VoL 6 GERM A ^ ' . Battle Be Kaiser's' Genera ,S (By the United Press.) < ' * Tokio, 8ept. 6.?The Japanese Public has endorsed the war against Germany. This has already been # manifested in a special session of the Diet in which a vote to this effect was taken. Premier Okuma explained that this extraordinary war was necessary for the pnrposo of committing a continuation of the offensive move ment. He declared that it was the intention of the Japanese government to remove the German influonce from the Orient and stated that at present both the army and navy were doing their duty In such a manner,aa to command the odmi. ration and respect of all Japanese and that < the entire nation might Arell feel #roud of their achievements. The address of the Premier was loudly 'cheered. War Minister Responsible THE DEFEAT OK THE AL'ftTfUA.N ARMIES LAID AT HIS DOOlt IT IS SAID. (By the United Press.) Vienna, 8ept. 5.?The war office admits that the armies under the command of former minister of war met with aerloua reverses yesterday. This was due, It Is said, to the failure of General Fonlel to hold thd line between Ponaaogxow and Lou Tin. It is declared that he is responsible for the Austrian defeat. t)rive French Center Back V HEREABOUTS OF GERMA^I RIGHT WING HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN OUT. (By the United Press.) Paris. 8ept. B.?Three German ar rules .which are now across tho tleuio and located at Stenay have succeeded in driving the French center back a considerable distance. In all probability w?en the hostile forces meet again the numbers will be considerably lhrger than heretofore. According to reports there Is no information as to tho whereabouts of tho German right-wing. Wheat ?? Corn Is Purchased KAISER KAYS HE WILL TAKE PARIS AND ANTWERP REGARDLESS OF COST. (By tho United Prd^p.) Bordeaux, Sept. 5.?The government authorities here have t purchased two millions dollars w-orth of wheal and .corn which Is being held In reserve for the purpose of sending to districts whero the prices are utianiy advanced. i nene pro> ducta will be sold to the people at cost. The Germap officers who are now prisoners, state that It Is the Intention of the German Kaiser to take Parts and Antwerp regardless of cost. . Eiisi IB Fill ? * , I TWO HTNItftKI) THOUSAND OBB* mans. have rkachri) tiik austrian rattle FRONT. (By the Unite* Piwss.) * Berlin, Sept. In stated hero t that two hundred-thousand cier men regulars hare reached the Aua' %> trian battle front. " T.. ' S; > *1 ? i li : ?t v n"A. 4 / " * ' *. * * ' ' -" * . .'' "* v - n *, - i *S mi LANS'. _ ' tween Ail Troops Ir il Staff Hj PRiHCfr HURT HOT QffillUED 8AID TO HAVE BEEN WOUNDED WHILE LEADING BELGIAN FORCES. (By the United Tress.) Antwerp, Sept. 5.?It Is reported here but Impossible to confirm that Prince Albert ^has been wounded 4>y the bursting of & sharpnell shell wblch caused the laceration of his arm. He was wounded while leading the Belgian forces near Antwerp. JEWS CAI BEJFIB THIS IS ORDER PASSED BY THE CZAR OP1 RUSSIA, SAYS COPEXHAGRX. (By the United Fresh.) Copenhagen. Sept. 5.?The Russian flfeatlon here announces that4 | Czar Nicholas of Russia has ordered that all Jews may be allowed to become officers In the Russian army. IS M< GERMAN GENERAL STAFF MOVE HEADQUARTERS FROM BRUSSELS. (By the United PresB.) Antwerp. Sept. 5.?It is now admitted that the Gorman and Belgium troops have clashed at several, points within the vicinity near O3lend. A strong German artillery Is now moving forward from Belglum into French territory. The headquarters of the German general staff has already been moved from Brussels to a point in France. It is bejieved that a battle between the Allies and the Germans is imminent. A strong German force is now moving towards Ghent. The Germans, it is believed, have discovered that