^ 1 y M " H I II<1 , f iriClHHivrNO ) * r'? ""?> !. ! j M ,,, = ' ??iiw * | n ui .. i.lt ^ ,1 fin ,i ilUj ' :' .. WtrfjiVi k vrtAMM I v?'! Disci &M '*tmn (,'i iutVt ix?> 1?K -lyW .wii Jj " 11 1 H ' W'tk? tJkii*dfM?,;5 * " ? t V * uih^U ,. J,? j r ? ;k Z*fcrU,?8?pi. 2*?The wir offlce ?n:>IA t y*o**cm tkrni-ih^tmj lfc how*#ty^lf, ,w V*lt JtVinoUtt' tfa''lhk*Lbrndie whire' a ' ' : rfettar anige ifUS* oilman. who Jt aailrw&*A?t?a?fd to tike 'it s . t.l^J** irkajfonkattlrlatiig the Qers,. 2 imh> bask ha ban In-irogreas for o, I tk? fast two dart. Partial cfittkl ?' -i ',1 tall ?u?o?*ron- the itwar u, a ... MPKh,. at C ha tan In tie Halltedl ji, < dlntrteVwhtbhreotopelledlthe French" (stew to withdraw thetn lines. The I lett wing was attacked to, a greatly ' a[ a ameibit doree at Ohatoa "Sdrawhl asaartattandAba hasawlir opneeqiience anatisK rat trad aonthward. TMsT'^tSttjttf' f rail 4ra?e ?haIPeathtoernian army corps -kaatoaaeiee-an account ?f,,(he"piroJ.' ? ( raaa.af IkaifliMnan right being hnV a - able to fdlloW u? . - .' General French movettiepta iioe* * tlifue 111 along* thl line*da originally ' nmiymtaiin * *s j ?"""t Alr^nflmayy' kospitaU ipo'th 'p?! ''" 'WftWW ailed "to tiplr"ca-" l?*?r^t*Mriib>Wnie Wandod are r*"* >T> #| """ iBi Thf war office" admits; fth'at ^he' French still continues tg, retire,'ie-i fore superior numbers. ; it 'fla pow ^'..riABjMlf t^kt"{hd Wench. are plo^ljr U Lfprr^ne.,. ? , m, -yj?! genaral engagement Is now in * 4 i.i * 'ifMiMM In the vicinity of Mt^s^ . . .n -# /.. The allied llneb1-on tho Freqcfyj Vo.M lWn aT# tow engaged along ^be line! toto thai t -^rmt.o/ Campaigns, mie heaviest fighting is - reported hla the vicinity! : t of Moaldldler where the k*erman in-1 r m* fantry is salft to*bo In grgat.atrengtbJ rM t' ."a* iarte' foYce'of derm an sklr">r" ",<T mlsbes ire ribw-tbrmlngfan'ad in co, guard movem eit ttJVardi {he iYty'of -Mftri Pk4lk ity'fllW xnand the left French,', wing, Ib > , ^';<do^^rfUSrf'4ltk,,%lr jkhn FyeJch. ?.w -? . ::i"> M r .? d oJ t : ft' r. s l M t * ! ** fldlWERP ,Jl?*/rw Ut /;.n(iom Illw >9111111. ' -?en oiv,.? row.' otvniAKh h?ve ' KEeS' I1WUBEB ATTEMPT TO a--?-. M8*RO*-??H?l.fe8lJ * * * ST'ATtON". * ? **> * ,nsa al h-iLitut't ah ' * .? w , I'J* AJT.m ffe/Vfle 'united f>ieaa.) " (Antwerp. 8e^t. 2.?Four ^ ^''wrsW^yttW^ia'ti resultjof Zeppelin * " bombs. *A Zeppelin flyipg aa '9 ? h| iig tl^puggn<? "fegf'<Jj<ipjp^? imfbT f J. ,!^,<(catr(ur..;iiB wlreleaa atatlon. but ' ,V*Jft?t?W&iWelr mart) """" JT'E before > ??.*>'intartmm1**6 ^X?!yK! no i IVhril'l fu'i i* .rn/7, ttUUUHHtU flltu I .taaau'iTH i . ' "atfgttojii'tf 'position *r gnii.ava >:?3^3r" ? RIVER. I 'T' ^in^ty has iannounpld that. the rt 5 toman ??fvl^wcejjhr^gh Austria *r ' a'nd' .OaOcI^ ajWl. cpijtlpuea in a moat, aupceMful m?nn#ij j > The Russian Embakay^Jfcffiy r ^ gives Opt the Information that th?t iaptured the rf-rtlJl ,7Aw*rU# portion at Onjlaya on the AM UWrf ttveft .IMI/.Aa .KitfTmM * ;>y>* * I [j U* -j w.KMgrsi'vhtidrow Jackson and John , ? .Me^W.are^to enfage'in the hack* Mttl DmImm m Fpckl Mount un. . der Uie firm, nwneof Vrtrcor. A.^ueKr, Hr>n,wm (h.^phwfe i -? .l?,j?PlW? In Ertll purohpee produce 9 .4 .?* .?? Arm h?r?. .ihUr mwwf, evorp tuicOM. 4 ta? nmt ?j C*( ...... ,, .1 Vt lx lMlV.. If j m * ^ I I *** ** taji , ..' ? , ?" - -.LI''l'"" ? .'M , A.flV V-.