IV,' (By tm UnlUU Pre?|l Sept. tv-Tlilh^"1 j^now flllad with refugee who h b#lng quarur*d by th*gav [^Jreased M liut thirty per Hit TTw railroads we enable HQkarry all who are now axn . lea re. Hundreds of faml-: a JjSj *Te now moving alcrtig the* * vJtoK?anda of women had .itAi left tfi.tr ieloor. ft whan, Uny Bad. Thl? i*r?'| *flp aeak refage I# bains " M ? in the open . gsMs. " t Th tfsfcw now depending upon > * efchorltles in the ? towns ( ^Btany < ( tin famfttil^ij, V.I tt' Heparans * f?i ? It le th. m RISING DAILY?- CON- . JSF D1KMB NOW * * BERIOD8. ^ ' (By the United Pmi.) P 9ordeatta, Sept. h.?The wnr oflfa &W*?too that the ?u?ce*tot tb< ? continues. The e#oft" ok Wi< ' *?rfcaao to force the Freof v m*tti \Voters have failed, thtr Frettet -mdru.net, la now general.' It ? Aov {declared that the French artillery tj Lm.Ui to bo particularly effective E&Xfe tOreign minister advises tha as received confidential lufortna bowing that the fnternatlona * t>?tlon of the Germans Is*serious ?/. .. > business-la completely gros f' id. This seems to $e Universal |"I5 HT1BI UW W I? now rising ^ if IPI L VBXMH TROOPS H.WH>U 5**J VOLIED AT AbMANQMAB HlHlIiKllh t^'JL ?*?j HAVP IVACVAttr " '.i'm* ' W* I JM JM ?? .. v.>'.aul BEfBP?f M nbyfinyhr: : &ya a : ;; SKIKBi i!l/Ai l?HW J> BPOCS88 <)F,pU(TAIOBI CON- \ TfXCEB CI FRANC* BAY* o ! I ' I W illi Hp TO WiSH- 'I 1 ? 'UHUffiir. ' .?. "'| Forty-fifth Regiment of tl e ^Ht&ML m " TnTantry baa iirrenrterecj I Ruasla-ns,"ac&r ?? * ^ '"^rt'-WMOrtloDhlly re jl Mi] that! ' A nam^MCou of A isuhmPI* ? Franco continues. * * ^, ' FORTY tHOlHANO ' PRISONERS TAXPN A?fD POlIt m .VDIlKH ? GUNS?G*K*AK PjUNCE '( . * ml ManboiHim tkamy rmpmrt- , ' M tWc?t>tur? o* Mro 4ijr.iY.1i forty . hon': " ^?Tln?B Frederick Wllletm or Oer- } ' nmrtri' haiii ;fWt m i s rrau ? ?> >, ...,. - SliAVH m?W- ARE OFFERING I every orpofrno ity?ihk C ' AFTERMATH- S &f. 1 t 1_ PALLING} r L JBirtkjUnffod W) ' ' Petrograde. Safe. k. -XbA foreign . ; bflleo la In rrfeflpt _< newa -front . serli n> fear 1 < J number of 'anti-war r? >tk In th? Im- 1 joSUf'^Pv*7 * ' ..-*** * .< Tk elhternal' iltujH.1 >p i/ wdrkltwr * In jucfc i>V *5 to ? kW-prooil^l 4! I rendering arery oacorUottj" ?P ^ ifi\_?i?ct vwHir a ? u?^nnnm,:'[.? -J3 3,0 ' . ' V - ~ . HW (Br tli* DnltM PrM.) _ .Looaon.'Snpt. ?;-+T1m drtt Ow-p }.?M> 9?*JV" ? **???* .f.trewln* foinM In g , rUitJH* I rjp?s?.^rw*,?w"a , ,: Um conUcMf?f nt< ??w ?w?I?ln? IT VM. ' mmssm *n:> * \ 1 JMiMilcftVltlf' --1 -H fin TH1/DV I ?ii ltanUdMr iuni.ii 'j. 111 BJ 3V - - 1 ' HE 1 B%J>d ro?ia?r*5V* "*- I wMliyo- ) s>>>" ? I y*V - * IB I Dni Dv CIh\l 1 nilhllAI 1 llti4 1 UUUUU 1 uiv? 1% fiAttfl l I^EKDV ',1 ^I itll \1 Bkmn t I . ^i -" " I tt!^k.d by gorgoon. iii jrgUong of Ui? 0011 1 is TO|?jOBM <^*AVAX*UC "tSlWk**k* '"""" Ksld Chow. k wipea*3 v. 2 amn. d?nimi?i?ii M4 root*. IVMH'W* n ;.x#:?$3.:eL ;i . ? ri-?il?. ?,%!? i 1 to.7 ?qr y)?f MS Hi s Hum ws i . ? - ; ; Al'ANESE HAVE TO SUBPEXlr , : OPKKATHJN8 IN. OONBE- \ QUB*?? ? llHEMAH# . "WATCBFUjLo: ^nu,l: fW*') -hf. f ultiug Itty^^ora brwUitnf floods In he b6ob* Tung peflnoelo bote ew%?33,: "i"r~ (endH-._:v.^_ ? ' ' .P'uri The. Oerm?oi. hejtef conefractei h?Mef?.orer ?"?