x AUST WILL JOIN GER! IN THEIR ( AGAI1 _., Emperor William Orders T Cared For Within The Losses Are Heavy Is Ai r War Is (iS M( r: / ? ; One month ago Way the AuirUiu Aland war against j I Strrla. 8 In co that time nine other na | ( poma hare Joined and now practically all Ewrope la engaged. , ? The circle of declaration* of s. war, It la now believed, will not be completed until Turkey and Italy are both drawn inrtlie con* BJct. . v * The destruction* at sea during the first month of tit? present war are already greater u than the naval losses during th? Spanish-American war when the value of the merchantmen aro taken Into consideration. r mm : \ IS JXPECTED | KAISER ORDERS THAT PRU8"? -CHAN RDVGKW BR CARRD - '* > ? FOR WrraiN THE GKIt ;TT ' l v MAN LXNE8. ? j .... - . J Y {*-*^1*7 the Uplted Press.) J x Berlin, Aug. 28.?Emperor Wil*y Ham has telegraphed the e&blnet ! at Berlin from the front directing I: that Immediate steps be taken for tj the relief of the Prussian refugees 1 i'v.who hare been driven froi* their 1 homes by the Russian Invaders. Kaiser William directs that they 1 bared ypr within the Oerman ' Ua?| of defense "until the Russian . U^o is chocked and the possible 5fl?' their homes." k ^fJPWfctated that energetic steps j ' ' Will be taken to meet the Russian ' K * '? invasion. Additional reinforcement- 4 K from the flBeerve divisions are now i being rushed to the front. It is now 1 expected that the Germans will enra gaged tho Russians at any moment and that there will be a general ? (battle eoon as the Csar's armies i L? j dome In contact with the first line p ?the forts. it Is declared that the lines of the I allies have given away whenever tho German infantry charged, uslnC their bayonets. , The superiority of the Infantry - has been shown at Boveral points. The general staff admits that tho i \ losses have been very heavy, but still claims that they have not been oat of proportion. mm * FROM INT I ' PREMIER ABQCTTH ANNOUNCED TODAY THAT ENGLAND'S IOOP8 WRRE HOLDING THE LINE. ? ' (By tBe United Press.) liondon. Aug. 28.?Premier Asqulth announced this afternoon that the British forces were holding the K line about Cambria in the department of ftord. Thla is the first '/ definite information received by the British.. The British position was attacked first by two divisions of cavalry, being supported by five corpB of Osr'* man Infantry. They were repulsed by the British second army corps, t The first corps attacked the German right HAS RETURNED. Vise Evelyn Jones returned yesterday from a two weekt\ vtelj. td her elster la Wilmington, N. O. t t RIA B MANS CAMPAIGN m BELIGIANS ? '? hat Prussian Refugees Itoi s German lines. German ImisslMi. 1 *? -M t*"" ' wth Old Today mm OP CALAIS HERMAN TROOPS RKi*ORTKD THERE TO THE EMBASSY AT WASHINGTON IS THE REPOnT GIVEN OUT. (By the United Press.) Washington. Aug. 28.?The German Embassy here this afternoon received Information to the ofTect that t had received a report that German troops were now on the outskirts )f Calais. HfillTlis HUE DESTROYED BY THE FRENCH ON THE MEUSf? . HIVER?GERMAN ARMIES HAVE PERFECTED A. JUNCTION. (By the United Press.) PARIS. Aug. 28.?A strong h*rench force has destroyed rnanj bridges crossing tho Meustf river. The German armies at Saar and lower Mossclc are reported to have effected a junction. The long railways still remain Intact, making it [>ossiblo to protect" any portion of the line under heavy pressure. Offlcielal advices from Llnervllle n the French Congo states thai Germans attacked the frontier, tl Is stated that the British and Belgians ire co-operating in the defense. Let's build In Washington Park iirwi imei bt 12V THE BRITISH STEAMER 8ASERTA AT GIBRALTAR. ""GERMANS KN ROUTE TO WAR. ? 