-'l/lVJ-B il i.TTf' , 1 , . ., *iif< ,^itn*"j/i/( ^r I'* M*f' ^]. FWWJ iyL'<UBn4B " ijBL ,^,'v,'kl -^r ...... . , n'^'^^nr rJ*Z '** ?'l~" ed Bv Din ~ vi. y , */ J.J^J #* gfXT>>*^| ^ v ' "'''*",'*'" ' 11 ' " ' : i i. THBY HAVE llltKX DRIVKN BACK 1 I .' '"FROM'OMOfc J*n-1? AIVMIT 'I' l* A DISPATCH - v.';" FKOM PARI8l ' .>: '.'V'United Pt^b/)'-OJtftr -a?drt?.1 Slrpt.^.^411- is officially stated that tho 'atll*^ conter sttll Antds.-"' 4 .J battle ijnes ran ; 'tofct and < cvest1 thtouRh the - department of 'i Olse, Alsno hnd ArleimeBB. It fW > n?W Admitted'here that, the allies C rtrftfe be^a" driven from Oise. The? ftre ft'cw within fifty' tntlee-of f*arlS. . <?i ' * LlHUS nnminniinn 1 3: PfflMtr B,SlTTlJK M*K, OP **> MILte's j , KKACHKti ,A HKtOHT of i Vl'RV, SAV^ , ,I, I ? (By the Anit'ed P^as.) a2.?Dispatches from Vienna state that the thsee hundred mile line from Pru*eia,tp Deneiater * river Is novr reaching tr helghth of fury. j { j. ?. The* Austrlans have already abandoned l^lnbfPf after' tl|e bloodiest fighting ftl the nro&ont war. The. Russian -general j staff gives ptK the Information-rt^ at Vhey are * now atteai^tipg ,to/annihilate th< v entire Austrian army. - j ' -i-, vm'V ,?- ; ; , " ' ? . . mont >? :? | _ d IDtKEI MI ! it Sjq; VrK.iy ' uiu. be 'a 'i?se9vi}s,t{a>- ok ^t" t , , C,ftye.^^. S^Tho. long predict- c c4 entrance* ot, Turkey j Into the ? nranant war U confidently expected j( ToTpccur" today."" The. diplomat* are n ^tidrYrajlGrCMWthc attitude ,, of Bulgaria, fr Tpfkey does enter #1 oiio.Vi-*i i[ ?9l??We.aAjA7d-i| f. rc-s^tc ' ?iiwh i<i >ii |i ' ... i ji t erl* rj'oot f m * *(* staff fti , ' ', , RUSSIA ftDIITS I .'Mhlllilf. - I ' * X two agjoc,. rohra f in bast ? . 1 ' (Br the United P*eae.)% I ft?3h?r&gt. <8ifV*^.-^ThQ: Rour | manlan general battle b<4tp*6i?1 the RusaMATint^lt result Hn the lrre^^vgble defeat-' of one, klde '^>* the ' A' UlHgifc'teh from St. j Petersburg c says thaXtbe J;enetnl Aaff^admUa that the^jr.o army corps attng in ifcat Prussia liaVCUdehtdi- J feated. . A. \' , " !' A. "W-1' . j? ?? UM'. kulheia WaablOKtos Park. j , mUTKIt MKETINfl. * 11 <?I, ** tk?lx.i rtirrer-rw -V - J| rnJfrimpliiJ*; ?" **? If. f AIM* 4ttpw ^urc>*? atfif |uj- L a,u*' "0U^,K>: c .wkfc* tH.^wataVjM^ltc Ijutmr- r [dial '"S1--'3''! 3 StiorN ' V ^V- / . ' / i?L. - " I If '1 "?.>> \hm ?t WASHINGTON N. O '?' .11. i i .1 ,i . . . . , I 1 WBE Mi i .*ia?-'i??rC h'*4vr V.Ul'jUSl* r ^ tans Is ? ?fl .aJf r.rMV 'f . 1 ?lomats: 1 y ;r ? .. i/. ,?.,S lr> roing On mis i-i pun lA.va REUS FIUHTtHQ FOR ?.? .> PAW BIGHT BRTS^" L AND ARB HARD PBB88BD. { (By th? United Pr?M.) Vienna, j^spt. 3.?The Austrian ,rmy wueh has been fighting from .emberg ha* today been Withdrawn'. . 'hey have never entered the city. 'he general staff desired that the liiy be bpmbarded. After fighting for eight d*ya finds he Aastrians outnumbered and too* ard pressed. The casualitles have eon Appalling on both sides. The rtillery fire Is described as annihiatlng. Whole brigades lUtve been aown down anfi there waffTlo time a which to bary the dead nor colect the wounded as thej battle was aging over them. j , in nnn mnnn ' I ??$gj jREaT UKRMAN' VICTORY AT ALl.KNHTKIN ? THREE CORPS WERE .ANNIHILATED. ' J 1 Washington. D. C-. 8ept. 2.?A terman victory at Allsnsteln, In rblch three Russian army ca?