of county), clerk to board ? .. 10.80 B 1700. G. Rumley. salary .. .. .. .. >. .. 800.00 B 1781. G. Rumley, expense account 8.76 B 1708. G. Rumley, freight on overhalls for conricts 1.11 B 170$. H. L. Hodges, freight on overhalls for convicts 8.74 G 1704. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, genoral cou#ty expense .. ... 46.00 c 1706. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, court coats .. . . .. 6.10 C 1706. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, chain-gang account 7^50 ^ 1707. Geo. E. Ricks, ?her!ff, salary. 333.83 c 1708. Geo. E. Ricks. Bheriff, jail fdes 33.OR C 1709. E. R. Mlxon, treasurer, jury tickets .. .. 1,651.66 C 1710. E. R. Mixon. treasurer, bond Interest I. A. 636.67 1711. E. R. Mlxon. treasurer, salary 70.84 d 1712. L. T. Thompson, reporting births and deaths .60 D 1714. J. B. Smithwlck, reporting births and deaths .. .. .. , ,* 1.00 ? 1714. J. G. Mlxon. reporting births amd deaths .. .. N.. .. 11.26 ^ 1715. W. M. Cooper, reporting blr&s and deaths 6.25 . 1716. Thomas Green, reporting births and deaths 7.76 g 1717. D. D. Harrison, reporting births and deaths 11.00 E 1718. J. E. Taylor, reporting births and deaths 3.25 E 1719. L. C. Warren, county attorney 12.60 Jj 1720. W. B. Wlndley, recorder. Washington DiBtrlct 75.00 p J1721. E. O. Wet ton. C. R. C.. salary 16.00 p 1722. E. 0. Weston, one-hair court oosts 9.25 1723. W. W. Mason, recorder for Bath 20.00 1724. J. A. Leigh. Belbaven recorder 36.20 F 1725. W. H. Hooker. Aurora recorder 25.00 1726. P. S. Wlndley. conveying prisoner 3.60 Q 1727. C. H. Roberson. cost tn Barl Overton case 31.65 h 1728. A. D. Tanfleld, making two ballot boxes 2.75 h 1729. H. T. Latham, supplies for register's office .. . 1.76 H 1730. H. T. Latham, supplies for clerk's office 1.10 jj 1731. Washington Dally News, contract and ?onvlct notice 32.60 ^ 1732. Washington Daily News, publishing notice 3.00 1733. Washington Progress, printing for county 19.15 m 1734. Washfhgton Progress, printing for county .. .... > 8.75 " 1735. Worthy & Etheridga, supplies for register and clerk . ? .50 1736. Everett-Waddy Co., paper fasteners for clerk 1.63 1727. National Envelope Co., envelopes for clerk 7.50 1738. Lucae Bros., supplies for register's office 12.94 f 1739. Edwards & Broughton, blanks for clerk's -office 2.99 ^ 1740. W. B. Lewis, repairs on county wagon 4.76 , 1741. R. L. Jones, repairing road plow for convicts 6.90 f 1742. J. B. Hodges, work on chain-gang wagon 2.00 11743. Spencer Brothers, supplies for chain-gang 58,30 174 4. Vant Wert Overall Mfg. Co., overalls for convicts 46.-vO 1745. jW. D. & H. L. Smith Co., shirts for convicts 36.00 174 6. Western Unfon Tel. Co., telegram in connection with convict .48 t 1747. Blount's Phar'y, medicine for County Home and chain-gang 21.15 c 1748. J. J. Davis, superintendent County Home 145.00 p 1249. S. R. Fowle & Son, supplies for County Home 7.76 q 1750. Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., phone rent for County Home .... 8.00 ^ 1751. H. W. Hyman, keeping Washington bridge 36.25 ? 1752. J. W. Crawley, keeping Bath and Back Creek brides . . . . 21.60 u 1753. V. W. Davis, keeping Pungo bridge 25.00 ? 17M. J. B. Keech, keeping Belbaven bridge 25.00 m 1755. L. E. Toler, keepffeg Blount's Creek bridge 16.00 ^ 1759. W. M. Parvln, work on bridges 3.25 f, 1757. S. L. Carter, lumber for Indian Run bridge 20.00 r 1758. W..M. Parvln, acct. painting Aurora bridge . .. 26.00 750. W. M. Parvih, work on bridges 3.25 a 1760. Eureka Lumber Co., lumber for Yeatesvllle bridge 89.90 ? 1761. McKeel Rich. Hdw. Co., supplies for Aurora bridge .. 8.36 * 1762. Harris Hardware Co., lantern shades for Blount's Cr. bridge .60 8, 1763. Harris Hardware Co., bolts for Yeatesvllle bridge 1.40 n 1764. C. P. Aycock Sup. Co.