tho Belgians plan to attack' the lines of communication. mint mil CHINA DELIVERS ULTIMATUM TO HER OFFICERS IN VICINITY OF SIIAN CONG. (By the United Press.) * Shanghai. Sept. G.?The Chlness government orders that all Ohinene 1 officers within the vicinity of Kloa j t:nau snail not lnterterc wiui mo operations Qbf either the Japanese nor Germans. \ This," it Is expected, will remove the serious danger of the Chinese government becoming involved tt> the present war*due to landing of Japanese troops 09 the Shaq Chong peninsula. . a ? WAR DECLARED?THE^ BATJLE now on. Big line Battle Axe, Jack Rabbit, and lots of other famous branfls of shoes Just received." Every flair guaranteed I?et ns ehow you Tr^o harm doao If VA11 Hnn't hnr Onr nrlr-oa aro I /right. J. E. Adams. 9-3-3tc 9-3-3tc . , mmm [ N GTt WEATHER?O WASHINGTON N. C ARE ? ies and nminent 43 Moved DEI UE uie Mi FRENCH NOW READY TO MEET THE GERMANS?WI1X ASSUME THE OFFENSIVE. (By the United trees.) Bordeaux, Sept. 5.?General Josle has assured the war minister that the Frepctijkave taken a new battle line and art^pow ready to meet the Germans antfyaesumo the offensive. The armies. It h stated, clashed this afternoon. EHi SPIES HE FEB AMKKK'AN'S WARNED NOT TO RE MAIN IN PARIS.BY THE AM. BASSADOK. THEY WANT TO SEE PEN. (By the United Press.) Paris, Sept. 6.?Military experts believe that the Germans are now attempting to move the Allies' right wing back on their center Uius causing the entire army to be rushed by sheer weight of numbers. It now appears that this will be done before any attempt to. take Paris Is made. _ TJjfir"*""! I II ' ^ around - Pana are nofe very strict. RVcry person of foreign appearance is being held up and his credentials examined. The Paris authorities are said to be in great fear of German spies. All persons not able to prove their identity are held up and arrested. Many Americans have refused to leave Paris stating that they deslr- f ed to remain to see "the fun." The American Embassy has warned them that ihey cannot be guaranteed safety. mmrn ' avoid m SURRENDER OP PARIS IS DISCUSSED IN LONDON. WILL AVOID CITY'S DESTRUCTION. (By the United Press.) London. Sept. 5.?A veiled suggestion that, after all, Paris might not to be defended to the last man reached London today. It was received with Incredulity everywhere in view of the declaration yesterday by General Galltenl. the military governor of Paris, that he had been placed In supreme command of the city's defenses and would hold the citv lnoUnltelv aaalnst anv force I Germany might bring afatnst it. The report was sent by the Rouen correspondent| of the Daily Chronicle and he states that he has learned that the French were considering the advisability of not dofendlng Paris, but might surrendeUlt to the Gormans to prevent wholesale destruction In the city by a long continued bombardment and siege. MUCH ENJOYED. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the"* First Methodist church met at the home of Mrs 7 < N. Leggett yesterday afternoon .The snbjefct for the afternon was temperance. ' THE FAMOUS ARMOUR'S UTAR Hanm and big line smoked and aalt meats and salt flsh. "Our prices are right. J. B. Adams. 9-8-Jtc ? * . )N D ene rally (air tonight night and Sundaj SATURDAY AFTERNOON SE ITILL Will Sing At ? Af. E. Church % . MISS THREADGEAR OP NEW p YORK WILL BE THE SOLOIST. ALL INVITED. The services at the First Methodist Church tomorrow morning and evening will proje o? interest to all N who attend, especially the evening ^ service, as in addition to the sermon { of the pastor, Rev., ? M. Snipes. D Miss Lois Threadgear of Now York City, will sing. Miss Threadgear has a beautiful soprano g-oice and all those who hear her will doubt- D less be chained. ^ Immediately after the ,moralng sermon the holy communion will P< w be administered. All the