rjf Tli p | c $# * >... ' london. Sept. 10.? Itits reported ; * that the German right wing is now I in ? precarious condition. ^Tblft la I caused by the interpretation being placed upon th? reports thif'thfc German reinforcements from Ghent to the battle line east of Paris. |> . The German center hfg frqen ro-. , in forced on a stretch of fltty raJlui ' between Vltry l^taon and''.fttirallf". The fighting, It la aaid. la j h?*Ty. ; rfS| 9 Tho allied forces hav* been xflM* forced with troops "which hare heeni i withdrawn from the defence of Parla. r It is now announced. Emphatically that the success of ttfe allies continues. | It Is stated that JJie last oiffensiVe attack by the Germans has failed. ^ The offlclal press sill remain? , silent aa to the cause of fhp sinking of the liner Oceanic. ***"; befbil j 1w1sti1 DGRLOi WAH OFFICE iSjft & NDKD ALE VKWH FQQ QQk fx ^ K.V7-/?'.' - pucarpY. jfjf Sag*.' ' BTATED. (By the United Pjoss.) Berlin. Sept. 10.?The war office* here this afternoon refuses absolutely to jnake any statement regarding the preaent condition of tb?> siilSii -.i " ' ninn nan n*\ , HAft rfllbliU 'GERMANS ASSISTANT K TO THE AUSTRIANH HAS /JO FAR 4 . FA 1 LEO. (By the United Prpss.). Vlenna, Bept. 10.?<4J1 efforts or L the government to float million dollar loan haaaso far.Ieiui*. y The disposition Qf the Germans",^; t come to the assistance .of trtans has not as yet boo? success-: ful. ' jiFfmr . j? (iERMAWS HAVJB TAXES 1W ENTRENCHMENT'S W '' , ' AJID ARQJ7ND * i]" Ml'NEXHAUCK '? ? ? (BMha Unltadjrana.^ ., uaa Bordaanx, 8ept. 10.??The , fl?* hiri admtta that, ttan Oermuj^ have taken entrenctuncnta Jtt and around Mananhatia. It la rnpoaled | that Qanaral ioSraa If vail Bntt??e;l J with the alt nation. ? ? a < ? - ?J,Tj H mnffl't?; - is mis a m*t* -nut v:<ii i NKWS STATES THAT IUS.AXNtv DITION IS N<IW*HEHI(>l.iav\l I* TotllfrtK*"? rtt.1 ' I ! AIMX orviieBSZx - ? ? (By tba viltetnm:.- ~ Parll, SodC. 10.?Oanoral Hiajm-n! ono or tie jroonyaat Jna moat.'hrlfc liant eatalry oIJImm, tu Wit wouooa^h, a / M k w I I I JL JL JEL J9L JB ?/ i wv > Premiei Half Mill! tes Still S ijlfl in KNUUBJl 8AVFJ) 'ROM THE <?KUMANH Dt'K TO'A THRIUFIC , THLNUEK.arrOKM WHICH '?* PRKVtaiD. . 34 tmltsd' Qatttcla. Sept. 10.? ire ihqt. the situation &o far us iho Arfrains the samo. A correspondent reports tlfat tho English hut a'mass ol cdncr tothirty foci | ieep. . . ' -' . . : . fflhere the shells Vent ttrronsh :he stool turrets the r woro lef p-1th. the a*ppearancc o 'CTuntplcd tin. litis M HPS Wi , , . I . t>.c * INfNTI<tCfctf ' FORWARD MOVB"SlES* Ok the Ai.i.iT h now <;oin<J' Off IN ' FltAlfcfT. * (Fly tli,> United ?TC5?.| 1 tol^fc". 9eP?* T"V?'Ho" Kronen Enfbosay 'hat roeeijed a'-'diBpaloh stating that the Serpens' advance le ttxiw on to 'the north of 3fbrh* weern p 'violent attack ta belm modo on tire right of tho.Ourteo river. ^ ; Prpmier skIuIthatr 'aakeh the of Commons to increase trie atihy by^ Ave Thundred thousand, arhlch 9?v^ef.a ih till 91 and ftv? mn|drad thp.t|aand men .ijow ty^hp^ehl., wThe An?f. offlee eUtes ;that the situation. U Franof thows that there le a - continued nroremoat by the RUM* V BOn * . -A 5 pi!, IK GUI rfAVt Ltxrf OfErf OSK HU1TDRK1) A#D WErt* thou. j 8Ai*l> MRN ?5"'4 Pr*"-) A lyioipiufttife Austria Is now l?Xun?od'Xtrtc> glOoni due to the fact t^AfMn' feppria (r?vselv?d from th* r.jccai ope sal lo fa Against Kushim that it has eost ot?e-quarter of It a fcm'llne of flgfttin* men. It is uow lyiown f:r"the flrsT time that tjios t perifha, were flxftfr. "itfc pefsohal foinmaji.l 9? A:v'i V:-, I;.,, The Austrian war efflee admits a H <>*> flna tWv th^a^#nieu. '^2a ^ a fc fl>. ' |^wi| bavw crossed the Solnh with a aingle earps--of- light horse artillery anil I hat tbe'tiMa v.