-, material and work repairing bridge 8.00 r< 1765. Municipal Elec. & Water Dept., light* on Washington brdg. 6.0'> C 1766. W. M. Parvln. bridge supervisor 76.00 2 1767. Council Tuten, witness fees .. 7.10 A 1768. Gem A. Paul, C. 8. C, witness fees (for use county) .... 42.01 t< 1769. E. G. Weston. C. S. C.. witness fees i for ua? entintvl a tq *. I 1770. Geo. p. Ricks, sheriff, recorder's court costs *-85 fi I 1771. Geo. E. Rlcls, sheriff, court coat (use of o^fanty) 25.85 e< 1772. Geo. N. Howard, witness and constable fees *. 11.40 ZL 1773. R. J. Roberts, constable fees 7.20 1774. W. R. Tetterton, witness fees v .56 1775. L. C. Tripp, J. P. fees 0s, .82 1776. C. H. Roberson, constable feds 1.0G 1777. W. A. Cratsh, J. P. fees .. .. .. .. .. 8.20 g 1778. F. C. Kufler.Tn?ayor's fees 1.95 1779. A. Maro. J. P. fees . . 1.58 1780. O. J. Nye, wfTbess and unstable fees '? 22.46 * 1781. J. A. Leigh (use of county). recorder of Belhaven 4.70 P 1782. D. R. Tuten. witness fees . v 2.95 X 1783. Celey Lupton, witness fees 2.85 ^ 1784. O. ty Sparrow, witness fees ." 4.40 1785. Jj. H. Reddltt, wttneeg fees 8.90 1786. T. A. Crhwfiord. witness fees . . .. :. . .. 2.y> 1787. J. J. MarsUfader, witness fees 8^10 _ 1788. Riley Willis, witness fees 5.80 ^ 1789. Washington Jones, witness fees 5.80 1790. Parcey Moore, witness fees .. .. 5.80 .1791. f^sbrey Chatman, witness fees .. .. .. 5.80 1792. Isaac Willis, witness feels .. . r . .. .. f.jto ' 1798. Darld Williams, witness fees 5.80 1794. J. H. ?tek. -line.. fee. . 1795. Edear.Rrgne. wilnee, feee ... V. 4.191 1796. Virginia Breokegnrltnees feee .. 4.101 1797. R. W. Adame. witneee feee .... IM.'i 1198. W. B. Winding, wltneia fees .... , l.l?I Itl. J. W. Brian, wltneM Mm .. los. R. J. Quldiey, Jf.vfaeM <* los. K ? MtrrtMrjHolm tola* Will Spenoor. drtnMa torn .. 101. W. A. Cutlor, wtUm to? .. IO?. T. K. Braddy, vita mi (Ma 107. Geo. V. Lntiatn. wttaeaa fee lOt. Henry Hartttf, wltAeM Mm . It*. Wl^eon Haasell, wltaeae CeM 110. H. SmMfc, tttiau Mm w '. 111. Sherftf of Iredell county, eh< IIS. DelM.alptl*, wltneea Mm 0 115. John Oreea, vitMN Am ... 114. Oao. Foftlecue, wltneaa faM 116. A. Millar. vUbml Mm .. .. lit. Ton* Baxter, wltneM faM '.. 617, Alfred ViaiMo. wltneee fee, lit. R. B. Lane, ooatable (am .. 115. L. A. Whitley, witness .*. ISO. J. If Carter, vltnaaa tSl. Noah Peyton, wltneM.. .. BSS. Thoe. Green, 1, P. faM .... BSS. 8. U. Smith, vltnaaa .... BS4. Willie flaara, wltneM .... 6S4. W. 1. Bear a. wltneM BSt. 'Aubrey Morgan, wltneM . . 817. Samuel Davis. wltneM .. .. BSS. Moom Chauncey, wltneM .. Sit. W..JP. Morrlaon, wltneaa 880. Carney Lupton, itneae .. 831. H. M. Taten, wltneM .. . . 8SS. Rhoda Barrow, wltneM .. . 8SS. Isabel Rhjka. .wltneM .... S84. Hattle Smallwood, wltneaa.. POOR ALLOWANCES. s To Whom. i An't lligood, Fanny I 1.0C dams, lira. Erellna .. I.. S.OC arow, Fred \. .. l.BI all. McO S.OC roar, Mra. Martha 1.IC rown, Mra. 8allla .. .. .. 1.61 onner, OUrer .. ,v n vi t.tl iranton Margaret S.OC irummage. Sarah.. A .. .. S.OC rawford, Chaa 1.6C allay, Geo l ie andy, Mary E S.6C ongleton, J. A. S.OC arter, Jas 1.6C lark, Heater l.SC herry, Marcella .. l.SC urtls, Mrs. .. .. .7%. .. 1.H tr, Moms J.OC lark. Carter 1.0C la. Rena .. t.OC Iron, Julia A. J.0? l*on, Mary I.Ot Ixon, Bill .j 4.0C anlels, Marfan 1.60 >upree. Gray f .0( born, Jane T l.Ofi >born, Levin la. \ .. 1.0C verett, Mr*. J. J S.Ofl erett, Mn. J. W 6.0J oeter, Susan .. .. ;. .. . t.Ofl ulford, R. P. 2.00 nlford, Orphla .. .. .. .. 2.00 uller, Carolina * , 2.40 regory. Simon I 00 lbbs, Alonso .. .. ... 2.00 arns, Jane .. M . 1.00 argett. Ed. I ll odges, Wilson .. S.00 ardy, Caroline 1.60 Arris, Prutla * 1.60 [arris, Henrietta 1 00 irvis. Martha 1.60 J08BPHU8 GKTH MELON. 