^s ere defeated and 7^.0Q0 prisoners Deluding two Russia- commanding ;enerals were takon was reported, tolay to the German embassy -Trom terlln by vrirelee% via Sayvllle, L. I. The dispatch say*: '"Official report of t-h* victory atillenstein show* that It was even [realer than known before. Thres rnsalsn army corps were analhlated: Seventy thousand prisoners rore taken, including two commandng generals, three hundred officers, nd the complete artillery of the tusslan army. j , . "'In the west General Von Kink. U b reported, against the ^French anklng attempt advanoed to Conrtes." (Here part of the message ould not be clearly deciphered). General Von Buelow completely desated a superior French _ force ear St. Quentln after having capUrod the English IhJantry. A batslion under General Vosu-> Uauten arced hack the French upon^tM1 Irer at Bethel. "The Doke of Wuerttembarg 1 rossed the Meuse river, ulso adanetng upon Atslne. The Crown Tltiee' advanced'beyond the Mens-: iter capturing the entire garrison if Montnedy; wbft;^ tried a sortie, 'he-fortresa-aleo was captured. ^The Crown Frtnce of Bavaria and lehejkl Von Hoerlngen has .been Jn ontlnuous battle id "Ffencrtv Lorj; v iimm SES Pill ' ' f ! * IKE AT ALARM JH NOW <WOWN IX UKUUN?BlO NAVAL , - ?^ London, 8ept. 4* The cprre ponaem or too Express telegraphng from The Heguegsays! I : "There te the greatest stem to ertht erer the egsmeos ol the HasRussian . NCv <"<I -nttha ' ! i'oJShfftv toeeagnyjQ.' -"is'r v' -0.W v>. .iii SENA'S WAR MINISTER - -rrvi..' I K fl ! /> JB K A i ? y >C>k? Miles Boxanovlich. tb# man of tho hoof In Sonria. their safety lies. ?| "A story has bean circulated that the Russians are preparing to avenge, Loqvatn hy treating BerUn as the Germans treated that city. "In connection with 'the siege of Uege.1t Is told here that the Ger nan artillery exper^ After vainly trying every type of field gun at their command against the forts, sent to the Krupp factory for a now fourteen-lnch naval gun, which was set down four miles from the nearest Uege fort. The first shot fired from it hit the officers' mess hous<\ in?ld? the Belgian fortifications, killing 125 men." , THIRTY-TWO BIG Ol'Ng AND THOUSAND PRISONERS .CAPTURED BY THE . ? RUSSIANS. * (By the United Press*) St. Petersburg, Sept. 2.?Sweeping successes over the Austrlans '.4 today reported from the war office here. It Is announced that the Russian left wing operating from Its position on the Dnelster has captured the supposedly impregnable Austrian heavily garrisoned position. The Russians charged the position at the point of bayonets tad they swept over the entrench ments completely routing the Austrian troops FJive thousand Austrlans were left dead on the held. The Russians captured thirty-two big , guns and more than one thousand prisoners. Including the Austrian commanding general. As a result of this Russian success means that the Russian left is now able to co-operate with the center and the retreat of the Austrlans will be greatly menaced. mm GREAIJ NK POOPLF. HAVE FAITH STILL IN THE ABILITY' OF THE ' ALLIED FORCES. London, 8epJ. 2.?A. Paris dispatch. published In the Star, says censorship on all news of the military operations In Northern Franc.Is expceedlngly strict. The afternoon papers of Paris came out today with all reference to the prog ress'of military events blocked ouV There is much excitement tv'ttio French capital, hub the people have faith In the ability Of ^he allied firmleB to see the couptry safely lurougu uie yruiieni crisis, according to the Star correspondent, and on the Russian troops to reach Berlin. HAVE RETUItNfcD. Thejarae number bf qlttfens who went to Oreeavlfte yesterday^to attend the openjng of the tobacco market have returned. t ITa ikW ta Waahtafton Pwk. fla-MTT ; * | :ti foJnnTOj^.y/ 5#;aI-9^ J Ml rbur?ct?