Vol t | _ PARIi '*U?S .: y.' RUSSIAN ADVA STILL IN PR ST. PETERS -? Czar's Troops Now Less Tbi . r ' Lemburg. Berlin Claims Been Driven Back. With EflEg.f . J J* \ T, Capture Austrian and Ge Bp . V J (By the United Press.) i London. Sent. 1.?News reaching i; f b?ra Indicate that the British llnei are now being held under extremo , :V - " i pressure. The wounded state that at the battle of Mons the'British met the first German attack In the open, being supported bj the artillery. The Oermans moved forword and faced the artillery with the consequence that they were hewn down in companies. The British were finally assailed by the machine guns of the Germans and they were ordered to charge in self-defense. They rushed forg> , ward yelling. .The Germans broke and ran. They were fired upon in their backs and those who were not killed or wounded were quickly bayoneted. Some of British artillery re* I served thelf fire for the attack which was renewed. The Germans believed that the gunB had been silenced and they again charged. When almost upon the mutiles of *a"T* the cannon the guns were turned *F; loose and almost the entire attacking party was wiped out. The re mainaer 01 me uerm&ns leu were V easily picked off by the British 1' 1! HUB RUSSIAN CAVALRY qpVERING ITSKI.F WITH GLORY, SAYS A ST. PETERSBURG DISPATCH. # s ? (By the United ProBs.) | St. Petersburg, Sept. 1.?The war officer here claims and has given out Information that they have taken seventeen thousand prisoners and one hundred and twenty Austrian * . * and German guns since last Wednesday. The war office declares that the Russian cavalry is covering itself with glory, routing enormous bodies of Austrlans. A wide flanking movement in the way of raids now threatens the ^Austrian line of communication. CHEAT BATTLE NOW GOING ON THREE MILLION MEN ARE EN-' GAGED?RESULT OP CONFLICT NOT VET KNOWN. > (By the Unltec Pi-ess.) Vleriha, Sept. 1.?A battle Is now porgresslng, according to the war office along the RusBlan frontier. It Is destined to be "tho greatest battle ? ( 4 ... In hlgtopT-" . / Already three million men are en gaged in the fighting. The tid-a seems to ebb and flow upon life's sea .with no decisive result. Fighting Is now In progress all along the front and has been In progress for 4 tty* paBt ?flVWal days. ?:?* / Theeoacentratlon of forces are between Lnblltn and Grubeschow, being a distance of sixty-six miles. The hen ting has been practically a handto-hand ono for the above distance. The result tof the conflict cannot be very much longer delayed. * The Austrian loss has not been out of proportion to the number of > > men engaged. s t * Master Gan Walker, of the Daily A i ?< ; ' - , News .force, has gone to Roper, N. C., to spend a few days. .w. wr^UM'W (IMI n*4 j iff I r . - , J' : .. jlsHl ) IS s NCE IS OGRESS IS 5BURG REPORT an a Day's Marching From i the Allied Armies Have Heavy Losses. Russians rroan Prisoners. flPTonmiTU firiuninHin " HOI HN0W1 PARIS BAYS A GENERAL PlGHl IS NOW IN PROGRESS AT ROCROl ? OUTCOME NOT KNOWN. (By the United Press.) Paris, Sept. 1.?It Is officially announced that a general engagement la now proceeding In the district ol Kocroi. At tnis nour it ib aimour impossible to foretell the outcome wmw IS DESTROYED 1JY GERMAN CRUISER DRESDEN OFF COAST OF BRAZIL. CREW AND OFFICERS HAVED. * (By the United l^rees.) Washington, D. C., Sept. 1.?Th< destruction of the British merchant men Home-Wood by the Gormar cruiser Dresden was reported thli afternoon to the State Departraen here. The affair took place off thBrazilian coast. The cruiser Drea den saved all the officers and crew A cable to the French embassy states that fighting began yesterda; at Lorraine and at Vosges mountain at Sassey and also at the rive: Mouse. The cable says that a Germai regiment was nearly destroyed. The German's progress still con tiuues through the left of th< French. The Russian offensive movi still continues to be unchecked. IILIET DRIVEN BACT HAVE MET WTH HEAVY LOSSK! AT LATERE?GERMAN ADVANCE ON PARIS CONTINUES. (By the United Press.) Berlin. Sept. 1.?1*he war offlc here declares that the allied armie have been driven back with heav losses at Lafere. The German ad vance on Paris continues. Th4 opei ations throughout France here ar termed "s&tisfactoryl" Plans ar now made to check the attempt c the Russians to take Wel* A DAY'S MACH?THEIR r- ADVANCE STILL CONTINUED / Rw ITnlt.rf D.O.. \ \ "J wuitou (icog,; St. Petersburg, Sept. 1.?Semi-official advices state that the resident., located at Lerburg are In a panic and 17 that whsB the Russians advanced that they fled the city. Admitting that the entire Austrian army seems to be the theatre of war the war office "here declares that the Russian advance still continues. The Russians are now less than a y> day's march from Lemburg and their >n lines are being extended from Kamenka through Olyniany to Brozozdovlta. ? The Austrians attempted a flankIng movement but the Russian gen CI?I BI?U aswrii mai me Russian ? forward movement made them wlthV. draw to east of Prussia. e The Russians are now threatening Is the entire outlying forts along the Vistula. ^ ^ l"'*V4y I *" ' Presentation Was Made by 1nAntt S C. Rynnrt 111 A - Icepted by Chief Justice Walter Clark. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 1.?A dla? tinguished company of ladies and gentlemen gathered In the splendid new Supreme Court room this morning at 10 o'cloca to witness tho ceremony for the presentation of a nnu uiiiLiiu mjiEi (By the United Press.) Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 1.?Governor Craig's conference of the cotton farmers, manufacturers and bankers on the cotton situation today brought together the leaders from every part of the cotton belt In North Carolina. The conference was called to order at noon In Raleigh in the hall of the House of Representatives. Governor Craig opened the conference with a speech in which he Intimated his confidence that the people would be able to cope with the situation if there was co-operation in accordance with the plans as outlined by Secretary McAdoo, of the Treas ury Department. Mr. Stewart Cramer, of Charlotte, and D. Y. Cooper, of Henderson, were authorized by the convention to plan lines according to the suggestions of Secretary McAdoo. which were Introduced by Governor Craig. A XNOU2VCBMEXT. Dr. H. W. Carter announces that beginning September 1st, 1914, he has completed arrangements which enables him to furnish spectacles and eye glasses, made according to hit prescription and guaranteed to be entirely satisfactory, free of additional coat to all patients who pay his regular fee of ten dollars foi the examination of their eyes. 8-29-t.f.c. . FROM WILMINGTON. Miss Latham Jones has returned from Wilmington, where she hai been the guest of MIbb Kathleec Williams. i , |V If." T t Itl fl )N^D HUB?Pmitly Arndjr tonight u< Wi TUESDAY AFTER NdON SE THE i Public Schc n Monday, , Will be Superinte A. McKay as Prin( ; in the Faculty. Pi A. G. Davis Princf Lucretla Hushes, Miss Ruth Chapman, Mias Florence Winfleld, Mrs. J. D. Paul, Miss Agnee Plttard, Miss Mollis Mayo, Miss Bessie Harding, Miss Bfetelle Davis, Kiss Minnie L. Kelly, Mrs. J. T. La^rson. Miss J ante Dalrytnple, Miss lillilaa Campbell. Miss Mary Virginia oBnner?Kindergartener. * V Miss Mary L. El is worm?Assistant In Kindergarten.' Mr. C. L. Mldcap?Instructor In Manual Training. Mies Kuth Butler?Music. Miss Annie COX?Business Depart " ? ? ??? Portrait upreme Court To Promote Exchange Ideas ILLINOIS BANKERS CELEBRATE INAUGURATION QF BANKING BYHT9M. Chicago, HI., Sept. 1.?Prominent financiers from many sections of the country were guests or Illinois bankers today when the latter held a public celebration of the inauguration of-the new banking stsimiu. President Wilson and 108 directors of the twelve banks were invited. The President eould not tomo because of press of official business, but he sent cordial greetings. The gathering today, which was very informal. had for its purpose the promoting of exchanges of ideas and harmony between tho reserve the fullest measure of co-operation board and the public. win" nun (itucdc aTly BdDMdAy. PTEMBER 1 1914 GERM iols Will ' Sept. 21st ndent. J. E. John- :ipal. Several New rospects Bright for >al Colored School.E meat. Librarian?Mlsoe Annie Cox. H. D. Whitley?Janitor. Colored School. Principal?A. 0. Davie. Josle Bebee Saunders. Lavlnla B. Hudson, Dolle A. Kejes, Kate It. Truman, Florla P. Mask, Annie Hardy Beebee, Delia Randolph, Matter E. Keyes. J. W. Mask?Instructor In Manual Training. Charlotte Clark?Janitress. J.W.R.setaKshr da asrr acmashshrd "in l JEFF" OPENS SEASON NEWTHEATER "Mutt and Jeff/' though comparatively old, Is ?er new under the masterly management of Gus Hill, the dean of cartoon comedy production. A new vehicle Is furnished every year for the exploitation of the eccentricities of that Ill-mated pair of exaggerated characters. "Mutt and Jeff." Every new hook Is based on timely topics and important happenings of national or international lm portknc*. Mr. Hill M?mg to have unlimited capacity for extracting comedy even from a tragedy. Although entirely inoffensive to any one, "Mutt and Jeff in Meilco" presages much humor. Playing as it does to the respectable middle classes, home loving