3-9 * (By the United Press.) Washington, D. C., Aug. 27.?Sectary of the Nary Josephus Daniels oday received a ninety-two pound ratermelon from his North Carolina rlends. NOTICE OP SALE. Under and by virtue of a decree o( he Superior Court of Beanfort ounty, Nvth Carolina, in a special roceedlng therein pending, entitled llarence Latham, administrator of V. M. Davis, et aL, vs. Wellington tell and wife. Ella Bell et al.. the ndersigned will, on the 5th day of tctober, 1914, et 12 o'clock, noon, ell for cash, to the highest bidder, efore the Courthouse door of Beauart county. North Carolina, the foljwlng described real estate, vis: Two tracts of land, situated in the tate of North Carolina, county of teaufort, and In Pantego township, djolning each other, and fully desrlbed In two deeds, one from Henry lodges and -wife to W. M. Davis, igistered In Beaufort county. North arollna. In Book 62, pages 274 and 75; and the o^her In a deed from Carter to William M. Davie, regls?red In Book 64, page 597. Regisfir's office of said county. Excepting rom the said lands the part convey1 out of same by W. M. Darts, two New Theatre eats <5n aal* Friday 10, Price* SO J HUTT & Ji In Mexii very thins New Bring The Songs, Music, Pretty ' Galore 4 bid. Greater, Grander thaa ei W?V? m M*xko_T}u^Tm M ? . s f.03 ? i ? and J. P. Ism M?/ ?? wur, iMt Sr.. .4^. '1 ' >?* . s. ...... . * ? * ? ?? ? I V l?.l? ? I i?, t.u I t.k , j cto^H .. .. .. .7 .s S.St / Jackaon. 8npbta J l.lo Jaekeos, Nosh Ml , Jefferson. Mary i I.to . 1 Junes, Lola.. .? !.? ,. Laess. Ollbsrt .. M .. ,< It# > MMsette, Bamssl 1.0* , I MlScstte. Bannister 1U ! Vasos. "'_J" 5"?2 Kidswtt, DaaM I Mmo?, ROM 1.11 I M?ro?r Mr*. H?ry A. 1.00 ' PMc, Mallnd* *.. 100 t Pate, Mrs. 1.00' l ? I 8snnders, Ransom 1.00 ' Rlddlck. Patience 1.00' 1 1 Rom. John and wife 100 I Rodman, Mary 1,10 i Rohereon Wealthy 1.(0 * > Robereon. Peter 1.00 Rhodes. Rhode - 1.00 [ goUlr.D. Wlnnl. l.i? . i Smaw, Ben 1.00, I BaMerthwalte. P. B 1.00 i Bolllran, Mehala 1.00 Taylor. Marlah 4.00 | Topping. Jennie.. .T .. .. 1.00 Tatoft, Wlleou 1.00 TyroTlWklo 1.00 Waters, Alfrod 1.10 Waters. Jamee 4.00 Whiu, Armtllo* ? 1.00 IS Woolard, Nancy .? 8.00 ' Woolard. OeoribMB ,. 8.10 Williams, Joa.. .. % 4.00 , Whitney, Benj... . . . ^. V; 1.00 V Warner, Sophia ?a a * ' * X 1114.71 = conveyances, containing about fifteen acres, one of said deeds being to EUa Bell and one to Willie Bell, aa will appear from records In the Rag- f ister's office aforesaid. . ' Bald land will be sold subject to7 the confirmation of the court. This August 17. 1014. | CLARENCE LATHAM. I Administrator of W. M. Davis, Do-' I ceased. IW. M. BOND. TOOLY A MelfUI.IiAV 8-27-4w.c. Attorney*. J ADMINI8TRATOBU NOTICE. ' Notice la hereby given that the undersigned ha? thta day qualified aa k j administrator of the late Mary I* Cooper. This U to notify all paraona j holding claims egalnst the said aa- ' tate to present the same to me, duly I verified, -within one year from the date of this notice, er this notice will be pleaded 'in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to Ike s^ld a*-.. ' tate will please make Immediate payment. , This August 27th. 1914. A W. M. COOPER, W 6-27-6wp. Administrator. \TOMlffl BELL GUARANTEED % Hosiery to friends and nelfh- L bors; 70 peeeent profit; Make 910 < Dally. Bxperlenoe unnecessary. Jk International Milli.x Box 4011, | West Philadelphia. Pa. , 4-14-4 mop. ? % t I UESDAY SEPT. 1ST | A M. Worthy & Elherldge fl rS. 1.00,1.80 M ill.' 1 m-MM. .* W > KIDDIES Girb * , ;;^^HM|pi ' I ' ? One Big Cydow of Laughter ' wAMt wm Han/you T%? y our Lift \

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