>. Not 00 *? ??., i 1EPTBMBER 1 1914 , THE One Hun Five The ? , .? *+. . "v : Tobacc W i ' . ' Home Wedding ' ThiS Mvening MISS ELIZABETH BRIGHT WILL WED MR. JOSEPH H. CARTER, OP MT. AIRY, WILL TAKE BRIDAL TOUR. MIm Elilabeih Williams Bright, daughter of Mr. and Mfs. William R. Bright, will be married thi? riming to Mr. Joseph Holllngsworth Carter, of Mount Airy, N. C., at tho home of the bride's parents on West Second street, at 9:80 o'clock. i ne ceremony will be performed by Rer. MUtcm Barber, rector of Cbrlat church. Raleigh, N. C., uncle-ln-law of the bride-elect. The bride and groom eaject to leave on the late Norfolk Southern train for * tour of northern cities before returning t& their fhtnre home In Mount Airy where the grooth Is the popular and efficient postmaster. The following party arrived here this morning via the Norfolk Southern to attend the wedding: Mr. Joseph Holitngsworth Carter, the groom-elect; Mr. Edwin Carter brother of the groom; James Ybkley and William Oraves, all of Mount Airy. N. C.; Miss Essie Whichard, of Oreerfvllle. and Mr. and Mrg. John H.. McQueen, ot Tlmigonavllle, 8. C.^- W. Milton Barber, of Raleigh, N. C-. the-officiating clergyman, alBO airited.?_ te??lis FOR RELIEF GENERAL FRENCH REPORTS THE NUMBER KILLED. WOUNDED AND missing. (By the United Press.) London, Sept. 1.?Qeneral French reports that the British losses In the early lighting were: Killed?One hundred and sixty. Wounded?Six hundred and eighty. Missing?Forty-two hundred and seventy. * It is anntftbced that a national general relief fund has been started by the Prince of Wales and that already the amount has reached the amount of ten million dollars. iflfiisiii IIS AT IRK CONFERRED with the british Ambassador this afternoon as to ship purchase protest. (By the United Press.) Washington, D. C., Sept. 2.?Nelson O'Shaughnessy was today appointed assistant secretary of the American Embassy at Vienna. President Wilson today returned from Cornish, N. H. Among his flrBt official arts was to sign the bureau ??r Hair Inanranoa Kill Within tho next two days it la expected that the President *111 personally deliver a message to Congress on the war tax problem. President Wilson today conferred with the British Ambassador with reference to the ship purchase proWet. .? CHANGING RESIDENCE*. Mr. W. M. Rear and family are today mo-ring; jto jjhe residence ocf East Main street formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Smith. Mr. Smith and wife are to oocupy the residence formerly occupied by Rev. R. L. Gay and family. :?r . . i-v'.iif 'l?t ^ : . ' ' ;'Y : -: ^ Y/tt 2CA8J:'' CON1 tdred Sev . 