* ?" r~? welJtam, patriarch of Uebon. Cardinal Oluaaaola y Met urates. erohbishop of TcSpdo; Cardl al Pfl. archbishop of Vienna, and Johau Coornoch, primate ai HongRry. The last la the paly new. appointment . attar thla ceremony the pontttH deltyerod hie allocation. He urged Ike necessity of urengthealng ami elevating religions feeling throughout th? world aa the only remedy for , the erlla today ao strikingly shown la the deplorable conflict now rwdIng Europe. The faithful moat pray fervently for the ceaeetion of thla warfare.. the pontiff declared," sea- 1 lac especially the Intercession ff the VlrffHtl. ' J I Cardinal (Jlbbons 1 leaves . here Wedaeaday and will pallfrom Naples aboard the steamer Cenoplc, with Cardiael O'CogJll,* escorting aeverel 'heedred Americana, Including two school flrl nlfoea of Ropre-' sen tat lye U nderwopd. fcf Alabama. , Cardinal farley had already bun resolved in Jfcrgwen < andleaoo by Pope Benedict aid did not PdrQpK pate In the ponatat?ryt yeaterdar Hp wished to root before hla deporturo Wednesday mora tig fpr Naples. Ho will salt for the United State* on th* learner Santa Anna pit September Oaklaad. Cab] Sept T?W1U one of thee rank motorcycle rldera ? the teaat entered the tl? mile ujitiMSiie ran of the: Oakland. Cal? Motorcycle Clhb wu etarted today. CHIP XEVT1 MOOUlT AOAIN. ' 8pn Prandjco, Sept ??Oeor#e Chin, Of Now Cattle, Pa., and BUty "">? ~ ?f?wa?u?, W..W ckadolad to DHt 4m tkl? after, noon la ? twantr-rotind oontaat at Cofrotk'a Xlgkth atreat anna. Baeauaa ol hit knockout ot Mortar hot. aararal oatbal ago Chip ?? aaaaotadlo anUr thi rtas a tan to aia tarorlta. Marrajj attributed hla dataat la thalr torpor maauoi to orar-conHdenao. '"!** tlml." ha laid. "I.am toica to flaht a careful battla aad teal ion that I win hi able ta lora tha tablaa.on Chip aad knock Mm oat. I hi* C*l? to a | bad war until ka caught miwtth I ha itwo punch,. Which oaf ThTT* W 1^ B J IMf INTit i i AL RES OF GOT E COTTON FIELDS THIS IS SITUATION AND WOMEN Oj MUST FACE; In Europe cotton lactone* ari4tf rptns ii awav at war ; porta cloatd; ship# tied up. HERE one oe the finest AX] orow.waiting to BE turned FARMER expecting to PAY th THE BANK; they in turn The golden stream into, circ BENEFIT OF U8 ALL. How long could we wail! How long bei pumping the vital current which apell* pre* No owe know*. v. WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO TEST ING TO WAIT. WE OF THE SOUTH MUST BUY 1 OURSELVES, WITH COTTON MONE POUND. WE OF THE SOUTH MUSI THAN 8^000,000 BALES, WHICH W] tINTO CIRCULATION, SAVE THE OURSELVE8. ' Ifa a matter of 8ELF-PRESERVATIC two combined, each imperative,' BOTH TBI Every man, and every woman, in North, cotton producing State should assist in thVt ' We 8t*nd f?oe to face with war on one si iOTernment and'tin people and alee to Increase the ratee. . W??mraroji *ax xxm*? ' DUKTMES YKAB'S LAWS Denver, dept. ? ?'pagali ?M, the lumber m eW&J profession alould rally to this aM v Bay as many balsr as yea can possibly keep H for a yekr. thKlJl Off MB *H thecoUa^will be worth 10 cents probably m : tiva proposition. It's patriotism and good i The odmitry cannot exist without the fa exist unless he gets a living price for his pi toil anil labor. We alap him on the back and tell him he' | Without him to plant and plow and chop stores, few ^anks, no prosperity. We kno> Now let's* prove we?re his friend aa well i cotton to sell. We've got the money to buy selves by helping him?and BUY A BALI The thing is to BUY TITE COTTON, t< a year. Let vour money circulate meanwl security. Next season there'll be a short crop. Tin food and Kve at home liko our grand fa then the better and the richer for the experience tfhen he (jOtton ckn be returned to the msnd. wilt be there. Perhaps the war in En who buy ret ton nbw will got their money 1 Have keen floated across the chasm. The cotton crop can in this manner be baiTasemeat to either individual, merchant bs sustained. Good Break Goo> Of Tobacco Btrwuw ton a*d mvwttv roimps nvono or to? DAT?GOOD AVER. U' the* ' ?" !?" ft m*cc* The breoke el tlM Weehlnfton end thote la lm?il iratr weiahoaeoe toder wttk tin *li la tfrr wer eetlefeetorr. ?