congrega tion is urged to bo present. . ol Isjnvited "! By The Party II CAPTAIN 8TUDDEHT 18 ASKED J TO SPEAK FOR THE PAR- <*TY IN NORTH CAROLINA Capt. Geofge J. St udder t, present Senator ior this district, 1ms Just received me ronowing communicution: "I am writing you" says F. D. Warren, chairman of State Executive Committee, to tender your services to the state committee and make as w many speeches in the campaign aa p you can. . I would be glad if you w would write m* how much time yon ^ caa give us and in what sections of the state you prefer to speak ahd a between what dates. In order to carry out the full party vote it is rj necessary to carry on a vigorous and active campaign. In reply to Q the above request Senator Studdert a gave the following: Jz I hereby tender the Democratic p party^my services to speak any- ^ where in the state. Hew-Pope ?- t, Nances Secty n Of State -V. V {By the United Press.) Rome, Sept. 5.?Pope Benedictus XV has chosen Cardinal Seriata Papal secretary of State. COTTON BATTING AND Ql'ILT b Lining and tops, at J. E. Adams', ti 9-3-3to s< 1 c! It's restful In Washington Park. iE SIEP ENDORSED 5 BY THE BOARD ' OF HEALTH" t Several days Dr. Jack Nicholson, n one of Washington's enterprising g and efficient physicians and sur- 0 geons, and who is in charge of the t Fowle Memorial i^ppital, this city, ? gave out the following announcement: > ur. J. U- XNicnoison wisnes to announce that typhoid vaccine (preventive for typhoid fever) will be given at the Fowl? Memorial Hospital free of chargd to those who apply. Make application to Miss Goldston, superintendent. ^?ince the above notice appeared ?< in the columns of this paper Che v following letter has been received f from the State Board of Health: y "We have Just noticed a little t announcement at the bottom of one o of your columns to the *effect thaW h Dr. J. L. Nicholson offers to give the antl-typhold fever treatment free f of charge to all those who mako application to the Fowle Memorial Hospital.." Says the State Board of Health, f "this seems to bo a very commend- r able announcement." 1 The above announcement Is one 1 that should be greatly appreciated 1 by the clticena of the oonnty. It is I worthy and commendable. v 1?L 1 Let's Hafld te Washington Park, a J. . ' . AILY , ' PXEMBER 5 1914 NEAR Jew Principal Has Arrived HOP. J. K* JOHNSTON OF DAVIDSON, N. C., ARRIVES TO ASSUME H*4 DUTIES HERE. Mr. J. E. Johnston, of Davidson, . . C., the new principal of the 'ashington Public Schools, arrived i the city last evening. Mr. Johnon succeeds Mr. A. A. McKay who ^signed at the end of the last ses- ' on. - , Mr. Johnston Is a graduate of avidson College. He comes to rashlngton well equipped by tem?rauient and training for school 1 ork. 1 Prof. Johnston has Just spent the 1 ist summer at the summer school the State University of Virginia udying high school English and A very Interesting mayor's court *ag conducted at the City Hall this morning by Acting Mayor Charles M. Brown. The following cases were disposed of: Harry Hemby, disorderly conduct. He was found guilty and attached with the cost. Julia Jones. colored, was charged with being drunk. She was found guilty and required to appear l^fore his worship next Monday morning before judgment was pronounced. Aslahia Twain, colored, left here yesterday afternoon via the Norfolk Southern and returned on the 7:30 train. When leaving she had an empty suit case, but upon her return it contained 26 pints. The chief of police, R. J. Roberts, and assistants, Williams and Sadler, gave her free passage to the City Hall. Not being able to give an account for the 25 pints she was placed in jail and will be tried at the next term of Beaufort County Superior Court. Before leaving yesterday afternoon the officers suspected that she was one of the walking