-cro -blttefly oppojtft by the Oermah3. They were savo.l It Itf stktod fcy the iei^iflc ihimrfttr item wlilclr stayed1 tlie fighting. Fho man loolc oft their clothe Tor thole first bath within many day a. sebSS HI IKE l f ' ? t - 4 pr*Xt hatch' at lifaie to:titrr FORTHftrtS li^crtcix?OSL V CRl'I'LKD TIN 1 (Df the united ^?refis.) "Liege, Sept. 10.?'A. t'errfble rain it shots from tiic German *ef?er gun* that fcroitght ruin audi destruction to Lacrplx la Indiehted hv the fact that, nothing-has been left Kiuca. I'aris or broken bodies or the defenders have been recovered, but as yet others cannot be reached. Good Break Was on Today THE TOBACCO MARKET IX WA8IIIXGTOX ftO PAtt IS PLEASING IX) Till FARMERS. There was another good sale of tobacco on both the Washington and ,Beaufort warehouses today. 13e tween thirty and 0fty thousand pounds of the golden weed was ou the floors and the prices were good notwithstanding the present- conditions. The Washington tobacco market t| making good this eeason as everyone said that It would. It la surely keeping pace with those much elder The farmer* bringing their product here so far have been In every way plessed. The managera of the two -warehouses, the buyers, in faet all those connected are doing al within their power to appease and satisfy. Lei's bnlM tm Washington PsA MEN AND WOMEN - r KISSING THE FLAG. London, 8ept. IS.?"The Belgians Wre at first extremaly dubious of our ipteutton to send troops to Belgium to support them," said an EngU* officer just returned from tin; front. "Night after- night they crowded about the British consulate at Oatend clamoring: fpr ne^s. When It wjlb definitely known that tee British expeditionary force had sf'artAd, Belgian men and women asked that tho Union Jack 4jt brought out by tho consul. * When this was done they filed past, klaclnt th? SQ > [ ^ on Men: uccessful bbm fisv&t* SERVIAN'S MAKING FFKOllT TOFOIUIRXT TI1E RKVOr sy 'S3 : Bf?4* **$ t*-} . nosVEIA. . grorlan army> under the commai-d or tne minister of war is now marching on Serajve. Alreatly it now occupies the important $ty of' Fotclia. TUa Servians aro making every effort to formant the revolution In Bosneia, but so far their efforts have-been without success. flii m IFI1EW0RLD \I>K11S OF l.KKJE ItKFElVIXC? rL.\t'I?ITS?AIM OF THE . . EXCELLENT. (By the United Press.) Liege. Sept. JO.?The battered forces of Liege arc now winning the admiration of the entire .clvtfizod world be cause of. the heroic defense shown. Tt is now admitted that the German gone were ntounted five miles in the rear of the forts and so accurately had the German aviators located the forts that hardly a shot was missed. Tho (shots dropped repeatedly oil Hie foTts and finally ma do them useless. One shot went through a ten foot'solid concrete wall into the subterranean chambers, the result that one hundred and fifty men were I Ift! "11 nic i JEFOiE Peking. Sept. 10.?A telegram from German sources states list the :iJHH||Hpp0op Lungkow (a town, on t'.ie northern \ coast ?t the Shantung psn^pnuUi and. that they are now adtfuicins towardX'hao-Yuan (a town attout SO ui 1168 north of,Klao-chow). . (JUE8T Or r KIKnOH. Mrs. Annie Crawley. of Raleigh. N. C., who has been visiting relative? and frienda In Bath, M. C.. U todaylhe guest of Mr: and Mrs. E. I. Roper en root? to her home. ( I T !\ MY SHOES; YOU MAY have my socks free. Big line :*f Shoes just received; every pair warranted. Men, women and childrenOne pair socks er stockings free with each pair. J. R. Adams. ' into. . 1 ' y i i ,"'AS jffljgli;.. ~ *-, j :? **L fev.'