*- There w tween Nftjr and Treaty theuend imuh i lieele at tahecoa wet a* Ike teore battar m I tfct warm artaa ni M?nn Now Tb? ten end eleren cenu. l|MHl The market here e? ter hee been their eft rretltftn* la the feraere. The bey- An en are thle ooeeon here mode m?ny thle era friesdi with the feraere ea well ee ha eapt the leWllenr. U consequence at . . thu the Weehlactaa merket earn- tt peree with fe*or to thoee mach older. - " ' ' w?njf i-. " ,!* Bmell-if lOIWMm MAT . street. MOT OMBTBTX Ui RACK the plen Alexendrle. Th. Boat. ??The Or?t do. Pali tl pel "Mlearttr" of the SUbtli I.?d th. VjrtlhlM Conrr?Ml|II > 4r??ti?w??4 ? ? . > ARE HERE ? vli1r*a *W*# ?n'? ?* rot 14 J*, ..***? 3 TSrifr - .'' ?7* ' J Hwijtftoj tr{),!.? ? . ' 7 ' 'ore the Sooth would atop iperitr, rigor and health i " IT. WE'RE NOT GOCIIIS COTTON CROP, T, AT 10 CENTS A P ABSORB NOT LE88 ILL PUT <400,000,000 FARMER AND SAVE IN, PATRIOTISM?the enaVarpTDT n V?i01011UIl4?<. Carolina and every other "Buy a Bale of Gotten" .15 Uf: 1*1 do and the cotton crop on i and immediate action* man, the doctor, tb? law- f -an. the railroad man, the [jgether with every other ?d?r it ?J?d ore but this ia no spneulajound business, rmer?the farmer cannot roduoe?the results of Us s the South's dependence, and pick, we'd have few v it He knows it is our own. He's got the it with. Let's help our5 OF COTTON. > get it off the market for bile. The cotton is youi b South will grow its own i used to da. We will be market The heavy da* rope will be ended. Those back?and the South wUJ carried over without oni: or banker and the market 1 ??mtamm _j_i r d Show New Theater 88 LA** (TIGHT WIMM) I KXJOYKU?nws HBO. UN n bCHTOVWW PON TOKIOHT, Mr Tbettrt UM areola# vh tot (IHIIH IHtW el# attended oe were 4*ii(kt*4 i Orat-aieea pteturee ikm, ire three reeli m4 the eeaf opinion totfar U that orlae hare been seen at the Atre thlf eeaeoa. The will to be eeecratalated aeon ?rta ie pleeee their patrwi. Beat prorram U billed far albf. All who atteed vlU r repaid. on k oouamm ' hea cedaeacfd sa the acLeaa balMiad oa Market Thle buiidt.a. Jadcta# bp , a. proalaee to ha aaa of. the raetfee la Waahtaceea. The rr will be aeed tar a at ore second etorp tar atauea. 1 1 nieiiiWi PRA1TB? MHVINOi . -lit ha .a? . ? " *~*T' -TT">' "'" SjfiH , ?n i** *T?i at All t?? ffiTLwcfcl .fA"0 O ??"* , 1 _;;2_ '" IEPTEMB?R 9 1U4 -? 1 "I ' yyi ^c^KwuuM^ .. ? * '' ^ftt^l 1 " EUROPE; WfflL '""V 'T."" MettiiigY?*js ^ Ivf/T^ Postponed *m* httm ? rSu- ^P?.|?n h^MMum 5Fr '* THE WIMHR l?3*wi arft < ,? . c. On aoooant or tfa? incl.-mencr oT I hewea tlier last evening 11? regular oathtjMln * th? Washington EhaCotor ?rCtoam?ree tu postponed. Important buWn*?s was to hare been IxsAsacted. but thfc hhd to__be Sla Mn.? M the toeetiac will uutmtt tbmch the oolemma at ?Ma paver W-WL?? v r ! " i Hi ffli mi _ YESTERDAY I , The caadltfoa of Mii Smith, ?$o waaahot by Jaa. Race* laat week la reported today to be favorable. R. JR. Heads Confer With President (By tho United prmm./ . C-aWt. fli* railroad presidents tlia afternoon conferred with PraaidJnt Wilson for tlto parpoee Of anting him to aid In iO'lMW. ' tka