peoplo, Mr. Hilt seas to it that the isn't a line or an action to offend or bring a blush to tho cheek of the racs*. precise and conservative theatregoer. "Mutt and Jeff in Mexico" comes to the New Theatre tonight with a sixty foot car load of scenorv and costumes, a company of fifty capable artists, singers, dancers and specialty performers. Such incessant laughter as is Invariably produced by "Mult and Jeff in Mexico" must necessarily be relieved by an occasional musical number, to prevent convulsions. A chorus of "fifty maidens" is a very necessary adjunct to an organeation of this kind it coats thousands of dollars to "Doll Up" & chorus as is always seen In a llill production. New York American readers Know run wen Mutt am Jeff's penchant for pretty girls. A cargp of blushing Mexican maidens have been Imported for the choru.i of "In Mexico" to lend atmosphere to the production. All In all, a more classy or better entertainment will not visit your city than this take. Seats should be obtained In advance to avoid disappointment. Doors open at 7:30. Performance starts promptly at 8:30. Reserve 1 Beats on sale at Worthy & Etheridge's drug store. The management states that all tbose who arrive at the theatre after the first act will be compelled to stand at the door until the curtain goes down. The management states that tills rule will not be broken during the coming season. Let's build In Washington Park. FROM HOI'ftE PARTY, i Miss Kathleen Willis has returned ' from Ocean View. Vs., where she has - been attending a house party. BASEBALL TRANSFERS. (By the Lotted Preas.) Pittsburg, Pa., ?ept. 1,?Pitcher Marty O'Toole was sole to the Giants I today. Mordecal Brown, former ?i mtnager 01 me ?i. ix>uis r eoerais, > I haa been transferred to the Brook[ lyn Federals. ANS ( WORK ELEVAK AT HOTEL 1 TWO MEI Visits the Old Town IXCUR8IOX PARTY GO TO DATH. PROVISION* GIVE OUT BUT WERE JrOT DISMAYED. Last Sunday afternoon quite a tarty of young people went to the liaivrlc town of Bath and viewed rith Interest the oldest church In forth* Carolina, the historic Marsh to use and Teach's hole. The party left here on the launch !hauncey Roy. During the run from Vashlngton to Bath many kodak lews were taken. The trip was lmaensely enjoyed until the time came or serving lunch when it was found hat this part of the program was otally Inadequate to appease the leslres of those aboard. Codi rackers were devoured, chip beef 1 rent like hot cakes and the capacity if the historic town of Bath was learly exhausted to supply the ex They returned Sunday night ouch worn out but delighted over heir trip. Those visiting the ol?ka. TOBACCO MAHKET OPEXH TOMORROW. The Washington tobacio * market opens tomorrow. The * sale begins promptly at 10 * o'elock. Practically all the " buyers have arrived as well as the auctioneers. * Both the warehouses, the k Beaufort aud Washington. * have been thoroughly overhauled and ^enlarged and tho * season this'year promises to far exceed that of last. All Washington gives cor- * dial greetings to the farmers bringing their product and * every courtesy will be extend ed while they are here. Not " only will the farmers be given every comfort but the teams * an well, an there have been erected 160 stalls for the * housing of teams during the season. A gala day Is promised in * Washington tomorrow. The Dally News In the name of the city wishes every visitor a great day. There Is no bet ter place In the world than * right here in Washington. * WAGES CUT. (By the United Press.) Calumet, Mich., Sept. 1.?The copper mines here have today cut the wages of their employes ten per cent. The cut was made due to the war conditions Is the statement given out by the company. ? 1 HARD THE CITY OF CHICAGO IS FINALLY RI NK AT HER PIER IN CHICAGO TODAY. (By the United Presr.) | Chicago, Sept, 1.?Held In flame? too in a sinking condition the excursion steamer City of Chicago, with nearly two hundred passengers, arrived here today at day break. Tugs at one* rushed to her assistance. According to a statement issued by the officials of the line the pas sengers were taken off by a lighthouse tender while the burning boat was a mile off shore. One of thf city Are tugs is still engaged in fighting the flames. The City of Chicago is now aunl t her pier here. I Flr?t Baptist cburca. m TT^ ? No. 157 GOAL )R FALLS A LOUISE AND * ARE INJURED 1 J . Yesterday afternoon between 4 and 6 o'clock there came near being a serious accident at the Hotel Louise, and why two men are not today In eternity le a problem not yet solved. The elevator, which Is sltnated in the alley between the Hotel Louise and the Smali-