. Tbe.J.paneso censorship la complete. Even Chinese official* in the territory occupied by the Japanese ftfro prevented from communicating freely with Peking. Telegraphic communication with Tslng Tau has ( beeu Interrupted for a week. Mali adTlh^frq^ Tsing Tau datae | September 3 say the report that the ; Germans are compelling Chlopse la- j borers to assist In construction of j defenses is untrue. The Chinese do- , serted Tslng Tan, expecting a bombardment, but finding a livelihood , outside the district of Kiao Chow im- ( possible, returned in great nhmbero. , Other Chinese reports declare Jap- ] aneso dresuod as Chinese aTe spying ^ in the vicinity of Tslng Tau. ( At the request of Japan the Chi- , nese government, being anxious to preclude the possibility of a conflict, , withdrew the Chinese soldiers from ] the Jap&neee aron. , Noted Men Will Attend PREPARATIONS BEING MADE FOR THE FORTH COMING ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF M. E. CfcCRCH. Elaborate preparations are now already In progress by the Methodists hcfc as to the .entertainment of the North Carolina Conference, which is to to meet here this fall. Between three hundred and lift) and four h an drea_ visitors will be in attendance. Washington has always | entertained every rollglaus bod;*, ra i , matter how large, royally, and this year there will be no exception. r I Th'la will be the third time that ! the annual conference of the Me,h- ! "odlst church has convened In Wash-1 Ington. The flrdt tlmf It met here in J 1843 and was presided over by Bishop Early, the second time in 1889, at which tlmo the - present church building was dedicated by the presiding bishop, Rt. Rev. Eu gene Hendrlx, D. !>., L. L. D., of Kansas City, Mo. Tho presiding bishop this time will be Rt. Rev. Walter Waterhouse, D. D., L. L. D., of Virginia. Some of the church's leading -connectlonal officers will bo in attendance. no war pricks in our dry goods, Notion and 8hoe Department We bought opr fall and winter stock before the war. We hare a big line and can save you money. We will be pleased to show you. J. E. Adams. 10-3tc. PRAYER SERVICE. There will be prtyer service ot the Payne Memorisl church, Nlcholsonvllle, this event** at 8 o'clock, conducted by Rev. H, B. Searlght, pastor of the First Presbyterian ehuroh. All ars cordially Invited to be present. SMOKED AND SALT MEATS. THE biggest and best line in the city. Also roe Herring. Our prices are right. J. E. Adams. 10-8te. Alffr 3?r. - . PTEMBER 10 1914 JSAD Will GETS A PROTEST Fill KAISER London, Sept. 10.?"There has been published in Copenhagen a lelogram which Emperor William ctnt ;o President WilBon under date of September 4," telegraphs the Copenhagen corespondent of the London Dally Teregrapha, "In this j message Emperor William protests against the use by the English of dum-dum bullets and against the participation of tho Belgian population In the war." "Emperor William adds In his communication to Mr. Wilson that his- communication to Mr. Wilson that 'his generals have In certain mses been compelled to punish the I Bolglans and he expresses his deep v regret at the destruction of Louvaln. tnd other 'Interesting places." 1 London, Sept. lib?Thb Nortn c German Gazette of Berlin, the offi- A rial organ of the government of flsr- ' nany, confirms the statement that 6 Emperor William has sent an important message to President Wll- V ton, according to news reaching here a loday. 