1 (By -the United Press.) Naples, Aug. 28.?The steamship 8aserta, whlab arrived here todav from New York reports that she wa3 boarded at Gibraltar by British seamen and that forty German reservist* en route to the scene of the war were taken off. ropeIrT gurs placed GERMANS ANTICIPATE ARRIVAL OP BBIiGIAN TROOPS?BURGOMASTER REFUSES TO LEAVE. (By the United Press.) Brussels, Aug. 28.?Tho Germans have mounted a number of roped fire guns ail along' the northern entrance lo the city In anticipation ' * L JL i ^JP JL 1 ^ W1 |# WASHINGTON N. ?ECLA* STATE'!. ' * , s . ' k . m -! ' 1 SAINT THOMSt. Thomas' Parlsli was created land In 1701. The lot on which the church > ward Moseiy to the Vestry an Within this church there Is a the Province, and Lady Marg visitors who go to that his to WAR DUD ON BELGIUM AUSTRIA TO JOIN THE GERMANS IN HER OPERATIONS AGAINST BELGIUM. 0 (By the United Press.) Vienna, Aug. 28.?Austria has declared war on Belgium, thus clearing the way tor the Austrian troops to Join Germany In her operations in Belgium. IMS IYII HOLD THERE IS FIGHTING NOW ALL ALONG THE FRONT, IS PARIS REPORT?GERMANS OUTNUMBER ALLIES. 'iua uauea rreta.; Paris, Aug. 28.?There la now fighting all along the front. The government now amlts that the Germans at present outnumber the ailies. The British troops are now holding the center. The war office here admits that the French line may noi hold. It la believed that the Germans are taking everything in thei? general assault. It ig denied that Lille has bfen captured. This la cheering news. The French field hospitals are now Jammed and doctors are being rushed to the front. A concentration of the hospital camps is made so as to prevent the wounded from telling anything to aid the-Oermans. The newspaper men are now forbidden to visit the camps. fl WIRELESS swell BERLIN WAR OFFICE BAYS ^HEFRENCH AND HKT/GIUM ARMIES HAVE BEEN DEFEATED. (By the United Press.) Berlin. Aug. 28.?The war office here announces that the British army which has been holding Maubeuge has been defeated as well as the French army. The Belgium armies operating in South Namur have also been routed. T^e looses were heavy. The date of the battle is not glien oat. It's restful In Washington Park. V ' f - * M '* 1 a SATHBR?Shower* tonight and Sat C FRIDAY AFTERNOON A RES W $ OLDEST C ' i , AS' CHURCH, BATH TOWN, BtJILT soon after tho jjassage of the Act e * Lands In the town of Bath was con ? d Chifreh Wardens, October 7, 1780. quaint tablet in memory yf Admiral oret, hid wife. The old chttrch li o ric old town. HIDED BflCjj MIS rnu.n ina lisui X'nfil LKFT FOR THE FRONT IN BEL. GIUM?NOW- - A? FOLKSTOX. (By the Untted Press./ Folkaton. Aug. 28.?Th- British wounded hav? been brought here from Belgium after five days from the*time that they left for the front. wmi DRIVEN BACK ZEPPELINS AT ANTWERP CAUSES A PANIC IN LONDON?LOUVANI IS DESTROYED. (By the United Press.) Washington, D. C-, Aug. 28.?The Germany Embassy here has received a wireless message In substance as follows: The German troops have completely surrounded the French and English army in Northerf! France between Sandre, and the Meuse rivers. The East army of the French has been driven south preventing, its communication with their east and north /orces. All the German armies* ere now in contact from Cambria to the upper Alsace. The Germany cavalry has advanced to Ostend. Louvatn was destroyed because the citizens perfidiously attacked the German troops. The appearance of Zeppelins at Antwcip has caused a panic in London. Electric Chair For J. Cameron MURDERED ARCHIE BLUE, OF MOORE COUNTY?CONFESSED HIS CRIME. (By the United Press.} Raleigh. Aug. 28.?James Cameron. a negro, wag electrocuted in the penitentiary this mdrnlng at 1030 o'clock, for the murder of Archie Blue, of Moore county, who was a clerk in the railroad commissary there. Cameron confessed his crime before his electrocution. FOR MEN ONLY?JUST RECEIVED big lot Ratn Coats, Shirts, Pants, Overalls, Jumpers, etc. J. E. - Adams. 8-2 7-3tc. v , ... 