'j f*? ..... . . )usand Po :o Was Sol Season Closed At Ocracoke PAST SEASON HAS BEEN A VERY SUCCESSFUL ONE?SOCIAL FUNCTOQN8 ARE ENJOYED. Ocracoke has just closed the most successful season aa a summer resort since the notable storm which occurred Id August, 1899. and I frightened so many visitors away I from the place. Fifty or more people will leave here this week after having spent a j most enjoyable vacation. Amonc ^ those who leave this week are: Misses Annie Malllson, Ella Malll- * I son. Elisabeth Mcllhenney. James | 81mdm, Victoria Swlneon. Mary Cvs kill and Dorothy Tathltl, Messrs. J Wm. 81 rams, of Virgin*; Capt. Tut- ? | hill and other#. i Mr. fi. S .Wabab entertained a I party at the HatteraB Inlet Life Sav- g | lag Station, givea in honor of the . IMlsiss Malllson, of Washington. N. y C. Capt. W. D. Gasktll took the crowd In his launch, leaving Ocracoke at 8 a. m. and returning at 0 tJ p. m. Refreshments wore served, a| after which a tango and~-onc-step dance was given. pne of th?-lw$r?0t "-~catche? of" porpoises was made here a few days ago. A fishing party were camping tJ at Beacon Nland wbon they sa* a very unusual and apectacular appearance on a sboal, "hot vekjrfS* ^ away. Upon investigation they found these porpoises ebbed oat an thl6 shoal. The depth of the wator being only abopt ten inches, preclude^ the poeslblllty of setting a net In ordeit to cgtch this vast school which Q weoe creating quite a pandomonlum In ? vain effort to escape. The party ^ armed with axes and hatchets dey< clared war. according to the Julius Caesar method and?fW]tbln a few ^ minutes they killed forty-two of these monstrous creatures, which 01 made a heavy load for the two boats they weTe in. The entire load was sold at one dollar each to the porpoise factory at Hatteraa. The regu- ^ lar price Is $2.50 each, bnt owing 'to the factory being temporarily closed, the management would only ^ consent to the price of one dollar. ^ Capt. Robt. Oneal and Mark Gaskins, two of our best fishermen. were the men who captured the fish. ^ The Ocean Wave Moving Picture ^ theatre will open In the near future. The owner Is now installing a first-class electric lighting plant "1 and an Edison machine, which will *furnish as good moving pictures a* can be seen anywhere in the State. District Supt. WtWren, of the M. E. Church, was a guest of W. D. T Gasklll yesterday. Mr. Harvey Doxsie and family left today for Marco, Fla., where Mr. Doxsie is engaged during the winter as manager of a clam canning establishment. The Scott party, of Raleigh, N. C., who have been spending the sum- >; mop horn, will lonvo tftmnrrnu' ffti' I -- their home. tl Prof. R. S. Wahah. who has been h spending the summer with hlR parents. wilt leave Wednesday for Nor- n folk. Va.. to resume his duties as fl an instructor In Maury High school. f( V tl ANNOUNCEMENT. ) fl Dr. H. W. farter announces that g beginning September 1st, 1914. he ]3 has completed arrangements whirt ii enable him to furniRh spectacles and j eye glasses. made according to his t! prescription and guaranteed to he si entirely sati^nctory. free of add!- ? tlonal coat to all patlenta who pav b his regular fee of ten dollars for e the examination of their eyes. A 8-19-t.f.c t FROM (ill.MF.KT(?*?. VA. t The many friends of Mrs. Richard a Johnson, of OUraertoB, Va.. are glad j to see her in the city. She with i her' son James are the guests of j Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hodges at their <; home, corner of Market and Fourth i streets. # ;?ri ':i?? pri* * If j '' ?