blind tigers and her return proved to them that they were correct. GUEST OF MISS LEWIS. Miss Jesse Pender, of Rocky Mount. N. C., is visiting Miss Cassie Lewis at her home on North Marker street. OX VACATION. ' Messrs. W. C. Slielton and Ernest Harding havo gone to Philadelphia to witness the baseball game* end to take In the other sites of the city. They expect to be absent several days. SPECIAL \V. C. T. I . SKlh lCES IN THE INTEREST OP PEACE Evansvllle, Ind . Sept. 5.?Wherever there Is a chapter of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union special services in all church will be held tomorrow to pray for a speed? end of the great European conflict. Tfce special services were called for by Acting President Anna A. Gor don, of the National W .C. T. U. NEW CAPITAL POftTOFFICE OPENS Washington. D? C., Sept. B.?Th? city postofllce moved today frotr its old Pennsylvania avenue home Jr the postoffice department building t< the new white marble poatofflce costing $1,500,000, adjoining th< union elation. ^ ; .y * J J , tfifoJV* Trj-L id anagemeni. rror. jonnston is 10 nsely Interested In young student fe. Jew Paper For Kins ton HARTER ISSUED FOR THE KINSTOX PRINTING % COMPANY AT THAT PLACE. (By the<lftilted Press.) Raleigh, N. .C., Sept. 5?Charters ere Issued, today to the Klnston rinUog Company of-Klnston, N. C-? 1th kit* authorized caplUil stock of lO.OOO. and $3,300 paid In. The urpoSe of the charter is to issue newspaper and do a general prlntig bustaess. Among the incorpoitors aref W? M. Beasely and othero._ The General; Amusbment \Compky of Salisbury wu abdrlert&twttU? r capital sto&k % 50,000 "authoih >rs. GONE TO XBW BERN. Miss Ruth Satterthwalte, daughir ut Mf'anu mii. n. w. WW * lwaite, left this morning for New em, N. C., to visit Miss Rachel atterthwalte. ERY REST CAN GOODS TO BE had. Try a few cans. You will be pleased with them. Phone 97. J. E. Adams. 9-3-3tc LAST NOTICE. We will, on Wednesday. Scptemer 9th, run our last excursion for lis season. Join ub and enjoy your>lf before the summer resorts are losed. Two days and two nights i Norfolk. Don't miss the best of le nea?on. Train leaves Washing>n at 10.32 o'clock a. m. Fair for ound trip $2.50. A. L. POTTER & CO.. Mgrs. LOYAL PINNACLE AND OTHER high grade Flour just received. We guarantee every barrel. J. E. Adams. 9-3-3tc e? [ARYLANDKRS LEAVE FOR HOME TODAY New York. Sept. 5.?More than wo hundred Marylanders had planed to leave New York today fo.* laltimoro to Join in the celebration f centennial week celebration of he writing of "The Star Spangled ianner." LO WAR PRICES ON THESE? Big line Outings, Ginghams Calicoes, Canton Flannels, Homespuns, Children's. Ladles' and Men's Hosiery Just received. Prices low. J. E. Adams. 9-3-3tc FAITHFUL SUBJECTS. London, Sept. 5.? (By mail to Low York)?Typical of the spirit in rbich the native rulers of India ofered military aid to Great Britain ras the urgent telegrams dispatched o the viceroy by the flory Ilaja'i f Rewa, which Jxqs been reported lere. The message reads: "What orders from His Majesty or me and my troops?" WAS HK LIABLET London. Sept. 6.? (By mall to few York)?"My father was a Pole, ny mother was a Dane? 1 was born ii Germany, but have lived In Engand for thirty years. Am I liable?" Phis was the poser put to a South x>ndon magistrate by a man who vas making Inquiries respecting his lability for army service under tho illens* restriction order. ifliiiilflilirinliiiliiateif NE\ ** " IING J SHOOTING AFF GREENVIL GRE/ Night Service A.t St. Peters RECTOR WILL FILL PULPIT OX BOTH OCCASIONS? The night service "Vlilch has been suspended during the summer at 3alnt Peter's Episcopal church is to be resumed with the service next Sunday evening. Evening prayer will bo said at 8 o'clock with sermon by the rector, ifev. Nathaniel Harding. After the morning sermon the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. All are cordially invited to be present. RETTRN8 FKOM VISIT. Mr. G. E. Ricks, wife and daughters, Misses Blanche and Hachel Ricks, have returned from ranle.