4/*- ' ' - ^ MURCH W K^\. H? IN 1784. stabllahlog the Church of Engeyed by deed of gift from E4fr ['Ulmrr, Surveyor General of n? of the many curlonltlae to Convention Here Toniaht " i ROANOKE DISTRICT COXVHN4 r TION OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH MEETS HERE \ TOXIGHT. ^The Koanoko District Convention at the Christian Church will convene In this city to night at 8 o'clock and will be called to order by Mr. John F. Latham, tho president. Mr. T. R. Tyre, of Bath, N. C.. la tho secretary. About fifty churches will be represented by preachers and delegates. A large number of visitors are expected to be present. The sessions of the convention will last until Sunday night. The delegates and visitors will be entertained at the different homes of the citizens. Rev. Robert V. Hope, pastor of the church, here, Is the host, which assures all that they will be royally entertained. Two Religious Bodies Here EPISCOPALIAN AND METHODIST WILL MEET IN ANNUAL GATHERING HERE THIS FALL. Washington this fall will have the pleasure of being host te two great religious bodies, ono tho Council of the Diocese of Bast Carolina of the Episcopal Church and the other the annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The Council will meet in St. Peter's Church in October and the main business beforo It will be the I election of a bishop to succeed the I late lamented "Bishop Strange, who recently passed away at the Episcopal rcsldenco in Wilmington. The M. E. Conference will convene on Wednesday, December 5, in the First Methodist church and will be presided over by Bishop Watei*house, D. D., L. L. D. The conference will be in session for a week or more. This will be the annual gathering of tho Methodists and the assignments of the preachorB will be made for the ensuing conference year. New Orleans Complains MAKES COMPLAINT TO INTER. STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Aft TO RATES. (By the United Press.) Washington, Aug. 28.?The New Orleans Cotton Exchange has complained to the Interstate Commerce Commission that that city Is a victim of*rateg and that It Is being ?* . ? t ' * NBED WASHINGTON ( INSTITUTE ( discriminated against in favor of I Wilmington, Mobile, New York and other cities. iuw vnn"i" iA/or>?a nyUAius deal guaranteed every one. Your money back If not satisfied. A ' fall line of Groceries, Shoes and Notions. C. S. Meat and Hulls, Corn Meal, Hominy, Hay and Okts. Give us a call. You won't regret It. J. E. Adams. t-17-Stc Conference Is Postponed t GOVERNOR CRAIG CHANGES DATE FROM TODAY TO SEPTEMBER FIRST IN RALEIGI*. (By the United Press.) Raleigh, N. C., Aug. 28?Governor Locke Craig has changed the call for a conference with reference to the cotton situation from tcday to Tuesday, September 1st. 25 Years Aqo In Washington PICTURE TAKEN' OP SCHOOL STUDENTS BEING SHOWN AT BAKER'S 8TUD10 AMUSES. Quite & number or citizen? ar? much interested today In & picture, being exhibited at the Baker studio and thoee who examine It are puzzled to ascertain the different faces in the picture. It was taken twentyflve years ago and Is a riew of the students who attended the school of the late Mrs. Maggie Arthur Call on { Gladden street. All In the picture were small then and It Is amusing to hear the comments of those who occasionally recognize a face as known then and how they appear twenty- >4 five years later. So far as the Dally News man knows Mr. O. M. Winfield, who was a pupil of Mrs. Call then, has succeeded in recognizing a majority of the faces. The picture must be seen to be appreciated. Huge Melon Being Shown RAISED " Oi; THE FARM OF 8. FLEMI NO?TIPPE D TH E SCALES AT 74 POUNDS. Mr. Sylvester Fleming, one of Beaufort county's largest and most industrious farmers, was showing on the streets this morning a water melon raised by one of his colored tenants that lipped the scales at 74 pounds. The melon was thirty six Inches long and forty-flve Inches In circumference. It was a beauty and much admired by those who are fond of this much deelred fruit. CHICAGO BEACH SIGHTS OUTRIVAL ATLANTIC CITY'S Chicago, Aug. 18.?Some of the eights you cau see on the Chicago bathing beaches almost any day cannot be reproduced in the Chicago theatres on