8 Washington. Sept. 10.?At ttfe ^ White House and the State Department it was stated today no messago ?. to President Wilson from Emperor J William had yet been received . Botl) Ambassador Bernstorff and Charge Han lei were absent from the Barman Embassy and officials remaining there taid nothing was 1 [;pown of^pl^ niossage. New Theater Show Delights FIXE PROGRAM WAS OX THE HOARDS LAST XKJHT?ALL ATTENDING TONIGHT WILL HE PLEASED. The pictures at the New Theatre last evening were simply delightful much so that all those attending arc today loud in their praise. All during the season the New Theatre, when vaudevilles were not on the boards, fully sustained their repu tation in the way of "movtea." A fine program ic scheduled for this ovoning and this paper feclB confident in stating that the patrons will be more than pleased. No moving picture show in tho Stale is mote attractive than the New Theatre. ] Return a True Bill AGALN8T MRS. (A It.MEN FOR MURDER OF MRS. IXJ11SE BAILEY. i (By the United Iress.) ?Iew York, Sept. 10.?Beforo the Nassaul county grand jury adjourned today It was expected that it ( would return a . new Indictment i against Mrs. Florence Carmen In ] connection with the mysterious < shooting of Mrs. Louise Bailey. < Assistant District Attorney Smith t has aslced the grand jury to roturn ; a true bill. {flTERUZER. < The Palace Barber Shop has just Installed one of the very latest square top sterilisers. It Is complete in every detail, being composed of heavy copper, nlckle plated and finely finished. The towel compartment holds from six to eight towel* at a time and there is a raxor chamber on each side. It must be aoer. to be appreciated. ? HKRK TO RAY. Among the wolcome visitors to Washington today is Mr. W. A. Nes.l, of Bath, N. C. His many friends are glad to see-him. , PO8TMAHTER8 MEET. Huntington, W. Va., Sept. 10.-? Postmaster* of tho West Virginia Postmasters" Association (of fourti.claaa omees) mot here todaj for their annus! contention. ' I" MIR A TIME FOR PATI ITS BROADE TO PRESE! liraT IS POSTPONED PEACH PACT IS DELAYED DUE TO THE PRESENT WAR IN EUROPE?PRESIDENT STATES rOSITION. (By the United PreBB.) Washington, D. C., Sept. 10.? ' 'resident Wilson in announcing bis lositlon on tho war revenue tax faors a tax on all commercial paper*. The war bill, as agreed upon, will aclude the special tax on three per ient of the value of freight shipped: vine 29 cents per gallon, beer 59 or cent more than now. There will ie no other taxes In this connection. The ccntoi.uial ccl^L.auoa of l..o leace pact between the United States nd England Is to be postponed on iccount of the present European rer. Flousg Entered During A bsence M5V. J. M. McKKNZIK AND FAMILY AllE HACK FHOM OCKA.COKE?Pl'TlNG WAK MTCH fiWOYED. 0 Rev. J. M. McKenzle and family eturncd yesterday from Ocracoke, S\ C., where they have been for the past month. During his stay on this well-known sland Mr. McKenzle filled the pulpit at both the Northern and >outh?rn Methodist churches to the lellght of the congregations. He itates that the citizens of the island reated him and family royally and ie hopes that'the opportunity will he irosented when he can again mingle villi those good people. During the absence of Mr. McCenzio and family his residence on Vorth Market Atreot was broken nto and several articles of value ftken, Entrance wan made through he rear door leading into the citchen. No clue as to the guilty parties at this writing have not been iscertained. Mr. McKenzic expects to fill his pulpit at the Aurora and South Sreek churches next Sunday. Married on Bath Bridge L'HOSl? THIS QUIRT NOOK IX WHICH TO C1IVK THEIR VOWS. Miss Ljiura Crawley, of Bath," N. 3., daughter of Mr. J. W. Craw lay, vas happily united in marriage to Mr. Heber Latham, of Jessame, N, 3., son of Mr. J. F. Latham, las*, svening at 7:80 o'clock. The knot was tied on the Bath bridge In the presence of only a few frfendi. The Intention of the parties were to hare been united In the Bath church but inasmuch as a aarlaa of meetings wore In progress they I fhose thle quiet end secluded spot. I The ceremony was Impreaelvely performed by Rev. W. 0. Wlnfleld. Immediately after the consumation of the nuptials tbo bride and groom left Tor the home cf the groom carrying with them the best wishes of their friends. Both