~r, where they have been the guest of relatives and friends. 8CUPPERXOXG G HA PES. Scuppernong grapes and oysters have made their appearance in this market and the consequence is that Young America Is Jubilant. They have a right to be. Arrested For .jJSellihg Booze V W VIJtJKG IW.1ND TIGER NOW AT next v TER-ll Oit 6UBSBIOR COCR1-. VlS 1 No. til ?ARIS ] AIR IN LE CAUSES iT EXCITEMENT It ' (By Long-Dlstance Fhone.) Greenville, N. C., Sept. 5.?Yesterday afternoon between. 4 and 5 ^ , o'clock this town was thrown Into a state of excitement over the fact that "Jimmle" Rauss, who has been a resident here for the past thirty years, had Bhot O. H. Smith. The gun used was a Winchester. The first shot entered Just below the heart and the second In the arm. Although Smith Is living today bis condition ie precarious. Rauss im mediately after the affair went to the sheriff's office and gave himself up. He is now in jail, and, although he could doubtless give bond, he has made no application. llauss runs a bakery on Third and Fifth streets. Smith, it is alleged, left &ome "booze" there yesterday afternoon and during the afternoon carried several of his friends thero to indulge. This was objected to b> Rauss. In consequence of the pro r<s* <>'. rums Smith, when he reached the door of the bakery, turned and cursed Hauss and stated "that he would get him." In consequence of this threat Rauss left his bakery, went to his room and secured his gun. Smith, within a few minutes, is seen by Rauss making his way towards the bakery, and Rauss raised his gun and llrcd, with the above effect. Rauss has been a resident of Greenville for over a quarter of century and no man has a wider circle of friends. Smith is well known. The entire town is In quite f.n upstir. 't Rauss was at one time a baker in this city, being In the employ o! the late Oa plain MlKon Mayo.? Ed.) Pastor Hope I In Pulpit SUBJECTS OP PASTOR AT ROTH SERVICES OF INTEREST. ALL INVITED. Interesting series are contemplated at the Christian church tomorrow morning and evening, at which time the pastor. Rev. R. V. Hope, will (HI his pulpit. The subject of the morning sermon will be: "The Forgiveness of Sin." The topic for the evening hour will be evangelistic. All those who attend will be more than pleased. Good music. Polite and attentive ushers. Autos Play Their Part GERMANS ARE PAYING NO NOTICE OF THE FRENCH FORTIFICATION* .1* IJONDON DISPATCH. (By the United Press.) I.onft.-im R Sfnfcrloa from thejS* in regard to the fighting i? not manifest. Tho Germans no far says reports, have made no serious attempt on tho French fortifications. In all instances they passed the fortification* and left a strong force behind for the purpose of enveloping the garrison and keeping them. The German advance, it is declared. has been in progress both night and days The Germans' ad' van<^ has been through devastated country. Whole villages and many fair sized cities have been wiped out completely. They were between the artillery fire of the two armies. The French troops In their retrea' have destroyed tunnels, roads, and ' bridges, in fact everything which might aid the advance of the Germrtps. The Germans are speedily repairing the destruction with their transportation train. Automobiles 1 are also playing an Important part > In the drama and are now doing all i kinds of service. t The commissary of the Germans i is saia 10 do in nr? ciass conamon. Kitchens are being set up while tho 5 men are engaged In fighting, Their men are being well fed. 'k iafll iaiaiAafainW-ii -iHiinfliiiM

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