films, unless the proprietors want to go to Jail. The city board, whose Job is censoring moving pictures, gasped In horror, and turned thumbs down on a movie film taken at a North Shore beach i where the truly elite are supposed to get their recreation. Nay, nay," cried the horrified censors, as they saw thrown on the censor's screen scores of pictures of shapely feminine bathers In suite that accentuated rather than hid the comeliness and curves of the fair bathers. "Take fhem away. Those girls are not properly clad and many of the poses are too shocking for words." And SO the films war* Bat th? fllnj companies have decided to take their chances with the censors of other cities. In, the meantime no one has put a ban on the bathing girls whose scantily clad ' figure# wer? filmed. sushi i ' No. 154 GIUM COLLEGIATE "l 3PENS SEPT. 16 * \ IEV. FLETCHER OF CHATTANOOGA IS NEW PRINCIPAL THERE WILL BE NO 810CK880R TO DR. K. A. LOWTHER AH PKBHIDKNT ? I' K ONPBCTS BRIGHT FOR A GOOD YEAR. The Washington Collegiate Institute begins its second annual session >n Wednesday, September 16th. The ichool year will last the regular :hlrty-slx weeks, conforming to the Rate requirements for a fall term >f two semesters. In the rsorganiialon of the Institute for the new rear, the internal management of the school will be In the hands of a principal. The Rev. Mr. Pitcher, tow pastor of the Manker Memorial tf. E. Church, Chattanooga, Tenn., rill succeed Dr. E. A. Rayner, the 'eUring principal. Ko successor will ie chosen to All the office of president. ni a J e vacant by the resignation )f I>r. Lowther. The Rev. J. H. iVarren, District Superintendent of he Coast District of the Blae RldgoVtlantlc Conference, will perform; he work of a financial agent and >utslde representative. In eo far as luoh work does not Interfere with lis duties an superintendent of the ?oast District. The business Interests of tho school will be In charge >f a strong local committee of cltlcns. of which Messrs. C. A. Flynn, [ 6. Bragsw. Jr., and Geo. T. -*ach are members. The pro-^ects or a good year with a large enroMnent of students are bright. Further lelsils as to the new members of ths acuity will be announced later In he columns of the Dally Neva. 1 3reat Season Looked For ILL IN READINESS FOR THE OPENING OF THE TOBACCO MARKET HERE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. Everything Is now In readiness or the Washington tobacco market tVcdnesday, September 2. Everyme i? optomistic' as to the season mil unless somethina unforeseen tappeng there will be great eales In iYaslilngton. ttoth warehouses. the Beaufort and the Waahlngton, arc irovided with every modern facility lor the handling of the weed and >very farmer coming to this market vith his tobacco can rest assured hat everything will be done for his tomfort while here. Not only will he ecelve top-notch prices but his team trill have comfortable quarters, as here have been one hundred and Ifty stalls erected, which should be imple for their accommodation, rhe prize house is now complete. A sreat season Is looked for In Waahngton. Will Send N. Carolina WILL GO TO TURKEY WITH GOLD FOR AMERICANS IN THAT COUNTRY AND PROTECTION. Washington, D. C., Aug. 28.?The United States has Informed the powers of Europe of Its Intention to send the armored cruiser North Carolina to Ttrkey to carry gold for the relief of Americans, according to ? W.. .v. o._._ r\._ ?I1 tUUUUUlBUlCUl 1/7 IUB own wopartment. While the North Carolina goes on a mission of financial relief, her presence In Turkish waters Is intended to have a salutary effect with N respect to the treatment of Cbrla- ^ 4 Hans and foreigners generally in the Ottoman Empire. Before taking thl* step, the United States aoanded the powers of Europe as to whether they would object to the sending of a warship to Turkey. The American government desired to make It plain that its purpose In sending the ship in no way was political, hot designed to aid | and protect Americans. ' ?- Jfl