the bride and groom arc popular and they begin their wedded life under the brightest of skies. The Dally News extends congratulations and beat wlshea. TALK OF THE TOWN?Try a bag or barrel or our Town Talk, Obelisk. Royal. Pinnacle or Qold Medal' Flour. Purity and quality guaranteed. Our price* as low as Inferior grades. Come and see or phone 97. J E. ^.dams. 10-dtC. no. itb TION UOTISM IN ST SENSE AS VT CONDITIONS * / The 81 moods Manufacturing Co.. of Fltchburg, Mom., has the following to say of business conditions in the United States: We bellere In our country. We have faith that the United States of America 11! continue to he the most prosperous nation In the world. Although panicky people pinch tight the might dollar, fearing disaster for this country on account of the European war, our crops are th% most bountiful in years. These crops must be harvested. The mills will grind the wheat and corn; the railroads will transport the flour and meal; starring nations will find some way of getting these and the wealth received* in return will be spent at home. As 5 per cent of our country's *-* products are all that are exported, we are likely to suffer a treat deal more from the abnormal tightening up of the purse strings of our merour manufacturers, and oar consumers, than from loss of Eur>pean business. Lot us all hare faith in aur country. Let us go on in a normal way. We are confident of peace in our States. We are practically sure of a larger market from outside than wo hove ever had before. If we can supply the wants of South America ^ at this crisis in European conditions thon wc have builded a new outlet for our products. A market hitherto European and one estimated at one billion dollars a year in Yolume will be our6. It la an opportune moment try to tako advantage of thlB market and to send their real men to make business connections, establish agencies and acquaint their houses with the wants of South Americans. Their orders should be filled understanding^ in accordance with South American ideas, with the Intention of pleasing the trade heretofore going to European nations. We believe that now Is the time for patriotism in its broadest sonse ?that Is, to take advantage of present conditions by pnshlng ahead everything American, demanding American made goods for ourselves and offering them to meet the requirements of our South American friends in such a way as to supply their needs from their own hemisphere. Let us all work together in a natural, normal, and sensible way. Then we nave lann to DOllOTO thmt In tlx months from now the wheels of in* duRtry will all be moving and this country will be on the eve of a period of prosperity the like of which few Americans have ever eeez\. WiW Attend The Convention ? 3 Mil. AND MRS. B. W. TAVl/VR HAVK (JONE TO BOSTON AND IN>RTT,AND, MAINS. Mr. end Mrt. Benjamin W. Taylor >1 have rone to Boeten and Portland, Maine, Mr. Taylor goee to Portland aa a representative ot the Improved Order ot lied Man to tUo National Convention, whloh la to be held In that ettr and Mre. Taylor will Malt Mr. and Mre. Charlee MeIrer, at Boeton, Maaa., both of whom are well and favorable known In Waehlnaton. At one time they wero popular eltlaene here. Mr. and Mre. Taylor expert to be abeent about tw o weeks and thetr many frtende wlah mem a pleasant outing. Mr. Taylor "I is an enthosintatic fled ?Man and stands high in the councils of this order. It's restful In Washington Park. ' 3 SPECIAL* FOR FRIDAY AID Saturday. Best Print Butter Sic par lb. J New Sun Dried Apples 7c par lb -S 8. A 8. Hams SOe par lb. 9 Lemons lie par dec. Phone 17. J. E. Adams. J 10-3tr. ; HAVE RETURNED. d Mr. Q*org? A. Buocar IM ?Ua hare returned Iron Nortlwi

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