_i m ' ??mm - - - _ * No. iSS VLICT enty ,.1 undsof Id Today About one hundred and event-five thousand pounds of tobacco was sold here today, it being the opening break of ' the Washington market for the season. Although going to press before the average price could be ascertained It can be stated with safety that it will be as much as eleven cents and possibly more. At the other markets yesterday at their openings the average did not go over ten cents. Tobacco, the crowning feature of Eastern Carolina so fur as the farairs are concerned, id here today aloro. Although the Dally News can not t the hour of going to press give Ljurutely the number of pounds on he floors of the Washington and leaufort warehouse, nor the averge price received, it can be stated rlth safety that the farmers are atlsfled and have gone to their owes impressed with the fact that Washington Is yet the very best liter IU anpoie OI llieir tODIfcCCO. All day yesterday and long before lie citizens of Washington were up ad getting ready to attend to their sual day's duties. the "Qolden * foett** was arriving. One thing Is ssured. Beaufort county r-irmera re up and doing always and what ley Intend doing they do early. The our for the opening was scheduled >r tgn o'clock, but on aecount of le number of pounds being brought le hour for the opening had to be eferred. Said a citizen this morning to a epreseotatlve of this paper: "This a great day for Washington and eaufort county. We have met the lemv and they are ours. Last year ie market here was a try-out. this ear It Is a certainty. Tl.? ni.4. I.V.? ?v. ?v eiauc VI IVUOUIU UU LIIS Hours iday |g the prettiest I have ever ten. which goes to show again that ar farmers are still abreast of the mes and just a little bit ahead. Everyone feels good over the prosects for a great tobacco season, ast year the Washington market as In Its infancy, thts year It promos to be more. Around the wareDuses all day hundreds of citizens, irmers and citizens from afar were sthered discussing the propitiohs iture of this market. All spoke i optomiBtlc tone, and they had a ght to. *Jew Theatre For Thursday ' 4 WO GREAT FEATURE PICTURES ON THURSDAY MIGHT AND ALSO MATI- -'J" : * ' NEE. Thursday, matinee and night, the ew Theatre will offer their patrons vo of t1io best feature pictures that ley have had. For this night they ave "For the Honor of Old Glory." * The New Theatre has advertised His picture twice before, but tho 1ms failed to show up on the night >r presentation. They state that ley have been assured by the lm exchange which supplies thU reat war drama that It will certainty be here on Thursday night Then i addition to this four reel picture* he New Theatre'wishes to announce hat on the same night they will tart aft ft y-two reel picture, entitled The Perils of Paulhie." This has een one of tbe greatest films ever xhtbited In thlB country. On tho rst two Thursdays from now on hey will show three reels of this dcture. and after that there will be wo reels every week. It will lake .bout twenty, weeks to finish show ng tjjis grMt film. Every one In he city should attend this popular >layhouae ou Thursday glght In orlor to see the 'first Installment of :he "Perils of Pauline," as well as 'For ttfe Honor of Old Olory.'^

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